The Potter Twins - LowlyLux - Harry Potter (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Beginning Chapter Text Chapter 2: Duddie’s Birthday Chapter Text Chapter 3: Looks Like a Letter Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: A Surprising Birthday Chapter Text Chapter 5: Diagon Alley Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Trains and a Mysterious Platform Chapter Text Chapter 7: A New Friend Chapter Text Chapter 8: Meeting a Brat and Sorting Chapter Text Chapter 9: Professor Dumbledore Chapter Text Chapter 10: Swish and Flick Chapter Text Chapter 11: New Spells and Harry’s First Game Chapter Text Chapter 12: A Talk With Hagrid and Christmas Chapter Text Chapter 13: Visions and a Mirror Chapter Text Chapter 14: Mirror of Erised Chapter Text Chapter 15: Following the Idiot Trio Chapter Text Chapter 16: I Hate Plants Chapter Text Chapter 17: Harry It’s Time to Fly Chapter Text Chapter 18: Ron’s Finest Moment Chapter Text Chapter 19: Hailey’s Test Chapter Text Chapter 20: Meeting The Man Who Must Not Be Named Chapter Text Chapter 21: End The Year Chapter Text Chapter 22: Hedwig, Please Shut Up Chapter Text Chapter 23: The Worst Birthday Ever Chapter Text Chapter 24: The Masons Chapter Text Chapter 25: Saved By 3 Redheads Chapter Text Chapter 26: Bars On Your Window Chapter Text Chapter 27: Harry is an Idiot Chapter Text Chapter 28: Lockhart is Stupid Chapter Text Chapter 29: Going Back to Hogwarts Chapter Text Chapter 30: Mandrakes and a Howler Chapter Text Chapter 31: Who Needs to Be On The Team Anyways? Chapter Text Chapter 32: Harry Has Gone Crazy Chapter Text Chapter 33: Moaning Myrtle Chapter Text Chapter 34: Dueling Club Chapter Text Chapter 35: Harry is Getting Even Crazier Chapter Text Chapter 36: Hermione Chapter Text Chapter 37: Going Back to the Dursleys Chapter Text Chapter 38: Aunt Marge, the Hot Air Balloon Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Brother Needs to Think Chapter Text Chapter 40: The Leaky Cauldron Chapter Text Chapter 41: Dementors Chapter Text Chapter 42: I’m Tired Chapter Text Chapter 43: Time Turner Chapter Text Chapter 44: Bloody Chicken Chapter Text Chapter 45: Draco Needs To Stop Acting Chapter Text Chapter 46: Hogsmeade Chapter Text Chapter 47: Hogwarts Break-Ins, Pranks, and Snape Chapter Text Chapter 48: Christmas is in the Air Chapter Text Chapter 49: Harry’s Stolen Firebolt Chapter Text Chapter 50: Malfoy Gets Smacked Chapter Text Chapter 51: Exams Chapter Text Chapter 52: Crookshanks Chapter Text Chapter 53: Three Hunches Correct Chapter Text Chapter 54: Lupin the Werewolf Chapter Text Chapter 55: Sirius Almost Gets Kissed Chapter Text Chapter 56: The Patronus Chapter Text Chapter 57: Goodbye Third Year Chapter Text Chapter 58: Birthday Cake Chapter Text Chapter 59: To The Burrow Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 60: Introductions Chapter Text Chapter 61: Helping With Money Chapter Text Chapter 62: Reveals Chapter Text Chapter 63: The World Cup Chapter Text Chapter 64: Dumbledore’s Speech Chapter Text Chapter 65: Arnold Weasley Chapter Text Chapter 66: So Some People Are Annoying Chapter Text Chapter 67: The Champions Chapter Text Chapter 68: No Chapter Text Chapter 69: Dragons and Rita Skeeter Chapter Text Chapter 70: The First Task Chapter Text Chapter 71: A Ball?? Really?? Chapter Text Chapter 72: Yule Ball Time Chapter Text Chapter 73: I Hate Rita Skeeter Chapter Text Chapter 74: The Second Task Chapter Text Chapter 75: The Article Chapter Text Chapter 76: The Third Task Chapter Text Chapter 77: Voldemort Revived Chapter Text Chapter 78: Back Chapter Text Chapter 79: Can’t Leave You Alone For Five Minutes Chapter Text Chapter 80: Escaping the Dursleys Chapter Text Chapter 81: Harry Throws a Temper Tantrum Chapter Text Chapter 82: The Order Chapter Text Chapter 83: Doughnuts Chapter Text Chapter 84: Learn How To Knock Chapter Text Chapter 85: How Did They Become Prefects Chapter Text Chapter 86: A New Teacher Chapter Text Chapter 87: Defense Against The Dark Arts Chapter Text Chapter 88: One Year…That’s All I’m Asking For Chapter Text Chapter 89: What The Hell Is This? Chapter Text Chapter 90: Hermione, What The Hell? Chapter Text Chapter 91: We Have A Place Chapter Text Chapter 92: That’s Not Funny Chapter Text Chapter 93: Umbridge….I Hate You Chapter Text Chapter 94: I Was Awoken From My Slumber Chapter Text Chapter 95: A Talk With Jean Chapter Text Chapter 96: Let’s Blame Everything On Sirius Chapter Text Chapter 97: Draco Is A Prat Chapter Text Chapter 98: Caught Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 99: Free, George, You Two Are Awesome Chapter Text Chapter 100: Career Advice Chapter Text Chapter 101: Goodbye Gred and Forge Chapter Text Chapter 102: O.W.L.S. Chapter Text Chapter 103: Harry, Sirius Is Fine! Chapter Text Chapter 104: How Did They Know? Chapter Text Chapter 105: The Department of Mysteries Chapter Text Chapter 106: Sirius!!! Chapter Text Chapter 107: Prophecy Chapter Text Chapter 108: Explanation Chapter Text Chapter 109: Finally Chapter Text Chapter 110: Oh, Okay Chapter Text Chapter 111: Back to the Burrow Chapter Text Chapter 112: Weasley Wizard Whexes Chapter Text Chapter 113: The Slug Club Chapter Text Chapter 114: Harry CANNOT Be Better Then Me At Potions Chapter Text Chapter 115: Draco, Are You Okay? Chapter Text Chapter 116: Date! Chapter Text Chapter 117: Wow Chapter Text Chapter 118: Still My Property Chapter Text Chapter 119: Slughorn’s Christmas Party Chapter Text Chapter 120: Christmas!!! Chapter Text Chapter 121: Back at Hogwarts Chapter Text Chapter 122: Ron, You Probably Had the Worst Birthday Ever Chapter Text Chapter 123: Goodbye Aimee Prewett Chapter Text Chapter 124: R.I.P Aragog I Guess Chapter Text Chapter 125: You Idiot! Chapter Text Chapter 126: Don’t Care Chapter Text Chapter 127: Welcome To The Start Of The Worst Day of My Life Chapter Text Chapter 128: Please Chapter Text Chapter 129: The Funeral Chapter Text Chapter 130: Screams and Goodbyes Chapter Text Chapter 131: And I Thought One Harry Was Enough Chapter Text Chapter 132: They Knew Chapter Text Chapter 133: Dumbledore’s Will Chapter Text Chapter 134: A Wedding Chapter Text Chapter 135: Running Chapter Text Chapter 136: Remus, How About Not Telling Two Orphans That You Want To Abandon Your Child and Wife Chapter Text Chapter 137: Umbridge, The Terrible Toad Woman Chapter Text Chapter 138: Harry, No Offense, But You're Horrible At Heart-to-Hearts Chapter Text Chapter 139: Leaving The Trio For a Hike Chapter Text Chapter 140: Okay, I’m Not That Smart Chapter Text Chapter 141: Potterwatch’s Special Guest Chapter Text Chapter 142: Can’t Leave You All Alone For A Month Chapter Text Chapter 143: The Lovegood Family Home Chapter Text Chapter 144: Harry Is An Idiot, Part Unknown Chapter Text Chapter 145: Captured Chapter Text Chapter 146: Escaping Malfoy Manor Chapter Text Chapter 147: Whipped Chapter Text Chapter 148: Sometimes, I Shouldn’t Have To Explain Things Chapter Text Chapter 149: Temporary Wand Chapter Text Chapter 150: A List Of Names Chapter Text Chapter 151: What A Waste Of A Lovely Night Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 152: Back In The Chaos Chapter Text Chapter 153: Snape, You’re Fired Chapter Text Chapter 154: Saving The Potions Master Chapter Text Chapter 155: Tears Spilt Chapter Text Chapter 156: Harry Potter Is Dead Chapter Text Chapter 157: This Is The End Chapter Text Chapter 158: Nineteen Years Later Chapter Text

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Chapter Text

The day of the year is Halloween and the four-person family of the Potter's are all having a grand time. While Lily and James were not permitted to hand out candy to the muggles or allow their one-year-old twins to go get candy for themselves, they were happy.

Lily sits on the couch, her auburn locks against the fabric. James sits on the floor as the two twins, Hailey and Harry. The two children are sitting up and clapping their hands. Both parents smile at their contribution to the world, slightly dreading the prophecy. "James, you better put them to bed," Lily exclaims as she smiles sweetly to her husband.

"Five more minutes!" James whines, making puppy eyes at his wife. She finally gives in and the two children laugh.

All is perfect for the family in hiding.

Until the incident occurred.

There first was a creek of the gate, which made James lookup. "Must be Sirius." James smiles as Lily looks expectantly at the door. As James opens the door he sees him. "Lilly, take the twins upstairs, he's here!"

"But what about you?" Lily jumps from her spot on the couch, her eyes staring into her husband's.

"I'll try to stop him, now go!" James yells as he stares at the upcoming dark lord.

"I love you!" Lily mutters as she grabs her two children and runs upstairs, leaving her wand downstairs. Unknown to her, her beloved husband was also defenseless. For James Potter, forgot his wand as well. She puts down the twins and barricades the door with their dresser. The two twins then begin to cry. Hot tears run down Lily's face as she hears a thump downstairs.

James Potter is dead.

"Shh, remember mommy loves you." She mutters as the twins quiet down. "Mommy has always loved you." Even more hot tears run down her face. "Mommy will always love you." Just as she says the last statement, the door is blasted open.

In the doorway stood the pale man himself, Voldemort. "Step aside." A low hiss escapes from his mouth.

"No!" Lily screams, making sure that she stays in front of her two children.

"Step aside you foolish girl!" The dark lord hisses as he raises his wand.

"No! Take me instead! Just don't take my children." The crying mother says on her knees. She was begging the evilest wizard for mercy.

Voldemort looks at the mother and without a second thought says, "Avada Kedavra!" Lily screams and falls to the ground.

Lily Potter is dead.

The twins, that had only known a happy life were now orphans, in the presence of a man who wanted to kill both of them.

Voldemort walks to the crib, only to see a female and male set of twins. The female seemed to be getting the features of her mother, except she had her father's hazel eyes. The boy had the features of his father but had his mother's green eyes. Voldemort raises his wand at the boy and curses, "Avada Kedavra!"

A green light erupts from his wand and hits the baby boy's head, only to divert it's direction to the girl's left hand. The spell then fully rebounds onto the dark lord himself.

And with that, the two children were known as the twins that lived. They had defeated a dark lord at the age of one.

Everyone in the wizarding world knew who they were. But the twins never grew up knowing who they were.

For they grew up with their aunt, uncle, and cousin. They slept under the stairs with a spider.

They would not figure out who they were until one faithful event.

But that is for another time.

Chapter 2: Duddie’s Birthday

Chapter Text

I awaken on the floor in the cozy cupboard under the stairs. I pull my sleeping bag away from my tired body. My brother, Harry, is sleeping like a baby. His lightning scar is visible on his forehead, his fringe not truly hiding it. My eyes run to my own hand, only to catch sight of the scar on my left hand, also a lightning bolt. Both scars are outcomes from a car crash that killed my mum and dad.

I roll up the sleeping bag and hide it as best I can. Technically the sleeping bag is my cousin's, Dudley, but I knicked it once. The house my brother and I live in is a three-bedroom one. Yet somehow the Dursleys are unable to give Harry and I a room. I sigh as I pull on some of Dudley's old clothes as quiet as I can.

And then I heard the familiar sound of a click. Aunt Petunia yells through the door, "Up. Get up." I hear a sigh and then she repeatedly hits the door. Harry jerks awake, immediately reaching for his taped glasses. I hear a thumping above us, hoping that Dudley will leave us alone for once.

I was wrong.

The ceiling of the cupboard starts to shake as dust and wood particles fly down. "Get up cousin's, we're going to the zoo!" And then the jumping stops as I hear his pounding steps along the stairs. I sigh as I open the door to the cupboard and slip out, closing the door behind me. I move to the wall as I notice my dreadful cousin stalking the door.

As Harry walks out of the closet, Dudley pushes him back in. Harry climbs out of the closet as we make our way to the kitchen. I glance at my brother, we looked nothing alike. While Harry had a mixture of brown and black hair I have a dark auburn.

As we walk into the kitchen I immediately notice my lanky aunt. Her black curly hair would actually be cute if it wasn't paired with her excessively long neck. "Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!" Petunia says in a sing-song voice. I glance over to the kitchen table, only to see my Uncle Vernon reading a newspaper.

"Happy Birthday son," Vernon says without looking up. They act like they don't know we are here so Harry and I both step into the kitchen.

"Why don't you just cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything." Petunia directs her orders to Harry.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry mumbles as he runs to the kitchen. His always messy blackish locks are the only noticeable quality of my small brother.

" I want everything to be perfect for Dudley's special day," Petunia says with a smile on her face. I stand in the doorway, knowing I will be punished if I move without permission.

"Hurry up! Bring my coffee, girl!" Vernon says as I run to the kitchen and grab a coffee mug from the kitchen. I fill it with coffee and bring it to my uncle.

I finally notice that the room was quiet, too quiet. I glance in the family room, only to see Dudley and Petunia gawking over the presents.

"How many are there?" The plump boy asks in a stupid tone.

Vernon proudly smirks and exclaims, "Thirty-six. Counted 'em myself."

"Thirty-six?! But last year, last year I got thirty-seven!!" Dudley yells, stomping his excessively large foot.

"Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year!" Vernon says as he tries to calm down the little brat.

"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley yells as I glance over to Vernon. His face says it all, Dudley is going to have a temper tantrum. I grin evilly, hoping that he will get in trouble.

"Oh, now, now, now. This is what we're going to do, is that when we go out we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that, Pumpkin?" Petunia stops the long awaiting tantrum.

My face drops, of course, he wouldn't get in trouble.


We finally walk outside. The morning looks absolutely stunning in the morning sun. Dudley and Petunia get in the car first as Harry and I are cornered. "I'm warning you two. Any funny business, any at all, and you two won't have any meals for a week. Get in." We finally climb in and await the arrival of the zoo.


The five of us gather around the largest snake in our eyes. The thing seems to be sleeping as it will not even move. "Make it move!" Dudley yells at his father.

Vernon raps on the glass for the boa constrictor to move. "Move!"

"Move!" Dudley says once more in his annoying tone.

"He's asleep!" Harry and I both yell out, making our guardians look at us.

"He's boring!" Dudley groans as he runs off along with his family.

Alright, Harry has been odd before, but he's literally hissing right now. Is hissing even the right word for it? It's like a different language really.

"Harry. You are talking to a snake!" I mutter.

At then the extraordinary thing happened. The snake looks at Harry and blinks. Harry seems to be bewildered and hisses something else. The snake only nods at my brother in response. I am probably going crazy since the snake shakes its head after Harry hisses again.

It's so strange.

So, Harry hisses for like ten minutes, confusing me totally each time. But it's kind of cool. It's almost like it's a separate language.

Although, there's no such thing as snake language.

And then the second amazing thing happened.

"Mummy, dad, come here! You won't believe what this snake is doing!!" Dudley pushes Harry to the ground as he puts his fat face to the glass. I stare daggers into the boy and so does Harry.

The glass that our cousin was leaning on disappears, making him fall. The snake starts to move away from the cage as I just stare at my brother and ask, "Can anything go right for us?"

Chapter 3: Looks Like a Letter


A lovely author note from 2018:
Author Author

Yes reader

Give me update?

Yes reader

Being overworked?

No reader

Show me your editing schedule for the week of November 10th

Bye b****!

Chapter Text

The snake slithers out of its enclosure, scaring Dudley. When the snake finally gets out of the enclosure it stares at Harry and I, as if grateful to us.

"Anytime!" Harry exclaims, his eyes showing his amazement. I look at him in confusion. Did he hear the snake?

"Hope you can make it to your home!" I smile as I wave goodbye to the retreating snake.

"Snake!" People start yelling and running away from the calm creature.
I glance back at Dudley, only to see him get back up and pound on the glass.

I nudge Harry slightly, showing him the predicament. We both grin as Dudley yells for Petunia. Our grins quickly disappear as we finally see Vernon's face. Harry and I gulp, awaiting the punishment of a lifetime.

Vernon drags Harry and I out of the car but politely waits until our aunt gets inside. He drags us into the home by our hair, his face beet red. "What happened?"

"I swear I don't know! One minute the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!" Harry yells stupidly.

"Shut up! You know they hate that word!" I mutter to my brother.

Vernon scoffs and shoves us into our cupboard. "There's no such thing as magic!" Our uncle closes the small opening, leaving us in total darkness.

The room around me is blurry, the only thing I can make out are two people in the moonlight. One is a boy with dark hair and striking green eyes. The other is a girl with red hair and brown eyes. The boy is using his finger to draw on the floor, he continuously looks over his shoulder at an overweight person every few seconds.

The girl smiles sadly as she stares at the boy. They continue to carve out a picture.

And then I hear it. A beep that sounds like a mix from a baby scream and the echo of church bells. The sounds echo through my ears and I try to cover them, only to realize I'm frozen. The world starts to fade as the one thing I notice is that the two say something.

"Happy Birthday."

"Yeah, you too."

Finally, summer has come around. Vernon had stayed true to his word, as we were stuck in our cupboard for a week. Weeks later Harry and I were starving because they decided to rarely feed us again.

The week of our punishment Harry was fuming about Vernon. He would tell me that one day we would get out of here, that we will leave and never come back. I could only smile at my twin. He was always the brave one, the one with imagination. I am the one who worries, the one who thinks before acting. If I could help it, the 'magic word' incident would have never happened. I am a coward because Harry will stand up to Vernon, I will not.

This was the first week we are able to be out without the glare of our uncle. Harry and I walk to the front door to get the mail, hand in hand. We always stick together but it seems since the incident with the 'm' word we have gotten closer. Unfortunately, I haven't told him of my reoccurring vision, a vision of a room with two children. A vision of a birthday with the children all alone.

We stop at the door and widen our eyes. On the floor, in the house, were two letters addressed to both of us. We dart toward them, grabbing both letters.

Mine read,
'Ms. H. Potter
Cupboard Under The Stairs
4 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

The writing was in slight cursive, a beautiful wax stamp enclosed the front of the letter, the letter H engraved upon it.

Harry and I grab the rest of the letters and walk toward the kitchen. I glance at the Dursleys and quickly put the letter in my pocket. Harry keeps his out and hands, Vernon, the letter. I inch closer to the cupboard so I can carefully open my letter without them knowing. Harry walks to the other side of the table and begins to open his letter. "Dad, look! Harry's got a letter!!" The tattletale grabs Harry's letter and hands it to his father.

"Hey, give it back! It's mine!" Harry whines, knowing full well the Dursleys should have no right to take his letter. I inch closer to the cupboard, determined not to be caught.

"Yours? Who'd be writing to you?" Vernon chuckles at Harry as the family of Dursleys crowd around Harry's letter. I get within two feet from the cupboard door, I open the door only to have it creak and everyone diverts their attention to me. "What do you think you're doing?" Vernon charges towards me angrily.

I dart, trying to close the door. I struggle to close it, finally being pulled forward as Dudley helps his dad open the door. Dudley grabs the letter from my pocket as I try to back away. Harry and I stare at Vernon, both knowing out little time of freedom was gone.

That week was more than confusing. Letters for Harry and I came in by the hundreds. A day after our first letters another pair of letters appeared, which were greeted by Vernon closing up the letterbox stating, "No more mail through this letterbox."

Another day Harry and I were awoken by Vernon bellowing, "Shoo go on!" We later found out he shooed off a flock of owls.

A few days ago Petunia was cracking eggs, only to be greeted by every egg having a letter inside. She was yelling for days.

Yesterday Harry and I walked into the family room, hearing the fire crackle. As we glanced over we saw Vernon burning letters, our letters. He looks to us and throws more in.

Then there is today. Harry and I were forced to make the Dursleys cookies and couldn't eat them ourselves. "Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, the best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?" Vernon asks his son only to be met with a shrug.

I hand Vernon a cookie and Harry says, "Because there's no post on Sundays."

"Right you are Harry. No post on Sundays, Ha! No blasted letters today, no sir!" Harry and I see a shadow and smirk to each other, we knew something was going to happen. Just not what. "No sir, not one blasted, miserable-" Vernon is interrupted by a letter hitting him on the face.

The sound of rumbling, like a million giants playing a game of tag, was heard and then, it happened. Hundreds of letters start shooting out of the fireplace. "Ahh! Make it stop! Please make it stop!" Dudley yells as some letter hit him. Petunia and Vernon only scream, possibly louder than when Dudley got stuck in the snake habitat.

"Go away!" Vernon yells at the letters as if they had a mind of their own.

"What is it? Please tell me what's happening!" Dudley yells once more, squealing as if he was a pig.

Harry glances at me before jumping on the coffee table and grabbing a letter of his. I look to the couch to see one addressed to me so I pocket the letter so it cannot be seen and huddle in the corner as if I was scared. "Give me that! Give me that letter!" Vernon roars as he runs after my twin.

"Get off! Ahh!" Vernon only screams back at Harry in the same fashion. "They're my letters! They're Hailey's too! Let go of me!"

Vernon pushes Harry into the closet and locks the door. He stomps over to me, "Turn out your pockets." He grumbles as I show him the letter. "That's it, We're going away! Far away! Where they can't find us!"

In the background, Dudley whispers, "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?!"

Chapter 4: A Surprising Birthday

Chapter Text

The sound of waves lap on the rocks as Harry and I look onto the dusty ground. Harry is using his finger to draw upon the ground. I glance at Dudley on the couch, looking more at his watch. I gasp as I remember a dream from a few nights ago. It was this moment, "You alright Hailey?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mumble as the watch on Dudley's wrist beeps telling us it is midnight.

"Happy Birthday," Harry says, his emerald eyes staring back at my brown ones.

"Yeah, you too," I smile as Harry smiles back. "Well, what are you waiting for? Make a wish Harry," Harry and I blow lightly on the cake drawing on the ground. Then beyond the door, loud thumps are heard. They sound as if someone is knocking but doesn't know their own strength.

The door falls as Harry and I jump at the sound of the door falling off its hinges. "Who's there?" Vernon's voice stutters at the outline of a large man.

"Sorry 'bout that," The man says as he grabs the door and puts it back on its hinges. The man has a big bushy brown beard, with matching brown hair. Both are very messy. His height towers over the tallest man I have ever seen.

"I demand that you leave at once, Sir! You are breaking and entering!" Vernon points a gun at the strange tall man.

The man grabs the gun and bends it with his bare hands, "Dry up, Dursley, you great prune." The gun fires. Dudley and Petunia scream. "Mind, I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly 'round the middle! Hailey, you look just like your mother."

"I-I-I'm not Harry." Dudley stutters.

Harry walks out from the shadows, "I-I am."

"Oh, well, of course, you are! Got something for ya. 'Fraid I might have sat on it at some point! I imagine that it'll taste fine just the same. Ahh. Baked it myself." The man hands me a box. "Words and all. Heh."

"Thank you!" Harry and I say as we open the cake box. It reads, 'Happe Birdae Harry and Hailey'.

"It's not every day that your young man turns eleven, now is it?" The man sits on the couch and pulls out an umbrella. He points it at the long-dead fireplace and produces two bursts of fire into the fireplace.

I put down the cake, "Excuse me, who are you?" I ask.

"Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Course, you'll know all about Hogwarts."

"Sorry, no," Harry replies.

"Never heard of it," I awkwardly interject.

"No? Blimey, Harry, and Hailey, didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?" Hagrid asks.

"Learnt what?" Harry asks.

"Yer a wizard, Harry."

"I-I'm a what?" Harry looks to Hagrid as if he is insane, which he may just be.

"And yer a witch Hailey," Hagrid beams to me.

"What?" I look at the man curiously. A witch? Like in magic?

"A wizard and witch. And thumping good ones at that, I'd wager. Once you two train up a little," Hagrid exclaims.

"No, you've made a mistake. I can't be...a-a wizard. I mean, I'm just... Harry. Just Harry. " Harry stutters like a small child.

"Well, Just Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or scared?" My head pops up slightly, remembering the times the strangest things that had happened. Like when a car was going to run over a cat and something stopped it. Like when Petunia cut both Harry and my hair and both our heads had a full head of hair the next morning. Like Dudley's birthday. " Yer sister has realized it." Hagrid points to me.

Hagrid hands Harry and I a letter. "Dear, Mr.Potter. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" My letter says the same thing except it is addressed to Ms. Potter.

"They'll not be going! We swore when we took him in we'd put an end to this rubbish!" Vernon yells, slightly red in the face.

"You knew? You knew all along and you never told me? You never told us!" I yell at my aunt and uncle, almost seeing red.

"Of course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak! And then she met that Potter, and then she had you, and I knew you'd be just the same, just as strange, just as ... abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up! And we got landed with you." Petunia looks at Harry and I in disgust.

" Blown up? You told us our parents died in a car crash!" Harry yells.

"A car crash? A car crash kill James and Lily Potter?"

"We had to tell them something," Petunia says in a duh tone.

"It's an outrage! It's a scandal!"

"They'll not be going!" Hagrid looks appalled at my uncle's words.

"Oh, and I suppose a great Muggle like yourself's going to stop them, are you?" Hagrid says in a joking tone.

"Muggle?" Harry and I question at the same time.

"Nonmagic folk. This boy and girl have had their names down ever since they were born! they're going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and he'll be under the greatest headmaster Hogwarts' has ever seen: Albus Dumbledore. "

" I will not pay for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic tricks!" Vernon yells.

"Never insult AlbusDumbledore in front of me," Hagrid shakes the umbrella at Vernon. He points the umbrella at Dudley, who is currently eating our cake, and with a flash of light, a pink tail appears on his bottom.

The family screams while Harry and I laugh. "Oh, um, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that. Strictly speaking, I'm not allowed to do magic," Hagrid mutters.

I shake my head and smile, "Alright."

"Ooh, we're a bit behind schedule. Best be off. Unless you'd rather stay, of course. Hmm?" Harry and I look at each other and grin.

"Let's go!' I pull my brother with me, ready to go to a whole new world.

Chapter 5: Diagon Alley


Bro the fic is so cheesy 💀💀💀 but little me was happy with it

Chapter Text

The hustle and bustle of the streets of London hurt my ears immensely. Harry and I hold our own letters. "All students must be equipped with..." I begin.

"One standard size two pewter cauldrons..." Harry continues.

"And may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat, or a toad." We both finish the letter aloud.

"Did anyone tell you that it's creepy..." Hagrid trails off as we continue to walk.

"When we finish each other's sentences?" I ask as he nods. "We've been told that before actually."

Harry looks at Hagrid for a moment, "Can we find all this in London?" I was thinking the same thing.

"If you know where to go," We follow Hagrid to a corner shop. The place is warm and smells of alcoholic beverages and pastries. The Leaky Cauldron's music is loud but soothing.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" The barkeep calls to Hagrid.

"No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helping young Harry and Hailey here buy their school supplies," Hagrid calls out.

"Bless my soul. It's Harry and Hailey Potter," The sound of the soothing music stops abruptly.

A man trudges over to us and shakes Harry's hand and then mine, "Welcome back, Mr. and Miss Potter, welcome back."

A woman comes up to us next and shakes my hand first and then Harry's, "Doris Crockford, Miss, and Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last."

A man stumbles near us in an odd turban on his head. "Harry and Hailey P-potter. C-can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you two." I look at him curiously, why is he faking a stutter.

"Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry, Hailey, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts." Hagrid looks at Quirrell as if he appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, nice to meet you," Harry sticks his hand out to shake Quirrell's hand but the man silently refuses. Harry puts his hand down and I grab it with my right hand.

"F-fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, e-eh, Potter? Hehe," Quirrell once again fakes his stuttering to an extreme, why is he faking?

"Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy," Hagrid says chipperly.

"Goodbye," I stare at Quirrell, making sure he knows that I know that there is something with him.

We walk towards the back room and get greeted by a brick wall. "See, Harry and Hailey, you're famous!" Hagrid says suddenly.

Hagrid taps the brick wall in an odd combination before it shifts and allows us to see a hidden busy street. "Welcome, Hailey and Harry, to Diagon Alley." Harry and I grin as we step on the street. My head jolts to my left as I hear an owl screech. "Here's where you'll get your quills and ink, and over there all your bits and bobs for doing your wizardry."

My eyes trail to a group of boys fawning over a broomstick. "It's a world-class racing broom. Look at it, its the new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet," I raise my eyebrow. Maybe the stories about witches weren't totally off.

"But, Hagrid, how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money," Harry snaps me out of my daze as I realize the truth to his words. We are broke.

"Well, there's your money, Harry. Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T'aint no place safer, 'cept perhaps Hogwarts," Hagrid points to a building that looks almost like a castle.

We walk in silently as Harry and I look around in awe. Inside the bank, keepers seem to be goblins, which makes me squeak in surprise. "Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are those things?" Harry asks quietly.

"They're goblins, Harry. Clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me you two," Hagrid says quietly also.

I murmur to my brother, "I gave you a book about magical creatures that I nicked from Dudley's bedroom last year for Christmas, how come you don't know what they are?"

Harry shrugs as we follow Hagrid, "I just forgot."

"Mr. Harry Potter and Ms. Hailey Potter wish to make a withdrawal," Hagrid looks to the goblin as he looks up.

"And does Mr. Harry Potter and Ms. Hailey Potter have their key?" The goblin asks.

"Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Hah. Here's the little devil. Oh, and there's something else as well. Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which." Hagrid gives the creature a letter wrapped in string and a key.

"Very well."


"Vault six-hundred and eighty-seven. Lamp, please," Hagrid hands the goblin a lamp. "Key please." Hagrid hands him the key. The door is unlocked and there stands piles and piles of gold.

"Woah," I say as I walk into the vault and grab a couple handfuls of gold and put it in my old book bag on my side.

"Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing, now did ya?" Hagrid announces, clearly amused with our reactions.


"Vault seven-hundred and thirteen," The goblin announces loudly.

"What's in there, Hagrid?" I ask him quietly.

"Can't tell you, Hailey. It's Hogwarts business. Very secret," We look at the goblin expectantly.

"Stand back," He says loudly as he his fingers down the door and it unlocks quickly. Inside there is a small brown parcel. Hagrid shuffles over to it and puts it in his pocket.

"Best not mention this to anyone, Harry and Hailey," Hagrid says as we nod.

| |

"We still need..." Harry trails off.

"A wand," I finish.

"A wand? Well, you'll want Ollivanders. No place better. Run along there, but wait. I just got one more thing I got to do. Won't be long." Hagrid replies.

Harry and I hold hands as we walk into the store. Inside there are shelves of wands, but no wizard. A faint glow in a box distracts me for a moment but I brush it off. "Hello?" I yell softly.

A thunk makes me jump as I see a old man on a latter. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you two, Miss and Mr. Potter. It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands." He picks up a wand, "Ah here we are." He hands Harry and I two boxes with beautiful wands. "Well, give it a wave."

We both wave our wands at the same time and shelves crash down. We quickly put our wands back on the counter. "Apparently not," He grabs two more wands and we both wave them and Harry causes a vase to break while I cause a couple wands to fall from their boxes. "No, no, definitely not! No matter..." He grabs two boxes, "I wonder."

He hands us both a wand. Once my wand touches my skin I feel warmth wash over me. "Curious, very curious," Ollivander mutters.

"What's curious?" I ask him quietly.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Miss Potter. It just so happens that the phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand gave two other feathers, just two. One of the other two are in your brother's wand. It is curious that you should be destined for these wands when one of its brothers gave you those scars." Ollivander says darkly.

"And...who owned that wand?" Harry asks quietly.

"Oh, we do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things...terrible, yes, but great," Ollivander hands both of our wands to us as we pay him.

A knock on the window makes us jump as we see Hagrid holding up a snowy owl, "Harry! Harry! Happy birthday!"

"Wow," Harry walks out as I stay.

"Mr. Ollivander?" I look at him.


"What is my wand made out of exactly?" I ask him.

"Vinewood, eleven inches, phoenix feather core. Why do you want to know?" He looks at me.

I shrug, "Just wondered."


"Hailey, do you want to share my present?" Harry asks me kindly, referring to Hedwig.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could pick out my own pet?" I look up to Hagrid as he nods. Harry hands his new pet to Hagrid as I pull him toward the nearest pet shop.

Inside rats tap dance and owls scattered in cages fill the room. Toads croak as cat meow. I stare at the owls with a smile but quickly look down when I hear purring. Rubbing against my leg is an all-black cat with brown eyes.

I pick the cat up and it starts to nibble on my finger. "Excuse me?" I yell slightly as the witch that owns the store jumps.

"Yes, dear?" The witch asks.

"How much for this kitten?" I ask politely.

"I'll tell you what dear, that cat is too young to be rejected by multiple people. I believed that she would never like a witch or wizard, so I'll give her to you for free, no charge." The witch says kindly.

"T-thank you!" I say happily. I spot a black cat carrier. "How much for the cat carrier?"

"One galleon."


We sit in a dim room eating. "You all right, Harry and Hailey? You two seem very quiet." Hagrid interrupts our daze.

"He killed our parents, didn't he? The one who gave us this. You know, Hagrid, I know you do," I kick Harry's leg for being so rude.

Hagrid sighs and pushes his bowl away, "First, and understand this, Harry and Hailey, 'cause it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V-...his name was V-..."

"Maybe if you wrote it down?" I say with a kind smile.

"No, I can't spell it. All right. His name was Voldemort." He says lowly.

"Voldemort?" Harry says very loudly.

Hagrid shushes my brother, "It was dark times, Harry, dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em. Nobody...not one. Except you two." Hagrid finishes the story.

"Us? Voldemort tried to" Harry announces bewildered.

"Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry. Neither is that cut on your hand, Hailey. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse...and an evil curse at that." Hagrid says quite darkly.

"What happened to You-Know-Who?" I ask.

"Some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there, still, too tired to go on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why you're famous, Harry and Hailey. That's why everybody knows your names. You're the twins who lived."

Chapter 6: Trains and a Mysterious Platform

Chapter Text

The last month has been peaceful, to say the least. After we got the first letter, Vernon moved us to Dudley's second bedroom, unfortunately, we both forgot when we tried to grab our Hogwarts letters.

Dudley has been afraid of us. Well, he has been more scared of my brother. Harry has been teasing him while I just try to comfort the oaf afterward.

Our aunt and uncle have left us alone, probably half scared and half furious at us. For the last month, they have acted as if any chair we sat in was empty.

I sat on my bed as Harry sat on his. I was currently reading my potions book. I lay on my stomach with my feet in the air, crossing at the ankles. Midnight, my cat, lay on my right side as my left-hand flips the pages of the book.

Harry was reading Hogwarts: A History but I had already memorized that book. Hedwig sat in her cage in the corner of the room. Midnight is supposed to be in her cat carrier but I couldn't leave her in a small carrier like that.

Yelling pursues as I quickly put my potions book in my trunk and Midnight in her carrier. It's the first of September and Vernon is taking us to King's Cross train station, only because they are getting Dudley's tail removed.

It was currently seven o'clock and finally, our trunks were in the car. Petunia tried to have Dudley sit by Harry, "I don't want to be near him!" He yells.

I roll my eyes and switch places with Harry and Dudley immediately calms down.

The car ride was plain dreadful. Petunia looks nervously at Harry and I throughout the entire trip. Finally, at half-past ten, Harry and my trunks were put on to two different carts. "Well, there you are boy and girl. Platform nine --- platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have it built yet, do they?" He was right.

There wasn't a platform nine and three quarters. "Have a good term," Vernon says nastily as he turns around and walks away without a word.

We turned to the Dursleys and all three laugh and drive away. What on Earth are we going to do now?

I stopped a passing guard, trying to find the train. Of course, I couldn't say platform nine and three quarters. I couldn't even tell him what part of the country it is in! He started getting annoyed as if I was acting stupid on purpose. Harry asked where the train that leaves at eleven o'clock is and the guard said there isn't one. He strutted away, muttering about 'time wasters'.

He and I were getting desperate. It was ten minutes to eleven and we don't know where to go, have two carts with trunks we can barely lift, a cat and owl, and two sacks full of wizard money. And then we heard our saving grace, "Packed with muggles of course!"

"Muggles?" I say hopefully, knowing some wizard slang. I turn around to see the speaker was a plump woman who was with four boys and a girl, all with flaming red hair. One boy had a owl! "Harry, let's go!" I push my cart to follow them.

They stopped and so did we, "Now what was the platform number?" The plump woman asks.

"Nine and three quarters!" The small girl says as she holds the woman's hand. "Mom can't I go?"

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. Alright, Percy, you go first. What looked to be the oldest brother marched towards platforms nine and ten. Within a second he was gone. "Fred you next!"

"I'm not Fred, I'm George." Said the boy. "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother. Can't you tell I'm George!" The boy says as Hailey snickers. He was playing his mother.

"Sorry, George, dear."

"I'm only joking, I am Fred," The boy runs and within a second after he hits the barrier, he disappears. The twin, that looked exactly like Fred follows his brother.

Harry and I run forward to the redheads. "Excuse me!" I yell as I pant for breath slightly.

"Hello, dears," The woman says. "First time at Hogwarts?" We both nod. "Ron's new, too." She points to the last male redhead.

"Yes," I start. "The thing is ---- the thing is, we don't know how to ---."

"How to get on to the platform?" We nod slightly. "Not to worry, all you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between nine and ten."

Wait but if it's platform nine and three quarters, wouldn't it be slightly to the right?

"Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best to do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron." She smiles kindly.

"Er...okay," Harry replies.

"Good luck," The small girl says to Harry. Harry ran straight, even if he wanted to stop, he probably couldn't. Within moments he disappears.

"Alright, now you dear," The mother says kindly as I nod and run at the barrier. I close my eyes as I feel myself go through the wall. I look around to see a hidden station with a scarlet steam engine. I smile as I spot Harry and we start walking.

"Gran, I lost my toad again."

"Oh Neville."

"Give us a look, Lee, go on."

We go on the train and find a empty compartment at the back of the train. I slip Midnight in first as Harry slips Hedwig in. I try to pull my trunk but it doesn't budge, Harry is having the same problem. "Want a hand?" A twin we saw earlier asks.

"Sure, you're George right?" I smile as he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Blimey, how did you know my name?"

I shrug, "I heard your conversation with your mother."

"Yes but how did you know that I was George and not Fred?" George asks.

"You have a more high pitched voice," I say casually as the twin brushes it off.

"Oi, Fred! C'mere and help!"

With the twins' help we are able to get our trunks in the compartment. "Thanks," Harry and I say.

"What's that?" Fred points to my left hand and then at Harry's forehead.

"Blimey, " George says, "are you two.."

"They are!" Fred yells, "Aren't you?"

"What?" Harry and I say at the same time.

"Harry and Hailey Potter," The twins chorus.

"Oh him," Harry says quickly. "I mean yeah, I'm him."

They look to me, "Yeah I'm Hailey," I look to the ground embarrassed.

"Fred, George, are you there?" The plump lady's voice carries.

"Coming, mum!" With one last look the twins run off the train. Harry and I look out the window.

"Ron, you've got something on your nose," She runs the end of his nose with a handkerchief.

"Mum, geroff," Ron whines as he wiggles free.

"Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" Fred asks.

"Shut up," I laugh slightly at the fight, Harry is laughing also.

"Where's Percy?" Their mother asks.

"He's coming now," There strode the oldest, already dressed in his robes.

"Can't stay long, Mother," Percy says. "I'm up front, the prefects have two compartments to themselves."

"Oh you're a prefect Percy?" George asks. "You should have said something, we had no idea."

"Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it once," Fred begins.

"Or twice," George smiles.

"A minute," Fred continues.

"All summer," George finishes.

"Oh shut up," Percy the prefect yells.

The mother kisses Percy on the cheek and he leaves. "Now you two, this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've..... you've blown up a toilet or-"

"Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet."

"Great idea mum, thanks."

"It's not funny. And look after Ron!" The mother says.

"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins a is safe with us," George says while grinning.

"Shut up."

"Hey, mum, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?" Fred yells. Harry leans back, not wanting to be seen, but I still stay near the glass. "You know that black-haired boy and the red-haired girl who was near us at the train station? Know who they are?


"Harry and Hailey Potter!"

The little girl squeals, "Harry Potter! Oh, mum, can I go on the train and see him. Mum oh please," She begs.

"Well looks like you have an admirer Harry," I smirk as he rolls his eyes.

Chapter 7: A New Friend

Chapter Text

"You've already seen him, Ginny, and the poor kids aren't something you goggle at in a zoom. Are they really, Fred? How do you know?" The plump woman asks Fred, one of the twins.

"Asked them. Saw their scars. They're really there, like lightning," Fred practically fangirls.

"Poor dears, no wonder they were alone, I wondered. They were so polite when they asked how to get onto the platform," The mother says sadly.

"Never mind that, do you think they remember what You Know Who looks like?" Fred grins evilly.

"I forbid you to ask them, Fred. No, don't you dare. As though they need reminding of that on their first day of school," The mother scolds.

"All right, keep your hair on."

A whistle sounds as the mother forces her clan of gingers, except the little girl, onto the train. I watch as the girl and mother leave and sigh, if only. "Anyone sitting here? Everywhere else I full," The youngest redhead mutters awkwardly.

"You're Ron right?" I ask politely.

"Blimey, how'd you know that?" He asks me curiously.

"Well your brothers called for your mom, and your mom introduced us to you as well," I smile, internally asking how stupid he is if he doesn't remember something that happened ten minutes ago.

"Hey Ron," The twins were back. "Listen we're going down the middle of the train, Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."

"Right," Clearly he doesn't like spiders. I take Midnight out of her carrier and stroke her.

"Harry, did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. Hailey, you seem to have figured out our lives anyways. See you later then!"

"Bye," The three of us say at the same time. The twins leave, sliding the compartment door closed.

"Are you two really Harry and Hailey Potter?" Ron blurts out, quite rudely. We nod, "Oh well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes. Have you really got ----- you know..."

With one hand he points to my left hand and with the other, he points to Harry's forehead. I lift my dominant hand as Harry lifts his fringe, both revealing our scars that we didn't know the true meaning behind for years. "So that's where You Know Who.."

"Yes, but we can't remember it," I smile gently.


"Well I remember a lot of green light but nothing else," Harry speaks.

"Wow," Ron stares at us for a moment before I raise an eyebrow. He jumps and looks out the window in embarrassment.

"Are all your family wizards?" Harry asks Ron.

"Yes, I think so. I think Mom has a service cousin who's an accountant hut we never talk about him."

"So you must know loads of magic already!" I join in the conversation. He clearly is part of the old wizarding families, like that one boy told us about. What was his name again? Dragon?

"I heard you live with muggles, what's that like?" Ron looks at me while asking the question.

"Horrible, well not all of them," I say, its true not everyone is mean.

"Our aunt and uncle and cousin are, though. I wish we had three wizard brothers." Harry continues my previous statement.

"Five," Ron says. "I'm the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I've got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left, Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy's a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they're funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it's no big deal, because they did it first. You need to get anything new, either, with five brothers. I've got Bill's old room, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's rat," Ron pulls out his rat and I have to stop Midnight from eating him.

"His name's Scabbers and he's useless, he rarely ever wakes up. Percy got an owl from my dad for being made a prefect, but the couldn't aff... I mean, I got Scabbers instead." I nod, knowing what it means to not be able to afford things.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" A woman asks nicely.

"No, thanks, I'm all set," Ron grimaces at his mushed up sandwich.

I smile as I pull out a handful of coins, "We'll take the lot!"


The lady quickly piles the food in our compartment, as if I would change my mind. I smile as Midnight looks up lazily and stares at the food.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?" Harry stares at the candy.

"They mean every flavor! There are chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver, and tripe. George swore he got a bogey-flavored one once!" Ron shudders at the thought.

I pick up a blue and gold package, "These aren't real chocolate frogs, are they?" I know I sound stupid the moment I hear my own sentence.

"It's only a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 meself." Ron smiles, proud of himself. The chocolate frog jumps on to the window after I open the package and jumps out the window. "Oh, that's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with."

"Hey, I've got Dumbledore!" I say excitedly.

"I got about 6 of him."

Harry points to the card, "Hey, he's gone!"

"Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?" Ron says as Scabbers squeaks loudly, "Pitiful, isn't he?"

"Just a little bit," I say kindly.

"Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow. Want to see?" Ron asks. Harry and I nod. He clears his throat, "Suns-"

A girl with bushy brown hair and buck teeth walk into the compartment. "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one."

"No," Ron looks at her like she's crazy.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then," She crosses her arms at the boy.

Ron clears his throat, "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" The box Scabbers was nibbling on flies away.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple spells myself, and they've all worked for me. For example..." She walks over to Harry and sits down. "Oculus Reparo," His glasses fix themselves, the tape disappearing. He takes them off, "That's better, isn't it?" Harry puts back on his glasses, pushing back his hair. "Holy Cricket, you're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger...and you are...?"

"Ron Weasley," Ron says with a mouth full of food.

"Pleasure," Hermione grimaces. "And I can assume that you are Hailey?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I say quietly.

"You three better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon." She starts to walk away, "You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know? Just there. " Ron scratches at his nose.

I excuse myself and go get changed.

Chapter 8: Meeting a Brat and Sorting

Chapter Text

Darkness surrounds us as we pour out of the train, "Right, then! First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy! Come on now, hurry up!" A bug man we know as Hagrid yells. We all stride towards Hagrid, Harry and I with big smiles on our faces. "Hello, Harry. Hello, Hailey."

"Hey, Hagrid," Harry and I say in unison.


"Right then. This way to the boats! Come on, now, follow me!" Hagrid bellows as he leads us to multiple boats.

Harry, Ron, and I all sit in a boat together. We stare up at the castle in front of us in awe. "Wicked," Ron smiles.

We jump out of the boats once we hit the shore and basically run into the castle. A female with a tight bun taps her fingers on a banister as she stares at us. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule-breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup," The woman announces.

"Trevor!" A young plump boy runs out of the crowd as people snicker around him. "Sorry." He fades into the crowd as I try to find him, he seemed pretty nice.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," The woman says before walking off.

"What the?" Someone screams as I turn around. Dozens of ghosts appear. I hear Harry gasp as I smile, I read Hogwarts: A History and actually remembered it, so I knew about them.

"My dear Frair, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name you know, he's not really even a ghost," The ghost sees us all just staring and him. "I say, what are you all doing here?"

"New students!" Says a plump ghost the other was just talking to, "About to be sorted, I suppose?" Some of us nod, Harry and I are some of them. "Hope to see you in Hufflepuff! My old house you know. The ghosts fly away as I just grin.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry and Hailey Potter have come to Hogwarts." A familiar voice says behind us. I turn around to see a boy I met at Diagon Alley, I smile and wave. His grey eyes look at me for a moment before settling on the scar I am famous for. Children mutter our names. "This is Crabbe and Goyle," He nods to the two large boys, "and I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy."

Ron snickers at his name, "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley. Well soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potters. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco extends his hand to Harry.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," Harry says coldly.

Draco glares at Harry and turns to me. Before he can ask if I want to be friends the black-haired witch slaps him on the shoulder with a paper. "We're ready for you now," The doors open and she leads us to the great hall.

I look up at the enchanted ceiling, "It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Hermione informs me.

"Yeah I know, I read it," I smile as I reply.

There on a four-legged stool sat an old tattered hat, I smile as I remember what it is but Harry looks confused. "Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find, a smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, your top hats sleek and tall, for I'm the Hogwarts Sorting hat and I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, so try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart. You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just loyal, those patient Hufflepuff are true and unafraid of toil. Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you have a ready mind, Where those of with and learning, will always find their kind. Or perhaps I Slytherin you'll make your real friends, those cunning folk uses any means to achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands, though I have none, for I'm a Thinking cap!" The hat finishes singing and everyone claps.

"When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger," The lady announces.

"Oh, no. Okay, relax," She whispers to herself.

"Good luck," I smile as she goes up.

"Mental that one, I'm telling you," Harry nods as I punch him and Ron in the arm.

"Ah, right then...hmm...right. Okay...Gryffindor!!" The hat yells. Hermione grins as the hat is taken off her head and skips off to the Gryffindor table.

"Draco Malfoy."

The hat barely even goes on his head before, "SLYTHERIN!"

"There isn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Ron states to Harry and I.

"But Merlin himself was a Slytherin so it shouldn't be so bad!" I mutter to the two boys as Ron stares at me for a moment.

"Susan Bones."

Harry and I stare at a professor with greasy black hair looking at me in particular. I grasp my hand as Harry grasps his head as a searing pain goes through our bodies. "Harry, Hailey, what is it?" Ron asks.

"Nothing," I glare at Harry to make sure he understands. "We're fine." He nods as we put our attention back to the hat.

"Ronald Weasley." Ron gulps as he walks over to the hat.

"Ah! Another Weasley. I know just where to put you...Gryffindor!!" The hat bellows as it touches Ron's head.

"Harry Potter." The room goes quiet as Harry steps up.

Harry sits there for a good three minutes with the hat on his head until, "GRYFFINDOR!!" The crowd erupts in cheers.

"We've got a Potter!" The twins yell happily over the crowd. I look to them and laugh, forgetting I haven't been sorted yet.

"Hailey Potter."

I walk up and the hat is put on my head. "Another Potter! You are even more difficult. You are brave, not afraid to threaten your enemies. You are loyal to the ones you love. You are cunning and determined in the things that you do. You also seem to have a photographic memory.." The hat rambles.

"Just put me where you think I belong," I mutter to the hat politely.

"Where I think you belong eh?" The hat says as if it's amused. "Better be then, SLYTHERIN!" If I thought the Gryffindor table was loud, it seemed like Slytherin was a close second.

The green children welcome me, probably happy they got a Potter. I look to the Gryffindor table only to see Harry staring at me.

Great, we're divided.

Chapter 9: Professor Dumbledore

Chapter Text

After everyone was sorted Dumbledore stands up, "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are, Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you," everyone clapped as he sat down.

My eyes widen as, on the empty platters, food appears. Harry and I were never starved but we never get to eat as much as we'd like. I pile food on to my plate with a grin, "Blimey, when was the last time you ate?" A dark-skinned boy asks me as he eyes my plate.

I shrug, "I have never this much food," I smile at the boy as he glances at my left hand.

"I'm Blaise Zabini," He sticks out his hand and I shake it.

"Hailey Potter, but I guess everyone knows that huh?" I look at him while he chuckles.

"Yeah, at least you don't have to introduce yourself to everyone!" He excitedly announces.

"Yep," I drink from my goblet. Pumpkin juice is the best.

"Oh right," Blaise taps another boy's back. He turns around and stares at my left hand immediately. "This is my friend, Theo."

"Theodore Nott," he sticks his hand out and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you," I smile as I eat some chicken.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filchhas asked me to remind you that the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house should contact Madam Hooch. And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song! Pick your favorite tune!" Dumbledore says happily.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts. Teach us something please, whether we be old and bald or young with scabby knees. Our heads could use some filling with some interesting stuff, for now, they're bare and full of air, dead flies and bits of fluff. So teach us things worth knowing bring back what we forgot. Just do your best, we'll do the rest, and learn till our brains all rot."

Everyone ends at different times, finally leaving Fred and George singing a very slow funeral march. "Ah music," Dumbledore says as he wipes his eyes, "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"

"Slytherins follow me!" A female yells as Blaise, Theo, and I stand up at the same time. We follow the prefect as we make our way to the dungeons. "Hey, you never answered my question," a voice behind me whispers in my ear that makes me jump.

"Oi Malfoy, what are you doing?" Blaise runs his eyes annoyed.

"Just seeing if Potter and I are going to associate with each other Zabini," Draco says cooly.

"Malfoy," I start as he looks at me, "I haven't decided."

He nods, "Alright, see you around Potter," he slightly sneers.

"Prat," Theo mutters underneath his breath.

"Well you're not wrong," I say as I chuckle.

"Alright kids, listen up! The password for the common room is Pureblood." The female and male prefects say in unison.

After they say the password the dungeon common room opens up, revealing a greenish room. There are windows showing the lake, a tentacle from a squid showing. The fire is red and gold but it doesn't change the odd room.

"Boys dormitories to your left." The male prefect says.

"Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up." The female says.

When I see my bed I immediately flop on it, two giggles make me lookup. Two females of my age look down to me, "I'm Aimee Prewett, Pureblood," She smiles warmly.

"I'm Andie Travers, Pureblood," She also smiles warmly.

"Hailey Potter," They giggle in response.

"We know!" They say together.

"Well we ought to go to sleep," Andie sighs.

"Yeah," Aimee mumbles.

"Is it alright if I let my kitten out in the room?" I ask them as they nod.

I go over to the cat carrier and open it, immediately being greeted by my black cat. She stares at my roommates and makes a noise like growling. I shush her and walk to my four-poster bed, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

Chapter 10: Swish and Flick

Chapter Text

The news had already spread like wildfire. Harry Potter, my brother, is the youngest Quidditch seeker in a century.

I run after my brother as I spot him and Ron walking. "Hey, guys!" I say happily. My black robes slightly turn to my side since I've been running.

"Hey Hailey," Ron mutters, avoiding my gaze.

"Hey," Harry also avoids my gaze.

"Congratulations on getting on the Quidditch team!" I exclaim.

"Er, thanks," Harry replies.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do." Ron says as he gestures to Hermione.

"Who doesn't?" Harry and I say in unison. The staircase shudders and begins to move. The four of us grab the railings.

Ron screams as Hermione gasps. "What's happening?" Harry asks.

"The staircases change, remember?" The staircase finally stops moving.

Harry taps Ron's shoulder, "Let's go this way."

"Before the staircase moves again," Ron agrees. We all enter a dark room, my eyes dart side to side to make sure there isn't danger.

"Does anyone feel like...we shouldn't be here?" My raven haired idiot of a brother asks.

"We're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden," Hermione reminds the boys as I keep my wand drawn.

Suddenly, a flame lights on a tall stone torch. At that moment, the caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris comes running in and meows. "Let's go." The cat meows.

"It's Filch's cat!" Ron exclaims.

"Run!" I yell as I pull Hermione with me. Flames light as we run, showing Filch where we basically are.

Harry tries to open the door, "It's locked!"

"That's it, we're done for!" Ron whines, as if he is on the verge of tears.

"Oh, move over!" I pull Harry and Ron away from the bright witch. With a point of her wand, "Alohom*ora," the door opens with a creak. "Get in."

"Alohom*ora?" Ron questions the girl.

"Standard book of spells, Chapter seven," I reply as I look in the darkroom. This place gives me the creeps and I don't like it.

"Filch is gone." Hermione sighs in relief.

"Probably thinks this door's locked," Ron quickly reminds us.

"It was locked," I remind him as he slightly sinks as if I deflated his balloon of happiness.

"And for good reason," Harry mutters as we all look up to see a three-headed dog sleeping. Just our luck that once Harry says that, the dog begins to wake. It growls and yawns before noticing us. We all scream as we bolt to the door. We close the door and have to battle the dog.

"I'm going to my common room, bye guys," I pant as I straighten my robes.

"See you later Hailey," Hermione replies.

"See you 'mione." I run to my common room and collapse onto a green armchair.

"Where have you been?" Draco's voice slightly echoes in the room.

"Battling a three-headed dog that is guarding a trap door," I reply calmly.

Draco gives me a strange look before walking away, shaking his head.


I sit next to Blaise as Flitwick begins to teach us the levitation spell. "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" The familiar girl with bushy brown hair raises hers. "Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone."

We all repeat, "Swish and flick."

"Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." Flitwick almost says as if he will be amused.

I look around at everyone who is attempting to complete the spell. Draco even seems to have trouble with it. I notice Hermione is scolding Ron for doing it wrong. I concentrate before using my wrist to swish my wand, "Wingardium Leviosa," I flick my wrist and my feather rises in the air.

Hermione seems to have done it at the same time, "Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Granger's done it! Looks like Ms. Potter has gotten it too! Oh, splendid!" Flitwick says happily.

"Blimey, I got to have you tutor me," Blaise says as I look at him.

"The spell isn't that difficult though. Like professor Flitwick said," I demonstrate with my wand. "Swish and Flick." Blaise attempts it, "See? You're a natural," I say kindly.

An explosion makes me jump. There sits Seamus, all sooty again. "I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor," Harry says meekly.


Harry and a couple of other students walk into the courtyard. I storm over to my brother and pull him by the ear. "What was that for?" He asks angrily.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I ask him in a low tone.


"What have you been avoiding me, brother?" I look at him as he tries to divert his eyes. "It's because of Slytherin isn't it?" I look at him, pissed off.

He nods, "Ron said that Slytherins are almost always evil."

"And you believe a git?" I ask point blankly.

"I-i," Harry stutter.

I pull out my wand and fiddle with it. "We were supposed to be doing this together, please at least acknowledge my existence!"

"Hailey, I'm really sorry," Harry looks down to the ground.

"It's fine, Harry." I sigh as I walk away.

"Its leviosa not leviosar. Acknowledge my existence brother! They both are nightmares! No wonder they don't have any friends." Ron says angrily as I push past them both at the same time as Hermione. We both run to the girl's lavatory and start crying.

"I," I hiccup slightly," am going to kill that red-headed dimwit."

"Get in the back of the line," Hermione slightly smiles.


I wipe my tears onto a toilet paper sheet and open my door. I look forward to see thick long legs. I look up warily to see a troll. Backing up slowly, I attempt to hide in my stall. The troll raises it's club and smashes the tops of the stalls.

I hear a scream, "Hermione!" I yell as I crawl over to her and raise my wand.

Sounds of steps echo through the bathroom, "Hermione and Hailey, move!" Harry yells.

The troll destroys the remaining stalls, "Help, help!" Hermione screams.

Harry and Ron start throwing the broken pieces of the stall. "Hey, pea-brain!" Ron throws a piece of wood directly at the troll's head.

With it distracted I pull Hermione with me to hide underneath the sinks but, the troll notices us. He swings his club and destroys the sinks making Hermione scream once more. "Help!" Hermione yells as I continue to grip my wand and think of a good spell for this occasion.

Harry pulls out his wand and jumps on the troll's club and is lifted up. He somewhat screams as he lands on the troll's head, being hurled forward and back, eventually getting his wand up the beast's nose. Ron slightly cringes at the sight.

The troll gets Harry off his head and holds him by the foot. The troll raises it's club and tries to hit Harry, but misses every time. "Do something!" Harry yells as he avoids being hit once more.

"What?" Ron looks around confused as Harry once again ducks.

"Anything!" Harry yells as he doesn't get hit again.

"Ron!" I yell, my hands cupped around my face.

"Swish and flick," Hermione demonstrates with her hand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron's spell makes the club float in the air. I smile, at least my brother isn't dead. The troll looks at the club in confusion as it hurdles down and hits him in the head. The beast falls with a loud groan.

I pull Hermione up as we look at the troll warily. "Is it dead?" Hermione asks.

"I don't think so. Just knocked out." He pulls out his wand from the troll's nose, "Troll bogies," he says, disgusted.

Suddenly Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrell all run in the lavatory. "Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, both of you!" She points to my redhead acquaintance and my raven-haired brother.

"Well, what it is.." Harry and Ron stutter.

" It's my fault, Professor McGonagall," Hermione steps forward as the teachers, the two boys, and I gape at the bushy-haired brunette.

"Ms. Granger?" McGonagall says in surprise.

"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry, Hailey, and Ron hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead." Hermione says, convincing the teachers because, why would their top student lie?

"Be that as it was an extremely foolish thing to do." I glance at Snape to see him hide a large cut on his leg. "I would have expected more rational behavior on your part, Ms. Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you two gentlemen and you Ms. Potter, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full-grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck. " McGonagall walks away, along with Snape.

"Perhaps you ought to go...M-might wake up...heh." We all exit, leaving the man alone. I stare at him for a moment, still wondering why he is faking stuttering.

Chapter 11: New Spells and Harry’s First Game

Chapter Text

"Malfoy, I heard you screamed your head off when you found out there was a troll," I write in my notebook as I notice the blond boy.

"It was hilarious," Blaise grins as I smile warmly. I have spent the last two hours working on a spell of my own design.

"How's the spell making going?" Nott asks curiously. Everyone in Slytherin that are in first year know I am making my own spells, which means I get asked that question every five minutes.

"Let's try it," I close my notebook and pull out my wand. Draco sits on the sofa as I stand. Using the basic wand movement, I yell, "Gelata bulla," at a book sitting on the ground. Immediately the book gets surrounded by jelly.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Nott asks.

"Well, yes. I need to see if it's what I wanted it to be though." I walk over to the jelly bubble. "Incendio," I quietly say as fire releases from my wand onto the pink jelly. The jelly engulfs the fire and stays the same. "Finite incantatem." The jelly withers away from the book.

"Hey, that's my potions book!" Draco rushes over and grabs the book in haste.

I chuckle and co*ck my head as I stay sitting, "I know."


I eat my breakfast in haste, it's Harry's first quidditch game and it's against Slytherin. "Now don't go cheering for the lions, remember we are your house," Nott scolds me.

"Oh please, she can cheer on anyone she wants. Now if she cheers the wrong team, whether or not people will shun her is a different story," Blaise sips on his tea.

A owl screeches and I look up to see the familiar snowy owl. In one swoop she drops off a package and flies to Professor McGonagall. "I'll be back," I say half-heartedly as I sprint to my brother.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are already opening the package. I put my palms on the Gryffindor table and stare. Whispers of a 'snake' at the lion's table reach my ears but I just shrug it off. "It's a broomstick!" Harry exclaims.

"Well no duh," I giggle as the three look at me, acting like they didn't know I was there.

"That's not just any broomstick, Harry. It's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron says excitedly.

"But who?" Harry looks to me as I point to the dark-haired teacher. She smiles as she strokes Hedwig and Harry nods.


"It's not fair! First years aren't allowed their own brooms!" Malfoy yells as we reach the common room.

"They also aren't supposed to be on the team but my brother seems to have gotten past that rule," I look around the green room.

"If Potter gets a broom I should to! It's just not fair!" Draco whines as I roll my eyes.

"Malfoy can you shut it? You are getting on my nerves," Blaise rubs his temples.

"I still say it's not fair," Draco storms to his sleeping quarters in a huff.

Theo pokes ahead into the common room, "Is he gone?"

"He went to go complain in his room," I grab my notebook and start scribbling words that could become spells.

"Oh, well better than nothing," Theo sits in a black armchair.


The Gyffindor and Slytherin teams zoom into the pitch as I cheer for both teams, just the Gyffindors quieter. "Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" The crowd cheers as Lee Jordan finishes announcing the two teams. The players make a circle around Madam Hooch. "The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game."

Hooch kicks a case and releases two enchanted balls, "The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." Hooch throws the Quaffle upwards, "The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!"

Gryffindor takes possession of the ball and a chaser, zooms past Slytherins towards their goal, and throws the ball, and scores. The sound of a ding echo through my ears. "Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" The scoreboard updates, 10-0 Gyffindor.

I smile as I see Hagrid in the Gryffindor stands, clapping. "Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint." Flint dodges people and throws for the Gryffindor hoops. Oliver Wood then appears and whacks the ball away with his broom. He smirks at Flint, who glares. Johnson and another chaser pass the Quaffle back and forth as they strategize to score. Johnson takes it, throws, and once again scores. "Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" The scoreboard once again updates, 20-0 Gyffindor.

"Yay!" I could swear I heard the people I the Gyffindor stands yell out.

The Slytherins decide to try and score other ways. They dodge, kick, and try to score. Once again, Oliver blocks their attempts. Flint then grabs a beater's bat and directs a bluger at Wood. The ball hits hik in the stomach and he falls to the ground. The Gryffindors boo. As Aimee and Andie, who are sitting next to me, cheer.

"You guys do know that what he did could be considered cheating, right?" I look at both girls.

"It's not cheating," Andie smiles as she looks to me.

"Unless the referee says it is," Aimee finishes as she also gives me a smile.

Two people box Johnson in and sent her into the capes covering one of the towers. She falls down in and is out. The crowd boos. Slytherin scores once again. Suddenly, Harry whips his head around. He starts to head off, flying after something, and then his broom starts bucking and turning.

"What's going on?" Andie gasps as my brother holds on for dear life.

"I don't know," I reply as I stand up.

"Oi, where do you think you're going?" Aimee asks me with confusion.

"I'm going to check it out." I immediately run to the teacher's stands. Only a powerful witch or wizard could mess with a broom. I spot Hermione as she also goes to the same place. "Hey 'mione, any idea who's doing this?"

"Snape," She simply replies as she walks over to where his black cloak is. "Lacarnum Inflamarae," a spark goes out of her wand and the cloak catches on fire.

"Fire! You're on fire!" Someone yells as Snape turns attention away from Harry. My brother swings back ontk his broom and follows the Slytherin seeker. I run back to my friends and sit down.

"Where did you go?" Andie asks me kindly.

"Not important," I reply quickly as I look at the game. Harry rams into the Slytherin Seeker, then is butted out. He returns, smashing the Seeker again as the Snitch dives. The boys follow, but they approach the ground quickly. The Slytherin Seeker backs out, and Harry pulls up his broom as he follows the Snitch, feet above the ground. Harry stands up, and steps forward, trying to grab the ball. He goes too far, and topples off the broom with a yelp, tumbling on the ground. He gets up and lurches.

"Is he going to barf?" Aimee asks, concerned.

"I don't think so," I reply as I stare at my brother. He coughs quickly and holds a golden orb, the snitch.

"He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Lee announces.

Hooch blows her whistle, "Gryffindor wins!"

Gryffindors scream, happy that they finally won a match. Slytherins boo, mad that they lost a match. "No!" Draco whines.

"But he didn't catch it," Flint yells angrily, "He swallowed it!"

I smile at Harry as he looks up to me. He smiles back and I realize that this win means so much to him.

Chapter 12: A Talk With Hagrid and Christmas

Chapter Text

"Nonsense. Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" Hagrid exclaims as we walk with him.

"Who knows. Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" My dark-haired brother announces stupidly.

I walk over to Harry and quickly slap him in the back on the head. "You can never keep a secret, can you brother?" I growl as he looks apologetically.

Hagrid looks around for a moment before asking, "Who told you 'bout Fluffy?"

"Fluffy?" Ron looks alarmed.

"That thing has a name?" Hermione stares at Hagrid in shock.

"It's a creature Hermione, not a thing," I correct the girl as she stares at me for a moment.

"Well, of course, he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the..." Hagrid trails off.

"Yes," Harry looks at our large friend in excitement.

"Shouldn't have said that. Don't ask any more questions. That's top-secret, that is." Hagrid scolds himself immensely as I just sigh. We are so close but it seems we are farther away than ever.

Harry rolls his eyes slightly, "But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it!"

Hagrid brushes Harry off with only a few sentences, "Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher."

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a curse when I see one. I've read all about them. You have to keep eye contact. And Snape wasn't blinking," Hermione glares at Hagrid slightly, wanting to get her point across.


Hagrid sighs as he looks at us, "Now, you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddlin' in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Hagrid widens his eyes as he let something slip.

"Nicholas Flamel?" I ask the man in a curious manner.

"Shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that. I should not have said that" Hagrid walks off as he mutters to myself.

"Nicholas Flamel...Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asks all of us.

"I don't know," Hermione mutters. I rack my brain as I try to remember where I heard the familiar-sounding name but sigh as I realize I can't remember.


I groan as I hear Malfoy at it again. Whenever he is in the protection of Snape he always bullies my brother, and today is no different. "Hey Potter, didn't you say you aren't going home for Christmas?" Draco, clearly amused, announces loudly.

"I don't think that's any of your business, Malfoy," Harry spits venom at him.

"Draco," I growl. "I would listen to what I would say around me if I were you."

"And what would you to me?" Draco says, amused.

I pull out my wand in one quick movement. "I have been meaning to test out a hex of my own design, if you act out too much then you are going to get the hex, it being faulty or not." I glare at him as he visibly gulps.

I finally think that he has stopped but nope, "I feel so sorry." He stares at me with a look of fear in his eyes but he continues anyway. "For all of those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home," He stares at Harry.

The two goons laugh as I growl lowly. "Os claudatur obsignato," I point my wand at his face and he goes to open his mouth, but it's sealed. "Sorry, I couldn't stand your discussion with my brother, Malfoy," I smirk as he glares at me.


We walk out of the Potions classroom as I laugh at one of Ron's jokes. The corridor seems to be blocked by a large fir tree. The huff behind it tells us that it is Hagrid behind the tree. "Hi, Hagrid, want any help?" Ron asks nicely.

