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CARRIAGES and DEATHS Ai'6 each extra line 76 IN I Daily Telegraph Morning Pott Thursday April 21 1955 9 -I (continued) Tuesday March Tuesday March DEATHS GILLESPY On toRot Thomas Oeoboe DEATHS (continued) BRIARD On March 29 1955 at Norad eo Moody Yard Swanwics Shore nr Southampton Laurence Edward Briard beloved nusoend of Leia after a long and painful illness so bravely and uncompiainngv borne l'46 eacft vttra 5 '6 MARRIAGES on Court Page eitra 1n 15- THE 9 AIL TELEGRAPH Fleet Street EC 4 Central 4242 or 161 Piccadilly Wl 29 OiLLiapr peacefully at dearly loved husband of rom Betty Ken and Ruth -On March 28 lHStv Tom On March 28 1955 DEATHS (continued) On March 27 at 42 Devonshire Drive Greenwich Emthsr Elizabeth aged 81 widow of Rutter Master DEATHS (continued) MARRIAGE On March 26 1955 at her home Cuttborne Icklesham Eliza Metcalf Marriage aged 77 widow of William BIRTHS (continued) On Thursday March 24 at Od stock Hospta Salisbury to Penelope Langdae-Smth) and Norman Mahy a daughter MALCOMESS On March 23 1955 a-East London South Africa to Susan (ree Vassal!) wife of Malcomess a daughter MAKFLES On March 19 at the European Hospital Kampala to Elizabeth (nee Bates) and Stuart Marples a daughter -On March 29 at Queen Char- Hoapcia to Judy (nee Boddlrgton) wife Marshall a daughter (Susan March of the Mart Jans House Chapel BROWN On Brown aged 92 Brampton Nortni Brookivn Ferring Elsie and father of In London Baptist Gilliat -Smith (M Murr) Aged 38 years Requiem Mass took place at Our Ladd' of the Rosary Marylebone Road NWl on Saturday April 2 GLASSBOROW On March 27 1955 In hts 89th year Herbert Joseph Glassborow late of Worthing Glassborow late of Worthing passed ton formerly of Annfieid Marriage Ale of Biadbourne Farm Seven- ampto Kirkcaldy widow of Brown Par ra MARRIAGES (continued) LEE--On March 26 1955 at Church Finchley by the Rev Let assisted by the Vicar Lawrence William Jefferies to Marion Frances Lee JOHNSON -WILKINSON On March 26 at St Peter's Church Saltaire Dennis Oeorce younger son of Mr and Mrs Johnson of 17 Combemartin Road SW 18 to June Anne second daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilkinson of I i hurst Rosd Shipley Yorks JARDINE On Msrch 29 1955 at the Orosvenor Chapel South Audlev Street 1 Stephen Law to Sheila Franceb Jardine On March 25 1955 at Old Cee Church Lines Ian Malcolm Lewis of Bristol and Nigeria to Marjorie Carrington Oen- BIRTHS -On March '6 to Janet and-CHisTOPHER Douglas Adams a daughter (Susan Fiona) ALLEN Or Match 23 at Kampala Dgancia to Audrey wile of Allen daughter (Eizabeth Shirley) flE-FLtK HtROn March 97 On March 27 iu rr nd Joas Astle-Fletcher of John men House Edinburgh Funeral private BROWNE On March 22 1955 Kathleen Annie at Bridport Hospita after a short nines aged o3 Oovernor of Marv Hare 08 and widow of Browne AIMI Cremation took Place on Saturday March 26 at Wevmouth No flower or letter please BROW NPI ELD March 30 ruddeniv Owen Deane Surgeon Rear Admiral QBE MB B8MRCS LR of peacefully away at Homeletgh Llsmore Road Beit in ge Heme Bay Mr mm pita! QuiNTO May On March 24 at Bangor Hos-Northern Ireland aged 70 vears uiNTON beloved husband of the late Ethel Colder Interrtd at Sou-h Shtos on (Continued from 8 Col 8) Dr Welling and Miss Grlndlev The engagement announced between Paul only son of the Rev and Mrs Welllngs of St Vicarage Newcastle Staffs and Gillian and Mrs Cedars Stone Staffs Lieut Torr RN and Miss Cochrane The engagement is announced between John only son of the late Mr and Mrs Torr of Holwell Credlton Devon and Jill youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Cochrane of 70 Mash*ters Walk Romford Essex Mr Vernon-Evans and Miss A Grandage The engagement Is announced between Peter Vernon-Evans of Kenya grandson of the late Dr Arthur Vernon-Evans and of Mrs Beatrice Vernon-Evans of Wmdrush East Preston Sussex and Pamela MARTIN On March 24 at Canadian Memorial Hospital Taplow to Dorothy wife 1 of Dr Anthony Martin Mark a brother i for Sarah MAXWELL On March 28 at St Mary's daughter (Gillian Mary) BAINES March 29 at Sutton held to Emily and Edward Baines (David Morris) son oass Funeral rook place a lghitum Parish Ohurch Thursday Match 51 MtRSDEN on March 28 1955 Percy of 20 Belmont Road Re gate dear husband of Jessie (Kitty) and youngeai aon of the late James Marsden ot Wigan On March 25 at Torquay Margaret Irene daughter of the late Mr auci vii James Francis Kershaw MARTIN On March 29 1955 at 8 Grange Road Cambridge Dorothy Evelyn Martin cnee Cloete beioved wile of Frederick John Martin and mother of Tony MARTIN Or Marrh 28 at Godamint Gertrude Harriet widow ot Dr Ernes Martin Funeral took place at Compion Church on April 2 MAY On March 29 1955 at 8 Court Hatfied Road S' Albans Margaret Caroline xged 66 years after long illness Widow ot Walter Mat Beloved mo her and grandmother On March 27 at Orwell Lodge Little Deane Sussex Road Petersfleld beloved hu band of Molly On March 25 1955 at Monk- il AKRLK On March 23 in Trinidad to Hospital W2 to Majit Stuart (nee Shep-Kathleen wte of A Barber a Pard) and Charles Maxwell a daughter (Coleen Ann a sutler for Greham Mel ALU -On Feb 25 1955 in s-iAter for Graham Monday March 2b GOLDNEY On March 22 1955 at a nursing home Helen Revell dearly lovec wife of Edmund Peel Goldney Crematon took place on Friday March 25 GORBT On March 25 Clara Helen of Prysel Trefnani aged 87 years second daughter ol the late Mr and Mr A Gorst of Birkenhead Funeral took place at Trefrant Church Monday March 28 at 230 GREENFIELD On March 25 at 'he Hospital lor Sick Children Great Ormond Street Miles much loved younger son of nash 92 years lately Loughtcn Essex and previously Oeorce Lewis also of Bruce aged Woodberne Knoll of Toynbee Hair Whitechapel No religious service By bis own wish his body is being given to scientific research On March 27 1955 at Brisbane House 9 wan Road Olasgow Set Robert Bruce in his 84th year Aires to Joan (ree Hick-i A McCallum a sister tor Ian and E-peth McLEAN On March 26 at Kampala to Patricia and John McLean daughter McNABB March 24 at the A 29 to Ruth (net Firbark) Capt Dan McNasb RAOC a uaugiuer Mary) MILLER -On March 27 at 9 Belle Vue Sunderland to Mary and Robert a son MONEY On March 25 195o at Grantham Hospital to Eileen (nee Watson) wife Alan Money a son (Edward Willoughby) MORGAN March 24 1955 at Tanganyika to Virginia wife of Morgan a son s' 68 Holly Bush ondon and Calcutta Ann Mrs daughter of Mr and rey Grandage of daug Geoffr Margaret Goddard In her 94th On March 28 at St John Home Hastings alter a long illness Simpkin Mayne lormerly Vicar ot Kent dearly loved husband ot Vera ot Pamea Peter and Patricia On March 24 at ed 84 peacefully in his seep March 25 1955 very George and Anne Greenfield in his fifth Cowes I GREGORY On March 27 1955 In London after a short 11 ness Charles Gregory of 95 Blandford Street 1 Senior Partner in the firm ol Lewin Gregory Torr Durnford A Co Solicitors aged 81 GRIFFIN On March 30 1955 at lb Henrietta Street Walter Stanford Griffin In his 84th year second sor of the late and Mrs George Francis Onffln St Helens Wood nr Hastings GROSSMITH -Or March 50 Mrs Berta year AYNK Nuramg Alfred Appledore and lather Cremation McKEEMAN Kennedy MEAD John On March 22 1955 How Cecil Lt -Col I I as thp reult of ar accdeit at Ctulweli Notts NANDHITH March 22 1955 Margaret Sancwith daughter of lha late Bandwith (lata 60th Rifles and Egypt an Oovernmaiu Service) and oniy surviving grandchild of the lata Mai -Gen Sandw th Bombay Staff Corps Funeral took pace at Holiybrook Cemetery Southampton on Tuesday March 29 SCOTT Oil March 22 1955 at hi resd-ence Tne Brars 34a Loose Road Maidstone David Scott MR C8 RCP aged 87 years late of Ley on London 10 beloved Stand it Beatce and father of David Lindsay Cremat on took place at Charing on luescay March 29 SEED -On March 26 1955 Lilt Mart late of 28 Nathans Road Wembley passed peacefully away in a nursing home NUIIICK On March 2 Ediih Mart sellrck of Mentone Bedford Road Biba-combe daughter of the late Oeorge Henry beieck ot mouth MlUKI On March 24 1955 at Bai-ham SW peaceluly Flora Shackle in her 7jh year A booved mo'her and kiandmother SIMON On March 27 1955 at tha hom*o ol her stepdaughier 10 Ltnnell Drve 1 1 Kathleen Dowager Viscountess DBE widow of Viscount Simon and mother ol ar Mann ng SIMPSON On March 27 1955 Masgeit Donnington of 4 Spruigfltld Road Leicester the dearly loved sister of Phvlks Hearnshaw passed peacefully away in hospital after much suffering aged 58 years sMIll On March 25 passed away suddenly a Nottingham Oerters Hospta Keith Maria wdow of Mr A final Funeral took ace on Tuesday March 29 SMITH Gn March 26 1955 peacefu'y at Btdmouih Olive Mary widow of Hubert Nieman Smith and mother ol Audrey S0MIRVIItr On March 20 at 56 Addison Avenue Holland Park Acne Marguerite widow ot Major Somerville Steven A and second daughter Sir Cowan Lord- Leuienant of Co Antrim Nl and step daughter of Thos Harrison BL Funeral private No flowers or letters by heT request son On March 27 1955 al Torquay the Rev Thoma Soulbt aon of the late Frederick Souiby formerly of Conti gbv Lircoinshre March 25 Harold Ruedean Crescent Ro-Oreatly loved respected SPALDING On peacefully at 29 hamptor aged 81 peaoeluly at 24 Dorchester Court Herne Hill 24 Deeply mourned by all GKt N'EBfiRG Laure 1 mourned by all her family -Or March 25 at 24 Way Totter dge N20 Ethel ImuisR BRUNO -On March 28 Lane Hampton late of Loi Francs Oordon Bruno (nte Clough) widow of Lt -Col I Bruno daarlv beloved brave and perfect mother of Phyllis and Patience Cremation took place Mortlake April 1 BIT king him On March 25 Arthur (Billy) aged 57 Ouetta Wembdon Bridgwater beloved husband of Trix BURKE Or March 25 1955 at Vespers Findon Sucsex Beatrix Mary Clifford wfe of the late Harold Burke A Funeral was at St Burial Ground Brookwood Cemetery on Tuesday March 29 RIP CARTER On March 29 1955 at National Hospital Queen