Q&A: facing up to leadership, culture and challenges (2024)

KC: Looking back at your career, what do you see as the most important things a leader needs to be successful?

GL: When you go into the role of leader, it's no longer about you being the smartest person in the room. It's no longer about the expertise that you bring to the world. It’s completely about how you get the best out of the people working for you and with you.

And that's a big change, actually. In the early days of my corporate career, I was accustomed to being highly regarded with respect to my ability in what was then marketing and strategy, and thought to be smart and valued for those things. Then, the revelation was put in front of me: that's fine but you'll never get that much more out of yourself in comparison with getting a great deal more out of the people working with you.

So, you need to reconceptualise your role. Obviously don't lose expertise and experience, which is so valuable, but begin to think about what it is you need to get the best out of people. That is the whole range, leaving them enough space to make decisions and occasionally failing.

That's my biggest single piece of advice: think about how to get the most out of other people. Don't lose the other things but create the right environment for your people to grow and get on. The other thing to say is when you see somebody really grow in that environment, it’s the most rewarding thing in the world, I reckon.

KC: Recognising that, and giving others the opportunity - and not having to assume you know the answer to everything - I think is critical. I agree totally. Companies and regulators are very focused on culture at the moment, so can you share your thoughts about risk culture and how ANZ is positioned in that regard?

GL: Culture is the topic of the year in corporate circles - not just risk culture, but culture generally. It's understandable because we've seen some fairly significant failures and it's become the way of looking at failure these days. Just about any big failure is described as being a failure of culture.

This means we have to think very seriously about what culture is and how it looks. Regulators, of course, are pushing us down this path as well but it's not a focus just because regulators are pushing us. We need to find out and think through what this really means for us and how we can use it to improve our operations, going forward.

Culture, ultimately, comes down to the way in which we, as an organisation, encourage the right set of behaviours. We have to define the desired risk culture for our organisation. I think it's going to be defined around our five risk principles. The sort of culture we want is one that embeds those principles and people behave according to those principles.

The reason culture is important, as a board and the leadership team, is it gives us confidence our people will do the right thing most of the time or at least what they see as the right thing, most of the time. I think that's a very important and powerful thing.

KC: What are some of the key things the ANZ board is focused on? What are the things keeping you awake at night and personally focusing on?

GL: If you go back a few months, the adjustment to the pandemic was really front and centre – a primary concern for all of us. The challenge of keeping people safe, getting people working from home, with all of the risk challenges that that entailed, particularly for the risk function, was paramount.

ANZ has also reviewed our lending - as at 30 September (2020) we had re-rated more than 90 per cent of our Institutional loan book and more than 80 per cent of all of the commercial businesses in Australia and New Zealand – and there’s been all the work on providing and analysing customer loan deferrals and all the follow-up for that work – including extensive use of data.

There have been two revelations in this: our ability to adjust so quickly to working from home, where we had to work hard and in a focused manner to get the technology platform right, is one. The other is the ability to use data effectively, to have meaningful conversations around things like spending and saving patterns with customers, the government, regulators, and just to give us a degree of confidence while working through the challenges.

On top of that, there’s all the work we've done on stress testing, provisioning and continuity plans. Our ability to use stress testing for decision-making and to have the risk function hand-in-glove with the frontline business has been vital. Our ability to add value has been a real eye-opener. I think there is plenty of opportunity for us to add even more value to the bank.

We also need to continue our focus on remediation and compliance. We’re making good progress with remediation – though there's still an awful lot to be done - including simplifying our processes and continuing our remediation with customers.

The dream is to have compliance as something perfectly routine and that management of operational risk just becomes part of the way we do things every day.

What the risk function then does is help the business take good risks. At the end of the day, we're a risk-taking organisation - we generate value for our customers and the community by taking those risks. Our ability to use data effectively and our ability to use modelling effectively - for decision-making and to understand the customer better - gives us a great opportunity to help the bank take the right risks.

KC: What role does the board have in addressing issues like climate change?

GL: The board looks beyond the politics and ideology of climate change to look at it as a risk that needs to be managed. I think it's important, from the board point of view, that as a bank we manage our reputational risk and indeed financial risk in relation to these types of customers. But also that we maintain a very high degree of respect for their challenges as well. We've been very pleased to work with our customers and maintain those relationships and, where we see issues with those customers, try and work on transitional plans together.

KC: When comparing your board role at ANZ to other non-bank boards you sit on, what is different or uniquely challenging about the governance role in a bank?

GL: It’s quite different actually. A bank is a unique institution given the nature of the regulatory environment. It's the nature of our role in the economy and the function of a financial system, making sure an economy is operating well.

The consequence, of course, is we do spend more time in relation to governance issues and spend much more time with regulators as board members. At Amcor (where I am Chairman) we have regulators of course but I spend less time on it. On the bank’s board, you spend quite a lot of time on regulatory matters.

Kevin Corbally is Chief Risk Officer at ANZ

Q&A: facing up to leadership, culture and challenges (2024)


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Leadership challenges in the workplace often include issues related to communication, change management, conflict resolution, employee development, understanding employee expectations, and addressing mental health concerns.

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7 tips to help you overcome leadership challenges you face
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  2. Get clear on your role. ...
  3. Be authentic. ...
  4. Find support. ...
  5. Use feedback to your advantage. ...
  6. Set clear expectations. ...
  7. Communicate often. ...
  8. Invest in a leadership development program.

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Some internal challenges that many leaders face include a lack of confidence, a fear of failure, maintaining authenticity during self-promotion, impatience, resistance in responding to new ideas, or overcoming impostor syndrome. All of these can be potential roadblocks to leadership success.

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Responding To Different Agendas

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  • Employee retention/engagement.
  • Cyclical conflict.
  • Lack of organization.
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The next time you are leading your team, focus on your mindset and decide to be a three-C leader: competent, committed and with strong character.

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The authors discovered that when leaders experience their personal best, they display five core practices: they Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. Jim and Barry called these behaviors The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®.

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Tackling poor leadership requires a proactive approach. Start by fostering open and honest communication within your team. Encourage constructive feedback and lead by example in demonstrating effective leadership qualities.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.