"Nah, I'm all right, thanks, Ron."

"Would you mind moving out of the way?" Malfoy snaps, unfortunately, I had to release him from the hex after class started. "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself what you leave Hogwarts, I suppose. That hut of Hagrid's seems like a palace compared to what your family's used to." I try to raise my wand but Ron already tackles the blond.

"Weasley!" Snape's voice rings out. Ron releases the boy.

"He was provoked, Professor Snape," Hagrid says. "Malfoy was insultin' his family."

Snape sneers, "Be that as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid." He says silkily. "Five points from Gryffindor, Weasley, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along, all of you."


"Queen to E-five," I say as Ron scowls. He is trying to beat me in chess.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione diverts my attention from the chessboard.

"That's wizard's chess. I see you've packed." Ron states as he sees her luggage.

"See you haven't." Hermione points out.

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" Ron says proudly, his eyes glisten in happiness.

"Good. You can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione smirks.

"Thanks, for that, I'm not going to help him." I sigh in relief as I just look at the chessboard.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron whines at me.

"Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas." Hermione smiles and leaves.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her," Ron states as I nod. "And why can't you help your brother, Hailey?"

I shrug, "Maybe because I spent eleven years of my life with him and his crazy conspiracies and want a break."

"Fair point."


I wake up to the glare of the morning sun. On the foot of my bed, there are multiple presents. Wait, presents? "Happy Christmas Hailey!" Aimee says happily as she sits on the edge of her bed.

"I've got presents!" I say happily as I stare at them.

"What did you expect, a toothbrush?" Andie chuckles as she rolls off her bed onto the ground.

I grab the top present, a small parcel that is wrapped in thick paper. Tearing through it easily, I uncover a beautiful box that seems to be a wand case. Looking at the tag, I notice it is from Hagrid. "Hey, Hails?" Aimee announces to me after I run my fingers over the wooden case.


"Those aren't the only presents you have," She says slyly. Her head gestures to the side of my bed, where a big black parcel sits. I grab it and lightly tear it, afraid something sinister may fly out. Inside the package are bags and bags of crisps and other junk food. I look curiously at the tag.

I heard from Blaise that you don't get much to eat at home so I decided to charm some muggle food for you. They never empty so hopefully, you won't be going hungry. Also, I hope you enjoy the necklace as well, it is underneath the chocolate.

I dig in the package until I reveal a gorgeous engraved snake in a circle that is inside a triangle on a chain. Both the girls gasp, "Who's it from?" Andie asks as she eats a sugar wand.

"Malfoy," I respond as the two girls squeal. I shrug off their weird behavior and return to my gifts. Opening one then the other the gifts pile up. Hermione got me the book Great Expectations, a book I desperately wanted to read. The Dursleys gave me a fifty pence piece, which made my two female friends gawk. A lumpy gift held an odd-looking knit sweater with the letter H on the middle. It's an odd shade of pink with the H being a gorgeous shade of gold. Looking at the note, I notice it is from Mrs. Weasley, Ron's mom.

Hello Dear. Ron told me that you wouldn't be getting much from your own family, so I made you something. I hope you like it.
-Mrs. Weasley

I take the gift and pull it over my head. The smell of the fabric makes me think of freshly made cookies. "What's that?" Andie asks as she sits on my bed and looks at the presents I have already unwrapped. I quickly open it to reveal a silver piece of fabric. "Oh, I've heard of those!"

"What is it?" I ask her curiously as I stare at the fabric.

"If it is what I think it is then it can be really valuable, right Andie?" Aimee says as she munches on chocolate frogs from Andie.

"Okay, but what is it?" I ask both of them.

"I think it is an invisibility cloak! The only way to find out is that if you try it on!" Andie says excitedly as she sneaks an every flavor bean from Fred. She scrunches up her nose, "Brussel sprouts."

I chuckle as I pull the cloak to my body. "We were right!" Aimee claps her hands together. "Hailey look down!" I look down to see my entire body invisible. I gasp as I pull off it. "Is there a card?"

"Found it!" Andie grins as she hands it to me.

Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.
A Very Merry Christmas to you

"So, who's it from?" Aimee asks.

"I don't know," I hand Andie the note. "It doesn't say."

"That's odd," Andie mutters as she keeps rereading the note. I sigh as I unwrap the remainder of my gifts. A basket of wizard candy from Blaise, a wizard mood ring from Theo, a simple note from Harry, a box of chocolate frogs from Ron, a picture of Andie, Aimee, and I that is moving from Andie, and two boxes of every flavor beans from Aimee.

I get out of bed and pull on a pair of ripped up jeans and keep the sweater on. I slip the necklace onto my neck and slip-on worn shoes. "Happy Christmas guys," I smile.

"Happy Christmas Hails!" Andie exclaims as she sits on her bed. I smile, this is the best Christmas ever.

Chapter 13: Visions and a Mirror

Chapter Text

I am in a circular room, a mirror is in the middle. A boy and a girl are standing in a doorway hand in hand. The redheaded girl gasps, as I notice the boy has black hair and the girl has red.

A man stares at the mirror, a turban on his head. "It was you!" The boy yells.

My vision fades as I realize it is a dream.


"I can't believe that I decided to go with you, Harry," I grumble as I have my cloak over my right arm.

"Shush, we need to find out who Nicolas Flamel is!" He whines as he tries to inform me of stuff I already know.

I growl as I try to fight my sleep-deprived aggression," Fine, you owe me a couple of chocolate frogs."

Harry whines slightly, not wanting to give up his food. "Fine," he grumbles. "We should go."

I slip the cloak over both of us as we walk to the library. As we reach the restricted section Harry grabs a lantern. "Be careful, we don't need to get caught," I mutter. Harry pulls the cloak off and puts it on a table along with the lantern.

"Famous Fire Eaters... Fifteenth-Century Fiends...Flamel...Nicholas Flamel...where are you?" Harry mutters as I roll my eyes, if we get caught because of this idiot, I'm killing him. Harry picks up a book and opens it, only to be greeted by a screaming book. Harry closes it quickly and slams it back on the shelf.

"Who's there?!"

Harry grabs the cloak and makes the lantern smash on the ground. I curse loudly as I know that voice. We start to creep around the man known as Flitch. "Who is it? Show yourself!"

We run away only to be greeted by Mrs. Norris. She meows as we run again, only to be greeted by two of our professors.

"Severus...I-I thought.." Quirrell fakes a stutter.

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell," Snape threatens the fake stuttering man.

"W-what do you m-mean?" Quirrell asks.

"You know perfectly well what I mean." Harry breathes loudly as Snape looks straight at us. Did I jinx it when I said I would kill him if we were caught? Snape reaches out his hand as we walk backward. "We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie."

"Oh, Professors." Filch appears. "I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." The professors run off, leaving Harry and I alone.

We walk around the halls and escape into a room as Flitch searches for us. A mirror stays in the middle of the room, Harry and I inch forward. "Mum? Dad?" He says as I stare at him in confusion. I see a blond male hugging two redhead females and a blond boy.

"Harry, mum, and dad aren't here," I mutter.

"Hailey, what do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't see them," I reply. Why can my brother see something I can't?


"Blaise!" I run over to him and hug him as he hugs me back.

"Nice to know I'm liked," Theo grumbles behind my dark-skinned friend.

I giggle as I wiggle out of Blaise's hug and go hug Theo. "Thanks for the mood ring," He chuckles as we stop hugging.

Blaise stares at me for a moment," How did you like your gift?"

"The candy looks awesome Blaise, thank you," I smile at him.

"Did Malfoy get you anything?" Blaise narrows his eyes as I look at him in confusion, not knowing why that matters.

I smile even through my confusion, "He got me some enchanted muggle food." Blaise cracks up laughing, probably at the thought that Draco actually went to a muggle store. "What, he did. They will never run out." I run my hand across the snake necklace, smiling slightly.

Blaise shakes his head, "Never thought that Malfoy would set foot in a muggle store."

"He probably had a house-elf get the stuff," Nott pitches in.

"You're probably right...hey, where did you get the necklace Hails?" Blaise notices my favorite present if I would forget the invisibility cloak, of course.

"Oh," I blush slightly. "It was a gift."

Nott smirks, "Got an admirer at eleven," He nudges me. I push him so he stumbles away.

Blaise's eyes darken slightly, "Who gave you the necklace Hailey?"

"Draco, I don't understand why that's important Blaise," I stutter slightly at the angry child.

"I'll be right back, see you Hails," Blaise storms out of the common room.

I turn to Theo, "What happened to him?" I look at him in confusion.

Theo shakes his head, "You'll understand when you're older." He walks away as I just stand there.


I sit on the green sofa, my feet propped up with a pillow from my room. My hands hold a book as my eyes glance at the words on the book to the black lake. Shuffles interrupt my moving eyes. "Malfoy?" I run to the blonde who is holding his jaw. I hadn't seen Blaise or Draco for the welcome back feast for the people who left for the holidays.

His eyes widen as he looks into my worried eyes. "Hey Potter, I need to go," He tries to walk away but I grab his wrist.

"What happened?" I growl as I stare at him. Nobody hurts my friends, even if he is a jerk most of the time.

He keeps glancing at the dormitories for the boys. "That's not really the point," He tries to remove my hand from his wrist.

"Who hurt you Draco?" I look to him, confusion sweeps over myself as I stared at his scared self.

We both turn to the doorway as Blaise walks in. He freezes as he sees Draco and Draco tries to remove my grip again. "Let me go, Potter," I loosen my grip on the boy and he walks away.

"Blaise," I look down, not wanting to look up. "What did you do?"

"He tried to one-up me," His eyes darken. "It is one thing to one-up me in class, but with a Christmas gift? That's worse than anything I can imagine."

"So you hurt him?" I look at him, mad that he tried to hide this.

"Hails I-"

"Accio basket," I open my hand as the basket flies to my hand. "There, now it doesn't matter."

"Hailey," Blaise mutters.

I drop the basket, "I'll see you in class Zabini."


I wordlessly walk away, sure Blaise and I have become friends in the last few months. But, nobody messes with my friend and I'm not going to be friends with someone who messes with them.

Chapter 14: Mirror of Erised

Chapter Text

I stand there, staring at the sight in front of me. Harry had given up trying to show Ron and I, our parents but I kind of wanted to see them. And who is the blond man?

"Back again, Hailey?" Dumbledore announces as I turn around quickly. Am I going to be expelled? "I see that you, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is."

I nod, kind of getting the gist. "So it shows us our desires, like our biggest dream. It gives us what we want."

"Yes...and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this, Hailey. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Hailey, and forget to live," I look back to the mirror and smile. My smile widens as behind the blond stood a female with my hair and a male with Harry's. The man wears glasses like Harry. The female has eyes of Harry while I have the male's eyes.

They are my parents.

"I am done," I slam my book on the library table. I have been trying to help my brother and Ron study for the exams, but they have gotten to thick in the head.

Ron and Harry stare at me, "What did we do?" Ron asks.

My eyes narrow, "You two," I point at both of them. "Completely forgot everything from potions, transfiguration, and some of defense against the dark arts."

"It's not our fault," Harry whines slightly. "We just haven't gone over the stuff we learned at the beginning of the year."

I roll my eyes, "No, you haven't studied since the beginning of the year." I pick up my book so I can continue to study. "Just study yourself."

Hermione walks over and slams a large book onto the table. "I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked this out a few weeks ago for a bit of light reading."

Ron looks at Hermione, "This is light?"

She glares at him, "Of course! Here it is! Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"

I look up, remembering the stone. "Oh yeah, I remember reading something about the Philosopher's Stone."

"The what?" Harry and Ron exclaim at the same time.

I roll my eyes, "Honestly, don't you two read? Like at all?"

Hermione decides to pretend not to hear my bickering with the two boys. "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal."

"Immortal?" Ron says curiously.

"It means you'll never die," She informs the redhead.

"I know what it means!" Ron raises his voice.

Harry shushes Ron instantly, awaiting for Hermione's next words. "The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his six-hundred and sixty-fifth birthday!" That's what Fluffy's guarding on the third floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Nope!" I say as I put my school book back into my bag. I stand up and push in my chair.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harry asks almost gently.

I turn around from my walk to the entrance of the library. "If you want to risk your life trying to chase something that may not even be true, but I value my life." I turn around only to stop, "Oh!" I walk back to the table and hand a package to Harry, "I tried to duplicate the cloak best I could. Use it well." I turn around and let the library.

Chapter 15: Following the Idiot Trio

Chapter Text

"I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable," Hermione says as we walk. I nod, they were quite easy when you have a good memory.

"Speak for yourself. All right there, Harry? Hailey?" Ron reference to us both clutching our scares. My hand burns but, it seems Harry has had it worse.

"My scar. It keeps burning," Harry slightly sighs.

Hermione points out the obvious, "It's happened before."

I slightly snort at the statement, "Not like this."

"Perhaps you two should see the nurse."

" I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming," I nod as hear music coming from Hagrid's hut. "Oh. Of course!" Harry and I sprint towards the hut

Hermione runs after us, "What is it?"

They had informed me about the dragon a few weeks ago, "Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?" The music gets louder as the tune seems oddly familiar.

Harry continues my thought, "I Mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before? Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg?"

The music stops abruptly, "I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." I want to facepalm.

"The stranger, though, you and he must have talked." I try to get Hagrid to say something.

"Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him. I said, after Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem."

"And did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asks in caution.

Hagrid huffs, "Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three-headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him. I said the trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep." We all gasp as he realizes his mistake. "I shouldn't have told you that." We starts to run off, "Wait!"

We barge into McGonagall's classroom, I trail behind the trio. She may be nicer to her house then a snake anyway. "We have to see Professor Dumbledore, immediately!" Harry exclaims.

"I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London," She says calmly, not knowing the dire situation.

"He's gone?! Now? But this is important! It's about...the Philosopher's Stone," Harry says too much to the teacher.

McGonagall looks shocked, to say the least, "How do you know?"

Harry continues to try, "Someone's going to try and steal it."

McGonagall straightens slightly, "I don't know how you four found out about the stone, but I can assure you it is perfectly well-protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly."

We all walk out, "That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy," Harry says lowly.

"And with Dumbledore gone," Hermione says.

Snape appears behind us as we all jump. "Good afternoon. Now, what would three young Gryffindors and one young Slytherin, such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?"

"Uh...we were just..." Hermione stutters like crazy.

"You want to be careful. People will think you're," He stares at Harry and I, my brother glares at him as he glares back. "Up to something."

He walks away and immediately, "Now what do we do?" Hermione asks.

"We go down the trapdoor. Tonight." Harry says and then stares at me.

"I'll think about it," I cross my arms. I don't like this at all. Not at all.

"Ow! You stood on my foot!" I smirk, I know that voice.


Flames start to light. I reach for them and tap at one of their shoulders. "Hey, guys!" They all gasp. "Looks like I wanted to help out the idiot trio.

"Alohom*ora." Hermione's voice says as they take off the duplicate cloam and we all walk in.

Chapter 16: I Hate Plants

Chapter Text

"Wait a minute," Ron looks at a now snoring three-headed dog.

"He's... sleeping," I mutter in surprise.

Harry snaps me out of my daze, "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp," He points to the harp playing a beautiful tune. I would have loved to just sit there and listen.

"Uh. It's got horrible breath," Ron groans as we get a full whiff of the dog's breath. It isn't horrible, not as bad as Dudley most of the time.

Harry and I look at each other for a moment, "We have to move its paw," we say in unison. It always freaks people out when we speak in perfect sync, and from the looks of the two children, it freaks them out too.

"What?" Ron asks in the most annoying tone ever.

"Come on!" Harry and I say in unison once more. I grab the paw, the pad of the foot in particular. Harry and Ron also grab the foot while Hermione gets closer to the claws. "Okay and push," we slightly groan as the creature's foot is very heavy. Maybe he should eat less kibble. As we finally get the paw off the door, we immediately open it. "I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign." My attention slightly leaves Harry's hero speech as I notice the harp has stopped playing the wonderful music. My eyes widen, "If something bad happens, get yourselves out...Does it seem a bit...quiet?"

I nod, "The harp. It stopped playing."

A big glob of drool hits Ron's shoulder, to his dismay. I scrunch up my nose in disgust, now this smell is worse than Dudley, way worse. "Ew! Yuck! Ugh.". We all look up to see the growling three-headed dog, his teeth bared in the most frightful way.

"Jump! Go!" Hermione jumps in, then Ron, then myself, and lastly Harry. The barks echo through the entryway of the trap door. We yell until we hit a black, rope-like, mushy plant.

"Oh no," I murmur, if I'm correct, this is devil's snare.

"Whoa. Lucky this plant-thing is here, really," Oh Ron, how incredibly stupid you are.

"Whoa," Harry gawks at the plant in wonder before it moves towards the four of us. Harry and Ron struggle as Hermione and I refrain from doing so.

"Stop moving!" I yell to the two boys, they don't seem to listen.

"Both of you. This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster." Hermione informs them.

"Kill us faster?" Ron squawks. "Oh, now I can relax!" Hermione and I smile as we are sucked down because of our lack of movement.

"Hermione! Hailey!"

"Now what are we going to do?" Ron whines, Hermione and I stare at the devil's snare, not knowing what to do.

"Just relax!" Hermione and I announce in unison.

"Hermione, Where are you?" My brother's voice asks, echoing slightly in the enclosure of the dingy halls.

"Nice to know I'm forgotten, brother," I mutter, mad that he didn't ask about me.

"Do what I say. Trust me," Harry falls through the devil's snare soon afterward.

"Ahh! Harry!" Ron yells as Harry hits the ground, "Harry!"

"Are you okay?" Hermione asks as she looks to Harry.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Harry assures her.

I slap him in the back of the head, "thanks for asking where Hermione was but forgetting about me," I growl.

"Help!" Oh right, I forgot about Ron.

"He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione says with worry, do I smell a possible couple when we get older? Nah, probably not.

"Apparently not," Harry concludes.

"Really, what was your first clue?" I say sarcastically.

"Help! Help me!" Ron quit your whining, you are elevenish for crying out loud!

"We've got to do something!" Hermione says, but do we really?

"What?" Harry asks, clearly he doesn't pay attention in herbology.

"Uh! I remember reading something in Herbology. " I motion my hand to try to encourage the smart brunette, if we both did the right spell, it may be more effective. "Um Devil's Snare, Devil's Scare..."

"it's deadly fun...but will sulk in the sun," I announce, getting agitated. Hermione is supposed to take care of these two imbeciles.

"That's it! Devil's Snare hates sunlight!" Hermione pulls out her wand as I pull out mine.

"Lumus Solem!" We announce together. A beam of light shoots out. The Snare shrieks and recoils. Ron falls below to us.

"Ron, are you okay?" Harry asks.



Ron stands up, "Lucky we didn't panic!"

I roll my eyes, "Lucky Hermione and Hailey pay attention in Herbology." Harry reminds the red-haired idiot.

A sound of metal wings interrupts our conversation, "What is that?" Hermione asks cautiously.

"I don't know. Sounds like wings." We make our way into the room where millions of creatures fly around.

"Curious. I've never seen birds like these," Hermione murmurs.

"They're not birds, they're keys," I say fully shocked, in this world, you see crazy things every day.

"And I'll bet one of them fits that door." We notice a flying broom suspended in the air.

What is this, a test. If it were made for us then the first test may have been for Hermione and this one is most likely for Harry. If so, then I wonder if Ron and I will get tests. Will this test for Harry be as dangerous as the devil's snare?

Chapter 17: Harry It’s Time to Fly

Chapter Text

"What's this all about?" Hermione asks curiously.

"I have no idea," I reply, looking around at the room. Thousands on flying keys litter the air, their metallic wings clicking ever so slightly in the echoing room.

"Alohom*ora!" Ron points his wand at the door, but it doesn't open. "Well, it was worth a try." Ron shrugs.

"Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!" She gestures to the keys.

"We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle." Thank you, Ron, for your help.

We all look around, "There! I see it!" Harry points to a rusty key. "The one with the broken wing"

Harry goes over to the broom but hesitates. "What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione asks, yeah what's wrong Harry? Don't be idiotic, we need the key to save the world from Voldemort!

"It's too simple," He murmurs, we all look past this persona, he is afraid.

"Oh, go on, Harry! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest seeker in a century!" Ron urges Harry, I guess little Won-Won isn't a horrible friend to my dorky brother.

Harry only nods. To my glee, he mounts the broom, and immediately the keys dart toward Harry in an angry swarm. He glides in the air, trying to evade the wrath of the keys. "This complicates things a bit!" Ron yells.

I roll my eyes, "You think?"

Harry grabs the key as we make our way towards the door. "Catch the key!" He yells. He zooms by and throws the key to Hermione, who catches it and heads for the lock while Harry distracts the other keys. Hermione puts it in the lock.

"Hurry up!" Ron yells. I punch him in the arm, we don't need to anger the 'Mione. She gets the door open and we run through, Harry flying of course, and slam the door before the keys can attack.

"Nobody will believe that we were attacked by flying keys, I mean nobody." I pant as I speak.

"Shut up Hailey!" Ron says in almost a whisper. I chuckle as I look at our situation, hey we are alive at least. This room is really weird though.

Broken pieces scatter the ground as smoke is in the air. The room is a little too dark for my liking. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all." Hermione slightly whimpers.

"Same," I reply as I continue to walk.

"Where are we? A graveyard?" Harry asks, maybe I can't see at all so I can't tell you.

"This is no graveyard," Ron sighs. "It's a chessboard." We walk onto a floor and the room illuminates in a beautiful way. Giant chess pieces stay in their respective places.

"There's the door!" Harry says as we start to walk to the door, only to be stopped by the pieces. The put up their swords, stopping us in our tracks.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asks.

"Isn't it obvious?" I say to the brunette.

"We've got to play our way across the room," Ron says.

Well our lives are on the line, again. Yay.

Chapter 18: Ron’s Finest Moment

Chapter Text

"All right. Harry, you take the Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the Queen's side castle. Hailey, take the Queen's square. As for me, I'll be a knight." Ron and everyone else scurry off to their position. I sigh as I look around, this has got to be the most frightening predicament in my life.

"What happens now?" Hermione slightly yells, not that I blame her. This room is huge, probably bigger than the Slytherin and Gryffindor common rooms put together.

"Well, white moves first, and then...we play, " Ron says stiffly, He is terrified, even I could tell someone that.

Hermione looks around, "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like...real wizard's chess, do you?" I roll my eyes, this is supposed to protect a powerful stone, of course, it will be exactly like wizard's chess.

"You there! D-five!" A black pawn moves forward, a diagonal shot from a white pawn. The white pawn raises it's sword and destroys the black one. "Yes, Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess, " the game continues, making me on edge. Every move Ron makes his plan clearer and clearer, "Castle to E-four, " Another piece is lost. If he is trying to kill himself, this is not the way to go. "Pawn to C-three," The white queen smashes the pawn and we all wince, Ron more than everyone else. The queen turns as Harry finally notices Ron's big plan.

"Wait a minute," Harry mutters.

I shake my head at my oblivious brother, "I see you figured his plan out, brother. "

"You understand right, Harry. Once I make my move, the Queen will take me...then you'll be free to check the King, " My heart sinks as I realize my idea of his plan was correct.

"No, Ron!" Harry yells!

"What is it?" Hermione asks, clearly confused. I guess even the smartest of witches can be stupid at times.

Harry looks at me with panic in his eyes, "He's going to sacrifice himself!"

"No, Ron, you can't!" Hermione yells, Ron closes his eyes, as if awaiting his fate. "There must be another way! "

"Do you want to stop Snape or not?" He faces my brother, also gesturing to me," Harry, Hailey, it's you two that have to go on. I know it. Not me, not Hermione, but you two." A tear escapes my eye as Harry and I nod. "Knight to H-three. "

Ron's horse moves forward and then slides, "Check." The queen turns and advances to Ron. It raises it's weapon, as if I will receive glory. It hits the horse and Ron goes flying.

"Ron!" Hermione yells but I stop her with a quick hex before she can go over to the red-haired hero.

"NO! Don't move! Don't forget, we're still playing, " She nods and walks back. Harry walks over to the king, his head held high. "Checkmate." The King's sword clatters on the ground as the sound of breathing is only heard. We all rush to our fallen comrade. "Take care of Ron. Then, go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right...we have to go on, " I nod at my brother's words.

"You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard, you really are. You will be okay too, Hailey. You seem to be better at problem-solving than me sometimes. " Hermione looks to us while speaking.

"We both aren't as good as you, " Harry compliments her.

She smiles, "Me? Books and cleverness? There are more important things. Friendship, and bravery. And Harry, Hailey, just be careful." We nod and walk off, knowing that Ron is in good hands.

Chapter 19: Hailey’s Test

Chapter Text

"Do you think Ron will be alright Hailey?" Harry asks me in a slightly scared tone, not that I blame him. I am terrified of what may happen.

I shrug as we walk, "He'll be fine." I look around, "We've had Sprout's, that was the Devil's Snare. Flitwick must have put a charm on the keys. McGonagall transfigured the chess pieces to make them alive, so that leaves..."

"Snape's and Quirrel's," Harry continues as we walk. Suddenly a horrid stench fills our nostrils as we groan, almost unable to take the stench. We pull our robes to our noses as we look at an unconscious troll lying on the floor. "Glad we didn't have to fight that one." Harry jokes.

I roll my eyes, "C'mon, I can't breathe." As we pull open the next door, neither of us want to step into the dimly lit room. I squint as I see seven different vials on a table. "Snape's," Harry says. "What do we have to do?"

We both step into the room, a fire springs up behind us, making me jump. The fire makes me gawk at its beauty, the fire is a deep shade of purple. This purple and it's alluring color distracts me for only a moment however, then I finally notice that we are trapped. "Hey check this out," I grab a piece of parchment that is rolled up. "Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind, two of us will help you, whichever you would find, one among us seven will let you move ahead, another will transport the drinker back instead, two among our number hold only nettle wine, three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line, choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore, to help you in your choice, we give you these clues four, first, however slyly the poison tries to hide you will always find some on nettle wine's left side, second, different are those who stand on either end, but if you move onward, neither is your friend, third, as you can see clearly are all different size, neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides, fourth, the second left in the second on the right are twins once you taste them so different at first sight." I smile, Snape is brilliant.

"What is this supposed to mean?" Harry asks cautiously.

"Brilliant, " I say. "This isn't even magic. It requires wit, it's logic, it's a puzzle. Unfortunately, a lot of the greatest people don't use their brains very much so they would probably wither and die here!" I smile at the piece of parchment, my head of house is very clever. I never suspected Snape as the one trying to steal the stone, this even proves it. He wouldn't bother with the riddle, especially if he had to have one of Voldemort's followers go down here if need be.

Harry looks around, "So will we, won't we?" Harry, you underestimate my brain constantly.

I snort, "Oh of course not, I'm too smart for that. And plus, everything we need to have is on this parchment. Seven bottles, three are poison, two are wine, one will get us through the black fire," I point to the intimidating fire that will allow us to go forward. "And one will allow us to go back through the purple."

Harry looks around, confused. Oh my poor idiotic brother, "But how do we even know which one to drink?"

"One moment," I mutter as I stare at the paper then at the bottles. If I look at the bottles from left to right, the first one cannot be wine. The second clue tells me that the first and last bottles cannot be poison. The third talks of size and not death so that means the biggest and smallest ones are not poison. The fourth tells me of the second and sixth potions are the same potion, so they cannot be the way to go back or move forward since they are not unique. Since they are twins and only have two, that means that they are the nettle wine. The bottles to their left are poison, so one and five. I suspect the other poison must be right next to one of the wine's so either three or seven. Glancing at the paper I smile, seven is the way back so that means the poison is three. One, two, three, five, six. Seven is the way forwards, four is the way backward. "Okay got it, the smallest one will take us forward while the rounded one will take us back," I point to the two bottles.

Harry looks at the tiny bottle, "You think that is enough for both of us?"

I only nod, "It has to be." He sold from the bottle, immediately shuddering. "Its like ice isn't it? I researched this kind of potion before classes." I take a sip and Harry and I both walk into the flames. I hold Harry's hand as we look into a fire lit room, a mirror is in the middle. But not just any mirror, the mirror of Erised. I gasp as I see a familiar teacher. No, my suspicions of him were correct, even if it was just a gut feeling. He stares at the mirror, a turban on his head.

"It was you!" We yell in unison. He turns around, Professor Quirrel I am going to murder you I swear.

Chapter 20: Meeting The Man Who Must Not Be Named

Chapter Text

"You?" The man we both know as our teacher turns around. My grip tightens around my brother's thin hand. "No. It can't be...Snape. He was the one"

Quirrell sneers at my brother, his eyes only sending my shaking form a first glance, "Yes. He does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to me, who would suspect, p-p-poor s stuttering Professor Quirrell?" I narrow my eyes, I should have mentioned that his stuttering was fake to someone.

Harry's eyes widen, making you almost see the cogs turning, trying to comprehend what was going on. "B-but, that day, during the Quidditch Match, Snape tried to kill me."

Quirrell snorts as my brain tries to comprehend a dilemma that I just realized. "No, dear boy. I tried to kill you! And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded, " He starts to mutter as if he is going insane. "Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse."

Harry looks like his brain is hurting him with all the new information. I am shaking, remembering the dream I had during Christmas. My dream came true, and it's happened before. Once, I dreamt that Aunt Marge was coming to visit and her dog would chase Harry up a tree, it happened. Then there was the time I dreamed of our birthday, the one that changed our lives. "Snape was trying me?"

Quirrell smirks with an evil glint in his beady eyes, "I knew you two were dangers right from the start. Especially after Halloween."

My eyes widen, oh my god, "Th-then you let the troll in! " I already know this, but I might as well play the dumb girl to throw him off my scent. I'm onto you Quirrell.

Quirrell nods, "Very good Potter, yes. Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While everyone else was running to the dungeon, he went to the 3rd floor to head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again. He rarely left me alone." Quirrell then turns back to the Mirror of Erised, instantly both Harry and my scars hurt. My brother clutches his head in pain while I wrap my nimble fingers of my right hand onto my scared left. "But he doesn't understand. I'm never alone. Never. Now...what does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone. But how do I get it?" The crazy man mutters to himself, making me inch towards one of the many exits available.

"Use the boy, he is weaker. "

Weaker? My eyebrows furrow, where did that voice come from? And how did they know that I was stronger, even if I'm not anyways? "Come here, Potter, now!" Quirrell yells at my brother as he shakily walks towards the man with a voice in the back of his head, literally. "Tell me. What do you see?"

Harry stares at the mirror, gasping only a few seconds later. My eyes trail to my brother's form, immediately seeing the pocket with a bulge in it. "What is it?! What do you see?! Potter, you tell me what you see! " Quirrell glares ate while I walk forward. Inside the Mirror of Erised is once again the same picture. My parents on either side of each other, a man with silver hair along with a small boy with silver hair, but now there is something new. There I stand, in robes that are rarely used for wizards who do not teach.

Harry fumbles at his words as Quirrell waits for my response, "I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup."

"He lies."

My brain quickly finds a suitable lie, hopefully tricking the mysterious voice, "I seem to be helping students, I am a professor."

"She lies. "


Quirrell becomes angry, "Tell the truth! What do you see?!"

"Let me speak to them. "

Quirrell's face becomes worried, "Master, you are not strong enough."

"I have strength enough for this."

Quirrell unwraps his turban and on the side opposite his face, another face is planted. A face of someone who appears kind of like a snake. He stretches out and faces Harry and I, using the mirror to see us. "Hailey and Harry Potter. We meet again."

Harry's eyes widen as my body stands its ground. My face remains neutral, I expected him to be here. I didn't expect it to be so easy to find him. There is only one possible reason why he is even alive since we destroyed his body. He has a Horcrux. "Voldemort, " Harry and I speak in unison, my voice being steadier.

Voldemort recoils at his own reflection, "Yes. Do you see what I have become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something, that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket!" Harry turns and runs towards an exit as I just stand there, it's not like he will let us leave anyway, so what's the point in running. "Stop him!"

Quirrell snaps his fingers as I grab my wand, fire is spreading to every doorway, and my brother will get burned if he's not careful, "Gelata bulla!" A jelly Iike substance stops the fire going towards the last exit.

"Expelliarmus!" Quirrell shouts as my wand flies out of my hand. The jelly spell immediately wears off and the last entrance is filled with fire.

"Don't be fools! Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?!"

Harry and I shake our heads in defiance, "Never!" I run to my brother and hook my hand into his grasp.

"Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, Hailey, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back." The Mirror of Erised shows us our parents. I clench my free hand, they are gone. They can't be brought back. "All I ask for is something in return." Harry takes the stone out of his pocket. It is a glimmering sight and in any other situation, I would marvel at the sight. My eyes widen as my mouth seems not to want to speak, Harry can't give the stone to him! "That's it, Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone!" Our parents vanish.

Harry snaps out of his trance. He wasn't bewitched, he was dreaming of a life with our mother and father. A life that will never happen because of the 'man' before us. "You liar!"

Voldemort, fed up with us says, "Kill them!"

Quirrell soars into the air and smashes into Harry, one hand on Harry's throat. I get thrown to the side where I become useful by searching for my wand in the dust and rubble. Harry and Quirrell fall to the steps. The stone falls out of Harry's reach as Quirrell chokes him. Harry strains and squeaks. Suddenly, Harry puts his hand on Quirrell's, trying to get him off. Smoke furls from under his hand. I smile as I find my wand, I safely tuck it away and run towards my brother and evil teacher.

Quirrell backs up, his hand dissolving into black dust. What is going on? Finally something I can't answer! "What is this magic?"

"Fool! Get the stone!"

Quirrell begins to walk towards us. I nod at Harry as we both run to Quirrell and put our hands on the professor's face.

Quirrell backs up, then his face, which is horrendously burned, crumbles as he walks forward. His whole body is ash. He falls to the floor. Harry and I look at our own hands and Harry hurries over to the stone. He picks it up and sighs when he hears something. I grip my wand, ready to attack anything. Turning, Harry and I see a dust cloud with Voldemort's face. The cloud rushes forward, going through Harry and I.

Harry and I scream as we fall. My eyesight diminishes as I see the one person I wanted to see in my cloudy vision, "Professor Dumbledore. " I croak.

"Ssh, rest Hailey, " The man soothes as I fall into an unconscious state.

Chapter 21: End The Year

Chapter Text

I wake up, my eyes filled with a blinding light. Sitting up, I glance at my surroundings. Piles of sweets and treats are on my table. "I see that you are awake."

My eyes dart to the voice, only to see Professor Dumbledore. "Professor, what happened?"

Dumbledore glances at my gifts, "Well it seems that your admirers have given you gifts to make you feel better."

I shake my head, "That's not what I meant, but what admirers?"

Dumbledore smiles, "What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows." He looks to my sweets again, making me stare at open packages of chocolate frogs, "Ah, I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs."

"Is Ron alright? What about Hermione? Where is my brother?" I bombard the elder with questions about the well being of my friends.

"Mr. Weasley is alright, and Ms. Granger was the one to alert me of Voldemort's being in the dungeons. Your brother is currently residing on the bed to your left," Dumbledore points to a bed that is in fact occupied by my brother. "He has not regained consciousness yet."

I nod my head, happy that my brother is alright, "But, what happened to the Stone?"

Dumbledore smiles warmly as he calmly strokes his beard, "Relax, Nicholas Flamel and I had a little chat. We have destroyed the stone."

My eyes widen, "But Flamel, he'll die, won't he?"

Dumbledore sits on my bed, "He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order. But yes, he will die."

"I'm guessing that Harry was only able to get the stone because he didn't want to use it, correct?" I look at the man who looks surprised.

He nods, "That is correct. Only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it. That is one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and me that's saying something." I only nod, he is a brilliant man.

"And I'm guessing that Voldemort's will try to find other ways to return, right?" I guess.

"Another correct assumption. " I smile. "Hailey, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him?" I shrug. "It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark. "

"Love?" I guess.

Dumbledore nods, his beard moving slightly, "Love." He stands up and goes to Harry's bed as he seems to be regaining consciousness.


Harry and I walk to a room, only to see our two friends mutual. "Hermione!" I yell as I run to the bushy-haired female.

"Hailey!" I hug the girl, probably squeezing her a bit too tight. I release the girl and look at my redheaded friend.

"Ron, you were very brave, you know that? Your parents will be proud," I smile at him as he smiles back.

Harry looks to Ron, "All right there, Ron?"

Ron nods, "All right? You?"

Harry shrugs, "All right. Hermione?"

Hermione smiles, "Never better."


I sit in the great hall with the Slytherins. Draco is sitting to one side of me while Andie is sitting on the other. Aimee is sitting straight across from me. We are joking about how I helped the Gryffindors. The great hall is decorated in green because we won the house cup.

McGonagall rings a bell and we all stop conversations, "Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points." I clap for the Gryffindors. "Third place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two points." I clap again. "In second place, Ravenclaw, with four hundred and twenty-six points. And in first place, with four hundred and seventy-two points, Slytherin House." Everyone at my table erupts in cheers.

Dumbledore smiles, "Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last-minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, sixty points." Everyone claps for the amazing witch. Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years...sixty points. And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house seventy points. And, fourth to Ms. Hailey Potter, for using pure wit and cunning nature. And the ability to solve the toughest of puzzles, fifty points.

"What? I only got fifty points and my brother got more? That's totally unfair!" I pout.

Draco pats my back, "We still are in first place." My smile brightens. That's right because four hundred and seventy-two plus fifty is five hundred and twenty-two. Gryffindor had three hundred and twelve points, so plus one-hundred and ninety points that's only five hundred and two.

Dumbledore continues with his speech, "And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award thirty points to Neville Longbottom."

"From all I heard, he was just a bother, " I mutter, making Pansy snigg*r.

Immense cheering erupts. Neville is unbelieving and sits there while cheering gets louder. Draco is angry, along with myself.

Dumbledore finally is about to finish his speech, "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of direction is in order." He claps at the banners that were once green are now scarlet and gold. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!"

Everyone cheers except for my table. Even I am slightly angry. I worked just as hard as those guys but got fewer points. It's completely unfair.


I look at Hagrid as he yells, "Come on now, hurry up. You'll be late. The train's leaving. Go on. Go on. Come on. Hurry up."

I follow my brother and Hermione to the train. As 'Mione and I get on the train Harry hesitates, "Come on, Harry." Hermione says.

Harry brushes us off, "One minute."

He talks with Hagrid for a few moments before getting handed something. He walks back and shows me. I gasp, its a picture of our parents.

Hermione looks around, "Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?"

Harry smiles, "We're not going home."

I shake my head as I agree with my brother, "Not really."

Chapter 22: Hedwig, Please Shut Up

Chapter Text

I scrunch my nose as my hands grasp my ears from the hollering of Uncle Vernon. The Dursleys woke up in the early hours of the morning to Hegwig's screeching. Since my ears are covered, I could only make out one sentence of Vernon's loud words, "Third time this week!" I sigh as I eventually remove my hands from my ears, it won't stop the yelling anyways. "If you can't control that owl, it'll have to go!"

I roll my eyes but keep quiet, the Dursleys have been kinder to me than Harry recently. Maybe it's the fact that I don't tease Dudley, saying I am going to bewitch him. Maybe it's because my animal isn't nearly as loud, and stays out of trouble. "She's bored. She's used to flying around outside. If I could just let her out at night-"

My uncle interrupts my twin it a rude tone, "Do I look stupid?" I secretly think of an answer. Yes, you do. You look more like an idiot then when Ron tries to fill his face with chicken. "I know what'll happen if that owl's let out."

Harry opens his mouth to speak as Vernon and Petunia look at each other with the same dark look. Harry is about to utter his first vowel Dudley belches in a disgusting way. "I want more bacon!" He demands loudly.

"There's more in the pan, sweetums," I swear, my aunt looks like she adores this boy's weight. He is probably two times over his should be weight and his parents don't even care. Why should I care anyway, he is a brat. "We must build you up while we've got the chance. I don't like the sound of that school food."

Vernon only scoffs at his wife, "Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I went to Smeltings," Vernon expects his wife to swoon, which she does. "Dudley gets enough, don't you son?"

Dudley grins, his chubby cheeks already filled with food looks to me, "Pass the frying pan!"

I go to give the pan to him but Harry stops me, "What's the magic word." I almost drop the pan. Glancing at Vernon and Petunia, I see they are about to flip.

I nudge my brother with my elbow, "Good going idiot," I mutter as I give my large cousin his bacon. Petunia screams while Dudley falls out of the chair, making the house rattle. Which in turn makes me fall to the ground. Vernonduns his temples and I just sit there, amazed that they are being so calm when Harry used the forbidden word.

Harry stutters, "I meant please, I didn't mean-"

"What have I told you!" Vernon bellows as I stay sitting on the ground. "About saying the 'm' word in our house!?"

"But I-"

Vernon hits the table repeatedly, "How dare you threaten Dudley!"

"I just-"

Vernon's face is a nice shade of deep purple, making me sit on the cold tile in amusem*nt. Sure, my brother stupidly said the forbidden word, but this is entertaining. "I warned you! I will not tolerate the mention of your or your sister's abnormality under this roof."

"Get up girl," Petunia hisses at me quietly, as if she didn't want me to get in trouble with Vernon. My red locks move as I stand up and quietly sit at the table. Petunia then tries to heave Dudley off the floor, but I don't think a crane could pick that kid up.

"All right," Harry mutters, "All right." Vernon calms and we sit in silence.

This summer has been anything but fun. The moment our feet touched the border of the property, our magical things were whisked away in our old room, I mean cupboard. Our muggle of a family even locked up Hedwig in her cage. Luckily, they allowed Midnight to prowl around the room, even let her go out in the mornings.

Harry and I truly miss Hogwarts. Out of the both of us, the Dursleys tend to be kinder to me. They didn't even do anything rash when I was caught trying to snag the never-ending snacks Draco gave me for Christmas. I actually grabbed a few things and hid them before my uncle and aunt found me. Now the food is underneath my bed, never to be discovered by my wretched uncle and aunt. This family even managed to forget Harry and my birthday, which is today.

A clearing of my large uncle's voice snaps me out of my thinking daze. "Now, as we all know, today is a very important day." My eyes widen, does he remember? How is this important when we are despised by this family, "This could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career."

"Of course," I mutter to myself.

"What was that?" Petunia glares at me while I just shake my head and mumble a quiet nothing to the woman.

Vernon had been talking about this person for two weeks. The man is some rich fellow that is coming to dinner, accompanied by his wife. "I think we should run through the schedule one more time," Vernon starts. "We all should be in position at eight o'clock. Petunia, you so be-"

"In the lounge," My aunt says in a grand voice. "Waiting to welcome them graciously to our home."

"Good, good. And Dudley?"

"I'll ve waiting to open the door," Dudley allows his face to have an ugly smirk. "May I take your coats, Mr. And Mrs. Mason?"

Petunia claps her hands, "They'll love him!" No, no they won't. If they are normal they will realize he is a slimy spoiled git.

"Excellent Dudley!" He turns to Harry and I. "And you Hailey?"

I sigh, "I will be sitting down, not speaking but acting accordingly." Ever since I came back from Hogwarts, the Dursleys have been dead set on me looking like their daughter. They usually say that it looks like we are a happy family of four. In the back of my mind, I think they want to show off one person in the household that looks normal.

Vernon glares at my brother, "And you?"

Harry sighs, "I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I don't exist."

Vernon nods, "Too right you will. The Masons don't know anything about you and it's going to stay that way. When dinner's over, you take Mrs. Mason back to the lounge for coffee, Petunia, and I'll bring the subject of drills. With any luck, I'll have the deal signed and sealed before the news at ten. We'll be shopping for a vacation home in Majorca this time tomorrow."

Yay, it's not like they are going to like us any better in Majorca. I close my eyes. This is going to be a tiring night, I can feel it.

Chapter 23: The Worst Birthday Ever

Chapter Text

"Right, I'm off to town to pick up the dinner jackets for Dudley and I." Vernon glares at Harry with his plump cheeks daring to go red in anger at any moment if we misbehave. " And you. You stay out of your aunt's way while she's cleaning." His glare sets on my slender form, my auburn locks flow silently in the slight breeze of the fan in the kitchen. "You remember to get dressed and fix that hair. You need to look presentable, got it?"

"Yes, uncle Vernon." We chorus together. I grab onto my brother's thin wrist and drag him out the back door.

I sigh as we are out of earshot. "I swear, one of these days I am going to snap with those two."

Harry rolls his eyes as he strolls to the bench in the back yard, "Please, they're nicer to you because you don't snap. I can't imagine how they would react if you threatened Dudley with," Harry looks around quickly, "magic."

I stroll to my brother's side, plopping on the bench. I cross my arms, "Happy Birthday to me."

Harry sighs as he looks at the clouds, "Happy Birthday to me."

I smile as I spot a small sparrow flying about, "No presents."

Harry grips the bench, clearly mad that our twelfth birthday was forgotten. I don't know what he expected, they forgot the other eleven. "No cards."

"Happy birthday to me," We mutter in unison as we look at the blue sky. The sun is boiling hot, but with the fans in the house, it feels nice.

My eyes travel to the hedge near the bench. Thoughts travel into my brain like someone sinking in quicksand. What happened to Ron and Hermione? Do they no longer consider us friends? What happened to Draco? Was Hogwarts just a dream and our uncle and aunt protecting us from our own hallucinations?


We have that picture. The picture of our mother and father, and it moves. We are magical. Harry is a wizard and I am a witch. But, I have no idea what happened to our friends. At the moment, I would love for even Blaise to write to me.

I gasp along with Harry as we look into the hedge. We had both been staring at it, absentmindedly. But we didn't realize that it was in fact staring back at us. Big green emerald-like eyes look at us through the leaves on the slightly overgrown plant. Harry jumps up as I just sit there, racking my brain for a creature that would fig that description.

"I know what day it is," our overgrown cousin waffles outside and jeers at us.

The eyes blinked and vanished, as if they were never there, "What?" Hardy asks, his eyes never leaving the place where our little spy was.

Dudley smiles, not making eye contact with me for he knows I will glare at him. I sometimes think that more people are scared of the girl who lived more than the boy who lived. "I know what day it is," The pig-like boy sneers.

"Well done," Harry takes his eyes off the hedge and stares at our cousin, "So you've finally learned the days of the week."

"Today's your birthday," Dudley sneers at Harry. He glances at me and I only cross my arms. The pudgy boy visibly gulps but continues to torment Harry, "How come you haven't got any cards? Haven't you got any friends at that freak place?"

I laugh lowly, "Better not let your mum hear you. You know how they react to the mentioning of that place, I'm sure at the mood they're in, that they would even punish you." A grin slips on my face as I stand up and sit on the grass, pulling out the single blades of green.

"Why were you looking at that hedge?"

"I was trying to figure out the best spell to set it on fire," Harry says coolly. My head snaps to my brother's direction, he is going to get in trouble if he isn't careful.

Dudley stumbles back, almost falling because of the unbalance of his stomach. "You can't! Dad told me you're not to do magic. He said he'll chuck you out of the house. And you haven't got any place to go. You haven't got any friends to take you-"

"Jiggery Pokery!" Harry interrupts the plump boy in a fierce voice. "Hocus Pocus. Squiggly Wiggly."

"Mum!" Dudley squeaks as he runs, "He's doing you know what!"

Petunia ran out with a soapy frying pan in her hand. Harry had to duck after she tried to hit him with it, and then she made him do chores.

I look in the mirror, I wear a nice dark blue dress that goes just below my knees. The sleeves are long. According to Petunia, this was one of her least favorite dresses when she was my age. I wear polished black flats. I sigh as I look at my curled hair, "I really wish I didn't need to do this."

I walk down the stairs as I see my brother walk in on a newspaper. "Eat quickly, the Masons will be arriving soon!" Petunia points at Harry then at two pieces of bread and a lump of cheese. He quickly ate and Petunia immediately whisked away his plate, "Upstairs, Harry!"

I stay on the stairs as Dudley and Vernon, who are both in suits and bow ties, glare at my brother. Vernon stops him," Remember boy, one sound." Harry nods as the two obese men walk away.

I grab his arm as he walks by me, my hazel eyes stare into his emerald ones, "Good luck."

He smiles and nods, "You too."

I let go of him and we walk our separate ways. With a sigh, I sit in my position, the couch in the living room. "This is going to be an extremely exhausting evening. "

And boy, I wish I was wrong about that assumption.

Chapter 24: The Masons

Chapter Text

The Masons arrived not even thirty minutes ago. Mrs. Mason was the only one who regarded me, "Hello dear, I'm Mrs. Mason."

I smile and shake her hand nicely, "I'm Hailey."

She regards me only using my first name for a moment before banging pursues through the house. Harry, what are you doing? "Hailey!" My uncle yells at me as I quickly stand up. "Go see what's going on."

I nod and run up the stairs, as I open the door I see a big-eyed creature holding a lamp, Harry is holding the lamp also. "What on Earth, " Harry smiles.

"What are you doing up here?" He asks, trying to pry the lamp from the hands of the creature.

I cross my arms, "Well if you must know, I was sent to stop you from making noise." I narrow my eyes at the creature before going to the closet and pulling out my book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. As I flip through the book I figure out what he is, "You're a house-elf, correct?"

"Yes ma'am, my name is Dobby. Dobby the house-elf, and what an honor it is to speak with a great witch," The elf lets go of the lamp and bows.

"Dobby..." my voice trails off as I rack my brain because the name sounds familiar. His eyes widen as I realize where he came from. I glance at Harry, deciding to not say that he is with the Malfoy family. Harry hates Draco, so it would be horrible. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Harry and Hailey Potter are valiant and bold! They have braved so many dangers already! But Dobby has come to protect Harry and Hailey Potter, to warn them, even if he does have to shut his ears in an oven door later."

"Wait." I look at the house-elf, "Shut your ears in an oven? How horrible!"

Dobby only nods, "Harry and Hailey Potter must not go back to Hogwarts."

"Now you see here, I have friends there that I need to go back to!" I say desperately, I can't handle any more time with the Dursleys.

"There's a plot. A plot to make the most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year."

"A plot? Who's plotting them?" Harry asks the house-elf with a questioning tone.

"Look, Dobby, we have friends there. It's the only thing keeping us going anymore," I plead with the elf on Harry's bed.

"Friends who don't even write to you, Hailey Potter?" His eyes widen as he realizes what he just said.

"Hang on!" Harry looks at the elf. "How do you know her friends haven't been writing to her?"

"Dobby thought that if Harry and Hailey Potter thought their friends forgot about them, that they wouldn't want to return to school," Dobby pulls out a pile of letters, my name in green cursive is on the top.

"Draco," I mutter.

"What?" Harry looks to me, I'm glad he didn't hear me.

I wave my hand but stare back at the elf, "Give me the letters, now."

Dobby screams, "No!" And runs out. Harry and I scramble towards him as he stops in the kitchen.

Fear settles into me as I nudge my brother's side, "Harry, I'm sorry but I'm returning to dinner. Deal with this, please. " He nods as I walk to the dining room to see a happy Vernon Dursley talking to Mr. Mason.

Mrs. Mason smiles at me as she gestures me to sit next to her, "Hello dear."

I nod and smile back, "Hello Mrs. Mason."

Her smile falters as she notices that my plate doesn't have food on it, "Will you not be eating?"

"Oh." My fave pales. The Dursleys won't like me eating their food. "I'm not hungry actually."

Mrs. Mason chuckles and looks at my uncle, "You better be careful with this one, she's already a twig."

Uncle Vernon booms at Mrs. Mason's comment. "Tell Petunia about that amazing joke about American plumbers, Mr. Mason, Petunia has been dying to hear it!"

As he is about to speak, Aunt Petunia's prize pudding falls on Mrs. Mason. Scream erupt, but the thing making me laugh is how Vernon is handling it, "Please excuse him. He's my nephew, very disturbed. Meeting strangers upset him, that's why we keep him upstairs.

They probably would have still made the deal if multiple owls didn't swoop in for, Mrs. Mason is deathly afraid of owls. They ran, shouting that we are lunatics. Vernon looks to Harry in anger, "Read it!" He gestures to the letter.

Harry begins, "Dear Mr. Potter we have received intelligence that a hover charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine as an underage Wizards are not permitted to perform spells outside of school and further spell work on your part may lead to expulsion from said school to create reasonable restrictions for underage sorcery, eight-hundred and seventy-five paragraph C you would also ask to remember that any magical activity that risks noticed by members of the non-magical immunity models the serious offense under Section thirteen of the international confederation of warlocks statute of sorcery. Enjoy your holidays. Mafalda Hopkirk, improper use of magic office Ministry of Magic."

Vernon looks to Harry with a devilish grin, "You didn't tell us you weren't allowed to use magic outside of school, slipped your mind I daresay. " Harry gulps.

"Well, I got news for you, boy, I'm waking up, and you're never gonna go to that school never. And if you try and magic yourself out, they'll expel you. " I just stand there, not wanting to anger him. He looks to me with even more of a devilish grin.

"And guess what, boy? Your sister is still allowed to go to that school! If you would have behaved, this would have been easier. " And with that, he tugs Harry up the stairs by the ear.

"Okay, eat up, " Petunia puts some ice cream in a bowl and puts it at the counter where I am standing. I look to her curiously, "don't expect this again. "

I smile as I eat the ice cream, this day wasn't terrible. For me at least, my brother not so much.

Chapter 25: Saved By 3 Redheads

Chapter Text

It's been four days, four days where my brother has been locked in our room. Uncle Vernon thought it would be cruel if I was allowed out of the room so I was, but I'm not allowed to sleep on the sofa. Or on the ground in the living room.

It was either the cupboard or the shed in back.

I chose the cupboard.

So I am sitting on the old mattress in the cupboard, counting down the days until September first. They have my magic supplies unlocked, also saying that it will torture Harry if I can read and do homework.

That's where their generosity ends though. They give me the same amount of food as I always get, barely any. They don't allow me to see Harry, or even go upstairs. I am not allowed in the house if I'm not cleaning, cooking, or sleeping.

So normal life I guess.

I awoke a few moments ago to a car, but that can be normal. The click of the lock to the cupboard makes me jump, why would someone unlock it at two in the morning? As the door swings open quietly I sigh in relief, "Fred! George! What are you two doing here?"

Fred smiles, "Hiyya Hailey. Fancy helping us bust you and your brother out of here? "

A devilish grin goes to my features, "Is that even a question?" I run to my brother's trunk and pick it up softly. With a huff, I carry the large case and hand it to George, "You know that the bottom step creaks, right? "

George nods, his red locks bouncing slightly, "Harry told us."

I smile in return as I go to grab my trunk but Fred stops me, "I'll take it. You should go get yourself upstairs. "

I shake my head, my Auburn locks are messy as it is so I don't care. "But it's my trunk. "

Fred chuckles softly, "Well, I'm sure you want to see Ron, right? " My eyes widen as I barrel towards the stairs, softly leaping over the first step. I leap over every other step, I guess being underweight has its perks. As I finally reach the shared room, I run in.

"Ron! " I say happily. I haven't seen the goofy redhead since the train so it's nice seeing him again.

Ron beams at me, "Hiyya Hailey! Where's your trunk? " I gesture to the door as Fred walks in with my trunk.

"Ready Fred? " George grins as he lifts up Harry's trunk to the window.

"Ready George, " Fred runs to his twin after he puts down my trunk. They push the trunk as quietly as possible, "One more good push, " George hits the trunk with his shoulder as it slides out of the window and into the backseat of the car.

"I better get Midnight's carry case, " I mumble as I go into my closet and get it out. Flashbacks of the little house-elf, Dobby, fill my thoughts for a mere moment before I shake my head, and they clear away.

When I look back at the twins they already have my trunk in the car. I spot Midnight looking at me from the car, almost as if she's waiting. I jump into the car as Fred says, "Let's go. "

Then it happened.

Hedwig screeched loudly.

"That ruddy owl!" Vernon's yell shakes the whole house as Harry's eyes widen.

In a split moment, Harry is grabbing his owl's cage and handing it to Ron and I. Then the door slammed open with a large bang. Uncle Vernon stood there for a moment before actually noticing that Harry was getting into the magical car.

Vernon growls and leaps toward Harry, successfully grabbing my brother's ankle. Ron, Fred, George, and I all start tugging at my brother, "Petunia! " Vernon roars. "They're getting away! They're escaping! " With one tug Harry's ankle is out of our uncles grasp and Harry is in the car.

We started to drive off in the sky in a magical car. Harry and I grin as we see our dumbstruck guardians, "See you next summer! "

We were free.

Free from the Dursleys.

Free to celebrate what we were, a witch and a wizard.

Chapter 26: Bars On Your Window

Chapter Text

Fred ushers my brother and I into their home. The structure of the building amazes me, for it looks like it was only being held together with magic. "Come on. Okay, come on. Shh! Shh! Ok, come on. Shh! Come on."

I glance around, even if you were a muggle, you would know this place is magical. The air feels warm and a smile makes it's way to my face as I spot a pot cleaning itself. Harry is gawking as I am trying to remember what spell it is.

Harry as I look around, "Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?" Ron asks as he gestures to some rolls.

George snickers, "Yeah, Mum would never know." I look at the clock Harry is gawking at. It has multiple hands, and three, which look like the three boys who rescued us, move to a slot that says 'home.'

I chuckle, "Nice picture Ron. " The boy shoves me slightly, a smile on his face. Fred and George are of course laughing at my joke about his picture on the clock hand.

Harry and I make our way into the living room as we see a sweater knitting itself, "It's not much, but it's home." Ron's voice is slightly muffled by the food he is eating.

Harry smiles at his best friend, "I think it's brilliant. "

I smile at look at the three redheads, "It really is something you know. "

In a split second, I hear steps running down the stairs quickly, "Where have you been?" I look at the three boys and they hide their stolen rolls, "Harry, Hailey, how wonderful to see you dears." The plump woman puts her hands on her hips and glares at her boys, "Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could have died! You could have been seen!" She smiles at us once more, "Of course, I don't blame you, Harry and Hailey dears."

Ron looks at his mother, his voice still muffled by food, "They were starving him, Mum. There were bars on his window!"

Mrs. Weasley shakes her finger at the boy, "Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley! Come on Harry and Hailey, time for a spot of breakfast."

"Here we are dears. Now tuck in! That's it. There we go." Mrs. Weasley puts two plates of delicious-looking food in front of us.

I hear the thumping of someone running down the stairs until I see the little girl from last year, "Mum- Mummy, have you seen my jumper?"

The mother only smiles at her daughter, "Yes dear. It was on the cat." The girl's eyes widen as she sees Harry.

My idiotic brother says, "Hello." The poor girl runs off in response, "W-what did I do?" Oh Harry, she clearly has a crush on you.

Ron rolls his eyes, "Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying really."

A man with an odd looking hat walks into the dining room, "Morning, Weasleys."

The three redheads smile at the man, "Morning, Dad."

Mrs. Weasley looks the happiest, pitching in, "Morning Arthur!"

The man, and I guess his name is Arthur Weasley, looks around happily, "What a night. Nine raids. Nine!"

Harry and I turn to Ron and say in unison, "Raids?"

Ron starts to whisper, "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts. Office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating."

Mr. Weasley finally spots my brother and I. "Well now. Aah! And who are you two?"

Harry looks awkwardly at Mr. Weasley, "Oh, sorry sir. I'm Harry, sir, Harry Potter."

I smile at him, "And I'm his sister, Hailey Potter. "

The look of elation and curiosity is evident in this man's face, "Good Lord! Are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did he get here?"

Mrs. Weasley looks like she won a battle, she crosses her arms. "This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."

The man looks at his three boys, "Did you really? How'd it go? Did you—"

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley hits her husband.

Mr. Weasley straightens up, "I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

"Oh, umm..."

A screech makes us all look up, "Well, that'll be Errol with the post." The burd runs into the window near the open door, "Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?"


Ron groans and rolls his eyes at the owl, "He's always doing that."

Percy looks at the letters, his hair a wreck, "Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Harry's and Hailey's as well."

Arthur chuckles, "Dumbledore must know you're here, Hailey and Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man."

Fred sighs, "This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spellbooks alone are very expensive." Harry and I look down slightly since our family left us a small fortune.

The plump woman smiles, "We'll manage. There's only one place we're going to get all of this, Diagon Alley."

Chapter 27: Harry is an Idiot

Chapter Text

"Right. Here we are, Harry. You go first, dear." The plump mother gestures for my brother to step into a fireplace.

Ron slightly whines, "But Harry's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum."

Harry and I look at each other in confusion, "Floo powder?" We say in unison.

Mrs. Weasley smiles, "You go first, Ron, so that Harry and Hailey can see how it's done." Ron grabs some powder and starts to walk in the fireplace. "Yes. In you go. That's it."

"Diagon Alley!" He drops the powder and a flame surrounds the redhead. In a split second, he is gone.

"You see? It's quite easy, dears. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go." Harry grabs a handful of powder. "That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly." I swear if Harry messes this up, I'm going to be mad.

"Diagonally!" The idiot yells as green fire surrounds him and he disappears. That's it, I'm going to kill him.

"What did he say, dears?" Mrs. Weasley asks Mr. Weasley and I.

"Diagonally." We say together. My tone is a bit more agitated though.

Mrs. Weasley's face shows that she is worried. "I thought he did."

I roll my eyes, "Idiot. "

Mrs. Weasley smiles at me, "Alright dear, you next."

I take some of the floo powder and step into the fireplace carefully, not wanting to spill the stuff. I raise my hand and say, "Diagon Alley." And in a quick motion, I drop the powder. The green flames surround me, but they don't hurt. It's like I tracked through a tunnel with super speed. Light goes through my eyes as I finally open them to see Diagon Alley.

"Oh thank goodness dear!" Mrs. Weasley pulls me towards her and starts to dust off my shirt after she appeared out of the fireplace for Diagon Alley.

I look around, my raven-haired brother is nowhere in a line of vision. "Any sign of Harry?" I can tell that I probably look really worried.

"Unfortunately not," Ron says to me with a smile. "But don't you worry, he's probably only gone one grate too far."

I nod sadly at Ron, "Right."


I would know those two voices anywhere. I scream, "Andie! Aimee!" As I see the two energetic twelve-year-olds.

I look to Mrs. Weasley, wanting to confirm that I can go see them, "Go along dear, they haven't seen you all summer after all."

"Thank you!" I run over to my two friends happily. "Aimee Prewett and Andie Travers! How are you guys?"

"Hailey," My red haired friend, Aimee, looks at me happily. "How on earth have you gotten so thin? You already looked thin before you left but now you're even skinnier! You have to tell me your secret!"

I rub my arm awkwardly, "I have no idea actually." Of course, I knew that I'm thin because Petunia and Vernon don't feed me that much but it's not like I can say that. Not like they can help anyways. "Anyways, what are you two doing here?"

Andie, with her long brunette hair, smiles at me kindly, "We were going to go to check out the broomsticks, want to come?"

"Oh," Although it did sound fun, I should stay near the Weasleys. "Sorry, I am actually hanging out with Ron Weasley's family today."

Aimee giggles, "That's alright! Where's Harry by the way?"

I only shrug a bit for a response, "He mispronounced Diagon Alley while using the floor network."

Andie shakes her head slightly, "Idiot."

I smile, "Yeah. Now we know why he didn't get into Ravenclaw or Slytherin."

"Now that's rude Potter." I hear a familiar voice behind me. I quickly turn around to see the pale blond boy. "Don't you defend your brother usually?"

I cross my arms and smile, "Of course I do Malfoy. I was simply just stating that Harry can sometimes be a nitwit. I think it's obvious anyway."

Draco nods, "That was clear last year, though you weren't much better. Remember, you did follow that brother of yours and his two friends."

I shrug, "So?"

Draco smirks, "That means you shouldn't be so daft." He looks over his shoulder before looking back at me. "I have to go, my father needs me."

I nod and smile as he walks away. With a sigh, I look back at my friends who are smiling devilishly. "What?" I ask.

Aimee snaps out of her daze first, "Nothing! Oh look at the time, gotta go!" And with that, she runs off. I co*ck a brow before looking at Andie.

The other girl smirks, "I ship it." With that, she runs off as well, leaving me confused.

I sprint back to the Weasleys right before they get into the book store.

It takes me a few minutes since I can't run, I'm not very athletic.

My eyes scan the small group until I spot familiar raven hair. "Hiyya Harry."

He jumps slightly, "Hiyya Hailey, you'll never believe what happened to me!"

I smile before looking at him, "Spill."

My brother then recounts everything that happened. "And guess who I saw in that shop?"

I co*ck my head, "Who?" We squeeze through a couple of adults.


My eyes widen, what was Malfoy doing in a dark wizard's shop? It doesn't make sense.

Chapter 28: Lockhart is Stupid

Chapter Text

I force a smile at my brother, "What do you mean Malfoy was in a dark wizard shop?"

Harry scoffs, "You seriously can't believe that he is a good person can you?" I just stare at him, trying to find a way that Draco wasn't doing something evil. "C'mon Hails, he's a Slytherin!"

I glare at him, "I'm a Slytherin, does that make me evil?" I walk away from him, hearing Mrs. Weasley bombard him with questions.

I make my way in the store, breathing a little heavy because of the number of people in the book store.

Then I see the reason.

A man with a gleaming smile and blond hair is standing around, and everyone seems to love him.

Fred and George talked about a guy named Lockhart that is really popular. Is this him?

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!"

Well, I guess that answers my question doesn't it?

Flashes of a camera go into my vision as I'm suddenly blinded.

"It can't be. Harry and Hailey Potter?" I hear a stuck up voice say quickly.

"Harry and Hailey Potter!" I feel myself get dragged forward and when my vision returns I see that I'm next to the curly-haired idiot.

"Nice big smile, Hailey. Together, you two and I rate the front page." They take our picture, which I did not give permission for them to do so. "Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry and Hailey stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me Which, incidentally, is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list They had no idea that they would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected of charge."

Yay, I wonder if the readers can hear my sarcasm?

My arms are basically breaking with the weight of the books I am given. Just exactly how vain is this guy?

"Harry, Hailey, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside. That's it." Mrs. Weasley saves my arms as she takes Harry's books along with my own.

"I bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't go into a bookshop without making the front page." My head snaps to the staircase as I see Draco sneering at Harry. My main question in this whole debacle is how come he didn't say my name. I mean, I have the same amount of attention in the public.

"Leave him alone." Ginny steps in front of Harry.

I ship it.

Draco's eyes widen for a split second before going back to his sneering state at my brother, "Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend."

A cane head hits the blond boy in the shoulder, making him go to the side. A man with long white hair smiles in a false way, "Now, now, Draco, play nicely. Mr. and Ms. Potter, Lucius Malfoy." He shakes Harry's hand and then mine. "We meet at last." He pulls me closer, examining my left hand. "Forgive me. Your scars are legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you." Draco tenses as he sees how close his father is to me, but that goes unnoticed by everyone except me.

Harry pulls me away from Draco's father, "Voldemort killed our parents. He was nothing more than a murderer."

This man looks surprised.

No, more than surprised. "You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish. "

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione pitches in.

Hermione, you need to learn how to be quiet. And I think Draco thought the same thing with the look he is giving her.

"And you must be Miss Granger." The man sneers. "Yes, Draco has told me all about you. And your parents. Muggles, aren't they? Let me see. Red hair, vacant expressions...tatty, secondhand book." He takes Ginny's books from her cauldron. "You must be the Weasleys."

"It's mad in here. Let's go outside." Mr. Weasley clearly wants us out of this awkward situation, which I don't blame him. I would do the same thing.

Lucius smiles at the redheaded man, "Well, well, well. Weasley senior."

Mr. Weasley awkwardly nods at him, "Lucius."

"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime... ...but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard... ...if they don't even pay you well for it?" He smirks at the end, which I don't see the reason to. What's the point of smirking? You just look more like a jerk.

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy." Mr. Weasley says abruptly.

Shots fired, good job Mr. Weasley.

"Clearly." Mr. Weasley stares at him in a questioning manner. "Associating with Muggles." Mr. Malfoy walks forward and drops Ginny's books back in her cauldron.

Is it just me, or is the book slightly bigger than it was a few minutes ago?

"And I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work."

"See you at school." Draco looks to me as if to say 'sorry.'

I just shake my head at him, wondering why Draco hates my brother so much. Sure he's a nitwit, but he's all I have left anymore.

Draco Malfoy, you better realize how important Harry is to me or I will make sure you see a side nobody likes.

The protective sister.

Chapter 29: Going Back to Hogwarts

Chapter Text

My red hair bounces as Harry, the Weasleys, and I are all running towards platform nine and three quarters, "Ten fifty-eight, come on!" Mr. Weasley shouts.

The plump woman, also known as Mrs. Weasley yells out, "The train will be leaving any moment."

We all stop for a spilt second before Mr. Weasley yells, "Fred, George, Percy, you first."

First goes George, then goes Percy, and lastly goes Fred. They all disappear like the wind this morning.

"I'm going with Ginny, Bye guys! See you on the other side! We'll get you a seat. " Ginny and I run through first, smiling the whole way. Mrs. Weasley Mr. Weasley also emerge quickly.

I grab Ginny and pull her onto the train. The moment we force our trunks to stay in their spot we collapse on the seats in the compartment. "You know," I heavily breathe for a split second. "I'm really happy that we became friends."

She smiles, "Me too!"