Square London Mabel Florence widow of Harold Percy Carter Funeral service took place at Shirlev Parish Church Croydon on Mon- I day April 4 followed by interment at Bognor Regis CATE8 On March 25 Jeshie Maud daughter ot the late Herbert Cates 72 Huntingdon Road East Fipchley 2 CAVE On March 31 Ernest A Cave of 46 Wentworth Road Wll Cremation took the i suddenly Burton of 10 Cotton Lane Br-m-ngham 13 beloved and loving husband of Mary (nee Gandon) and lather ot Vainre Sarah ML 11 OR On March 28 at RN Hospital Gt Yarmouth Lt -Colonel Arthur James Mellor Roval Marines (Retd) lormerly ot Kingsland Herefordshire METCALF-RICHARDS On March 31 1955 in a nursing home in Hove Kathleen Bishop Metcalf-Richards aged 67 ot 5 Adelaide Ciescent Hove dearly loved wife of A Richards Cremation took place ai the Downs Crematorium Bear younger Francis Shaston Spur Shaftesbury Dorset Mr Harris and Miss Oxenham The engagement is announced between Richard Leslie son of Mr and Mrs Leslie Harris of Romsley Worcestershire and Jane daughter or Mr and Mrs Oxenham of St Asaph Flintshire Mr Farley and Miss Straw The engagement is announced between John elder son of the late Mr Farley and of Mrs Farley of Sherborne Dorset and Jennifer Mary only daughter of Mr and Mrs A Straw of Castle Farm Lane Worksop Notts Mr A Cooper and Miss Gubbin The engagement Is announced between Alan Hudson only son of Mr and Mrs Cooper Idle Bradford Yorkshire and Jean Mary eldest of Mr and Maxworthy dearly beioved wife of Conrad Gruniberg of 51 Foacote Road Hendon NW4 Cremation Green Crematorium on Wednesday HAIL Oh March 28 at 84 Twyford Avenue Muswell Hill 2 William Hall dear husband ot and father of Janet HAMILTON On March 28 at Bodvaan Trethellan Hll Newquay Gertrude Rae widow of Hamilton of Trevean Kenwyn Truro II MON On March 23 al Snnlr Rev April 5 Alice Hannar away a the Con- Road Brighton on Tuesday MILBIRN On March 2" Milsprn aged 90 passed Herbert Wesley Hamon sted 79 dearly i vent ot the Epiphany Truro 22 Jane Ursula of la Royal Parade loved lather ot Marie Faulkner 6 Squirrel Wav Epsom HANco*ck On March 28 1955 sud denly Anthony Ilbert aged 48 of Hartrow Oldfield Road Bickiey Kent beloved husband Eileen Mary 28 19 tL of 7 Cornwall Mr Hoyle and Miss Johnson The engagement is announced between Doualas Brook younger son of Mr and Mrs Hoyle of Hudders field and Christine Mar BROWNE On March 23 19 at St Canterbury Stanley Hr Liiey of Roughway Sturry to Katherine Browne of 43 Mount Road Canter- outt MarGINNIS MeENERT On March 26 1955 at the Church of San Carlos Borrotneo Carmel California Francis Robert younger on of the ate Dr Patrick MacOinnis ol Chesterfield Derbyshire and of Mrs Msc-Gmiks to Carolyn daughter of Colonel and Mrs Douglas McEnery of Carmel California MaKFLVlL EDGE PARTINGTON On March 19 at St Martin's in the Fields I Toronto Robin son of Mr and Mrs James MacKelvie of Canford Clifts to Jane Renette daughter of Canon Edge-Partington of East Ortnstead and the late Mrs Edge-Partington MATTHEWS On March 251 at Epptng Malcolm Walter Stuart youngest son of Mr and Mrs 8 Matthew of Sialth West Mersea to Eileen Antoinette i second daughter of M- and Mrs A Creasy St Peter Hall Bungav MVYBURY fa*gG On Msrch 25 1955 1 St Lewisham John Montague Maybcry to Beverley-ATin Facc MELVILLE-BELL HOLLOW AY On March 23 at Sonning Parish Church Berks Major Melville -Bell to Mrs Marjorie Holloway MILLARD LEWIS On March 19 1955 St Botolph's Chu'ch Biehopsgs'e Gilbert Millard of Sanderstead to Kathleen Gaywood Lewis of Lewes Ml IE BOl NDY On March 26 at St Paul's Winchmore Hill Iain Robertson son Mr snd Mrs Muir to Jean eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Boundy MURDOCH On March 25 1935 at Bishop Hannington Memorial Church Hove John Campbell Murdoch to Joyce Mary Colder OWEN- HOLL1NGDRAKE On March 31 1955 at St Church Prestbury by the Rev Harold Rogers Robert only son of Mr Mrs Tranter Owen ot Preaibury to Shkelagh Marcaret eider daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Hollingdrake also of Preatbury On Marc) 26 st Marv's Church Redbourn John Howard Phillips to Dorothy Grierson Farries RAINES- MeGUINNESS Or March 19 at Hampton Edwin Ivor RaIneb to Isabel Thomson McGuinnfrs RVMSDEN rVVNS -On Saturday March 1655 a Barnes Parish Church London Ian Ramsden son of Mr and Mrs Ramsden ot BoUon to Bebyl Evans daughter of Mr and Mrs Evans of Barnes RE III I AWRY On Mirch 30 193j the Church of the Holy Trinity Kensini re W7 by the Rev Landin Cruce A Hfbfrt William Reah MInst CE to Louise Maunder Lawrv botli Thames Dltton Surrey ROBERTS HULL --On March 25 at Christ Church Radvr Olsrr son of Mr and Md Olvn Roberts West Cross Radvr to Barbara eider daughter of Mr and Mrs IIaill Aughton Radvr Glam SHIRKATT HOGG On Marrh 26 1955 ai Cnrist Church Eaton Yorks Robert Keith Sharratt cf vmou-th to Margaret Elstetii Hogg of Eston SHW MENDES On Marrh 26 a Andrew's Presbvterian Church Woking David eider son of Mr and Mrs Shaw The i Cottage Baiiy Co Dubln to Euiabitii only daughter of the late Frederick A Mendes and of Mrs Do'oth'- 1 Mtndes Brendon Onsimv Crescent Woking Surrey SMALL WILDLR On March 26 at St Peter's Church Ealing Richard Denson Small to Eileen Moira Wilder STEW JOHNSTON On March 24 at Epsom Doctor John Stewart elder son of Mr and Mrs Stewart of Johnstone Renfrew to Joyce 6 Johnston elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnston of Belmont Surrey THOM IS MURRAY On March 2P 1955 Mr Robert Thomas to Mrs Vera Murray TOBINHOLHE JOHNSON On Feb 1R in Favtd Egypt Major Cyril Charles Tobenhoure RA OC son of the late Mr and Mrs Tobenhouse to Nina Rosemary Johnson daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Johnson cf 73 Upper Fan' Road Maidstone TODI) -ERIER -On March 23 lr 5 a' St Hr de Church Helensburgh by ihe Re Dtnny Grieve William Andrew Hankins son of Mr and Mrs Tone of Hampsead London to Bsrrara Eunice daugliter of Mr and Mrs Frazer Ard'u! House TOikon MENni On March 26 John Anthony Senior Tor son cf 7 amford Road Bowden to Rosemary Dorinda daughter of Mr 6 Mendl Las Roquebrune France arii Mr A Mend Oreenh'i' Corner KRggte'grton DevR VSnrCH McNULTY On March 2b In London Colin James Veitch to Violet McNulty WALKER -DAINTY On March 19 1955 in New York Gerard Walker to Anne Marie Dainty elder daughter of Mr and Mrs A Dainty of Ballsocks Horam Susies: WOLFE Or March 30 a the Han-phcari Synagogue Rorin Albert aon of Mr and Mrs rr anx Woolf to Barbara daughter cf Mr and Mrs A Wolfe 55 uoh Davijd eUler 011 Tuesday March maiion Flowers daughter of Mr and Mrs of Huddersfield Mr Reid and Miss Robertson The engagement is announced between Howard Maxwell Re son of Mr and Mrs A Reid 5 Cleveden Drive Glasgow W2 and Enid Violet Robertson younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Robertson 8 Brownlow Road Reading Mr A Thornton and Miss le Ogier The engagement is announced between David Alexander Kennedy younger son of Dr and Mrs Kennedy Thornton Lisnanagh Forest Row Sussex and Dorothy le Patourel only daughter of Mr and Mrs Ogier Les Quartlers Guernsey Mr Lawson and Miss A Peaco*ck The engagement Is announced between Kqjth eldest son of Mr Iawson and the late Mrs Lawson of Withyham Sussex and Audrey Margaret younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Peaco*ck Llandaff Glamorgan Mil I I On Ma (late natry of Laoour) Kew Gardens Mil I On March 26 sudden at Cheatn John Stevenson beloved husband of Mary and father of Marcus Muriel Tony and David Ml T( Hllll On March 23 1955 Thomas John of EdwlnKowe Rchmond Grov Bex-hill-on -Sea MITKI On March 24 at home after a long illness borne with great patience MOORE On March 25 1955 peacefully at a London nursing home after tna-iv month ot illnes bravely borne Glades Moore aged 66 beloved sifter of Katherine Dudley Cremation took place at Oolders Green on Friday April 1 MORG On March 26 1955 pasaed peacefully over after patient suffering in a rursng home in Brighton Tom Henderron Morgan aged 76 years of 8 Palmeira Square Hove the pe eved husband of Rosie Crema-t Ain took pace at the Down Cremaiurnuu Bear Rd Brghton on Wednesday Match oO MORTIMER Or March SO Walter deary ovec husband of Kathleen and lathe of Angela Ramsden and Ollilan Kent Funeral took place at Golders Oreen Crematorium on Mondav April 4 MOSES On March 1955 peacefully in a nursing home at Tunbridge Well Helen Mores aged 75 of Wadhurst third daughter ot the late John and Ann Moses of Fenton Beckenham Cremation private No flower bv her wish Ml RRil On March 26 1955 at Hat-rga Robina Haig Murray aged 94 widow of RoOeri Murray and daughter ol Stuart MacPhetson NEAL -On March 31 1955 at Georgetown British Guiana very suddenly Marie Neal beioved wife ol Ernest Jack Neal Britah Ouana Timber Ltd and mother of Pamela and Gillian Ml KLIN On March 25 at Knowlg Bristol Freuehick Charles 77 years NOll -SMITH Or March 16 Mary Esmeralda bme Gullan) at 9: George3 Hospital SW 1 Funeral took place at East Chape! Golders Gieen Crematorium on Tuesday March 29 NOHRISH On March 28 1955 peacefully Pauline wtle of the late Leonard Rov Norrikh Cremation took pace Goldere Gieen on Thursday March 3l OLIEY On March 2b at St Clement's Nursing Home Torquay Arthur Edward Olley dearly loved husband ot Helen Knight and lather ot Adeline Ormond -Or March 79 at Barton Mead Kastcote nr Towcester Charle Fredericr Olni in 88th vear Funeral took place at 8t Matthew Church Northampton on Katuioay April 2 ORMOND -On Mirch 26 pacefulr Tunis aged 85 years Violet Ormond (nee 3 Carlyle Mansion London he are anc-s Louis Ormond aged Sargent) of SW 3 wife MULHOLLAND On March 26 at the Garrett Anderson Maternity Home Belsize Grove 3 to Diana wife of Martin Mulhol-land a son MUNDAX On March 30 at West Hill Dartlord to Denise (nee Kendrick) ot Gordon Pat ') Munday a (Caroline Susan) NORTHUOTT On March 24 at The North Runcton King's Lynn to (nee Sparrow) and Michael Northcott a sister lor Rupert (Camilla Rose) OGILVY-STUART On March 23 a Mary Nursing Home Edinburgh to (nee wfe ot Michael Ocilvy-Stuart a daughter OLDHAM -On March 30 1953 at St Hospital Lmdo Wing Paddington to Penelope (nee Royie) wile of David a son On March 21 1955 to Evelyn Parrott) wife ot John Ord 6 Road Edinburgh 9 a daughter PACKMAN On March 24 at Ballard Gosport to Evelyn (nee Phillips) wife harlbs Packman a sister (Jillian for Margaret and John FUtlN on March 29 at 6 Oeorge's Hospital to Consuelo (nee Munoz) wife of Paris a daughter (Ann Lucia i VRNACOTT On Maich 28 to Monica of Trevor Parnacott at Masons Hill Bromley HusDial a sster for Sarah christened Victoria PIUSONh On Match 23 at Knightw-ck Mary ard Tony Parsons a son brother Tmothy PSTTINSON On March 25 1955 at Edmunds to Katharine and John Pattinson a daughter I On March 25 1955 to Angela OandeH) wife of Lieutenant-Commander Pelly Royal Navy at Slinfold Sussex a brother lor Richard and IVnSLY On March 25 at University Hospital to Jean wife of Penney a son (Duncan John) for 8tephen PITTITT On March 29 to Moliy (nee Boardman) and Maurice Pettitt of 13 Raelagh Road Wellingborough a daughter PKKIRI) On Mail'll 24 at Luswavs Sdmouth to Isabe (nee Perryi and John Pickard a sister lor Garland Judith and POMROY- On March 21 at Peartree Home Welwvn Garden City to Margaret Jetlenesi and Robert Pomroy a son (Christopher Sherrard) POTT -On March 24 at Queen Charlotte's a W6 to Diana (nee Hawkins) and Anthony Pott a daughter (Helen Elizabeth) PYNF -On March 25 1955 at Mary's Hospital Newport I to Anne Kmgscote) wife of Captain a daughter RICKARD On March 22 in Malava to Jillian (nee Wisden) wife of Capt Rickard RA a sun (Ngel Westo) ROGERS -On Marrh 22 to Maria (nEe Patriarcheai wife of James A Rogers son ROMNFV On March 23 193- at the Clinic to Jocelyn (nee Sawyer) and Francis Romney a daughter ROSE--On March 24 at the Radclifle Maternity Hospital Oxford to Billie (nee wife of Captain Rose A OC son (Hugh Quentin) a brother for David ROSIER -On March 19 at the Fermanagh Enh-skiilen to Anthia (nee wife of Roger Rosier twin daughters (Annabel and Belnda) the latter surviving two days IlOY -on March 2b at Carshalton War Memorial Hospital to Vivien (nee Nicholson) Jim Por a daughter (Fiona Man) a sister Stuart SM II I- -On March 20 at University College Hospital to Pauline (nee Clarke) wife Rev David Savill a daughter (Hlary SCOTT On March 26 Margaret Hospital Aldershot Furney) wife of Major twin sens SCOTT On March 23 Maternity Home Northampton to Kathleen Coo'oer) and Garnet Scott a daughter (Carole Anne) On March 26 to Sonia McGown) and John Scrutton a sister Robert On March 24 to Jennifer Walker) and Dovclas Stuart of 4 Ashburn Place SW 7 a son STUMP- on Saturday March 2b 1955 to Dorothy (nee Folkaru) wfe of Denis A Stump Mocre Place Lodge Esher Surrey a daugher SUTCLIFFE On March 28 at Seabourne Nursng Home Bournemouth to Marion n6e Waugh) and Barry Sutcliffe a son (Robert Dudlev) SUTTON On March 25 at Bromley to Joyce (nee McLachlan) wife of Rupert Sutton of 3 Torver Way Orpington Kent I daughter (Penelope Angela) THORNTON On March 25 at Wood-gates Matcrnty Hone Ferr by Yorks to Biddy (nee Morris) wile of Fit Lt David Thornton RAF twin daughters (Caroline and Rebecca Jane) TIMMS on March 23 at St John's i Maternity Hospital Chelmsford to Ada (nee Clarke) wfe ol Fg Off Timms RA the of a daughter (Maureen On March 21 1955 at Eastbourne to Barbara (nee Hughes) Wife of Lt-Cdr Turner RN (Reid a son they Michael) TURNER -On March 24 at Colchester Military Hospital to Mary Elizabeth (nee Blvth) wte of Lieutenam Anthony Turner a girl (Jill Mary) On March 24 1955 at the Barratt Maternity Home Northampton to (ne Mars) wife of Nigel Tyndall a I On March 26 to Pamela and George Unwin ot Topcrott a daughter (Mary) EN MOKE-ROWI VND On March 27 at Crowborough Hosoiial to Beryl (nee Shirley) Owain enmore-Rowland a son VICKERS On March 29 to Peggy (nee MacSwinev) and Michael Vickers a second son (Martin John) ADMAN -On March 25 Fastbourne Barbara (nee Pocochi and Michael Wadman a son (Peter Michael) WYLIWORK On Ma en 27 at Kuala Lumpur Malava to Pamela (nee Whitaker) and Harry Wallwork a brother (John Adrian Compton) for Deborah and Richard WATTLEWORTH On March 23 1955 Barrow -n-Furness to Anne (nee Proberti and Clifford Wat tlewortr a daughter WETHERKD -On March 28 at the Canadian Red Cross Memor al Hospital Taplow Bucks to Diana tnee Roberts) wife oi Anthony Wethlred a son (Simon Anthony Francis) WHITE On March 24 at Old Court Clinic Falirg to Lorna (nee Kerswell) and John White a second daughter WILSON On March 24 1955 at Ronks ol at at I i of 1 i and St 12 Dr A I Pyne ANN AM March nuramg home Daisy Ethel Avenue Nil dearlv loved wife Arthur Charles Hannam II I 1 1 --On March 28 at 6 Park Gardens Seatord Emily Beatrice 90th vear IIARDY- On March 25 1955 peacefully after a lorg illness endured with great courage 27 Shawfield Street SW 3 Emma Dorothea dow of Charles Frederick Hardy priest beloved mother of Bett Funeral service took place a- Christ Church Chelsea on Tuesday March 29 On March 30 at Bedford Beatrice Emily Hare aged 81 years widow of Henrv Hare ot Tamworth and Rut-tmgdean and dearly loved mother of Christopher and John Funeral service took place on Monday April 4 at 8 Andrews Church Bedford followed by interment a Rottngdear II ARE On March 25 1955 Kate Hare aged 92 widow oi A Hate of Much Had-hanr Herts Funera! took place Church Much Hadham on Mondav March 28 On March 24 1955 at Melita Lodge Kildare Erc Hubert Moore Hartioan Funeral itrictly private No flowers or letters by hs own request HE APE On March 27 1653 in London Miss Adelaide Mary Hfape HENDERSON On April 1 1955 at Berwick-upon-Tweid Kathleen Margaret Elizabeth (ne McCluer) aged 72 widow of Philip Maclagan Henderson No letters please HENNESSY On March 27 1955 at a nursng home Kempston Bedford Katie Josephine widow of Colonel Hen-ne ary and e'des-t daughter of Maj -General Sir Alllaton Toker I A passed away peacefully RIP HIYES On March 30 Lily widow of Harry Leicester Heyea formerly 17 Golders Manor Drive NWU HICKMAN -On March lr al Richmond Terente aged 76 late of Calcutta husband of Wnifred and loved Dad of Kathleen Dorochy Terence Mautlce Patricia and the laie Sheila and Geoffrey HINE On March 28 sudden at West Bridgford Notts Lydia Emma aged 78 widow of Eng -Lt McL Hine RN and beloved mother of Alfred Margaret Joan and Nan-v nonot On March 23 1935 at Corner Cottage College Road Eastbourne Sarah Bell the beloved wfe of Robert Hobourn formerly of Woburn Beds and 1 devoted mother of adya Percy Ba-ry and Bernrrd The funeral -gfik par st Langitey Cent ter (stbou-rv vlordav Mitch HODGSON- On March 28 In Kendal Emma 8 beloved wife of the late James Hodgson Schoolmauer of Harehills Leeds and mother of Evelyn Hyde of Kendal Westmorland HOI MI March 24 at 6 Newton Hall Coach Road Newton Abbot Devon Emma Holmes dearly beloved wife of the late Judge Holmes of C'Dru passed awav after a short illness She eaes four daughters Funeral service t-ok pace on Mondav Mirrh "8 HOOK On March 24 1955 Charlotte Mn dfed only surviving sister of the Rector of Etchinghanr formerly Rector of Al Ha'ttnas HOPKINS On March 30 1955 at 79 B-yanstor Court RiniARn Valentine Nind Hopkins OCB dear ovd husband of Lucy ard father of Alan Memorial service to he arnounced later HOUGHTON On March 24 1955 Florence Elieareth dearly loved sister uf Mrs Barrngion Coodrn Drive BxhT- r-Sca HUNT 'n March 26 1935 Percivai ot cDnrer Oate 8t A ban' after a lorg ard pvtvfu 1 ness patiently home peacefully a- home aged 71 years HUNTER On Ma-ch 15 in Canada Robert Wit liam Maxwell son of the late Dr Hunter Pontvprldd and beloved hu-tand of Muriel (ne Marson) HUTCHKNV On Ma-h 3 CATtiERtNE Martha a Pirkfield Hor'ham Service took place at Horsham Fartsh Church on Tuesday March 29 HUTUHIN On Mirci 2' MaRY Poco*ck Hutchin of 70 Rtad Hampftead vidow of WilTacn Hutohtn rf Boi-nemouth passed peaceful-y sway at Mary's Koap a attr a hit 3rr" Fumral 3oecmbe IVKSON Or March 24 at 33 Western Garden- Common Owen dearly loved husband of Grace Carol ne in hi 66ih year INVEKNAIRN On March 25 1955 peacefully at Flichity after a long Illness Elspeth Invernairn widow of Lord Invernairn and very dear wife of Colonel Ulrle Thynne The funeral took place privately at Flichity on March 28 IRWIN -On March 2'- 1Q55 WiLt iam Irwin cf 12 Connaught Gardens East Clac-on-on-Sea dearly loved husband of Elizabeth I 1 On ear peacefully place at Golders Oreen on Monday April 4 tAWSTON On March 23 Charles of The Drive Potters Bar passed peacefully away aged 77 vears CHURCH On March 31 peacefully at Cambridge Marcaret Caroline widow of Henry Pitman Church and beloved mother of Madeline House and Geoffrey CLAYTON BARKER On March 25 at St Prvate Hospital Bristol Alan Clayton Barker of Clevedon and formerly of Brmtngham beioved husband of Mare I LINE Or March 27 1955 ai 30 The Close Romanby Northallerton Yorks Shirley Eric Douglas aged 67 years the dearly loved husband of the late Mrs Maude Elsie Cline of Northallerton (late of Rangoon Burma) Interred at Northallerton on Tuesday March 29 COATES On March 24 1955 Dora Coates (Dora Meeson ROli widow of George James Coates of 52 Glebe Piace Chelsea SW 3 COATTS On March 22 1935 diey Portsmouth Marguerite Harcourt Coatts of Four Winds Greais'one New Romney Kent Funeral service took piace at Storeman Funera Services Doran Court Surrev on 29 followed by private cre-or donations for the Royal Masonic Hoepital may be tent to Stoheman Funeral Service as above COBB -On March 2b 1935 very suddenly after an accident Major-General Cobb CB CB of fihrivenham House Wilts dearly loved husband of Priscilla (OKHAM Or March 28 1955 at 1 Arlington Road Eastbourne Annie Cobham aged 95 years COLLIE On March 27 1955 Margaret Jean Somerville widow of Col A Collie IMS at cl*tton-on-Teme COLLINS On March 26 1955 peacefully at 40 Gunterstone Road W14 Arthur Edward Collins dearly loved hus- band of Marion and father of Hugh and Joan Funeral service took place at Holy Trinity