I look out the window as the train starts to move, "Hey Ginny?"


"Where are Ron and Harry?" I look around, "I thought they were going to sit with us."

Ginny just shrugs, "Maybe they decided to sit with 'Mione." I only nod before looking back out of the window. "I'm glad Fred and George aren't in the compartment, they would be annoying."

I chuckle, "Yeah I guess." My head darts to the door as I hear snickering. "Ginny, I'll be right back okay?"

She smiles at me and nods, "Alright! See you Hails!"

I nod, opening the compartment and walking out. Turns out my suspicions on who it is, was correct. "Malfoy! Wait up!"

The blond boy pauses before walking over to me, "How are you doing Potter?"

I cross my arms at him, "Honestly, why can't you call me by my first name. I don't even know if you talk about me or my brother half the time."

Draco smirks, "I'll call you by your first name if you call me by my first name."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Like that will happen anytime soon."

He smiles at me, I mean genuinely smiles at me. That's a first. "Then I won't call you by your first name." He walks closer to me and leans on the wall next to me. "Anyways, where is your other half? He seems to not be here."

I smile and tilt my head, "Harry and I are not connected at the hip you know. I'm my own person."

He ruffles my hair is a jokingly matter, "Sure you are."

I shove him away, "Jerk."

His eyes widen for a moment before turning back to normal, "I'm a jerk? Well if I am, then you're friends with a jerk."

I only smile at him. "I gotta go back to Ginny, can't let the snack trolley get there before me."

Draco's attitude becomes sour, "Honestly, I don't understand why you are friends with the Weasleys."

I glare at Draco, "Ron and I aren't the greatest of friends actually, he's an idiot. Percy is a prat, so I don't particularly like him at all. Fred and George are my friends because they pull the best pranks." Draco nods, agreeing with that. He walks over to me, towering over my small stature.

So the prat actually agrees with me sometimes?

I continue, "Ginny is just a first-year and we just became friends. Honestly, I barely know her just yet, but you don't know her either. Learn about your 'enemies' before you judge them Malfoy." I bump into Draco's shoulder and walk back to my compartment. "I'm back."

She smiles at me once more, "I noticed. So Malfoy? Never thought you two would be friends."

I tilt my head with a smile, "We aren't friends just yet. We are on friendly terms but I am going to hide a lot from him for the time being."

She only nods, "That's apparent I guess."

Ginny Weasley.

Are we friends?



My eyes dart from my empty plate. Harry and Ron haven't shown up and I'm getting worried. The sorting hat ceremony finished maybe a half of an hour ago and I've already been bombarded by a new Gryffindor named Collin Creevy. He is a muggle-born that is basically a small fanboy.

Ginny got sorted into Gryffindor.

Big surprise there.

Wow, I've become very sarcastic. Sorry reader, nobody should deal with my sarcastic side.

"Hey, Hailey!"

My head darts to the familiar face of an ex-friend of mine. "Hi, Zabini." I pile a little bit of food on my plate.

He smiles awkwardly, "Look I'm sorry about last Christmas, I was being a bit dramatic."

"A little." I laugh slightly. "That's fine, I was dramatic too."

He sits next to me and stares into my eyes, "Can we start over? Please?"

I smile, "Sure." I stick out my left hand, "I'm Hailey Potter."

He also smiles and sticks out his hand and shakes mine. "Blaise Zabini, do you want to be friends?"

I smile as I slip my hand out of his grip, "How about we start being acquaintances first?"

He grins, "I can live with that."

"Zabini, Potter, why are you two smiling like a bunch of daft idiots?" My head looks to another acquaintance of mine.

"Hi, Malfoy!" I smile at him and wave. In the corner of my eye, I notice Blaise tensing up, what is his problem?


Again, what is Blaise's problem? This is the reason why we stopped being friends so he should cool his jets before it bites him when he least expects it.

"Anyways, how do you like the new Slytherins? Are they to your liking oh great and powerful Malfoy?" I say the last part sarcastically.

He nods, "Most of them are just siblings of past Slytherins so they are mostly all purebloods."

I roll my eyes, "Honestly, do all your friends have to be purebloods?"

He shakes his head, looking straight at me. "No, you're my friend, aren't you?"

Chapter 30: Mandrakes and a Howler

Chapter Text

"Morning, everyone." A plump woman goes into the greenhouse. I glance in front of me where my brother and his friend are standing. They informed me of what happened and I have to say that they are idiots for not just waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

I smile as I pitch it along with the whole class with, "Good morning, Professor Sprout."

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three." Which is kinda weird since we are second years, it just sounds odd. I know why this is Greenhouse three and not Greenhouse two but it still sounds odd. "Gather around, everyone. Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" I raise my hand at the same time as Hermione. "Hmm, let's see." She looks at both Hermione and I, "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state. It's also dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Show off, we all know you know Hermione.

"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor." Why couldn't I earn those points for Slytherin? "As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet. But they could knock you out for hours, which is why I have given you earmuffs, for auditory protection. So could you please put them on, right away?"

Everyone starts putting on their earmuffs, including me. I spot Draco staring at me, making me just wave at him.

"Quickly. Flaps tight down, and watch me closely. You grasp your Mandrake firmly. You pull it sharply up out of the pot." We all hold our heads as the piercing screams of the plant fill out ears. "Got it? And now you dunk it down into the other pot, and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm."

The screams muffle as the mandrake is covered in dirt. A load groan is heard before a loud thump. My eyes dart to see Neville on the ground. "Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs."

"No, ma'am, he's just fainted," I say softly as I stare at him. Did he seriously just faint in the middle of class?

"Yes, well, just leave him there. Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up."

I smile as I talk to Blaise, I'm happy that we are on talking terms again, he is one of the more normal Slytherins outside of Aimee and Andie.

"So Hailey, did you think of any new spells during the summer?" He asks me with a grin on his face.

I shake my head, "Nope. I couldn't really test anything out so I had a lack of ideas."

He nods, "That's to be expected I guess." He takes a bite out of his food before turning back to me, "I'm sure you'll get inspiration soon."

I snort, "Probably not."

"Ronald Weasley!" My head darts to the Gryffindor table. "How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work, and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! And, Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud."

"What was that?" I ask Blaise without looking at him.

He sighs, "That Hailey, is a howler. The worst thing to strike the owl service. You basically do a charm so your letter speaks and you yell at the person the letter is addressed to. You can't even keep the letter after one use since the letter destroys itself."

I nod, "That sounds fun."

I'm happily talking to Draco who is sitting next to me, "Potter, how much do you want to get that this class is going to be a joke like last year?"

I nod, "Remember, I met this prat a few weeks ago, all he is here for is fame."

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, me, Gilderoy Lockhart." No, you're the one that just interrupted my conversation thank you very much.

"Order of Merlin, Third Class, honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five times winner, of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award." I believe the last statement was true, the other ones seem like bogus to me.

"But I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him." No, you didn't do that at all probably.

"Now, be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind. You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room." You mean you getting a bigger ego? Sorry that ship already sailed the moment you walked through the door.

"Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here." But what exactly can you do? "I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them." He pulls a sheet off a cage that I was uninterested in. Turns out to be pixies, they are little devils so I have read but they are pretty harmless.

"Cornish pixies?" Finnegan, shush. Maybe we can have an easy class day if you shut up.

"Freshly caught Cornish pixies." That guy's attitude makes me laugh, "Laugh if you will, Ms. Potter, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them." He opens the door and the pixies fly out, immediately attack students.

One tries to attack my book which I just respond with a little charm of my own, "Gelata bulla." The pixie is surrounded by a jelly substance. I use the same spell on one that is attacking Draco's hair.

"Come on now, round them up. They're only pixies." Can I use my spell on the professor?

"Please, get me down!" My eyes see Neville hanging on a skeleton. Honestly Neville, learn to get a backbone. You're a good wizard, you just need more guts.

"Peskipiksi Pesternomi!" Did one of those pixies just steal his wand? How much of an idiot is he? "I'll ask you four to just nip the rest of them back into their cage." Wow, I'm noticed by a teacher.

"What do we do now?" Ron yells at Harry.

I sigh as I raise my wand simultaneously with Hermione. We both yell out, "Immobulus!"

The pixies immobilize, still blinking in confusion.

"Why is it always me?" Neville asks as I sigh and make my jelly charm make almost a pillow, which breaks his fall when Hermione sets him free.

I smile as I see we are the only ones in here, "Well, I think you three can handle the cleaning. Bye 'Mione!" I dart out of the room before they can object.

Sometimes I have to be a lazy jerk, I am only twelve after all.

Chapter 31: Who Needs to Be On The Team Anyways?

Chapter Text

Draco grins as he nudges my shoulder, "Excited to try out?" Currently, Draco and I are going to Quidditch tryouts.

I shake my head, my hand gripping a broom I just purchased from Diagon Alley before term started. "Of course I'm excited. I don't have a very natural talent for flying."

The blond shakes his head as we continue to walk with Flint and the others. "You have as much talent as your brother. "

I look to him, "Are you complimenting my brother Malfoy?" He scoffs and looks away.

"Where you think you're going, Flint?" My head turns to the voice. I smile and wave at Oliver. My eyes scan the group and I wave at Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, and my brother.

"Quidditch practice." Flint grins, my eyes widen. Something happened, but what?

Oliver glances at me, "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." I shoot an apologetic look at him.

"Easy, Wood. I've got a note." Flint pushes the note onto Oliver's chest. I smell trouble.

"I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team... ...permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker. You've got a new Seeker. Who?" He glances at me while I look around for Draco. Somehow he walked away without me noticing.

The boys in the Slytherin team step away to reveal Draco. "Malfoy?" My brain starts to click everything together as I realize what happened.

Flint grins, "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." I didn't even have a chance in getting on the team, great to know that my house is sometimes exactly how the others expect.

"Those are Nimbus two-thousand and ones. How did you get those?" Ron exclaims I roll my eyes. They must have done a duplicating spell, where do you think they got them?

"A gift from Draco's father." So Draco bought his way in? Am I going to have to murder a snake?

Draco smirks, "You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." You are going to get some carefully thought out words after this Draco Malfoy.

Hermione starts to ramble, "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione, you may have made the situation worse, good job.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." My hand makes my way to my pocket, I thought of a new hex that I haven't been able to try out yet. Maybe he can be my test subject.

Ron growls, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" Ron gets thrown backward.

"Geez Ron, you really need a better wand," I say, everyone there from my house stares at me.

Hermione runs over to Ron, "You okay, Ron? Say something." Ron barfs, making me close my eyes. As I peek through my eyelids I realize he barfed up a slug.

Collin appears out of nowhere. Where did he come from? "Wow! Can you turn him around, Harry?"

Harry pushes the boy away and helps Ron up, "No, Colin, get out of the way. Let's take him to Hagrid's. He'll know what to do." Hermione and Harry carry Ron away and I start to go with them.

"Potter! Stay here!"

I look back at Flint, "But he's my friend!"

He glares at me, "If you go to him, you won't have a spot on this team." I look at him and scoff. In one quick movement, I run off towards my brother and his friends, with a broom in my hand.

I sit awkwardly near Hermione and Harry as Hagrid carries a bucket towards Ron. "This calls for a specialist's equipment. Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid. Okay. Better out than in. Who was Ron trying to curse, anyway?"

I clench my fists, "Malfoy. He called Hermione...a... He called Hermione a-"

The brunette girl stands up, "He called me a Mudblood."

Hagrid's jaw drops down as he drinks some tea. "He did not."

Harry looks at Hagrid, Hermione, and I, "What's a Mudblood?"

Hermione walks over to a window and looks out of it, "It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a foul name for someone who's Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation. "

Hagrid starts to talk to Harry, "See, the thing is, Harry, there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family... ...who think they're better than everyone else because they're pure-blood."

Harry's eyes widen, "That's horrible." I nod, unfortunately, I already knew what the term meant because I asked Draco what it meant.

Ron stops barfing up slugs to utter out a, "It's disgusting." What are you talking about, the term or the things coming out of your stomach?

Hagrid scoffs and looks at Hermione, "And it's codswallop to boot. Dirty blood. Why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Come here." Hermione starts to walk closer, a smile evident in her features. "Don't you think about it, Hermione. Don't you think about it for one minute." Hermione smiles.

"And plus," I say with a smile. "My mother was a muggle and she was a great witch!" Luckily I got to learn more about my mother, which I was happy about.

Hagrid nods, "Right you are!"

Ron bards up a slug again and I grimace, "Ron, you honestly need a new wand as soon as possible."

Chapter 32: Harry Has Gone Crazy

Chapter Text

In the middle of a conversation with Draco, I see Hermione and Ron runoff. "Er, Malfoy?" I look at the boy and he stops talking.

"What? I was just telling you how much training I have to endure with all these Quidditch practices that Flint has been giving me." He grumbles, I smile at his face. It looks cute.

I ruffle his blond hair, "I know." I tilt my head and smile. "But my brother just got out of detention and-"

"Go ahead."

I look at him, "What?" My brown eyes probably show confusion.

The blond looks away from me, "Go check on your brother."

My eyes light up as I leap off my chair. I quickly hug Draco and run out of the great hall.

"Harry!" I hear slightly in the distance. I quicken my pace until I am with the group. I wave and Hermione waves back.

"Did you hear it?" Harry asks, making my head tilt. Hear exactly what, Harry are you going crazy?

Ron scrunches up his face in confusion, "Hear what?"

My black-haired brother looks around, "That voice."

"Harry..." I say. My mind starts to wonder what is going on. Is it possible that he is hearing something that we can't?

Hermione starts to look around, "Voice? What voice?"

"I heard it first in Lockhart's office. And then again just..." Harry's face morphs into fear, making a chill go through my spine. "It's moving. I think it's going to kill."

"Kill?" Hermione, Ron and I start running off after my now running brother.

"Harry, wait!" I yell after my brother, the fire in the torches around us flicker as we run by.

"Not so fast!" Hermione yells out. We run towards my now standing still brother as he stares at hundreds of spiders going out of the window.

"That's strange," I say awkwardly, I have never liked spiders.

Harry stares at them, wondering what is going on, "I've never seen spiders act like that."

Ron backs away, "I don't like spiders." I push him back towards our group, if I have to stay near these arachnids, he needs to as well.

My eyes glance towards the water on the floor. I nudge the three kids near me as we all stare at what seems to be writing. "What's that?" Ron asks. We all look up to see the writing on the wall.

I cover my mouth, "Oh my god." My eyes look at the petrified Mrs. Norris.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware. It's written in blood." I back away until my back hits the wall behind me. I scream and jump away, realizing I ran into the window that the spiders are still going into.

"You alright Hailey?"

I scoff, "Of course I'm not!"

Ron's face contorts to a fearful expression, "Oh, no. It's Filch's cat. It's Mrs. Norris."

"Enemies of the heir, beware. You'll be next, Mudbloods." My head turns to see Draco sneering at the Gryfinndors in front of me. His eyes glance to me for a second, a worried expression goes on his face.

Kids are being pushed as a familiar voice yells out, "What's going on here? Go on. Make way, make way." His eyes fall upon Harry and I. "Potters? What are you...? Mrs. Norris? You've murdered my cat."

"No." I back away from the crazed man.

"No." Harry backs away as well. We walk towards each other and I grab my brother's hand and squeeze it.

He comes closer to us, "I'll kill you. I'll kill you!"

"Argus! Argus, I... Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." Everyone starts to walk away, I keep a hold of Harry's hand and don't let him move, "Everyone four."

"See you in the common room," Draco says to me, I nod and he walks away.

"Ravenclaws, follow me."

"She's not dead, Argus. She has been Petrified." Dumbledore tells the distraught cat owner. I don't blame him if my cat got hurt I would be screaming.

"Thought so." I roll my eyes at the stupid voice of Lockhart. "So unlucky I wasn't there. I know exactly the countercurse that could've spared her. "

"But how she has been Petrified, I cannot say."

"Ask them." Filch points a finger at Harry and I, "It's them that's done it. You saw what they wrote on the wall."

"It's not true!" I say. "We arrived here and Mrs. Norris was already like this."

"I swear. I never touched Mrs. Norris." Harry says, clearly worried. I still have a clean record while he has detention under his belt and it's not even two months into school.

"Rubbish!" Filch is getting on my nerves.

"If I might, headmaster? Perhaps the Potters and their friends were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. However...the circ*mstances are suspicious. I, for one, don't recall seeing Mr. Potter at dinner." You know, thank Merlin I'm in Slytherin because Snape's never looks out for Gryffindors.

"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail." How can a teacher be so vain? You are being paid to teach us, not get an even bigger fan group that you don't deserve.

"That's why Ron and I went looking for him, professor. We'd just found him when he said..." Hermione, don't you dare finish that sentence. I glare at her, hearing voices is not a good sign.

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

I kick Harry, to tell him to speak up, "When I said I wasn't hungry. We were heading back to the common room when we found Mrs. Norris."

"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," Dumbledore says in a sort of smug way.

Filch is frantic, "My cat has been Petrified. I want to see some punishment!" For some reason, I feel sorry for him.

Dumbledore nods at him, "We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrake. When matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris. And in the meantime...I strongly recommend all."

"You look tired. How was your talk with the headmaster?" Blaise asks as I walk through the door.

I growl, slightly tired, "Oh shush." I jump as I feel a body behind me. I turn around, only to see Draco staring at me. "Malfoy! You scared me."

He just looks at me for a moment, "You sure you're alright?"

I smile and nod, "I'm a cat person. How someone can hurt a cat is beyond my comprehension." I yawn and start walking towards where I sleep. "Goodnight!"

Both boys say in unison, "Goodnight."

McGonagall walks around us, "Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so. One, two, three. Vera Verto." Her wand produces a light and the crow that was near her turns into a water goblet.

"Now it's your turn. Who would like to go first?" She scans the room until her eyes fall upon Ron, "Mr. Weasley. One, two, three. Vera Verto." She looks at Ron expectantly.

"Vera Verto!" Ron says, doing the spell wrong. Scabbers turns into a water goblet, but keeping his tail and it squeaks. Laughs run through the room.

"That wand needs replacing." The professor says as she allows us all to try it. The only two people who truly got the spell right were Hermione and I, but that's a given I guess. 'Mione and I always study after all. "Yes, Miss Granger?" I didn't even realize Hermione raised her hand.

"Professor...I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." Hermione, what are you getting at?

The woman sighs, "Very well. You all know, of course... ...that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago... the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not."

"Three guesses who." I hear Ron whisper out. I glare at the boy and raise my wand threateningly. He cowers in fear and sinks in his chair.

"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, pure-bloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend...Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle... known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though, shortly before departing, he sealed it...until that time when his own true Heir returned to the school. The Heir alone...would be able to open the Chamber...and unleash the horror within, and by so doing...purge the school of all those Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic. Muggle-borns. Naturally, the school has been searched many times. No such chamber has been found." The professor continues.

Hemione looks at the professor in a questioning manner, "Professor? What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"

The woman looks genuinely scared as she talks about the rest of the story, "The Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home...of a monster."

I clench my fists.

A monster that can somehow talk to my brother.

Chapter 33: Moaning Myrtle

Chapter Text

Around me is the Hogwarts library. Books are everywhere, but my line of vision is on two people.

A girl with bushy brown hair and a girl with messy red hair. They are looking through books.

I try to move, to find out who these two blurry faced people are, but my legs do not let me move.

I hear a hiss behind me, but my neck will not move to see what it is. The bushy-haired brunette pulls out a small mirror and looks at it along with the redhead.

In a split second, the two girls fall and my dream vanishes.

"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch. Gryffindor wins!" My breath hitches as I see Draco and Harry on the ground. Although my brother is slightly worse off. A bludger won't get off his tail.

My eyes glance over to see Hermione pointing her wand at the enchanted ball. "Finite Incantatem!" I wiggle my arm out of Aimee's grip and go down to the grass.

"Thank you." I cross my arms at my brother. He is an idiot. He doesn't care if others will get hurt if he does something reckless.

"Are you okay?"

"No. I think my arm is broken." I stare at his arm, it is indeed broken. I can make it even more so if he wanted.

"Not to worry, Harry. I will fix that arm of yours straightaway." I glare and Lockhart before stepping forward, shielding my idiotic brother.

"I don't think so." I glare at the teacher with a piercing glare. I don't trust him at all, there is something off about this man who did such great feats.

"Not you. " Harry says behind me. I glare at him, alerting him that I will talk to him later.

Lockhart pushes me out of the way and I am caught by Fred. I look at the redhead twin and smile. "Thanks."

He smiles at me cutely. "Anytime Hails."

"Boy doesn't know what he's saying. This won't hurt a bit." I tense up in Fred's hold as I stare at the man pointing his wand at Harry. "Brackium Emendo!" I want to throw up as I see his arm look like it is made out of silly putty.

Fred rubs my arm to calm me down. "Pomfrey will be able to fix him, don't worry."

I nod at him. "I know, it's still disgusting."

Fred doesn't reply but I am pretty sure he agrees.

"Yes, well, that can sometimes happen...but the point can no longer feel any pain, and, very clearly, the bones are not broken," Lockhart says feebly.

I scoff and roll my eyes. He is definitely a fraud, I'm calling it.

"Broken? There are no bones left." I physically jump, surprised that I didn't notice Hagrid there.

"Much more flexible, though." I want to barf again as Lockhart pulls Harry's wrist up.

"Please stop doing that, you're making his sister sick," Fred says to Lockhart as he stares at me with concern.

Draco groans in pain, making me roll my eyes. I decided to check on him because he and I are friends but he is being really annoying. "Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss. You can go."

"Well that was rude, I'll be sure to tell my-"

"If you try to tell your father about how you were discharged when there is something wrong. Because there is nothing wrong with you, I will hex you to oblivion." I grumble at him, making him nod quickly, agreeing that he won't say anything.

"Out of my way. Should have been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back..." I look at Pomfrey fussing over Harry. He is always fussed over for some reason and I have no idea why.

Hermione stares at Pomfrey. "You will be able to, won't you?" His bones were removed, all he needs is a simple potion.

"I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." She hands him a cup, which he spits the contents out. I cringe at the mess. "What do you expect? Pumpkin juice?"

"Hailey, don't you want to see your brother?" I look up to see Fred, who won't get close to the bed Draco is currently residing in.

I smile and look at Draco who is glaring at Fred. "Sorry Malfoy, I am going to check on the child in my life." I walk over to my brother and cross my arms. "You are such an idiot."

Harry looks at his sister in confusion. "What?"

"You heard me. Next time, tell Hooch what is going on. You always have something going on so she would probably believe you."

"Again? You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asks loudly. I cover my ears, the sound of her voice is bouncing off the walls already.

"Of course. Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must have opened it when he was at school here. Now he's taught Draco how to do it. Maybe." I glare at Ron, why does he have to be annoying.

"Or, Draco could be completely innocent and your prejudice against Slytherin isn't based on fact."

Hermione, trying to stop a fight between Ron and I, tryin to talk again. "We'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure."

"Enlighten me. Why are we brewing this potion in broad the middle of the girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?" Of course, Ron doesn't know, honestly just because some ghost doesn't show their faces much doesn't mean they don't exist.

"No. No one ever comes in here." Hermione and I say in unison. Hermione has a slight dislike for the ghost while I like her. The girl died fairly young so of course, she's going to be dramatic.

"Why?" Ron is in for a rude awakening.

"Moaning Myrtle." Hermione and I say at the same time again once more.

"Who?" Ron is going to anger her and it's going to be hilarious.

"Moaning Myrtle," I say, smiling as I see Myrtle floating towards Ron

"Who's Moaning Myrtle?" I almost laughed, he really is going to have Myrtle mad at him.

"I'm Moaning Myrtle." Harry and Ron's faces contort to a terrified expression. "I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable...moping Moaning Myrtle?" She wails and floats into a toilet.

"She's a little sensitive." Hermione pitches in.

I smile a little. "Talk to you later Myrtle!"

Chapter 34: Dueling Club

Chapter Text

"Gather round! Gather round. Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me?"

"Yes, but if he won't shut up soon I will hex him," I growl. I honestly don't trust him.

Draco snickers. "I'm assumed that you dislike him as well Potter."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Of course I dislike him. There is something off about him and I will figure it out."

He shrugs at me. "I won't argue with you. "

I smile at Draco before pushing him lightly. "Good!"

"Excellent. In light of the dark events of recent weeks...Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this Dueling Club... to train you all up in case you ever need to defend I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details, see my published works. Let me introduce my assistant...Professor Snape."

I smile and lean towards Draco. "I bet you ten galleons that Snape will defeat 'the all-powerful' Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher."

Draco grins, able to throw away that kind of money. "You're on, Potter."

"He has sportingly agreed to help with a short demonstration. I don't want any of you, youngsters, to worry. You'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him. Never fear." Snape and Lockhart go back to back. Oh right, I never said where they were, sorry reader. They are currently on a stage while we, the students, all staring at them. The two professors walk the correct amount of steps. "One. Two. Three!" They turn around.


I nudge Draco. "Pay up kiddo."

Lockhart scrambles to his feet. "An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape...but if you don't mind me saying, it was obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy."

I snort. "Idiot."

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the block unfriendly spells, professor." My eyes widen. Snape, don't bring us into this!

"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape. Let's have a volunteer pair. miss Potter, mister Weasley, how about you?" Snaps just had to open his big fat mouth.

Snape stops the duel before it even starts. Honestly, even if Ron did have a working wand I wouldn't want to go against him. "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. I'd rather not one of my better potion students be unable to learn the craft. Might I suggest someone also from my house? Malfoy, perhaps?"

"Ready?" Draco grabs my hand and pulls me on the stage.

I grin at him. "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Wands at the ready." We put our wands at the dueling position, grins on our faces while doing so.

"Scared, Potter?" Draco grins at me. Most people would be scared but honestly, he and I are friends.

I chuckle. "You wish."

We go back to back and step forward, only to face each other once more and go into the iconic dueling stance. "On the count of three...cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm. We don't want any accidents here. One. Two."

"Everte Statum!" In seconds flat, I am flying in the air and crashing into the floor.

I growl and stand up, glaring at my friend. "Rictusempra!" Draco flies through the air and lands roughly on the ground.

"I said disarm only."

"Imendimenta!" I immediately feel more sluggish.

I roll my eyes and slowly yell out, "Confundo!"


A snake just slithers toward my now slower form as I am paralyzed with fear. The familiar hiss from my dream scares me.

"Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it for you." I nod, not taking my eyes off the snake.

"Allow me, Professor Snape. Alarte Ascendare!" My eyes follow the snake as it glides through the air. It lands on the ground, and then I hear hissing. But it's not coming from the snake.

Harry is standing there, saying something weird to the snake.

"Vipera Evanesca." The snake bursts into flames. Snaps then releases Draco and I from our hexed states.

"What are you playing at?"

I storm into the crowd and Draco grins after me. "Hey, are you okay Potter?"

I stare at him for a moment. "I need to tell you something Malfoy."

Malfoy drags me out of the great hall and into a hallway after dinner. "What is wrong?"

I smile sadly and shake my head. "You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

I take a deep breath. "Last year, I kept getting this type of dream that consisted of me, my brother, and Quirrel during that incident. I thought it was strange, but now I'm getting a similar type of dream but it involves Hermione and I in the library. The last thing I hear in the dream is a snake hissing."

Draco rubs his temples before looking at me. "I would talk to Snape if I were you. It's so strange but all I have to say is that if you take divination next year, you'll be top of the class."

I nod and fake that I'm looking for someone, suddenly remembering the plan. "Hey, where is Crabbe and Goyle?'

He shrugs but looks around. "Wait, there they are. Crabbe, Goyle, where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?" I realize that 'Goyle' is wearing glasses. Harry is an idiot. "Why are you wearing glasses?"

'Goyle' clears his voice. "Reading."

"Reading? I didn't know you could read. " I snort a little bit at that comment, making Draco smile. Draco sneers at Percy. I smile meekly at the boy. "And what are you doing down here, Weasley? "

"Mind your attitude, Malfoy. I am a school prefect."

"Okay, enough of a fight for you two." I drag Draco by the hand to the common room, 'Crabbe' and 'Goyle' right behind us.

We enter and I sit on the sofa next to Draco.

"Well, sit down."

I lift an eyebrow, have Harry and Ron never thought that it might be a good idea if they would actually act like Crabbe and Goyle?

"You'd never know the Weasleys were pure-bloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world. All of them. " I saw 'Crabbe's' fist clench.

"What's wrong with you, Crabbe?" I saw sweetly, lacing in some 'if you mess this up, I will murder you' in the tone.

"Stomachache." I roll my eyes, at least Harry can imitate a voice.

"I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore was the worst thing...that ever happened to this place."

"Malfoy.." I warn the pale boy. He is stepping on thin ice.

"You're wrong!" 'Goyle' leaps out of his seat and glares at him.

Draco sneers, and my brain starts going through the scenario. Does he know? "What? Do you think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore? Well? Do you?"

He most definitely knows.

"Harry Potter?" Okay, either Harry is secretly intelligent, or he is just absolutely lucky.

"Good one, Goyle."

Nevermind, Draco is still clueless.

"You're absolutely right. Saint Potter. And people actually think that he's the Heir of Slytherin? But then you must have some idea who's behind it all. You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you? Is this yours? But my father did say this: It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it. Only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me...I hope it's Granger."

"Malfoy, I'd be careful if I were you. " I glare at him.

"What's the matter with you two? You're acting very odd." I glare at the two idiots. Are they seriously blowing their cover now?

"It's his stomachache." The boy who can't imitate a voice for the life of him.

The two idiots mumble to each other before running out. One is holding his hair and one is holding his forehead.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I roll my eyes, realizing I have to divert Draco's attention. Let's use the Slytherin to lie to her friend. Those three don't always think about me, do they?

I shake my head and curl up on the couch. "They're being weird, leave them be."

"Perhaps you're right."

Chapter 35: Harry is Getting Even Crazier

Chapter Text

"It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago." I jump at the sound of my voice. Why does it seem that he pops up at the worst possible time? It's so infuriating. If we were any older I could have easily hexed him too. And now he is blaming Hagrid on things? Hagrid wasn't even a Slytherin so why would he just blame him like that?

"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione is literally the only person I like at the moment. Other than Draco and a few other people in Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch." I mumble out, Harry stares at me for a moment but looks away.

"The monster had killed somebody, Hailey. What would any of us have done?"

I glare at Harry. "Oh I don't know, maybe get more research done before outing someone on poor speculation. What was the 'monster' Hagrid had anyways?"

Harry scratches the back of his neck. "It was a large spider."

I roll my eyes at my brother. "A spider? A very large spider? It probably was an Acromantula! They are venomous, but they can't petrify people! Plus, if you talk to the actual victim of the attack fifty years ago, she talked about seeing two large eyes before dying! Are you so daft that you don't realize that it can't possibly be a spider!"

Hermione awkwardly tries to change the topic. "Look, Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him about it?"

I growl at the girl. "We don't need to ask him. He didn't have the creature but was expelled for it anyways. He was framed, you daft idiots."

"That would be a cheerful visit." Of course, nobody wants to listen to the Slytherin. Heck, Ron isn't even acknowledging me. "Hello, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

"Mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me, now, would you?" I jump, my wand firmly in my hand as I point it towards the voice. "Hailey, you sure ar' jumpy. You okay?"

I nod and smile. "Sorry Hagrid, I get people sneaking up on me all the time so I don't always think before doing." I cross my arms and stare at the Golden Trio. The Trio I am not apart of because of how annoying they are.

Maybe I'm just angry because they ruined my Christmas with all that polyjuice potion nonsense. I didn't get to give anyone presents because they decided that trying to get information out of Draco was more important.

"No!" The Trio are all stiffened up, I guess worried that Hagrid will discover that they believe he is the one to open the chamber of secrets.

"What's that you've got, Hagrid?" I ask nicely, nothing is boring when Hagrid is involved after all. It could be interesting.

"It's Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent. For the Mandrakes, you know. Now, according to Professor Sprout, they've still got a bit of growing to do. But once their acne's cleared up, we'll chop them up and stew them...and then we'll get those people down at the hospital un-Petrified. In the meantime, though, you four...had best be looking after yourselves. All right?"

I smile and nod. "While I can't speak for Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I do know that I will be as safe as I possibly can. I don't wish to be petrified by whatever is creeping around."

Hagrid nods and looks behind me. "Hello, Neville."

"Harry!" He gasps out and my brother. "I don't know who did it, but you'd better come. Come on!"

We all run, even though I'm not supposed to go into the Gryffindor common room.

As Harry mumbles the password the fat lady painting glares at me. "Why does a Slytherin wish to enter here?"

I smile meekly. "Please? My brother's room was broken into and I need to help him. Can I please enter."

The fat lady painting rolls her eyes and the painting opens, to reveal the common room.

We all run towards Harry's room and see a huge mess. "Oh my god." My clean freak persona wishes to kick in because, my god, this place was a mess.

"It had to be a Gryffindor. Nobody else knows our password." Well I mean, I know the password now too but oh well.

"Unless it wasn't a student. Whoever it was, they must have been looking for something." Wow, Ron, you're so intelligent. Can anyone sense my sarcasm?

Harry, who was shuffling through out the mess looks up. "And they found it. Tom Riddle's diary is gone."

"Well, then that's my cue to leave." I turn towards the door and leave. I hear footsteps behind me so I look to see Hermione. "What's up?"

She looks at me for a moment before speaking, "Do you want to go with me to the library tomorrow?"

I tilt my head. "Harry has a game tomorrow. I'm supposed to go to that."

Hermione waves her hand. "Don't worry, we'll be back by then I just want to search for a book and you are one of the most intelligent people I know."

I roll my eyes but nod my head. "Fine, I'll see you at the library tomorrow, 'Mione."

She smiles at me. She is literally the only one out of the trio that I can tolerate right now because she doesn't care if I'm Slytherin or not. "Don't forget to bring a mirror." And with that the portrait closes, leaving me out in the corridor.

"Well, move along you filthy snake." The fat lady hisses at me.

I nod at her. "Will do miss. Have a nice evening." And with that, I take me leave.

Chapter 36: Hermione

Chapter Text

"Mione'? We can't take too long! Harry's Quidditch game is in a few hours!" I groan as she drags me into the library for 'important business', whatever that means.

She let's go of my wrist that she was gripping so tightly that I can see red marks on my skin, and turns to me. "Hailey, I may have figured out what attacked Filch's cat and you want to go watch your brother win another game?"

I rub my now hurting wrist. Gee thanks, Hermione. "Hermione, I don't understand why this can't wait until after the game!"

Hermione narrows her eyes at me, shushing me at the same time. "What are you so adament about going to this game in the first place?"

I blush slightly, clearing my throat. "Malfoy wanted me to sit with him. Since he joined the Slytherin team, we haven't been able to hang out. I was excited, that's all."

Hermione grins for a moment but shakes her head and grabs my wrist. "Don't worry Hailey, this should take no less than an hour, as long as you help me."

I roll my eyes and start looking at the shelves. "What are we even looking for?"

"A magical creature book. I think the 'monster' that is attacking us is a magical creature, and not a big spider either."

I turn my head towards her, my eyes widened. "Like a Basilisk? I read about them last year in Newt Scamander's book, Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, I remember that the book said that if you looked into their eyes you would die." I put a hand to my chin. "I don't remember it saying anything about petrification though."

Hermione squeals in delight. "Hailey! You're a genius! That's exactly what I meant!" She grabs my shoulders and tugs me around the library. I dig my heels into the ground, trying to stop the bushy-haired twelve-year-old from literally pulling me into a cart of books, but to no prevail.

The impact of my body on the cart is odd. I feel the cart, but the pain is slow acting. When I finally feel the pain, Hermione is already at my side with a worried going in her eye. "Are you alright Hailey? Quite a nasty fall you took there. Completely my fault of course."

I roll my eyes and glance at the books that we knocked over and sigh, there isn't a familiar scarlet book in the messy pile. "I'm fine Hermione, but you need to find that book! If we don't, who knows. Maybe we can get a couple of clues and figure out who the heir of Slytherin is."

Hermione nods and stands up. Surprisingly, she sticks out her hand for me to grab. I look at it questioningly as she huffs. "Come on! If we want to make it to the Quidditch game we need to start searching for that book. Miss Pince hasn't organized the books get today so it might be a tad bit more difficult then it should be."

I grin and grab her hand and she pulls me up. I wince in pain as I can already feel the newly forming bruise on the place on my sling that impacted the cart of books. "I think we should put the books back on the cart."

Hermione looks at me for a second before exclaiming, "Hailey! We need to find the book, you're the one who wanted to make it back for the game!"

I clear my throat and nod. "And I am also the one that is realizing if Pince finds out we knocked over her books and didn't pick them up, we will have detention for months. We probably will have to still complete them after we graduate from Hogwarts."

Hermione's eyes widen, the realization that I am one hundred percent correct dawn's on her face. "Okay, let's pick up the books, but quickly."

I scramble on the ground and pick up the books. Honestly, they are all first yearbooks so I am quite surprised that Fantastic Beasts isn't in the pile. Of course, we are supposed to buy our own. But there are kids who forget or lost their book.

As we stack each book on the cart, in the same order, or close to it, I scan each book for the title we need.

My eyes glance to see a quill that has a wet tip on the ground. I hesitantly take the quill, needing a new one anyway.

"I found it!" Hermione says happily!" She shows me the scarlet book and searches through the pages. I put my hand in my pocket, my right hand gripping the pen. My eyes widen, inside my pocket is a piece of paper.

A previous conversation flashes through my head.

"Hailey, I heard you needed more paper. So, here is some parchment, it's really important that you keep it."

"Malfoy, what do you mean?"

"I mean that this paper is a key to something that I think I figured out. Hailey, you need to not tell anyone that I gave this to you. Alright?"

"Mione'! I have a paper on the Basilisk. " Her head peeks up from the book and turns to me.


"I said what I meant!" I show her the paper with a giant snake drawn on it. "I put my hand in my pocket and realized I had a page on it the whole time."

She shuffles over to me and looks at the page. "How is a thing that big roaming around Hogwarts without being seen?" She looks at me in confusion.

We both hear something move from above us and we come up with the same conclusion. "The pipes!" We say in unison.

A strange hissing sound comes from behind us, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight. I see Hermione stiffen as well. I try to turn around but she grabs my shoulder and stops me. "I think the monster found us." She grabs a small hand mirror from her pocket. "Hailey, write everything you know on that piece of paper quickly! And once you're done keep it firmly in your hand."

I write the one thing I know, 'the pipes', I crumple the paper up and hold it in my fist. I glance at the mirror, wanting to see the monster. My body stiffens as I see it's great big yellow eyes.

And everything turns black.

The last thing I feel is another person falling next to me.

Chapter 37: Going Back to the Dursleys

Chapter Text

A liquid fills my throat as my consciousness tells me that the world around me is light once more. I gasp and sit up, looking around I see that I am in the infirmary. "Glad to see you up, Miss Potter." I look up to see a familiar brunette wizard draped in green robes.

I feebly smile at her. "Can you fill me in on what happened Professor McGonagall?"

She smiles at me. "Of course. You were petrified by a Basilisk, but you already knew that since you had a page ripped out of your library book, scribbled on." I look down, ashamed that I injured a poor unsuspecting book. "The mandrakes were luckily almost matured and we were able to whip up a potion to unpetrify everyone."

I look up in shock as I realize something. "Did I miss the finals?"

She stares at me for a moment. "Unfortunately yes. Not to worry, since you and the others have unpredictable circ*mstances, you're free from doing finals."

"Oh." I stare at the blanket over me. "Is Hermione okay professor? I got petrified before her."

I look up and see her smiling at me. "Miss Granger was unpetrified a few minutes ago. I'm sure she is in the great hall right now, saying goodbye to her friends."


She nods at me. "It is the last day of school after all."

I shoot up from bed before sitting down again. "Am I allowed to leave professor?" She nods and I book in out of the infirmary, over to the great hall. As I enter the hall, nobody turns around. I smile as I run over to Slytherin table and hug Draco from behind.

He jumps and turns toward me. His eyes widen as a smile is now plastered on his face. "Ha-Potter!" He stands up and hugs me. "You're back."

I smile at him as we let go of each other. "Of course. Can't leave the people I care about now can I?" The grin is still on his face. I get hugged by Aimee and Andie before all the Slytherins sit down, smiles on their face. "Alright, I am going to go visit my brother! Be right back!"

I sprint over to Gryffindor table, but before I get there, I am interrupted by Ron's annoying voice. "HARRY IT'S HAILEY!"

The whole hall becomes silent.

I stand there, everyone staring at me, waiting for me to do something. I take a deep breath and wave.

The hall looks away from me and continues to talk.

I stomp over to the Gryffindor table, glaring the now whimpering figure of Ron Weasley. "You idiot! Are you trying to get the whole school to actually know who I am!"

He shakes his head. "I'm sorry Hailey! I didn't mean it!"

I roll my eyes and look away from him. "You doing alright 'Mione?"

She nods and smiles. "You doing alright Hails?"

I nod and smile back at Harry. "So Harry, you fought the basilisk, didn't you?"

Harry looks away awkwardly, confirming my suspicions. "I had to Hailey! Ginny was taken. Even so you should know what was in that-"

"I had a pretty good idea of what happened actually." Harry's eyes widen as I interrupt him. "I could hear a lot of what was going on. Ginny was taken by the monster. You and Ron went to see a giant spider. And you both were crying at Hermione and my bedside, saying that we were needed by you two."

Hermione excitedly nods her head. "I remember that! Honestly, you two need to learn how to handle yourselves better."

Harry and Ron look away from both of us. "Anyways, what is up with you and Malfoy? He is glaring at you like you murdered his father."

Harry looks at me for a moment before speaking. "That is what I was going to tell you! Malfoy's father-"

"Slipped a book in Ginny's Cauldron at Diagon Alley. I noticed."

Harry huffs, annoyed that I keep interrupting him. "Well anyways! Malfoy's dad was going to attack me today because I freed Dobby and revealed that I know that he gave Ginny the diary."

"Wait he attacked you? With what spell?"

Harry huffs again. "I don't know! Did you know the diary had a part of Voldemort's soul in it! But I used one of the Basilisk's fangs to destroy it."

My eyes widen. "You destroyed it?" If that diary was a horcrux, does that mean that Voldemort is dead now? "I missed a lot."

"So, leaving for your aunt's?" Blaise asks me.

I smile and nod. "I mean we all have to leave." Midnight meows in her crate.

"Well, if you need any help. Write me a letter and I can beg my family to pick you up."

"I don't think she needs to do that, Blaise." I turn around and see Draco, narrowing his eyes at Blaise.

The train signals for us to go on the train. "I need to go."

"Wait! Potter!" I turn around and see Draco staring at me. "You will write, right?"

I smile and nod. "See you later, Malfoy."

Chapter 38: Aunt Marge, the Hot Air Balloon


This is when I started making a lot more longer chapters I’m fairly certain

Chapter Text

"Lumos Maxima."

I put a pillow over my ears. I swear, my brother is going to get expelled.

"Lumos Maxima."

I growl, mumbling incoherently about how he won't shut up.

"Lumos Maxima."

I throw a small pillow towards Harry's bed, probably missing it completely knowing my horrible aim.

"Lumos Maxima."

He needs to give it up. Honestly, this is the reason he can't be in Ravenclaw.

"Lumos Maxima!"

The annoying flickering light returns. I really wish I could just sleep in the cupboard again. It would be so much easier.

The door opens right when Harry pretends to be asleep. I cover Midnight as much as I can so Vernon doesn't see that she's out of her crate.

Honestly, Harry, I could ruin your life because in this house if you don't allow me to get a good night's rest. Especially with Marge coming to visit.

"Harry! Harry! Harry, open the door!" The bell's incessant ringing fills the house. Harry opens the door to reveal my aunt Marge. She is plump, but it doesn't look as nice on her as it does Mrs. Weasley. Her hair is curled and her expression is that of seeing that your dog pooped on your brand new carpet, disgusted. She hobbles to the living room to see Petunia, her dog trailing along behind her.

That dog is the fullest creature on the earth. A few years ago, he chased Harry up and tree, and Marge didn't do anything about it at all. It was absolutely horrible. Strangely, the dog loves me, maybe because I am the only normal one in this house.

Sorry, Harry, you're not normal when you keep me up at night trying to complete a spell we learned last year.

"Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form." Harry pushes the Hogsmead form towards Vernon. I smile at my awkward brother. This is really bad timing Harry.

"What is it?" Vernon doesn't even pay attention and puts away his jacket.

"Nothing. School stuff." Harry replies rather quickly.

Vernon just starts to walk away. "Later perhaps, if you behave."

"I will if she does," Harry says very aggressively, making Vernon do even a double-take.

I walk over to Harry and smile. "You really shouldn't have waited until the last moment."

Harry rolls his eyes at me. "Like you have it signed already."

I pull out my signed form, aunt Petunia's name lazily scribbled onto it. "I got mine signed two weeks ago." Harry just walks away.

"Oh, you're still here, are you?" Marge stands up and stares at Harry.

"Yes." I hit Harry on the arm. "Ow."

I fake a smile at her. "Excuse my brother. It is very nice to see you again, Aunt Marge. It really has been too long." I even bow at her a little bit. She likes me well enough, more than Harry, so I can usually calm the situation down a bit.

"Yes, yes, of course. Hello, I suppose. But boy, don't say yes in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep." She aims the last sentence at my uncle. Dudley laughs and her expression changes quite suddenly. "Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh? Give us a kiss! Come on! Up, up!" She kisses his head, I can see it on his face that he hates it though.

"Take Marge's suitcase upstairs!" Vernon mumbles to Harry. I go to help him but Vernon hisses, "You stay! We need someone to take care of the dog and points."

"Okay." Harry and I say in unison. My tone is more disgusted, I really am not a dog person, at all.

"Finish that off for Mommy. Good boy, Rippy-pooh." I stare at the dog licking the food off the plate. Honestly, how unsanitary can this woman be?

Harry starts to grab the dirty dishes as I lean on a wall, smiling at this family of mine. I may hate them, but at least when either family members arrive, the house gets livelier. "Can I tempt you, Marge?"

"Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia. A bit more. Usually, just a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs. Just a bit more. That's a boy! Mm!" She basically gulps the whole glass down in one sip. I cringe at the thought of dealing with a hungover aunt Marge since she's unbearable when she's sober.

"You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh?" I inwardly smile as Ripper drinks from the cup. That's cute not going to lie. Marge looks up and sees Harry smiling. "What are you smirking at?" Harry just shrugs. "Where did you send the boy, Vernon?"

"St. Brutus'. It's a fine institution for hopeless cases. We send both the boy and girl there." I nod, going along with the lie.

"Do they use a cane at St. Brutus', boy?"

I swear. Harry is the worst actor ever. He literally is staring at Vernon, before finally getting what he has to say. "Oh, yeah. Yeah. I've been beaten loads of times."

I smile at her. "And I've been beaten once or twice myself."

She glances at me. "Pity." She then looks at Harry once more. "Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby... wishy-washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You mustn't blame yourself for how this one turned out. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it their father did, Petunia?" I grip my skirt, stopping myself from yelling at her.

"Nothing. He didn't work." Petunia says in a monotone type of voice and expression. "He was unemployed."

"And a drunk too, no doubt?" Marge says, not caring that Harry and I are in the room.

"That's a lie!" Harry yells, his back facing us.

"Harry.." I say in a warning voice.

"What did you say?"

Harry turns around. "My dad wasn't drunk!" He glares at her and the glass that contained Marge's alcohol shatters in her hand. Everyone screams, while I just stand there with my eyes widened.

"Oh, don't worry Don't fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip." Marge chuckles. Petunia stares at Harry before looking over to me.

I smile at Marge. "Would you like another glass? I can grab you one." I say softly, trying not to be angry myself.

Marge smiles at me, I'm assuming thinking that the school I'm going to is making me normal.

Little did she know.

I walk towards the cabinets and get another glass. As I'm about to turn around, I mumble to Harry, "Calm yourself. We don't need you getting expelled, Harry."

"I think it's time you went to bed," Vernon speaks up, staring directly at Harry.

"Quiet, Vernon. You, clean it up since your sister is getting another glass." I bring the glass as Harry rushes over and starts to clean up. "Actually, it's nothing to do with the father. It's all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, then there's something wrong with the pup."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

"Harry!" I yell at him. Everyone stares at me, making me cringe. "You need to calm down okay?" Lights flicker and wind picks up in the room, my worry increasing.

"Right! Let me tell you... y-y--" My eyes widen as I see her finger blowing up. I gasp as her whole body starts to blow up, her clothes barely stretching with her. "Vernon!" She mumbles. "Vernon! Vernon, do something!" He stands up and Ripper begins attacking his leg.

"Ow! Ripper! Ow!" He helps out in pain. "Ripper, get down, boy! Down! Ripper, stop it!" Her pearls go flying and so do her buttons, as one hits Dudley right in the face. I stand there in shock, just frozen.

"Stop!" Vernon helps as Marge begins to float. Did Harry accidentally make her into a hot air balloon or something?

She bumps on the ceiling and then gets outside. I snicker, this is not going to be good. She screams in fear, so I now feel bad.

Vernon grabs onto her hands and starts getting lifted himself. "I've got you, Marge! I've got you!" And then Ripper grabs onto his pant leg.

"Hold on, hold on!" Vernon says quickly. He looks down, seeing Ripper and how far he is off the ground. "Get off!"

Marge glares at him. "Don't you dare!"

"Sorry!" Vernon let's go of her and he falls to the ground, as she floats higher and higher.

"Marge!" Vernon yells. But what Petunia is doing makes me cackle. She is waving at Marge with her handkerchief.

"Harry!" I grab my trunk and Midnight. We need to go before you do something even more drastic!" I say to him and he nods, before coming down the stairs with my stuff and running off for his stuff. When he goes down the stairs again, Vernon is, however, waiting for him. "You bring her back! You bring her back now and you put her right!"

"No! She deserved what she got!" Harry snarls at Vernon. Uncle charges at Harry and Harry points his wand at Vernon. "Keep away from me."

"Did you by chance take my wand out Harry?" He nods at throws it at me, which I catch.

"You're not allowed to do magic outside school." Vernon powers in fear.

Harry points his wand at Vernon. "Yeah? Try me."

"They won't let you back now. You've nowhere to go."

"I don't care. Anywhere's better than here." And he grabs his stuff and leaves.

Petunia and Vernon stare at me. I feebly look down at the floor. "I'm so sorry about tonight. " I grab Midnight's cat carrier, with her in it, and my suitcase and follow my brother.

Time for another year of crazy.

Chapter 39: Brother Needs to Think

Chapter Text

"You are such an idiot!" I yell at my brother, who is dragging his trunk. Midnight meows sadly, wanting out of her carrier. Unlike Harry, I want to keep track of my pets. It's not like Vernon and Petunia would keep good care of Hedwig and Midnight.

"It's not my fault she was insulting our parents!" Harry yells at me.

I roll my eyes and stop rolling my trunk for a second. "You are such an idiot! I totally understand that Marge was being unbearable! But you need to keep your temper. If you're not careful, you're going to get us both expelled and we will have to go to some stupid school that the Dursleys put us in. I don't want to lose my brother because he was so daft that he got his ass expelled!"

Harry looks at me wide-eyed. "Calm down please." Honestly, I don't blame him. I rarely get angry with him. "I know I shouldn't have done that. Honestly, I don't know how I did it in the first place."

I roll my eyes at him for what feels like the hundredth time. "You used wandless magic doofus. Not that difficult to figure out."

"Well, how did I do that?"

I glare at him, matching his glare that he is currently giving me. "I don't know! Ask Hermione! Honestly, she is smarter than me and nicer, and prettier. Hell, she would probably be a better sister as well!"

He stops and looks at me curiously. "Hailey what are-"

"Don't talk like you care!" Tears escape my eyes before I stop them. "I was conscious when I was petrified. You never once actually spoke to me, but you spoke to Hermione. Malfoy spoke to me in that state, Zabini did as well. Hell, Cedric Diggory even paid me a visit! You care more about your friends than your family! You know that, and I know that. So, once we get to Hogwarts, never speak to me again. Tell Ron that he now doesn't have to speak to a Slytherin, and tell Hermione that I am still angry that she lead me to a library when she knew a basilisk was moving around."

I sit down on the curb and refuse to look at him. I feel like a child, but that explosion of emotion was something I've been keeping in for a few years now, and it felt nice to let it all out.

Lights flicker and behind me, I can distinctly hear the swings swinging into the small breeze.

The wind picks up and I look up to see Harry is clearly troubled as well. I go in front of him slightly, without him noticing and look forward.

Suddenly, a large black dog appears out of the shadows across the street. I narrow my eyes at him, he doesn't look like a normal dog. Something is off about him, maybe he's a stray.

The dog barks and Harry and I fall over, only to see a tall skinny bus driving to where we just were standing.

Did that bus just save our lives?

"Welcome to the Knight Bus... emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening." I look at Stan and stand up, brushing off my jeans. I glance back at the bushes to see that the dog is gone.


What is even weirder is the Stan is reading his introduction on a piece of paper.

"What you doing down there?" Stand says, directly at Harry.

"I fell over," Harry says, not really knowing what to say clearly.

"What you fall over for?" What is with that condescending tone Stan? That's not very nice.

"I didn't do it on purpose." And why does Harry seem so offended?

"Well, come on, then. Let's not wait for the grass to grow." Harry stands up and looks beyond the bus, to the bushes. Stan peaks out and looks confused at the bushes. "What you looking at?"

Harry jumps at his voice. "Nothing."

Stan huffs. "Well, come on, then. In." Harry and I go to pick up our trunks, but Stan stops us. "No, no, no. I'll get this. You two get in." I run up the stairs of the bus and am greeted by a few wizards and witches in beds sleeping. On top of the bus is a chandelier and a whole top floor as well. Magic is great. Harry doddles so I hear more of Stan's 'lovely' voice. "Come on. Come on. Move on, move on.

Stan gives us both a piece of paper and knocks on a window. "Take her away, Ern."

"Yeah, take it away, Ernie. It's going to be a bumpy ride." Is that a Jamaican accent. I look through the window to see a shrunken head, well that makes sense.

Harry and I fall on the bed as the bus starts moving, and it's moving fast.

Stan looms confused. "What did you two say your names were again?"

I breathe out in surprise at the speed of the bus. "We didn't."

"Whereabouts are you headed?"

I smile and stabilize myself as much as I can. "The Leaky Cauldron. I am going to assume you know where it is."

Stan scoffs at me. "You hear that? She's gonna assume I know where it is! Yeah, I know where it is."

"The Leaky Cauldron."

"If you have pea soup... make sure you eat it before it eats you."

I'm just gonna ignore Ern and the head.

"But the Muggles. Can't they see us?" Harry asks quickly. No, Harry, this is a magical transportation device, of course, the muggles can't see us.

"Muggles? They don't see anything, do they?" I knew I was right.

"No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel." We turn a corner and I run into Harry. I push myself off of him and crawl to another bed, away from him.

"Ernie, a little old lady at 12 o'clock!" We stop abruptly and Harry is thrown forward, onto the windshield. I snicker at his misfortune for a second because it is hilarious. "Ten, nine, eight... seven, six, five... four, three, three and a half... two, one and three quarters. Yes!" With that, the old lady is away from the front of the bus, Harry is thrown back onto his bed, and the bus is moving.

Stan is holding a newspaper with a face on it. "Who is that?" I ask him quietly.

Stan sighs and looks at the cover and sees the man. "Who is that? Who is...?
That is Sirius Black, that is." I look at him blankly. "Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black."

I laugh nervously. "Unfortunately not."

"He's a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it."

"How did he escape?" Harry asks quickly, glancing over at me.

"Well, that's the question, isn't it? He's the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of... You-Know-Who. I reckon you two have heard of him." He looks at Harry and I.

I clear my throat and smile. "Yeah. We have heard of him."

"Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o'clock. They're getting closer, Ernie.
Ernie, they're right on top of us!" Can Ern not see? It's so confusing. Ern pulls a few levers and we all get skinnier because of magic I presume. "Mind your head. Hey, guys? Guys? Why the long faces?" We squeeze through and continue to go through England like it's nothing.

The bus abruptly stops and I hear a car alarm outside.

Stan sighs and puts down his Daily Prophet. "The Leaky Cauldron. Next stop, Knockturn Alley."

A man comes on the bus. "Mr. And Ms. Potter, at last." We all step off the bus with our trunks in tow.

"Take it away, Ern."

"Yeah, take it away, Ernie!"

I look back and see the bus gone.

What a strange experience.

Chapter 40: The Leaky Cauldron

Chapter Text

We walk into the Leaky Cauldron, luckily there aren't a lot of people. While Harry thrives in attention, I do like a nice book and a day of quiet.

I glance around and see a man reading the daily prophet using his finger to use magic on a spoon. The spoon itself is spinning around a teacup.

"Room eleven."

I jump at the voice, it is raspy and unwelcoming. Plus, I have no idea who said it.

"Hedwig!" Harry runs towards Hedwig in a new room. I glance at the bird before petting Midnight, who is currently purring against my legs.

"Right smart bird you got there, Mr. Potter. He arrived here just five minutes before yourself." I ignore what he is saying to my brother, but I do catch that.

I jump as I hear a voice clear. There stands someone I know from the daily prophet "As Minister for Magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter... earlier this evening your uncle's sister was located... a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack." Harry and I get pushed towards two seats, where we deny everything offered to us. The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched immediately. She has been properly punctured and her memory modified.
She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. So that's that... and no harm is done." I just stare at Fudge. "Pea soup?"

I shake my head at the man. "I apologize, I'm not very hungry."

"No, thank you." I nudge Harry, he could be a little bit nicer to the minister of magic. Fudge puts down the lid to the soup. "Minister?"

He looks up, staring at Harry and I. "Yes?"

"I don't understand."


"What he's saying is, " I interrupted Harry. "He broke the law and used underage magic outside of school. He is confused about why there are no repercussions to his actions, as am I."

"Well, aren't you just a splendid conversationalist." I beam at the compliment. The minister stared back at Harry. "Come now. The Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban... for blowing up their aunts." The man who fetched us earlier tackles, making us all pause. "The other hand, running away like that, given the state of things... was very, very irresponsible." We both flip around as he just walked behind our chairs.

"The state of things, sir?"

"Whatever do you mean?" I narrow my eyes at the minister.

"We have a killer on the loose." I shiver at the thought. I already came into contact with a killer when I was a one year old, I think I'm done with killers for a while. Oh and don't forget that I came into contact with some 'dark lord' who attached himself to a professor, subsequently making the professor attempt to murder me. And don't forget how the same murderer attached part of his soul to a book, making me get temporarily petrified.

"Sirius Black, you mean?" I ask the minister.

"But what's he got to do with me?" I nudge Harry with my elbow. "Well, I mean us?"

The minister clears his throat. He's hiding something, I can feel it. "Nothing, of course. You're safe. By that, I mean both of you. And that's what matters. And tomorrow you'll be on your way back to Hogwarts." He makes an 'oh' sound before gesturing to a table that holds two stacks of books. "These are your new schoolbooks. I took the liberty... of having them brought here."

I smile at the minister. "Thank you, sir."

He smiles at me and nods. "My pleasure Miss Potter, try to keep your brother out of trouble alright?"

I glare at Harry who looks offended. "No guarantees, sorry."

"Now Tom will show you to your rooms." He quickly retreats to the darkness of the room.

I pick up Midnight and stand up. Tom pulls Harry out the door, while I am trailing behind them. Tom forgot my books so I am currently holding a small cat and heavy books. What a great day.

"Hedwig." Hedwig flies by my head and onto Harry's outstretched arm.

"Oh, by the way, Harry. Whilst you're here, it would be best if you didn't... wander." We walk out of the office.

Tom opens the door to one room and gestures for me to go in, which I gladly do before closing the door. "Alone at last." I collapse on the bed and Midnight purrs against me.

My brain fuzzes over until I just zone out completely. Peace is ever amazing.

But that peace is taken away too quickly as a cat meows and a knock ricochets from my door.

I open the door to see Harry who has a finger to his mouth.

"I'm warning you, Hermione. Keep that beast away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy."

I pull Harry down the stairs, I hate eavesdropping. It's beyond idiotic and there is no valid excuse if you're caught.

"It's a cat, Ronald. What do you expect? It's in his nature."

"A cat? Is that what they told you? It looks like a pig with hair."

Actually, the cat looks really pretty, Ron you're just a rat person.

That's rich... coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy."

I roll my eyes at the entire debate. Only Ron and Hermione can go full debate team on each other.

"Harry." Ron's face lights up.

Hermione turns around and looks at both of us. "Harry."

I cross my arms at the two people. "And I'm assuming I'm chopped liver then." I pet Midnight who is on my shoulder and walks over to the cat who I assume is named Crookshanks. "Nice to meet you, you truly are a handsome cat." I pet him and he purrs.

I look at the three friends before walk off.

As I thought more about it, I'm mad at all three of them, not just Harry. I guess the reasons will reveal themselves later.

Chapter 41: Dementors

Chapter Text

"Malfoy!" I yell at Draco as he goes toward the compartment that holds the golden trio and Neville.

He ignores me and opens the compartment. "How's it going, Potter?"

I kick Draco in the leg and he visibly flinches. He scans the compartment, as do I. Both of our gazes land on someone sleeping in the corner.

"I'm assuming he's the new defense against the dark arts teacher?"

Hermione nods at me and smiles. "You figured that out quick."

I cross my arms and stare at her with a bored expression. "I'm special like that. I use the information to make sure I'm safe and not hurt.". I turn around and grab Malfoy by the sleeve. "Hope you all have a great year." I pull Draco away who is just starting at me.

Draco pulls his arm away from mine and has a clear smirk on his face. "Well weren't you mean back there."

I roll my eyes and open the compartment. "I'm just a bit mad at them at the moment. I already told you why." Pansy moves out of the way as I collapse onto the seat. "Why did you need to go talk to my brother anyway? Not like he adds anything to the conversation."

"Hailey, you aren't that dim.".

I narrow my eyes at Blaise who is laughing.

"What do you mean by that?"

Blaise crosses his arms smugly. "Well, it's obvious that he-"

He is stopped by Draco holding his wand to Blaise's throat. I roll my eyes again and grab a book I put in the compartment earlier.

"Hey, Potter?"

I look up and smile at Draco. "What is it?"

"You got your Hogsmead slip signed, right?"

I nod with a smile on my face. "Unlike someone in my family, I don't wait until the last minute." I take the parchment out of my tote bag, making sure I have the slip.

Draco nods and goes back to reading, as do I.

"You two are so boring!"

I look at Pansy, who looks like she is about to die of something. "If you don't like it, you can always go hang out with other Slytherins you know," I say quietly as I continue to read.

She huffs and stands up. My eyes follow her as she walks over to Draco and sits next to him. "Drakey-poo, you're not going to let her speak to me like that, right?"

Draco pushes the girl away. "It's not my responsibly for what she says, if you don't like it, tell her yourself."

Pansy huffs once more and goes back to her seat. It's like she got an idea as she bounces up and down excitedly. "Did you guys hear about Sirius Black escaping."

"Who hasn't?"

I close my book, actually intrigued by the conversation. "For what it's worth, I want to know what happened."

Pansy leans onto the seat as she grins. "Sirius Black was a follower of you know who and was in Azkaban for twelve years. He escaped just recently and has been a big buzz."

I tilt my head, my hair moving from my shoulder. "But people escape prisons all the time."

Pansy shakes her head at me. "He's the first at Azkaban."

We all jump as the train stops quickly. "What the bloody hell?" I say aloud before jumping up and opening the compartment door. As I look out, everyone is doing the same. I close the compartment and sit back down.

"What's going on?"

I look at Blaise and shrug. "I don't know." The lights then get turned off as well. "Well, this is just lovely."

"Scared of the dark Potter?" I can basically hear his smirk.

"I don't know, scared of dementors?"

Pansy's voice cuts through the silence. "What does that have to do with anything."

I shrug, even though nobody can see me. "The air is getting colder, and don't you feel that overwhelming dread taking hold? I think they're searching the train for Sirius Black."

"Why would come to that conclusion."

I stand up, gripping my wand. "None of your concern Malfoy.". I open the compartment but get stopped by a hand on my wrist. " What is it?"

I can make out Draco's outline in the darkness. "Where are you going?"

I smile, even though I can't be seen. "I may be having a fight with the golden trio, but I think I know exactly where dementors would want to go. My brother saw a lot as a kid, they're going to go after him."

The grip tightens around my wrist. "You went through the same things."

I pull my hand out of his grasp and walk out of the compartment. "True, but I know the spell to counteract the dementors."

"Be safe!"

I close the door and creep over to my brother's compartment, only to see a dementor over him. I lift my wand and imagine a good memory. If I could, I would close my eyes, but I can't. "Expecto Patronum." Light emits from my wand, and I notice the same light is coming from someone else's as well. "Lumos."

I lift my wand up and see the man who was sleeping in the corner of Harry's compartment. "Well isn't that just an extraordinary spell."

I smile at him and stick out my hand. "Hello sir, thank you for trying to save my brother. I guess I stole your thunder."

He shakes his head at me. "I would much rather a young witch or wizard show that they can defend themselves." I awkwardly shift the way I'm standing. "Won't you come in? It isn't safe navigating the train without lights, even with the use of magic."

I nod and enter the compartment. I nod at Ron and Hermione, who acknowledge my existent. "I'm sorry sir, but I didn't quite catch your name."

He looks like he forgot that fact, which he probably did. "Allow me to introduce myself then. I am the new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Remus Lupin."

I nod my head at him. "I am Hailey, Hailey Potter."

I could swear I saw his eyes widen.

Chapter 42: I’m Tired

Chapter Text

I yawn as we finish the annual singing of the school song. I just want to go to bed, but eating is second on the list of wants. Slytherin got a few new kids, but I don't particularly know any of them so it's not a big deal.

Dumbledore raises his hands while we clap for each other. "Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words... before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin... who's kindly consented to fill the post... of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor." Everyone claps, but I don't fail to notice that Snape looks depressed.

"He's going to be a good teacher, I can tell." I lean over to Malfoy.

He raises an eyebrow and stares at me. "Why's that?"

I pull out the chocolate Lupin gave me. "He knew that dementors feed off of joyful memories and it's better to flood your dopamine levels so you don't get depressed."

"Hailey, you gotta speak English to Malfoy, he isn't as smart as you and I." Blaise smiles at me, to which I chuckle at what he said. "Ow! What was that for!"

"Shove off!" Malfy rolls his eyes but ultimately smirks as he turns around.

"Malfoy, what is it?" I look at what he's looking at, only to shake my head. "Don't you dare."

"Potter. Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?" I pull Draco forwards and glare at him.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Ron looks almost hurt. Geez, I didn't say anything to you, don't be hurt.

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher... has decided to retire... in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs." I chuckle at that statement from Dumbledore. It's funny, to me at least. "Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce... that his place will be taken by none other... than our own Rubeus Hagrid."

I clap and smile at Hagrid who is beaming at me.

"Oh great."

"Malfoy, shut up." I kick him on the leg and he recoils in pain. I smirk in accomplishment.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note... at the request of the Ministry of Magic... Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban... until such time as Sirius Black is captured." I stiffen at the thought. Harry and I are susceptible to the dementors because of what happened with our parents. And what happened in first year. And second year.

Geez, we have had really bad luck, haven't we?

"The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured... that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities... a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish... between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you... to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found... even in the darkest of times... if one only remembers to turn on the light." Everyone claps and begins to eat as he finishes his speech.

I grin and pile on mashed potatoes on my plate. "Geez Hailey, be careful. You'll gain weight if you eat too much." I roll my eyes at Pansy.

"If I cared about that, I wouldn't be eating this now would I?" I fake smile before getting some chicken.

I sit down and eat slowly, savoring every bite. Scraps of food will only get you so far.

"By the way, Potter, you didn't write me many letters this year."

I look at Draco, still eating my food. "Harry isn't really allowed to let out Hedwig so I have to use the owl you send when you write to me. So in truth, you should have written to me."

Draco takes a bite of his apple and playfully glares at me. "Why would I want to make it easier for you?"

I shrug and eat a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Aren't you the one being raised as a refined wizard because of your so-called 'blood status'?"

"I'll have you know that my family-"

"I don't care." I continue to devour my food.

"Geez you two, get a room."

I raise my eyebrows and stare at Blaise. "What did you just say."

Blaise, with a confident smirk, puts his chin in his hands. "So when's the honeymoon? After all, you're acting like a married couple."

I roll my eyes and try not to look at Draco, this is actually a little embarrassing. "So when did you leave first year? Honestly, you are so immature."

What are they even thinking?

Chapter 43: Time Turner

Chapter Text

"Miss Potter, you cannot share what we are giving you to friends."

I nod as McGonagall hands me a small box. "What is this about if I may ask. Is it because I picked all of the classes? I completely apologize and will cut out some if I need to."

McGonagall waves her hand at me. "We normally don't allow it, but Professor Dumbledore is being lenient to you and another student."

I tilt my head as I look really confused. "Who is the other student if I may ask."

McGonagall, who was looking relaxed, stiffens. "I can reveal that Miss Potter."

I nod. My hand opens the box to reveal a small necklace. Two thin circles are intertwined, while a big circle is in the middle. The large circle holds an hourglass.

The entire necklace is gold, and from what I can see, the chain is bewitched.

"Professor, what is this?"

McGonagall sighs, clearly she has done this conversation once before. "This is what is known as a time turner. It is a device that allows a person to travel back in time, although there is a charm placed on it so you cannot go back too far."

I smile at the time turner, I've read about these a little bit. There are only a few in the world, and I'm currently holding one of them.

"What's the limit if I may ask." My eyes are gleaming, throwing McGonagall off guard.

She cleats her throat and closes the box in my hand. "Five hours." I jump around hugging the box. "Remember Miss Potter, no one can know that you have this."

I nod gratefully. "Don't worry Professor, at completely understand."

Chapter 44: Bloody Chicken

Chapter Text

I dart across the castle and run up the stairs to a tower. Ignoring the ever so annoying painting of a night, I open the door as quietly as I can and slip into the classroom undetected.

"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight." And with that, the professor runs into her table. Hermione just looks irritated from what I can see. I'm now well aware of who else has a time turner.

I'm sitting near Aimee, who I haven't talked to very much. Harry and Ron are sitting together, and Harry doesn't even spare me a glance.

"Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future!" Trelawney, calm yourself. Everyone is looking at you like you're insane. "This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you."

Aimee and I trade cups. Inside the cup is black sludge, making any remaining water inside look like it belongs in the loo.

"What do you see? The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds." Get your hands off Finnigan's head, he may catch your hands on fire. "First, you must look beyond." Again, stop making yourself look crazy, it's a horrible idea.

"Well, she seems nice." Aimee jokes. "This is definitely going to be an easy pass class. Who believes in this stuff anyway?" Aimee is muttering to me and I force a smile.

So not like I have dreams that usually tell me the future.

The crazy professor points at Neville. "You, boy...Is your grandmother quite well?"

Neville looks terrified. "I think so."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup." She tsks before putting the cup full of sludge down. "Pity. Broaden your minds. Your aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond?
I think you are." Okay now you're harassing a person who believes Slytherins are evil, you need to chill.

Ron gulps. "Sure."

She looks outright excited. "Look at the cup. Tell me what you see."

"Yeah. Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering." I sigh, I wouldn't be surprised if Harry does suffer this year. Every year something happens. If I get petrified again though, I'm going to personally murder Hermione because she would be the one who gets me petrified probably. "And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So... you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it."

Any excitement the professor had is now disappointment. "Give me the cup." She jumps back and screams. "Oh, my dear boy. My dear... you have the Grim."

Of course, he does.

He's Harry fricking Potter.

Something always has to go wrong.

"The Grin? What's the Grin?" Seamus is almost making me laugh. First, he explodes things all the time, and now he is thinking she said grin?

"Not the Grin, you idiot. The Grim. Taking the form of a giant spectral dog. It's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen... of death."

Of course, it does.

I groan and look to Aimee who looks confused. "You wanna know what your tea leaves look like?"

She perks up and nods. I glance at the leaves and see a cross, making my heart drop. "What is it?"

I look up and smile at the girl. "Its a sun. You're going to be happy."

She perks up at the news. "That's great! Oh yeah, your tea leaves have a bridge looking thing and a cross! So your going to have a good journey, but suffer through it."

I smile at her and put my chin on the table. I don't like this class very much.

"That's it. Come on, now. Come closer. Less talking, if you don't mind. I got a real treat for you today. A great lesson. So follow me."

"Hello, Potter."

I nod at Theo who is walking beside me. "You're not walking with Malfoy?"

He snorts. "Why would I do that if I can walk with you?"

I feel my book wanting to be set free from its shackles. "I'm nothing special, you know that."

Theo them proceeds to grab my wrist from walking any farther. He takes his book and hits me lightly over the head. "Get some confidence, you'll never end up with Malfoy if you don't have it."

I instantly blush at what he says. What the hell does he mean by that?

"Potter! There you are!" Draco then proceeds to grab me by the arm and pull me away from Theo. "You alright? You look a little red."

I try to breathe as I look at Draco. With a sigh, I successfully start to calm down. "I'm okay, just let go of my arm."

I pull my arm, but he continues to hold onto it with a smirk. "No, I don't think I will." And with that, we continue to walk.

"Alright, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there. And open your books to page forty-nine." Hagrid is walking way too fast.

Draco sneers at the large man. "Exactly how do we do that?"

Hagrid looks at Draco like he just said he didn't know what a dragon is. "Just stroke the spine, of course. Goodness me." And with that, he walks away.

Draco continues to hold onto my arm but pulls me closer to him. "Do you want me to open your book for you?"

I tug at my arm again. "I can do it myself thanks." I stroke the spine of the monstrous book and it immediately opens.

I notice Neville having some difficulty with his book, to where he gets knocked over by it.

Draco sneers at the boy who is particularly bad at anything that isn't a class with Professor Sprout. "Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom."

"Gelata," I mutter as I point my wand towards my hand. Once jelly encases my arm, I am able to pull it away from Draco because he is shocked.

I immediately kneel towards Neville and help him with his book. "Thanks, Hailey!"

I smile at him and stand up, offering him my hand. He gladly takes it and stands up as well.

I walk away, making sure to not get captured by Draco again.

"I think they're funny," Hermione mutters to Harry and Ron.

Draco sneers again, which can he stop? One day his face will be stuck like that. "Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

I grab Malfoy by his robe and pull him to my level. My brown eyes look into his, trying to portray that I am pissed. "Play nice, nobody cares that your father is in favor of the Ministry."

I let go of him and he awkwardly walks away slightly from me, before grabbing me and shielding my body. "Dementor! Dementor!" He let's go of me and some of his friends, including Theo, start making fun of Harry because he looked behind himself.

Hagrid clears his throat and everyone quiets down. Making the creature have a dramatic entrance, out comes out a hippogriff.

He has feathers all over his body. He has a horse body, but a bird head, bird claws, and wings.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Yes, yes he is. Hagrid throws a dead ferret towards the creature and he chomps it down. "Say hello to Buckbeak."

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Yay, Ron is scared. Not like he gets freaked out over plants half the time.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff. The first thing you wanna know is they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid claps.

Everyone begins to murmur as I'm entranced with the beauty of the beast.

"Well done, Hailey and Harry. Well done." Oh my god no. I look behind myself and everyone has walked backward. God damned traitors. Aren't the Gryffindors supposed to be brave?

"Come on now. How about Hailey first." Oh, what a surprise. "Now... you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite. So... step up. Give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not... Well, we'll get to that later." I walk forward meekly.

I look behind myself to see Harry looking worried along with Blaise, Theo, and Draco.

"Just make your bow. Nice and low. Keep still. Keep still." I bow and Buckbeak stares at me and squawks before bowing. "Well done, Hailey. Well done. Here, you big brute, you." Hagrid throws another ferret.

Ferrets are going to go extinct before this lesson is over.

"Right. I think you can go and pat him now. Go on. Don't be shy. Nice and slow, now. Nice and slow." I slowly start to creep towards the beast with my hand extended. "Slow. That's it... Nice and slow. Now let him come to you. Slowly, now, slowly, slowly...That's it... Yes!" Buckbeak proceeds to put his head on my hand. The coolness of his beak makes me smile.

"Well done! Well done, Hailey, well done!" Hagrid and everyone else starts to clap for me, making me smile. "I think he may let you ride him now."

"What?" I scream out, terrified.

Hagrid proceeds to pick me up by the waist. "Come on."

I kick my legs, trying to make him put me down. "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Put you over here, just behind the wing joint. Don't pull out any of his feathers, because he won't thank you for that." Buckbeak's feathers are soft. I grip onto the spot Hagrid says as he makes Buckbeak take off.

The creature runs forward and takes off into the air. I scream in fright, only being in the air during first year flying lessons.

My eyes, that were shut tight, open. "Woah." My voice is a whisper as I look around me. Lush green trees that are underneath us go past us like nothing.

The castle looks gorgeous up close like this as well. Lastly, he flies over the great lake, making me smile.

This is great.

The wind flowing through my hair. My skin feeling the coolness of the air as it rushes past me.

I can even see mermaids in the lake.

Hagrid whistles and we are back on the ground.

"Well done, Hailey, and well done, Buckbeak!" Hagrid and everyone else starts to clap. I slip off Buckbeak and pet him before starting to walk back over to the group.

"That was wicked, Hailey!"

Draco throws me a green apple before storming towards Buckbeak. "Oh, please."

Hagrid looks proud of himself, for making such a gold first class. "Well done, well done. How am I doing on my first day?"

I smile at Hagrid. "Brilliant, professor."

"Yes you're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute!" Malfoy sneers at Buckbeak.

My eyes widen and I run back towards Draco.

"Malfoy, no..."

"No!" I run towards Malfoy as he falls. Turns out hippogriff claws can cut.

I stare back at Buckbeak who is looking at me, bo longer attacking. Draco's head in my lap and he's whimpering like a little child. "It's killed me!"

Hagrid, who looks like a white sheet, is trying to calm the blond down. "Calm down! It's just a scratch!"

"Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital." Hermione runs towards us all three.

Hagrid nods and picks up Draco's whimpering form. "I'm the teacher. I'll do it."

I stand up immediately and look at Hagrid. "Can I come along?"

He looks at me and then at Draco and nods, making me smile gratefully.

"You're gonna regret this."

"Class dismissed!" Hagrid bellows.

"You and your bloody chicken!"

Chapter 45: Draco Needs To Stop Acting

Chapter Text

"Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Pansy proceeds to ask Draco as we all sit in the great hall. Harry seemed to actually want to talk after I road Buckbeak, but once I went with Draco to the hospital wing again he got distant again.

Bipolar little popular boy.

"It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. Madam Pomfrey said another minute and I could've lost my arm. I can't do homework for weeks."

I smile softly at him. "You sure are laying it on thick aren't you?" Theo snickers at my comment.

Pansy glares at me. Surprise, turns out she likes Draco Malfoy, who would have thought? "You shouldn't be so rude you ungrateful half-blood! Draco could have died."

I chuckle at her comment. "Pansy, sweetie, calling someone a half-blood isn't disrespectful. Especially since there are many wizards out there who are successful in their goals and they are half-bloods. So shut your snout and eat your food."

This time Draco is snickering. Theo, Blaise, and Draco all start to laugh at my tangent while Pansy is blushing from embarrassment. "No wonder your brother hates you! You can't even get along with your own house, much less any member of Gryffindor!"

"Hiyya Hailey!" I jump and turn around, only to see Fred and George looking at me with smiles on their faces.

"Hiya Fred, George." I look at them with a smile. They are honestly the only Gryffindors I tolerate at the moment.

"He's not Fred, I am!"

"Honestly, you call yourself our friend!"

I start to laugh, getting deja vu from the conversation. "Yeah right, whatever you two say."

"Anyways Hails, George and I were wondering why you aren't tagging along with Harry and such anymore. We both miss you!" Fred ruffles my red locks, making me giggle.

"Well..." I trail off and sip from my goblet. "Harry has yet to apologize for literally not listening to me, so until he does that I'm afraid I won't be hanging around. "

"That's too bad!" George frowns and ruffles my hair as well. "We'll just have to drag that brother of yours over here to apologize won't we?"

"I suggest that unless you are here to actually have a conversation of substance, to go back to your table Weasleys." I glance at Draco and raise an eyebrow.

What's wrong with him?

There in the classroom stands a cupboard that is rattling. "Intriguing isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess... as to what is inside?"

Well, it's obvious that it's a boggart.

"That's a boggart, that is." Thanks, Dean Thomas, for reading my mind.

"Very good, Mr. Thomas." The cupboard shakes once more. "Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows sir. You see, boggarts shapeshift into a person's biggest fear. That's why they terrify people so much."

Lupin smiles at me, almost as if he's proud. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now. Without wands, please."

He's smarter than Lockheart already.

"After me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" The entire class mutters without care.

"Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" Everyone says clearer and louder.

"This class is ridiculous," Draco mutters to me, to which I proceed to step on his foot. "That hurt!"

I smile and turn my face to face him. "Go and cry about it in your pillow Malfoy."

"Very good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Neville, would you join me, please?"

"Oh, poor Neville," I mutter to Draco.

"If Longbottom can't do a simple charm, he shouldn't be at this school."

"We'll see if you can do the charm then Malfoy," I tease him.

"Come on, don't be shy. Come on. Come on. Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?" Lupin smiles at Neville, who mutters his answer meekly. "Sorry?"

"Professor Snape." Neville then says it too loud, to which the entire class starts to laugh. I step on Draco's foot once more to make him stop laughing.

Lupin chuckles as well. "Professor Snape. Yes, frightens all. You live with your grandmother."

"I don't want it to turn into her, either." This makes me giggle, to which Malfoy steps on my foot.

"That hurt!" I glare at him.

Draco smiles at me before turning back to the lesson. "Now you know how I feel when you do stuff like that."

I growl but get pulled away by Theo. "You two need to calm down."

"Whatever," Draco and I mutter at the same time.

"No... it won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes, very clearly, in your mind." Oh, this is going to be fun.

Neville closes his eyes and starts to think. "She carries a red handbag..."

"We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it. Now, when I open that's what I want you to do." He then proceeds to stand by Neville. :Excuse me. Imagine Professor Snape in your grandmother's clothes. Can you do that? Yes. Wand at the ready. One, two, three." The door clicks open, and then the boggart form of Snape walks out. "Think, Neville, think," Lupin mutters towards the boy.

"Riddikulus!" Surprisingly, Neville performs the spell correctly. The clothes that Snape was previously wearing are changed to something that looks very stupid.

The entire class booms at the sight. Lupin is smiling. "Wonderful, Neville, wonderful Incredible! Okay... to the back, Neville. Everyone, form a line! Form a line! I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most... and turn it into something funny." I pull Blaise with me as we get towards the front of the line.

"Wouldn't you rather hang out with Malfoy?"

I look at Blaise curiously. "It's just a line Blaise, not like I'm taking you to the library."

"Next! Ron!" We get interrupted by Lupin yelling. Music starts to play from the record player Lupin just turned on. "Concentrate. Face your fear. Be brave!" Ron steps forward and the boggart turns into a giant black widow spider.

I grab Blaise's wrist in fear because I don't like spiders. I lived with them for years in the cupboard under the stairs but I still don't them.

"Wand at the ready, Ron!"

Ron gulps. "Riddikulus!" The black widow still stands, but now unsteady in roller skates.

The class booms in laughter once more.

Lupin laughs, happy that kids are learning. "Yes! You see? Very good, very good! Marvelous! Absolutely, very, very enjoyable! Parvati! Next! Show us what you see." She stands there, before widening her eyes at a giant snake.

Once more I grab Blaise's wrist. I don't like snakes either.

"Keep your nerve. Steady."

She raises her wand and points it towards the snake. "Riddikulus!" The snake turns into a jack in the box clown.

"And next! Step up, step up! Wonderful, wonderful! Hailey!" I step up and the clown bobs toward me before turning into something that makes my heart drop.

There Harry is, on the ground dead, along with Blaise, Theodore, and Draco. My mouth goes dry as I stare at it.

Lupin immediately jumps in, and it changes to the moon.

Why the moon?

"Riddikulus!" The moon turns into a balloon and deflates all the way back to the wardrobe. "Right. Sorry about that. That's enough for today. Collect your books from the back. That's the end of the lesson. Thank you! Sorry!" Everyone groans, sad that they have to stop.

I, on the other hand, can't stop.

My body shakes as I remember what that boggart just showed me.

"Hails..." Theo trails off before hugging me. "It's alright, we aren't going anywhere."

I smile at Theo, becoming all too aware of Draco holding my hand in a way to comfort me.

They're safe.

Chapter 46: Hogsmeade

Chapter Text

Do you ever get the feeling that you are far smarter than your family members? Waiting until the last minute is a horrible way to figure out that you are unable to do the things you want to do.

Like Hogsmeade, where you need a permission slip signed to go.

Now most sane human beings would ask for the signature a few weeks before first term starts, just in case something happens. Who knows, perhaps a house-elf will pop out of nowhere and destroy your slip.

But the main reason why you shouldn't have your guardians sign it at the last minute is that you may anger them.

Yes, this internal monologue is due to Harry not being able to attend Hogsmeade due to waiting until the last available second for that signature.

Now I'm not perfect, I make mistakes. I was the one to get the signature from Petunia though, so luck must be on my side.

Or I'm just smart.

One of the two really.

"Hiyya Hailey!" I jump at the sound of two voices speaking in perfect unison.

I immediately smack the twins on the chest and huff, angry that they snuck up on me. "What do you think you're doing you, daft idiots?"

Fred laughs at my face as I continue to walk with the group. If these two are going to be annoying, I'm going to ignore them. It's not rocket science.

"So Hails, have you ever been to Zonko's before?"

I turn around and just stare at Fred. "I've grown up in a magic hating household, of course, I've never been to Zonko's." I stop speaking and turn around, only to mutter, "idiots."

"That wasn't very nice was it?" Fred hooks his arm in mine and drags me along since my heels are digging into the ground.

"No, it wasn't." George hooks his arm in my free arm and drags me as well.

I sigh as I realize that there is no escaping the two trickster twins. "There's no possibility of me getting you two to let go of me is there?"

Fred pulls me closer to him and grins. "Not a chance Hails. You wanna get back at Harry don't you?"

Now, this is where my interest peaks. I do not dislike Harry, that's not possible. He and I have grown up together after all. However, I am quite angry at him due to him being outright annoying at times.

"What do you think we can do to him?" I ask softly with a grin. Fred is also grinning, happy that he brought me over to the dark side.

Fred pulls me fully out of George's grip and holds onto my shoulders firmly. "That depends all on you Hails. Pranks are very precise, you can't just drop a joke toffee and hope that someone will eat it. People are way too smart for that I'm afraid."

I look up at Fred since he is taller than me. Well, most students are taller than me. Harry and I are pretty short after all. "I feel like you would enjoy pranking my cousin, he would fall for that most likely."

Fred's grin widens at my statement, his mind probably pawing through the possibilities of what he could do to Dudley. He shakes his head as if clearing his own thoughts. "While the thought of pranking your horrible cousin sounds splendid, today's adventure is not for the little demon. Now, think of what Harry might fall for in terms of a prank."

"Don't I need to see what Zonko's has to offer first?"

Fred then proceeds to gesture to the side and sure enough, there was the shop. How were we talking for so long?


Fred opens the door and holds it open for me, which I smile in response. He is such a dork.

My eyes glance at the shelves, only to see what looks like a prankster's lucid dream. Rows and rows of dungbombs, sugar quills, and nose-biting teacups fill the store.

Now I know where Fred and George get all their supplies for pranks. Well, if the stuff is not made by them of course.

"Alright Hailey, since you're out of your element, I will help you." Fred waves off George who is now looking around the store, probably for his own stuff.

I shake my head at the redhead. "You don't have to do that. I can manage. "

Fred pats my head and just grins. "If you could manage, you would have already done a prank on your brother. Let the master help you."

I cross my arms and just smile at him. "The master? What are you from Doctor Who now?"

Fred stares at me as if questioning if I have indeed lost my mind. "What the hell is Doctor Who?"

"A muggle television show," I say while waving my hand, telling him to forget it. "So, if you're the master, what do you think would work on Harry?"

"Well..." Fred looks at the more normal prank items. "I do suggest you go simple since you probably won't be caught by Filch."

"Okay, and what are the simple items then?"

Fred drags me toward an area with dungbombs, nose-eating teacups, sugar quills, frog spawn soap, and hiccough sweets. "These are the more simple items in the shop. Of you want to make an impact but not get caught, these are the way to go. Well, maybe not the dungbombs when I think about it."

I don't respond, but I do stare at the items. Dungbombs would bring too much attention to me, which isn't good. Frog spawn soap would affect too many people, so not worth it. Sugar quills aren't even pranks. Nose-eating teacups are just not the right pick since Harry doesn't drink from a teacup.

I immediately pick up some hiccough sweets and hold it up to Fred who gives me a thumbs up. "Hey, Fred?"

"Yes oh, wonderful apprentice?"

A grin spreads across my features at I look at him. "You wanna slip some of these in Harry's food when he's not looking?"

We take the package of joke sweets to the counter and I pay for them. Once they are paid for, Fred takes them and lifts them high above my head. "I would love to assist my wonderful apprentice in pranking her brother."

He hooks his arm in mine and then proceeds to pull me out of the store. "Fred, what about George?"

The redhead shrugs and continues to pull me around Hogsmeade. "George spends hours in there, so we have some time to kill."

"We aren't going to prank anyone are we?" I'm even apprehensive of pranking Harry, I don't think I could prank someone else.

"Of course not!" He drags me into a building that is called The Three Broomsticks. Immediately, I am torn between wanting to melt into the ground because of the number of people, and staying because the pub is welcoming. Fred takes me over a table that is free and we both sit down. "What do you think of this place?"

I look around. While crowded, it seems nice. "It's okay."

"I'm going to go get some butterbeer, do you want me to get some for you as well?" Fred stands up, getting ready to walk to get the drinks.

I nod quickly. "How much is it? I'll pay for both of our drinks."

Fred shakes his head and ruffles my messy hair. "It's my treat."

I smile as I see him go and talk to a woman that is quite pretty. The warm atmosphere makes me smile.

I think I could get used to Hogsmeade.

Chapter 47: Hogwarts Break-Ins, Pranks, and Snape

Chapter Text

Unfortunately, as much as I wanted Harry to be pranked, things didn't go quite as planned.

In fact, more important things decided to spring upon us like a snake attacking a rat.

Turns out, Sirius Black attempted to go into the Gryffindor common room, but the Fat Lady wouldn't let him. She had run away in shame, later to only be found because Peeves told Dumbledore everything.

Due to a murderer being possibly in the school, it was ordered that every student sleeps in the Great Hall, which sucks.

I do not want to sleep in the same vicinity as my brother for at least a few more months. I want a break from all this foolish nonsense.

Can we go one year where we aren't being chased by a murderer? Granted, Voldemort was running around in our first and second year, but this year is just as bad.

Sirus Black is a follower of Voldemort after all.

I sigh as I sink into my sleeping bag, Aimee and Andie both are next to me. The two girls are gossiping with me in the middle trying to sleep. If I had a little bit of guts, I would tell them to shut up.

Unfortunately, I value my wand.

Andie would probably try and break it if I actually did that. Her temper isn't the greatest, making me think she would be great as a Gryffindor.

"Do you think he apparated?"

"Doubtful," I groan and sit up. The two purebloods look at me confused. "Honestly, you two really need to stop thinking of boys and think more about the books we can read. Hogwarts, A History, tells us that the castle is protected with all sorts of enchantments. Being able to apparate here would be damn near impossible. And I don't think a dementor would be fooled by polyjuice potion."

"What about your invisibility cloak?" Aimee looks at me in a questioning manner, making me sigh.

"What? Do you think those creatures get you with seeing you?" I run a hand through my hair as I stop myself from wanting to murder these two thirteen-year-old girls. "They can pick someone out of the crowd if they have been in a traumatic experience. So, Sirius Black would definitely be able to be noticed by those things the moment he got onto the grounds. I heard that Azkaban is a nasty place, so he would most probably have some terrible memories."

"Yeah..." Both girls shiver at the thought of Azkaban.

"You three!" Percy yells at us, making me jump. "Lights out! In your sleeping bags now!"

"Yeah yeah, we heard you the first time." Aimee narrows her eyes before sliding into her sleeping bag and staring at the ceiling.

I once again lay down and stare at the enchanted ceiling. Like the outside, the ceiling is scattered with stars, making me smile at the beautiful sight.

I finally begin to doze off, unknowingly sleeping before the 'remarkable' golden trio even think about sleeping.

There stands two girls, two boys, and three grown men. One girl has auburn hair, like my own. The other girl has bushy brown hair.

It only takes me a second to realize that this is yet another one of those visions that I have grown to despise.

And I lied, there is only one boy standing, the other is on the ground whimpering. The boy standing as brownish-black hair, making me assume it's my brother. The boy on the ground has orange hair, making me realize it is Ron.

Is Ron going to get hurt?

The three grown men are much taller than the four children. The first man I realize has a mass of filthy, matted hair to his elbows. The second grown man looks much better, his brown hair groomed quite nice. The third looks very strange, however.

He is a very short and pudgy man, with thin and colorless hair that is in patches.

I have a pretty good idea who the brunette male is, but who are the other two?

Before I can think any more, the pudgy man tries to make a break for it, only to be stopped by the auburn-haired female. "Obice Gelta!"

That's the spell I'm working on!

The doorway is now covered with a jelly-like barrier, stopping the unknown man from running off.

"You're not going anywhere until you tell us what the hell is going on Pettigrew!"

The man's name echoes through my head as I finally begin to wake up, the scene fading before my very eyes.

As annoying as sleeping on the ground is, I was not complaining as much as Draco was. This boy was losing it because he was forced to sleep on the ground.

Like sweetie, get over it. I had to sleep in a sleeping bag between the ages of six to eleven. One night is nothing you annoying little prat.

Oh yeah, and I did end up pulling the prank.

Unfortunately, Ron ended up drinking the pumpkin juice that Fred put the dissolving version of hiccough sweets in. While he did cough pumpkin juice all over Harry, it wasn't as satisfying as I would have hoped.

So that was a bust.

Turns out, the Fat Lady all but refused to return to her post of guarding the Gryffindor common rooms so they had to employ the most annoying portrait ever, Sir Cadogan.

This annoying portrait is usually seen while heading to Divination, but he is the only one who wanted the job.

But, not my house, not my problem I suppose. What tortures the lions is no business of a snake's.

But what is almost annoying as Draco being an absolute dunce, is that teachers have decided to tail me to no end. From what I've seen, they are doing it to Harry as well.

And even worse, Snape called me in because he was forced to inform me about Sirius Black being after Harry and I.

To say he was surprised that I had a nonchalant attitude about the entire thing is an understatement.

Supposedly, they're so worried about Harry that they almost made him not go to quidditch practice. He was able to talk McGonagall into letting them have Madam Hooch oversee their practices, but it was very close.

Everyone is quiet in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, all because our teacher is not there.

And Harry isn't there as well, but let's not count that.

I almost missed the deadline to get to class, making my heart beat faster then I would have liked. While the teachers know of my time turner, they aren't likely to give me slack if I'm late since it can have terrible consequences.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin, I-"

But it wasn't Professor Lupin teaching the class. Snape is basically snarling at Harry, as if mad that he would dare be late to a class that he was a substitute in. "This class began 10 minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor."

See? This is why you shouldn't be late for class!

Sorry that I'm lecturing you, I'm just mad at my brother. I love all of you beautiful readers!

Harry hasn't moved from the entrance of the classroom. "But where's Professor Lupin?"

Snape is staring at Harry with a condescending smirk. "He says he's feeling too ill to teach today. I believe I told you to sit down?"

Harry, even though he is being stared down by the most terrifying teacher in Hogwarts, stands his ground. "What's wrong with him?"

Snape's expression makes me wonder what is going on. "Nothing life-threatening. Five more points from Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again it will be fifty."

Harry quickly sits down, making me smirk. While Snape's teaching methods are outright child abuse, he is literally the only one my brother is scared of. So win-win for Snape and I.

"Anyways, before Potter interrupted, I was saying that Professor Lupin has not left any record of the topics discussed so far-"

"Please sir we've done boggarts, red caps, kappas, and grindylows." Hermione interrupts. "And we're just about to start-"

"Be quiet," says Snape as he glares at the bushy brunette fiercely. "I did not ask for the information I was merely commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organization." You know he is right. If Lupin was going to be out, he should have left a learning plan.

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had!" Dean Thomas speaks up. You know, I sometimes think Slytherins are side characters because Gryffindors are usually the ones to speak u-

I've said too much.

"You are easily satisfied. Lupin is hardly overtaxing you, I would expect the First Years to be able to deal with red caps and grindylows. Today we will shall discuss...werewolves."

Now, this makes me raise my eyebrow. Why werewolves? Why would Snape go out of his way to go to the very back of the book for werewolves?

And why is Lupin out?

My brain goes through the possibilities, but I ultimately decide to ignore any signs at the moment.

"But sir! We're not supposed to do werewolves yet! We're to start hinkypunks-"

Hermione, please stop speaking up, I really don't want you to get into trouble.

"Miss Granger, I was under the impression that I am teaching this lesson, not you. And I'm telling you all to turn to page three hundred and ninety-four. All of you now!" We all scramble to our textbooks, turning to the page. "Which of you can tell me how we can distinguish between a werewolf and the true wolf?" Nobody speaks since we haven't gotten that far. Even I haven't gotten to the last chapter yet. "Anyone? Are you telling me that Professor Lupin hasn't taught you the basic distinction between-"

"We told you we haven't got as far as a werewolf. We're still on-"

"Silence!" Snape interrupts Parvati. "Well, well, well, I never thought that I'd meet a third-year class who wouldn't even be able to recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I shall make a point of informing Professor Dumbledore how very behind you all are-"

"Please, sir!" Hermione, sweetie, bushy-haired know-it-all, please kindly shut up. "The werewolf differs from the true wolf in several small ways. The shape of the snout of the werewolf-"

"That is the second time he's spoken out of turn. Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all." Okay, but that was terrible to say. Others can call her a know-it-all and nobody bats an eye because it is peers joking with peers. When a teacher says it, the comment is out of line.

Ron, who calls her that is more than angry at the greasy-haired teacher. "You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?" For the first time, I actually don't mind Ron.

At this moment anyway.

Snape ended up giving Ron detention, to no surprise of anyone in the class. Snape ended up walking along each row, examining the work we have been doing with Lupin. He jeered at everyone's explanations, but surprisingly didn't spare my paper with a second glance, nor did he look at Draco's.

When the bell ended up ringing, Snape made us stay. "You will need to write an essay to be handed into me on the way to recognize and kill werewolves. I want two rolls of parchment on the subject and I want them by Monday morning. It is time someone took this class in hand. Weasley, stay in behind to arrange your detention."

Everyone groans, even Draco. But I really don't care. After a while, you become numb to Snape's constant never-ending homework.

At least I did.

I'm sitting in the stands while the weather is absolutely horrid. Rain and wind is nothing, but the fact that it is cold is even worse. Draco, Theo, and Blaise are all sitting near me.

Unsurprisingly, Slytherin slithered their way out of the match, saying that Draco is still injured.

While everyone knows that Flint was lying out of his teeth, no one challenged him.

So Hufflepuff is now playing against Gryffindor, which I want to see. Normally, I only go to see Hufflepuff games if they're playing against Ravenclaw or Slytherin since I don't particularly like it when Hufflepuff gets slaughtered by Gryffindor. However, they have Cedric Diggory as their new seeker, so that should be interesting.

Cedric Diggory is probably the best seeker in Hogwarts right now, outside of Harry of course. So seeing these two go head to head in an unplanned match is quite thrilling.

The wind is so strong that it almost blows Harry away as Gryffindor walks on the field. I groan as I realize Harry hasn't charmed his glasses and is probably completely blind at this moment.

Once both team captains shake hands a few minutes later, the two teams are off. Every single member of both teams is forcing their brooms to not swerve in the wind. Within five minutes, I realized how much of a waste of time this match is.

While it is inevitable that one team will prevail, nobody would hold it against the other team. This situation is just so annoyingly unfair for both teams. Once the first spotting of lightning is seen, Madam Hooch blows a whistle due to a timeout being called.

In the said timeout, Hermione stumbles towards my brother and points her wand at his glasses, doing a charm that could have saved Harry a bunch of grief.

Once they are back up in the air, Draco is snickering at both teams. "If we were competing, we would have caught the snitch in under a minute."

I push the blond and scoff. "Yeah right! Anyways, you would have been competing but your team seemed to chicken out."

Theo laughs at my comment, making Draco glare at me in embarrassment. "Shut up!"

"Hey, do you feel that?" Theo mutters at a tone that I can barely even hear.

But I do feel it. The air is already cold, but now it is even colder. The feeling of incoming dread makes me shiver in fear.


Hundreds of the cloaked creatures soar through the sky, going directly towards Harry. I clutch my wand as I stare at them. "Oh my god..." I trail off as I stare at them, almost not noticing the dementor going straight towards me.

"Hailey!" Theo yells, snapping me out of my trance.

The creature comes toward me as I feel even more depressed than usual. It starts to suck my happy memories, making me hear snippets of my mother and father's voices. I raise my wand shakily, staring at the black-cloaked creature. "Expecto Patronum!" A white wispy light erupts from my wand and the dementor floats away.

I pant a bit, regaining my composure. Aimee grabs my shoulders and shakes me out of my slight trance. "Hailey! Harry fell off his broom!"

My eyes widen at the news of my brother being taken to the hospital wing.

Without even thinking, I stand up, ready to go support him in any way I can.

"Fred!" I yell out to the redhead twin who looks like he just got out of a swimming fool.

"Oh, I feel so loved!" George says sarcastically, making me roll my eyes. While George is a lot less problematic than Fred, I do enjoy when he doesn't really act like himself. That's to say, I do think George is awesome, just sometimes a bit more annoying then I would like to admit.

I stare at the bed, only to see Harry look pretty much unharmed. I look back at Fred, worried about my brother. "What happened?"

Fred scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "The dementors all went after him, Hailey! It was like they were only there for him! And the Dumbledore appeared and created a patronus so they would leave. Dumbledore looked so angry! They must have gone over because we were gathered in such a small space."

I cover one of my eyes, making myself not look at Harry as much. "He's okay right?"

Fred squeezes my shoulders in a comforting manner. "We think so." We hear a groan, making me sigh in relief. "Harry! How're you feeling?"

Harry looks at all of us, spending quite a few seconds staring at me in shock. Wow, it's almost as if I was worried about my brother! What a thought. Even I can stop a feud due to worry because I'm not as stubborn as Harry. "What happened?"

"You fell off." Geez, Fred, great job laying it down lightly. "Must've been, what? Fifty feet?"

"We thought you had died!"

Hermione is currently sniffling with bloodshot eyes that match my own.

"But the match! What happened? Are we doing a rematch?" Nobody replies. "We didn't...lose?"

"Harry..." I trail off and sit on his bed with a light smile, forgetting why I am mad at him at this moment. "Right after you fell, Diggory caught the snitch. From what I heard when I ran here, he tried to get a rematch, saying it was unfair. But almost everyone agrees that Hufflepuff won the match. I'm sorry."

Harry looks almost ashamed.

"C'mon, Harry, you've never missed the snitch before?" Fred asks gently, trying to cheer him up.

"There had to be one time you didn't get it."

I zone out, not listening to the twins, Hemione, or Ron. I do however see my vision slow as they show Harry his most prized possession.

His Nimbus.

"Oh, Harry..." I trail off, realizing what must have happened.

It blew into the Whomping Willow.

Chapter 48: Christmas is in the Air

Chapter Text

"Draco Malfoy! If you imitate my brother almost dying one more time, I'm going to make sure everyone knows about every single embarrassing thing you've ever done around me! Dumbledore, your father, even the Daily Prophet!" I yell at the blond boy who is gleeful that Harry lost the match.

The boy stops and just awkwardly sits in his seat, not wanting to anger me any further. Blaise and Theo, on the other hand, are beside themselves and laughing. "That was brilliant Hails!"

"Thanks, Theo," I as while checking my bag for the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework. "Oh shoot, what time is it?"

Blaise jumps up and grabs my wrist. "We're gonna be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

While my dark-skinned friend pulls me, Draco and Theo are walking awkwardly behind us.

Crabbe and Goyle are tagging along as well but, they aren't really much more than bodyguards for Malfoy.

"If Snape is teaching, I'm asking one of those Weasley twins for a toffee," Theo quietly says to Malfoy.

I roll my eyes and walk forward, annoyed with these bumbling idiots. I glance into the room and see Lupin, who is smiling and waving. I wave back before yelling, "It's safe!"

Unknowingly to me, Gryffindors were also listening for the cue, so the room is soon packed with students who are eager to learn.

Immediately the class starts ranting about Snape and the homework. Lupin is looking confused and concerned at the same time as if he doesn't know what to say.

He then assures us that the homework is not due to Hermione and my dismay. I raise my hand awkwardly. "Yes, Hailey?"

I lower my hand, my face going pink as the entire class stares at me. "If we did the homework, can we still turn it in? It seems like a waste of scrolls if we don't."

Lupin smiles warmly, making me feel like my question wasn't as stupid as I thought. "If you did the homework, you are more than welcome to turn it in."

Turns out Hermione, Draco, and I were the only ones who did it.

Such a surprise.

The lesson was just about hinkypunks. Lupin brought one in a glass box and I thought it was absolutely adorable.

Hinkypunks are small, one-legged creatures that look like they are the smoke coming from Hagrid's hut.

While it did look harmless, looks can be deceiving, and that is what Lupin informed us of.

Once the bell rings, we all stand up and get ready to get out. I need to spin my time turner so I can get to my next class.

"Wait a moment, Harry, Hailey! I would like a word!" Lupin calls for us. I sigh, hoping that I don't have to miss a class. Harry and I walk forward and Lupin has a concerned look on his face. "I hear about the match. Is there any way to fix your broomstick?"

Harry looks absolutely distraught about his broom. He wasn't even this upset when I was petrified.

I can sure see that I am loved.

"No, the tree smashed it to bits."

Lupin sighs. "They planted the Whomping Willow the same year I arrived at Hogwarts. People used to play a game, trying to get near enough to touch the trunk. In the end, a boy named Davey Gudgeon nearly lost an eye, and we were forbidden to go near it. No broomstick would have a chance."

My eyebrow raises, why would the school plant that tree in the first place. Although, Hogwarts doesn't always seem to care for student's safety now that I think about it.

"Did you hear about the dementors too?" Harry is pretty quiet to my surprise.

"Yes, I did. I don't think any of us have seen Dumbledore that angry. They have been growing restless for some time, furious at his refusal to let them inside the grounds, I suppose they were the reason you fell?"

"No offense," I say quickly, making Lupin and Harry stare at me. "But why am I needed in this conversation? I need to get to class and-"

"I will write you a note if you are late," Lupin says quickly, not making me feel any better. "Harry, do you know why they affect you and your sister so much?" Harry quickly shakes his head. I, of course, knew, but this is Lupin's teaching moment. "The dementors affect you worse than the others because there are horrors in your past that others don't have."

You don't say? I thought everyone lost their mum and dad at one years old.

"Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them. Even muggles feel their presence, though they can't see them. Get too near a dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself, soul-less and evil. You'll be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life. And the worst that happened to you, Harry, is enough to make anyone fall off their broom. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

See, this is why I like Lupin. He is super nice. Harry goes off to say that he can hear mum when they get near, which happens to me as well. Harry then asks why they were at the match, which Lupin tells him that they are hungry and not getting food.

Harry and Lupin talk for a bit, and I have half a mind to spin my time turner. Maybe if they're in a conversation, Harry won't notice my sudden reappearance.


I jump at Lupin's voice. "Yes, Professor Lupin?"

Lupin smiles at me, the worry gone from his face when he was talking to Harry. "Harry was just discussing the fact that he wishes to partake in learning how to fight a dementor. Since you know well enough how to produce an incorporeal patronus, would you mind helping Harry during his lessons?"

I look at Harry and then at Lupin before nodding. "Of course!"

Oh, how annoyingly predictable I am.

"What did you two do?" I cross my arms and glare at the two mischievous twins who are looking all too proud of themselves.

Fred leans on me dramatically. "What do you mean? Do you not trust us?"

George does the same thing but leans on the other side of me. "Oh, Hailey you hurt us so!"

With the sudden weight of both teens, we all fall onto the snowy ground laughing. I push both boys off of me before sitting up, still on the cold ground. "Okay, but seriously, what did you two do? You know I won't tell."

Fred ruffles my hair jokingly. "We would, but that ruins the fun." He extends his hand and I gladly take it, allowing him to help me up. "So! Christmas shopping!" He grabs me by the shoulders and starts to drag me along. "Where to first?"

I look up, hating that Fred is so much taller than me. "I was thinking of Honeydukes."

This makes Fred and George's grins wider. "Perfect choice!" They say in unison, making me realize that Harry and I haven't done that in a while.

Once we enter the small shop, I immediately try to walk out. There are so many people, I feel like I would be lost two steps in.

Fred however, keeps a hold of my shoulders and pushes me into the crowd. "So Hailey, who are you looking to buy sweets for?"

"Everyone I suppose," I say while shrugging. I immediately realize how nonchalant I sounded about spending money and look quickly at Fred. "I mean-"

Fred only laughs and ruffles my hair, making me groan. My hair actually was nice today. "It's fine. George and I are going to look at their special effects sweets, can you manage by yourself?"

I nod quickly, determined to not need Fred every time I go to Hogsmeade. Within minutes, I pick up honey-colored toffee for Hermione and Ginny, a giant chocolate bar for Ron, and a large container of Every Flavor Beans for Harry. While Hermione and Ron are not quite my friends, it's only kind.

I also bought the twins both a pack of Pepper Imps, exploding bonbons, and Toothflossing Stringemints. I got Aimee and Andie both packages of sugar quills, which I know they will like.

Draco, Blaise, and Theo get random sweets. For Draco, the prat gets Ice Mice, a few chocolate bars, and some levitating sherbert balls.

For Theo, I got him Droobles Gum, Toothflossing Stringmints, and exploding bonbons. All of which he will laugh at.

Finally, I get Blaise some peppermint cream shaped toads, every flavor beans, and exploding bonbons.

"Woah, you sure hit the jackpot!" Fred says with a grin as he sees my overloaded bag of sweets.

"I'm just getting started with my Christmas shopping!"

Fred raises an eyebrow at me. "I continuously forget that you and your brother are loaded."

I only shrug because, in truth, I forget sometimes too.

Eventually, I ended up buying way too much stuff for Christmas, but it is honestly worth it.

"Hailey! I need to talk to you!" Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me to a secluded hallway.

I cross my arms as much as I can since they are being weighed down by four bags. "Hailey?" I hear Fred's voice sound confused as he realizes that I am no longer walking with him and George.

I sigh and stare at Harry, annoyed. "What is it?"

Harry takes a quick breath, making realize that he is going to spout a lot of information. "Sirus Black isn't just some death eater, he was our mum and dad's friend!"

I freeze at this statement. Our parents were friends with someone who supported the man who killed them? "What do you mean?" My voice trembles as I speak.

"I mean...." Harry trails off, glancing at my arms that have multiple bags on them. "He is my godfather, he betrayed our parents to Voldemort, and even killed another one of his friends!"

"Who did he kill?"

Harry looks like he is thinking for a second. "I think this name was Peter Pettigrew. Anyways!"

Harry's voice fades as I escape to my own thoughts. Peter Pettigrew is alive, I saw him in my vision. So if Sirus Black was wrongly accused of murdering his friend, could he have been wrongfully accused of being a death eater?

Oh, the possibilities.

"Hagrid?" I look concerned at the sobbing man in front of me. I go towards him and pat his back. "Are you alright?"

"They're gonna kill 'im!" Hagrid bellows before giving me a letter.

Dear Mr. Hagrid,
Further to our inquiry into the attack by a hippogriff in your class, we have accepted the assurances of Professor Dumbledore that you bear no responsibilities for the regrettable incident.

However, we must register our concern about the hippogriff in question. We have decided to uphold the official complaint of Mr. Lucius Malfoy, and this matter will, therefore, be taken to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. The hearing will take place on April 20th and we and you to present yourself and your hippogriff at the Committee's offices in London on that date. In the meantime, the hippogriff-

"Oh, Hagrid that's just awful!" I say to him, concerned for Buckbeak. He isn't a bad hippogriff, Draco is just an idiot.


That idiot.

"Hagrid do you mind if I borrow this letter? I need to talk to someone about this."

"No, go ahead," Hagrid sniffles in the snow, making me feel bad.

I storm off to the castle, into the Great Hall. Walking up to Malfoy is an easy feat, but going unnoticed, not so much. "What the hell is this?" I slam the letter into his chest, fuming.

Draco grabs the letter and reads it before smirking. "So they're going to put down that beast? Good."

I snatch the letter back and fold it neatly. "It's a trial, they may let Buckbeak off..." I trail off, my annoyance dying down before coming back at full force. I point my finger at him and glare. "This is your fault!"

I walk out of the Great Hall, with everyone's eyes on me.

"Hailey! Wake up sleepy head!" Aimee giggles as she throws her pillow at my face.

I groan and push her pillow off my bed before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. The realization that it's Christmas only comes across my mind after a few seconds. "It's Christmas!" I say happily before looking at the foot of my bed for presents.

There is a very large pile, and so I start to go through it. On top is a flimsy package from Mrs. Weasley who made me a sweater in Slytherin colors, which is so sweet considering her family's overall dislike for the house.

I slip on the sweater before fishing through the other presents. A book about hippogriffs from Hagrid, some sweets from Hermione, a chocolate bar from Ron, and a cat bed from Ginny are only a few of the gifts I get.

I lightly put the cat bed on my bed and Midnight goes to sniff it before laying down, her tail swishing gracefully.

I also get a toothpick from the Dursleys, dungbombs and sweets from George, a really pretty quill and some dungbombs from Fred, a package of Every Flavor Beans from Harry, and a small plant from Neville.

I offer Aimee a jellybean and she accepts gratefully, only to scrunch up her face. "Barf flavor."

I giggle at her face. "You knew the risk, my friend." I shake my head before looking at the last few presents.

A pair of snake earrings from Draco, which makes Aimee squeal in fangirling, a picture of Blaise and I that is moving, and a muggle book from Theo. "Geez, how did he scrounge up this?"

"What is it?" Andie asks, looking over my shoulder.

I show her the boom and she looks content. "It's a book called The Mysterious Island, it's a classic in muggle literature, written by one of the best science fiction authors of all time."

"Oh." Aimee then proceeds to look at the rest of her presents, making me sigh. She doesn't like books that much.

I reach for the last two presents and lift an eyebrow. In a small package, there is an old-looking doll. In another, the quite more flat package is a picture frame of my parents holding Harry and I as babies.

Both gifts don't have names on them, so I have no idea who they are from, but the presents still warm my heart.

Chapter 49: Harry’s Stolen Firebolt

Chapter Text

The first day of the new term has been interesting, to say the least. Hagrid, bless his heart, put salamanders in a bonfire so the entire class can be warm. Surprisingly, the class didn't have anything wrong with it this time around. Divination was fun, other than Harry getting told his lifeline is the shortest Professor Twealawny has ever seen. Muggle Studies, Ancient Ruins, and Arithmicy were boring, though I'm not surprised.

The most interesting part of the day was Harry informing me of the first day of anti-dementor lessons with Professor Lupin.

So, on that Thursday at eight in the evening, Harry and I trudge over to Binn's classroom. My brother and I are surprisingly talking, which is different. "I can't believe Hermione told Professor McGonagall! Now that firebolt is probably going to be ruined!"

I smile gently at him, not knowing what to say. Harry is the quidditch person, I just think it would be fun to play. "Well, maybe the charms won't take that long."

"But what if they take until the rest of the school year? I need a broom for quidditch now!"

I'm quiet for a moment. We haven't gotten into a full-scale discussion where Harry is venting for a while. "I could lend you my Nimbus two thousand and one."

Harry shakes his head quickly. "I don't want to ride that broom."

"Well, you need something! I'm sorry that I am offering you a broom that I am not able to use due to someone buying their way into the quidditch team! Either you really wanna ride one of the shooting stars against Ravenclaw, or you don't want to have the same model of broom as Malfoy! Oh look, we're here." I stop at the door to the History of Magic classroom.

Not even a minute after we start lighting lanterns in the dark classroom, Lupin comes running in with a large packing case. He heaves it onto Professor Binn's desk, making Harry look at it with a questioning glance. "What's that?"

"Another Boggart," Lupin says while taking off his cloak. "I've been combing the castle ever since Tuesday, and very luckily, I found this one lurking inside Mr. Filch's filing cabinet. It's the nearest we'll get to a real dementor. The boggart will turn into a dementor when he sees you, so we'll be able to practice on him. I can store him in my office when we're not using him, there's a cupboard under my desk he'll like."

"But Professor, what is the point of having me here? The boggart won't be a dementor if it sees me."

Lupin smiles at me and nods. "You're correct about that. You Hailey, are going to give your brother pointers. "

"Oh..." I trail off and gesture for the two to continue their discussion as I sit on one of the desks.

"So, the spell I'm going to teach you is highly advanced magic, Harry, well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level. It is called the Patronus Charm."

"How does it work?"

"Well, if you produce a corporeal patronus, it will be a creature that shares similar traits as yourself. However, most witches and wizards don't get that far since this is such advanced magic. But even an incorporeal patronus is like a guardian. It projects happy memories in the form of light, that's why it is an anti-dementor charm," I say, my legs kicking as I continue to sit on the desk. Harry and I are looking at me so I cower slightly. "Sorry."

"No no, it's quite alright," Lupin assures me, making me not feel like a complete idiot. "Do you mind demonstrating Hailey?"

I jump off the desk and dust off my skirt for a second. "Sure I guess." Pulling out my wand, I angle it so it doesn't face Harry nor Lupin. Don't want to blind them after all. With a deep breath, I close my eyes and imagine the wizarding world. Every single amazing thing that has happened once I joined it. Trying Every Flavor Beans, riding a broom for the first time, meeting Draco.

Uh, let's forget the last one

My eyes snap open and I just stare at nothing. "Expecto Patronum!" Outcomes silvery mist, but there is no form to it.

After a few seconds, the mist disappears so I look back at Lupin and Harry. Harry looks amazed by the magic while Lupin looks proud. "Nicely done Hailey!" He turns back to Harry and sends him a reassuring smile. "Now, do you think that you would be able to do that?" Harry nods quickly. Lupin grabs Harry's shoulders and walks him over to the front of the case. "Think of a happy memory, the happiest memory you can think of."

I walk away to a place where the boggart won't see me as Lupin opens the case. All of the lamps go out as the air feels colder. Harry points his wand at the boggart, his eyes telling me that he is terrifed. "Expecto Patronum!" Harry yells out but nothing happens. "Expecto Patronum! Expecto-"

And Harry blacks out. Without thinking, I run towards the boggart and raise my own wand. "Riddikulus!" The boggart, that had changed into my friends and family dead once it saw me, turns into confetti before being forced into the case by Lupin. "Harry!" I kneel down and just check to make sure he's alright, but he's out cold.

And he stayed like that for a few minutes, until getting a speech from Lupin. After that, we were sent on our way, the lesson finished.

"Stupid daft imbecile..." I mutter, my cloak completly wet. Ron Weasley seems to have been peer pressured to prank Hermione due to their current fight.

He did not expect me to walk through the doorway.

"Woah!" I bump into a tall person's body.

Immediatly I look up to see none other than Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff boy in the twins' year. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you," I mutter while shivering.

Cedric awkwardly looks at me as if he doesn't know what to do. "You're Hailey right? Harry Potter's sister?"

I cross my arms and narrow my eyes. "I would much rather be known for my own title and not the title of my brother."

"Right..." Cedric trails off, finally realizing my weird choice of clothing. "Is there a reason why your robes looks like you were in a thunderstorm?"

"Oh this," I say while looking down. "Fred and George decided to be jerks and pressure their brother in pranking another girl. I was the unlucky victim. "



Cedric just looks awkward in general as if he wants to say something but can't. "I'm sorry about your brother by the way! I really tried to get a rematch but-"

"It's fine!" I smile, waving him off. My shoes make a squishing noise as I start walking to the dungeons. "Just don't expect Harry to go easy on you next year."

Author Note:

Ron never pranked Hermione but I wanted Hailey to run into Cedric and this was an idea.

Cedric should have been more prominent and I am sad that he wasn't mentioned much until the plot wanted it in the og series. So expect Diggory to show up more in this year.

The last few days have been the most hectic in Hogwarts history.

Well, that's a lie.

The last few days have been the most stressful-

Why am I even lying?

The last few days have been interesting, all because of Ron Weasley. No, it wasn't because of the water prank, but because of what he saw.

Ron, half asleep, awoke to Sirius Black at his bedside and woke up the entirety of the Gryffindor house. McGonagall at first thought it was a dream, but was proved wrong when she asked the portrait guarding Gryffindor tower.

He actually let the guy in because he had the passwords.

Turns out, a few days prior, Neville Longbottom lost the week's worth of passwords.

Just their luck that a famous murderer found the passwords.

Longbottom's Hogsmeade privileges have been revoked for the hear due to his mistake. He also is not allowed to know the Tower's password so he has to wait for another Gryffindor to let him in. Which is totally stupid. He's thirteen and that stupid knight changed the password all the time.

Blame the portrait.

After that little mishap, the security around Harry and I have tightened. Professor Flitwick was attempting to charm the doors to reconize Sirius Black, Filch was forced to board up every small crack in the castles infrastructure, and Sir Cadogan was fired.

At least there is still some good in this world.

The Fat Lady agreed to come back only if she was given protection. They literally hired security trolls.....

For a painting.

I had to fight with Harry, Ron, and Hemrione due to my dear brother not going to Dumbledore about a secret passageway.

"What do you mean you're not going to tell them?" I look at the three teens. Hermione, you're supposed to be intelligent.

"We don't know that Sirius Black is going through Honeyduke's."

I groan and facepalm at Ron's explanation for their absolute stupidity. "Sirius Black was a trouble maker Ron, and he went to this school. If your brothers found a map with a secret passageway, I'm pretty sure Sirius Black knows about it. Tell Dumbledore now!" I turn around and walk away from the idiot trio, done with their stupidity for the day.

For some strange reason, I feel like I am being watched.

I never get this feeling usually when partaking in the Hogsmeade trips, but today is diffrent.

I am hanging around Draco Malfoy after all.

"Potter, are you okay?" Draco stares at me when I look behind my back. My eyes catch a black dog walking around before turning back towards the blond male.

With a smile I stare at him. "I just felt like I was being watched, no big deal."

"Of course it's a big deal!" Draco looks at me in concern before looking behind himself. "You and your brother are on Sirius Black's hit list." He grabs my wrist and starts to pull me towards Honeydukes.

"Oh hey Ron, hey Hermione!"

Both teens jump at my voice. "Hailey! What are you doing here?"

I cross my arms and just stare at the two teens. I know Harry isn't an idiot, so why is he trying to go to Hogsmeade without the permission slip? If he's caught, he will never be allowed to go even if he had the slip signed.

Waste of time really.

"I did get my slip signed Ron. What are you two doing here? I would imagine that you would be stuffing your face with treats by now."

Surprisingly, Draco hasn't said anything. To which I'm glad. One less blockhead to worry about.

"C'mon," Draco grumbles before pulling me by the wrist. I look behind me, and I swear I saw Harry for a split second.

This dingus is going to get caught and I will be laughing.

We ended up going to the Three Broomsticks for a bit, which was really fun. He and I joked around for a bit, looking in awe as we could have sworn we saw a hag.

Once our hot chocolates were gone, we both started to walk towards the Shrieking Shack, a rickety old house that is supposedly haunted.

"Hailey, did you hear about that beast that attacked me?"

"Buckbeak isn't bad, you were just an idiot. Anyways, what about it? The hearing was a few days ago wasn't it?"

Draco smiles at me for a moment. "I should have an owl from father anytime now. He had to go to hearing to tell him about my arm, how I couldn't use it for three months. I really wish I could see that great hairy moron trying to defend it himself, there's no harm in this one honest that Hippogiff's as good as dead."

I glare at the boy. "He's a really sweet animal actually, you were just being an idiot." I smirk and grab my wand. "And I would so hate for you to get hexed in your sleep. A homemade hex would really make Pomfrey's job harder wouldn't it?"

Malfoy decided to shut up about Buckbeak after that. Well, then he finds a new victim to torture, Ron Weasley, who is leaning on a fence with Hermione. "What are you doing here Weasley? Suppose you'd love to live here, wouldn't you, Weasley? Dreaming about the having your own bedroom? I heard your family all sleep in one room is that true?"

I push the blond harshly, making him look at me, almost as if he's offended by my actions. "That is way too far and you know it!"

"Oh come on! It was just a bit of-" Malfoy stops as a bunch of mud covers his white hair. "What the-"

I glare at Ron and Hermione, only to stop once mud is in my hair as well.

Harry, I will find you, and I will kill you, that's a promise.

Draco tried to find the culprit after that, but ended up being tripped by an invisible force. That same invisible force turned out to be Harry, since Draco pulled on his invisibility cloak.

Draco ran away after that, forgetting about me.

I would too if I didn't know that Harry had a cloak and I only saw his head.

Once Draco is gone, I pull the cloak off of Harry and scowl at him. "If you decide to put mud in my hair again, you will find out that the fall from the Hufflepuff match was child's play." And with that, I throw the invisibility cloak that took me months to create for Harry in the mud, basically ruining it.

"Professor McGonagall?"

The strict teacher looks up from her desk, surprised that one of her students is still in the classroom. "Yes, Miss Potter?"

I rub my arm, attempting to calm some nerves. "I was wondering if you can authorize me completing the tasks to become an animagus."

Chapter 50: Malfoy Gets Smacked

Chapter Text

Dear Hailey,
We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwaets. Execution day to be fixed. Beaky has enjoyed London. I won't forget the help you gave us.

I honestly don't know which tear drops were mine and which were Hagrid's. They're going to kill Buckbeak and it's all my fault.

If I would have made Harry go first, maybe I could have stopped Draco from going towards him. Then Beaky wouldn't have attacked him.

This is all my fault.

"Hailey?" I jump at the voice, but ultimately look up to see Aimee looking at me concerned. "You've been crying!" She rushes over to me and sits on the Slytherin sofa, holding my hands in hers.

"I'm okay," I say, my voice cracking. Maybe I had been crying a bit much, I hadn't even realized.

Aimee grabs the wet parchment I was holding a second ago and scans it over. "Oh Hails, this is terrible! I know how much you liked Buckbeak." She hugs me, making me sigh.

Aimee and I aren't best friends, but she is one of the best support systems ever.

"I can't sit back and watch a poor, defenseless animal be murdered because Malfoy was a prat," I say without even thinking of the repercussions of my words.


I let go of Aimee, only to see Draco looking at me concered. I grab the letter and push it on his chest before storming out of the room.

I do not like Draco Malfoy.

Trying to talk to Hagrid is like trying to talk to a kitten, they both cry too much. Don't get me wrong, he's hurting and I understand that.

But he won't stop crying.

And it didn't help that Malfoy decided to be a prat again.

"Look at him blubber!" I glare at Draco as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I all start back towards the castle. "Have you ever seen anything quite that pathetic? And he's supposed to be our teacher!"

I grab my wand, about to hex the blond to oblivion or punch him, but someone beats me to it.

Hermione clocks a good one on Draco, punching his face.

I think I even heard his nose crack.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic you foul evil little co*ckroach!" Ron is holding Hermione back from hexing Draco.

"Hermione no!"

"Get off me Ron!"

In the midst of the two Gryffindors fighting like a married couple, Draco and his two lackeys are trying to inch their way back to the castle.

"Colovaria," I mutter, pointing my wand at Draco. Immediatly, his hair turns a ghastly green.

Draco covers his head as all three of the Slytherins run off, afraid of another spell going their way.

"That was brilliant Hailey!" Ron smiles at me, making me feel a bit better. Ron isn't exactly the nicest to me, so when he's nice, I know I did a good job.

"He's going to be watching his back for months," Harry says and smirks.

"Damn right he is." My head snaps to the side, realizing that we should be getting to class. "We need to get to Charms."

All four of us get to Professor Flitwick's classroom, but only three of us enter.

Hermione has stretched herself too thin, as have I. However, she somehow forgot about Charms.

And the lesson was splendid as well. Cheering Charms are quite useful when you're mad at someone. It truly leaves you content with the world.

Arithmacy was quite difficult to sit through as I saw Hermione in the class, but don't have the heart to remind her to spin her time turner and go to Charms.

She needs a break.

Trudging to Divination was as difficult as always, especially with a talkative Aimee at my side. "So, you and Malfoy are in a spat?"

"He's just an arsehole, that's it," I mutter before we enter the classroom. I see a frazzled looking Hermione, probably upset that she missed Charms.

At every table, there are two crystal balls glowing white. "I thought we weren't doing crystal balls until next year!" Aimee whines and sits down next to me.

"We do what the professor wants, you can always make up things anyway," I roll my eyes at her while talking. Divination has proved to be too idiotic for my taste. While I can see the future, this class hasn't been the cause of the great discovery.

"Good day to you! I have decided to introduce the crystal ball a little earlier than I had planned. The fates have informed me that your examination in June will concern the orb, and I am anxious to give you sufficient practice."

Aimee leans towards me, her eyes locked onto Trelawney. "But doesn't she make the exams? Not much of a prediction then is it?"

I push the redhead away, not really caring for her comment.

"Crystal gazing is a particulary refined art. I do not expect any of you to see when you first peer into the orb's infinite depths. We shall start by practicing relaxing the conscious mind and external eyes. So as to clear the inner eye and the superconscious. Perhaps, if we are lucky, some of you will see before the end of class."

And so the class stared at a crystal balls for an hour, not seeing anything. Aimee is making snide comments about Trelawney and I pretend to not hear them.

"Now really! You are disturbing the clairvoyant vibrations!" Everyone turns toward the teacher, only to see her yelling at Ron.

"What did he do this time?" Aimee asks, glaring at him. She likes the other two members of the golden trio well enough, but Aimee Prewett has always had a dislike for Ron Weasley.

She's had a dislike for all of the Weasleys to be honest.

"There is something here! Something moving, but what is it?"

I swear if this woman attempts to say Harry is going to die one more time, I'm breaking my crystal ball.

"My dear, it is here, plainer than ever before. My dear, stalking toward you, growing ever closer, the gr-"

"Oh for goodness sake!"

"Oh shove off!"

Believe it or not, Hermione and I both stand up and yell at the teacher, saying two diffrent things.

I collect myself, ignoring the eyes of everyone in the class. "I'm sorry professor, but my brother has gone through enough in his life, why must you add to any worry?"

Trelawney stares me down, making me want to sink into the floor because she looks pissed off. "I am sorry to say that from the moment you have arrived in this class, my dear, it had been apparent that you did not have what the noble art of Divination requires. Indeed, I don't remember meeting a student who's mind was so-"

I push the crystal ball onto the floor and it shatters, staring down the teacher. "Finish that sentence, and I will gladly be expelled." And with that, I walk out of the classroom.

What I didn't know at the moment was that Hermione quit as well.

And with that, I had one less class to worry about.

Chapter 51: Exams

Chapter Text

"Blimey Hailey, you sure you have those written down correctly?" Blaise looks over my shoulder, seeing my exam schedule. "Hailey, this isn't possible and you know that!" He grabs my paper from my hands and looks over it.

"Give it back!"

Blaise stares at me for a moment before smirking. "No, I don't think I will."

"Honestly, you two need to stop being so immature," Theo says while grabbing the paper and handing it back to me. "If Hailey is writing her schedule wrong, that's her problem. Not yours Blaise."

"But her schedule's not possible!"

"And that isn't any of our business, now is it?" Theo ruffles my hair before leaving the common room. Right before he does leave however, he halts at the entrance. "How is it that you two act like immature idiots when you both are thirteen?" And with that, he leaves.

"Idiotic prat," Blaise grumbles before plopping onto the couch with his arms crossed.

"Aww, is Zabini upset?" I joke at the boy.

He stops from all that he is doing and just stares at me. "Don't call me Zabini, it sounds weird."

I plop on the couch next to him confused. "I call Malfoy by his last name all the time and he doesn't get weirded out."

"That's because he-" Blaise stops himself, clearly trying to figure out how he is going going to talk about this. "You two are special, special idiots really, but special."

I bring my knees up and rest my chin on them. "Special how?"

"You really don't know?" I look at Blaise and shake my had, interested in what he has to say. "He obviously likes you."

"Oh..." I trail off, before smiling. "Well I sure hope so, he and I are acquaintances after all!"

"You both are hopeless," Blaise says before standing up and walking away, leaving me confused.

The beginning of week of exams were stressful. Buckbeak's appeal is scheduled for the sixth, which is the last day of exams.

But they are bringing the executioner to the appeal, meaning that they already have his sentence figured out.

So there the first day of exams began. At nine I had Arithmacy and Transfriguration. Arithmacy was simple, Transfiguration, not so much.

We were tasked to turn a teapot into a tortoise and almost everyone failed in some aspect. Hermione, who had succeeded, managed to piss off everyone in the class when she said that her tortoise looked too much like a turtle.

After lunch, which nobody really talked due to needing to get to their next exam, I had Charms and Ancient Ruins.

In Charms, we worked on Cheering Charms. My partner was none other than Pansy Parkinson, who I made go into a fit of laughter for a few minutes before she composed herself.

When she attempted to use the charm on me, she ultimately failed, putting me in a state of depression instead.

I stayed in said state for hours, making everyone in Ancient Ruins concerned.

After my possible bombing of the exam for Ancient Ruins, I finally am able to eat dinner. "How do you think you did on your exams?"

I glance at Blaise with a questioning glance. This boy has kept his distance for the last few days and now he's randomly talking to me again? "I see you talk."

"I see you haven't figured out why you and Malfoy are idiots."

"We aren't-" I cut myself off as I look at all the students in the Great Hall. Just my luck that they all could hear me at that very second. They continue to talk their friends after a second and I want to melt into the floor. "We aren't idiots."

"Sure you're not."

I throw my dinner roll at Blaise, it hitting him straight in between his eyes.

Hagrid's exam was the easiest thing in the world. Due to Buckbeak's scheduled execution, his heart just wasn't in it at all.

He literally gave use a bucket of flobberworms and told us that we would pass if they were alive at the end of class.

Flobberworms thrive if they are left alone, so like I said, easy.

I literally wanted to hug the poor man, nobody deserves to go through this.

After that easy class, which I felt excluded when Hagrid was talking to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but not to me.

After Care of Magical Creatures, we had Potions, which was an absolute success. My Confusing Concoction thickened quite nicely and I am pretty sure I nailed it.

Then came Astronomy, which took place at the tallest tower at midnight. I was leaning on Blaise by the end of class, bot even able to keep my eyes open.

The fourth to last exam was History of Magic, which was as boring as ever. The exam was on the medieval witch-hunts and I felt like I was not being challenged with the subject at all.

Then came Herbology, where we had to stay in a scorching hot greenhouse. During the exam, we hand to plant multiple plants that we had seen over the course of our three years at Hogwarts.

How fun.

Honestly, the most challenging of all the exams has to be Lupin's. It was an obstacle course outside, where we had to walk across a shallow pool of water containing a grindylow, cross a series of potholes full of Red Caps, wade through a marsh while ignoring a hinkypunk, and then climb into an old tree trunk and battle a boggart.

"Hailey! Excellent!" Lupin claps as I jump out of the trunk, defeating the boggart. "Full marks!"

I grin and walk towards my brother who has also gotten full marks on the exam. "I wonder what Hermione's Bogart is going to look like?"

Harry shrugs, not even phased that I am now suddenly talking to him. "Who know?"

"Yeah..." I trails off awkwardly. "Do you know why Blaise is calling Malfoy and I hopeless? I don't understand why he is saying that and I'm confused."

Harry stares at me for a moment. "Is it a bout how Malfoy has a-"

He is interuppted by Hermione's scream. She runs out of the trunk, scared to death. "Professor McGonagall! She said that I had failed everything!" I awkwardly offer her a hug, which she gladly takes. I rub her back, whispering how everything will be alright.

The golden trio then walk off, leaving me alone once more. "Hailey, are you alright?"

I jump at Lupin's voice, quickly nodding. While Lupin is the best teacher ever, I do think I know his secret now.

Always feeling ill during the full moon? And to top it all off, his boggart is a moon.

He's obviously a werewolf.

But I won't judge him. Most werewolves couldn't control how they became what they are, so why should I discriminate?

"I'm fine professor, however, I need to get to Muggle Studies."

"Ah, good luck then," Lupin says before walking away.

At the end of the day, Muggle Studies was easy. However, what happened next was a bit more crazy, and it all started with a letter from Hagrid.

Lost appeal. They're going to execute at sunset. Nothing you can do. Don't come down. I don't want you to see it.

Chapter 52: Crookshanks

Chapter Text

"Okay, no one there, cloak on-"

"Not so fast, " I laugh while shaking my head at the golden trio. "Did you think I didn't notice that my cloak was missing? I check everything before dinner to make sure I didn't lose something you idiots."

"Hailey, we just wanted to look at the books in the restricted section!" Hermione says quickly, visibly sweating.

"Right..." I trail off. "And I'm a Veela." I brush a piece of red hair from my shoulder, making the hair go behind me. "Now tell me what you're really doing with my invisibility cloak before I drag you all to Professor McGonagall."


I interupt my brother's incessant muttering, digging through my pockets. "Couldn't be because of this?" I hold out Hagrid's letter with a smile on my face.

"They're going to kill him Hailey!" Ron finally pipes in. "We don't care if you approve of this or not, because we need to comfort Hagrid. I know it's difficult to understand because you're a-"

"Finish that sentence, I dare you," I say darkly, glaring at the redhead. "For your information, I'm coming with you three. So don't drag my house into this and say I don't have compassion you arsehole." I straighten up, becoming normal once more. "Now, we need to get to Hagrid's right now or we will be there after the execution!"

Four people under the cloak was a bit much, so we had to walk very close together so our feet are not seen. The sun is slowly lowering, telling us that it is almost time for the terrible act to take place.