Church Brompton Friday April 1 CRAIG On March 25 1955 at Clacton-on-Sea Annie Marguerite late of Mowder Hail Hatfield Peverel Essex aged 93 widow of A Craig Funeral took place at Rettendon Parish Church on Wednesday March 30 (RMK -Or March 26 1955 in London longed ilnesa Sir Henry DurrizuD Craik Bart GC I KC I most dearly-loved father of Helen Salusbury and Betty get Fur' a prvie No flow-era a request hrr donation to Kng Edward Vii 1 Hosptal for Gfll'ers Btaucr fit Street 1 Memorial service took ace at Christ Church Down Street 1 on Friday April 1 (HAVEN On March 29 1955 at a Cut- i ton (B str '( nursing home awfbei John Craven of stoke Paddorks House Stoke Bishop Bristol only sen of the life John Craven of Lickh 1 Manor Worcestershire and dearly loved hu'band of Zeida Funeral (prvaei Daimiho Park Midlothian Rt iin AS r-n March 29 at King ford Fleet Colonel Hakclton Maxwell Caunns be oved husband of Madolme and father of John Hugh and Helen Cremation private No flower' CULVER -On March 25 1935 pacefu at a Worthjig nursng home Edith waow of Wit liam John CULvrn late of the JoV' Farm note PuMey CUMING- On Maroh 24 1955 at ek-hea'h Elizabeth Maude aged 85 wdow of Lieut -Co' Arthur Thomar Cuming Ryai Artillery NDY On Match 23 1955 a' Beaker-h un Hoepta Fthei Anne oved wife Reginald Trie Ci ndy Donation may be em to the Rritiah Empire Cancer Cmpagn 11 Oro'vfnor Crescent Wl I I TREWS On March 23 peacefu'l' Alb'bt Robert agtd 55 Upper Pnes Surrey- d' AG APETEFF On March 22 1955 in sleep a- MiuittiMirT Manor Brow- Wold Wing Commander A D'AcsetYirr DARNELL -On March 24 at Northampton Oeneral Hospital Aibert Joseph Darnell agd iff) vear of '7 New and Northampton DAVIFs On March 28 1935 at 19 Second Avenue Hove Harry Davies aged 61 Ielnv ri husband of Anne and father of Frame Hollander DAVIES On March 22 at Bu'awavo Southern Rnrtdeaia follow ng an operation Lewis Richard aveu 59 vear son of the late Sam Davies and of Catherine Dai-' 62 Hurstwond Road London 11 (formerly of Offord Road Nll and dear brother cf Besse and DAVIES Or March 24 a- 13 Adamson Road 3 Winifred Davie (Winifred Ludlam) widow of Gilbert Davies DAVIS On Fatu'dav March 26 verv peaeefu ly in hospital after a sudden illness Els-e Lilian widow of Cecil darling mother of Phvliis and Derek greatly loved mother-in-law of Pougia' and Joan and dear Nana of Richard aud Jeremv Until the dav break and the shadows flee DAWES -On March 27 at Wentworth SeAfo-d DA'vg (Bertie) seed 83 very much loved husband of Maude and father of Daphne DFNTY -Or Marrh 22 1955 Oratelev Hants Edwin Gsorge heoved hu'band Of Caroline snd fa her of Erc snd Mervvn de STL CROIX On March 26 at a Bournemouth nursing home after a short Hlness seed 81 George late of Gautier de Ste Croix Sois Ltd RIGHT On March 25 1955 st Etat-biurne Mary Dight sged 80 years formerly lot 2 Hurv Road Eastbourne Cremw'ior private to Ha ne A- Son 19 South Street Eastbourne DIXON Ma-ch 26 at The Lea Alexandra Rad Epsom Dodlev Thoma much loved hu-bsnd of sUvs lather of PatriCa and grandfather ot Michael Jennifer and Julian Funera! service took place rn Wednesday March 30 at St Martin's Church Ep om DR AKL-RHOUKM AN On March 29 1955 at Woodpeckers Hythe Kent Ethel May wfe of the 'ate Elliot George Drake-Broukman (ICS retd and dear mother of Margie Sylvia Rupert and Humphrey Funeral Sahwood Church April 6 Cremation private 1)1 ROC (J On March 27 suddenlv Herne Bay Frederick Lour Cremation took place charing Crematorium Kent on Tuesday Aorll 5 Dl MMLLOW On March 31 1953 peacefully in a nursing home at Bowdon Cheshire In her 90th year Cicely (ne Secretan) widow of Reverend Dummelow formerly car of Molhngton Oxon and dear mother of John I AKI On Mart 26 1935 at Worthing Edith Mary last surviving daughter of i of her at of I and sadly trussed NPARSHOTT SMITH On March 30 at 8t Andrew Hospital alter a long inesa so bravely borne Gertrude Annie aged 74 'car- the verv dearlv loved adopted Mummie ot Peggy and Grannie of Norman and ee Menzies Her loving kindness to us will wlways be in our hearts God bless you darling SPAY VAN EUGEIFN On SundkJ Eeb 27 1955 Madame Gabrielle very suddepy in Las Arenas Puerto de la Crui Tenerife Calais l-aidv SPEED On March 25 at Tanycoed Bangor Cham es dearly loved husband ot Heen and fatiier of Vera Irene Lilian and Bill Funera! look place on Tuesdav Maich 29 SPEIGHT Ott March 26 Alfred Speight I SO ot Sevenoaks beloved husband ot Miram devoed lather of Noel and Bernard and dear father-in-law of Peggy after a long nines borne with great courage sqtlRIs or March 24 Grace Constance at Babbacombe Crematon took place a on Monday March 28 STEPHEN on lhurday March 24 1955 at Bucklard Hospital Dover Col Charleh Merton Stephen late The Cheshire Reg men) ard A OC of 8hephedswll deary oved husband ot Mary STEPHENSON -On March 27 1955 at The Chestnuts Wndermere Alice Maud Stephenson aged 81 years RTERNBIRG Gn Mach 27 1955 sudden Montague Lewih (Monty) iate member Stock Exchange beloved huaband of Dorothy and moat loving father of George Cremation privately At hi request no flower or mourning STITT On March 25 1953 Mercpool Caldy Dorothy Katharine youngest daughter of the Colonel Samuei Stitt and Mrs Stitt of Birkenhead Funeral vice was at Caldy Church on Wedneaoav Maich 30 followed bv cremation at Landuan STORJY Gn March 30 1955 verv suddenly Harold Thomas Storey of 120 8t Oeorge's Para Avenue WcstclIfl-on-Sea and 3 Cecil Court WC2 Antiquarian Book Dealer aged 67 KTORK1ER On March 23 1955 suddenly at 3 Whitehouse Loan tdimhurgh Kathi wen Wani ah Storriar r-I tired Matron West African Nursing Association STRATTON On March 19 Pul- i borough Marv Josephine daughter uf the late Joseph Leather ot Liverpool of Arthur Stratton FSA FRIBA Cre-matftn took place privately on March 24 STU(VubP March 28 1955 at West Mtdd ex ta Isieworth Florehck Marv Stroud 58 St Mary a Grove Chiswick in her 80th year No flower please hu- If desired donation to Christ Chuech Turnham G'ten Restoration Fund FunTv took p'ace Saturday April 2 at IU 15 a tn Tl ART On March 26 1955 at Invera-naid Kennmgton Ashtord Kent Marcarbt Marv Julia Illen widow of Capt RT'treitT On March 26 at Hornto Street 8 Marv I babel Stuabt aged yeas foinvery of Warm nater sTt it I On Ma: oh 2o at 20 Clcgieurty Street Martha Jan tPatl aged 88 wdon ol Richard Thomab Siurt SI'liDEN On March 24 EdITr A ot Ltghicltfle Yorks wife of the late Ralph Sugden and motifr of Henry and Margery Or Mtrch 26 in London Rost Violet beloveu wife or Lmui Hart Sum her field Furtra4 if vice tool ce a-' dv Philf) Ohurcn Ear Coan Rood Tburtcfey Mtcb 31 SV TIIEKI AND -On March 27 at R' berry Hutton Essex very suddenly THOHag dearly loved huaband and lather No nowtra or letters by ha request ATII AM On Marh 31 Msa Emily He i ha Marian Tathah cf Mynye Dane HUI lUywarda Heath Susaex aged 74 vounKfst da uf liter ol the Rev I rathjam ilecea-ed Funeial took place on Wednesday April 6 at Dane Hill Church Hayward TAYLOR On Marrh 26 at hi home in Surrey Aistsr (Chippy) the gallant and dearlv oved husband ot Alice Taylor TAYlOK On March 24 1955 at Brook Hou-e Totrenham Alida Evelyn Iaylor beioved wie ot waiter Frederick and arater of Louis Klemaruask TEMPI lion On March 29 1955 (after a road accdent) Ihoma Charle beloved husband of Muriilli Templeton and deer father of Heather 37 Midd ethorpe Drive York and only aon of Mrs Mabel and ihe late Charles lllam Templeton THOMAS On March 24 1955 Oraci Thomas passed peaielully away ai her home Deepdie 55 Kingsdown Park Tknkerton Wh stable Kent THOMPSON On March 25 1955 at Bengt a on Road be aey Eimel Alice aged 70 yeara THORPE -On March 29 Kathleen Lovi of Merle Coil'ngton Iane BexhllL widow of John Hall Artist TINGLE On March 24 In hospital Ixvndon aged seven months Martin John vounger sun of Ancela snd Joafph Tingle (Malava) I 27 Meisey View Waierloo Liverpool 22 TITLE -On March 26 At ice May wife of Anthony Title of 333 Baobsnombe Rosd Torquay Funeral private TOIJEK On March 28 1955 peaeefu: after si opers'ion Doris Annette deafv beoved wife ot Huom Bolton Toller The Elms Gresford Wses TUI 101 Gt Msrch 28 1955 st residence 11 Hestherles Rosd 8outhbourne Bournemiut i John Cromarty 21st of tht' i la Indsn C'vi! 8ervee Deepy mourned Funeral was on Friday April 1 at Wimbome Rosd Cemetery VANDERPANT On Marrh 20 st the May Fair Hotel London fer Harry Rrem Eirter VANDiKPAsr Barrlater-at-taw of Inn aged 88 Mavor of Wevtin nwr 1937-1938 Ani'Mer and Governor of CTirlat a Hjspiial and a Member of the Board of Oovernor of Westm nstt Hospital Cremt'ton i Golders Green with took pace (private BARNE IT On March 28 to Margaret Anne (neelrvne) wae of Mandeb Barnett 4 Hou Ansdae Southpor On March 2a 1955 to Mary (net Campling) safe of the iSouclas Cloisters Windsor Castle a son (Stephen Russell 1 klA MACDONALD On Tuesday March 29 19a5 at University College Hospital to Ruon a (nte Thunder) the wife of Alan Malcolm Bell Macdonald of Rammerstaes a son On March 25 1955 at St to Elizabeth (nee Godber) wife of Riou Benson a son Bit VAN On March 25 1955 ar the Faodoc Nursing Home Leeds 7 to Pamela (rree Smith) wife of Timothy Bevan a daughter B1SLEY On March 25 at Stroud Maternty Hospital to Heather (nie Drossn and Patrick Bihley a second daughter BLAKE On March 31 at the Dunconusg Nursing Home Lossiemouth to Jill (nee Barton) wife of Leut I Blake RN a son BLAKER On March 27 1955 at Westminster Hospital to Celia (nee Hedley) wile of Nathaniel Blaker a daughter BOLTON On March 24 at the Princess Chrstan Nursing Home Wndeor to Pamela and John Bolton a daughter BOND On March 24 at Bt Hospital Bath to Pamela (rOe Skrine) wife of ft Bond a son BOYD On March 28 at 112 Princes Gardens W3 to Christine (nee Gant) and Christopher Boyd DSC a son (Hamah Buekralli a brother for Nicholas and Toby Deo gratas et Maria BRIGGS On March 26 at Alexandra Maternity Home Devorport to June (nee Miller) and James Bhioos a son BRISCOE On March 27 at Col- lege Hospital to Teresa (nee Home) wife of John Briscoe