Once we reach the familiar cabin, I am forced to knock on the door. The large man opens the door, trembling and sniffling. "It's us! We're wearing the invisibility cloak. Let us in so we can take it off!"

"Yeh shouldn't have come!" Hagrid yells before letting us in anyways.

I pull off the cloak and hold it, annoyed that Harry stole it in the first place.

Hagrid was passed the stage of weeping, making me want to hug him as much as I can. He looks absolutely pathetic.

"Want some tea?" His hands are shaking as he reaches for the kettle.

"Where's Buckbeak, Hagrid?" Hermione hesitantly asks, as if he will spring a leak and burst into tears at any moment.

"I...I took him outside he's tethered in me pumpkin patch thought he oughtta see the trees an'' smell fresh air before...." He accidentally drops the milk jug we was carrying as he trembles.

"I'll do it, Hagrid," Hermione says before cleaning up the mess.

"There's another one in the cupboard," Hagrid says before sitting down and wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

"I'll get it," I say with a small smile before digging in the cupboard for the milk jug. To no surprise, it was there.

"Isn't there anything anyone can do, Hagrid? Dumbledore-"

"He's tried. He's got no power to overrule the committee. He told 'em Buckbeak's all right, but they're scared-"

"No," I interupt Hagrid, setting down the milk jug. "They were probably threatened. Draco's father isn't the most sympathetic type. That's probably why Malfoy has such a 'lovely' personality," I grumble the last part as I plop onto a seat.

"Aren't you friends with him Hailey?" Hermione asks, thoroughly confused.

"It's off and on anymore," I say before putting the focus back onto Hagrid. "Do you want us to stay with you when it happens? I'm assuming Dumbledore will be here but he may not stay with you."

"You're to go back to the castle. I told you, I don't want you watchin'. And you shouldn' be down here anyway. If Fudge an' Dumbledore caught you out without permission, Harry, Hailey, you'll be in big trouble."

Hermione is crying as she makes us tea. However, she shrieks when she looks in the milk jug. "Ron! I don't believe it! It's Scabbers!"

Ron gapes at her as if she's a mad woman. "What are you talking about?"

Hermione dumps the milk jug's contents onto the table, and sure enough, out pops out a sickly looking rat.

"Scabbers!" Ron says, void of any emotion for a second. "Scabbers, what are you doing here?" He grabs the milk drenched rat and brings him under a light.

Meanwhile, I'm racking my brain for a cleaning charm so Hagrid doesn't have to deal with this. "Oh right! Scourgify!" And with that, the table is once again cleaned.

I glance at Scabbers, only to realize how dreadful he looks. Large spots of hair covered hom, leaving the rest of him bald. He looks thinner than ever as well.

"It's okay Scabbers! No cats! There's nothing here to hurt you!" I huff at Ron's words.

Midnight never attempted to murder his rat, don't discriminate towards all cats.

Hagrid bolts up, frantically looking out the window. "They're comin'." Sure enough, there they are. Hagrid is shaking and absolutely frantic. "You got to go! They mustn' find you here! Go now!" Ron stuff Scabbers in his pocket as I grab the cloak. "I'll let you out the back way."

He leads us to the door of his back garden, making me want to cry. Buckbeak is only a few yards away, not even realizing what is happening.

"It's okay Beaky, it's okay..." Hagrid turns to us, looking like he is about to cry. "Get goin'."

"Hagrid we can't!" I am almost at the verge of crying. I don't want Buckbeak dead.

"Go! It's bad enough without you lot in trouble and all!"

Without a choice, I throw the cloak over all four of us as we walk away. The sky is getting dark quickly as we walk up the hill, only to stop when Ron does.

"Ron! We need to go!" I say quickly, mad that he isn't moving.

"It's Scabbers! He won't stay put! Scabbers, it's me, you idiot, it's Ron." Ron struggles with the rat.

"We need to go!" I snap at him, bit wanting to see the hippogriff killed.

"Okay, Scabbers, stay put!" We walk forward as Ron still struggles with his rat. "I can't hold him! Scabbers, shut up everyone will hear us!"

The rat is squealing, but it doesn't cover up the crunching of leaves in Hagrid's garden. The thud of an axe makes me lean into Harry, crying into his arm.

"They did it! I don't d....don't believe it! They actually did it!"

We all stand there in horror, realizing that the amazing hippogriff is now without a head.

"Hagrid..." Harry trails off, attempting to turn back.

I latch onto his arm, making him get out of his trance. "Harry, we will be caught for sure if we go back!"

"How could they? How could they!" Hermione's breathing is shallow and uneven, making me believe she's having a panic attack.

I put a hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort the poor girl.

"Come on," Ron says. He is the only one actually able to talk without their voice cracking. We walk silently, before Ron hisses once again. "Scabbers! Keep still!" The day continues to try and wiggle himself out of Ron's grip. "What's the matter with you? Ouch! He bit me!"

"Ron! Be quiet!"

I glance at the rat for a moment, dread sinking in my stomach as I remember my vision.

Pettigrew was never seen or documented as a animagus, but if he faked his own death, a rat as his form would be absolutely perfect.

"He won't...stay...put!" Scabbers looks terrified. "What's the matter with him?"

"Uh oh..." I say, pointing towards Crookshanks, who appeared of nowhere.

"Crookshanks! No, go away! Crookshanks! Go away!" Hermione yells at her cat. The cat stares at her, looking offended before continuing to inch closer.

"Scabbers no!" But it was too late.

In one second, Scabbers is out of Ron's arms and Crookshanks is chasing after the poor rat. Ron throws off the cloak and darts toward his beloved pet, disappearing in the darkness.

"Ron!" Hermione and I yell in unison before we all run after the redhead. We can hear his feet thundering across the floor, running after the cat and rat.

And then, a thud is heard.

Ron tackled Scabbers. "Gotcha! Get off me you stinkin' cat."

Hermione says something I cannot hear due to my eyes looking at an incoming figure running toward us. I reach for my wand, but am too late.

It tackles Harry on the ground before jumping to rob and grabs him by the arm. "Ron!" I scream, not wanting to move forward due to the Whomping Willow being extremely close by.

"Lumos!" Harry's wand lights up as he sees the tree. It's whipping all around itself, not letting us get closer.

There at the base of the trunk, was Ron getting dragged into the tree. Harry yells his name before Ron gets pulled into it. The last thing to go under was Ron's leg, which was broken when he attempted to hook it around a tree root.

"We have to go for help!"

"No!" Harry and I say in unison.

"Lumos!" I yell out, my wand lighting up. We need all the light we can get.

"We can't get in without help!"

"If a dog can get through, so can we!" I yell before trying to think of possible ways to get through.

Harry is trying to get closer, but is smacked away each time.

Out of nowhere, Crookshanks darts towards the tree and puts a paw on the the trunk. The tree stops abruptly after that.

"Crookshanks! How did he-"

"He's friends with that dog. I've seen them together. Come on, and keep your wand out," Harry says grimly as we all crawl into the trunk.

Once we all make it into the trunk, I realize that we are in a tunnel. "I don't have a good feeling about this."

"Neither do I," Hermione says to me.

At least I'm not alone.

Chapter 53: Three Hunches Correct

Chapter Text

"Where does this tunnel come out?" Hermione whispers to me.

"Oh I don't know! Maybe the Shrieking Shack?" I sarcastically say the last part, there is no way this actually leads to such a cliché place.

The tunnel begins to rise, and then twist moments later. Crookshanks is no longer visible in the light of three wands.

When we finally find where the tunnel goes, I have to laugh. "Oh my Merlin! We're in the Shrieking shack!" I have to stop myself from laughing at how stupid my hunch was, and how it was correct.

The shack is very dusty with furniture broken to bits. "Ghosts didn't do that," Harry says while looking at a chair with one of the legs ripped off.

"No they didn't, " I say, with my arms crossed. If my hunch about Lupin is correct, then I know where he went every full moon when he was a student here.

As we creep around, we notice the thick strip of floor that doesn't have a speck of visible dust on the floor. "Nox," all three of us say in unison.

As we creep towards the only open door in deserted hallway. And then we hear it, a low groan, and loud purring.

We all hold our wands tightly as we go into the room, only to be greeted by Crookshanks on a bed and Ron clutching his leg on the floor.

"Hiyya Ron? Like your vacation?" I smirk at his state as he glares at me.

"Oh, shut up Hailey!"

"No I don't think I will," I say to him before looking around the room. "You can come out now you know."

"Hailey, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it obvious Hermione?" I smile at the girl who is questioning me at the moment. "Sirius Black illegally became an animagus, it's the only way he could have gotten past the Demontors in the first place."

"Hailey stop joking!"

"No Harry, she's right!" Ron says, looking behind Harry. "He's the dog, he's an animagus."

I glance behind Harry, and sure enough there he is. A mass of matted hair that reaches his elbows is the most memorable thing about him. He also is quite thin.

I back up, a bit afraid of the madman, even though I assume he means no harm to us. "Expelliarmus!"

Harry and Hermione's wands fly out of their hands and Black catches them. He doesn't disarm me however, so it's strange. "I thought you'd come and help your friend." His voice sounds like he hasn't had a glad did water for years. "Your father would have done the same for me. Brave ofyou, not to run for a teacher. I'm grateful, it will make everything much easier."

They expect me to believe this man is a murderer? He's staring at Harry like he's happy to see him, he's nothing but a big softie.

Harry attempts to move forward, but Hermione stops him. "Harry, I wouldn't do that if I were you, not now," I warn him, continuing to stare at the so called murderer.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!"

"Oh thanks Ron, love that I'm not included in that." Black glances over to me for a moment, as if just realizing I was sitting on the ground, watching this all pan out. "Hailey Potter, the other twin you supposedly want to kill tonight, how you doing?"

He looks humored at my blatant disrespect so he doesn't say anything. "Lie down, you'll damage your leg even more," He says to Ron.

"Did you hear me? You'll have to kill all four of us!"

"Ron, lay your arse down, the convicted murderer is right," I mutter towards the redhead, which he doesn't comply.

"They'll only be one murder here tonight. " Black's grin widens.

"Why's that? Didn't care last time, did you? Didn't mind slaughtering all those muggles to get at Pettigrew.. what's the matter, gone soft in Azkaban?"

"Harry! Let him tell you his life story!" I yell at my brother, my smile long gone.

"Why are you so calm about this Hailey?" Harry directs his anger at me now, what a delight.

"Oh I don't know..." I trail off before my eyes flick between Harry and Sirius Black. "Maybe I don't think he killed Pettigrew."

"He killed mum and dad!" Harry gets out of Hermione's grip and tries to attack Black.

The next few moments are so much a blur that I can't describe it. All I really realized is that they ended up on the ground, and Sirius is now holding my brother by the neck. "No, I've waited too long!"

Hermione kicks Black and he lets go of Harry in a hiss of pain. I close my eyes, not interested in the tussle. If Sirius Black was going to murder us, he would have done so already.

After a bit of yelling on Hermione's part, I groan as I get up. "Expelliarmus!" Harry and Hermione's wands are now in my hand. "You all are acting like children! Just hear the guy out! It isn't that difficult!" A few seconds later, there's Lupin in the doorframe, pointing his wand at me. "Take my wand away, and I will not be happy, not when I've been defending this idiot."

Lupin decides to not disarm me, which I appreciate. "Where is he Sirius?"

I side eye Lupin now, is my vision coming true right now of all times?

Black points at Ron, making the redhead freak out. "But then...why hasn't he shown himself before now? Unless...unless he was the one, unless you switched...without telling me?"

"Professor, what's going on?" Harry looks petrified, especially after Lupin hugs Sirius.

"I don't believe it!"


"You and him!"

"Hermione calm down!"

"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione shrieks in anger. "I've been covering for you!"

Oh, so the great Hermione Granger figured it out?

"Hermione, listen to me, please! I can explain-"

Harry is shaking, making me want to laugh. He's a thirteen-year-old child throwing a seemingly fury filled tantrum, it's hilarious. "I trusted you! All this time you've been his friend!"

Lupin looks panicked. He glances at me, as if to make sure I'm not about to murder him, probably surprised that I'm looking calm. "You're wrong, I haven't been Sirius's friend, but I am now. Let me explain-"

"No!" Hermione interupts him. "Harry, don't trust him, he's been helping Black get into the castle! He wants you dead too, he's a werewolf!"

"If I may interject!" I say loudly annoyed with Hermione. Lupin just looks confused, which I don't blame him really. "It shouldn't matter what species he is. Hermione, you're better than this, why are you not listening to the other side of the story?"

"Hailey must have been bewitched!" Hermione looks at me, panic in her eyes. I snort at her accusation.

"Not at all up to your usual standard, Hermione, only one out of four, I'm afraid. I have not been helping Sirius get into the castle, I certainly don't want Harry dead, and Hailey is completly acting out of her own accord. I won't deny that I am a werewolf."

Ron attempts to get up and basically run away from Lupin, but falls onto the floor. And when Lupin tries to help him, he yells, "Get away from me, werewolf!"

"Honestly, discrimination against werewolves isn't cool," I mutter, making Sirius Black chuckle.

"I like this one."

"Not the time," Lupin says while glancing at Sirius and I. "How long have you known?"

"Since Professor Snape's lesson."

"He'll be delighted. He assigned that essay hoping someone would realize what my symptoms meant, did you check the lunar chart and realize that I was always ill at the full moon? Or did you realize the biggest changed into the full moon when it saw me?"

"Both," Hermione and I say in unison.

She glances at me and I shrug. "You're not the only smart one you know."

"You two are the cleverest witches of your age that I've ever me."

"I'm not," Hermione says, looking like she's going to go insane. "If I'd been a bit cleverer, I'd told everyone what you are!"

Hermione, I think Dumbledore already knows, he knows everything.

"But they already know, at least the staff do."

Ron gasps at Lupin's statment. Dumbledore hired you when he knew you were a werewolf? Is he mad?"

No, but you're annoying.

"Some of the staff thought so. He had to work very hard to convince certain teachers that I was trustworthy."

"And he was wrong!" Harry screams at Lupin, making me want to cover my ears. "You've been helping him all this time!"

"I have not been helping Sirius," Lupin says. "If you give me a chance, I'll explain." He points toward me holding their wands mad sticking his own in his belt. "Look we're unarmed. Now, will you listen?"

Harry looks conflicted, like a normal human being. "If you hadn't been helping him how did you know he was here?"

"The map, the Marauder's Map. I was in my office examining it-"

"You know how it work it?" Harry interupts our disheveled looking professor.

"Of course I know how to work it," Lupin waves his hand impatiently. "I helped write it! I'm Moony, that was my friend's nickname for me at school."

"You wrote-"

Lupin immediately interupts my angsty brother. "The important thing is, I was watching it carefully this evening because I had an idea that you, Ron, Hermione, and Hailey might try to find a way to sneak out of the castle to visit Hagrid befire his hippogriff was executed. And I was right wasn't I?"

Lupin starts to pace, making even me feel nervous. "You might have been wearing your father's old cloak, Harry-"

Harry, being annoying, interupts the man once more. "How do you know about the cloak?"

"The number of times I saw James disappearing under it," Lupin says while waving Harry off. "The point is, even if you're wearing an invisibility cloak, you will still show up on the Marauder's map. I watched you cross the grounds and enter Hagrid's hut. Twenty minutes later, you left Hagrid and set off back towards the castle. But now you were accompanied by somebody else."

"What? No we weren't!" Harry yells. I try to shush him, but he just glares at me.

"I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought the map is not functioning. How could he be with you?"

"No one was with us!"

"And then I saw another dot moving fast toward you, labeled Sirius Black. I saw him collide with you. I watched as he pulled two of you into the Whomping Willow."

"One of us!" Ron yells.

I'm frozen, if my vision was rue, I know who Lupin is talking about.

"No Ron, two of you. Do you think I could have a look at that rat?"

Ron looks frantic. "What's Scabbers got to do with it everything?"

"Everything, " says Lupin. "Can I see him, please?"

Ron hesitates before putting a hand his his robes and pulling out a thrashing rat.

Lupin moves closer, looking like he's about to murder the rat.

"What's my rat got to do with anything?" Ron holds Scabbers closer to him.

"That's not a rat." Oh look, tbe infamous murderer talks.

"What do you mean of course it's he's a rat!" Rob, do they need to spell it out for you?

"No, he's not he's a wizard," Lupin says quietly.

"An animagus by the name of Peter Pettigrew."

Why do I have to be able to tell the future?

Chapter 54: Lupin the Werewolf

Chapter Text

"You're both mental!"

"Are they Ron? Are they really?" I mutter out, annoyed at this entire exchange.


"Now really Hermione, that isn't a spell that should be used right now. I don't see any boggarts, do you?" Hermione glared at me, making me ultimately sigh.

I'm surrounded by idiots, all five of them.

"Peter Pettigrew's dead! He killed him twelve years ago!" I side glance at Harry, who is fuming with rage right now.

Well isn't that just dandy.

"I meant to," Sirius Black growls, "but little Peter got the better of me. Not this time though!" I raise my wand at the male. While I am not entirely afraid of the man, I don't completly trust him. "Are you going to hex me Hailey?"

My entire body shakes as I just stand there, not wanting to make any sudden moves. "I don't believe you're a dark wizard, but if you're so much of an idiot that you lunge after a kid's pet without so much of an explanation, well I have a few new hexes that I want to test out."

"Hailey no!"

I point my wand at Ron now, just annoyed in general. "Remember that hex I tried out on Malfoy in first year? Well don't test me right now, I am not as nice as Sirius Black over here. " I turn back to Sirius and continue to point my wand at him. "Explain, and don't leave anything out."

"She's right Sirius," Lupin says, side eyeing me.

"All right then," Black keeps his gaze on either the rat or me. "Everyone assumed that I killed Peter. I'm pretty certain that Remus assumed it himself. But, as he has just mentioned, he saw him on the map tonight, and that map never lies. Peter's alive, and Ron is holding him."

I drop my arm, accepting the man's story.

"You can't seriously believe that Hailey! You're supposed to be clever enough to see through these things!" Ron stands, but sways as he just stands there.

"I can believe what I want. He is probably telling the truth."

"You want to base this off a 'probably'?"

"Yes!" I snap at the redhead, staring at him until he sits down. "Now calm down and let him explain more before you decide to go at him!"

"Professor Lupin, Scabbers can't be Pettigrew, it just can't be know it can't," Hermione pipes in. Finally, an intelligent person asking the right questions.

"Why can't it be true?" Lupin's calm demeanor is actually quite unsettling. It's as if he's been waiting for this moment his entire existence.

"Because people would know if Peter Pettigrew had been an animagus! We did animagi in class with Professor McGonagall. And look them up when I did my homework...the Ministry of Magic keeps tabs on witches and wizards who can become animals. There's a register showing what animal they become, their marks, and some other things. And I went and looked Professor McGonagall up on the register and there has been only seven animagi in the century! Peter pettigrew's name was not on the list!"

Her explanation makes me want to laugh. How can someone so smart be so idiotic? Just because there are only seven documented, does not mean that there are only seven in general.

This encounter has told us that anyways, since Sirius Black's name wasn't on the list either.

"Right again Hermione!" Lupin says. "But the Ministry never knew that there used to be three unregistered animagi running around Hogwarts!"

"If you're going to tell them the story, get a move on, Remus. I've waited twelve years, I'm not going to wait much longer."

"You know, I think I'm beginning to like you," I say to the presumed murderer. What I just said isn't a lie, because I do find him endearing.

"I'll take that as a compliment. "

"I wouldn't." I slide down the wall and stare at the ceiling. "I'm friendly with some descendants of death eaters after all."

Lupin ignores my comments and stares at Harry. "All right, but you'll need to help me, Sirius. I only know how it began." The bedroom door opens, so Lupin walks toward it before saying, "no one there."

"This place is haunted!" Ron shrieks.

I snort as his comment, for some reason, I doubt the rumors are even true about the Shrieking Shack.

"It's not. The Shrieking Shack was never haunted, the screams and howls the villagers used to hear were made by me. That's where all this starts, with me becoming a werewolf. None of this could have happened if I hadn't been bitten, if I hadn't been so foolhardy."

Harry attempts to interject, but I kick him in the leg, ultimately silencing him.

"I was a very small boy when I received the bite. My parents tried everything, but in those days there was no cure. The potion that Professor Snape that has been making for me is a very recent discovery. It makes me safe, as long as I take it in the week preceding the full moon. I keep my mind. When I transform, I'm able to curl of my office as a harmless wolf and wait for the moon to wane again."

"Before the Wolfsbane Potion was discovered, however, I became a fully-fledged monster once a month. It seemed impossible that I would be able to come to Hogwarts, other parents weren't likely to want their children exposed to me, but then Dumbledore became Headmaster and he was sympathetic. He said that as long as we took certain precautions, there is no reason I shouldn't come to school. I told you months ago, that the Whomping Willow was planted the year I came to Hogwarts. The truth is that it was planted because I came to Hogwarts, this house, the tunnel that leads to it, they were built for my use. Once a month, I was smuggled out of the castle into the this place to transform. The tree was placed at the tunnel mouth to stop anyone coming across me while I was dangerous. My transformations in those days were terrible, it was very painful to turn into a wolf. I was separated from humans to bite, so I bit in scratched myself instead."

"The villagers heard noises and screaming, and thought that they were hearing particularly violent spirits. Dumbledore encouraged the rumor. Even now, when the house has been silent for years, the villagers don't dare to approach it."

"Apart from my transformations, I was happier than I had been in my life. It was the first time ever I had friends, three great friends, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and of course, your father, Harry and Hailey, James Potter. Now, my three friends could hardly fail to notice that I disappeared once a month."

"I made up all sorts of stories. I told them my mother was ill and I had to go home see her. I was terrified that they would desert me the moment they found out what I was, but of course they like you, Hermione, worked out the truth and they didn't desert me at all. Instead, they did something for me that would make my transformations not terrible, but the best times of my life. They became animagi."

Okay, this is is a shock to me. "Wait really?"

"My dad?" Harry and I are now leaning on eachother, listening intently to Lupin's story.

"Yes indeed. It took them the best of three years to work out how to do it. Your father and Sirius here were the cleverest students in the school and lucky they were, because the animagus transformation can go horribly wrong. One reason the ministry keeps a close watch on those attempting to do it. Peter needed all the help he could get from James and Sirius. Finally in our fifth year, they managed it. They could turn each turn into a different animal at will."

"But how did that help you?" Hermione questions.

"They couldn't keep me company's as humans, so they kept me company as animals. A werewolf is only a danger to people. So , they stuck out of the castle every month under the ivisibility cloak. They transformed, and Peter, the smallest, could slip between the willow's attacking branches and touch the knot that freezes it. They would then slip down the tunnel, and join me. Under their influence, I became less dangerous. my body was still wolfish, but my mind became become less so."

"Hurry up Remus!" Sirius Black snarls

"I'm getting there Sirius, I'm getting there."

And with that, my attention span diminishes to nothing as Lupin continues to carry on his long monologue about how he felt bad about he betrayed Dumbledore. And also, that he almost attack Snape due to my dad being a jackarse.

"That's why Snake doesn't like you? Because he thought you were in on the joke?"

"That's right."

Uh oh.

I turn around, only to see my head of house snarling at all of us.

"Vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Snape stalks Sirius with a stern look on his face.

"Severus..." Lupin attempts to go towards the teacher, but he responds with pointing his wand at him instead.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle. Here's the proof."

"Brilliant, Snape. You've put your keen mind to the task and come to the wrong conclusion." I almost snort at Sirius's comment due to how funny it is. "If you'll excuse us, Remus and I have business... to attend to."

Black attempts to move forward, but Snape still points his wand at the man. "Give me a reason. I beg you!"

"Severus, don't be a fool," Lupin says while shaking his head.

"He can't help it. It's habit."

"Sirius be quiet!"

"Be quiet yourself!"

I almost want to cackle at those two bickering, but even I know when the time is not right. And laughing when I could easily be expelled is a bad time.

"You two, quarrelling like an old married couple."

"Run along and play with your chemistry set!"

"Geez," I mutter to Harry and nudge him. "You can really tell they went to school together."

"Not the time Hailey," Harry mutters back, but he seems amused as well.

"I could do it, you know. But why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you." I want to go charge at Snape due to wanting to know if Peter Pettigrew is actually here. "Do I detect a flicker of fear? Oh, yes. A Dementor's Kiss. One can only imagine what that must be like. It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best."

"Severus, please."

"After you." Snape gestures for us all to walk out of the room.

Without me relaizing it, Harry grabbed his wand along with Hermione and Ron's and passed them their wands. I didn't realize this until all four of us pointed our wands at Snape and yelled, "expelliarmus!" Snape flies backwards and is ultimately knocked out.

"I want to know about Peter Pettigrew, now!" I'm shaking once more, almost unable to move.

"Oh my god, we attacked a teacher!" Hermione mutters to herself, not helping my nerves at all.

"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend!" Lupin looks at me as if I've grown two heads. I would as well if I wasn't aware of how my nerves are making me switch from my usual way of reacting to things.

Maybe this is why you shouldn't stress out teenagers that much.

"No. Pettigrew's dead. You killed him!"

"Honestly Harry, didn't Professor Lupin do a speech about how Pettigrew is the rat?"

"Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there!"

"You mentioned that," I say, pointing my wand at the rat for a moment. "But can you prove it?"

"He's missing a toe, isn't he?" Now Sirius just looks frantic.

"So what?"

"All they could find of Pettigrew was his finger! Dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead!And then he transformed into a rat!" Sirius is looking dead straight at the rat.

"Prove it, right now, in front of everyone. Give it to him, Ron." Ron reluctantly gives the rat to them.

In a blur of a moment, Scabbers attempts to escape, but then is changed into a fat, balding man.

He attempts to crawl through the hole in the wall even more, but I raise my wand at him. "Obice Gelta! You're not going anywhere Pettigrew!"

They are able to pull him from the hole, now covered in purple jelly.

"Remus? Sirius. My old friends!" He attempts to run by thek, but the doorway is covered in jelly, so good luck with that.

He turns toward Harry, his gaze making me want to vomit. "Harry! Look at you! You look so much like your father! Like James! We were the best of friends..."

I raise my wand at him, horror flashing in my features as I am face to face with the man who enabled Voldemort to kill my parents.

"Hailey!" He now is focused on me. "You look so much like Lily! So beautiful, she was such a understanding witch you know!"

"Yeah? Well I'm not, so back up before I die from your breath, " I mutter, pointing my wand at him.

"How dare you speak to Harry and Hailey! How dare you talk about James and Lily in front of them!"

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort, didn't you?" By the time Sirius and Lupin are done cornering Pettigrew, I'm getting a bit bored.

"I didn't mean to!" Pettigrew shrieks annoyingly. You know those annoying people on the telly? Yeah, like that. "The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself, Sirius! What would you have done?
What would you have done?"

Black is shaking now due to his comment and question. "I would have died! I would have died, rather than betray my friends!"

Pettigrew grabs Harry and starts to whisper, "Harry, James wouldn't have wanted me killed! Your dad... Your dad would have spared me! He would shown me mercy!"

"Back up!" I yell at him, pointing my wand. He cowers at my tone and backs up from Harry. "You are such a bloody coward, it's rather sad. You were the one who caused Voldemort to kill our parents and yet you're begging my brother for mercy?"

"Hailey please!"

"No! You are the scum of the earth! You don't even deserve the title as a old family friend!" Harry pulls me back, not allowing me to hex the man.

"Should've realized, Peter, that if Voldemort didn't kill you, then we would! Together!" Lupin and Sirius have wands raised at Pettigrew, full and determined to kill him.



Lupim cuts me off, "Harry, this man..."

"I know what he is! But we'll take him to the castle."

Pettigrew comes stumbling over to Harry. "Bless you, boy! Bless you!"

"Get off!" Harry and I yell in unison. Once again, he cowers at the sight of my wand.

"I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you." The look of pure horror on his face makes me proud of Harry.

"Gelta!" I point my wand at his wrists so that they are now covered in thick jelly. "Sorry to burst your bubble if you think you can escape but, this jelly is enchanted. Only I can make it disappear, so don't try anything you rat."

"All this is fascinating Hailey, but do you mind disbanding the charm on the door?" Lupin asks, reminding me about that.

"Oh right!" I walk over to the door and point my wand. "Finite Incantatem!" And like that, the jelly disappears.

From what I can see, Sirius is helping Ron up so I don't have to worry about that. "Hailey, I apologize that you have to go through this. If you need to talk to someone, I'd be more than willing to talk to you and give you some chocolate."

"I think I'm okay thanks," I say to Lupin as we stroll through the tunnel. "Say, if Sirius is Harry's godfather, who is my godfather? Or is Sirius my godfather as well?"

"Actually..." Lupin trails off and grins.

"No way!" I actually am genuinely happy. "You're my godfather? That's so cool!"

"Well at least someone thinks your cool Remus," Sirius says, dragging a groaning Ron along.

"I don't believe we properly met. I'm Hailey," I smile at the man who is dragging my brother's friend.

Sirius chuckles at my words. "Well you certainly made an impression, though not a very good one."

I shrug, I don't really make good first impressions. "You get temperamental when you've battled a noseless guy on the back of your professor's head and get petrified by a basilisk."

"Hogwarts hasn't changed much, has it?"

"No it has not Sirius, " Lupin replies, looking absolutely happy that he has his best friend back.

Once we get outside, Harry and Sirius go and talk to eachother, which is adorable. Until Pettigrew ruins it. "Turn me into a maggot! Turn me into a flobberworm! Anything but the dementors! Ron! Haven't I been a good freind? A good pet? You won't let them give me to the dementors, will you? I was your rat! Sweet girl! Clever girl! Surely you won't let them..."

"Get away from her!" Ron and I yell at him.

I point my wand at him. "I'll turn you into a teacup until we come across the dementors if you'd like."

"So much like Lily..." Pettigrew looks at me, again, making me want to barf.

"Don't talk about my mother you coward!" I continue to point my wand at him, not even noticing the full moon being revealed by the clouds.


"Remus, my old friend! Have you taken your potion tonight?"

Oh my god, Lupin is turning into a werewolf and I'm frozen. I'm sitting on the ground, blocking Ron from Lupin due to him being injured.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! This heart here! This flesh is only flesh!"

In the craziness, Pettigrew somehow breaks free of the jelly. How, I have no idea. Possibly it could be faulty, but that's not the point.

He grabs a wand that fell onto the ground, but is disarmed by Harry almost immeditaly.

The man looks at both of us before waving and transforming into a dst, disappearing into the night.

Harry attempts to run after him, but Hermione and I grab him.

"Remus! Remus!"

And like a flash, Lupin is no longer.

Because he just threw his best friend, and is now a werewolf staring at us.

"Oh my god..." I mutter to myself.

This is terrifying.

Chapter 55: Sirius Almost Gets Kissed

Chapter Text

"C'mon!" I start to drag Harry and Ron away from the werewolf that is currently hunched over and whining.

Hermione grabs onto us, making me want to stun the girl. "Wait!"

"Hermione!" I yell at the girl who is now attempting to move closer to Lupin.

"Bad idea! Bad idea!" Ron repeats himself, almost crying in fear.

"Hermione! You'll get killed!" I hiss at her, wanting to go after her. Harry has a firm grip on my arm, stopping me from doing so.

"Professor?" Lupin the werewolf looks at Hermione and continues to whine. "Professor Lupin?" It looks at her before howling.

"Hermione!" I yell, getting out of Harry's grip. I immediatly grab her wrist and pull her towards the other two idiots. "What were you thinking?"

"I don't know!"

Hermione, Ron, and Harry are all group hugging, making me feel left out. But, I am in front of them with my arm raised, so I guess it's okay. "Professor Lupin! Please tell me that you are still in there!" I yell out, not believing my words for a second.

Lupin responds with a low growl, confirming my doubts.

How lovely.

"Nice doggy! Nice doggy!"

"There you are, Potter!" Snape appears out of nowhere and glares at Harry.

"Now is not really the time Professor!" I laugh awkwardly and motion towards the werewolf that is our teacher.

Snape pushes us all behind him, shielding us from the dangerous beast. In a moment, Lupin bats Snape away and Hermione shrieks.

I am shaking as I continue to try and protect Harry, Snape, and Harry's friends. Lupin growls and raises a paw, ready to kill us all.

Or he would be if a big black dog didn't run from the shadows and grab him by the neck.

The dog growls, staying in front of us.

"We need to run, Sirius has this!"

"Seriously Hailey, are you daft? Look at this!" Ron yells at me, making me before all too aware of the clash of teeth and growling.

I can't even comprehend what is happening, just that Lupin ends up overpowering Sirius.

When he does, Lupin turns back to us, getting ready to strike, but is once again thwarted by Sirius.

Sirius taunts him as a dog, running off and prompting Lupin to run after him. A dog's yelp makes my heart drop.

"Sirius!" Harry starts to run away, making me want to scream.

"Harry!" I decide to run after him due to how idiotic he is.

"Come back here, Potters!" Snape yells at us as we sprint away, two people on two diffrent missions.

I get close to Harry and grab onto his arm, trying to ground myself. As my eyes glance to where his gaze is, my heart once again drops to my stomach.

Lupin has picked up Sirius as thrown him, causing him to yelp in pain.

I grip onto Harry's arm a little tighter as I just stand there, frozen like a statue.

Harry, being an idiot, gets out of my grip and runs toward Lupin and Sirius, before throwing a rock at a werewolf.

You know, maybe Harry belongs in Gryffindor.

He really runs into horrible situations without thinking of the consequences doesn't he?

I run towards Harry, my wand in hand. With a small push, my brother is behind me as I shield him from the now snarling werewolf.

I'd be mad too if some teenage punk decided to throw a rock at me really. Harry isn't considerate at all.

That's sarcasm.

Lupin runs toward us and I close my eyes, knowing that we are going to be Potter kabobs in a few seconds.

Or maybe not.

A howl makes Lupin stop and howl back before running off into the darkness that is the Forbidden Forest.

A dog's whine makes Harry and I look towards the noise, only to see Sirius stumbling around, first in his dog form, and then as a human.

"Harry!" I yell at my brother who has once again blindly run after the man.

I run as well, not wishing for my brother to die until I decide to murder him.

That's what sisters are for after all.

With all the running around, I become all too aware of how little cardio I do.

I need to work on that.

Trees go by in a blur as I run after my bumbling idiot of a brother. We continue our little game of cat and mouse until we are face to face with Sirius in front of a lake.

"Harry! You're an idiot!" I yell at the boy, slapping his arm.

"Ow! That hurt!"

"Good!" I yell at him before dropping to the ground and checking the man's pulse. "He's alive, just injured." I look back at my brother who looks relieved.

"He's going to be okay?"

"Well..." I trail off. "I really don't know. Harry, we lost Pettigrew. Who's going to believe some fourteen-year-old kids, a convicted murderer, and a werewolf that almost killed us? They're going to think Sirius put us under the Cruciatus Curse or something."

"No! That won't happen!"

"Whatever you say Harry," I mutter while shaking my head. Harry's blind trust in that everything will be alright is sometimes refreshing.


"Harry, do you feel that?" I look at the water, seeing it freeze. "Oh my god."

"What are y-" Harry interupts himself as he stares at the water and notices the temperature drop.

"Dementors," I mutter, looking at the sky, and sure enough, seeing them.

Hundreds of the black cloaked creatures are floating menacingly, happy that they found Sirius Black, and two other meals.

What is with our luck? Is there a curse or something?

One swoops down, getting ready to feed on Siruis. "Expecto Patronum!" I yell out as the white light drives the hooded figure away.

More come as I chant the same spell along with Harry, but it's not enough. Since we both don't have a corporal patronus, they keep coming back.

Harry and I, exhausted, look to the other side of the lake.

There are two figures, with two white animals, not corporal patronuses. One is a deer, and the other is a fox.

The dementors screetch before flying off, causing Harry and I to faint.

The outline of a familiar person makes me realize that it is Snape. "Professor Snape...I-"

"Sleep for now, it will be better that way," He mutters, which I happily oblige.

And like that, I'm asleep.


Oh, good to see that I'm loved. I groan as I sit up, fully aware of my headache.

"I saw my dad and mum."

"I'm sorry, you saw what?" I turn my head to my now delirious brother. "That's not possible. "

"They sent the dementors away. You saw them Hailey!"

"No," I say, my eyes trained on him, "I saw two people casting the patronus charm. One was a girl, and one was a boy. The two patronuses were a fox and a stag. I did not see our parents."

"Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute the dementors are gonna perform the Kiss."

"What?" I jump out of bed, ignoring the now throb in my head.

"They're gonna kill him?" Harry quickly sits up as I brace myself, annoyed with the blood rush to my head.

"No. It's worse. Much worse. They're going to suck out his soul."

We are all interuppted as Dumbledore barges into the Hospital Wing.

"Headmaster, you've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man." Hermione runs to Dumbledore frantically. Harry is also running towards the headmaster.

"It's true. Sirius is innocent."

"It's Scabbers who did it." Ron says from the bed, reminding me of his broken leg.


"He's my rat, sir. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl..."

"Wow, great job Ron, I can't believe you do so horribly in presentations," I hiss at him in an annoyed tone.

"The point is, we know the truth. Please believe us," Hermione pleads with the old wizard.

"I do, Miss Granger. But the word of four thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others." Dumbledore brushes past them and goes toward Ron. "A child's voice, however honest and true..." He starts to absent mindedly hit Ron's broken leg. "Is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen."

The clock tower rings, making Dumbledore pause. "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful... and when meddled with, dangerous." He pauses for a second. "Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower." Dumbledore turns back toward us, glancing at Hermione and I. "You know the laws, Miss Granger and Miss Potter. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime."

Oh I get what he's getting at. Truly, Dumbledore is an intelligent man.

"If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight... more than one innocent life may be spared. Three turns should do it, I think." He starts to walk tiwards the doorway, closing the doro, before stopping one last time. "Oh, and by the way. When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck."

And like that, Dumbledore leaves us.

"He's brilliant," I shake my head before pulling out my time turner from under my shirt. "Hermione, yours or mine?"

"I think Harry and I can share mine, and you can travel back with your own," Hermione says.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?"

Hermione turns toward Ron promptly. "Sorry, Ron, but seeing as you can't walk..." She pulls out her own time turner and puts the chain around Harry's neck as well.

Harry tries to touch it, but Hermione slaps his hand away. She glances at me as we nod before turning the time turner at the same exact time.

Flashes of the day show me that it was a busy day.

And then, it is hours before. Hermione immediately takes the time turner away from Harry afterward.

"What just happened? Where's Ron?"

"Not the time dear brother!" I grin, happy that I don't have to keep the secret.

"Seven thirty. Where were we at seven thirty?" Hermione asks.

"I don't know. Going to Hagrid's?"

Hermione and I grab onto Harry as we pull him. "Come on. And we can't be seen," Hermione says.

"Hermione! Hailey! Hermione! Hailey! Hermione, wait!" Harry annoyingly yells "Hermione, will you please tell me what it is we're doing?"

I pull Harry down as we stare at the four of us creeping toward Hagrid's hut. "That's us," I mutter.

"This is not normal," Harry says, acting as if he's afraid for his mental health.

I roll my eyes and reveal my time turner. "This is a time turner, Harry."

"McGonagall gave it to me first term." Hermione and I say in unsion, making my eye twitch.

That's a twin thing, get your own thing.

"This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year!" Hermione finishes what I was about to say, making me want to pout.

"Hailey, Hermione, that's absurd!"

"Fine, you're just hallucinating then, or are you?" I throw a rock at Harry and he hisses in pain. "Looks like this is real."

"Fine! I believe you, I guess..." He trails off, running his forehead.

"Good, because we need to keep going."

Chapter 56: The Patronus

Chapter Text

"You mean we've gone back in time?"

"That's what time travel is Harry," I say, dragging the two along as we hide from unsuspecting eyes.

"Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly, something happened he wants us to change."

"Malfoy's coming, duck!" We all duck as I see the familiar blond. He stumbles around, muttering about how he wants to talk to someone.

"Hey Hails," Harry nudges me, breaking me out of whatever headspace I was just in. "Do you think the got wants to talk to you?"

"Not the time, " I say, pulling the two teens up to their feet. "Come on. We should be at Hagrid's."

We run across the grass, hoping that we won't be caught because that would not be good.

Imagine Voldemort coming back to life, it would be that bad.

"Look. Buckbeak's still alive!" My head snaps to where the hippogriff is before snorting.

"Of course." Hermione says.

"Remember what Dumbledore said?" I continue.

"If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared." Hermione finishes her statement.

"Let's go." Hermione and I say in unison.

Harry stares at us for a moment, completely forgetting what we said. "Never do that again, it's weird." We crouch down in the pumpkin patch, ready to go grab our dear friend.

"Here they come. I'd better hurry."

"Oh no you don't, " I say, grabbing Harry's arm.

"Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free." See, Hermione is sometimes smart. Now isn't that a pleasant surprise.

"That's Pettigrew," Harry growls as he sees the rat that is also a person.

"Don't you dare..."

"Harry, you can't."

"He betrayed my parents!" He glances at me. "He betrayed our parents Hailey!"

"Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut now." I say, glancing back at us from a few hours ago. "We all are. If you go bursting into there, you'll be breaking the law." I glance back at Harry who seems to understand now that I've laid it out for him like he is a child.

"If you go bursting in, you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time. We can't be seen." I nod at Hermione's statement before pushing the two teens down.

"Fudge is coming," I mutter, my eyes following the man.

"We're coming out the back door. Go!"

We all run into the Forbidden Forest, watching our past selves shuffle around with only their feet visible.

"Okay, go, Harry. Go!" I push my brother forward, in which he stumbles around. "My brother is an idiot."

"You act like I don't know that," Hermione says before walking towards Harry, who is having problems with some birds.

"Get away! Get off!"

Harry sure is funny when he's being an idiot.

"Minister, I really think I should sign as well."

"Yes, very well. Perhaps it would be..."

"Remember to bow!" I hiss at Harry, who bows quickly afterward.

"Okay, Buckbeak. Come quickly. Come with us now. Come on." Harry says, holding that chained that once kept Buckbeak.

After a few tugs, Harry turns back to us, making me roll my eyes.

"Keep trying. Come on. Quickly."

Harry tugs at Buckbeak, but the hippogriff squaks at him in response. "Buckbeak. Okay? Quickly. Hurry up. Okay?"

"Hermione!" I nudge her, gesturing towards the ferret. She takes the hint and runs toward where Buckbeak's food.

"Your name only."

"It's such a very long name..."

Why do I have a feeling Dumbledore is buying us time? Oh how clever he can be.

"Hurry up now, Buckbeak, okay?" Harry once again tugs on Buckbeak, and Buckbeak once again squaks.

But then, a wild haired brunette appears holding a dead ferret.

"Come on. Come on, Buckbeak. Come and get the nice dead ferret."

Why do I want to laugh at that? It just sounds so goofy.

Buckbeak stands up and Hermione immediately throws the ferret, making the hippogriff grab it.

"Come on Buckbeak!" I say, tugging on the chain with Harry.

"Come on. It's here. Come on, Beaky!" Hermione taunts the hippogriff with the ferret, making me want to roll my eyes somewhat.

"Here we are, minister. Follow me."

"Now, look there."

We all stare at the adults coming, my hear dropping. Buckbeak grabs the ferret from Hermione's grasp, making her gasp in surprise.


"Look beyond the rocks."

"What am I supposed to see?"

As their conversation continues, I decide to grab Buckbeak's chain and pull him, which he obliges since he has a full stomach.

I mean, I hope he's full.

"Come on, Buckbeak. Come on."

We all hide, not wanting to be seen, and yet Buckbeak seemingly doesn't care. He keeps nipping at the ferrets that Hermione is holding, making her hiss at him.

The adults talk for a few moments, until the executioner raises his axe, and splits a pumpkin in two.

"Oh so that's what happened," I say, amazed that we didn't realize.

We all run, Buckbeak in tow. None of us want to be around if they find out what really happened just now.

"Come on. This way. This way, now." Hermione, once again, throws a ferret and Buckbeak catches it.

"Now what?"

Hermione drops the vest that had ferrets on it, so Buckbeak stays. "We save Sirius." And like that, Hermione starts to run.


"No idea."

"You know, I'm starting to like her again," I smirk before running after her, leaving Harry behind me.

"Look. It's Lupin."

I look to see my godfather in the distance, raising his wand to the Whomping Willow. "Immobulus!" And like clockwork, Snape is right behind Lupin.

"And Snape's coming."

"And now we wait."

"You're right about that," I say before plopping down on the ground. "I really need to work on my cardio."

"Now's really not that time Hailey-"

"And when is it going to be the time Harry?" I look at him, my vision threatening to turn red. "You never want to talk to me anymore. All of this could have been a lot calmer if you would have talked to me."

"You could have talked to me!"

"That's all I have been doing!" I yell back at him, annoyed. "I've told you how I felt, but you never listen." I bring my knees to my chest and hug them.

"At least someone's enjoying himself."

I glance behind myself and see Buckbeak snapping at birds, making me smile.



"Before, down by the lake, when I was with Sirius... I did see someone. That someone made the dementors go away."

"You act like I didn't see them too," I say, but they decide to ignore me.

How lovely.

"With a patronus?" Harry and I stare at her, questioning how she could even know that. "I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him... only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."

"It was my dad. My dad conjured the Patronus."

"You act like there weren't two people there." I say, leaning on a tree. "You can only cast one patronus at a time."

"Harry, but your dad's..."

"Dead. I know. I'm just telling you what I saw."

I snort at his statement, prompting the two Gryffindors to stare at me. Glancing between the two, I just shrug. "He's just saying what he thinks he saw, so it's purely idiotic."

"Here we come." I groan as we have to now stand up.

It's nice being able to sit every once in a while.

"You see Sirius talking to me there?He's asking me to come live with him."

"Oh," I say, walking back towards Buckbeak. I wonder if I would be allowed to go with them? Probably not.

Harry doesn't even seem to care about my wellbeing as it is.

"That's great!"

"When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys. It'll just be me and him. We could live in the country... someplace you can see the sky. He'll like that after all those years in Azkaban."

The petting of Buckbeak gets faster as I get more angry. Harry didn't even think twice about contemplating leaving me alone with the Dursleys.


I jump at the sound of past Hermione, barely noticing the glow of the full moon.

I decide not to even look at Lupin and Sirius fighting, knowing I won't be able to stomach seeing it again.

"Let's go!" They run off without me, which I don't even care.

"Looks like we're all alone," I say sadly to Buckbeak before he squawks in response.

My eyes look at the Lupin from the past in a downhearted way. My red hair is messy, making me feel a million times dirtier than I actually am.

But when Lupin the werewolf charges at the Forbidden Forest due to a howl that suspiciously sounds like Hermione, I panic. "Hey Buckbeak, wanna go save some idiots?"

The hippogriff nods before kneeling down, allowing me to hop on his back. "Okay, go!"

He responds with running toward where Lupin was last seen. "Come on," I whisper as we search for the two idiots.

My eyes widen as I see Harry and Hermione being cornered by Lupin. I slip off of Buckbeak's back before he runs toward Lupin.

Buckbeak squawks at Lupin before striking him with one of it's talons. Lupin roars at Buckbeak before running off, making me sigh.

I pick up a tree branch from the ground and hold it in my hands before walking towards the two idiots. I smack both of them with it, making him stare at me like I am crazy.

Which I probably am if I'm being honest. "You two are such idiots! Do you two understa- Oh sh*t," I interupt myself as the Dementors glide across the sky, filling my stomach with dread.

"Sirius..." Oh yeah, he's a person. "Come on!" This time, Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me along.

How thoughtful.

This is truly family bonding.

I almost faint at the sight however. There Harry and I stand, trying to fight off the dementors but failing.

"This is horrible."

No duh Hermione.

"Don't worry. My dad will come." Harry glances at me for a second. "Our parents will come! They'll conjure the Patronus." We watch, but nothing happens. "Any minute now!Right there! You'll see!"

"Harry, listen to me. No one's coming."

"Oh screw this! I'm going to go help!" I say aloud before attempting to walk towards the edge, but Harry grabs my arm.

"Don't worry, he will! He will come!"

"You're dying... All of you."

Again, no duh.

I slip out of Harry's grip, but become acutely aware of him running to help as well.


I grab Harry's left hand with my right as we raise our wands, mine in my left hand with his in his right. "Expecto Patronum!" We yell in unison.

Immediately white light blinds us as it is brighter than ever before. On the other side of the lake, dementors run off, trying to escape the happy memories.

I even notice the two patronuses that are the cause of the light. A white stag stands tall, while a fox runs around on top of the water.

As the light fades, Harry and I from the past faint. However, I am smiling. I just did a difficult spell that I thought I would never be able to go far in.

I produced a patronus.

I grab Harry's wrist and walk up to Hermione and grab her wrist as well. "Hailey, where are you dragging us?"

I stop in front of Buckbeak with a big smile. "We're flying of course."

And the rest was history. Harry talked about how he now realizes that who he saw wasn't our parents. And then we got Sirius out of the cell by Hermione and I using the spell bombarda.

Currently, we are all in front of a smiling Sirius Black. "I'll be forever grateful for this... to all of you."

I smile, proud that we got this far.

"I want to go with you."

And then my smile drops.

"One day, perhaps. For some time, my life will be too unpredictable. And besides... you're meant to be here." Sirius glances at me. "And when that day arrives, you both will be welcome."

And now my smile is back, but only a little bit.

"But you're innocent."

Harry sits down as Sirius kneels on the floor. "And you know it. And for now, that will do. I expect you're tired of hearing this... but you look so like your father. Except your eyes. You have..."

"My mother's eyes." Harry and I say in unison, my tone a bit more mockingly. While I don't share my mother's eyes, I have heard that statement way too many times for my liking.

"And Hailey, " Sirius looks at me, his eyes showing that he's amused with me. "You look so much like Lily, it's quite scary. You act like her too. But you do have your father's eyes."

"I know, " I say, a small smile on my face.

Sirius pulls me into a hug and pets my hair for a second before letting me go.

"It's cruel that I spent so much time with James and Lily, and you two so little. But know this: The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them... in here." Sirius presses on Harry's chest.

He runs to Buckbeak and jumps on the hippogriff's back. He glances at Hermione and I, to which I wave a bit. "You two really are the brightest witches of your age."

And like that, the two are gone.

"We have to go." I say, diverting their attention away from Sirius.

We all run, knowing that bad things can happen if we don't make it. The clock tower rings as we run through the halls.

Dumbledore closes the door and looks to our panting frames. "Well?"

"He's free. We did it."

"Did what? Good night."

"And this is why I love Dumbledore, " I say before opening the door.

We see our past selves fading away, making me smile. Ron looks frantic and points at us. "How did you get there? I was talking to you there. And now you're there."

"What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione asks my brother.

"I don't know. Do you know what he's talking about Hailey?" Harry looks and me with a grin.

"Not a clue. Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?" I say, a grin spreading across my face as I look at the confused Ronald Weasley.

Chapter 57: Goodbye Third Year

Chapter Text

"Are you quite sure you wish to drop these classes Potter?" Professor Snape looks at me.

He's been rather annoyed with me after the whole Lupin incident, but who cares. I smile and nod. "I was stretching myself too thin, that many classes is way too much." I pull the time turner off of my neck and leave it on the desk before leaving the room.

As if by coincidence, I run into Professor McGonagall. "Potter! I was looking for you!" She hands me a box with a single mandrake leaf. "The Ministry has approved your request to start the process of becoming an animagus. Due to that, you will have some leeway this summer, don't over step and try anything."

A grin spreads across my features as I look at it. "Don't worry, I'll try not to break the rules!" I run off before she can process what I said.

"Potter!" Gosh, three people in a few minutes, I'm becoming popular.

I turn around and see Draco looking nervous. "What is it Malfoy?"

"I wanted to say that I'm happy the hippogriff got away." I roll my eyes but hug him anyways.

"You're a twit, you know that?" I release him from the hug and smile.

"I know."

Chapter 58: Birthday Cake

Chapter Text

"Harry, what are you doing up?" I groan as the boy turns on a light and the sound of scribbles echo through the room.

"My scar, it was hurting."

"Again?" I bolt out of bed and am at his side in an instant. "That thing is so strange, it hurts you so much. I just want to understand why."

Harry grabs my hand and twists it, revealing my scar. "Why doesn't yours ever hurt."

"I don't know." I look at Harry, who seems to be writing a letter. "So what was the dream about this time?"

"How did you-"

"I'm your sister, it's my job," I say with a smile. Harry and I are no longer as close as we used to be, but we have made up, which is a start. "Tell me about it before I hex you."

"You can't use magic outside of school! They only gave you leeway because of the animagus spell."

"Only one way to find out," I say, twirling my wand in my fingers. "Do you think I succeeded? I don't feel any different and it has a week or so."

Harry ruffles my hair, making me try to slap his hand. "I think that you have the best chance of mastering it in our year."

Once he stops ruffling my hair, I glare at him, annoyed that he would do that. My gaze softens as I see how tired he is until I fully hug him. "Tell me about the dream, now."

After my brother weighed his options, he ultimately decided that he should tell me about the dream.

I mean, I did threaten to hit him with a book.

"It was like I was walking in this old house, and I came across a room. There was a snake on the rug and Pettigrew was there, along with another man. Then a chair swiveled forward, there was a flash of green light."

"Oh," I say with my knees to my chest as I hold them. I have had my fair amount of experience with dreams that tell the future, so this is way too close for comfort. "Who are you going to write to?"

"I was thinking about Sirius."

I nod, looking over Harry's lengthy letter. It talks about how Dudley is not responding well to his diet and how he chucked his PlayStation out the window. And then, at the last paragraph, there was a mention of the incident.

"Your handwriting has gotten a lot better Harry, I'm impressed."

Harry glances at me, clearly suspicious of my sincerity. "Are you just saying that?"

"I swear that I'm not being mean," I say before hopping up. With a deep breath, I know that I am now fully awake and ready for whatever might come. "Now, who's ready for breakfast, because I know I am."

Harry and I stumble to the kitchen, noticing the Dursleys are already seated. Dudley has been receiving poor marks, but Petunia and Vernon made up excuses.

They couldn't excuse his weight though.

The school nurse basically stated that Dudley is severely overweight, and boy I almost laughed at that. Now, I wouldn't laugh due to valuing my life, but it was still quite funny.

The arguments that shook the floor, the diet plan, the fact that Dudley is roughly the size of a young killer whale.

Like I said, funny.

As Harry and I sit at the table, I realize that Petunia is passing grapefruit around. She gives the biggest piece to Dudley, of course, but she surprisingly gives me one of the biggest pieces as well.

Well I'll be darned, maybe the woman isn't as rude as I thought.

But we aren't even following the diet so who cares.

Harry somehow caught wind of the diet, so he asked a bunch of Gryffindors to send him sweets. He even sent a note with one of my letters to Draco, which surprised me.

He's really trying to be nice, which is kind of unnerving in a way, but also feels like he actually cares.

The doorbell rings, prompting me out of my trance. Vernon grumbles before going to the door. With Petunia's back turned, I give Dudley my grapefruit piece and smile.

His eyes light up before he devours it whole, making me cringe.

From the talking at the door, something happened. Petunia sets down a teapot as Vernon glares at both of us. "You two, in the living room, now."

We hesitantly leave the kitchen, in which Vernon closes the door behind us. "So, this just arrived. A letter, about you two." He reads the letter, which basiclaly talks about the Weasleys wanting us to come to the World Cup. "Look at this!"

And the sight makes me want to laugh. There is a medium size envelope that is covered with stamps. In the middle, in small writing, is the address.

"She did put enough stamps on it then," Harry says, in a complelty serious voice. I kick him, making him look at me for a second.

"The postman noticed!" Vernon looks like he is about to become a twin of a tomato. "Very interested to know where this letter came from, he was. That's why he rang the doorbell. Seemed to think it was funny."

We stand in silence before I open my mouth, ready to brave my ultimate fear:

Talk to the Dursleys.

"Can we go?" My eyes fake twinkle, trying to guilt trip the heartless man.

"Who us this woman?" He stares at the letter.

"You've seem her," Harry says. "She's my friend Ron's mother, she was meeting him off the Hog-" I kick him again. "Off the school train at the end of last term."

Harry, please don't be stupid. I actually want to go to this.

"Dumpy sort of woman? Load of children with red hair?" I frown at the description. That was quite rude. "Quidditch, what is this rubbish?"

"It's a sport," I say quietly.

"Played on a broom," Harry finishes.

"All right, all right!" Harry and I smirk at each other, Vernon gets so freaked out, it's hilarious. "Send us your answer the normal way. What does she mean, 'the normal way'?" Vernon scowls.

"Normal for us. You know, owl post. That's what's normal for wizards," Harry says before Vernon and I can stop him.

Vernon has truly become twins with a tomato, or perhaps Weasley hair. Either way, his face is rather red. "How many times do I have to tell you not to mention that unaturalness under my roof?" Vernon hisses. "You two stand there, in the clothes Petunia and I put on your ungrateful backs-"

"Only after Dudley is finished with them."

I nudge Harry in the ribs and glare. "Keep your retorts on the down low," I mutter.

"I will not be spoken to like that!"

Great, Harry ruined our chances of seeing the Weasleys and Draco-

I mean the Weasleys.

Just the Weasleys.

No one else.

"Okay we can't see the World Cup. Can I go then I've only got a letter to Sirius I want to finish, you know, my godfather."

Harry has done it, Vernon pales at the thought. Last year, Harry told Vernon about his godfather so they have been nicer to him.

Yay, I guess.

"You''re writing to him are you?" Ahh, the beauty of when Vernon Dursley is terrified, truly an amazing sight.

"Well yeah, it's been awhile since he's heard from me, and, you know, if he doesn't, he might start thinking something's wrong." Again, the beauty of Vernon being terrified. I don't have the heart to tell him that my godfather is a werewolf, imagine that discussion.

"Well, alright you then. You can go to this ruddy...this stupid World Cup thing. You write and tell those Weasleys their to pick you two up. Mind I have haven't got time to go dropping you all over the country. And, you can spend the rest of the summer there. And you can tell your godfather tell him that you're okay." He glances at me for a moment. "That you're both okay and that you are going."

A smile finds itself on my lips as we nearly run into a eavesdropping Dudley.

"That was an excellent breakfast wasn't it, Hailey?" Harry asks me with a grin

"I feel really full, don't you Harry?"

We both laugh as we charge into our room. Harry goes to Hedwig, who had just arrived. I am on my bed, face first in the pillows.

In a few seconds, Harry pokes me and gives me a letter.

Harry-DAD GOT THE TICKETS- Ireland versus Bulgaria, Monday night. Mum writing the Muggles to ask you to stay. They might already have the letter. I don't know how fast muggle post is. Thought I'd send this with Pig anyways.

We're coming for you whether muggles like it or not, you can't miss the World Cup. Only Mum and Dad reckon it's better we pretend to ask their permission first. If they say yes send Pig back with your answer pronto and we'll come and get you at five on Sunday. If they say no send Pig back pronto and we'll come back and get you at five on Sunday anyway.

Hermione's arriving this afternoon. Percy started work, The Department of International Magical Cooperation. Don't mention anything about abroad while you're here unless you want the pants bored off of you.

See you soon,

P.S. My mum said that Hailey is more than welcome to come as well, so tell her that.

"That's nice," I say, putting the letter on my table. "What are you going to write back?"

"Here," Harry says, handing me the letter.

Ron, it's okay the Muggle say we can come. See you at five tomorrow, can't wait. Hailey wants to go, so tell your mum.

"Well that's rather short isn't it?" I joke.

"What, you expect me to shuck out a five page paper?"

"Nah," I ruffle his hair and glance at the table, which has one more letter. Without thinking, I grab the letter.

If you want to contact, me I'll be at my friend Ron's for the rest of the summer. He's got his tickets for the Quidditch World Cup - Harry

"Aww cute, " I say, handing him the letter. He gives it to Hedwig and she flies off. Pig also flies off with the other letter.

Harry proceeds to pull out a birthday cake from under the bed, making me roll my eyes.

"Can I have some?"

He gives me a fork, making me smile. "Of course, it's half yours anyways."

Chapter 59: To The Burrow


I was 14 by this point

Chapter Text

It's close to the time to leave, and Harry looks like he is about to jump out of his seat from excrement.

I have my humongous trunk next to me that holds all my prized possessions, except for the necklace Draco gave me in first year.

I wear that all the time.

Harry really went overboard on searching for any lost things, but it's for the better really. Since the Dursleys would probably throw anything magical out, it really is a good idea to take it.

This year will be my year, I'm sure of it. I will reconcile with Harry as much as I can, I will get on the Slytherin Quidditch team and be the first girl to do so, and I will actually talk to people.

I am determined to make this my year.

Vernon looks at us with an uptight expression. "I hope you told them to dress properly, these people. I've seen the sort of your lot wear. They'd better have the decency to put on normal clothes, that's all. "

I glance at Harry who seems to be having the same thoughts as me. The Weasleys aren't exactly normal as it is and wouldn't think about dressing in muggle clothes. Maybe the children, but Mr. and Mrs. Weasley a are a definite no.

"They'll be driving course."

"I think so..." Harry trails off. In all honesty, they probably won't. They will probably be traveling by magic since that is what they've grown up with.

Five o'clock came and went to Harry and my dismay.

Did the Weasleys forget about us?

Probably not.

Are they doing something stupid?

Most probably.

Should I be scared of the reaction of Vernon and Petunia?

Most definitely.

"They're late!" Vernon snarls at us.

"I know maybe the traffic's bad or something," Harry says quickly. Luckily, I don't need to talk to them with Harry around.

Ten past five passes along, and then fifteen past five. At half past, Vernon began to talk loudly to Petunia.

"No consideration at all."

No, they're just running late.

"We might have had an engagement."

The Weasleys know that you all are utterly unlikable, so they would probably assume you didn't.

"Maybe they think they'll get invited to dinner if they're late."

No, compared to Mrs. Weasley's food, Petunia's is good enough for pigs, or Dudley, they're the same thing.

"Well they most certainly won't be! They'll take the boy and girl and go. There'll be no hanging around. That's if they're coming at all. Probably mistaken the day. I daresay, their kind don't set much store by punctuality. Either that or they've gotten some tin-pot car that's broken down." And like that, Vernon begins to scream.

Harry and I look at eachother, knowing full well neither of us used magic without our wands.

"What happened?"

"What's the matter?"

Harry and I hurry into the living room. Loud bangs are coming from the fireplace making me want to facepalm.

They didn't...

"Oh no! Go back, go back, there is some kind of mistake!"

They did.

"Tell George not to ouch! George, there's no room go back quickly and tell Ron-"

What kind of idiotic-

"Maybe they can hear us. Maybe they'll notice that out there is some loud hammering."

Oh we definitely noticed.

"Harry, Hailey, can you hear me?"

The Dursleys are fuming at the current situation. "What is this? What is going on?"

"Floo powder..." I mutter before realizing how confused my uncle is. "It lets you travel by fireplace."

Harry approaches the fireplace meekly. "Mr. Weasley? Can you hear me?"

The hammering stops and is followed by a shush.

"Mr. Weasley," I say with a smile and step forward. "Mr. Weasley, it's Hailey. The fireplace has been boarded up, you can't go through this way."

"Damn!" Mr. Weasley yells. "What on earth did they block their fireplace for?"

"They've got an electric fire," Harry and I say together.

"Really? Eclectic, you say? With a plug? Gracious, I must see that. Let's think...."

"Well you two sure did make up, didn't you?" Fred's voice comes from the fireplace.

"Shouldn't you be more focused on being stuck in a fireplace Fred?" I cross my arms, and I'm pretty sure he knows that I did.

"Touché Hailey."

"Ouch Ron!"

"What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?"

"Oh no Ron, this is our home. It's a bit cramped," I say sarcastically.

"Oh no Ron," Fred says. "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."

"Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here," George says.

"Boys, boys... I'm trying to think what to do. Yes, only way, stand back."

Uh oh.

My eyes widen before I grab Harry's wrist and force him to hide behind the sofa with me.

"Wait a moment!" Vernon yells, running towards the fireplace. "What exactly are you going to-"

He is interrupted by a large bang. I don't personally look to see what happened, but I'm pretty sure that this is going to be crazy.

I look put, only to see the Weasleys.

"That's better," Mr. Weasley pants. "Ah, you must be Harry and Hailey's aunt and uncle!" He moves toward Vernon, but my uncle only moves away from him. He looks around the now messy room. "Sorry about that, it's all my fault. It didn't occur to me that we wouldn't be able to get out at the other end. I had your fireplace connected to the Floo Network, you see, just for the afternoon. You know, so we could get Harry and Hailey. Muffle fireplaces-"

And with that, I zone out.

It's not like the Dursleys understood any of that anyways.

"Hello Hailey!" Fred says, putting his arm on my head so he can lean on me. "So, you and Harry made up?"


"That's great!" Fred smiles at me, making me smile as well. "Hey, where's your trunk? I'll get it."

"Upstairs," I say, before thinking. "How is Midnight going to react to the Floo Network?"

"One way to find out!" Fred says before running up the stairs.

"Well, very nice place you got here."

I wave at Mr. Weasley and he waves back. I can't laugh at his comment, but it was quite funny.

Considering that the living room is usually spotless, that comment was hilarious.

Mr. Weasley is currently looking ariubr. "They run off eckeltricity, do they? Ah yes, I can see the plugs. I collect plugs. And batteries. Got a very large collection of batteries. My wife thinks I'm mad, but there you are."

Mr. Weasley, I'm sorry to tell you...but Vernon thinks that you're mad too.

Clunks from the upstairs scare Dudley into the living room. "Ah, this is your cousin is it?"

"Yep, that's Dudley," Harry says, making me want to punch him. Does he not remember what happened last time someone magical met Dudley?

He got a pig tail.

I mean, the tail did fit him.

But that's not the point.

"Having a good holiday, Dudley?" Mr. Weasley asks kindly.

Dudley whimpers in response.

Fred and George come back into the room, George holding Harry's trunk, and Fred holding mine and Midnight's cat carrier.

Midnight is purring and rubbing against Fred's legs.

Both twins have identical grins as they look at Dudley.

What are they planning?

I don't care.

"Ah, right," Mr. Weasley says. "Better get cracking. Incendio!" Flames rise in the fireplace that hasn't had a fire in it for years. "Off you go Fred."

Midnight saunters over to me, prompting me to pick her up.

"Coming," Fred says. "Oh no, hang on!" And like clockwork, a bag of sweets spill put of his pocket and the contents are now rolling in every direction.

He scrambles around and begins to pick the toffees up. Once all but one are put away, he winks at Dudley and stands up.

Fred drags my stuff into the fireplace and smiles at me. "The Burrow!"

And like that, he's gone.

"Right then, George," Weasley says.

Within a minute, George is gone as well.

"Ron, you next."

"See you," says Ron.

And then he's gone as well.

"Bye, " I say, waving my hand.

"Bye then," Harry says as well.

They don't say anything, which isn't surprising at all.

We both get ready to leave, but Mr. Weasley stops us. "They said goodbye to you, didn't you hear them?"

"It's really okay Mr. Weasley, " I say with a small smile.

"You aren't going to see your nephew and niece roll next summer. Surely you're going to say goodbye?"

Vernon turns red as Petunia looks pale. Vernon looks at Mr. Weasley's wand a few times. "Goodbye then."

"See you, " Harry says before disappearing.

I start to walk in the fireplace as well, but am stopped by the sound of gagging.

Dudley is kneeling beside the coffee table, gagging on a hour-long purple slimy tongue.

Fred you idiotic genius.

Petunia goes to the ground and seizes the end of the tongue and attempts to pull it out, but to no avail. Dudley yells and splutters.

Vernon is yelling and Mr. Weasley is panicking. "Not to worry, I can sort him out!" He points his wand at Dudley, but Petunia screams and shields him.

"No, really!" Mr. Weasley sounds desperate. "It's a simple process, it was the toffee. My son, Fred, real practical joker, but it's only an Engorgement Charm, at least I think it is. Please, I can correct it."

The Dursleys continue to be annoying, making am want to cover my ears in annoyance.

Vernon tries to throw things at Mr. Weasley, who looks like they have gone insane. "Now really, I'm trying to help!"

Vernon yells and grabs another ornament. Mr. Weasley looks behind himself and notices me. "Hailey, what are you doing here? Go on!"

I sigh, deciding it's better not to fight. I yell, "the Burrow!" And like that, I'm in the said place.

"So, did he eat it?" Fred asks, leaning on my trunk.

I smirk, actually proud of his prank. "His tongue got to be about a foot."

"Nice! So Hailey, you want to meet my brothers?"

I look up at Fred, who now has his arm around my shoulders. "It would be rather rude if I didn't, I do know most of you. "

"Then let's get you introduced."

Chapter 60: Introductions

Chapter Text

"So, this is the famous Hailey?"

"Yep," Fred says, popping the last letter of the world.

The one who just spoke has to be Charlie. He has a build like the twins, his hands are calloused, and he looks almost tanned.

If that is Charlie, that must mean the other redhead is Bill. He is wearing a earring that looks like a fang dangling, and his clothes are very music concert like.

Before we can even say a word however, Mr. Weasley appears looking quite angry. "That wasn't funny Fred!"

"It was kind of funny," I whisper to Fred, making him grin.

"I didn't give him anything," Fred says with an evil grin. "I just dropped it. It was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

Except, Dudley's secret twin is a pig so it was inevitable for him to eat the sweet.

Of course, that's what Fred was counting on.

"You dropped it on purpose! You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet-"

"How big did his tongue get?" George interrupts his father as he awaits for the answer eagerly.

"It was four feet long before his parents would let me shrink it!"

It is now the time for Fred, George, and I to start cackling at the outcome.

"It isn't funny! That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles, and my own sons-".

"We didn't give it to him because he's a Muggle!" Fred says, grabbing me by the shoulders.

"No, we face it to him because he's a prat to Hailey!" Fred nudges George. "And Harry! Isn't he Hailey?"

I nod quickly. "Yeah, he really is a prat Mr. Weasley."

"That's not the point!" Mr. Weasley rages on. "You wait until I tell your mother-"

"Tell me what?"

Uh oh.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley," I say quietly.

"Hello Hailey dear," Mrs. Weasley says, hugging me. "Harry is with Ron if you wanted to know."

I smile at her, attempting to make her forget about what was just said.

Mrs. Weasley seems to have an amazing memory though, because her eyes snap back to Mr. Weasley. "Tell me what Arthur?"

Her husband looks absolutely terrified. It's obvious that, while he is mad at Fred and George, he wouldn't curse them with their mother's wrath.

"Tell me what Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley repeats with a deadly tone.

"It's nothing Molly," Mr. Weasley mumbles. "Fred and George just...but I've had a few words with them."

"What did they do this time? If it's got to do anything with the Weasley Wizard Wheezes-

"Hailey, do want to know where you're sleeping?" Hermione asks quickly.

"I think that she knows where she's going to be sleeping she's been here a couple times," George says offhandedly.

George, be smart.

"We all can go," Hermione looks at me, as if asking for help.

"We'll come too," George says, finally tuning into the plan.

We start to walk up the stairs, but ultimately get stopped by a angry woman. "You stay where you are!"

Hermione pulls me along, attempting to get me out of the yelling match. "What are the Weasleys Wizard Wheezes?"

Ginny giggle for a second, as if reliving a memory. "Mum found out that Fred and George want to open a joke shop, and so she got a bit prissy. Sure didn't help that they didn't get that many O.W.L.s either. She wants them to work in the Ministry like dad."

"That's complelty rubbish!" I say a bit too loudly. "They can do what they want, just because she wants them to do something, does not make her right."

"I'll have you know, working in the Ministry is a refined occupation, Hailey!"

Ginny groans at the sound of her brother's voice. "Can't you go back to working on your cauldrons Percy?"

"I can't do work if you all are thundering around!"

"We weren't thundering around," I say, my voice not wavering. "And I do not consider the Ministry of Magic a good occupation at all, too easy to become corrupt in my opinion. "

"You take that back!"

"C'mon Hailey," Ginny drags me along, happy that I stood up for my opinion. Once Hermione, Ginny, and I are far enough from Percy, Ginny grins. "That was brilliant Hailey! Did you see his face? It was priceless!"

I myself am smiling at Ginny's attitude, she is quite nice.

"You really shouldn't disrespect someone like that though, Hailey," Hermione warns.

I ruffle her hair, making her groan. "I will do what I want 'Mione. Percy's a prat, so he deserved that."

"Even so-"

"Are you two going to be yelling in the hallway or actually come in?" Ron asks, eying us.

"Sorry Ron," I say before entering his room. Posters adorn his wall of Quidditch teams.

"So Hails, did you get to see the star family member?"

"She talked to Percy just now about thinking the Ministry is a bad place to work."

Ron grins at me, making me narrow my eyes. Why is he being so nice all of a sudden? Harry didn't say anything, did he? "Wicked."

I shrug, not wanting to think about anything. "It was nothing really."

"Oh come on!" Ginny says excitingly. "You were great! You really should have seen his face Ron!"

"I think they stopped arguing," Hermione says. Sure enough, she isn't incorrect. "Shall we go down and help your mom with dinner?"

"Yeah alright." All five of us trudge downstairs, only to see a very angry Mrs. Weasley.

"We're eating out in the garden. There's just not room for twelve people in here. Could you take the plates outside girls? Bill and Charlie are setting up the tables." We all grin and Ginny, Hermione, and I grab the plates and go outside.

Once we all make it outside, we come face to face with the two older Weasleys. The two boys are smashing two old tables together with magic, as if they are having a duel.

When the two boys stop for a moment, I stare up at Charlie and smile. "Hey Charlie?"

"Yeah?" He walks closer to me.

"What can you tell me about dragons?" My eyes are twinkling due to wanting to know about the winged creatures.

"Oh," He replies, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, the definitely get distracted easily, but their attention span is pretty small. So, if you ever come in contact with one, you can't distract it for long."

"Interesting..." I trail off, happy that I just learned something new.

"Will you keep it down?!" Percy yells, his head poking out of the window. Once he spots me, he glares.

Oh no, I'm on the bad side of Percy Weasley, such a shame. Really, it's such a shame.

"Sorry, Perce!" Bill grins. "How're the cauldron bottoms coming on?"

Percy stops glaring at me for a moment. "Very badly," he says, slamming his window shut.

By dinner time, the tables were set up. My mouth is watering due to the sheer amount of food present.

Percy is at the far end of the table, discussing annoying topics about the Ministry. He's complaining about a member of the Ministry and I really want to stab the boy with my butter knife.

The only thing that slightly peaks my interest is a event that Percy will not name.

"He's been trying to get us to ask what it is since he started work," Fred say, nudging me.

"Probably an expedition of thick bottom cauldrons."

I snicker at Ron's comment. While I don't personally enjoy his company, he is quite funny sometimes.

Molly and Bill were fighting over his wardrobe choice, which I actually don't mind. "Your hair is getting silly dear. I wish you could let me give it a trim."

"I like it. You are so old-fashioned Mum. Anyways, it's nowhere near as long as Professor Dumbledore's." Ginny and I highfive after her comment. "You sure are eating a lot."

"Yep," I say, before shoveling more food into my mouth.

"It's got to be Ireland! They flattened Peru in the semi-finals."

"Bulgaria's got Viktor Krum though," Fred retorts. In the corner of my eyes, I see Ron smiling.

Ahh celebrity crushes, the thing that is quite annoying.

"Krum's one decent player. Ireland's got seven. I wish England have gotten through. That was embarrassing that was."

"What happened?" I whisper to Fred, but Charlie seems to hear me.

"Went down to Transylvania, three hundred and ninety to ten. Shocking performance, and Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland was slaughtered by Luxembourg."

I shake my head. We don't seem to have that great of a Quidditch team.

"Look at the time." Mrs. Weasley mutters. "You really should be going to bed, the lot of you. You'll be up at the crack of dawn to get to the Cup. Harry, Hailey, if your school list out, I'll get your things tomorrow in the in Diagon Alley. I'm getting everyone else's. There might not be enough time after World Cup, the match went on for five days last time."

"Well hope it does this time!"

I hit my brother in the head with a book I have at the table. "I sure hope it doesn't. "

I certainly don't! I shudder to think what state of my in-tray would be if I was away from work for five days!"

"Never mind, I hope it takes a long time," I say, making Fred snicker.

"Yeah, someone might slip dragon in it again, eh, Perce?" Fred jokes.

"That was a sample of fertilizer from Norway! It was nothing personal!"

"It was, we sent it." I highfive Fred George while Percy is absolutely fuming.

Chapter 61: Helping With Money

Chapter Text

"Time to go Hailey," I hear Fred say.

I reply with throwing my pillow at his face. You know, like a normal person.

"Okay, time to get up," Fred says, grabbing my ankles and pulling me out of the bed.

I scream as I hit the floor with a shriek. Immediately, I stand up and hit him with a pillow. "That wasn't funny!"

He chuckles at my reaction and shrugs. "It was kinda funny."

"Can you two be quiet?" Ginny says, her face covered by her pillow.

Fred and I look at eachother and grin before pulling Ginny out of bed. The redhead third year screams and proceeds to hit us both with a pillow.

"Okay, now get out," I say with my arms crossed.

"But why dear Hailey? Why must you be so-"

"We need to get changed Fred," I smile as I speak.

He pales at my statement and awkwardly laughs. "Okay, I'll leave. But this is the last time you will-"

"Bye!" I yell out and push him out of the room. Hermione groans as she gets up and we all change into our clothes.

We all go downstairs, looking pale and drowsy. Ginny yawns, making em yawn. "Why do we have to be up so early?"

"We've got a bit of a walk," Mr. Weasley says.

"Walk? What, are we walking to the World Cup?" My brother asks. I walk over to him and lean on him. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem to mind since I'm super cranky.

Don't wake me up early in the morning and I won't be cranky.

"No, no that's miles away," Mr. Weasley smiles at both of us. "We only need to walk a short way. It's just that, it's very difficult for a large number wizards to congregate without attracting muggle attention. We have to be careful about how we traveled the best of times, and on a huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup-"

"George!" Mrs. Weasley interupts her husband.

"What?" George, honey, you need to work on your acting skills.

"What's that in your pocket?"


Again, George, you need to work on your acting skills.

"Don't you lie to me! Accio!" Small, brightly colored sweets zoom oyt of his pocket. He attempts to grab them, but is thwarted by Mrs. Weasley's outstretched hand. "We told you to destroy them! We told you to get rid of the lot! Empty your pockets, go on, both of you!"

It was quite a sad scene of the twins attempting to smuggle the trick toffee, but failing to realize how intelligent their mother truly is. By the time she had gotten all of them, we all felt bad for the two tricksters.

"We spent six months developing those!" Fred yells as Mrs. Weasley disposes of the toffees.

"Oh, a fine way to spend six months!" Her voice is annoyingly shrill. "No wonder you didn't get more O.W.L.s!"

The atmosphere changed dramatically, leaving the twins storming out of the house without a word to their mother.

While we walk, Mr. Weasley rambles on about Porkeys. Harry and I both didn't know what they were, but I had a general idea.

Harry did not however.

The the walk was mostly drowning out Mr. Weasley's voice and attempting to prank Ron with Fred and George.

The prank was sucessful, or course, resulting in him landing face first in the dirt and his father telling him not to joke around.

By the time we reach our destination, Fred is carrying me as I dramatically say, "I'm just too tired to walk anymore."

"Well, we've made good time. We've got ten minutes. Now, we just need the Portkey. It won't be big, come on," Mr. Weasley says.

Fred grins at me, making me realize I made a big mistake. In one movement, he drops me on the grass.

The air is knocked out of me as I just lay on the grass for a second, trying to catch my breath. Once Fred realizes this, he extends his hand out so I can take it, which I gladly do.

And I pull him onto the ground with me for getting up.

Revenge is best served cold.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!"

I look up, only to see Cedric Diggory and who I can only assume to be his father.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley walks over to the man and shakes his hand. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

"Hi," Cedric says meekly. I wave back with a smile, but not everyone holds the same sentiment.

Yes, I mean Fred and George.

"Long walk Arthur?" Cedric's father asks.

"Not too bad, we live just on the other side the village there. You?"

I gape at Mr. Weasley, this is the most tiring thing I've ever done.

"Had to go up at two, didn't we, Ced? I tell you, I'll be glad when he got his Apparation test. Still not complaining, Quidditch World Cup, wouldn't miss it for a sackful galleons...and the tickets cost about that. Mind you, it looks like I got off easy...." He trails off and looks at our group. "All these yours Arthur?"

"Only the redheads," Mr. Weasley says, before realizing his mistake. He walks over to me and gestures, "Not including this one. This is Hermione, friend of Ron's and Harry, another friend. And Hailey, Fred and George's friend."s

"Merlin's beard, Harry? Harry Potter? And Hailey Potter?" Amos Diggory's eyes are as wide as saucers now.

"Er, yeah," Harry says awkwardly.

"Ced's talked about you, of course. Told us all about playing against you last year. I said to him, I said that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that you beat Harry Potter!"

I suddenly don't like this man at all.

"Harry fell off his broom. I told you it was an accident," Cedric says, looking a bit annoyed with his father.

"Yes, but you didn't fall off your broom, did you? Always modest, our Ced, always a gentleman, but the best man won. Harry I'm sure you'd say the same, wouldn't you, eh? One falls odd of his broom, one stays on, you don't need to be a genuis to tell who's the better flier!"

"Oh, how about we get you in front of a Dementor and see how you manage." My voice is dripping with venom as I glare at him. "Oh wait, I'm sure you weren't present when your parents were killed by the killing curse, were you? And even if by some chance you were, at least you weren't still wearing diapers!"

"Hailey, " Fred warns.

"No!" I yell. "If you disrespect my brother, you disrespect me!"

Amos chuckles at my reaction. "Ah Slytherins, so impulsive."

"That's Gryffindor you bumbling twit," I say, Fred now attempting to clamp a hand over my mouth.

"Must be nearly time!" Mr. Weasley says quickly, attempting to stop any more outbursts from either party. "Do you know whether we're waiting for any more, Amos?"

"No, the Lovegood's been there for a week already and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets. There aren't any more of us in this area, are there?"

I still don't like him. Cedric looks over to me, and mouths, "sorry."

I turn my head and decide not to looj at him.

"Not that I know of," Mr. Weasley says. "Yes, it's a minute off. We'd better get ready." He glances at Harry, Hermione, and I, realizing that we aren't raised in the same world as they are. "You just need to touch the Portkey. That's all, a finger will do."

We all circle around a old boot and touch it, with great difficulty.

"Three, two, one."

It happens in a second. Like a book going into my bellybutton, I am lifted off the ground. My finger feels as if I'm glued too the boot.

Everyone's feet slam on the ground, and I look around, only to notice everyone else fell. "Oh."

Fred smirks and pulls me down, making em fall onto the ground as well.

"Seven past five from Stoatshead hill," A voice says, thoroughly confusing me.

I detangle myself from Fred, only to see two grumpy looking wizards. They look like they got dressed in the dark, but that's to be expected if they're wizards.

"Morning Basil." Mr. Weasley hands the man the boot we just traveled with.

"Hello, there Arthur. Not on duty, eh? It's all right for some, we've been here all night. You'd better get out of the way. We've got a big party coming in from the Black Forest at five-fifteen. Hang on. I'll find your campsite.

He proceeds to inform us of where our campsite is and Mr. Weasley thanks him.

And then, we're off. We walk for about twenty minutes, until we come across a small cottage. Everyone says goodbye to the Diggorys while I just glare at Amos, making him uncomfortable.



"Would you be Mr. Roberts?"

"Aye, I would," Mr. Roberts says, "and who are you?"

"Weasley, two tents, booked a couple days ago?"

Wait, only two tents? But there is yen of us!

"Aye," says Mr. Roberts, who is looking at a list tacked onto the wall. "You've got a space up by the wood there. Just one night?"

"That's it," says Mr. Weasley.

"You'll be paying now then?" Mr. Roberts eyes the group, probably taken aback due to our group's size and the sheer amount of red hair.

"Ah, right, certainly," Mr. Weasley says before retreating over to me. "This ones a ten? Ah yes, I see the little number on it now. So, this is a five?"

"A twenty," I say with a smile. I glance at Mr. Roberts who is looking at us like we are all crazy.

"Ah yes, so it is. I don't know, these little bits paper...." He trails off but I just smile and wave it off. Took me a few days to know wizard currency, so I understand.

"You foreign?" Mr Roberts asks as Mr. Weasley walks back.

"Foreign?" Mr. Weasley sounds just so foreign.

I walk forward and wave at the man before faking an American accent. "Sorry, we don't use pounds in America, so it's a bit confusing at times."

"Ah quite alright I suppose. You aren't the first people to have trouble with money. I had two try and pay me with
great gold coins the size of Hubcaps ten minutes ago."

How is it that everyone in the wizardinh world is either an idiot or extremly intelligent? It's weird.

"Did you really?" Mr. Weasley looks around nervously while Mr. Roberts rummages in a tin for some change.

"Never been this crowded. Hundreds of prebookings. People usually just turn up."

"Is that right?" Mr. Weasley extends his hand, but is not given any change.

"Aye, have people all over. Loads of foreigners. And not as foreigners. Weirdos, you know? There's a bloke walking around in a kilt and a poncho."

I really want to face palm as the twins snicker. Wizards are so idiotic sometimes.

"Shouldn't he?" Mr. Weasley sounds like he is about to have a panic attack right here and now.

"It's like some sort of...I don't know... like some sort of rally. They all seem to know eachother. Like a big party."

I honestly want to know how wizards have kept their existence a secret for so long because it honestly boggles my mind at How easy this would be to figure out.

At this moment, a man decided to be a idiot and apparate in plain sight, right in front of Mr. Robberts. "Obliviate!" Mr. Weasley yells, making Roberts eyes glaze over.

"A map of the campsite for you," Mr. Robert's tone is very monotone. "And your change."

"Thank you!" I say, ushering the Weaselys away from the muggle. "That was close."

The wizard talks to Mr. Weasley for a moment but I blank out totally, not listening at all.

"Hailey, Harry, where do you reckon we should start?" Mr. Weasley looks to us expectantly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, making the twins laugh.

"The tents, how do we set up the tents?"

I pale at his question.

Harry and I have never gone camping.

Chapter 62: Reveals

Chapter Text

"We need water." Mr. Weasley says as we all stand in a tent that smells of cat.

And I like the smell of cat but the smell is rather disgusting.

Ron, being an idiot, mentions that there is a tap, prompting Mr. Weasley to send Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I out.

"Great going Won Won!" I grumble, my arms crossed as I stare at the sun the that steadily rising.

"Don't call me that!"

"What are you going to do, hex me?" I smirk at the idea. "You'd be expelled if you did it out here, and you do remember the last time you hexed a Slytherin correct?"

"My wand was broken!"

"Well I don't care!" Ron and I are basically bickering as we walk, causing Hermione and Harry to look at eachother.

"Hailey, Ron, maybe you should-"

"Shut up Harry!" Ron and I say in unison. "Stop copying me!" Again, we say in unison.

"Don't mind them Harry..." Hermione trails off and stares at Ron and I.

"Is that a child?" I ask, pointing to a young toddler. He's poking a wand at a slug, making his mother come out and yell at him.

"No, it's a troll," Ron says, rolling his eyes at my statement.

"Well I'm sorry that I asked a obvious question! It's not like you have asked even more idiotic things!"

"Hailey!" My rant is interrupted by someone hugging me from behind. I turn around, only to see Aimee. In the corner of my eye, I can visibly see Ron stiffen at the sight of the girl.

"Hey Aimee, so you made it?"

"Of course I did!" She smiles at me, her eyes sparkling. "Wouldn't miss this for the world! You're cheering for Bulgaria right?"

I shake my bead, causing her to frown. "But," I say quickly, "Ron is cheering for them! He's practically in love with Viktor Krum!"

Aimee turns around, only to come face to face with Ron Weasley. "Oh, hello Weasley."

"Hello Prewett."

I look at how awkward they are, complelty confused. "Did I miss something?"

"Oh!" Aimee jumps, laughing awkwardly. "Ron and I are actually cousins, crazy right?"

My eyes widen as I glance at Ron who is not denying it. "You're related to the Weasleys?!"

"Well, my mum is," Aimee says, rubbing her arm awkwardly. "She kept her maiden name, and I got her last name as well."

"Oh..." I trail off before dragging her out of earshot from the golden trio. "Do the Weasleys not like you or something? They've never mentioned you at all."

"Kind of." Aimee shifts her footing as she speaks. "My mum had a falling out with her sister, Molly, you know Molly right?" I nod. "Good, well they had a falling out before I was even born. So it's pretty awkward to talk to them after not knowing them for years."

I smile at her, not knowing how to respond. "Well Ron's not that bad, never mind, he's pretty bad." This causes Aimee to laugh. "But, if you talk to him, you might feel less awkward."

She shakes her head at me in disbelief. "You are possibly the strangest Slytherin I've ever met Hailey."

"What do you mean by that?"

Her eyes get that twinkle once more as she regains her normal personality. "'re extremely brave, smart, and loyal. I'm quite surprised you're not a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff to be honest."

I open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off. "However, you are the most ambitious person I've ever met."

I tilt my head, laughing at the girl. "You do know that's highly biased personality traits for Hogwarts houses right?"

"That's what makes it fun Hailey."

Chapter 63: The World Cup

Chapter Text

The sheer amount of people in the stadium makes me want to tuck my tail between my legs and run out of here. Perhaps I could travel back to the Burrow and hang out with Mrs. Weasley?

"Seats a hundred thousand," Mr. Weasley says to my brother. He also says a few other things, but I am a tad bit too bored to actually listen to the man.

"Prime seats!" A woman with black hair says as she currently resides at the entrance. "Top box! Straight upstairs, Arthur, and as high as you can go."

Oh great, we're going to be freezing, aren't we?

The stairs are carpeted to my surprise. Why did they think that was a good idea? If it starts to rain, the carpets will be ruined!

Oh right, magic.

Forgot about that.

Harry and I sit side by side with Fred on my left. Fred and George decided to paint their faces and forced me to help them.

What I do for friends...

I sink in my chair as more people pile into the stadium. Harry immediately notices and says, "are you okay?"

I nod and fake a smile. There is no way I'm ruining this for my brother. "Yeah, I'm fine Harry."

"Dobby?" Harry asks loudly. I look around confused until I spot a small creature that is definitely a house elf.

"Did you just call me Dobby sir?" The elf squeaks.

I grab Harry by the arm, as if to tell him to stay quiet. "I apologize, my brother thought you were someone else."

"But I knows Dobby too!" The elf is strangely covering her face, even though the top box is not brightly lit. "My name is Winky, and you two...sir and ma' is surely Harry and Hailey Potter!"

"Yeah I am," Harry says. I just kindly nod my head, not really having and input.

"But Dobby talks of you all the time, sir!" Winky looks awestruck when staring at Harry. Once again, I am in the sidelines.

"How is he? How's freedom suiting him?"

Winky shakes her head. "Ah, sir. Meaning no disrespect, sir, but I is not sure you did Dobby a favor, sir, when you is setting him free."

Harry looks taken aback, making me want to roll my eyes. You can't help everyone. "Why? What's wrong with him?"

"Freedom us going to Dobby's head, sir." Winky looks down sadly. "Ideas above his station, sir. Can't get another position, sir."

"Why not?" asks Harry.

"He is wanting paying for his work, sir," Winky says, her voice lowering an octave.

"Paying? Well shouldn't he be paid?" Harry asks. I force myself not to smack him on the head. Doesn't he know that house-elves actually like being enslaved? They don't want payment!

"House-elves is not paid, sir! No, no, no. I says to Dobby, I said go find yourself a nice family and settle down, Dobby. He is getting up all the sorts of high jinx, sir, what is unbecoming to a house-elf. You goes racketing around like this, Dobby, I says, and the next thing I hear you's up in front of the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures like some common Goblin."

I really want to tell this elf to be quiet due to her high pitched voice, but decide against it. Hermione looks absolutely mad and I really don't want to run away with her threatening to hex me.

"Well, it's about time he had a bit of fun," Harry says with a smile.

"House-elves is not supposed to have fun, Harry Potter," Winky says, still covering her face. "House-elves does what they're told. I is not liking heights at all, Harry Potter, but my master sends me to top box and I comes, sir."

"Well that's absolutely dreadful," I say, actually concerned for the poor creature. While she may be annoying, why on earth would someone be this cruel?

"Why's he sent you up here, if he knows you don't like heights?" Harry asks while frowning. He sometimes is a bit oblivious to the horrors of the world, and it's absolutely hilarious.

"Master wants me to save him a seat, Harry Potter. He's very busy. Winky is wishing she is back in Master's tent, Harry Potter, but she does what she's told. Winky is a good house-elf." Harry turns away from Winky. I send her a smile before turning towards Fred who was listening in on the conversation.

"That was strange," Fred says, grinning at my tired look.

I glance at him and crack a smile. "I know right? The elves at Hogwarts aren't as annoying."

"You've got that right!" George says, moving forward so he can see me. "So Hails, any plans for this year?"

I nod quickly. "I'm going to try out for the Quittditch team."

Fred, who was drinking some butterbeer that I bought him, spits out his drink. "Hailey! That's insane!"

I shrug. I am well aware of the discrimination against female players in Slytherin. Honestly, it's so stupid.

"How are you even planning to try out? They'll laugh you off the field!"

"I'm not a child anymore you know," I grumble, "I am perfectly capable of standing my ground. And if they try to hurt my feelings or something idiotic like that, it's their loss."

Fred is silent for a moment and doesn't speak as he stares down at me. "You really are something Hailey, you know that?"

"I feel left out," George says sarcastically.

"Gelta," I whisper, well aware that since I'm around so many of age wizards, that the trace won't get me in trouble. I hold the jelly in my hand before throwing it at George, effectively covering him with the magical jelly.

"Hailey!" George yells as Fred snickers at my antics. I roll my eyes and mutter the counter curse and the jelly disappears. "You do realize you aren't an exception when it comes to pranks right?"

Fred dramatically shields me from his brother and gasps. "George! You shouldn't threaten her!" His grin is making it evident that this is all a big joke.

George is grinning as well, but is looking a tad bit more evil. "Oh please, you and I both know she can be pranked by us. Just because you-"

"Os claudatur obsignato!" Fred yells, pointing his wand at George. Immediately, thread sews George's mouth shut.

I push Fred, mad that he even used that spell. "That's my spell!"

Fred grins back at me cheekily. "I know. "

"Good Lord Arthur, what did you have sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?" I look towards the voice, only to grin at the shorter male next to him.

I quickly stand up and run to the second row, quickly smiling at Draco's mother. Lucius isn't even paying attention luckily, so I can grab Draco without him realizing. "Do you mind if I steal your son for a moment ma'am?"

She looks at me and then at Draco before smiling and nodding. "Be quick, the match should be starting soon."

Draco and I walk quickly until we are out of earshot from most people's prying ears. "How are you Malfoy?"

Draco seems to have gotten taller, making me want to hit him with a book.

What? Maybe he'll get shorter.

"As fine as I could be, what about you Potter?"

I smile at him, ignoring any strange feeling in my stomach. It's not a mysterious feeling, I know I have a crush on Draco Malfoy.

But I don't want to act on that.

If I ruined the friendship I have with him, I would be utterly distraught.

"I'm glad that you didn't have a terrible summer then," I say quitely, not wanting people to stare at us.

Draco just has his hands in his pockets, looking like a normal muggle teen.

Although, I wouldn't tell him that.

"My father insisted on having a ball this summer, it was utterly boring."

"Oh?" I question him. How can a ball be boring?

He nods, running a hand through his white blond locks. Did I mention he looks cuter than last year? Yeah he looks cuter than last year.

"Due to the what's coming to Hogwarts, my parents wanted me to gain some allies."

Wait, what? "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand." I laugh awkwardly as I stare at him.

He looks like he realized his mistake. "I'm sure it will be announced at school Potter."

He starts to walk back up, but I grab his wrist to stop him. "What is happening at Hogwarts?"

Draco turns around and stares at me for a moment before sighing. "You're very annoying, you know that?" I shrug, deciding not to smack him for that. "There's going to be a tournament this year, it's very dangerous, so don't go trying to get in it."

"Hey, I don't go looking for trouble!"

Draco stares at me for a moment. "Sure. Anyways, it's going to happen throughout the school year. "

"Oh," I reply as we begin to walk back to our seats. I don't want to think about it, but a very scary thought appears in my mind.

What if Harry gets his name in?

"Ladies ane Gentlemen, welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!" Ludo Bagman's voice breaks me out of my ponderings.

"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"

About a hundred beautiful women glide out. They all have white hair and skin that shines. They begin to dance and at first, my mind goes complelty blank. It's like they have taken over my mind.

Oh my god, that's what they did! They can charm people to become entranced! They must be veela!

After I realize what is going on, I just stare at them unamused.

I glance behind me to see Draco staring at them for a moment before snapping his eyes away and looking at me. I wave slightly and he waves back.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I look to the side, only to see Harry standing, one foot resting on the wall of the box.

Was he going to jump off?

I pull him down and glare at him. "Honestly, that was very irresponsible Harry!"

Bulgaria is obviously trying to play dirty, which I dislike. Two parties should be at equal footing and something like this could mess up the balance of everything.

"You'll be wanting that once Ireland have their say."

Ron questions his father and Hermione acts like Hermione.

Is there really any other way to describe her?

"And now, kindly put your wands in the air for the Irish National Team Mascots!"

In a flash, a green and gold comet zooms through the stadium, a rainbow then appears across the fields. The rainbow then fades and shows a shamrock.

Oh, leprechauns.

They couldn't get another species? I feel like that is a bit cliché.

Ron yells something, but I don't care eboigh to really listen. Most of the time he doesn't exactly say anything that changes the course of our world.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome the Bulgaria National Quittditch Team!" He then lists the players, but I don't cheer for any of them. They are all rather boring looking people, other than Krum. Krum just looked like he could murder me in my sleep.

How he has so many fangirls....and Ron, I'll never know.

"And now, please greet the Irish National Quittditch Team!" He once again lists their names, but I don't exactly pay attention. I want to see them play.

Maybe I need to learn how to be more patient....


"And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!" The man kicks the crate open, and the game begins.

Harry is beside me, looking through some device he bought earlier today. He offered to buy me a pair, but I declined and reminded him that we share the same bank account.

"Troy scores!" Bagman roars, making me cover my ears.

"What? But Levski's got the quaffle!" I side glance Harry, knowing that he is watching this in slow motion. Is he an idiot?

Wait, that shouldn't even be a question.

During the match, I have difficulty even keeping up. People run into others, Ireland is in the lead, and Lynch and Krum are diving for the Snitch.

"They're going to crash!"

"They're not!"

"Lynch is!"

And turns out, Harry was correct. Lynch for a second time, hits the ground and was attacked by a bunch of angry veela.

Did I mention that the veela no longer look beautiful? Yeah, that happened.

"The Snitch, where's the Snitch?" Charlie yells.

"He's got it! Krum's got it! It's all over!"

And like that, I fully respect Viktor Krum. He knew that he could never win, and decided to end the game. Now that is a good player.


The twins are being stupid again as they squeak out the tune the leprechauns were playing with they were doing their spectacle.

"There's no one like Krum! He's a bird the way he rides the wind! He's more than an athlete! He's an artist!"

Fred and George, being the funny idiots they are, start to flap their wings and yelling out Krum's name. I laugh, resulting in Fred throwing his flag over my head.

Ginny grins at Ron. "Think you're in love Ron?"

"Shut up."

Fred grins me and pulls me toward him. "Viktor I love you!"

"Viktor I do!"

Harry and I smile as we join in, "when we're apart my heart beats only for you!"

We stop as we hear explosions going off, making my heart drop. "Seems like the Irish are showing their pride." Fred nudges me and grins.

I smile slightly as I'm still worried about what might happen. Mr. Weasley come in looking frantic. "Stop it! It's not the Irish! We need to go now!"

And like that, my night became terrible. We were attacked by death eaters, Harry and I got seperated, and Harry was almost blamed for casting a difficult spell.

I felt utterly useless as Fred just dragged me along, making sure I was safe.

What's the point of even helping my brother at all if I can't help him when he needs me?

Chapter 64: Dumbledore’s Speech

Chapter Text

"Geez Hailey, you're acting strange today!" Aimee points out as we all sit at the Slytherin table. Draco is sitting on my left, while Aimee and Andie are across from me, and Theo is sitting on my right. Blaise is talking to Andie, making her laugh at whatever nonsense he is spewing.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I take a bite of my cake.

"What do I mean?" Aimee asks, looking at Draco for help. "Hailey, you usually like your plate up to the ceiling during the first few feasts!"

"Oh," I say, looking down at my plate. I guess I haven't been eating as much as I usually do. "It must be because I spent a bit of time with the Weasleys, Molly is an excellent cook."

Aimee looks down, deciding not to comment anymore. Draco on the other hand is being himself, "Oh please, how can they even afford to keep their family fed? They probably have to sell their stuff every summer."

"Say that again Malfoy, and I will personally turn you into a fish and put you in the girl's bathroom," I side glance him, smirking evilly. "I heard that Myrtle always wants new friends."

That shut him up.

And it also caused Theo to laugh.

"So Hailey, you went to the World Cup?" Pansy brings up. I kind of forgot that she was there. She narrows her eyes at me. "You didn't try to do anything with Draco did you?"

I roll my eyes, annoyed at any accusations from a certain pug faced brat. "Is that seriously the first thing you say to me Pansy? Can you just be normal for once?"

"I'll do that when you stop trying to seduce my Drakey-Poo!" She yells, making the entire Slytherin table look at us for a second before shrugging it off.

"Here," Theo says, annoyed with Pansy as well. He stands up, extending his hand towards me to help me stand. "Hailey can sit where I was and I'll sit next to Malfoy, better?"

Pansy huffs.

We end up switching seats, making Draco have a bit more of a foul mood. "So Drakey-Poo, how are you?" Theo says sarcastically with a glint of amusem*nt in his eye.

"Shut up," Draco says as he pushes Theo away, a foul mood coming over the group.

"So!" Dumbeldore erases the tension as he begins a speech. "Now that we are all fed and watered, I must ask once more for your attention, while I give out a few notices. Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you the list of objects forbidden inside the castle that has been extended to include, Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. The full list comprises of four hundred and thirty-seven items, I believe, and can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office, if anyone looks like to check it."

I groan at the thought of hiding my Screaming Yo-yo that I got last year.

"Don't tell my you have one of those cheap joke junk!" Pansy sneers at mu expression.

"I wonder if you're mad because your Nose Biting Teacup pushed in your nose when it bit you," Blaise remarks, not keeping his eyes off of Dumbledore. His comment causes Andie to giggle, making me smile at the two.

"As ever, I would like to remind you that the forest on the grounds is out-of-bounds to students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all below third year. It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

"What!?" I yell out, a bit too loud, causing some people to stare at me.

I sink into my chair, embarrassed that I did that. Theo pats my head, trying to calm me down.

But I'm mad. I've been studying so much and practicing as much as I could without magic all summer. It's absolute rubbish that I can't even try out.

"This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers' time and energy, and I'm sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing this year at Hogwarts-."

He is cut off the doors of the Great Hall banging open loudly. I turn to see a man in the doorway illuminated by the lightning from the magical ceiling.

He walks to Dumbledore and I finally get a glance at who he is. It seems that every inch of his face is scarred. His face seems to have been made by someone who wasn't paying attention in art class. But his eye actually frightens me.

Because the eye is moving on it's own. It's electric blue and rolling around, causing Theo to gag.

He sits down at the staff table and starts to stab at sausages with a knife that he pulled out of his pocket.

So, he's interesting.

"May I introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody."

There's a silence encasing the entire room as nobody claps for the strange man.

"Mad-Eye Moody?" Theo whispers a bit loudly.

"Oh great, this school is endangering us again. I swear, my father will hear about this."

"Shut up Malfoy," I say, not really able to see him. "Anyways, who's Mad-eye Moody?"

Theo pats my head and grins, "We'll tell you in the common room, yeah?"

"Fine," I huff and listen to Dumbledore once more.

"As I was saying," Dumbledore smiles at us as we all stare at Moody. "We are to have the honor of hosting a very exciting event over the coming months, an event that has not been home for a century. And it is my great pleasure to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament will be taking place at Hogwarts this year."

"You're joking!" Fred says a bit too loud. I smile at how outspoken he is in this situation. In the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw Draco frowning at me.

"I am not joking, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore chuckles a bit at Fred's outburst. "Though now that you mention it, I think you're an excellent one over the summer about a troll, a hag, and a leprechaun who all go into a bar-"

McGonagall coughs loudly, causing Dumbledore to realize he probably shouldn't tell the joke.

"Maybe it's not the" Dumbeldore trails off. "Where was I? Ah yes,.the Triwizard Tournament, well some of you may not know the tournament involves, so I hope that those who do will forgive me for giving a short explanation, and allow their attention to wander freely."

I am so tempted to doze off, but Theo flicks me on the forehead as if to tell me to listen.

"The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of wizardry: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. A champion was selected to represent each school, and the three champions competed in three magical tasks. The schools took it in turns to host the tournament every five years, and it was generally agreed to be most excellent way of establishing ties between young witches a wizards of different nationalities...until, that is, the death toll mounted so high that the tournament was discontinued."

And they are restarting it?!

"There have been several attempts over the centuries to reinstate the tournament, none of which have been successful. However, our Department of International Cooperation and Magical Games and Sports have decided that the time is right for another attempt. We have worked hard over the summer to ensure that this time, no champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger."

The problem is, you have Harry to worry about, and he's a will card for sure. He has worse luck than me, and that's saying something.

"The heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving with their short-listed contenders in October, and the selection of three Champions will take place in a Halloween. An impartial judge will decide with which students are most worthy to complete for the Triwizard Cup, the glory of their school, and a thousand Galleons personal prize money."

I'm not really into this speech anymore, but due to Theo flicking my forehead every time I zone out, I still have to listen. I'm not so out of it that I don't realize how many people are whispering excitedly.

"Eager though I know all of you will be to bring back bring the Triward Cup to Hogwarts, the heads of the participating schools, along with the Ministry of Magic have agreed to impose an age restriction on the contenders this year. Only students that are of age, that is to say seventeen or older, will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration. This-"

He is cut off by multiple people yelling in outrage, notably Fred and George. I notice a few people sighing relief, probably happy that specific family members can't try for this.

"Is a measure we feel is necessary, given that the tournament task will still be difficult and dangerous, whatever precautionss we take, it was highly unlikely that students below their sixth and seventh year will be able to cope with them."

I don't even want to even try to join this, but I feel offended. There are certain people that are way beyond their years in this school, but I understand the precautions.

"I will personally be ensuring no under aged student hoodwinks our impartial judge into making them the Hogwarts Champion," I swear Dumbledore is saying this to the twins. "I therefore beg you not to waste your time submitting yourself if your under seventeen."

"The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October and remaining with us for the greater part of the year. I know you will all extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are here with us, and give our wholehearted support to the Hogwarts champion when he or she is selected. And now, it's late, and I know how important is to be alert and rested as you enter the lessons tomorrow morning. Bedtime! Chop! Chop!"

"It's bloody stupid that we can't enter," Blaise fumes as we start to get ready to go to the the common room.

"It's for our protection you know," I say, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "We're fourteen, it's not like we are sixth years. We don't know enough to actually compete."

"Well, we'll see about that," Blaise grins.

"No you won't, " Andie decides to smack her boyfriend on the head. "You heard what Dumbledore said, you can't do it if you're under seventeen!"

Aimee grins at Andie, "you're no fun."

"Good," I reply, causing the two girls to look at me. "Wouldn't you rather be very little fun then dead?"

"You're acting really strange Hailey."

Chapter 65: Arnold Weasley

Chapter Text

"Bubotubers, they need squeezing. You will collect the pus," Professor Sprout says as we all stare at plants that look more like slugs.

"The what?" Seamus Finnigan asks, completely revolted.

"Pus Finnigan, pus," Professor Sprout says in a tone that tells me she has had to say this a bit too much. "And it's extremely valuable, so don't waste it. You'll collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves, it can do funny things to the skin when it's undiluted, bubotuber pus."

"This is disgusting," I say as I squeeze the plant.

"You're telling me?" Theo says with a smile. "Blaise already threw up."

I look forward a bit to see Blaise throwing up in a bucket with Sprout patting his back. I laugh escapes my mouth as I see the situation. "Poor Blaise."

"Oh, he'll be fine," Aimee shrugs before nudging Andie, "Right Andie?"

She nods, keeping an eye on Blaise. She and Blaise are still in that stage of a relationship where they are basically only talking about one another.

It's absolutely annoying.

Totally not because I am jealous that Draco is standing near Pansy at this moment.

But yeah, Draco is standing next to Pansy due to not having enough room where I am. Pansy is holding onto his arm as he attempts to squeeze the pus of of the plant he is holding, causing a scowl on his face whenever she tugs on his arm and talks to him.

"You know, staring at him won't cause him to like you," Theo says, making me jump out of my skin.

My eyes widen as I just start filling another bottle of the pus. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's obvious isn't it?" Theo grins, nudging me with his elbow. "You like Malfoy, don't you?"

I close my eyes, attempting to calm my nerves. I don't need to have a panic attack in the middle of class, that is not on my bucket list at all. "Theo, did you slip some firewhiskey in your morning pumpkin juice?"

Theo laughs, causing a couple people to look at him before going back to their work. "Can I tell you a secret Hails?"

"What?" I mutter, genuinely annoyed with the conversation.

"Malfoy likes you too."

I drop the empty bottle I was holding, causing the entire class to look at me. Harry is staring at me, silently questioning what happened, satisfied when I give him a reassuring nod.

"What happened here Potter?" Sprout asks as she walks near me.

I smile meekly at her, not wanting to be in trouble. "I'm so sorry professor! My hand slipped!"

She chuckles a bit before shaking her head. "It's quite alright, just clean it up, we don't need the other fourth years to cut themselves accidentally."

I nod quickly and kneel down, quickly grabbing the shards of glass. Another figure kneels down, making me turn my head and causing my heart to drop.

It's Draco.


"Don't make a big deal out of it," He grumbles as he helps me pick up the broken bottle shards, "I couldn't just let you make a fool out of yourself."

I smile as we finish cleaning up the mess, "well thank you."

He doesn't reply as we throw away the glass and go back to our respective areas with our friends. Theo grins at me, "see? What did I tell you?"

I roll my eyes as I grab a new bottle, "you dont know what you're talking about."


The lesson ends without drama from anyone else. The class actually was able to collect several pints of the pus, which is thick yellow liquid that strongly smells of petrol.

"This will keep Madam Pomfrey happy. An excellent remedy for the more stubborn forms of acne, bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples."

"Poor Eloise Midgen, she tried to curse hers off."

Professor Sprout shakes her head, "silly girl. But Madam Pomfrey fixed her nose in the end."

The bell rings, causing us all to go down to the sloping lawn of the grounds of Hogwarts. Hagrid is standing, holding onto the collar of Fang, his dog. Several wooden crates are at his feet, and Fang is whipering as he tries to investigate what they are.

An old rattling sound followed by explosions enter our ears as I grip onto Theo's arm. This is what we get for going ahead of the Slytherins.

"Hailey! Good to see you!" Hagrid beams at me, causing a smile to appear on my lips. His smiles are contagious.

"Hi Hagrid," I reply, waving at my brother who is also arriving.

"Morning! Better wait for the Slytherins, they won't want to miss this, Blast-Ended Skrewts!"

I choke on my salvia, causing Theo to laugh. "Come again?" Ron and I ask in unison, causing us both to glare at eachother.

The Blast-Ended Skrewts look like weird lobsters. They're pale and slimy-looking with legs sticking out in strange places and no visible head. Hagrid has about a hundred of them, and they are all about six inches long. They also smell like rotting fish, making me gag.

"Only just hatched!" Hagrid says as if he's proud.

"Wait these are babies?" I ask, gaping at their size. They are huge! Theo shushes me as Hagrid continues to talk.

"So, you'll be able to raise them yourselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project of it!" Hagrid looks so happy, making me feel guilty for secretly wanting to burn these creatures alive.

"And why would we want to raise them?" A voice says from behind Theo. I smile at the sound of Draco, causing Theo to smile knowingly. "I mean, what do they do? What's the point of them?"

I narrow my eyes at his words. I have a crush on him, yes, but that doesn't mean I like how he talks to other people. That's evident since that's what we get into fights about.

"That's next lesson, Malfoy. You're just feeding them today. Now you'll want to try them on a few different things, I've never had them before, not sure what they'll go for. I've got eggs and frog liver and a bit of grass snake, just try them with a bit of each."

"First pus, now this," mumbles Seamus Finnigan.

Blaise is once again barfing once he tries to touch the frog liver, leaving Andie to pat his back affectionately.

I slowly realized that this entire thing may be pointless because the skrewts don't have mouths.

"This is so stupid," Draco scoffs as we both sit on the grass, holding the frog livers to the crate of skrewts. "These things don't even have mouths!"

"Oh it's not that bad..." I trail off, kmowing that it's that bad. "They're kind of-"

"If you call them cute, I'm going to throw these frog livers in your hair," Draco says, trying to get the creature to eat an egg.

I narrow my eyes, wanting to stroke my hair as a way to protect it. "You wouldn't..."

"He would," Theo says as he walks by. We both stare at him for a moment. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone then."

I even out my breathing as a blush slowly creeps onto my face. "Well that was stupid," Draco says, not noticing my flustered state.

"Yeah..." I laugh awkwardly.

A loud yell makes me sigh in relief, no mpre awkward tension. "It got me!" Dean Thomas yells. "It's end exploded!" I glance over some people to see his hand burnt.

"Yeah, that can happen when they blast," Hagrid says while nodding.

Lavender Brown shrieks, "Hagrid, what's that pointy thing on it?"

"Ah, some of them got stings," Lavender, Draco, and I all quickly withdraw our hands from the boxes. "I reckon they're the males. The females got sorta sucker things on their bellies...they might be to suck blood."

My eyes widen at the news. Hagrid, you didn't think to warn us about that? You're supposed to keep us safe.

"Well I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive! Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?" Draco retorts sarcastically. I smack him on the head, making him flinch.

"Just because they're not very pretty, it doesn't mean they're not useful. Dragon blood's amazingly magical, but you wouldn't want a Dragon for a pet, would you?"

Draco covers my mouth as I'm about to say that I actually would want one as a pet. I push Draco away and he rolls his eyes. "You didn't need to add to the conversation Potter."

I cross my arms and narrow my eyes as I glare at him. "Says the person who is also mean."

"I'm not-"

"Okay lovebirds, break it up," Theo grins and he puts an arm around my shoulders. "It's time for lunch so unless you two want to quarrel, let's get back to the castle."

Everyone starts to walk away, but I stop in my tracks, causing my friends to question what I'm doing. "I need to say something to Hagrid, I'll be right there."

"Alright," Aimee smiles as she drags the others away.

I trudge towards Hagrid who is closing up the crate and muttering to himself. "Hagrid?"

He straightens up and looks down at me, due to him being very tall. "I'm sorry about Malfoy, what he was saying was super rude and-"

"It's fine Hailey, nothing that I'm not used to."


"Weasley! Hey Weasley!" Draco says gleefully as I stand there next to him with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Malfoy, you shouldn't-"

Draco covers my mouth before I can talk. I am fully aware of what Draco is going to taunt Ron about and I am not happy.

"What?" Ron asks shortly, glancing at me.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" Draco yells, "listen to this! Further mistakes in the Ministry of Magic, it seems as though Ministry of Magic's troubles are not yet at a end, writes Rita Skeeter, special correspondent. Recently under fire for its poor crowd control at the Quidditch World Cup, and still unable to account for the disappearance of one of its witches, the Ministry was plunged into fresh embarrassment yesterday by the antics of Arnold Weasley, of the Misuse of Magical Artifacts Office." Draco looks up and grins. "Imagine them not even getting his the name right, Weasley. It's almost as though he's a complete nonentity, isn't it?"

I finally get Draco to lower his hand by jabbing my wand into his arm. He hisses as I just glare at him. "You're going too far Malfoy!"

He shushes me and continues, "Arnold Weasley, who was charged for the possession of flying car two years ago, was involved in a tussle with several muggle law-keepers, policeman, over a number of highly aggressive dustbins. Mr. Weasley appears to have aid of Mad-Eye Moody, the ex-auror who retired from the Ministry of Magic when no longer able to tell the difference between a handshake and attempted murder."

"Mal-" it is now Theo's turn to put his hand over my mouth to make me shut up as he seems to be enjoying this just as much as Draco.

"Unsurprisingly, Mr. Weasley found, upon arrival at Mr. Moody's heavily guarded house, that Mr. Moody had once again raised a false alarm. Mr. Weasley was forced to modify several members before he could escape from the policemen, but refused to answer the Daily Prophet questions about why he had involved the Ministry in such a undignified and possibly embarrassing scene. And there's a picture, Weasley!" Malfoy flips the paper over, "A picture of your parents outside their house, if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn't she?"

I slap Theo, making him let go of me. "Malfoy! Just shut up you moronic idiot!"

It's Blaise's turn to grab me, but he just grabs me by the shoulders and doesn't cover my mouth.

"Get stuffed, Malfoy, come on Ron," Harry says, attempting to get Ron out of the situation.

"Oh yeah, you wer staying with them this summer, weren't you, Potter?"

"I was staying with them too you moron," I retort, causing Blaise to laugh.

"So tell me, is his mother really that porky or was just the picture?" Draco asksx ignoring me and my comment.

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" Harry says as he and Hermione grab the back of Ron's robes to stop him from fighting. "That expression she's got, like she got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

Malfoy pales as I force myself not to laugh. Who knew my brother could be daring?

"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter."

"Keep your fat mouth shut then," Harry says while turning away. I see Draco raise his wand, but just before I can stop him, there is a loud bang and a white ferret is in the place Draco once stood.

"Did he get you?" Moody growls at Harry.

"No, missed."

I go to grab Draco, but Moody yells, "leave it!"

"Leave what?"

"Not you! Her!" I ignore Moody and attempt to still grab him, not even noticing that he saw me try to grab Malfoy when he wasn't even facing me. "I don't think so!" Moody points his wand at the Draco ferret it flies ten feet in the air, making me almost scream.

"Professor! This isn't right!" I yell out, now standing as I watch Moody make the ferret bounce higher, screaming in pain as it does. "I don't like people who attack when their opponent's back's turned! Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do! Never do that again!"

With my nerves at a all time high, I barely even notice the world becoming bigger as I seem to now be standing on four legs.

"Hailey!" Blaise yells, looking at me.

I tilt my head and attempt to speak, only to be greeted with a squeak. It suddenly crossed my mind, the spell worked.

I'm an animagus.

"Professor Moody!" McGonagall yells as she goes down the steps with her arms full of books.

"Hello Professor McGonagall," Moody says as he bounces the ferret higher. I am still in an animal form.

"What- what are you doing?" Her eyes follow the bouncing ferret.


"Teach- Moody, is that a student?!" McGonagall shrieks, causing me to whine slightly. Blaise handed me to Theo who is petting my head.


"No!" Professor McGonagall yells as she pulls out her wand. A moment later, Draco is back, greasy blond hair and all. Well, his hair is quite a bit more messier than it used to be.

"Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?" Her eyes glare at Moody.

"He might've mentioned it, yeah," Moody says, scratching his chin uncomfortably, "but I thought a good sharp shock-"

"We give detentions Moody! Or speak to the offender's Head of House!"

"I'll do that then," Moody says while glaring at Draco who is petting my head.

McGonagall turns around and shrieks again once she sees me. "Is this another student?"

"I suppose so."

She walks closer to me, noticing how Blaise, Theo, Draco, and others are all surrounding me. "Is this Miss Potter?!"

I nod and squeak.

"Professor Moody didn't do it professor!" Hermione pitches in.

I see a hint of a smile grace McGonagall's lips as she realizes that I just transformed into my animagus form. With a flick of her wand, I'm back as normal Hailey.

Draco starts muttering something about his father, but Moody hears it. "Oh yeah? Well I know your father of old, boy...You tell him Moody's keeping a close eye on his tell him that for me...Now your Head of House'll be Snape, will it?"

"Yes," Malfoy says in a huff as he continues to be close to me, as If protecting me.

"Another old friend," Moody growls, "I've been looking forward to a chat with old Snape...Come on you..."

He then seizes Draco's arm and drags him away. McGonagall flicks her wand and the books are back in her grasp. "Come along Miss Potter, we have a lot to do!" I stand up, and pat Theo on the head, thanking him for making sure I wasn't hurt.

I wave at Harry before walking with McGonagall, happy that he actually waved back.

Chapter 66: So Some People Are Annoying

Chapter Text

"I will be performing the Imperius Curse on each and every one of you today."

Hermione looks appalled at the even idea of this certain lesson. "But you said it's illegal, Professor." Moody is walking around the room, causing me to want to just curl underneath a table and disappear. What? He's scary. "You said to use it against another human was-"

"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," Moody interrupts, his blue eye looking at my uneasy form. "If you'd rather learn the hard way...when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely...fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."

Aimee, who is sitting right next to me, tries to stand up but is pushed back down by Theo and me, causing the redhead to frown.

Moody immediately beckoned students to him, and it honestly disgusted me. To think that someone could just control people like that is terrifying. Dean Thomas was controlled to hop three times and sing the national anthem. Theo was forced to act like a cat and after, Lavender Brown acted like a squirrel.

One word can describe all of it, disgusting.

"Potter!" Moody's voice breaks through my thoughts. Harry and I look at each other, causing the professor to groan. "The male one!"

Harry starts to walk forward but I grab his arm, causing him to look at me. "Hailey, I'll be

I glance at Moody who looks annoyed that I stopped his fun before looking back at Harry and letting go of his arm. Something about Moody makes me not trust him entirely, and I don't know what or why.

Moody immediately says, "Imperio."

Harry's eyes glaze over as he begins to bend his legs before crashing into a desk head first. I rush towards him with a worried expression, helping him stand up. "Are you alright?"

He nods, not really speaking, which I don't blame him for.

"Now that's more like it!" Moody growls, causing me to glare at him for causing my brother to probably get a concussion. "Look at that, you lot...Potter fought! He fought, and he damn near beat it!" He leans toward me, for the first time, both his eyes look at one person, me. "How about we see if his sister fights? Up, now!" I stand up warily, to what seems like everyone in the room's dismay. Moody looks absolutely elated at my compliance, unlike everyone else in the room. "Imperio."

I am immediately met with a feeling of calm, which is odd. Any fear I had a few seconds ago is gone, and I can't explain it.

Why can't I explain it?

"Turn into your animal form."

A voice in the back of my mind hisses, not causing a bit of fear in me. I really want to listen to the voice, but a part of me questions why I should.

Why should I listen to that voice? I never listened to them before. I don't want to listen.

I don't like this, not at all.

"Turn now!"

No, I won't.

I don't like this feeling anymore.

And with that, I am brought back to the real world, albeit extremely groggy.

Moody looks happy enough. "Now look at that! It seems like both Potters are ahead!" By the time he yells, I am already with my friends, Theo and Draco standing in front of me protectively. In the corner of my eye, I see Blaise gripping Andie's hand a bit too harshly.

It seems like nobody liked that little demonstration.

"It's freezing," I say while shivering. Every single Hogwarts student is lined up in front of their houses

"Tell me about it..." Draco grumbles from beside me.

Blaise is snogging with Andie, to my dismay. Can't they wait? Theo decides to be the saving grace and smacks them both, making them stop.

"Theo, what the-"

"Don't want to give our guests the wrong idea do we?" He asks while grinning. Blaise grumbles before settling with holding Andie's hand.

"I don't get why it has to be so cold!" Aimee whines, causing me to roll my eyes in response.

"Because something has to be unbearable every year," I reply, looking ahead. Why won't Beauxbatons and Durmstrang just show up already? Nobody cares if you do a special entrance or not.

"If I'm not mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" Dumbledore yells, causing all of us to shut up.

"Where?" Aimee asks eagerly, causing me to stare at her. She shrugs before grinning. "I heard they both have really cute boys! Maybe I'll finally get a boyfriend this year!"

I snort before rolling my eyes at the girl, deciding to not comment.

"There!" A sixth year Gryffindor that I do not know yells.

"It's a dragon!" A young Slytherin first year yells.

"Don't be stupid as a flying house!" Dennis Creevey yells.

Like that statement wasn't any better.

Either way, Dennis was closer. It is a huge horse drawn carriage that is, in my opinion, an ugly color. Draco grabs my hand, forcing me to move back as carriage lands. A boy in the same blue waddles out unfolds a set of shining gold steps.

The woman who first steps out causes a bunch of people to gasp. She looks like she could actually surpass Hagrid in height, which is surprising. Dumbledore begins to clap, causing others to do the same. Aimee is almost standing on me to get a better look, but slowly realizes that I'm shorter than her.

"My dear Madame Maxime, welcome to Hogwarts."

"Dumbly-dorr," Madame Maxime says, causing me to junp at her deep voice. "I 'ope I find you well?

"In excellent form, I thank you," Dumbledore says. Comparing the old headmaster to the woman, you can tell she is larger than life. Considering that Dumbledore is a quite tall man himself that is.

"My pupils," the giant woman says while waving her hand to show off about a dozen boys and girls shivering due to the cold. "Has Karkaroff arrived yet?"

"He should be arriving any moment," Dumbledore says with a smile on his face. "Would you like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle?"

"Warm up I think," Madame Maxime says before looking behind herself. "But ze 'orses-"

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be delighted to take the care of them. The moment he's returned from dealing with a situation that has arisen with some of his other charges." Indeed, I'm sure Hagrid would love these larger than life horses.

"My steeds require forceful 'andling. Zey are very strong." I almost snort at her comment. I'm sure that Hagrid will be fine while taking care of these horses.

"I assure you that Hagrid is well up to the job." Dumbledore is reading my mind I swear and it's rather freaky.

"Very well," Maxime bows slightly, as if apologetic, " will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses only drink single-malt whiskey?"

Dumbledore assures her and soon enough, all of the students walk away, not being unnoticed by Theo. "A couple of them are veela."

"What?" I ask in a whisper, not wanting them to hear me. "Why would that even make a difference?"

Blaise decides to jump in on the conversation with a smirk. "Maybe Madame Maxime will try to sway the impartial judge with one of the veela students."

"That's stupid."

"Well nobody asked you, Theo!"

"Okay, distancing time," Andie says before pulling her boyfriend away from a possible fight between friends.

" you hear something?" I ask due to hearing a muffled rumbling and sucking sound.

"It's probably the merpeople or the giant squid," Aimee replies, not pulling her eyes away from the skies.

"The lake!" Lee Jordan shouts while pointing towarda the dark waters. "Look at the lake!"

Great bubbles appear in the lake before a great long pole rises slowly from the dark depths. A ship rises out of the water, the moonlight illuminating the falling water droplets from the lake. The splash of the anchor is heard, making the ship stay in its general area.

Out comes the group, all are wearing large shaggy coats and have the same build as Goyle.

"Dumbledore!" The man who is leading the group yells out, "how are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replies.

For a man who looks quite scary, Karkaroff seems rather pleasant.

"Dear old Hogwarts," Karkaroff smiles, making me double back. It seems rather forced. I guess my previous assumption was incorrect. "How good is it good to be here, how good....Viktor, come along into the don't mind Dumbledore? Viktor has had a slight head." Karkaroff belongs one of his students forward, causing Aimee to gasp.

"Hailey, it's Krum!" She shakes my arm excitedly. "I finally have a chance at him!"

"Aimee!" I yell, pulling my arm away as we begin to file back into the castle. "You're fourteen."

She shrugs as we enter the Great Hall. "He's only a few years old than me."

"Aimee..." I trail off, grabbing her by the shoulder. "Don't be daft, please."

She looks at me before rolling her eyes. "Don't woery, I won't embarrass the Great Hailey Potter if that's what you're worried about."

"No Aimee, that's not what I-"

"Go hang out with Malfoy, maybe you can break your record for the most amount of times you've drooled over him in one day." And like that, she's gone.

I groan and just run a hand through my hair, not understanding why she is even acting like that. "You alright there Hailey?" Theo's voice stops me from just standing there.

I flash a fake smile before nodding. "I'm fine, rather hungry though."

"Let's go then," Draco grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the Great Hall. From what I can see, Beauxbatons has taken their seats at the Ravenclaw table while Durmstrang is standing at the entrance.

Once Draco, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, and I all sit down, the Durmstrang kids decide to walk over to our table, one of them sitting next to me. "Blimey, you're Hailey Potter aren't you?" I glance at him, noticing his unkempt brown hair and how he's literally six foot.

Why does everyone have to be so tall?

I smile at nod before extending my hand out, which he takes greatly. "Nice to meet you..."

"Jakob Broch!" He finishes, getting why I trailed off. "I was raised in London, but go to Durmstrang."

"Oh," I reply, noticing how Draco is kind of glaring at Jakob.

"Yeah, so-"

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and --- most particularly -- guests." Dumbledore interrupts our conversation, making me sigh in relief. "I have pleasure in welcoming you all Hogwarts. I hope and trust your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."

One of the Beauxbatons girls laugh, making me want to throw my fork at her. The only reason I don't is because Theo grabbed a hold of my arm and won't let go.

"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast. I now invite you to all eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!" And like that, the plates are filled with foods.

"Is this Bouillabaisse?" Draco asks while looking at a bowl of shellfish soup.

"You know what it is?" I ask, actually intrigued.

Draco shrugs, smirking at my expression. "My father took me and my mother to France a few years ago."

"Oh..." I trail off deciding to not press. While I don't usually mind Draco talking about his trips, today just has me down.

Two schools traveled in extraordinary ways and I just feel a bit jealous. I haven't even gone to normal places like the United States!

"Hailey, how good of a school is Hogwarts?" Jakob asks excitedly.

I smile nervously, not exactly liking the boy's extroverted personality. Like sweetie, I don't know you, why are you talking to me like I know you?

Curse being famous.

"I don't think she wants to talk to you," Fred says, making me jump.

I turn around to see the redhead Gryffindor holding a plate with a piece of apple pie on it. I laugh at the surprise of him even leaving his table. "What are you doing here Fred?"

He grins before showing off the piece of pie. "I know that you love apple pie, and realized that your table is all out of it due to some people," he says while glancing at Crabbe who is stuffing his face full of pie. "I was wondering you wanted a piece from the Gryffindor table."

"It's not poisoned is it?" I joke, standing up and staring at the pie.

He smiles at me, causing me to smile. "No, it's not poisoned."

"Great!" I say happily before grabbing the plate and sitting down. "Thanks Fred!"

"I was wondering if you could double check George and my ageing potion. We want to make sure we did it correctly."

I tilt my head for a second before remembering that he and George are going to try and outsmart the impartial judge. "Fred, what ever is going to pick the champion isn't going to be fooled by an ageing potion."

He just grins and pats me on the head. "We shall see Hailey, we shall see."

"Even then," I say, not glancing away from him, "why me? Why not ask Hermione?"

Fred looks panicked for a millisecond before smirking and patting my head. "Because she's not you."

Fred walks off, causing some Slytherins to glare at him even being near them. "Thank you for the pie!" I shout a bit, but he doesn't seem to hear me.

I quickly eat the pie, adding the dish to the dirty dishes of the table. Dumbledore a few minutes later stands up once more, causing everyone in the room to shut up.

"The moment has come. The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket, just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

People clap for both men, but a little louder for Bagman.

"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months in the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament. They'll be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff, and Madame Maxime on the panel that will judge the champions' efforts."

"The instructions for the task of the champions will face have already been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman." Flich proceeds to put diwn a chest carefully on the table in front of him. "And they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be they will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year and they will test the champions in many different ways... their magical prowess --- their daring --- their powers of deduction --- and, of course, their ability to cope with danger."

The boy who just introduced himself nudges me in a excited manner. "Do you think I'll be a good champion?"

I smile nervously and nod, not really wanting to interact with the strange boy.

"As you know. three Champions compete in the tournament, one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how will they perform in each Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions people be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire."

Everyone gasps as Dumbledore taps on the casket three times and it creaks open. Dumbledore then pulls out large cup that has its brim dancing with blue flames.

"Anyone wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly opon a slip of parchment and drop it in the Goblet. Aspiring Champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return with names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the entrance hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all wishing to compete."

Uh oh, perhaps the twins' plan may actually work if it's a cup and isn't going to be monitored.

"To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation, I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once in has been placed in the entrance hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line."

Nevermind, they're screwed.

"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obligated to see the tournament throug the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you become a champion. Please be sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name in the goblet. Now, I think it is time for bed. Goodnight to you all."

Everyone us silent after Dumbledore's speech for a second before blabbing to their nearest shoulder buddy.

Jakob grins, realizing that he can't be interrupted while talking to me now. "Hailey, I was wondering...I heard that your school has a little town that you all-"

"Okay, time for bed," Theo says before dragging me away to my relief.

Sorry Jakob, not interested.

Chapter 67: The Champions

Chapter Text

"Andie, I wanted to sleep!" I groan at the brunette. Andie decided to continue being mad at me, for what reason I don't know.

She's confusing.

"C'mon Hails! Don't you want to see people put their names in?"

I look at her, blinking slowly before glancing at the group surrounding the goblet. "Not particularly."

"You're no fun," Andie pouts before smiling at the sight of the incoming Blaise Zabini.

"Anyone put their name in yet?" I junp at the sound of Ron's voice, causing me to turn around and see the goldren trio themselves.

"I just got here," I say while pointing at Andie, "this one dragged me here."

"You poor thing."

I roll my eyes at Ron before waving at my brother. "Harry, did you sleep well?"

He nods quickly. "Woke up early though."

I nod, looking back at the goblet. Blue-white flames crackle menacingly, and suddenly I am all to happy that I cannot put my name in.

If that goblet is an indicator on how scary the challenges will be, then I'm actually going to support the Hogwarts champion.

They will need it.

A laugh takes me out of my thoughts as Fred and George lean on me, smirking. "Hailey, thanks for helping with the potion."

I shrug, deciding not to look up due to the fact that Fred and George are super tall. "Did you take it?"

"Did it just now," Fred smirks as he continues to lean on me, his arm resting on the top of my head.

"What?" Ron looks at all three of us like we grew three heads.

"Aging potion, dung brains."

"One drop each," George stops leaning on mex causing me to sigh in relief. What? They're heavy. Fred has decided to continue to lean on me however to my dismay. "We only need to be a few months older."

"We're going to slip thousand galleons between the three of us if one of us wins." I so a double take as I see Lee Jordan. I didn't even know that he was there.

"I'm not sure this going to work you kmow." Fred is about to disagree with but I stop him from talking by moving, causing him to fall.

"Dumbledore must've thought of this, Fred." I extend my hand put and he gladly takes it so he can stand up.

They all decide to ignore Hermione and me however.

"Ready?" I cringe as I realize that this is a bad idea. "C'mon then, I'll go first." Fred pulls out a slip of paper with his name and school on it before taking a breath and stepping over the line.

George decides that it's safe and leaps after his, only to be hurled out of the circle a few moments later.

A loud popping noise is heard and then the twins grow identical white beards, causing me to stifle a laugh.

The hall booms with laughter, and gets Fred and George to laugh at their misfortune.

"I did warn you," everyone gets quiet as they hear Dumbledore's voice. "I suggest you go up to Madam Pomfrey. She's already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, and Miss Prewett, of Slytherin, all of them decides to age themselves up a bit too. Though I must say, none of their beards are quite as fine as yours."

"The goblet is almost ready to make its decision," Dumbledore says. "I estimate that requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I will ask you to please come up to the top of the hall walk along the staff table, and go through the next chamber where they'll be receiving their first instructions."

"Hailey, wish me luck," Jakob winks at me, causing me to want to smack him with one of the serving trays.

Wait, is that an option?

"I doubt you would be the champion," Aimee says, ignoring my presence. "You need to actually have to have the ability to assess the situation."

He tilts his head and stares at the girl in confusion. "I don't think I understand."

Aimee rolls her eyes. "She's not interested."

Unsurprisingly, that shut him up.


The flames in the goblet flicker and turn red before spitting out a slightly charred piece of paper that is immediately caught by Dumbledore. "The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum."

A bunch of people cheer, causing me to look around confused. This boy has too many fangirls, oh look, Ron looks happy to.

The goblet once again flickers and turns red. "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons students do not look happy at the news, big surprise.

The goblet once again changes color. "The Hogwarts Champion is Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuffs go crazy, causing me to smile. They really deserve this win.

"Excellent! Well, we now have our three champions. I'm sure I can count on all of you, including the remaining suits from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real-"

I grip onto Draco's hand, how he started holding it I don't know, as we stare at the goblet. It is once again changing color, causing Dumbledore to stop mid speech and stare at it.

A piece of parchment is thrown out, followed by another only moments later.

Dumbledore grabs both parchments and stare at them for a very long second.

Dumbledore clears his throat, causing me to relax. He doesn't seem worried.

It's going to be alright.

Those were probably blank pieces of parchment.

"Harry and Hailey Potter."

I think I want to throw up now...

Chapter 68: No

Chapter Text

"No..." I mutter, staring at Dumbledore in shock. Draco squeezes my hand, trying to calm me down. "No!" Theo covers my mouth so I don't scream too loud.

"Hailey, calm down," Theo mumbles, trying to get me to stop shaking.

I shake my head and try to stop the incoming feeling of nausea creeping up on me. "Harry and I...we can't compete!"

"Hailey, it's going to be alright," Andie puts her hand over mine as she reaches across the table. "I'm sure Dumbledore won't even let you two actually compete."

"Harry and Hailey Potter!" Dumbledore calls out. "Harry! Hailey! Up here, if you please!"

Theo pushes me forward and smiles, "go on."

I stumble towards my brother, gripping his arm. "Harry-"

"It will be alright," Harry says, allowing me to basically put my full weight on him due to my legs feeling like they were hit by the Jelly-Leg Jinx.

"Well...through the door." Dumbledore looks terrifying in my perspective. He's not smiling and his eyes are not twinkling.

It's as if he himself has zero control over the tournament.

He can control it, right?