son BROOKS On March 24 at Thorpe Combe Maternity Hosptal to Ruth (nee Lowndes! and Leo Brooks a son (John) a brother for Anthony BROWN On March 28 1955 at Ferp- dean Krkntlloch Dunbartonshire to Ray (nee Hargreaves) wife of Derrick Brown a daughter BRICE March '25 1955 at the David Bruce Military Hosptal Imtarfa Malta to Jean (ne Farrant) wife of Major Hugh Bruce a daughter (Amandai BL'LLFID -On Marti 22 to Jeanne (nee ClarEei and John Bulleid 236 Hill Lane Southampton tt brother for Nicola Bl'RTON- On March 24 at Ottawa Canada to Rachel (nfce Oreaves) wife ol Peter Burton a son CALVERT On March 24 at the White House Felton Somerset to Pamela (nee Sutton) and Peter Calvert of Khartoum a son (Jonathan Ouv Nicholas) ('ALSTON --On March 22 at Nicosia Cyprus to Pamela wife of Sqdn Ldr Causton FC a daughter (Dianai CAVE On March 25 1955 a' the Bow-thorpe Maternity' Home Wisbech to Margaret (ne Simms) wife of Dr Peter Cave a son (Franc John) Or March 24 at Cuckfleld Hospi'! to Pamela me- North) and Anthony Chandler a daugh'eT (Meanie Ann) COLE On March 25 to Jean Mary i Lockhart) wife of Richard Cole of Ashhurst House Shllllngford Oxon a son COLEMAN -On Maich 24 1955 to Mart (ree Clarke) and Bruce Coleman a second son (Christopher Roland) brother for David Milton Abbey School nr B'andford Dorset On March 19 1955 to Ruth 1 (nee Bsbnton) wife of Cooke Caw House Lmdonderry Northern Ire and a son co*kR1E -On March 28 1955 to Jane (nee Humphreys) wife of Dr Thos Corrie of Callowbrook Lane Rubery a son (Thomas Balfour) COINAHAN On March 13 19o5 at Martha's Nursing Home amore to Phyllis Mirier) uite ol Desmond Counahan Cuft Lodge Tramore Co Waterford son (Michael) COIVDEROY -On March 25 at the Oarth Nursing Home Dorkng Surrey to Pauline Jim Cowderoy a son CROCKETT Oil March 24 at Sutton to Rita inAe Tester) wile of James A Crockett a son (Anthony James) a brother Tessa CUNNINGHAM On March 23 at East Irndon South Africa to Catherine (nee Verney) and Alastair Cunningham of Nymp'on Cottage Northview Crescent East London the gift of a son (John Verney) DWGLLISH On March 18 at York to Barbara (n4e Evered) arid Patrick Dalgleish a sister for John IMKHYHHiRE on March 15 1955 at Perth Royal Infirmary to Aileen (re Carruth) wife of Mr Tony Darbyshire Wester Lumberne Newburgh Fife a daaghtcr Both well BULAN March 29 at Eastney Long-field Road Weymouth to Eileen and Denis Delany a daughter on March 16 1955 at Kowloon Hospital Hongkong to Anne wile Sqdn Ldr Densham RAF a daughter DM On March 29 at Winchester to Ann (ree JefTcoat) and David Uiok a son (Alan Jeremy) a brother for Jennifer DIMOND -On March 24 to Jean (nee Webster) and Capt A Dimond MC The Royal Dragoons a daughter (Susan Mary) DODDS on March 25 at Mill Cottage Meonstoke Hants to Barbara (nee Sleigh) wife of Lieut -Cdr A Dodds a son FDLIN On March 25 at the War Memoral Hospital Carshalton to Margaret (nee Hill) and Michael Kdlin a daughter KILFNROROl'GH Monday March 28 19o3 at tile Middlesex Hospital to Rachel wile of Lord Elienborouch a son ELIIS On March 26 to Ann (nee Marler) and John Ellis a brother for Patrick (Oliver John) FORD On March 25 1955 at Park Prewett Basingstdke to Mary wife of Dr Leslie Ford a daughter (Angela) sister for Nicola and Anthony GEDDE8 March 28 to Joy (nee Waite) and John Geddes of Midhurst Cottage West Clandon Surrey a daughter GEHVLRS March 29 at Beechfield Nursing Home 20 Bramley Hill South Croy- don to Alison fnie Swanson) and Walter Uksverr a daughter GIRBINS On March 23 at Cooks Hill Salwarpe Road Worcs to Pamela and Robert Gib bins a son (Stephen Rolandn GLEN' DENNING -On March 26 at Ash-letgh Newcastle-upon-Tyne 3 to Ann (nee Stephenson) and Terence Glendenninc a daughter GORTON -On March 8 at Mbabane Swaziland to Beryl Oakey) and Bob Oorton a son GOL'OGE On March 28 1955 to Elizabeth (n4e Harvey) and John Gocdge of 55 Warwick Square London 8W1 a daughter GRIST On March 30 at the Warren Maternity Hospital Abingdon to Ellen (nee Btirgesi wife of Ewart Brian Grist a son (Nigel William) HKI1I' on March 23 to Prue and Alan Hardy a son Police Kluang Johnre Malava HXItMON -On Msrch 23 1955 Sou hem Rhodesia to Winifred Louise (nee Gartom wife of Gordon Harmon a 9011 HARRINGTON On March 25 1955 at Shrewsbury to Elizabeth (nit Ward) wile of John Harrington a son (Philip Wade) HARRISON -On March 25 96 Pouton Road Carieton Poulton-le-Fylde to Linda (nee Bradley and Geofe Harrison a sister for Denncs and Martin HEDGES March 29 195o at 27 Welbeok Street to Fiona and Richard Hedges a daughter HENDERSON On March 20 at Guildford to Eileen and Bill Heniverson (CID Singapore) the gilt of a daughter (Susan) IlKTHERINGTON On March 25 to Monica wife of Dr A Hetherington Redcote Rainham Essex a daughter lllDDLESTON On March 24 to Bcnty and Ion Hiddleston a son HILL On March 23 19d5 at Asheigh Goiforth Newcastle upon Tyne to Joan (nee Cain) wife of Ian Hill a daughter HOGBEN On March 23 at Canterbury Hospital to Betty (nee Baird) and Ray Hogben a daughter HOLT On March 29 to Janet (nie Fegan) wife of Major Holt RA a son HIBBARD On March 24 to Rosemary (nee Tivw i and the Rev Christopher Hubbard of Gravel Lane Ringwood a gn HI On March 24 in Durban to Bridget (nee Isari and Peter Hubble a 3 HUGHES On March 29 at the Royal Ui ited Hospita Bath to Josephine wife ol Lieutenant John Hughes RN a daughter HUSBAND On March 23 at Vienna Austra to Giovanna (nee Borgesei and Patrick Husband a daughter a sister for iUTUHINSON On March 21 1955 at Homelands Nursing Home asgow to Anice (nee Carslaw) wile of Stephen Angus Hutchinson a on INN ESS On March 27 19dd at Rch-mond Narsng Hoitk Bcxhill to Hossmary (nee Thomaon) wile of Inness Cim-berley a daughter (Belnda Jane) IRVING-BELL On March 2o 19io a Barsbv Rede lbe of Wight U- Elizabeth wife of Major Irving-Bell The Roya Norfolk Regiment a son (David Herbert) JAMES--On Marcn 26 to Ann Jute Hevwood) and Thomas James of Cambridge a son JAMES On Msrch 26 at Nassau Bahamas to Michelle (nee Cmrey) wie of Henry Popham James a daughter JOHNSEN On March 22 at Marp-a HosDtal Homton to Daphne Elizabeth (nee Jackson) wile of Robert Johnsen a brother ior Melissa (Pau Robert CandgeL JOSUELYNK On March 28 1933 in Calcutta to Ursula wile of A Joscelyne a son Jl'BY On March 23 at the Norfolk and gorw Ja- Verm On March 30 1955 at View-fort Bridge of Allan to Betty oiee Durham) wife of Neil Kermack a daughter KING On March 29 to Leslie (nfe Faulkner) the wife of King at The Sterrymoor Rinver nr Stourbridge a KNIGHT On March 29 1955 at Princess Beatrice Hospital London to Marjorie ree Mutrden) wife of Capt Ronald Knight ANE On March 26 at Yarborough Nursing Home Portsmouth to Patricia wile of Leu If nan t-Commander Lane UAUlGHTON --On March 24 1955 at 8 Old Cattle Road Saisbury to Dawn (nee Roger) and the Reverend Derek Laughton a daughter tE! zabeth C'wre Dundas) March 27 at 23 in-holtcn Road Bedford to Ann (ne Bristow) nri Dfhek Lawrence a daughter (Susan) LEA -On March 29 l95o at The Beeches Franche Kidderminater Worcs to Pamela (nee Lovett-Tavleur) wife of Lt-Col Lea a daughter LECKY On March 20 in Zurich to jACbUALTNE Wife Of TERENCE LECKY SOn -On March 21 at the Materny Cambridge to Patricia 'nee Goodwin) and Donald Lemon ot Kano Nigeria a daughter (Carolyn Angela) LLEWELLYN On March 2b at Nassau Bahanias to Owynneth (nee Hibbert) wife of Harold Llewellyn a son brother for the girls LLOYD On March 22 at Nursing Home Londonderry to Nan and Peter Lloyd a daughter (Adrienne Diana 'loV ELL Od March 27 to Olive (nee Steward) wife of Surgeon-Lieutenant Lovell of 7 Woodside Crapstone Devon MacGREGOR On March 25 at County Hospital Hereford to Jennieer (nee rod) i wife of Alasdair MacGregor a daughter Buenos Malcolm May) Uganda a Rlnteln and (Shona Park Miller of Morogorc Mervyn Hospital wife daughter Grange Carolyn Queen Anne Oldham ORD (nee Ki'grastor Susan) Gerardo wife Ward to be to for Bury PLI David Manor Nichoas Colege Alan brother ing (nee Hosp i RA a London i Orton) a County Careyi only and i tor of i Jane) A (nee (nee for (ree a Mary gif (Ge Gay son and to at 1 of a 1 i COUNSEL approved on the of the Lord Chan- of the following for the rank of Parry Mr George Mr Edward Terrell Banks Waltnslev Mr Askew Mr Dents Hicks Donald Livingstone Norman Grantham Lewis Norman Black Mr Harold John Brown Mr Molonv Mr Robert James Mr Stephen Chapman Lightman Hon Thomas William Thomas Wells Watson Mr Derek Mr Michael Mr Frederick Newell ball is Patron of the Ball to be held at on May 16 on behalf American Associates Ambassador and Aldrich are also of ReadinR is Committee may be made of the Clarke 79 Wesbank The marriage arranged between Mr Geoffrey de Bellaigue and Miss Petronelle Maconodhle will not now take place The marriage arranged between Lieut Michael Batt RN (Retd) and Miss Merlyn De Morgan will not now take place IN MEMORIAM Mr A Dyer The Lord Privy Seal Capt Crook-shank MP attended the memorial service for Mr Albert John Dyer at 1 St OeorgeV Hanover Square on March 28 Tne Vicar of Romford the Rev Wright officiated The Lord Lieutenant of Essex Sir Francis Whitmore was represented by Brig Smith The Mayor of Romford Aid A MeGonagle attended with the Town Clerk Mr John Twinn and I -Col Lockwood MP for Romford was also present The large congregation also included representatives of brewers distillers and allied trades Mr A Milne A memorial service for Mr John Alexander Milne was held on March 29 at St Martm-in-the-Fields The Rev Geoffrey Holland officiated The Lesson was read by Brig Linton and the Address given by Sir Ernest Goodale The Royal Society of Arts was well represented l)r Vining The Archbishop of Canterbury was represented by Dr Jay and the Secretary of State for the Colonies by Sir Charles Jeffries at the memorial service for Dr Leslie Gordon Vining first Archbishop of the Province of West Africa which was held on March 30 at St Martin-ln-the-Flelds Canon A Warren General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society officiated the Rev Idowu of Ibadan Nigeria read the Lesson and Dr Lasbrey formerly shop on the ger gave the Address assisted by the Rev A A Sulston Oversea Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel The Rt Rev gave the Blessing and Chief Okorodudu Commis-5 oner for Western Nigeria was present Iadv Sassoon Princess Marie Louise was represented by Mrs Phyllis Murray at the memorial service on March 30 for Iady Sassoon at the West London Synagogue of British Jews Rabb Harold Reinhart Senior Min'ster of the Synagogue officiated assisted the Rev Solomons Minister the Bournemouth New Synagogue Sir Henry Craik The Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations Viscount Swmton was represented by Lt-Col Hugo at the memorial service on April 1 for Sir Henry Craik at Christ Church Down Street The Vicar the Rev Howard Marshall officiated The Overseas League was represented by Sir Angus GiMan and Air Vice-Marshal Henderson Director-GeneraL Sir Harry Vanderpant A memorial service for Sir Harry Vanderpant was held on April 1 in Westminster Hospital ChapeL Sir Harry was a member of the Board of Governors for 25 years and Mayor of Westminster in 1937 The Rev dyard officiated at the service Westminster Hospital was represented by Lord Nathan Chairman and other members of the Board Iadv Cochrane A memorial service for Cochrane was held on April Christ Church Down Street Right Rev George West (formerly Bishop of Rangoon) officiated assisted by the Rev Alan Thornhill and the Rev Howard Marshall The Lesson was read by MaJ-Gcn Kirby and an address was given by the Rev Wilson A number of other people also gave tributes Mr Rowland Thomas The Lord Chancellor was represented by His Honour Trevor Hunter QC at the memorial service for Mr David Rowland Thomas held on April 4 at the Temple Church and Sir Walter Monckton (Minister of Labour) was present Canon D'E Firth (Master of the Temple) officiated Mr YV Davis The Duke of Edinburgh was represented by Lord Baillieu at the memorial service for Mr John Davis United States Ambassador to the Court of St James from 1918-1921 held on April 6 at St Margaret's Westminster The Archbishop of Canterbury was represented by the Archdeacon of London (Chaplain to the Pilgrims) The Lord Cliancellor was present Sir Winston and Lady Churchill were Bevir and Sir Anthony represented by Mr A Canon Charles Smyth and the Lesson was read Anthony Eden was Graham officiated (nee LL a 1 and lor of represented by Sir DEATHS ABBOTT Or March 23 Arthur Hop fiat darly loved brother of Nan and Ella of 6 Crane Way Whitton Middlesex Funei tock place at Hammersmith Old C'n etery W6 on APri- 1- ADDINSFLI On March 24 at the Od Hail Ormesbv Norfolk Diana Elizabeth Postle widow of Lt-Col A Addinsei i ALEXANDER -On Wednesday March 30 Alice CriohtoN Ai cxanii'b aged 8 i St Michael's Road West Worthing With Christ' ALL AKDIUF On Marrh 25 1955 a' Foxdown Horns Cross Bideford Norman McCuiioch Aliardicf aged 86 years Cre-ina'ion private No letters plea-e On Marrh 29 in hoaotal Dorothy daughter of ihe late Rev Shepherd of Margaret Rod ng Essex AMOS On March 27 Alice Ellen widow of W' Amos 27o Brrnsale Road lngham Kent taken to be with the Lord The bural tock place March 30 ANDERSON -On March 28 Ada Jane aged 83 years wile of the late Dr John Anderson of 7 Ashcroft Road Ipswich ANKERSOV -On March 23 Hiihgate Hosptal Arthur Alexander of Hampstead Cremation tock piace at Holders Green on Mondav March 28 APPLET ARD On Thursday March 24 1C(55 very suddenly a' 7 Castle Hill Ma den-head Charles beloved husband of Mary AR( HER -On March 2o 1955 Horace Morgan dearly loved husband ot May very peacefull- at o3 Powls Road Ashton Preston Interme-t Inkip Baptist Church ARMITAGE On March 2b 1955 a Frunev Eleanor Louisa Armitaoe aged 8J years of The Rowans widow of Ehev-eric Arm tags JP lormery ot Cor-inna Cimberiey and dear mocher of Rodoipn I Cecil Humphrey atd John AHPINAIL On March 26 al Bernisda Hook Heatn Woking Marie Isabel daughter of the lae Sir John A Aspinall ATKINSON March 26 1955 at 18 Pear Court Eastbou: i Agnes McKinnon deaiv oved wfe of iin Phfba Aikinson atd mother cf Beryl Warnock in her ear Funeral aervice to-ik at the Downs Crematorium Brighton on Thursiiiv March 3 auger On March 25 1955 at the Rmai Devon and Exeter Hosptal Dom-- Irfne May of Lllierns Primlcy Road Sdmouth ate of Mutspur Park beloved n-ce of Webber Deeply mourned by h-r biother Pernr and sister Muriel Phyllis Gwendoline Rtrf A Pgg Cremation prva On March 24 Grace Marion widow of Guy Bailey ot Maruan Knock-holt at Farnborough RAINBKIDGE On Ma ch 31 at his residence La Ouernaey Oforge Arthur BAtNaRiDGE only son of the late George Alfred Banbridge and beloved husband of Florence Banbridge Cremation private No flowers please BAKER On March 25 1935 Wing Cdr George Bakfr Roval Air Force (Retd Kng a Cilffe House King's Cl'ffe Peterborough alter a ahort ihneis aged 73 Kune ai took pace at Apethope nr Peterbxroajh on Tuesday March 29 BAIIEF On March 25 1955 Annie Welles wile ot Captain Victor Barff of 4 Scarsda'e Vi'ias Kensington and daughter ot the late Samuel Low of Salem Mass and Brooklyn Heights A BARN ARDISTON --On March 23 I at University Colege Http a Katherine Weston Barnardiston (nee El wes1 widow ot General Sr George Digbv Barker OCB Clare Priorv Suffolk and of Lt -Co Erna Barnardiston DSO RE Bernithan Court Cremauon private BARNES On March 25 Amy Sarah Barnes aged 82 mother of Eieen and Gwen pa -ec peaceful' away BARNETT- On Tuf'day March 29 1955 peacefully at 114 Sutherland Avenue 9 Florence Barnett beloved sister of Lillie Berrvman BARTHOLOMEW -On March 25 1955 suddenly and peacefully at Bruns irk dear a 3 i 1 Road Sutton Surrey William very hu'band of the iate Caroline Francs March 29 in her 87th to a nuralrg home Katherine widow of William Edward Osborne and dearly loved mother cf Madge ard Coles of Haye Kent formerly of Hope Park Bromiey OAVI On Ma-ch 26 at West Wales General Hasp tal Carmarthen Griffith Einion Owen aged 72 beloved husband ot Dora Muriel OWEN Or March 30 at 33 London Road Forest 23 OeoRar retired Commodore Untor Cattle Cu ir hi' 87th year ADFIRLD -On March 29 at her home after a long lines patiently borne Constance Mary a much loved sister second daughter ot the late Pev 1 Padeield CMS AGIr On March 24 IHjj Worthing Florunce daughier of the Richard Paoe formerly of Ouild'ord Service took ace at the Dual Crematorium Bear Road Brigh nn on Tuesdav March PALMER Or Ma-ch 25 1955 at til Roys' Ma rnx Hoeptai Aubrey Mountain Palmer dearly loved husband of Olive Palmer Coei enham Kune took pace at Oad'rs Green Crematorium on Wednesday Ma-ch 30 PARISH Gn Ma: it 23 19 i quietly home 25 Herbert Road Hants Chart iv Gkoroe Parirh avea t0 year PATMOHE On March 29 1955 at Margate Genera! Hasp tal Margaret Ada Patmore beloved wife of Prank Patmore Kobnate Rectory Road Broartstairs Funeral service took ace at Holy Trinity Tuesdav April 5 followed bv crmatton at Charing On March 28 1955 at Princess A Hospital Haltcn after a long Illness Air Marsha! Sir Lawrence Arthur KBE CB DSO MC PC aged 64 of Saikeld Hall Penrith Cumberland dear usband of Mabel and father of Gillian i and John PEUHELI On March 25 to a Br ghton Imp a Hugh Charli Pechell 6lh Bcaiior Mddeewx Regiment (Hon Major Reid) beloved husband of Caro ne of 14 Mn6r ose Feipham Sussex Cremated at the Down Crematorium Brithtor on March 29 at 12 noon Please no letters i FEEBLE -On Msrch 24 1955 at Bav- Barbados Major Herbert Walter Peebles DS the so dear loved and so lov ng husband of Marcella PERCY On March 25 parsed awav suddenly a1' 4 longMow Road Worthing Mr Mary Louisa Charlotte Percy Funera service and interment took place Durrlng Cemeterv Worthin Tuesday March 29 PHILIP On Maich 24 1955 Una Philip of 5 East Camus Place Fairnnlehead Etirvburgh be oved wife of the late Dr George Philip and mother ot Una Flora and Oeoge Inrerred Folder- Ohu'Chyard Strathpeffer nn Monday March 28 PICTON -Oh Friday March 25 1955 peacefully in hosptal Cecilia Mary Picton (ne Oosser: Hill) aged 86 widow of Perc vii Pryce Picton fornitrlv of Cedar House and Wentworth Hal Funeral took pace ai Cave-sham Reading April 1 Requiem Muss will be said for her Holy Trnity Brook Green a 10 a on Saiurday May 7 1 PINDER On Marih 30 Edith Annie passed peacefully in her 89th year al 9 Longdown Lane (North) Ewell Surrey PLANTE On March 26 peacefully at 30 Spenser Road Herne Bay Henry Hodson in his 93rd vear No letters no flowers please Funera! private poll- on March 25 1955 Reading Henry John Poll aged 91 years Cremation took place at Readint Wednesday March 30 Anv Inquiries to Cyril Lovegrove Ltd funeral directors 34 Fr ar St Reading 2745 POWELL On March 25 1955 suddenly hospital Benjamin Powell of 22 Seiwyn Court Church Road Richmond Surrey aged 52 years beloved husband of Doreen and loving father of Christopher and David Cremation took Place at Mortlake on Wednesday March 30 PRITCHARD On March 24 Ethel Clara at her home at 16 Monttflore Road Hove beloved sister of Georce Pritchard Carden and Elia Perry Fiowera to Denvers Lewes Road Bighton PROCTER On March 26 In S' Mary Hospital Paddington Major Henry Procter MA LL Puneral took place on Aprs 1 PYM On March 27 at Southset Edith Lilian wdow of Leut -Colonel John Beville Pym RML I and beloved mother ot Viuet Frederck and Lee READ On March 30 1955 Christopher Dyer Priest Hon Canon of Christ Church Oxford aged 78 Service took pace a' Andrew's Church Phlnnor Oxfords)) re Tuesdav Aptil 5 KEDX A YNe Or Mar-h 26 at ford-on Sea Hants Mildred widow of Leonard Redpatve Cremation private REID On March 26 1955 at Bower Holme Lyndhurst Hants Mildred Ccnync-rame Reid K4 vea-s Cremation took piace Wednesdav Maich 30 as Southampton BEN DUE -On Msrch 23 ISn at 83 Founta Road Edgbaston rmmgham Edith (nee Leacroft) ovnk and be j- ed mother ot Peggy Saywell Ceciy and RICH A RD" On March 30 Anne Catherine Whzadon passed peatefu-y awav at Le-Pltton Nursing Home Cdfton Ouecnaev R( HARIISON March 24 