Harry helps me through the door, us both entering a small room lined with paintings. The three champions are whispering to eachother, not helping my paranoia.

Do they already know?

"What is it? Do zey want us back in ze Hall?"

I guess they don't.

I just stare at them, fully aware of how they are basically towering over us. Three years make a whole lot of difference and it terrifies me.

"Extraordinary! Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen...lady," Ludo Bagman pushes Harry and I forward. "May I introduce, incredible though it may seem, the fourth and fifth Triwizard champions!"

My heart drops at his words. They are going to make us compete? We're fourteen! There is no way we would even stand a chance against three seventeen-year-olds!

"Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman," Fleur tosses her hair and smiles.

Why are some people blessed with good looks but not all?

"Joke?" Bagman looks bewildered, "no no, not at all! Both of their names just came out of the Goblet of Fire!"

Yes, and I don't need to be reminded thank you very much.

"But evidently zair 'as been a mistake," great, now Fleur looks confused. "Zey cannot compete. Zey are too young."

" is amazing," Bagman rubs his chin as he thinks. "But, as you know, the age restriction was only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And their names have come out of the goblet. I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage. It's down in the rules, you are obliged. They will have to do the best they-"

"We can't forfeit?" I screech, holding onto Harry. He tries to pull me away from Bagman, but I stand my ground. "We're kids! Why don't you figure out who put our names in?"

"Hailey, rules are-"

"No!" I push Harry away from me, finally able to stand on my own. "Something happened, but Harry and I should not have to compete! We did not put our names in, therefore, the magical contract doesn't apply to us!"

"Hailey..." Harry just grabs me and hugs me for a second as I try to myself from crying.

"Your name in the Goblet is the-"

"Madame Maxime!" Fleur yells. "Zey are saying zis little boy and girl are to compete also!"

Madame Maxime looks pissed off, and I am actually frightened.

"What is ze meaning of zis Dumbly-dorr?"

"I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore. Three Hogwarts Champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the whole school allowed three Champions -- or have I not read the rules carefully enough?"

I grip Harry's arm as I try to steady my breathing. If I keep breathing like this, I'm going to hyperventilate, and that will not be good.

"C'est impossible! 'Ogwarts cannot 'ave three Champions! It is most unjust."

"We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore. Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of canidates from our own schools."

"It's no one's fault but the Potters, Karkaroff, don't go blaming Dumbledore. Potter has had the determination to break the rules, he has been crossing the line ever since he arrived here. The girl, however, quite strange that she'd do something similar but, she has been raised with her brother for years." Snape, I thought we were cool!

"Harry, Hailey, I ask you one more time, did you two put your names in the Goblet of Fire?"

Harry and I gulp at Dumbledore's hard stare. This man in insanely powerful and sometimes he scares me. "No sir," Harry and I say together.

Dumbledore already looks convinced but continues to question us. "Did either of you ask one of the older students to do it for you?"

I shake my head, not liking this at all, "No sir."

Dumbledore is literally the only one in this room that trust us. Well, outside of Moody maybe. "You're absolutely sure?"

Harry and I both nod, "yes sir."

Madame Maxime looks outraged, "well of course zey are lying!" I glance at the huge woman, forcing myself not to lash out at her. How on earth does she not realize that we are innocent?

Mad-Eye grumbles, making me jump. I didn't even realize the man was there. "The hell they are. The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only an exceptionally powerful conjurer could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year."

Yay, another person that believes us!

Karkaroff stares at Mad-Eye for a moment before saying, "you seem to have given this a fair bit of thought Mad-Eye."

Now Mad-Eye and Karkaroff are doing a stand off, glaring at eachother with matched fury. "It was once my job to think as dark wizards do Karkaroff, perhaps you remember?"

Dumbledore, being the only intelligent person in the room, breaks apart their glares before they start fighting. "That doesn't help Alastor. I'll leave this to you Barty."

Oh right, Barty Crouch is here. Maybe he can overturn what Bagman said.

Crouch stares directly at me before visibly swallowing on nothing. "The rules are absolute, the Goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. and Ms. Potter have no choice, they are of tonight... tri-wizards champions."

Everything else is a blur, the only thing I know is that I somehow ended up stumbling back to my common room. There Theo, Blaise, Andie, and Draco (Crabbe and Goyle are in the corner) stand, holding some food they must have gotten from the kitchens. "What's all this?"

"We have a Slytherin champion Hailey! We need to celebrate that!" Theo guides me to the couch and lets me sit down.

Andie kneels down and smiles at me. "Most of Slytherin house is kind of jealous of you. But, we know that you didn't put your name in there."

Tears well up in my eyes as I just grip onto Andie's hands. "How?"

"Isn't it obvious, Potter?" Draco decides to sit next to me. "No normal human being would have reacted like that if you did somehow put your name in."

"You could barely stand!" Blaise pitches in, causing everyone to stare at him and his sudden loudness. He smiles awkwardly before looking back at me. "Hailey, we all saw your brother helping you walk, you looked pale."

I smile slightly at him before jumping up and hugging Blaise. Behind me, I hear a small noise, but I can't exactly make it out. I turn around have hug Theo and Andie as well before overly squeezing Draco. "Thank you," I mutter.

"Anytime," Draco mumbles back, smiling just a little bit.

I straighten up before I do something stupid to Draco and sit a few inches away from him. "I think I'm going to go to bed, would that be alright?"

Theo smiles and ruffles my hair. "Go ahead."

I silently thank them and stumble off to my shared room, only to be stopped by Aimee in the doorway, who is glaring at me. "So how'd you do it?"

I stop for a second, my brain not fully connecting to what she's saying. "What?"

She groans and rolls her eyes. "How did you put your name in?"

"I didn-"

"Liar!" She screeches a bit too loud for my taste. "You must have! Why can't you tell your best friend how you did it?"

I shake my head, adamant on standing my ground. "I don't know what you've heard, but I didn't put my name in that fire hazard."

She glares at me before shaking her head and going into the room. "Yeah right." The door slams, leaving me in the corridor.

I stumble back to the common room and flop on the couch, to everyone's surprise.


I nod at Andie, making her groan and look at the hall were the redhead is. "I'll go talk to her."

"Be careful!" Blaise says quickly, but realizes that his girlfriend isn't listening.

"Hey Blaise, we should get going to bed," Theo says while staring at Draco and I.


Theo shuts him up by elbowing him in the stomach. Blaise looks at Draco and I for a second, seemingly figuring out something. "Oh."

Theo grabs Blaise and pulls him out of the common room, leaving Draco and I alone (Crabbe and Goyle seem to have already left).

"Are you alright?" Draco looks at me as if actually concerned.

I smile and nod, deciding to lay there. Draco starts to run his hands through my hair, causing me to relax and then start to drift off.

What a strange day.

Chapter 69: Dragons and Rita Skeeter

Chapter Text

"Draco Malfoy!" I scream out, storming towards the blond who is cackling with his friends. He looks at me for a moment before trying to make a break for it.

Both a smart and stupid idea really.

He silently curses as I grab him by the back of his robes before he can run off. He turns around meekly and waves. "What can I do for you, Potter?"

"What the hell is this?" I push a pin that I got from someone on his chest.

He grins while looking at it. "Really is great handiwork, don't you think?"

I have to force myself not to turn him back into a ferret. "You do realize that it says I stink as well, correct?"

His grin drops before looking at the pin, only to return a few seconds later. Draco shakes his head and hands it to me. "It says your brother's first name. It never mentions you."

I throw the pin unknowingly at Pansy, who shrieks and ducks out of the way. "That isn't any better! Why can't you just leave my brother alone!?"

Draco shrugs in response, making me just more pissed off at him.

I roll my eyes before turning around, ready to storm back into the castle. "You're unbelievable."

He grabs my shoulder, causing me to turn around and look at him again. "Look, it's funny-"

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and walk away from him.

While walking, I don't hesitate to flip him off after realizing that there isn't a teacher around.

I feel someone walking by me, causing me to scowl until I realize that it's Harry. "Hi."

He nods in response, "hi."

I wave to Hermione, only to be greeted with a smile. "What's wrong with him?"

Hermione shakes her head while staring at my brother. "He can't figure out the summoning charm. Professor Flitwick actually gave him extra work for it."

I snort at the response, causing Harry to glare at me. "Harry, it's not that difficult."

"Maybe for you," he grumbles, walking slightly ahead.

"I'd always be willing to help y-"

"No thanks," Harry cuts me off as we all reach the dungeons. Luckily, we all have double Potions today.

Well lucky for me.

What? I like Potions.

"It's really not that difficult, Harry," Hermione attempts to reassure him as we all walk down the stairs. "You just weren't concentrating properly-"

"Wonder why that was," Harry grumbles. I slap him on the arm, causing him to ultimately apologize to Hermione. "Still, never mind, eh? Double potions to look forward to this afternoon..."

I open my mouth to say something, but close it when I see other students from my own house blocking the entrance to potions, and I swear, I'm going to kill Draco.

They're all wearing those stupid pins.

"Like them, Potter?" Draco decides to not glance in my direction, which is a smart move indeed. "And this isn't all they do - look!"

The pins that used to say something about supporting Cedric now just say that Harry sucks. Very mature Draco.

"Oh very funny," Hermione says while rolling her eyes. "Really witty."

"Want one Granger?" Draco holds out a pin towards her. "I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see, don't want a mudblood sliming it up."

I walk forward and just point my wand at him, not caring if a teacher will catch me. "Say that again and you won't need to worry about washing those hands."

He grins, clearly not taking me seriously. "And what would happen to them?"

I shrug, grinning just a bit. "I'm sure a creature from the Forbidden Forest
would love them." And with that, I turn around and stand with Harry and Hermione.

"Harry!" Hermione yells as Harry pulls out his wand.

"Go on, then, Potter," Draco says while pulling out his own. "Moody's not here to look after you now, do it, if you've got the guts."




Yeah, the last spell was me due to Draco's spell going towards me. Luckily, it didn't hit me. Rather unlucky for Hermione though, who go the spell rebounded onto her.

"Hermione!" Surprisingly, Ron pops up out of nowhere and is immediately worried for Hermione. I drop to the floor and start checking on her.

She removes her hand to reveal that her front teeth are now growing at an alarming rate. "Hailey, can you do something?" Ron asks me quickly.

I look at her before glancing at the boy redhead. "It's too risky."

"And what's all this noise about?" I jump at Snape's tone, causing me to look at him. He points a finger at Draco. "Explain."

"Potter attacked me, sir."

"Which one?"

"The boy one, obviously."

Good to know Draco doesn't want to throw me under the bus even though I threatened him.

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry yells out.

"And he hit Goyle, look!"

Snape looks over Goyle, who looks like he should be in a fungi version of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

"Hospital Wing, Goyle," I almost want to shiver at how calm Snape is being. It's honestly unnerving.

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron yells out from beside me. "Look!"

Snape sneers at Hermione once he sees how her teeth are now past her collar. "I see no difference."

Harry and Ron start yelling once Hermione runs off with tears in her eyes. Snape seems to enjoy this however. "Let's see. Fifty points from Gryffindor and a detention each for Potter and Weasley. Now get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions."

Harry and Ron walk into the classroom, but I'm stopped by Pansy who is sneering at me. "Better be careful. My little Drakey-poo isn't going to always be there to help you."

I stare at her for a moment, not letting her taunts phase me. "Pansy, if he is dating you, I think I'm better off saving myself."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"You look like a deformed pug and act like a dementor. You're smart enough, figure it out yourself." And with that, I walk into the classroom and sit next to my Potions partner, Theo, who is snickering at my previous comments.

"Good job."

"Whatever," I mumble and sit up, ready for the lesson.

"What are you so mad about? It's only a bit of f-"

"Shut up," I say in a low voice as I bring out my homework notes. "I don't want to talk about Malfoy, or my brother, or Hermione!" I still am mumbling but currently I am glaring at one of my best friends. "So get your homework out and wait for Snape's instructions.

Theo decides to listen to me. Smart choice, really, I'm impressed.

"Antidotes!" Snape glares at all of us, completely overlooking the fact that I was just reprimanding another students.

There are some perks in being a Slytherin.

"You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully, and then, we will be selecting someone on whom to test one." By the direction of Snape's glare, I am pretty sure he means to kill my brother.


A knock echoes through the dungeon, causing everyone to stop their side conversations and look to the door.

There stands Collin Creevey, an annoying Gryffindor that follows Harry around sometimes. The boy barely acknowledges me, which I appreciate a lot.

Although, I don't think it's on purpose. Collin doesn't seem that smart in retrospect.


Collin gulps at the Potions master, clearly scared of the man. "Please sir, I'm supposed to take Harry and Hailey Potter upstairs."

"Both Potters have another hour of potions to complete. They will come upstairs when classes finished."

Collin turns a dreadful shade of pink as he gets embarrassed in front of his upperclassmen. "Sir, Mr. Bagman wants them. All the Champions have to got to go, I think they want to take photographs."

Snape rolls his eyes at the news, clearly annoyed with the younger boy. "Very well, very well. Potters, both of you leave your things here, I want you both back down here later to test your antidotes."

I don't actually have a problem with that. Was I supposed to?

"Please sir, they have to take their things with them. All the champions-"

"Very well!" Snape snaps at the young boy. "Potters, take your bags, and get out of my sight!"

I wave goodbye to Theo before grabbing my bag and walking out of the classroom full of giggling fourth years. How these children, who are going to be taking their O.W.L.s next year, are so immature is beyond me.

"It's amazing, isn't it Harry?" I close the door behind me as Harry and Collin walk ahead. "Isn't it, though? You being a champion?"

"Yeah, really amazing," Harry says sarcastically.

"Collin, you do realize that we didn't put our names in, right?" I ask the younger boy.

He grins and winks at me. "Don't worry, I don't need to know!"

I huff, deciding that it's a lost cause trying to talk to the boy.

"What do they want photos for, Collin?" Harry asks, cutting the newfound tension.

"The Daily Prophet, I think!"

"Great," Harry and I say in unison in the exact same tone that is dull, and kind of shows how we feel about the whole thing.

"Exactly what I need. More publicity." Harry and I are actually thinking the same thing for the first time in forever. And unfortunately, it's not about the new flavor of sugar quills.

"Good luck!"

Harry knocks on the door in front of us, but I just roll my eyes and open the door. There stands the other three champions. Krum is standing in the corner sulking while Fleur is talking Cedric's ear off.

"Ah, here they are! Champion number four and five! You two, in you come, nothing to worry about. It's just the wand weighing ceremony, the rest of the judges will be here in a moment." Ludo looks absolutely happy that we are here.

"Wand weighing?" Harry asks nervously.

"We have to check that your wands are fully functional, no problems, you know as they're your most important tools in the tasks ahead," says Bagman. "The expert's upstairs now with Dumbledore. And then there's going to be a little photo shoot. This is Rita Skeeter, she's going to be doing a small piece on the tournament for the Daily Prophet."

Rita skeeters looks quite elaborate in magenta robes. Her hair is set in big curls that don't fit with her jawline at all. She holds a crocodile-skin handbag as well. The most interesting thing though, is that her glasses are jeweled.

"Maybe not that small, Ludo," Rita says while looks straight at Harry and I. "I wonder if I could have a little word with Harry and Hailey before we start? The youngest champions you add a bit of color?"

"Certainly!" Bagman beams before realizing that he really doesn't have a say. "That is, if they have no objections?"

I try to open my mouth. But am interrupted by Rita Skeeter. "Lovely." She grabs Harry and I, making me realize that we don't have a say either.

"Wwe don't want to be in there with all that noise," she says while her eyes sc an the area. "Let's see...ah yes...seems nice and cozy."

I want to laugh in the woman's face in this very moment.

It's a broom cupboard.

"Come along dears...that's right...lovely," Rita Skeeter says before pushing us both into the cupboard and sitting down. "Let's see now..."

Her bag snaps open and she pulls out a handful of candles before lighting them and putting them in the air.

"You won't mind, you two, if I use the Quick-Quotes-Quill? It leaves me free to talk to you two normally."

Harry looks confused, which he rightfully should be. Hell, I'm confused. "A what?"

" name is Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet reporter."

The green quill starts righting on a pad to my amazement.

Attractive blonde Rita Skeeter, fourty-three, whose savage quill has punctured many inflated reputations..

"Lovely," Rita smiles before ripping the piece of paper up and stuffing it into her bag. "So, Harry, Hailey, what made you two decide to enter the Triwizard Tournament?"

"We didn't," I say before glancing at what the quill is writing.

Two ugly scars, souvenirs from a tragic past, disfigured both children. One on the boy's otherwise charming face, and one on the soft silky skin of the girl's hand.

"Ignore the quill, you two," Rita says quite firmly. "Now why did you decide to enter the tournament, Harry?"

"I didn't, " Harry says in an equally firm voice. "Like Hailey said, we didn't put our names in and we don't know how they got in the goblet."

Thank goodness Harry is good at talking, I can't say that much.

"Come on now, Harry, there's no need to be scared of getting into trouble. We all know that you both should have never really entered at all. But don't worry about that. Our readers love a rebel."

"So that's what are lives are?" I am getting angry, and Rita doesn't want me pissed at her. "We're entertainment?"

"Well then, Hailey, how do you feel about going against your brother? There will be only one winner after all."

"I don't care about that!" I yell, cringing at how loud it was. "All I care about is that my brother is safe!"

Young Hailey Potter, the ever competitive twin sister, swears to win the entire thing. When I mentioned that if she did win, her brother would lose, she simply did not care.

"That's a lie!" I point at the pad, wanting to go rip up the entire thing.

"Now, now, don't look at the quill," Rita says while snapping her fingers. "Do you think the trauma in your past may have made it keen to prove yourselves? To live up to your names? Do you think that perhaps you were tempted to enter the Triwizard Tournament because-"

"We didn't enter!" Harry growls, clearly getting irritated with the woman.

"Do you two remember your parents at all?"

"No," Harry and I say in unison. My face in scrunched up at the thought. We were one you imbecile.

"How do you think they would feel about you two competing in the Triwizard Tournament? Proud? Worried? Angry?"

"A little reminder Ms. Skeeter," I narrow my eyes at the woman, causing her to slightly flinch. "We were one at the time of their deaths, we don't remember much more then a green light." Harry pulls me down, successfully making sure I don't murder the woman in front of me.

Their eyes, a beautiful hazel and startling green respectively, start to fill with tears as our conversation turns to the parents they can barely remember.

"I have not got tears in my eyes!" Harry says loudly. Before Rita can say anything else, Dumbledore opens the door, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Dumbledore!" Rita's quill and parchment are now gone from sight. "How are you? I hope you saw my piece over the summer about the international Confederation of Wizards Conference?"

Dumbledore's eyes are twinkling. "Enchantingly nasty. I particularly enjoyed your description of me as an obsolete dingbat."

Okay, I really don't like this woman now.

"I was just making the point that some of your ideas are a bit old-fashioned, Dumbledore, and that many wizards in the street-"

"I will be delighted to hear the reasoning behind the rudeness, Rita, but I'm afraid we will have to discuss the matter later. The Weighing of the Wands is about to start, and it cannot take place if two of our Champions are hidden in a broom cupboard."

I immediately rush out, happy that I don't have to spend one more minute with the woman.

I sit in a chair next to Fleur, who is looking at a velvet-covered table with all the judges. "May I introduce Mr. Ollivander?" Dumbledore says to all of us. "He will be checking your wands to ensure that they are in good condition before the tournament."

Mr. Ollivander steps into an empty space in the middle of the room. "Mademoiselle Delacour, could we have you first, please?" Fleur stands up and hands her his wand, making me realize that even while she's doing a simple action, she somehow looks elegant while doing it. "Yes, nine and a half inches...inflexible....rosewood..
and containing...dear me-"

"An 'air from ze 'ead of a veela," Fleur says promptly. "One of my grandmuzzer's."

Oh, so she is part veela. If Harry was still friends with Ron, I'd tell him. Reminds me however, I need to talk to that insufferable redheaded dimwit.

"Yes, I've never used veela hair myself, of course. I find it makes for rather temperamental wands...however to each to his own, and if it suits you..." He trails off and waves the wand. "Orchideous!" A bunch flowers pop out of her wand. "Very well, it's in fine working order. Mr. Diggory, you next."

Fleur smiles and glides back to her seat every so gracefully and smiles at the Hufflepuff as he passes her.

"Ah, now, this is one of mine, isn't it?" Ollivander looks much more excited at seeing one of his own wands. "Yes, I remember it well. Containing a single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn...must have been seventeen hands, nearly gored me with his horn after I plucked his tail. Twelve and a quarter inches...ash...pleasantly springy. It's in fine treat it regularly?"

Cedric looks proud at the compliments of his wand. "Polished it last night."

So he knew that they would have something like this. In thw corner of my eye, I see Harry trying to wipe his off, only to have it produce golden sparks.

Luckily, I try to keep my wand as clean as possible due to the fact that it looks disgusting when dirty.

"Mr. Crumb, if you please." Viktor Krum slouches and walks toward the wand maker, thrusting his wand into his hands. "This is a Gregorovitch creation, unless I'm mistaken? A fine wine maker, although the styling never quite what I...however...yes hornbeam and dragon heartstring?" Krum nods stiffly. "Rather thicker than the one usually sees...quite rigid...ten and a quarter inch...Avis!" The wand let's out a rather loud sound, similar to a gunshot and multiple birds fly out of the wand.

Actually, that's a useful spell to know.

"Good," Ollivander says while handing Krum back his wand. "Ms. Potter?" His eyes are basically twinkling when he takes my wand. "Ah yes, I remember this one. Vinewood, eleven inches, with a phoenix feather core and unyielding flexibility." He looks over the wand some more. "You seem to take quite good care of it as well."

I nod with a smile. The state of my wand is actually quite important to me due to the fact that it reminds me that all of this isn't a dream.

"Very good." He points the wand at a goblet. "Lapifors!" The goblet immediately turns into a small brown rabbit that good around the room. "Very good!" He hands me back my wand and I happily go back to my seat. "Which leaves...Mr. Potter."

Harry stands up and hands Ollivander his wand. "Ahh, yes. How well I remember." Ollivander ultimately tales just the same amount of time, if not more, that he took looking over my wand before making the wand produce a fountain of wine.

"Well thank you all," Dumbledore says while smiling at all of us. "You may go back to your lessons now, or perhaos it would be quicker just to go down to dinner, as they are about to end."

Finally, we're done.

"Photos, Dumbledore! Photos!" Bagman says excitedly, making me groan. "All the judges and champions, what do you think Rita?"

Rita looks directly at Harry and I, making me roll my eyes at the woman. "Yes let's do those first. And then perhaps some individual shots."

Oh great, we're probably going to miss dinner.


"Harry! That was my foot!" I growl as we both huddle underneath the cloak to meet up with Hagrid.


Due to our small amount of bickering, Hagrid seems to have heard us. "You there, Harry, Hailey?"

"Yeah," I say whilw pulling off the cloak and stepping into his cabin. "What's up?"

"Got summat to show yeh," Hagrid says with a smile.

What's strange is that Hagrid looks different. He's wearing a flower and pieces of a broken comb are stuck in his hair.

"What are you showing us?" Harry asks warily. I hit his arm due to his tone. Hagrid is our friend, he should be nice.

"Come with me, keep quiet, an' keep yerselves covered with that cloak. We won't take fang, he won't like it..."

"Listen Hagrid, we can't stay long. Harry has something to do at one," I say with a smile.

Harry looks at me due to the fact that I know about the meet up with Sirius. Remus informed me that Sirius will be attempting this, so perks of being the goddaughter of Harry's godfather's best friend.

"Hagrid, what-"

Hagrid shushes Harry as we are in front of the Beauxbatons carriage. Out pops out Madame Maxime, who is smiling at Hagrid. "Ah, ' is time?"

"Bong-sewer," Hagrid says while smiling. Maxime closes the door behind her and we all set off towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Yeh'll enjoy this," Hagrid says gruffly, "worth seein', trust me. On'y, don't go tellin' anyone I showed yeh, right? Yeh're not s'posed to know."

"Of course not." I almost want to gag as she flutters her long black eyelashes at him.

Hagrid halts as we all get to a clump of trees. My mouth falls open as I see what Hagrid was so excited about.


Five dragons in cages are spewing out fire, causing the surrounding area to be unbearably hot.

Harry has to put his hand over my face so I don't say anything.

"Keeo back there, Hagrid! They can shoot fire at a range of twenty feet, you know! I've seen this Horntail do forty!"

"Is'n' it beautiful?" Hagrid says softly.

No, it is definitely not.

"It's no good! Stunning Spells, on the count of three!"

All of them pull out their wands and yell, "stupefy!"

All of the dragons fall to my relief. I don't wnat these things awake when around me.

"Want a closer look?" Hagrid asks as if he's a small child.

"All right, Hagrid?" Charlie Weasley appears out of the smoke and pants a bit due to the heat. "They should be okay now. We put them out with a sleeping draft on the way here, thought it might be better to wake them up in the dark and quiet. But, you saw that weren't happy, not happy at all."

"What breeds you got there Charlie?" Hagrid looks at all of them like a kid in a candy store.

"This is a Hungarian Horntail. There's a Common Welsh Green over there, the smaller one. The Swedish-Short Snout, that a blue-gray...and a Chinese Fireball that's the red. We have the Antipodean Opaleye that's the pearly white one." Charlie glances at Maxime, as if just realizing she was here. "I didn't know you were bringing her, Hagrid. The champions aren't supposed to know what's coming...she's bound to rell her student, isn't she?"

And just like that, all hope for the Tournament is lost.

We have to battle dragons and it's not even the second task.

Harry and I are screwed.

Chapter 70: The First Task

Chapter Text

"Ron Weasley!" I yell out, pinning the boy to the wall. "Are you just daft right now or is there something wrong with your brain?"

He looks at me as if I've gone insane. "What?"

"You know what I'm talking about!" I yell out, still pointing my wand at him. "How can you not believe your best friend? Just because you are jealous does not mean that you get a free pass!"

"Hailey, let him go!" Hermione tugs at my arm, causing me to roll my eyes. "Hailey!"


She points at Snape, who is glaring at me. He doesn't mention the Ron incident however. "Potter, come with me."

I start to walk with him, worried that I may have actually gotten into trouble. "Sir, if it's about-"

"The champions have to go down to the grounds due to the first task starting soon."

Oh thank Merlin.

We walk down the steps, running to my brother who is being escorted by McGonagall. "Ah! Potter!" She smiles at me. "Good luck. No need to worry about anything, we have wizards standing by."

I force a smile and just wave at the woman. "I'm sure we'll be fine Professor."

We get to the entrance of the tent and McGonagall is almost shaking. "You both are to go in there with the other champions. Wait for your turns, the both of you. Mr. Bagman is in there...he'll be telling you the procedure...Good luck."

And with that, McGonagall and Snape leave us. I grab my brother's arm, trying not to just run away in fear. "You told Cedric right?"

Harry looks at me for a moment before nodding. "He knows."

I sigh in relief, letting go of Harry's sleeve. "Thank Merlin. It would be horrible if he was the only one who didn't know."

We finally enter the tent, and both get taken aback by what we see. Fleur Delacour is sitting in the corner, shaking and for once not looking elegant and graceful. Viktor Krum just looks more surlier. Cedric Diggory is pacing around, but gives my brother a small smile and waves at me.

I've known Cedric Diggory since about second year. He and I got into a debate about Harry being the best seeker. We aren't friends, but we are familiar with eachother.

"Harry...Hailey! Good-o!" Bagman says happily as he looks down at both of us. "Come in, come in, and make yourselves at home!"

Really? Make ourselves at home? We're going to be facing a dragon, not a unicorn.

"Well, now that we're all here, time to fill you in!" You know, sometimes I want to smack that smile off of Bagman's face. "When the audience has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag," he says while holding a velvet bag, "from which you will all select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different varieties, you see. And I have something else to tell you...ah, yes...your task is to collect the golden egg!"

That's why they wanted nesting dragons? We're going to get killed, this is the end of me.

Harry grabs onto my arm to keep me steady due to the fact that I look like I'm about to faint at any moment.

"Harry, I can't do this," I mutter, scared out of my witts. "I can't fight a...a."

"Hailey, it'll be alright," Harry starts to pet my hair due to the fact that it is soothing to me. "We'll get through this, together."

I smack his hand away and just stare at him. "There's a reason why they didn't want fourth years doing this Harry! We don't have enough knowledge in magic yet!"

"Now that's not true, for you at least." Harry stares back at me, holding onto my upper arm so I don't fall. "You're one of the smartest witches I know Hails. If anyone out of the two of us can do it, you can."

I just stand there for a moment before swallowing and nodding. "Okay, let's do this."

Harry grins and ruffles my hair. "Let's do this."

Right before we join the other champions, I jump up and give Harry a hug. "Good luck Harry."

He hugs me back, squeezing me a bit tighter than normal. "Good luck Hails."

Once Harry and I get to Bagman, he opens the neck of the bag and looks at Fleur and I. "Ladies first," he says while offering the bag to the part veela. She puts a shaking hand in and pulls out a small Welsh Green dragon before pushing it into my hands.

I gulp before putting my hand it, noticing that the bag isn't very hot. Once I reveal what I took out, my curiosity isn't there anymore.

A Antipodean Opaleye.

It's a beautiful white dragon with yellow eyes that are staring back at me. The yellow is the same hue of the basilisk from second year.

The dragon also has a number five tied around its neck for whatever reason.

I push the bag into Krum's hands and just stare at the tiny dragon who is looking at me. It looks rather intelligent, and that's the scary part.

Just how intelligent is this species?

It seems that Krum got the Chinese Firebolt, Cedric got the Swedish Short-Snout, and Harry got the Hungarian Horntail.

Didn't Charlie say that thing's fire range is about forty feet.

Harry, please don't become a roasted Potter.

"Well, there are you are!" Bagman says with a smile that starkly contrasts the rest of the group's. "You have each pulled out the dragon you will face, the numbers refer to the order in which you are to take on the dragons, do you see? Now, I'm going to have to leave you in a moment, because I'm commentating." When is he not commentating though? "Mr. Diggory, you're first, just go to into the enclosure where you'll hear a whistle, all right? Now Harry....Hailey...could I have a quick word? Outside?"

I look quickly at Bagman, confused on why he would want to talk to us so suddenly. Did we do something wrong?

Harry and I walk with Bagman until we are quite a bit away from the tent. "Feeling all right you two? Anything I can get you?"

I shake my head. I don't have a plan, but I sure am not going to cheat because of that fact.

"What?" Harry says, ""

"Got a plan?" Bagman lowers his voice as he continues to speak. "Because I don't mind sharing a few pointers, if you'd like them, you know. I mean you two are the underdogs here, anything I can do to help-"

"If you are implying that we cheat, no thanks." I glare at the man. I don't particularly like him at all.

He straightens up and laughs at my comment. "That isn't what I mean at all!"

"Really?" I tilt my head and continue to glare at the man. "Because it sounds like you want to give us extra help that you didn't offer the other champions. That, by definition, is rigging the match, making us be able to cheat."

"No, I know what I'm going to do, thanks," Harry says quickly.

Bagman winks at him, making me want to jinx the man to oblivion. "Nobody would know, Harry."

"No, I'm fine." I squeeze Harry's hand, trying to reassure him. "I've got a plan worked out, I-"

A whistle is blown, causing us all to end our conversation.

"Good lord, I've got to run!" Bagman says before running off.

"I can't believe him!" I growl before dragging Harry back to the tent.

Once we sit down, in minutes the most terrifying sounds enter our ears. The roar of the crowds, the gasps. Fleur is copying what Cedric was doing minutes ago and is pacing around the tent. Krum is just staring at the ground. And Bagman...

Bagman needs to shut his mouth.

"Oooh, narrow miss there, very narrow."..."Clever move - pity it didn't work!"

In about fifteen minutes, the crowd roars, making me believe that Cedric did it.

"Very good indeed! And now, the marks from the judges!"

Strangly, he doesn't shout out the marks. I guess they're being held up or something.

"One down, four to go! Miss Delacour if you please!"

Fleur is trembling, causing me to grab her hand, effectively halting her for a moment. "Good luck, you'll do great," I say before releasing her.

She cracks a smile and leaves the tent with her head held high and her hand gripping her wand tightly.

"That was really nice of you," Harry says as we can only listen.

"She was terrified, I needed to help her somehow," I mutter out as I listen intently.

"Oh, I'm not sure that was wise! Oh...nearly! Careful now...good lord, I thought she had it then!"

Ten minutes later, it seems Fleur had passed as well.

More claps and then a whistle.

"And here comes Mr. Krum!"

Krum walks away, nodding at me for a spilt moment. My hands begin to get sweaty as I realize that Harry and I are the only two left.

The same thing once more. The claps, the gasps, the cheers, the loudmouth Ludo Bagman.

"Very daring!"..."That's some nerve he's showing...he's got the egg!"

The whistle blows and I trap Harry in a hug. "Show that dragon that you're not a chew toy, yeah?"

Harry laughs at my comment before walking off, leaving me alone.


Have I really been alone? I defeated Voldemort/Quirrel in first year with my brother, I got petrified with Hermione, I went back in time to save a hippogriff and a innocent man with Hermione and my brother.

Everything I've done is with someone, is how can I do this alone?

"Great Scott, he can fly! Are you watching this Mr. Krum?"..."Look at that! Will you look at that! One of our youngest champions is quickest to get his egg! Well this is certainly going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!"

Harry did it.

I knew he would.

He's so much stronger than me. So much braver. All I want to do is curl up and hide. I want to save my own skin.

I really am a Slytherin.

The whistle blows and I walk out, greeted by the roar of the crowd.

It seems to be in slow motion as it starts, the huge white dragon in front of me just stares for a moment. When I take a step however, it produces a stream of white flames, causing me to scream and hide behind one of the rocks.

I breathe heavily, hitting my head lightly as I think about what I can do.

My eyes glance at the rocks, an idea coming to mind. Mr. Ollivander, thank you.

"Lapifors!" I yell out multiple times, creating rabbits out of the rocks. They all hop different ways due to my commands and I take the chance.

The white dragon seems a bit distracted, but notices me almost immediately. She tries to burn me alive again, but it seems my instincts are kicking in. "Gelata!" The fire is contained in purple jelly, effectively distracting the beast as I hide behind another rock.

I glance past the rock. The golden egg is only eighty two meters from where I am, but that mother dragon doesn't seem happy.

What Ollivander also showed me the day of the wand-weighing was an advanced form of Transfiguration. There is a possibility that it won't work.

But I need to take that chance.

"Avis!" A loud noise rings out and birds fly out, going towards the dragon. Taking my chance, I transform into my animagus form and run toward the egg with the dragon distracted with the birds and rabbits that are close to her nest. I transform back into a human and grab the egg, hiding behind the rock the next instant.

"Another great show! It seems like we don't have to worry about the two Potters now do we? That was a good solid nine minutes dear me! Those two Potters sure are quick!"

I am taken to Madam Pomfrey who is rambling about the dragons. She grabs my hand, which I didn't even notice I injured, and puts some cream over it. "You should count yourself lucky Potter, you're one of the only two that didn't get burned."

I drop my hand and looks around, realizing that I can't see the others. Seven people dart inside, and two hug me immediately.

"You were brilliant out there Hailey!" Andie smiles while letting go of me.

"Was that a N.E.W.T. level spell?"

"Are you alright?"

"You didn't even get burned!"

Everyone is rambling on except for Draco who is just staring at me. He nods with a smirk, as if telling me I did good.

For most people, they wouldn't care. But his reaction actually makes myself proud.

Also, Ron is in a small space with five Slytherins including myself. Congratulations, you have become a better person.

"Do you want to know what the others did?" Ron asks quickly.

I shake my head. "Later Ron."

He nods quickly, talking a mile a minute to my brother. We all look at the judges, waiting for my score.

Madame Maxime gives me a eight, causing me to gape. I was hiding behind rocks most of the time.

Crouch is next with a eight in the air.

Blaise shakes my shoulders, excited for me.

Dumbledore holds up a ten.

"What?" Ron asks excitedly. "He gave Harry a nine!"

"Well she did perform difficult magic Ron."

The next is Ludo Bagman, who holds up a nine.

"Wasn't flashy enough for him I bet," Draco says while holding onto my arm so I don't fall.

Hey, Harry and Draco are in the same vicinity and not fighting.

The last is Karkaroff, who holds up a five.

"Probably was happy that you didn't outshine Krum like Harry did," Theo says while grinning.

Andie is jumping with joy at the news. "Hailey! You're tied with Harry and Krum!" She shakes my shoulders making me smile.

Maybe I can do things by myself.

Chapter 71: A Ball?? Really??

Chapter Text

"Potter! Weasley! Will you pay attention?" McGonagall snaps in the Transfiguration classroom. Currently, it's the end of the lesson, so we usually get to talk until the bell rings. But today isn't normal I guess. "Now that Potter and Weasley have been kind enough to act their age, I have something to tell you all."

Andie is beside me looking all excited. She's tried to take the place of Aimee positivity wise and it's just not working.

"The Yule Ball is approaching. A tradional part of the Triwizard Tournament and the opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open for only fourth years and above, although you may invite younger student if you wish."

Lavender Brown, an annoying pretty girl, let's out a shrill giggle, causing Parvati Patil to nudge her in the ribs.

"Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then...the Yule Ball is of course a chance for all of us down our hair."

Lavender Brown once again giggles annoyingly. Can someone find her off button? Either way, the thought of McGonagall actually letting her hair down is almost impossible to think about.

"But that does not mean that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way."

Theo nudges me an snickers. "Glad to see she cares about the other half of her class."

I push his face away and lightly laugh. "Oh hush up."

The bell rings soon afterward, signalling that it is now time for dinner. "Potters a word if you please."

I stare at my brother as we walk to her desk. "What did you do?"

"I had a headless rubber haddock at the end of the class."

"What?" I ask him, completely confused on what he just said.

"Potters, the champions and their partners-"

Harry decides to interrupt the woman, causing me to hit him on the arm. "What partners?"

"Your partners for the Yule Ball, Potter," McGonagall says in a cool tone. "Your dance partners."

"Dance partners?" Harry's face is actually going red. "I don't dance."

He's not wrong. I attempted to teach him the basic waltz and he ended up almost breaking my foot. He is not very talented in that aspect I must say.

"Oh yes, you do." Harry, maybe don't piss off McGonagall? Just a thought. "That's what I'm telling you. Traditionally, the champions and their partners open the ball."

Now it's my turn to go red. "And there's no getting out of it professor?"

She shakes her head, a bit more lenient with my question due to the fact that I didn't interrupt her. "I'm afraid not."


"I'm not dancing," Harry says firmly. Can he just not? Can't he just be normal and listen to his teacher?

"It is tradition. You are a Hogwarts champion, both of you, you both will do what is expected of you as representatives of the school. So make sure you get yourselves partners, Potters."

"But....I don't-"

"You heard me Potter."

Yay, another thing to add onto my workload.

"What on earth are you doing in here Hailey?" Theo asks, seeing that I am in the common room alone.

I jump at his voice, only to smile soon after. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Well, I'm going to worry about it," Theo says while sitting next to me on the couch. "You're going to ask Malfoy to the ball aren't you?"

My eyes widen. How on earth did he figure that out so quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh really?" Theo grins at my now red face. "All the other guys are already in bed. Now, unless you are looking to ask a girl, which wouldn't be a problem by the way, you would have to be waiting for Malfoy."

I stare at him for a moment, actually semi annoyed with him. Draco could come back from the library any minute and I want to ask Draco alone. "Fine, you're right," I huff and sink into the couch.

"Yes!" Theo cheers at the news. "It's finally going to happen!"

I side eye him, smiling a little bit. "You seem happy."

"Oh I am!" Theo continues to grin. "Do you know how tiring it is to see you both pining for the other, while you yourself are oblivious? It's been four years! I'm tired!"

"Then go to bed!" I laugh at him. Theo is the best, albeit weird sometimes.

"I will!" Theo says while ruffling my hair. "Good luck!" He then proceeds to sprint off, making me giggle a little bit.

He's funny sometimes.

My laughs are halted when the entrance of the common room is open and Draco Malfoy walks in. "Potter, what are you doing up?"

I smile at him. "Malfoy! Did you get the book you wanted?"

"No," Draco says while looking upset. "Somebody checked it out earlier today. What a nuisance."

I continue to smile at him. Now's my chance. "So Malfoy, are you going to the Yule Ball?"

"Not planning to."

And just like that, my stomach drops. "Really, even if someone asked you?"

"I believe my father will be insisting on me accompanying Pansy to the ball."

Oh great.

"Oh," I say quietly while gripping onto my sleep pants. "Well if you do end up coming, it's going to be quite a show. Harry is going to be one of the first people to dance."

Draco laughs at the mention of it. "Really? That'll be hilarious."

"Yeah," I say while forcing a smile.

Who was I kidding, he probably doesn't even like me like that.

"Honestly Hailey, you need to find a partner soon," Andie says while we search through dresses.

"I'm just waiting for the right person to ask." Yeah, I'm waiting for Draco to ask me. But he's going with Pansy so that isn't going to happen.

"Whatever," Andie says while rolling her eyes. "What do you think?" She shows me a gorgeous purple dress that looks darling with her brown hair.

"That looks gorgeous Andie!" I say while picking up the dress and admiring it. "It is good material too."

"Well I sure hope it's good material, costs enough," she jokes before taking the dress to the fitting room.

I continue to run my hands through the dresses until I come across one that looks different than the others. It's a dark green dress that's has off the shoulder sleeves. It's not too poofy, but not too tight either.

I grin and grab it before rushing off to the chabging rooms and trying it on. My grins widens as I see it. It hugs my torso nice enough where it doesn't show rolls, but it isn't baggy.

When Andie and I show eachother our dresses we both squeal in delight. "You look gorgeous Hailey!" Andie says, hopping around in her dress.

"You do too." Unlike Andie, I'm more considerate about hopping around in a dress I haven't purchased yet.

We both take off the dresses and pay for them, leaving the store soon after. "Where do you want to go next Hailey?" Andie asks, hopping her arm with mine. She then spots Blaise, a smile adorning her face. "Hailey, I'm sorry, but can you go back to Hogwarts by yourself? I think Blaise-"

"Go," I say while nudging her forward. "I'll be fine."

She grins and runs off, causing me to smile. As long as she's happy, I'm happy. "That was nice of you."

I hit Fred, who is behind me, with my bag. "It's not nice to sneak up on people like that!"

"Okay, I'm sorry!" Fred says while laughing. I mean, a short person hitting him with a bag, very scary.

I shake my head at him, unable to comprehend why he has to joke about everything. "What do I owe the pleasure Fred?"

Fred stares at me for a moment before running a hand through his hair. "Well, I wanted to ask you something."

"Oh?" I tilt my head as go through the possible questions. "What's the question?"

"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I freeze for a moment. He could it's probably a pity ask because we are friends and I don't have a date.

Either way, going with my best friend is better than a stranger or alone. I smile at him and nod. "Sure, why not?"

He grins, and I distinctly hear Lee Jordan cheering behind him. "Oh, and Fred?"

He looks at me almost panicked, as if I'll say no. I hold out another bag to him, which he takes hesitantly. "Can you give this to Ron? I got him another pair of dress robes. Couldn't stand to hear him complaining about them anymore."

Chapter 72: Yule Ball Time

Chapter Text

The entrance hall is packed with students, and it doesn't help that the entire Gryffindor house decided to arrive at the same time. With a smile, I wave at Fred as he approaches me. He has a similar pair of dress robes to Harry, except his are black instead of green.

"Hailey! You look..." Fred trails off while smiling at me. After realizing that he was staring for perhaps a bit too long, he shakes his head and laughs. "You look great."

"Thanks, you look amazing as well!" I beam at him. I still am rather happy with the dress I picked out. Add on the heels that I also bought along with the necklace I got in first year, and I think the outfit looks nice on me.

Luckily, Andie knows the hairstyling charm so she was able to give me curls and leave only a small bit to pin to the back of my head with a white flower.

Overall, I'm proud of my looks tonight.

"So, you ready to finally listen to Weird Sisters?"

I laugh at his question, mostly because the band seems to be quite popular for some reason. "Sure, why not."

"Ginny loves them," Fred says while grinning. "Honestly, she probably talks about them more than she talks about Harry."

Now it's my turn to grin at his comment. "Ginny talks about Harry?"

"Well yeah," Fred shrugs as we both stare at the entrance of the Great Hall, "Ginny is in love with him you know."

I look up at Fred and just smile. He may be a trickster, but he cares about his sister, which is great.

The front doors of Hogwarts open to reveal the Durmstrange students, accompanied by hundreds of fairy lights above their heads. That means that there are literal fairies above heads.

"Champions over here, please!" McGonagall yells out.

Fred and I smile at each other before walking forward, the annoying crowd parting so we can both go through. They're chatting and being in my opinion rather annoying. I dislike it when people gush over if you're attractive or not. It shouldn't matter, but it does. The constant scrutiny is just moronic in my opinion.

Professor McGonagall, who is wearing a very ugly bristle wreath on the brim of her hat, decides to tell us to tell us to wait on one side of the doors.

I want to laugh at the pair ups for the champions. Roger Davies seems to have ended up with Fleur, and it's obvious that he is surprised as well since he can't take his eyes off of her.

Cedric seems to be taking Cho Chang, a girl I know is my brother's crush. Actually, she's the reason he was last minute searching for a date.

Harry looks outright uncomfortable with Parvati, a girl he ended up getting to go with him at the last minute.

The most strange matchup however, is that Hermione is with Viktor Krum.

There she stands with wavy hair and wearing a dress of periwinkle-blue material.

When the doors open, there are multiple girls glaring at Hermione in disbelief. There are some girls glaring at me as well, I guess because Fred and I have hooked our arms together.

It seems after the chaos calms, McGonagall almost immediately tells us to line up in pairs and follow her. And so we do, finally going into the Great Hall.

I gasp at the sight. The hall's walls are adorned with silver frost. Hundreds of mistletoe and ivy cover the ceiling which seems to be a starry night sky.

Fred whistles at the sight. "This isn't something you see everyday."

I smile at him. And just like that, my amazement has dwindled down to nothing due to him joking, which I don't mind at all.

As we go towards the judge's table, I have to cringe at what Ludo Bagman is wearing. Who thinks purple with yellow stars is a good garment?

Either way, the strange thing about the whole predicament is that the fifth seat is not taken by Barty Crouch, but Percy Weasley.

Great, I have to deal with that prat.

I don't dislike Percy, nevermind, I do. He's just so boring.

Fred nudges me and snickers at the sight of Percy boasting about how he is promoted. "That's rich considering he doesn't even know his name."

"Oh, don't be too mean," I say while staring at Dumbledore. The plates in front of us are empty, so we have to wait until he tells us what to do.

Soon, Dumbledore puts down his menu and yells, "porkchops!"

And pork chops appear.

Oh, well that's interesting.

"So, Hailey, how do you feel getting all the attention?" Fred asks, nudging me with his elbow as he digs into some mashed potatoes.

"Well..." I trail off, stabbing my saled, well as well as I can stab it, with my fork. "Hang on, nobody is even acknowledging me!"

Fred chuckles before reaching over and trying to ruffle my hair, only for me to grab his wrist. He seems to get the message and stops. "That's where you're wrong Hails."

I tilt my head, confused why he would say such a thing. It's common knowledge that not many people care about me in this school. "What do you mean?"

Fred shakes his head, a smile still prevalent on his face. "Nevermind."

It seems during our conversation, we cleared our plates of food. And not a fee minutes later, it seems everyone is finished.

Dumbledore stands up, and with a flick of his wand, causes all the tables to zoom to the walls. He then conjures a platform with a few instruments on it.

The Weird Sisters, who are all actually men, trot onto stage. I snort at them. "They look interesting."

"Oh please, they look fine."

"They do look rather odd though. Perhaps I'm too used to those muggle bands my cousin listens to." I stare at them before getting dragged slightly by Fred. "Fred, wha-"

"We're supposed to dance." He flicks my forehead causing me to laugh.

The Weird Sisters start with a mournful tune, so we can all start dancing.

I breathe out before dancing with Fred. In the corner of my eye, I notice that Harry seems to be tripping over his dress robes.

And soon, everyone starts dancing. "They really couldn't start off with a more happier tune?"

Fred smirks at my tone, noticing that I'm not as nervous as I was. "Dumbledore was probably badgered by McGonagall about making sure the ball had at least one slow dance."

Now it's my turn to smile at his comment. "Do you mind if we sit down? My feet are killing me."

Fred shrugs and leads me to a table with two chairs. "Why do girls do that?"


He realizes that his comment was weird and shakes his head. "Sorry, I meant to ask why would you wear heels if they hurt your feet?"

I shrug, not really knowing the answer myself. "It's common for a girl to wear them at a dance. Heels, or nice shoes in general, seem to be a necessity, like a dress."

"Well, you're still torturing yourself." Fred says before stand up. Right before I open my mouth to question him, he looks behind himself. "I'm going to go get us some butterbeer alright?"

I nod and he's off, disappearing in the hoardes of students. "Hailey!" I jump at the voice, only to relax when I see Cedric.

"Cedric? Where's Cho?"

He shrugs, sitting at my table. "She's sitting a few tables down." He gestures with his head, causing me to look behind myself to see her. We wave at eachother before I turn back to Cedric. "Have you unlocked the egg yet?"

I shake my head. In all honesty, I gave up on that and decided to wing it. "I'm afraid not."

Cedric notices Fred, who is approaching up. "Well...uh...try putting it in water." And like that, he's gone.

Fred sets down my glass and looks at the retreating Cedric. "What was he doing here?"

I shrug, sipping out of the glass before halting. Cedric just told me how to unlock the egg. How come it didn't click?

I stand up abruptly, causing Fred to jump. "Hails, what are you doing?"

I smile and extend my hand. "I think I just figured out how to unlock the egg." Fred just grins and stands up, following me as I walk to the Slytherin common room.

"Why do I feel like this scene should be in a muggle horror story?" Fred jokes as we walking through eh dungeons.

"Oh hush," I reply before standing at the entrance. "Please don't reveal the password, I'm not even supposed to allow you in."

"Oh please," Fred says while leaning on me, "you need someone to help you get the egg unlocked."

I roll my eyes and laugh slightly. "Whatever. Opheodrys vernalis."

The password for the common room changed only this year due to Slytherin using the same one for three years. So, a scientific name for a green snake is the next one in line.

Once it reveals the common room, I rush in, not paying attention to Fred. I turn around, only to see him just looking at the common room. "Just don't break anything."

I run up the stairs and barge into my shared room, happy that it is empty. A few times I have to stop due to running up the stairs rather quickly. "Midnight, no attacking Elaine!" I scold my cat that was attempting to attack the tiny fake dragon that is in a cage.

We were given mini versions of our dragons, and while most of the other champions got rid of them, I kept mine. So now her name is Elaine and she actually acts like a cat, go figure.

So yeah, Midnight is jealous.

Once I grab the egg however, I start to run out of my room, only to see Fred at the doorway. "Fred! How did you even get up here?"

He shrugs in response. "You're not the only smart one." I start to walk down the steps, only to see Fred sliding down the banister. "So, where to next?"

I laugh awkwardly, knowing that he won't like it. "The Black Lake."

He just stares at me for a moment before shrugging. "All right, I guess." With his conformation, I grab his wrist and pull him out of the common room, and up the stairs. "Hailey slow down!"

"No can do!" I laugh as we reach the entrance of Hogwarts. "If we don't get this done now, I probably won't be ready for the second task!"

The Black Lake, otherwise known as the Great Lake, is a gorgeous lake that I can see from the Slytherin common room. The lake has some slight waves in it, getting my shoes wet. "So, what next?"

I look down at the egg and then back up to Fred. "We find a place where I can just put my head under to test it out."

Fred shrugs, now pulling me along. I only allow him due to the fact that he knows Hogwarts like the back of his hand thanks to that map.

He finally takes me to an area that is a part of the shore, but the water is quite a bit deeper than the rest of the shore. "Woah."

The waves crash lightly onto the shore as the moon sparkles onto the water. The castle that is behind us lights the darkness so we are able to see.

"Woah is right," Fred says while leaning on me. "You going to open that egg or what?"

I push him away jokingly before kneeling down and placing the egg in the water. The water, while deep than some other parts of the shore, is only about two feet deep.

With a breath, I twist the knob of the egg, causing it to open. At first, I expected the loud screetching, but it doesn't happen. It just glows, waiting for me to put my head down and listen.

And so I do.

A voice seems to be singing, causing me to realize that it probably is a mermaid or something similar. That's why we can only hear it in the water.

Fred seems to have decided to listen as wells since his head is now in the water as well.

"Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. And while you're searching, ponder this: We've taken what you'll sorely miss. An hour long you'll have to look. And to recover what we took. But past an hour the prospect's black. Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

Fred and I lift our heads out of the water, gasping for air. I twist the knob and the egg closes. "I have to learn how to breathe underwater."

Fred immediately looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"

I roll my eyes, but decide to explain. "Well, it's a riddle. You can't really listen to underwater magical creatures on land, especially mermaids. They sound horrible above land. However, you can hear them underwater. What I can't understand is what they will take."

Fred seems to be staring at me, confusing the hell out of me. Why exactly is he staring? My hair is now ruined and dripping wet, probably ruining my dress as well.

I tilt my head and smile at Fred. "You okay?"

As if my question triggered something, before I can react, Fred grabs my face and presses his mouth onto mine.

My eyes are wide due to the surprise. I'm an oblivious idiot aren't I?

And as quick as he did it, he pulls away, looking to be expectantly. My mouth runs dry as I look at him. Fred is a great guy, I just don't like him like that. I can't just say that I don't like him like that because that could easily ruin our friendship.

I'm so confused. Why can't there be a book about this? Why can't someone tell me what to do? What do I do?

"You looks pale, come on," Fred, who is now standing, says as he extends his hand out. I grab the egg with my right arm and hesitantly grab his hand with my left hand.

And now, it's awkward.

We both start walking towards the castle, not talking.

"You don't have to act all awkward, Hailey."

I quickly look up to see Fred just smiling sadly. "Fred..."

"I know that you like Malfoy."

Does everyone know?

I shift the egg in my grip a bit before continuing the conversation. "How did you-"

"Oh c'mon, it is obvious." Fred stops, causing me to stop as well. He ruffles my hair with a grin. "Wanted to do that once though."

I smile at him. Luckily, he doesn't seem very torn up about it. How he feels on the inside is beyond me, but on the outside he looks like he has accepted the fact that I don't like him like that.

I drop the egg onto the grass before hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry."

His hand runs through my wet hair as we continue to hug eachother. "It's fine." We let go of eachother, only to jump at the sound of the clock ringing. "Midnight, I should walk you back to your common room."

I shake my head at him, grabbing the golden egg that was abandoned. "I can walk myself."

"Yeah?" Fred says while grinning, his his arm with mine. "Well, I don't care." And like that, he ends up pulling me back to the dungeons. Right before we reach the entrance, he stops, letting go of my arm. "You should tell him Hailey."

I quickly look at Fred. Has he gone insane? "I couldn't possibly-"

"You'll end up doing it sooner or later. Plus," he puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, "you look really nice tonight." And like that, Fred Weasley waves and walks back up the stairs, out of the dungeon.

I look down at the egg that I won just a little while ago while risking my life. It certainly had gotten me in a predicament, hasn't it?"

I say the password and enter the common room, only to realize that it seems everyone is already in bed. "You have a good time with your boyfriend?"

Oh, Draco's awake.

Oh sh*t, Draco's awake.

"Malfoy! What are you doing up?" I ask, placing the golden egg on one of the tables due to it actually being heavy.

He leans backward in his chair with his arms crossed. "Did you two go swimming?"

"No!" I say quickly. It's not a lie. We just stuck our heads in the water. "Either way, why do you care?"

"I care because you went to the ball with a Weasley!"

Now it's my turn to actually get irritated. He's mad because I went with one of my best friends? Really? "Why should it matter? I went with a friend Malfoy!"

Draco scoffs at the mentioning of Fred being a friend. "Oh please, you two were probably snogging and fell into the Great Lake."

Okay, he's making it difficult not to punch him right now. "Who would you rather have went with me? Theo?"

"Anyone except for a Weasley!"

I previously had put my wand in a small pocket in my dress, because my dress has pockets, what an innovation! Can this happen to all dresses? Anyway, I grab my wand and point it at the boy. "Just so you know, I'm allowed to go on a date with whoever I wish because it's my life. I wouldn't have even went with Fred if you weren't such an idiot and realized that I wanted to go with you!"

My eyes widen at my words as I back off. I shake my head, deciding that being mad at him for disrespecting the people I care about is more important than a student crush. "Whatever, just leave me alone."

I brush past him, causing Draco to grab my wrist. "Potter! Can we talk? We're friends, we need to talk."

"Did I ever say you were my friend?" I ask, not caring if I actually hurt someone's feelings. "Did I once ever call you my friend? I never said we were friends. And even if we were," I decide to not cry and just glare at him once more before taking my hand out of his, "we definitely aren't now." And with that, I run up the stairs, leaving Draco behind me.

Chapter 73: I Hate Rita Skeeter

Chapter Text

"Hurry up, the bell rang five minutes ago!"

Now, at first I thought the twins were being funny and gave me something that would make me hallucinate for a prank when I saw this woman who I had never met.

Then I saw Theo and Andie's reactions and now I know I'm not hallucinating.

Hagrid isn't the one standing in his regular place, but an angry looking old woman.

"Who are you?" I would probably kick myself for talking rudely to a teacher, if I wasn't wondering where Hagrid is.

"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank. I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

Well that didn't help. "Where is Hagrid?"

"That doesn't concern you miss..."

"Potter," I hiss out. My fight with Draco a week or so ago doesn't really put me in that great of a mood. "Hailey Potter."

"Well Miss Potter," Grubbly-Plank almost sneers at me with her arms crossed. "Your previous teacher is indisposed." She turns away, deciding that I'm not worth her time.

I open my mouth to say something, but my brother puts his hand over my mouth to stop me. "Don't get yourself in trouble."

That's rich coming from him.

I huff, deciding to hang out with the golden trio. Hermione smiles as she sees I am actually hanging with them while Ron just nods at me. "Okay, what happened with Hagrid?"

Harry just stares at me. "Why do you think we know anything?"

I roll my eyes while crossing my arms. "Don't you always get in the middle of everything happening at school?"

Harry opens his mouth to say somdthing, but stops once he realizes that I'm not wrong.

"It's so beautiful!"

I decide to look up and see a unicorn. Am I supposed to be impressed? It's a unicorn. I would much rather learn about anything other than this, thank you.

"Boys keep back! They prefer the woman's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front, and approach with care, come on, eazy does it."

Hermione walks off, asking if I'm going but I just shake my head. I don't want to see a unicorn. I'd much rather see a skrewt.

"What do you reckon's wrong with him? You don't think a skrewt..."

"No Harry, a skrewt didn't put Hagrid out of commission!" I snap at him. I shake my head, realizing that I'm being rude. "Sorry, that was rude of me. Anyways, Hagrid would teach use in a full body cast if he had to. No, this is something big."

"Oh he hasn't been attacked, Potter. If that's what you're thinking." Is it too late to go check on that unicorn. "No, he's just too ashamed t-" Harry and I turn around and he stops talking for a second when looking at my pissed off face. "He's just too ashamed to show his big, ugly face."

Harry, who notices how Malfoy is acting toward me, decides to brush it off. "What do you mean?"

Malfoy hands a page of newsprint to Harry with a smirk, glancing at me nervously. I don't fail to notice how Blaise is looking everywhere but me.

"There you go...hate to break it to you, Potter..."

I look quickly down at the paper and immeditaly my mouth runs dry when I see the title:

Dumbledore's Giant Mistake.

This isn't good. I decide to read on though.

Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial staff appointments, write Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. In September of this year, he hired Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody, the notoriously jinx-happy ex-Auror, to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, a decision that raised eyebrows many eyebrows at the Ministry of Magic, given Moody's well-known habit of attacking anyone who makes sudden movement in his presence. Mad-Eye Moody, however, looks responsible and kindly when set beside the part-human Dumbledore employes to teach Care of Magical Creatures.

Oh my god, she didn't.

Rubeus Hagrid, who admits to being expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, has enjoyed the position of gatekeeper at the school ever since, a job secured for him by Dumbledore. Last year, however, Hagrid used his mysterious influence of the headmaster to secure the additional post of Care of Magical Creatures, over the head of many better-qualified candidates.

Except, Hagrid is plenty qualified to teach us.

An alarmingly large and ferocious-looking man, Hagrid has been using his newfound authority to terrify the students in his care with a succession of horrific creatures. While Dumbledore turns a blind eye, Hagrid has maimed several pupils during a series of lessons that many admit to being "very frightening."

Oh yes, because a flobberworm is quite frightening.

"I was attacked by hippogriff, and my friend Vincent Crabbe got a bad bite from a flobberworm," says Draco Malfoy, fourth-yeat student. "We all hate Hagrid, but we're up too scared to say anything."

Okay, it takes every part of me not to go punch Draco Malfoy in the face. Even then, flobberworms don't have teeth, so how could Crabbe have been bitten? A simple search in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them would discredit his story in a matter of seconds.

Blaise Zabini, another fourth year student says, "he always is bringing all these dangerous creatures around. All we want to learn about are friendly ones, not dangerous ones."

Oh, so that's why he refuses to look at me. Blaise has to realize that he's not safe from my hexes, right?

Hagrid has no intention of ceasing his campaign of intimidation, however. In conversation with a Daily Prophet reporter last month, he admitted to breeding creatures he has dubbed "Blast-Ended Skrewts," highly dangerous crosses between manticores and fire-crabs. The creation of new breeds of magical creatures is, of the course, an activity usually closely observed by the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Hagrid, however, considers himself to be above such petty restrictions.

Honestly, can Hagrid just not talk to the paper?

"I was just having some fun," he says before he hastily changing the subject.

Okay, I do think he did say that. That sounds like Hagrid.

As if it was was not enough, the Daily Prophet has now unearthed evidence that Hagrid is not -- as he has always pretended -- a pure-blood wizard. He is not, in fact, even pure human. His mother, we can exclusively reveal, is none other than the giantess Fridwulfa, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

Why does Rita Skeeter have to constantly bash others? Who hurt this woman? Honestly, they probably did it because she's a b- nevermind.

Bloodthirsty and brutal, the giants brought themselves to the point of extinction by warring amongst themselves during the last century. The handful that remained joined the ranks of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and were responsible for some of worst mass muggle killings of his reign of terror.

Just type Voldemort, it's not that hard.

While many of the giants who served He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named were killed by Aurors working against the dark side, Fridwulfa was not among them. It is possible she escaped to one of the giant communities still existing in foreign mountain ranges. If his antics during Care of Magical Creatures lessons are any guide, however, Fridwulfa's son appears to have inherited her brutal nature.

Okay, that was a bit harsh.

In a bizarre twist, Hagrid is reported to have developed close friendships with the twins that lived, the ones that brought around You-Know-Who's fall from power -- thereby driving Hagrid's own mother, like the rest of You-Know-Who's supporters, into hiding. Perhaps the Potters are unaware of the unpleasant truth about their large friend -- but Albus Dumbledore surely has a duty to ensure that they, along with their fellow students, are warned of the dangers of associating with part-giants.

How stupid would I have to be to attack Draco? Perhaps I use a experimental jinx? As long as I don't try to kill him I should only get detention.

"How did she find out?" Harry asks quickly. I have a feeling Harry heard a conversation, because he's not exactly sharp enough to figure out that Hagrid is part-giant.

"What do you mean we all hate Hagrid?" Harry says while glaring at Draco. "What's this rubbish about him," Harry points at Crabbe, "getting a bad bite from a flobberworm? They haven't got any teeth! And you!" He then turns to me, causing me to hope that he won't start something.

I am not in the mood.

"Why aren't you chewing him out right now?" Harry then proceeds to point and Malfoy, causing me to scoff.

"I have nothing to say to him." Okay, maybe I'm being a bit more bitchy then I should be but Draco disrespected one of my friends! I shouldn't be the one forgiving him every time he does something wrong.

This is my story, my life, and I'm going to go through it the way I want.

Draco, who avoiding any altercation with me because, let's face it, he knows I will hex him if he talks to me right now, sneers at my brother. "I think that should put an end to the oaf's teaching career. Half-giant...and there was me thinking he just swallowed a bottle of Skele-Gro when he was younger. None of the mummies and daddies are going to like this at all. They'll be worried he'll eat their kids," Draco starts to chuckle at his own horrible joke.

You know, despite him being an arse, I still am attracted to him. And that's the worst thing. Because while I dislike him for being so inconsiderate to my feelings, I still like him.

Draco Malfoy, you are the most annoying prat I know.

And I still like you.

"Honestly, they are all such prats!" I say angrily as Fred and George walk with me around Hogmeade. "Why can't they see they are just putting themselves on everyone's hit list when they prove the other houses right!"

"I take it that you're still mad at Malfoy?" Fred asks, gesturing for George to go get some stuff from Zonko's.

"Of course I am!" I say quickly, looking up at Fred. "He - he was rude! And he was just so awful!"

Fred decides to ruffle my hair in that moment, a action he does almost constantly to calm me down. "He's jealous, you do realize that right?"

I scoff at the thought. "If he's jealous, then I'm a hippogriff."

Fred just shakes his head, pulling me along while his brother gets the new joke products they desperately want. "Whatever you say Hails."

"Who cares if he's half giant?!"

Fred and I look at eachother before rushing into the Three Broomsticks. There Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all glaring at none other than the horrible woman herself, Rita Skeeter.

"How about giving me an interview about the Hagrid you know, Harry? The man behind the muscles? Your unlikely friendship and the reasons behind it. Would you call him a father substitute?"

"He will do no such thing!" I growl out, causing everyone's attention to be on me. Normally, I would flinch at the attention, but I'm too pissed to care at the moment.

"Ah Hailey! I'm sure you would love to give me an interview then!"

"No, I wouldn't," I say, ignoring the fact that Fred is warning me not to abger the reporter. "You're a foul woman, you know that? Meddling with things that don't need to be meddled with."

"Well, my readers want the truth-"

"You called Harry and I twelve in your article about us a few minths back."

"A mistake-"

"You also said Harry is in the top of the year, which he's not," I say while my eyes flick over to Harry. "You spread nothing but lies and gossip you evil woman." And like that, I pull Fred out of the Three Broomsticks in a huff.

"Hailey, where are we going?" Fred asks, confused why I'm now dragging him around.

I drop his hand and just run my hand through my hair. "I'm going back to the castle, you can go back to George if you'd like."

"I could walk you bac-"

"No!" I snap and instantly regret doing so. "Sorry, it's just I'm going to Hagrid's. I'll see you later." And with that, I walk away without hearing another word from Fred.

I don't like being rude to him, especially after the ball, but I just don't think Hagrid will let me in if Fred is there.

I run up to the door, not caring that the door is locked and the curtains are still drawn. "Alohom*ora!" The door unlocks and I open it, only to be greeted with a crying Hagrid and Dumbledore who is making tea.

"Ah, I wondered when she would arrive!" Dumbledore's eyes twinkle, even though I just entered without knocking.

"Sorry for barging in," I say feebly, any confidence within me is just gone. "Just Hagrid, you can't quit! Nobody cares if you're part-giant!" I quickly sit on the edge of the couch, slightly out of breath. "That Skeeter woman is a bitch - sorry, Professor."

Dumbledore twiddles his thumbs and smiles at me. "It seems as if I have somehow gone temporarily deaf and did not hear what you just said."

And this is why Dumbledore is great.


I'm interrupted by banging on his door. "Hagrid! Hagrid, that's enough! We know you're in there! You can't let that foul Skeeter woman do this to you!"

Dumbledore decides to stand up, ready to open the door.

"Hagrid, get our here, you're just being - about t-"

I almost have to laugh at Hermione's face. She didn't expect that now did she.

"Good afternoon," Dumbledore says. I can't see his face, but I'm pretty sure he is smiling right now.

"We wanted to see Hagrid."

You don't say? I would never have guessed that.

"Yes, I surmised as much," Dumbledore says in a tone that I can basically hear his smile. "Why don't you come in?"


And just like that, the golden trio walks in, noticing me holding back the happy looking Fang, who is trying to tackle Harry.

"Hi, Hagrid," Harry says quietly.


"More tea, I think," Dumbledore says while closing the door. He pulls out his wand and. A revolving tea tray pops up in midair along with a plate of cakes. The tray then goes to the table and everyone sits down. "Did you by chance hear what Miss Granger was shouting, Hagrid?"

"I think she could be heard in America," I say while sipping some tea out of my cup.

"Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Hailey still want to know you, judging by the way Miss Potter broke in here and the other three almost broke down the door themselves."

Okay, now it's my turn to go pink. I really shouldn't have broken in.

"Of course we still want to know you!" Harry says while staring at Hagrid. "You don't think anything that Skeeter cow - sorry, Professor."

"It seems I should get my hearing checked out. This is the second time I have gone temporarily deaf in the last half hour. I have no idea what you said Harry." He once again twiddles his thumbs and now is looking up at the ceiling.

Again, I love Dumbledore.

"Right, I just meant....Hagrid, how could you think we'd care what that - woman - wrote about you?"