Mr and Mr Harolp (nee Marion Ogden of Chicago) In a motor arcident near Arlington Virginia Cremation took place at Washington DC Survived bv two daughter' ard two sons one son Banning Richardson addres 18b Addison Road London 14 RITCHIE On March 29 suddenly at Little Gaddesden House Berkham-led Oeorge Dunn Ritchie devoted husband of Jane (Jenne) and father of Margaret Ritchie and Hlda Willey rivers On Marrh 27 at Hendon Di-i tP-c Hosji'ai Alfred River aged 88 Actor Stage Manager of 30 Hemstal Road Crematorium on Thursda: a I I fay March 31 Dona- no flower aid no mourning at his request VAUDEAU On Msrch 27 1955 aged 79 the des-lv vears A Vaudeau (Harry) passed peaceful awav at Whitrab Cremation took piece a' Ken Cour'y Crematorium Char re rn Thursday April 7 Lettera to Mrs Carman (daughter) Tor Cottage 30 Widemesae Moure Sevenoaks Kent VKAIF Or March 23 1955 at Hamrne'-smith Hospital Hfrrert Edward of n'er'e 'ufferlng borne wth tirreuia' fortitude aged 58 Cremation Kersol Oreen as On Merrh 28 peacefully at the Convent of the Good Bhepherd Yedhai Berks Evelyn aged 84 yeara daughter of he late Wakeman Wrto'b'ter ts of tn Hfn School for rl Muree India VI KIR or Msrch 24 John ot De vti Oxertden Square Manager Chatham wood Hospta Worcs to Brenda (nCe Carkei wfe of 2nd Lt I Wilson RE a son On March 20 1955 at Devizes to Patricia (nee Nunan) and Capt i Robert Wilson a son WODDYATT On March 24 to Marie wife Geoffrey Richard Woodyatt of Tors 35 Branscombe Qardens Thorpe Bav Essex son (Anthony Richard) YELLOWLFES On March 27 at Muirhall Farm Perth to Robyn and David Yellowlees daughter (Mary Ann) YOUNG On March 24 to Phyllida Woodall) and William Harding Young a brother for Daniel MARRIAGES BAKER NOBLE -Or Mar a 1955 Ashford Mdckesex Cecil Bakfr ot Rch-mond to Gean Noble of Stocki m-on-Tees BINS JOHNSTON -On Thursday Marrh 31 19 v5 at Caxton Hail Westminster William Charles Thomas only son ot Mr and Mr Buss of Tunbridge Weiia to Marcaret Elizabeth Knox younger daughter of the late Mr and Mrs A Johnston of Derby CARDY On March 26 1955 at St Mildred's Church Lee Derek John only son ot Mr and Mrs Cardy of Seacroft HUcrest Road Newhaven to Pamela Ri ih only daughter of Mr and Mrs Carins 28 Exford Rq Grove Park I 12 LOAD HENLEY On March 26 1953 very quietly in Warminster Major-General Aubrey Coad CB CBE DSO to Mrs Clare Henley UIRTIS HASTINGS On March 30 195o at Hamp tead Hefburt Lewis Curtis of Be s-fe Park to Phyllis Clara Hastings widow Donaid Pierre Ha-tngs of Wimbledon DAI PAsSY On Frdav March 25 Singapore Nicholas Chadwick younger son of Mr Lawrence Dale FRIBA RSA of Oxford and the Mrs Dale to Noel Dorothy Alicia Helen eider daugher of Coorci and Mrs de Passy of Corrvwood Devon BASSETT March 25 quietly in Birmingham Adrian Edouard Gustav Drocet of 6 Moor Orren Lane Moseley to Lesley Marjorie Clifford DI PARKHOl SF On March 26 at St Bartholomew's Sydenham London 26 I Keith Lisney Duck of 194 Lichfie Read Walsall to Norah Parkhouse of 13 Jew's Walk Svdenham FAUSSET BAKFR -HOLMAN March 24 1955 at Holy Trinity Church Karachi Hugo Amys Fausset Baker to Jennifer Ann Holman EDWARDS Cm March 26 at St Peters Church Hampstead Brian Hill Fitch only son of Mr and Mrs Stanley Hll Fitch of 228 Haverstook HUi Hampstead to Susan Margaret Edwards only daughter of the late Mr Rex Edwards LDS and Mrs Edwards of 15 Canded Gardens Hampstead FRANCIS WOMB AV ELL Or March 2o at St Church Braintree John eider I (LI!) and affectidnate father of Ethe1 and Hilda Ds'efullv In his 92nd vear RIP AUKSON -On March 25 1955 verv peacefully after a lorg lllnees patiently borne at Hampton Gav Cottage New Dover Road Canterbury Hector Airert dearly loved husband of Tiger Jatkson and father of John Funeral took piare at Ha'bledown Church Canterbury on Tuesday March 29 JAEGER -On March 26 1955 Violet belov-d wife of Charles Jaeger of Cnrytnn Copsem Lane Eher Fuoera took pace an Thumoiav March 31 at Esher Church lARATS On Marrh 25 1955 Peov Richard aged o4 years at 28 Bracken Avenue Baihani 8W 12 very much loved husband of Phyllis and brother of Ethel Interment took place at Wandsworth Cemeterv 8 18 on Wednesday March 30 Donations 0 Carie R-search would appreciated JEMMETT -Gn March 25 after a short illness a London hospital Max the beloved husband of Gertie of 1 Avenue Road 8t Abars JFSSOr On March 28 at Ranworth Faversham Road Ashford Kent Amy widow of Ernest Jessop passed peacefully awav JOHNSON Gn March 22 at 19 West-gate Pete borough suddenly Emily Jane wife of 7 Johnson Funeral took piare March 25 Donation to Dr Barnardo's Homes Gn March 27 1955 Margaret Elizabeth Johnston of 14 1 Boston Square Hunstanton in her 90th year JONES On March 20 suddenly Ernest Harold aged 49 beloved husband of Joan of Priorsfleld Beoley nr Redditch Worcester Managing Director of Cox Wilcux A Co of Birmingham JONES On Mfch 26 1955 after a hort Illness at Stanborough's Hvdro Oarston Wa'-ford Hilda Marian beloved wife of Langley Jones of Edale Clarence Road Rt Albans and dear loved mother of Thro Plum-ridge Service took place at 8t Alban Abbey Thursday March 31 JONES On Mar-h 25 a' Ascot William James of Roman 11a Carmarthen dearly beloved husband of Nan devoted father of Wvndraeth and fond tather-in-law of Orazi-el'a Furera took place at Liandefellog Parish Church Thursdav March 31 KIDD On Ma-ch 25 at 10 Rou'hoote Road Reading MAisir Kidd dear friend of Ed'-he Pv-ie and venn MarKeiar KIIGOI On March 31 1955 at Sid-m iuth Mart Stewart Kilgour A aged 103 yeacs second daughter of the late John Stewart Kilgour of Cheltenham Cremation and buna! at Cheltenham (private) 1 KING8FORD On March 28 1955 at 29 Bark Place 2 Maud Clara eldest daughter of Mr and Mr Char es Kingsfobd On March 31 at home Elizabeth (Bess' (ne McNeill) beloved wife of the iate Kinloch Solicitor No flowers or mourning hr reouet B1TCHIN On Marrh 29 at 22 East Parade Harrogate In hi 79th vear Jonathan beloved husband of Mary Kitchin dear father of Nora and Kenneth KNIGHT On March 24 John Austin sudden at Wester'srd WeM rive Sunnihg-da't the much loved eider aon of Mr and Mrs Knight and dar brother of A Wx Please no letters or flower' Funrl took piace at Christ Church Virginia Water on Tuesday March 29 On March 25 at Tuiae Hill W2 Lillie Marian Eleanor Laing A aged 85 No flower or letter please LAMB On March 24 195a suddenly at nursng home John Farquhafson aged 82 ear husband of Edith Lamb of 38 Newton Road Cambridge The funeral er-vice was held at Trump rgton Church Cambridge on Saturday March 26 LANGDON On March 31 at 71 Old Tiverton Road Exater Kate Emily (Kitty) only of Langdon LEAN On March 29 suddenly at IU Bonython Road Newquay Edward Harvey A beloved husband of Gladys adored I father of Vanessa and brother of Trevor i Pieaw no letters On March 31 1955 at Mers-tham 8urrey Catherine Cormouls aged j91 years widow of Arthur Lego ol Worthing On March 30 1955 at a nursing I home the Rev Stanley Charles Edmund Lego MA of Keverttone Court Manor Road Bournemouth beioved husband of Gertrude to 1 hi R3rd vear Funeral private LEI4ND On March 30 19do at her home Monk Barne Felixstowe Caroline (Lena) aged 81 years Priyate cremation No letters please LESLIE-TOMPSON On March 21 Giratd Fr nk a refu of a road aceidert LEVY On March 30 suddenly Isaac Edward (Teddlei Bridge Farm Burgess Hill Sussex aged 55 beoved husband of Saadi dear son cf Dick Levy LOR1MER On March 25 at 66 Swana-fie Park Road Anw ck Mary Violet b-loved wife of John Forbes Lorimer LOWTHEB On March 25 at the Holly Bush Farm Bishops OHatle Daisy Edith i Lowtber CKHIRST On March 15 1955 aud- i deiviy at Wetvham Clara Elizabeth Luckhubst beioved safer of Luckhurat Ash ITON On March 28 at the Peace Memorial Hospital Watford Oeorge father of Mary Meliuish very peacefully hr hi 88th vear Funeral took place at St Marylebone Cremator um on Fridav 1 MAI FANS On March 29 at Ha'lemere aged Indian levs 1 I ly I ton i in I I Jacinth Bellairn Armvi much EBF PFBtCK Heine Bev Coeiatructive D'ekverd 1930-45 AARD On March 29 1956 suddenly at Abbeviile returning from Riviera Colonel Ckarls Edwabd Ward OBE late Royal Tank Curp Mins C'tagf Branksome Wood Road Bournemouth only aon of the late LA Col and Mrs A Ward oA Lincoln VAATHON Gn March '4 1955 suddetiv Lieutenant -Colonel John Crsiu Newall Watbon RA (Retd sor of the late Mr and Mrs New all Watson of ndhead WELLS On March 27 peaceful'? in hospital I ilkh Oct avia daughter of tha late John Scott Well of Nottingham in her 89th year AVFRF -On (h 27 Bartm-or-Be suddenly Ina Mabv daughter of the latA Wfhl of Melbourne Aware! Inm-mem ot ashe New Milton Parah Church BHITBRFAD On March 23 1' Robert aged 92 years beoved hutar and dearlv loved father of Rotmt Valentne and Stanley AA II 1 1 AMS On March 23 1955 hv home Linkaide Iinks Worthlnf Now Wmliasib (nee Upton verv dearly loved end i loving wife Albert Henry Williams Funerel took place at the Brighton rough Crematorium on March 28 WllUAMSON On Wednesday March 30 at 5 Highfield Road Pudey Davtb Williamson aged 86 Editor of the Da Mail Year Book 1912-53 beloved father of David and Ailan 24 Brit Haughion WILLIAMSON On Mar Elizabeth (EeUll Aia'er Ly father ot Marjorie Dorothy and Bart BVRTIITT On March 23 at bandford Mount Charlbury Violetta dear wile of Christopher Bartlett BXRTON On March 26 at Harry Sonne of 7 Copthorne Road R-ckmans worth beloved husband ol Joanna and father of Mary BVTIS On March 27 a Peersfietd Alice Martha Blanch aged 8b widow ot George Bates of Godalmng rate ot Perth BEAUMONT On March 29 at White Cottage Pine Walk Carshalton Beeches Benjamin George aged 71 BEER On March 25 Keith Melville at Samptord Spinev Devon No flower BULL On March 25 1955 peacefully Tom Dobson of 35 Maden Lane 2 BELL MACDONALD -Or March 26 1955 at his home William Malcolm Bell Macdonald of Rammerscales BELT On March 30 at Friars Cliff Hants Charles Bvfnlet ET MC iate Irish Rifle and Ministry of Health beloved husband of Mildred On March 26 at Chrst Church Ohapamcy Brussels the Reverend S-r Charles Henry Bentinck aged William Earle of Durham Moot 'oved RIP FYSDOAYN On March 25 Reading Ralph Oliver Easdown of 140 Gurney ad Mapedurhsm Oxun after a long illness EDWARD On March 28 at 10 Hradiv ad SW 16 Frank Maurice of 29 Gardens 5 dearly loved husband ot Shela EIHLI On March 26 1955 at a nurs-ng home Dork ng Frederick William Elsley of Pktely Burwoac Rud Heiaham aged 7 4 vears Director of Coxes Lek Mi ng Co Ltd W'ybridge Cremation took plare at St John's Crematorium Woking on Wed-nesdav March 30 EVA -On March 28 1955 Alice Mary at Gloucester The funeral has taken piace at ement's Truro EVEREST On March 31 Alfred deariv loveo iiusband of Dooihy peaceful jr alter a ress 161 Court Lane Dulwich SE 21 EAERITT On March 25 at the Roval Devon and Exeter Hospital Robert Gordon Everitt OB aged 78 years of Avemn House Wt Terrace Budleigh Salterton Devon Funeral wa priva-e FAITHFLIL -On March 31 1955 William Norman of Rosa Road Waiilngton aged 77 years EARI BROTHER -On March 25 In hospital at Bath Frances Maria aged 85 widow of Aubrey Parkbrother late of New Sl-err Salisbury Crmaton private FIGGIS On March 21 in Ednburgh Percy Harold Figoi eides' aon of the late Herry Wingfield Figgis of Dublin FIRTH March 25 verv suddenly at his home Wixoe Mill nr Halstead Essex Leslie Loxlev aged 67 husband of Maude Firth The funera: took place ai Wixoe Church on Tuesday March 29 ELETC HER On March 29 1955 Dorothy Marion Fletcher of Higti-mns Wick Knockholt Kent Cremation pr -vxte No flowers please FRANCIS On March 28 1955 at Edward VII Hospitai Ffankland Francis Indian AraA beloved hu'band of Katharine Dorothy Funeral private FRANCIS -On March 29 1955 peacefully at home alter a ahort i inesa Br -General I Francis Wes' Yorkshire Reg- 1895-1920 Royal Berkshire Reet lc20-1924 husband of Gwen (Lowrv) Funeral private No mourning or flowers by his own request FREER On March 26 1955 at Newbury Berks Edith Mary Freer (nee Cave) youngest sister of the late Lord Cave Lord 1 Chancellor 1922-1928 to her 94th vear Interred at Harlow Essex on Wednesday March 30 GALL On March 29 suddenlv at Frome Leonard Frank beioved husband of Elsie and lather of Meg GARDINER On March 24 at a Clifton Bristol nursing home Agnes aged 77 years second daughter of the late Gardiner f'nn Funera' service 'ook pace at Car-ford Bristol on Mondav Marc): 28 GARDNER On March 23 1955 at Bud--Sh Sa'terton Mary Alice aged 97 widow of William Gardner Funera! took place at Chudieigh on March 28 GARRETT On March 29 Ginette Mary beloved of Tour and Marie Garritt The funerai took place at Long Ashton Church Somerset on Mondav April 4 Please no letters On March 25 1955 at her nome Queersmere Wokingham Berks Evelyn Emily beloved wife of Oeorce Gascoicne ana Joint Founder with him ot the on GAS -i un i-cuAuD rate of the i 1 orreina! Gascoigne Company A8KOIN On March 24 1955 suddenly Evelvn by Sir Campbell Stuart I 75 very dearlv loved husband of Lucy Vie- rv S1H' ISHrxX UXot V- Memorial service took place at Chnat P-iV- ingree to Susan Helen orv riurrh Rrussei on Wednesduv March IV) Church Brussels on Wednesday March SO Funeral servee took place at St Thomas Church Upshire on Friday April 1 BEST On March 26 Florence Jenny widow of William Frederick Beat Crematon took piase at Souh London C-emaoruni Streathanr Vale on Tuesday March 29 BUYING TON On March 28 1955 John Charles Hughe (Priest) aged 89 years in hospital BIRD On March 24 1955 after a brief illness Lilian Louise wdow of Stephen Bird in her 87th vear Funeral ok place at Stoke Poge on Monday March 28 BIRT -On March 20 at Lister Hospital Mabel Helen Mason Birt of Wood Stevenage formerly of 8 Ba'iol Road Huchin agfd 78 BI ATTNER On March 28 1955 8t Mary's Hospital peacefully after a ion nines Hilda Elizabeth Blattner CBE beoved wfe and mother of Robert ard Roberta of 36 Palace Road East Moieaey Surrey Cremation took piace prvateiy BLYTH On March 20 suddenly at The Queen has recommendation cellor the names appointment to Counsel Sir David Hughes Gordon Honevman A Cmdre John Herbert Royston Robson Mr Frederick McIntyre Mr Richards Mr George Nil Lawson Mr Joseph Thomas ndsay Stirling Mr Harold Gabriel Roche Mr Mr Joseph Stanley Colclough Walker-Smith James Ai'oery and Bucher daughter of Mr and Mrs A Womrwell of the Nags Head Hotel Braintree FREESTONE BRODIE On March 19 at St Stephen's Bush Park by the Rev Harnngt Evans Rector of Maryie-bone Walter Herbert Freestone to Rita Mary Brodie both of Erfieid ASH ROSSD Oil March 31 in London John Armstrong eider son of the late Mr Gash and of Mrs Gash of Oarusie to Gabrielle Annette only child of Mr and Mts Sjdney Rossdale of 4 Palace Street SWl and East Preston Sussex GOODING GILL On March 26 at All Sant'- Church Ooodmayes Thomas Norman Gooding oniy son of Mr and Mrs Gocdirg of Ilford Essex to Evlltn Olive Gillam youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Gillam of Ilford GRUFN HtWIING -On Marrh 26 1955 at Christ Church Cheltenham Richard Green of Svdenham to Marian Hawlinc GUNN'IS On March 29 a St Marks Church UpDer Hamilton Terrace St John's Wood Neville Gunnis of Melbourne Australia to Joan A Basson of I London HI BBI ASH On March 25 ai Bromp-l ton Oratory John Brian son of Mr ard Mrs Hubble of Wttcombe vs to Margaret Mary daughter of Mrs Ash WAKI An i jannx ons In memory can be sent to the D8A ROBB On Murrh 23 1955 at Queen Alexandra Hoivpital Portsmouth Ethel Acwes dearly beloved wife of Lt-Col Rorb MC Funera! private No flowers KOBIRT8 On Maroh 27 Fredericr Harold of 12 Quarry Riae Tonbridge No let tea plea' ROBINSON On March 24 after a long Illness Gilbert at his homa Higham Ferrers ROBINSON On March 23 Major late 60th Relies and 77 Stanmer Villas Brghton passed away suddenly ROBINSON On Msrch 22 1955 Ivan suddenlv at Round House Herrington Bury 8: Edmunds Funeral servee was he'd at Sapa-tarv Church Sapiston or Msrch 24 RODGER On Msrh 24 1955 at Clayton 115 Coodtu Drive Bexhill-on-Sea Dr Frederick Millar RonozRS OB dearly beloved husband of Eva and father ot Charle Frederck and Jean ROSE On March 26 1955 Catherine Jane Florence of 6 Abbev O-een Chester oniy daughter of the ate William Baillie Rose and the late Mrs Stephens and sup-daughter of the late Rev Horace Stephens MA Interred at A'J Church Hardiev ROTTENBUBG On March 25 1955 peacefully a- 5 Adams Road Cambridge Henrt Rottznburg in hi 80th year Funeral took place at Cambridge Crematorium on Friday April 1 ROWLAND On March 28 at 7 Langham Piece Northsmo'or Stephen Rowland MDfCdln) DPH(Oamb the deerly loved husband of Agnea Mary Rowland and devoted s'he- of end Bernard I RUSBRIDGF -On March 27 1965 I Elizabeth at 40 Oadogan Gardens -of viera Hotel Canford C'lfls Bournemouth On March 20 1955 drowned whle going to the rescue of two Afrcana off Panganl Tangany ka Kenneth Hugh Mobier vounger son of the late Charle Will OBE and Mr Will of 11 Wilbury Road Hove WINCH On March 26 1955 at Tu-nden Crawbrook Kent after a long illnea Pfie-fulv tn her ieep Dorothy May dear Hlf of Cecil Arthur Winch and mother of Peter and David WINDSOR On March 26 John Buceiand dear huaband of Edih of 2 Durnf ird Court Park 'on Avenue South WITH AM Or March 28 Phi up Ernest of Ciffe Ha -'ward H'sth husband of JOR and fathe- of Anthonv and Peter RI WOlKKr March 24 1955 tMBd peacefully awav at her home One Crane Park Avenue Surbiton Eva Maud Rocrfort Wolrigk (low of Arthu' Field Wolrie and younges' daughter of Major John Wilton Indian Amv WOODHOISE On March 28 at Amar Staplecross Sussex Helrn Mat Younoer daughter of late Ralph Woodhousb woodman On Maroh 26 1955 suddenly at 152 Cromwell Road 6 7 Charlhr Ehnhst townlev beloved husband of Joan Woodman Cremation private WRIGHT On Msrch 26 et West Mai ien Hs vwards Heath Epith Catherine seed 79 dow of Alfred Wright former'? of The 8hnibbei-v Br mle'- Kent With Chr st WRIGHT On Me -eh 26 Mart Neville a red 90 yeas daughter of the late Frederick Wrtcht of I-enton YOt On March 28 1955 iper-on WitH Louisa dow of Willjah Yotnc ate of Llttieton Perell Writa Ml MORI AI SIR VICE THOMAB A Memnrtel Service for Dattr 1 Rowland Thohas DC wes held at the Temple Church on Monday Aptw 4 Johannesburg dearly loved Geoffrey Stephenson son of Garnet and Lilian Blvth husband of Tiny father ot Timothy and Robynn No letters please peacefully Charles BOOS On March 16 1955 loci A son of the late Herman John Richard and Catherine Anna Gaskoin GATEHOUSE On March 21 Ethel widow of Rev Gatehouse North Cheriton Rectory Buried at Stowell March 25 GATES March 26 at 58 Parkhurst Road Bexley John Walker dearly loved husband of Beatrice (Paddy) GIBSON On March 25 1966 Rorert british-american Princess Alexandra British-American the Dorchester of the British The United States Mrs Winthrop Patrons The Marquess President of the Ball All Inquiries Raniser Mrs MadRP Davies Street Wl (Mayfair 0523-6) widow of Major Booak CMO BOOTHBY On March 25 1955 at Hampshire County Hospital Winchester Dorothy Margaret Osborne (Peegv) wrf i of John Fitzoeorge Boothry of the Whfe House Winchester Road Basingstoke Cremated March 30 BOSAA ALL On March 22 after a ahort 1 illness at Hythe Kent Ella Katharine third daughter of the late Major -General Boa wall of Wardie Midlothian (Continued on next column) and tye itt sh 0f Wellingborough No ihants HI NTEK On March 25 at Houston Texas James Coutts aon of Mr and Mr- James Hunter of Edinburgh End Houston to Jean Mary daughter of Mr and Mrs Ian Taylor of Rothrey Leicestershire IRELAND On Feb 19 at Capt Ireland to Jean Mary Bird (Continued on next column) 1 Peter and Harry her and her grandchildren HrpwopTH Gibson in St Charles Hospital beloved by her sons RI SHELL On March 24 at Brerrwood Oreen Sussex late of Chlslehurst Chables Rowland Murrat in hs 83rd year Cremetion Charing (Continued on next column) pdeughter grett-gri (Continued on next column) eted 75 risarly lovi husband of Ivy Gboon te (n4e Turney fin: (Continued on next column) i (Continued on next column).

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.