Two tears leak out of Hagrid's eyes at Harry's words and fall onto his beard.

"Living proof of what I've been telling you, Hagrid," Dumbledore says as he stares at the ceiling. "I have shown you the letters from the countless parents who remember you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it-"

"Not all of 'em," Hagrid says while his voice cracks. "Not all of 'em wan' me ter stay."

"Hagrid..." I trail off. He's really broken right now and I have no idea what to say to him.

"Really, Hagrid, if you're holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you'll be in this cabin for a very long time. Not a week has passed since I became Headmaster of this school when I haven't had at least one owl complaining about the way I run it. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?"

"Yeh, yeh're not half giant!" Hagrid croaks out.

"Hagrid look what Hailey and I have for relatives!" Harry says furiously. "Look at the Dursleys!"

"An excellent point," Dumbledore says. "My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the paper, but did Aberforth hide? No he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery..."

"Either way," I decide to pitch in due to Dumbledore's....whatever that was, "you are our friend, Hagrid. We'll support you when you need it, but you still need to get out there. You can't stay cooped up here."

Dumbledore decides to stand up after I stop speaking. "I refuse to accept your resignation, Hagrid, I expect you back at work on Monday. You will be joining me for breakfast at eight-thirty in the Great Hall. No excuses. Good afternoon to you all."

And like that, Dumbledore walks out. Does that man always do a dramatic exit? I'm pretty sure he does.

Hagrid continues to sib, causing me to wonder what we can even do to help. "Great man, Dumbledore...great man."

"Yeah he is, can I have one of these cakes Hagrid?"

It's just like Ron to want to eat at a time like this. Just why?

"Help yerself," Hagrid says while wiping his eyes. "He's righ', o' course. Yeh're all righ'...I bin ol' dad woulda bin ashamed o' the way I've bin behaving..."

Hagrid once again cries, but he wipes them away aggressivly.

"Never shown you a picture of my old dad, have I?" Hagrid gets up and pulls out a picture of a short wizard sitting on top of a young Hagrid's shoulders. "Tha' was taken jus' after I got inter Hogwarts. Dad was chuffed...thought I migh' not be a wizard, see, 'cos me mum...well, anyway. 'Course, I never was great shakes at magic, really...but at least he never saw me expelled. Died, see, in me second year."

"Dumbledore was the one who stuck up for me after Dad went. Got me the gamekeeper people, he does. Gives 'em second chances. Tha's what sets him apar' from other heads, see. He'll accept anyone at Hogwarts, s'long as they got the talent. Knows people can turn out okay even if their families weren'....well all tha' respectable. But some don' understand that. There's some who'd always hold it against yeh."

"There's some who'd even pretend they just had big bones rather than stand up an' say - I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed."

It looks like Hagrid is getting better.

Chapter 74: The Second Task

Chapter Text

"I'm not ready for this," I state as I realize that it is almost time for the second task.

"Hailey, you'll do fine."

"No!" My eyes are wide as I think of all the possible scenarios that may happen. "What if the charm wears off? I'll be at the bottom of the lake and die!"

"Dumbledore won't let you die, Hailey."

My breathing is heavy as I think about all the possible outcomes. "Yeah but what if-"

"Hailey!" Andie yells out before giving me a small smile. She puts her hands on my shoulders and squeeze them slightly. "You're the most clever witch of our year."

"Actually, that's Hermione."

She looks like she's really straining not to punch me right now. "No, that's you. You're going to do great."

I take a deep breath before smiling. "You're right, I'm being complelty irrational."

"Well I'm glad you're self-aware," Andie jokes before flicking my forehead causing me to laugh. "You better now?"

I laugh and nod my head. "I'm good now."

"Good," Andie says while letting go of me. Her long brown hair is currently in a messy bun due to the fact that she helped me with the bubble head charm after Fred had to leave for some odd reason.

We were given a swimsuit to wear due to t hhe fact that the second task will be taking place underwater. While it may not be flattering, it will get the job done.

"Look at the time!" Andie says while fixing up her hair. "Hailey, you go on without me. I have to get ready."

"But Andie-"

"No buts!" She says before scurrying off to go get dressed for the occasion.

I huff, but grab my wand and trudge out of the common room, only to be stopped by an ever so familiar voice. "Potter!"

Now normally when I hear the prat otherwise known as Draco Malfoy, I ignore him. But perhaps it is due to my nerves being at a all time high, or just losing interest in the fight two months ago, that I stop.

Once the blond reaches me, I just stare at him blankly. I may not be as pissed as I was, but I am still pissed at him. Call me out for holding grudges for too long, I don't care. It took me a whole year to forgive Hermione for knowingly putting me in harm's way during the Basilisk attack.

He scratches the back of his neck, looking like he has been sweating bullets. "Good luck out there."

"Thanks," I say while brushing his shoulder when walking away.

"I know you'll do great!"

Oh great, now I like him again. Well, I never stopped liking him, but now I like him even more. Screw feelings, I hate them.

Once I reach the Black Lake, I realize that the other champions are already here, well except for Harry.

Wait where's Harry.

I wave at a worried looking Cedric. "Are you okay?"

He nods quickly. "Have you seen Cho? I haven't seen her since yesterday."

I shake my head, I'm not going to lie about it. "Afraid not. I'm sure she'll turn up though."

He nods quickly. Personally, I think Cho and Cedric are cute. Anyone would be cute with Cho except for Harry.

I really hope that never happens.

Now we just stand there, making small talk until a certain redhead twin jumpscares me, causing me to slap him on the arm. "George! What are you doing?"

"Have you seen Fred?"

I shake my head, my brows furrowing. "I got special permission to have him in Slytherin common rooms last night to assist Andie with my nerves. He had to leave some time last night though. He's not with you?"

George shakes his head and he seriously looks concerned. "Where is he?"

"I'm sure he'll turn up..." I try to reassure him but I don't know.

Where is Fred?

"Where have you been?" I glance over at Percy who seems to be reprimanding Harry, who just showed up.

"I gotta go, good luck Hailey!" George runs off, leaving me alone once more.

"Now, now, Percy!" Ludo Bagman says. By the way, he looks super relieved that Harry is here. There is so not favoritism going on. "Let him catch his breath!"

From what I can see, the two rivaling headmaster do not look hapoy to see Harry. Dumbledore, looks absolutely elated.

Ludo Bagman then proceess to move every champion ten intervels away from eachother. I'm second in line, in between Fleur and Cedric. Harry is at the end of the line.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They will have precisely one hour to recover has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One...two...three!"

"Bulla capitis!" I yell out, allowing a great big bubble to go over my mouth and nose. After the charm takes full effect, I don't waste time jumping into the Black Lake.

Oh my Merlin, it's colder than it was during Christmas. And it was snowing during Christmas.

But once I'm in the water, oh my gosh it's beautiful. Small fish stare at me before swimming away. Green seaweed tickles my skin as I stay close to the muddy floor. The water itself is rather clear to my delight as well.

It's just so beautiful.

I wonder if I'll see the giant squid?

I kick my legs as I delve deeper into the lake, ducking when I come across large rocks and such.

As I further delve into the lake, I notice that there are plimpies around. While they aren't dangerous, they are quite annoying.

Plimpies are yellow fish that have long legs. They normally like to nibble on a swimmer's foot, which I don't want to happen right now.

Currently, they all seem to swim away when seeing me, so far, so good.

"An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took...
Your time's half gone, so tarry not.
Lest what you seek stays here to rot."


I mean, that's not good!

I kick my legs harder as I come across a cluster of stone dwellings.

There are many things in this water that I don't want to interact with, mermaids are one of them, but I don't actually know if that's possible.

And what did they take? Last time I checked, all of my belongings were still in my trunk. Midnight was sleeping in my room, curled up with Elaine.

As I look into the windows of the dwellings, I see the creatures that I didn't want to come across.

Mermaids look nothing like what the muggle legends describe. Their skin resembles the color of rotting flesh, gray and sunken. Their hair reminds me of the seaweed, but only if the seaweed was dying due to their hair being so dark.

Their eyes remind me of the basilisk's, yellow and telling me to be wary of them. Their teeth share the same color as their eyes.

Thick ropes of pebbles adorn their necks as they leer at me. As I kick harder, I come across what looks like a village square.

Merpeople float around, making me just gape at their sheer numbers. About twenty act as a choir, beckoning the champions to them. Behind those merpeople however, is a statue that has five people bound to it.

Hermione is the first person in the row, next is Ron, then Cho Chang, and then a little girl with silvery hair.

But the fifth person makes me do a double take.


Barely even noticing that Harry and Cedric are talking to eachother, I push myself to get to Fred. Immediately realizing that I need something sharp, only to find a jagged enough rock.


I glance at Harry with the rock in my hand. "What?"

"We need to help them!"

I shake my head at my brother. I may do a lot of things, but I am not risking Fred's life because my brother wants to play hero. "No can do, sorry."

I feel his hand on my shoulder, causing me to just glare at him. "Hailey, they're your friends!"

"And he's my friend!" I say before breaking the ropes binding Fred to the statue. "Sorry." And just like that, Fred starts to float up, followed by me swimming up as well.

Once we both reach the surface, I take a large gulp of air, relieved that I'm no longer under the water. Fred, who is awake now, just grins at me. "Well I should probably thank you for 'saving' me."

"How about we get to the shore first," I am now smiling as well as we start to swim to the shore. Percy, who I can see in the front, is as white a a sheet after realizing that his younger brother was down there.

Wait until he realizes that Ron's down there as well.

Once we reach the bank, Fred and I are seized by Madam Pomfrey. She wraps us both tightly in blankets and forces us to drink a very hot potion.

From what I can see, I'm the second one up.

Immediately after I make the revelation, Viktor Krum and Hermione Granger emerge, only to be treated the same way as Fred and I were.

"You alright Hermione?"

She nods and smiles.

I then proceed to look up at Fred, who is basically pretending that he isn't cold. "You alright Fred?"

He forces a smile. Probably, if he wasn't practically restrained with the blanket, he would ruffle my hair. "I'm alright."


Chapter 75: The Article

Chapter Text

A dark and eerie feeling washes over me as I see the scene in front of me play out.

There stands a short girl with auburn hair, a tall boy with light brown hair, and a shorter boy with black hair. While all of their faces are fuzzy, like usual with my dream, I want to know who these people are.

I attempt to focus, trying to see who these people are, but it seems nearly impossible.

"Kill the spare."

The voice sends a shiver down my spine and in a split second, a green light erupts from a wand and the tall boy lays on the ground.

I attempt to scream, but like usual, I cannot speak during these visions.

All I can do is listen to the screams of the red haired girl and the black haired boy.

"Uh Hailey?" Andie says feebly, gripping onto the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

"What?" In all honesty, I want to eat my toast and calm my nerves due to the third task taking place a month from now.

Andie just decides to hand over the Daily Prophet to the dismay of Blaise who is protesting.

"Hailey! You don't want to read that!"

Theo glances at the paper in my hands, shaking his head as well. "You're still mad at Malfoy right?"

"Yeah? But I don't understand how this...." I trail off, only to look at the front page of the newspaper.

It's a picture of Fred and I at the Yule Ball. Specifically, it's a picture of when Fred kissed me.

The tips of my ears turn pink as I stare at the moving picture. The title of the article makes my blood boil;

famous teen thinks she can manipulate others.

My mouth runs dry by just looking at the picture and title. How did Rita Skeeter know? There wasn't anyone there, Fred told me. He wanted to make sure that people didn't know.

What exactly is Rita Skeeter?

I decide to read on, knowing that I'll find out about the contents anyways.

Hailey Potter, one of the two famous twins that defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named thirteen years ago, seems to have gotten into quite a scandal. While she seems unremarkable, being one of the worst in her year, she seems rather popular in a certain demographic.

According to our sources, the young girl in question went to the Yule Ball with none other than a sixth year named Fred Weasley. We were unable to get a statement from the boy, but we are sure the information shocked him.

We were able to speak with a boy in Slytherin house named Draco Malfoy, who said, "she constantly has guys falling for her left and right, rather annoying if you ask me. She ends up stringing them along, giving them hope that they will get to date her, only to drop them when they have no use for her."

In that moment, I want to just drop the paper and run out of the Great Hall. How dare Draco even talk to this woman! It isn't funny! This could ruin my entire future depending on my future career!

We asked if Draco Malfoy had been one of the people he just mentioned and he failed to answer.

So, as you can see, the young Potter seems to be quite character. From our sources, she has strung along Fred Weasley, the sixth year Gryffindor, and Jakob Brown, a seventh year at Durmstrang who met her this year.

While we don't have evidence, it is clear that there are more people she has done this to as well. We just hope that someone finally puts this girl in her place, even if she may be famous.

I hand the paper back to Andie, my eyes downcast to the floor. Can this ruin my future?

"Hailey, do understand that we don't believe one word she-"

"I don't want to talk about it." My voice is rather calm and monotone, a strange reaction to this I assume. I stand up, my appetite gone in an instant. "I'm going back to the common rooms, I'll see you later."

"Hailey! Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean that you should stay cooped up!"

My eyes shift to Andie before looking down. "I'm just tired, okay?"

As I walk away, I'm ever so aware of the fact someone is following me. Ever since I became an animagus, my senses have tripled, causing me to become aware of footsteps.

"Did you like the article, Potter?"

I don't even need to turn around to know who it is. However, turning around is a good idea, so I do. Immediately, I raise my pointer finger at him. "You moronic imbecile!" I take a step forward, not even grabbing for my wand that is in my pocket. "What, did you think that by doing this I'd pay attention to you?"

Draco looks shocked that I'm actually yelling at him. In all my time at Hogwarts, I've only lashed out a handful of times. It's just not in my personality to constantly show off that I'm pissed.

I'm more of that silent treatment type of person. You know what you did so I won't talk to you until you apologize, simple as that.

However, this article has broken that number one rule because someone had to be an idiot. "How daft do you have to be to talk to Rita Skeeter of all people? Are you just such a idiot that your brain couldn't comprehend that saying things like this is wrong?"

He's still not saying anything to my delight.

In a quick motion, I raise my fist and hit him on the nose, hard.

He groans as he holds his nose, seeing that it's producing a small amount of blood.

"That's for lying to Rita Skeeter and saying that stuff about me!"

I then proceed to slap him.

Tears well up in my eyes but I blink them away. "And that's for acting like a complete and utter brat."

And with that, I leave for the common rooms, determined to forever leave Draco Malfoy alone.

Chapter 76: The Third Task

Chapter Text

"Hailey, you're not going to eat?"

"No," I say while moving some peas around my plate. "I'm just not hungry."

"You're going to regret that," Theo says while stuffing his face with a large biscuit.

"I'll regret it if I barf in the middle of the task."

Theo shrugs, not really having a argument for that, because he knows it's true.

My nerves are higher than the entirety of the castle.

I literally just want to go back to my room and stay in bed until the task is over.

What didn't help is that fact that Rita Skeeter proceeded to make an entire article saying that Harry isn't well enough mentally to do the third task. So, my will to kill that woman as increased exponentially.

I had been wished good luck by the Weasleys due to the fact that there are families here.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see none other than David Fawley and Masey Prewett, also known as the parents of Aimee.

Aimee and I haven't talked since our fight on Halloween, so it's not like we know eachother very well anymore.

From what I remember from what Aimee told me, her parents aren't married. So, they chose to have Aimee's last name be the same as her mother's.

I don't fail to notice the sideglances the Weasleys send out to the three. I have no idea why Molly and her sister fell out, but I know it wasn't a good circ*mstance.

Whatever happened between the two definitely wasn't good.

"You okay Hails?"

I jump at the voice, only to sigh in relief when it's just Blaise. "What?"

Blaise and Andie stare at me in concern, holding eachother's hands above the table. "Hailey...are you sure you're okay?" Andie asks while squeezing her boyfriend's hand.

"I'm fine," I snap at them, immediately sending an apologetic look not even a few moments later.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes time, I will be asking you to make your way down to the Quidditch field for the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Will the Champions please follow Mr. Bagman down to the stadium now."

I say goodbye to all my friends before accompanying Harry and the rest of the champions. I can hear the Slytherins and Gryffindors applauding very loudly.

"Feeling alright Harry? Confident?"

Oh wow, no favoritism at all.

"I'm okay." Harry doesn't look okay at all. Although, he's acting better than me so that's a plus I guess.

Once we get to the Quittditch field, I have to gasp in surprise. In front of us is large twenty-four-foot hedge that has only one gap, and it is directly in front of us.

After five minutes of us all gaping at the maze, the stands begin to fill with people. I don't fail to notice the ever so familiar shade of brown hair that is my godfather.

Remus Lupin wished me luck but didn't eat at the table due to the amount of Slytherins sneering at him. Accompanying him was a girl with white blonde hair that was absolutely beautiful. She didn't speak, only nodding at me with a smile when Remus wished me good luck.

McGonagall, Hagrid, and Flitwick all meet up with us, all wearing red stars on their hats. "We are going to be patrolling the outside of the maze. If you get into difficulty, and wish to be rescued, send red sparks into the air, and one of us will come and get you, do you understand?"

We all nod, determined to get this thing over with.

"Off you go then!" Bagman says with a smile, completely the opposite of all five of us.

"Sonorous!" Bagman says while pointing his wand at his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place with eighty-five points each Ms. Hailey Potter, Mr. Cedric Diggory, and Mr. Harry Potter all from Hogwarts School!" Cheers cause birds to fly away into the Forbidden Forest. "In second place with eighty points is Mr. Viktor Krum, of Durmstrang Institute!" More applause cause birds to fly. "And in third place, Miss Fleur Delacour, of Beauxbatons Academy!"

It becomes harder to breathe as I realize that this could be the most dangerous task yet, and I'm terrified.

Harry, who seems to notice how frightened I look, hugs me quickly. "You'll do great Hailey, I know you will."

I smile at him. I know I'll do okay. I'm just afraid. "Thanks."


"So...on my whistle, Hailey, Harry and Cedric!" Bagman says, still smiling. "!"

He toots his whistle and we all run into the maze. Immeditaly it's obvious that it is dark so I make sure my wand produces light.

After we make it about fifty yard up ahead, there is a three way spilt. Harry wishes us a goodbye as he takes the left and Cedric takes the right, giving me the only choice of going straight.

I stop just at the entrance on the path and lay my wand on my hand. "Point me." The wand points forward, so I know I just have to keep going forward. I almost laugh out loud at my luck.

The distant sound of the whistle causes me to pump my legs to force myself to run faster.

The cold feeling of the air makes me stop momentarily. There stands a dementor, reaching out for me. My mouth runs dry as I just stare at it. "Expecto Patronum!" The fox made of light runs around, warding off the dementor, but for some reason it doesn't leave.

This is odd.

It's a dementor, it should leave when it gets hit by my patronus.

Except it's not a dementor.

"Riddikulus!" The Dementor proceeds to turn into a coat wrack with a taped on face.

That's odd, I guess my fear changed.

I turn right, only to run into Harry. "Hailey! Don't go this way, huge Blast-Ended Skrewts!" He then runs off, making me just stand stand there for a moment, questioning everything.

I shrug it off and run left.

A scream makes me stop though. Was the Fleur?

"Impedimenta!" I run towards Harry's voice, only to see the Skrewts he was talking about, frozen thanks to his spell.

"Harry!" I wave at him. He nods, and I decide to follow him. We're better together than alone anyways.

We hit every dead end it seems. One after another, they keep coming like Jakob not taking a hint that I don't, in fact, like him.

"What are you doing?" Cedric yells, making me freeze. "What the he'll do you think you're doing?"

And then, I hear Krum's voice hiss, "Crucio!"

My heart drops in that moment as I hear Cedric's screams. Is this what happened to Fleur? Is Krum trying to thin out the competition?

Harry burns a hole through the hedge, allowing both of us to struggle through and get to Cedric.

"Stupefy!" Harry yells and Krum hits the floor.

I walk over to him and point my wand. "Gelata!" Jelly surrounds his entire body except for his head.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks gruffly.

"Yeah," Cedric says while panting. "Yeah...I don't believe it. He crept up behind me, I hear him, and I turned around, and he had his wand on me."

I rush over to Cedric and help him up. "I think he got Fleur."

Cedric nods, "I think so too."

I raise my wand and produce red sparks. "C'mon, they know he's here now." And with that, we walk away, Cedric leaving a few moments later since we are still opponents at the moment.

"Hailey, are you going to go on?" Harry asks as he realizes that I'm still her.

"No." And like that, I start to lead the way once my wand points us in the right direction.

Except, that wand points us directly at our next challenge;

a sphinx.

It has a body of lion but the head of a woman. She has almond shaped eyes that almost look as if they are staring into my soul.

She's pacing back and forth, causing me to put a hand out to Harry, to make sure he doesn't attack her. We might be able to get through this unscathed.

"You are very near your goal. The quickest way is past me." Her voice is hoarse and deep, as if she's been eating gravel for days on end.

"So...will you move, please?" Harry asks, making me roll my eyes. Gee, I wonder what the answer is going to be?

"No," she says while pacing still. "Not unless you can answer my riddle. Answer on your first guess, I let you pass. Answer wrongly, I attack you both. Remain silent and I will let you both walk away from me unscathed."

Harry and I look at eachother and nod. This is my strong suit. Not battles or monsters, but wits and intelligence.

"Okay can we hear the riddle, please?" I ask quickly. This hopefully will be a piece of cake.

"First think of the person who lives in disguise.
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend.
The middle of middle and end of end?
And finally give me the sound often heard.
During the search for hard to find word.
Now string together, and answer me this.
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"


I nod, thinking. "Well let's see...a person who lives in imposter? No, that's not it..." I mutter as I think. "A spy? Maybe. Okay let's work with the word spy. The last thing to - I don't know. The middle of middle and the end of end?"

I look at Harry but he just shrugs.

My eyes light up as I continue to think. "The letter d! Okay, next clue." I glance at the sphinx who looks all too happy.

"Er - What are you thinking Hailey?"

Harry looks confused due to the fact that I stopped muttering. I wave him off and continue to think, only to snap my fingers. "Er is a sound!" I turn towards the sphinx, who looks all too eager to know my answer. "Is the word spider?"

She smiles broadly before getting out of our way.

Harry starts to run first, making me huff. I really feel the love. "Thanks!"

As we come across the glowing Triwizard Cup, I become all too aware to the moving figure.

Cedric is running at it too, and he's going to get there first.

"Cedric, on your left!" I scream out as I see a immense shadow leap at him. Cedric hurls himself to the side just in time to avoid a huge spider. "Stupefy!" I yell out, it seems ineffective.

"Impedimenta!" Again, ineffective, but nice try Harry.

It bares its teeth before barreling at Harry. Harry attempts to kick at it, but nothing seems to work.

"Expelliarmus!" Expecting it to make the spider fly, I am pleasantly surprised that it makes it drop instead.

Harry, Cedric, and I all point our wands and shout, "stupefy!"

The spider slumps, no longer breathing.

I rush over to my brother, only to see goo on Harry's robes where the spider bit him. "Harry, can you stand?"

He attempts to, but shakes his head after a few seconds.

"Take it then, both of you." Harry says, gesturing towards Cedric and I.

I shake myh head immediately. "I'm not leavimg you hear alone."

"You two should take it. You should win. That's twice you've saved my neck in here."

"Don't be daft!" I yell out, actually angered. "You worked just as hard! You should take it!"

"It's not how it's supposed to work!"


I groan. Hufflepuffs are great, but their loyalty is sometimes annoying.

"Stop being noble. Just take it and we can get out of here."

"You told me about the dragons. I would've gone down in the first task if you hadn't told me what was coming."

"I had help on that too. You helped us both with the egg, we're square."

"I had help with the egg in the first place."

"You know what?" I say quickly, bored of this conversation that is going nowhere. "We all go and split the winnings, yeah?"

Both nod, causing Cedric and I to help Harry up.

"On three, right?" Harry says. "One...two...three!" We all touch the cup, only to gasp as we are pulled forward and are accompanied by the familiar feeling of a Portkey.

Harry falls beside Cedric and I as we land finally.

"Where are we?" Harry asks finally.

I look around only to have my heart drop.

It's the graveyard. My eyes glance at Cedric and his brown hair.

Cedric Diggory is going to die...

Chapter 77: Voldemort Revived

Chapter Text

Cedric is going to die...

My body shakes as I realize that there is nothing I can possibly do in the scenario. What can I do if someone throws the killing curse at him?

There is no protection charm, so that's out of the way. There is no blocking it, I would die. I could create a rock to block it but the attacker could easily kill Cedric as he is about to flee.

Cedric is going to die because I have no idea if what I want to do can be done.

Is Cedric going to die?

Not if I anything to say about it.

"Get down!" I say while pushing the older teen to the ground.

"Hailey, what are you-"

"Shut up!" I hiss, staring in front of us. "Cedric, go hide and make sure no one sees you alright?"


"I'm saving your life, go!" I hiss out. Cedric nods and runs off, successfully hiding in the fog and tombstones.

"Hailey, what was that about?" Harry asks me warily.

I stare at Harry. Whoever wants to kill Cedric will have to go through me before he can.

I'm a seer! I should actually use my gift and save people, not just let whatever happens come to pass!

Harry hisses, grabbing his forehead in pain. After a few seconds of him doubled over, my hand starts to hurt as well, causing me to gasp.

A short man in a cloak starts to drag Harry and I to a very large grave stone, only to conjure tight cords and bind us to it.

Harry and I both hear the shallow breaths of the individual. Harry begins to struggle and the man hits him.

"Wormtail, you bastard!" I yell out, struggling as well. "What, gotta ruin our lives too? Couldn't live with just killing our parents?"

He doesn't reply.

I continue to struggle as I become all too aware of the bundle of robes and the very large snake at our feet.

I don't like snakes.

Pettigrew is dragging what seems a heavy cauldron full of water closer to us. I glance at Harry, who is struggling against his binds as well.

Things go by quite quickly after that. The crackle of flames, the cauldron boiling almost immediately, my brother hissing in pain due to his scar. It seems like my life is flashing through my eyes like a movie, except it's just this day.


I shiver at the sound of the strange voice. It doesn't sound quite alive, which is absolutely stupid on my part. Of course it's alive.

"It's ready, Master," Peter Pettigrew says in his ever so annoying tone.

"Now." The voice is so cold and distant. And when Wormtail reveals what has been talking, I want to barf on the spot

It is hairless and skinny, the color redish-black. The thing that makes my heart drop is its red eyes.

Don't tell me that thing is Voldemort?

Wormtail lowers the creature into the cauldron, making me hope that it drowns, but knowing that it won't.

"Bone of father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!" The surface of the earth cracks, causing me to try to free myself of the binds once more.

Wormtail whimpers as he pulls out a knife. "Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master." He then proceeds to cut off his hand.

I look away, unable to actually see what is happening. I just can't stomach it at all.

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe."

Now I've been hurt before, but let me tell you, when your arm is cut open with a knife, it will be the most painful experience you have had. Believe me, because it just happened.

I scream at the pain of the knife cutting through my flesh, allowing fresh tears to escape my eyes. I'm terrified because I can't do anything.

My wand is on the ground.

"Robe me."

I look up in shock to see the one man I had hoped to never see again. The same man that caused me to see death in first year. The man that made me see thestrals since the end of first year.

Tom Riddle, otherwise known as Voldemort, is alive and well, and is standing in front of us.

Wormtail's robes are stained with blood now as he whimpers. I almost want to laugh at his pain, he deserves it after all, however, I don't.

"My did promise."

Voldemort looks bpred, as if annoyed by Wormtail. "Hold out your arm."

"Oh Master, thank you!" Peter proceeds to show him the bleeding stump, only for Voldemort to scoff at it.

"The other arm, Wormtail."

"Master, please...please."

Voldemort reveals Wormtail's left arm, that has a black tattoo on it. He ignores the whimpering of Wormtail and the screams from Harry and I. In the corner of my eye, I can spot some of Cedric's hair. He's staying put, good.

"It is back. They will all have noticed....and now, we will we shall know..." he proceeds to touch Wormtail's arm, causing Harry to scream out in pain. "How many will be brave enough to return when they feel it? And how many will be foolish enough to stay away?"

He strides back and forth before staring at Harry and I with a wicked grin. "You stand, Harry and Hailey Potter, upon the remains of my late father. A muggle and a fool...very much like your dear mother." I struggle against the binds, wanting nothing more than to punch his lights out. "But they both had their uses, did they not? Your mother died to defend you two as children...and I killed my father, and see how useful he has proved himself, in death."

"You damned monster!" I yell out, my mouth not having a piece of cloth stuck in it like Harry does.

Voldemort looks at me with a bored expression before looking at Wormtail. "You didn't silence her?"

Wormtail whimpers, but bows anyways. "Sorry master." He then proceeds to take out a black cloth and stick it in my mouth, forcing me to not talk back.

"You see that house on the hillside, Potter? My father lived there. My mother, a witch who lived in this village, fell in love with him. But he abandoned her when she told him what she was... He didn't like magic, my father. He left and returned to his muggle parents before I was even born, Potter, and she died giving birth to me, leaving me raised to be raised in a muggle orphanage. But, I vowed to find him. I revenged myself upon him, that fool that gave me his name..Tom Riddle."

Voldemort continues to pace, his red eyes looking at every single tombstone. I hold my breath, hoping that he doesn't find Cedric hiding.

"Listen to me, reliving family history, why, I am growing quite sentimental

.but look Harry! My true family returns!"

In one moment, there wasn't anyone there, in the next there were many. Death Eaters stand before us, making me want to kick them.

A Death Eater falls to his knees, his hood falling, only to reveal David Fawley.

Aimee's father...

"Master - please! My family will be wondering where I am! I have a daughter, she's too young to find out about this!"

"Fawley, I see you settled down," Voldemort sneers at the man. "You've always been quite bothersome. You're free to go."

The man smiles at the dark lord, his eyes twinkling. "Thank you! Oh thank you!"

Voldemort begins to laugh. "Did you think I meant physically?" The man's smile drops as he stares at him. "I meant as a spirit Fawley. Avery! Kill him."

The man that I can only presume is Avery, raises his wand and produces the killing curse, ending the man's life right in front of Harry and I.

I attempt to scream, only to be stopped by the cloth. Deciding that I can't see any more of this 'meeting', I look away, determined to not see anything and not listen.

And it works, for a little bit.

It only stops working when I feel Harry being untied and the cloth being removed from my mouth. I struggle as I stare at the scared looking Harry. "Run Harry! Forget about me!"

Harry shakes his head, glancing at Wormtail who is about to hand him his wand.

"Run Harry!" Voldemort mocks. "I think I found something equally as entertaining. Wormtail, give him his wand. He'll see how useless he is when I kill his sister right in front of him."

"No!" Harry yells put, trying to run at me, only to be stopped by once of the Death Eaters. "Hailey!"

I stare at Voldemort who has his wand raised at me. I take a shaky breath, expecting to die quickly, only to gasp as the tombstone holding me explodes.

"What?" Voldemort himself looks shocked.

I don't fail to grab my wand and run towards the nearest tombstone to hide, luckily, I don't think they saw me.

Next to me is Cedric, who is smiling at me, his wand in his hand.

Cedric just saved my life.

I nod at him, a silent way to thank him as I look at the unraveling situation beyond the tombstone.

Harry and Voldemort are bowing and raising their wands. "No..." I mutter to myself.

The two are going to duel.

I almost get up, but am stopped by Cedric who is holding me down via my shoulder. He shakes his head, as if telling me that it's not worth it to go save Harry.

Harry, please be safe. You're a great wizard, so use those skills.

Voldemort raises his wand and I flinch, expecting Harry to meet his demise.

"Avada Kedavra!"


And the strangest thing happens. A green light comes out of Voldemort's wand as red light comes out of Harry's, meeting in the middle.

After a few seconds, the light changes color, a golden light is revealed. I gasp as I see it.

It's quite beautiful.

They then start floating, which, is that about? I'm sorry but why is this so interesting to watch? It's a string of light.

Perhaps it is due to the fact that Harry can easily die. Voldemort is very advanced, and Harry is a fourth year who couldn't get his summoning charm down pact until Hermione made him cram.

Voldemort yells at his Death Eaters who are screaming at the light.

I have no idea what is happening due to Cedric pulling me down when a Death Eater gets too close.

All I know is that I hear Harry scream my name, so I grab Cedric and run towards the Triwizard cup. We all nod and touch the cup, Voldemort's screams of fury vanishing.

And with the cheers of the crowd, I realize something.

Cedric Diggory is alive.

And, I just changed his fate.

Chapter 78: Back

Chapter Text

The world seems to be engulfing me as my breaths become ragged. I hear Harry screaming about Voldemort, but I just grab my head.

We could have died.

I could have died.

Voldemort is alive again.

So many stressful things are happening at once and it is driving me insane. Harry and Voldemort did something tonight with their duel, and it terrifies me.

What was that golden light?

I crawl to the corner of the room to stay out of the way of the terrified spectators.

Hell, I don't even realize that I was forgotten until I wipe my eyes and look around.

Typical, always the forgotten twin I guess.

I stumble, not able to walk due to my entire body shaking. Right before I hit the ground however, I am grabbed by none other than Fred who looks concerned. "You alright there Hails?"

I shake my head and just hug him. "He's back, Fred." I grip onto his shirt as he strokes my hair.

"Hails, it's all right."

I shake my head once more as more tears stream down my face. "I could have died."

A cough makes us both turn around to see Draco standing there.

He only has to open his arms for me to stand up and hug him, to which he strokes my hair, just like Fred.

I let out a shaky breath.

While I'm not okay, I think I can forgive Draco one more time since he is holding me while I am sobbing.

What a way to end a year.

Chapter 79: Can’t Leave You Alone For Five Minutes

Chapter Text

"Girl, get me the flour," Petunia orders me due to the fact that I'm the only one in the kitchen with her.

"Yes Aunt Petunia," I say while grabbing the huge bag, huffing at the weight for a moment before setting it down on the counter. My ears perk up as I hear three sets of footsteps. Two are approaching while one is retreating.

That's odd, they weren't expecting visitors and Harry and Dudley would never return home together.

"Aunt Petunia, there's two people walking up to the front door," I say while putting the cookie batter in the mixer.

She sideglances me, questioning for a second how I even know, before walking quickly to the door. "Diddy! About time too, I was getting quite....Diddy, what's the matter?"

I turn off the mixer before walking towards the commotion. Dudley and Harry have come back. Dudley looks green while Harry just looks tired.

Before I can say anything, Dudley proceeds to throw up all over the carpet.

"Eww." Hopping over the vomit, I get to my brother. "What happened to him?"

Harry looks at me for a moment, my flippant attitude probably pissing him off. "Dementors."

I close my mouth after that.

No matter how much I love joking around, those things shouldn't be joked about at all.

"Diddy! Diddy, what's the matter with you. Vernon? Vernon!"

I cringe at the octave this woman's voice goes to. I wonder if her voice is going so high that only dogs can hear her?

"He's ill, Vernon!"

"What is it, son? What happened? Did Mrs. Polkiss give you something foreign for tea?"

Ah yes, because tea from another country is so bad for you.

"Why are you all covered in dirt, darling? Have you been lying on the ground?"

"Hang on, you haven't been mugged, have you, son?"

I cover my ears in a grimace as Petunia decides to let out a shrill scream.

"Phone the police, Vernon! Phone the police! Diddy, darling, speak to Mummy! What did they do to you?"

I notice Harry is attempting to leave the entire thing, making me stare at him. I'm not saying that his plan of escaping their rage is stupid, but I've seen Vernon run up those stairs quicker than a Firebolt while flying. So, he's not escaping anything.

"Who did it, son? Give us names. We'll get them, don't worry."

Dudley starts to mutter, making my heart drop. I gesture to Harry, telling him to run up the stairs but he ignores me.

"Shh! He's trying to say something, Vernon! What is it, Diddy? Tell Mummy!"

In a hoarse whisper, my entire world stops in an instant.


I'm frozen. Harry is frozen. In a spilt second, nobody even knows what to do.

"Boy! Come here!"

And then, that stillness, that quiet, is gone in an instant. It is replaced with a red faced middle aged man who is furious at my brother. "What have you done to my son?"

"Nothing!" Okay, there are moments in my life where I want to slap people. This is one of those moments. Harry, do you really think Vernon is going to believe you? You're not aren't entirely stupid. So why did you just do something stupid?

"What did he do to you, Diddy?" Petunia coos as she tries to soak up as much of the barf she can from his leather jacket. "Was it - was it you-know-what, darling? Did he use - his thing?"

You know, I almost want to laugh at this due to the fact that it could be taken out of context very easily.

"I didn't!" Petunia and Vernon glare at him as if he's lying. You know, I'm sort of happy that I didn't tag along, I get to stay out of this. "I didn't do anything to him, it wasn't me, it was-"

He gets cut off at the worst time with a owl swoops in and drops a envelope at Harry's feet.

"sh*t," I mutter as I stare at the envelope. Harry used magic outside of school and the Ministry isn't very happy with Harry and I (mostly Harry) after the whole Voldemort problem.

"Owls!" Vernon screams. "Owls again! I will again I will not have any more owls in my house!"

Harry opens the letter, making me hold my breath. The trace is difficult because it doesn't tell them who did the magic, so theoretically, I could be blamed for it.

Harry seems to read it twice before trying to run off.

"Where do you think you're going?" Vernon yells out. "I haven't finished with you boy!"

"Get out of the way," Harry says quietly, making me rush toward him.

I grab him by the collar, making sure he can hear me. "You be careful. This isn't third year Harry, you're not having to deal with your godfather. Voldemort is looking for you and this time, the Ministry isn't on our side. Don't mess it up."

And with that, I release him and brush past Vernon.

"Where do you think you're going girl?"

I turn around with a straight face and completely ignore the fact that Harry is holding his wand, complelty disregarding my warning.

"I am just in the way, Uncle Vernon. Would it not be better to scold my brother when I am not here?"

Vernon stares at me but decides to let me go, to my absolute surprise. I guess trying to lay low really does get you in a better light, even with abusive guardians.

So, for the next ten minutes, I lay on my bed with Midnight on my stomach, putting.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. And that end was a beautiful brown owl swooping into the room via the open window and dropping a letter on my face.

"There's some bread crumbs near the owl cage," I mutter, only to see the owl go grab some crumbs before flying off.

Now, who is the letter from?

I immediately decide to open it because, what else am I going to do, and find out that it is a letter from none other than Draco.

According to my father, the Ministry is forcing Hogwarts to hire one of their own to fill the DADA position. I don't think they will be on your side, so please be careful. I would hate it if something happened because of your brother.

Stay safe, and I'll see you at school.

A new teacher? I expected it but why is the Ministry forcing Hogwarts to hire one of their own employees.

Just what is Fudge doing?

"You look troubled."

I jump, but relax when I realize that it's just Harry. "It's fine, nothing to worry about."

Harry stares at me for a moment before shrugging and falling onto his bed face first.

"So, who got expelled?" I say while staring at the ceiling. Midnight has since jumped off me and is trying to attack Harry's always messy hair.

"What?" Harry jumps up, causing the black cat to hiss and jump away. He pets the cat before looking at me again. "How did you-"

I shrug. "We've been warned before and you did perform underage magic. So, they either expelled you, or is saying I did it and expelled me. So who is expelled?"

Harry slouches and falls back onto his bed, confirming my suspicions.

Harry is expelled from Hogwarts.

"Harry, I'm sure everything is alright-"

"Dumbledore is having them reconsider it."

Well thank Merlin.

"That's great," I say, scratching behind Midnight's ear as she jumps on my bed. "You going to tell Ron and Hermione?"

"I think Ron knows...but yeah I was going to write them."

"Good." Now, I could reply a lot better, but hey, that's not who I am, sorry.

So, I just watch Harry wait for Hedwig as the snowy owl takes her time hunting.

Harry is currently pacing. Now, if he was in a better mood, I would tell him everything will be alright.

But he's acting annoying so I don't think so.

Especially when he kicks his trunk and he is now limping everywhere. Like, what did you think was going to happen?

But, I guess everything is okay since Hedwig soars in with a frog in her beak. "About time!" Harry snarls, making me frown. "You can put that down, I've got work for you!"

Okay Harry, you seem to have pissed off your owl, good job.

"Come here," Harry says while taking the three small rolls of parchment. "Take these straight to Sirius, Ron, and Hermione and don't come back here without good long replies. Keep pecking them till they've written decent-length answers if you've got to. Understand?"

Okay, but Hedwig looks so sad that she doesn't get to eat her frog.

"Get going, then."

Hedwig flies away, her frog still in her beak.

I open my mouth to say something but decide against it. The last thing my brother needs is me butting in. I need to just leave him alone for now I guess.

Chapter 80: Escaping the Dursleys

Chapter Text

Do you know how difficult it is to watch your brother be in one room for four days straight? No? Good.

I've wanted to let him out of the room, but I know that if I do, the Dursleys won't be too happy.

What? I like to stay out of the room as much as possible.

Harry has been ranting about his worries and I just want to strangle him.

Sibling love right?

I know that the Ministry is against us Harry, that's obvious.

The one thing that is making me question a lot is how the pin pointed that Harry performed the spell. We both are in this area, and the trace doesn't say who performed underage magic. It is just so odd and I am truly determined to find out.

"We're going out."

I look up to see Vernon wearing his best suit and a smug smile. His beady eyes glare at both of us, as if taunting us.

"Sorry?" Harry says in confusion. Honestly, I don't blame him. I never know what those people are doing.

"We - that is to say, your Aunt, Dudley, and I - are going out."


"Good for you."

"You both are not to leave your bedroom while we are away." He glares at us, making me almost laugh. Does he think he's scary?


"Sounds like a plan."

"You both are not to steal food from the fridge."


"Not hungry anyways."

"You're not to touch the television, the stereo, or any of our possessions."


"Wouldn't want to watch television anyways."

Honestly, why would I want to watch muggle television?

"I'm going to lock the door."

"You do that."


Vernon glares at us before stomping off and slamming the door loudly. In no time at all, we are free.

"So, want to to do something?" I ask before grabbing a bobby pin.

Harry shakes and just rolls onto his side. I huff but decide to leave him alone.

After a few minutes of struggling with the pin, I hear the satisfying click and open the door. With a sigh of relief, I relish in the fact that the house is quiet. Only the sound of the pipes and my footsteps can be heard as I walk around.

Now, I could do a lot of things that could get me in trouble.

I could take some food from the cupboard, but I believe Petunia would know.

However, all I do is walk out the front door and close it behind me. The air is cold and crisp as I walk. The sun is setting, but that doesn't alarm me in the slightest.

I have no idea when the Dursleys will be back, and frankly, I don't care.

All I care about is the world around me, not the house that I grew up in.

I'm fifteen, and soon, I'll be of age. Well, I'll be of age in a little over two years.

Soon, I'll be able to explore the world. Maybe I'll tell Draco that I like him. I don't know, all I know is that I won't be with the Durlseys.

As I continue to walk, I get more aware of my surroundings as I get closer to a familiar alleyway.

As the sun sets, the air gets colder, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight.

It's colder then it should be.

Slowly, I turn around, only to come face to face with a Dementor. It just floats closer and closer, making me curse internally that I didn't bring my wand with me.

As I brace myself for the inevitable, I get surprised when the air is no longer cold.

As I look up, the Dementor is no longer there. Instead, it is a moon.

I'm pulled away, making the boggart slip back into the alley. "You aren't very smart, are you?" This female with purple hair asks as she drags me away.

Remus is on the other side of me, waving awkwardly. I wave as well.

"I don't think I understand-"

"Ah! Right!" The woman says while smiling. "Mad-Eye asked for me to fetch you when he realized you weren't in the house. Didn't think you would be met with a boggart though! I'm Tonks by the way."

"I'm Hail-"

"Everyone knows who you are." She says. "Quite strange that the boggart took a form of a Dementor though."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." she trails off as we near the Dursley home. "You have seen a lot of things for a teenager, just would expect a different fear, that's all." She enters the Dursley home with Lupin and I behind her. "Mad-Eye! I've got her!"

"Good." Mad-Eye Moody grumbles. Tonks knocks over a plate, causing it to break with a loud crash.

I cover my mouth at the scene. Petunia is not going to be happy but oh well.

We all go up the stairs until we reach the door. Luckily, Harry opens the door, but seems to be holding his wand.

"Harry! It's okay!"

"Lower your wand, boy, before you take someone's eye out."

Harry seems to halt at Moody annd my voice. "Hailey? Professor Moody?"

"I don't know so much about Professor." Moody growls. "Never did get around to much teaching, did I?"

"Harry," I say while walking forward. "They're here to help."

"It's all right, Harry. We've come to take you away."

"Professor Lupin, is that you?"

Oh now he lowers his wand. Ungrateful little-

"Why are we all standing in the dark?" Tonks says before muttering, "Lumos."

I hiss at the light now filling the hall. My eyes did not appreciate that.

Harry looks confused, but when is he ever not confused?

"Oooh, he looks just like I thought he would!" Tonks beams at him. "Wotcher, Harry!"

"Yeah I see what you mean, Remus. He looks exactly like James."

"Except the eyes. Lily's eyes."

"You haven't seen her have you!" Tonka says as she shows me off like I'm some kind of creature she found. She puts her wand closer to me, making my features show up.

And just like that, some people are now discussing me...yay.

"Isn't that odd. She looks just like Lily."

"She has James' eyes though."

"Strange that they are exact opposites."

"We know Emmeline."

"Are you quite sure they are the real omes?" Mad-Eye says, probablybgetting annoyed with all the chattering. "It'd be a nice lookout if we bring back some Death Eater impersonating them. We ought to ask them both something only the real Potters would know. Unless anyone brought any Veritaserum?"

"Harry what form does your patronus take?"

"A stag."

"And Hailey?"

"A fox." You know, I like my patronus quite a lot. It's kind of fun to watch it when it bounces around playfully.

"That's them, Mad-Eye."

I extend my left hand and Harry gladly takes it as we start to walk down the stairs. However, Harry does attempt to put his wand in his back pocket, but is scolded by Moody.

"Don't put your wand there, boy! What if it ignited? Better wizards than you have lost her buttocks, you know!"

I really want to laugh at the moment. Harry's expression and the fact that everyone looks so confused, myself included, just adds to the fact that none of us know exactly how Mad-Eye knows that.

"Who d'you know who's lost a buttock?" Tonks asks while tilting her head.

"Never you mind!" Moody growls. "Elementary wand safety, nobody botheres about it anymore..." He starts to waddle towards the kitchen. "And I saw that."

I guess Tonks was rolling her eyes or something. I guess Moody can still see a lot thanks to that eye of his.

"How are you two?" Lupin asks once everyone starts to seemingly be okay.

"Fine," Harry and I say in unison, causing some people in the room to look at us strangly.

"I'm - you're really lucky the Dursleys are out..."

"I think they planned it Harry," I say while glancing at some of them. It would be difficult to plan something for the Dursleys to go do. If you tell yhem they won something, their judgememt is horrible.

"Lucky, ha!" Tonks says loudly. "It was me that lured them out of the way. Sent them a letter by muggle post telling them they'd been short-listed for the All-England Best-Kept Suburban Lawn Competition. They're heading out for the prize-giving right now...Or they think they are."

See? What did I just say. The Dursleys don't listen to reason if something can cause their pride to grow.

I start to chuckle once I imagine the face of Vernon when he finds out this was a trick. Won't that be hilarious. I wish I could see that honestly.

"We're leaving, aren't we?" Harry asks in a hopeful tone. I honestly don't blame him. I miss everyone. Hell, I even soemwhay miss Percy and Ron. "Soon?"

"Almost at once." Lupin smiles warmly at both of us. I think he understands our eagerness to go. "We're just waiting for the all-clear."

"Where are we going?" I ask. Honestly, I really hope the Burrow. It's so nice and warm there. Pure heaven honestly.

"The Burrow?" Harry then speaks my mind in a even more hopeful tone.

"Too risky." My shoulder slump at the news. Isn't that just great. "We've set up headquarters somewhere undetectable. It's taken quite a while..."

Moody proceeds to drink from his flask, making me cringe at the memories of Barty Crouch Jr. posing as the man.

"This is Alastor Moody, you two."

"Yeah, we know." Once again, Harry and creep everyone out by talking at the same time.

"And this is Nymphadora-"

"Don't call me Nymphadora, Remus." She interrupts and glares at him. "It's Tonks. "

"Nymphadora Tonks, who prefers to be known by her surname only." Remus finishes, causing me to laugh. He doesn't seem to care that she's galring holes into him.

"So would you know if your fool of a mother had called you Nymphadora." She mutters making me smile. She doesn't seem to like her name very much.

"And this is Kingsley Shacklebolt," he says while pointing at a bald dark skinned male. "Elphias Doge." Doge is sort of a man that can only be described with his voice, wheezy. Dedalus Diggle."

"We've met before!" The man drops his top hat. Wait, we have? When? I forget a lot of people after a while.

"Emmeline Vance," she's the woman who pointed out how strange it is that Harry and I are exact opposites. "Sturgis Podmore." He has straw colored hair and a square jawline.
"And Hestia Jones." Hestia has black hair and pink cheeks.

I wave awkwardly while Harry just nods.

"A surprising number people volunteered to come and get you." Aww, Lupin is fighting a smile. Honestly, how some people don't realize that we see your mouth twitching so we know that you're trying to smile is beyond me.

"Yes, well, the more the better," Moody says with almost a glare. What did we ever do to you?

Wait, we did end up getting him captured for a year...nevermind.

"We're your guards, Potters."

"Well thank you all for coming," I say kindly. They did take time to make sure Harry and I get to where we are going safely.

I get numerous replies but I honestly don't understand what any of them are saying. Pro tip, if you want to be heard, don't talk when everyone else is talking.

"We're just waiting for the signal to see if it's safe to set off," Lupin says while glancing out the window. "We've got about fifteen minutes."

Good to know, thanks.

"Very clean, aren't they, these Muggles?" Tonks says as she begins to explore the kitchen. "My dad's muggle-born and he's a right old slob. I suppose it varies, just like wizards?"

"Er - yeah. Look, what's going on, I haven't heard anything from anyone, what's Vol-"

I have Harry in the ribs as several of people around us hiss at the mere mention of his name. I honestly have disliked Harry just using his name causally. Perhaps it's juvenile, but considering the fact that I just saved someone's life from one of his followers, I think I have a mighty good reason to dislike the mention of the man.

"Shut up."

"What?" Harry snaps, causing me to want to smack him on the head. These people are saving us Harry, be a little nicer.

Moody looks at Harry and I with his normal eye, his magical one pointing at the ceiling, and pauses for a moment. "We're not discussing anything here, it's too risky. Damn it!" He proceeds to put a hand over his magical eye. "It keeps sticking, ever since that scum wore it..."

We then are met with a disgusting squelching sound, causing me to almost barf. Now, I am then greeted with the sight of the eye in his hand, and now I really have to hold onto Harry's arm so I don't fall.

That is disgusting.

"Mad-Eye, you do know that's disgusting, don't you?" Tonks says while glancing at me nervously. I wave her off as I let go of Harry.

I literally survived a night where Voldemort was at full strength, although I was hiding most of the time, so I can survive seeing the eye in someone's hand.

"Get me a glass of water, would you, Harry?"

Harry nods quickly, and leaves my side, causing me to glare at him.

Harry hands him a glass of water, causing me to cringe. Whatever he is going to do with that water, Petunia is not going to be happy about it.

"Cheers," Mad-Eye says off handily before plopping the eye in the water. "I want three-hundred-and-sixty degrees visibility on the return journey."

I decide to look away, earning me a look of sympathy by Lupin.

"How are we getting - wherever we're going?" I hear Harry ask.

"Brooms." Lupin glances at me again and still looks sorry that I had to see the disgusting sight. "Only way. You both are to young to Apparate, they'll be watching the Floo Network, and it's more than our lives worth to set up an authorized Potkey."

"Remus says you're a good flyers," the man who I think is named Kingsley says. I could probably know a bit more, but currently I still am looking a completely diffrent way than everyone is.

"Harry's excellent, I don't know about Hailey though."

"I'll manage," I reply before turning to face everyone, sighing in relief when I realize that Moody has his eye back in its rightful place. "I do have a broom, just never got around to trying out for the Slytherin Quidditch team."

"Anyways, you two better go and get packed. We want to be ready when the signal comes."

Harry and I nod, but once we reach the steps, we're stopped by Tonks. "I'll come and help you."

She then proceeds to follow us as we walk up the stairs. "Funny place, it's a bit too clean, d'you know what I mean? Bit unnatural. Oh this is better, well half the room is."

Harry has proceeded to mess up his half of the room in the last four days and I've hated it. However, we made a rule that we wouldn't touch the other half of the room unless we absolutely had to.

So, Harry's half of the room is a mess because he couldn't spend some of his time clean.

Now, my trunk is always packed so I honestly only had to make sure that Elaine and Midnight are in their cages and I'm done.

I proceed to sit on my bed with my trunk and two animals, and just stare at Harry who is struggling to gather all of his things.

Now, I could help him. However, the mess is his fault and I can't help but think he deserves it.

"You know, I don't think purple's my color. D'you think it's makes me look a bit peaky?"

Harry doesn't know what to say but I just decide to shale my head, but I guess she didn't see me or something.

"Yeah it does." She then proceeds to close her eyes and a second later, her hair turns bubblegum pink.

Well that's different.

"How did you do that?" Harry asks while gaping at her.

"I'm a Metamorphmagus." She looks at the mirror again, turning her head so she can see her hair. "It means I can change my appearance at will." Harry looks confused still, making me want to laugh. He does read, right? "I was born one. I got top marks in Concealment and Disguise during Auror training without study at all, it was great."

"You're an Auror?" Harry asks, looking impressed. Oh yeah, he was looking into that profession, I forgot.

"Yeah." Aww, she looks proud, that's cute. "Kingsley is as well. He's a bit higher than I am, though. I only qualified a year ago. Nearly failed in Stealth and Tracking, I'm dead clumsy. Did you hear me break that plate when we arrived downstairs?"

I think people in America heard that Tonks.

"Can you learn how to be a Metamorphmagus?" Harry, are you not liking your looks or something?

Tonka proceeds to chuckle at his question. "Bet you wouldn't mind hiding that scar sometimes, eh?" From where I am sitting, I don't fail to notice her glancing at Harry's forehead.

"No, I wouldn't mind." Harry then turns around, confirming that she was staring at his scar. He doesn't like people staring at it.

"Well, you'll have to learn the hard way I'm afraid. Metamorphmagi are really rare, they're born, not made. Most wizards need to use a wand or potions to change their appearance..." almost as if she forgot that we were supposed to be packing up, she shakes her head. "But we've got to get going. We're supposed to be packing."

"Oh yeah..." Harry mutters as he scrambles to grab more books.

"Don't be stupid, it'll be much quicker if I pack!" Tonks laughs out as she waves her wand. All the stuff then proceeds to get stuffed into Harry's trunk. "It's not very neat. My mum's got this knack of getting stuff to fit in neatly. She even gets the socks to fold themselves. But I never mastered how she does it - it's kind of a flick." She flicks her wand, but Harry's sock just feebly falls within the mess.

She slams the trunk closed awkwardly. "Ah, well at least it's all in." She glances at Hedwig's cage. "That could do with a vit of cleaning, Scourgify. Well, that's a bit better, I never got quite the hang of these sort of household spells." I mean, yeah, the owl droppings are gone. "Alright, we got everything?" She proceeds to glance at me, finally realizing that I was already packed. "Well, you sure do pack quickly."

"I already was packed." I say while swinging my legs. "Wanted to be ready for Hogwarts."

"Right..." she nods and turns back to my brother. "Got everything? Cauldron? Broom? Wow! A Firebolt?" She stares at the broom in shocked. I have a Nimbus Two-Thousand and one so it's not as flashy.

"And I'm still riding a Comet Two Sixty," she mutter bitterly. "Ah well, wand in your jeans? Both buttocks still on? Okay, let's go, Locomotor trunks."

Both of our trunks start floating a few feet in the air. Tonks is holding Hedwig's cage while Harry holds Midnight's and I carry Elaine's.

"Excellent." Lupin says while grabbing Elaine's cage from me. "We've got about a minute, I think. We should probably go into a garden so we're ready. I've left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to -"

"They won't." Harry and I say bitterly.

Tonks shudders at us speaking in unison. "That's a bit creepy."

"That you're safe."

"That'll just depress them."

Tonks proceeds to look at the others around us and none of them seem to agree with her. "Don't you think that's a bit creepy?"

"And you'll see them next summer."

I tilt my head at his words. "Do we have to?"

Lupin only responds with a sympathetic smile.

"Come here, you two." Moody, the ever so angry man, beckons us. "I need to Disillusion you."

"You need to what?" Harry asks as Moody raises his wand above my head. I flinch as he taps my head and a tingly feeling runs across my body.

Harry gapes at me.

"Dissillusionment Charm. Lupin says one of you have a invisibility cloak, bit it won't stay on when we're flying, this'll disguise you better." He then taps Harry on the head.

Now I see why he was so amazed. Harry isn't invisible, but more a human chameleon.

"Nice on, Mad-Eye." Tonks says while grinning.

You know, she was right, the purple didn't suit her.

"Come on," Moody grumbles as he unlocks the back door. "Clear night. Could've done with a bit more cloud cover. Right, you two," he barks at Harry and I, "we're going to be flying in close formation. Tonks'll be right in front of you, keep together and keep close on her tail. Lupin'll be covering you from below. I'm going behind yiu. The rest'll be circling y. We don't break ranks for anything, got me? If one of us is killed-"

"But that's not likely, right?" I ask nervously. I don't think anything will happen, I haven't gotten a dream after all.

"-the others keep flying, don't stop, don't break ranks. If they take out all of us and you two survive, the rear guard are standing by to take over. Keep flying east and they'll join you two."

You know, I liked fake Mad-Eye better.

"Stop being so cheerful, Mad-Eye, he'll think you're not taking this seriously," Tonks says sarcastically as she straps Harry's trunk to her broom. Lupin is strapping mine to his along with Elaine's cage.

Midnight seems to have been taken by Kingsley, who seems to have taken her to be transported safely.

"I'm just telling them the plan," Moody growls. "Our job is to deliver them safely to headquarters and if we die in the attempt-"

"No one's going to die," Kingsley replies.

"Mount your brooms, that's the first signal!" Lupin yells out suddenly. I grab mine and just stare at the sky. In the distance, multiple red sparks are being released into the air.

"Second signal, let's go!" New sparks are released, this time green, prompting us all to start flying.

The cool air makes me sigh in relief. I decided that I would stop promising myself that I would join the team, but flying is really fun.

"Hard left, hard left, there's a muggle looking up!" Moody shouts as we all swerve to stay out of sight. "We need more height. Give it another quarter of a mile!"

We continue to soar up, causing my eyes to water as the air goes past me. I glance behind me, only to see how far up we really are.

The lights in the Dursley household is nothing but a few lighted dots, like a few ants.

"You alright Hailey?" Harry asks as he notices me slowing down.

I nod and smile. "Never better."

We continue to fly for a bit, the house getting farther and farther away.

"Bearing south!" Moody shouts. "Town ahead!"

We avoid the town, causing me to look at the glittering lights of the town. It looks just gorgeous.

"Bear southeast and keep climbing, there's some low clouds up ahead we can lose ourselves in!"

"We're not going through clouds!" Tonks yells out, making me sigh in relief. My hands are shaking due to the chill of the night. "We'll get soaked Mad-Eye!"

After about a hour of Tonks and Mad-Eye fighting about how we should get where we are supposed to go, we finally descend to the ground.

Harry and I are shaking as we look around. There is nothing but houses that look unwelcoming, and that's being nice.

"Where are we?" Harry asks, still shivering.

"In a minute," Lupin mutters causing me to unintentionally groan. I want to be warm thank you. It's freezing.

"Got it!" Moody says before pulling out what looks like a cigarette lighter. He clicks it and the nearest streetlamp goes out with a pop. After a few clicks, the street is pretty dark. "Borrowed it from Dumbledore. That'll take care of any muggles looking out of the window, see? Now, come on, quick."

He grabs Harry and I both by the arms and lead us across the street and onto pavement.

You know, I want to be nice, but this place is pretty disgusting.

It smells like rubbish and it just smells horrible.

"Here." Moody mutters before giving Harry and I a piece of paper. "Read it quickly and memorize."

The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

The order of the what?

Chapter 81: Harry Throws a Temper Tantrum

Chapter Text

"What's the Order of the-"

"Not here boy!" Moody snarls at Harry, making me jump. What? He's scary. "Wait till we're inside!"

He pulls the parchment out of our hands and sets fire to it. It honestly reminds me of when Harry and my names were pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, except those pieces of parchment didn't burn totally.

Now, I've noticed that there is no number twelve. There is a eleven, there is a thirteen, but there isn't a number twelve. Unless this is like the train station, I have no idea how we are going to get to our location.

"But where's-"

"Think about what you just memorized."

Harry reaches out, and a battered door appears out of nowhere. As if a balloon was being inflated, another house is revealed.

Okay, so similar to the train station I guess.

"C'mon, hurry," Moody says while pushing us forward. I would protest to being pushed but, he's scary.

We walk up the stone steps, and are only stopped by Lupin, who taps the door twice. A metallic lock clicks, and the door opens.

"Get in, quick," Lupin mutters pushing Harry and I in. "But don't go far inside and don't touch anything."

I grab Harry's wrist as we walk inside. My nose scrunches up as the smell of rot, mold, dust, and the damp air all mix together to try and make me gag.

"Here." And then, Harry and I are hit on the head by Moody, making the charm he previously put on us lift. "Now stay still, everyone, while so give us a bit of light in here."

A soft hissing noise accompanies the room lighting up. Old gas lamps flicker, giving us a bit of light.

And from what I can see, I can only assume the family that own this house is at least mostly Slytherins due to the multiple snake decorations around us.

Foot steps echo through the hall, until Mrs. Weasley, a slightly chubby woman who is the nicest person ever, emerges from a door.

"Oh, Harry, Hailey, it's lovely to see you two!" She whispers, pulling us both into a hug. She holds me at arms length before doing the same to Harry. "You both look a bit peaky, you need some feeding up, but you'll have to wait a bit for dinner, I'm afraid..."

She turns to the wizards that got us here and whispers. "He's just arrived, the meeting's started."

"Meeting?" I question, but they don't seem to hear me.

The wizards behind us all start walking away, and we attempt to follow, but are stopped by Mrs. Weasley. "No, the meeting's only for members of the Order. Ron and Hermione are upstairs, you two can wait with them until the meeting's over and then we'll have dinner. And keep your voices down in the hall."

I tilt my head at her words. "Why?"

"I don't want to wake anything up."

Harry looks even more confused than usual at her words.

Mrs. Weasley, who decides that we should go, gets the hint that Harry is still rather confused. "I'll explain later, I've got to hurry, I'm supposed to be at the meeting. I'll show you both where you're sleeping." She presses a finger to her lips as we pass by long curtains.

We pass by a wall of shrunken heads, making me gag. Harry decides to look closer, making me smack his arm. I'm not in the mood to deal with shrunken heads, not today, not ever.

"Mrs. Wealsey, why-"

"Ron and Hermione will explain everything, dears, I've really got to be going. Harry, you're the door on the right. I'll call you when it's over. Hailey-" she glances around, realizing that she still needs to go. "The girls will show you to your room."

And with that, she scurries off. I decide to follow Harry to the room in question. The doorknob is shaped like a serpent's head, making me truly believe that this is a Slytherin household.

Now, I expected a lot of things when opening the door, but a bushy haired fifteen year old bear hugging my brother is not one of them.

"Harry! Hailey! Ron, they're here! We didn't hear you arrive! Oh how are you? Are you alrigjt? Have you been furious with us? I bet you have, I know our letters were useless. But we couldn't tell you anything, Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn't. Oh, we've got so much to tell you two! The dementors! When we heard..and that Ministry it's just outrageous, I've looked it all up. They can't expel you Harry, they just can't. There's provision in the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Socery for the use of magic in life-threatening situations-"

"Let them breathe Hermione!" For once, I actually think that Ron is right. Hermione is holding onto Harry rather tightly.

I walk up to the boy and huff. "Did you get even taller?"

He grins but shrugs.

Honestly, I live in a world of tall people, and I hate it. Maybe I can have Elaine bite their ankles until they can't walk. Maybe then they won't be standing taller than me.

"Hedwig!" I jump at Harry's voice, but calm down when I see the familiar snowy owl.

"She's in the right state, pecked us half to death when she brought your last letters, look at this-"

He shows Harry and I his index finger, that is now sporting a deep cut. I cringe but decide not to show it on my face very much.

"Oh yeah...Sorry about that, but I wanted answers, you know?"

"We wanted to tell you mate," Ron side glances me. "We wanted to tell both of you. Hermione was going spare, she kept saying you'd do something stupid of you were stuck all on your own without any news." Once again he looks at me. "Not you, she knew that you could wait." Well thanks Ron. "But Dumbledore made us-"

"Swear not to tell us, yeah Hermione's already said." Harry glares at them, making me smack him on the arm. These two aren't my best friends, they are his best friends. How am I acting nicer than he is?

"He seemed to think it was the best," Hermione says quickly. "Dumbledore, I mean."

"Right," Harry spits out, causing me to smack him again. Harry, unless you want me to break the rules and hex you, I suggest you be nicer.

"I think he thought you were both safest with the muggles-"

"Yeah?" Harry interupts.

"," Hermione cuts off Ron, "but that's why be had people from the Order of the Phoenix tailing you two all the time."

From what I can see, Harry is not happy with that answer. This isn't good at all....

Okay, but if he explodes, it's gonna be kind of funny.

"Didn't work that well, though, did it?" Harry says as his voice wavers a bit. Look, Harry, sweetie, I know you're mad, but calm yourself. They were trying to keep us safe. "Had to look after myself after all, didn't I?"

Okay, Harry, I'm sorry, but your arm is gonna be bruised by the time this conversation is over because I keep on having to smack you.

"He was so angry," gee Hermione, can you be a bit more awestruck? "Dumbledore. We saw him. When he found out Mundungus had left before his shift ended. He was scary."

Okay, but me scary or Mad-Eye scary? Both are scary, but Mad-Eye is a bit more so.

"Well, I'm glad he left," Harry says coldly.

"Well I'm certainly not!" I say a bit too loud. "Honestly Harry, you could have died. Or you could have gotten the kiss."

"If he hadn't, I wouldn't have done magic and Dumbledore probably would have left us at Privet Drive all summer."

"Harry, you're being a arse, you do realize that, right?" I grumble at his tone. Harry can be pissed all he wants but he is not being rude to his best friends after not seeing them for a month.

"Aren't you...aren't you worried about the Ministry of Magic hearing?" Hermione's voice is a lot softer now, making me wonder if he actually is hurting her feelings.

"No," Harry replies before starting to look around. I honestly would love to smack him again, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

"So why's Dumbledore been so keen to keep us in the dark?" His voice wavers again, making me wonder if he's going to blow up or something. "Did you bother to ask him at all?"

"We told Dumbledore we wanted to tell you what was going on," Ron says. He looks super frantic and I honestly don't blame him. Harry's acting like it is his time of the month when he's a guy. "We did, mate. But he's really busy now, we've only seen him twice since we came here and he didn't have much time, he just made us swear not to tell if you important stuff when we wrote. He said the owls might be intercepted-"

"He could still've kept us informed if he wanted to."


"You're not telling me he doesn't know how to send messages without owls."

Hermione glances at Ron and I in panic. "I thought that too. But he didn't want you two to know anything."

"Maybe he thinks we can't be trusted," Harry's voice wavers again.

"Harry, you know that's not t-"

"Don't be thick," Ron says. I actually think he's annoyed, which I don't blame him actually.

"Or that we can't take care of ourselves."

"Of course he doesn't think that!" Hermione looks like she's severly stressed out, which again, I don't blame her.

"So how come we have to stay at the Dursleys' will you two get to join in everything that's going on here?" His voice gets increasingly louder, making me visibly flinch. Harry is pissed off, and I don't like it when he's pissed off.
"How come you two are allowed to know everything that's going on-"

"We're not!" Ron interrupts, making me sigh. At least Harry isn't screaming anymore. "Mom won't let us near the meetings, she says we're too young-"

You know, I probably spoke too soon.

"So you haven't been in the meetings, big deal! You've been here, haven't you? You've still been together! We've been stuck at the Dursleys' for a month! And I've handled more than you two've ever managed and Dumbledore knows it! Who saved the Philosopher's Stone? Who got rid of Riddle? Who saved both of your skins from the Dementors?"

I'm honestly unable to do anything. Harry needs to get his frustrations out, yes, but he's not doing himself a favor when doing this.

"Who had to get past dragons and sphinxes and every other foul thing last year? Who saw him come back? Who had to escape from him? Me!"

From what I can see, Ron and Hermione are at a loss for words because I'm pretty sure they haven't seen Harry this pissed before. Honestly, I haven't seen him this pissed before.

"But why shouldn't I know what's going on? Why should anyone bother to tell me me what's been happening?"

"Harry, we wanted to tell you, we really did-" Hermione looks as if she's pleading with him to stop screaming.

"Can't've wanted to that much, can you, or you'd have sent me a owl! But Dumbledore made you swear-"

"Well, he did-"

"Four weeks I've been stuck in Privet Drive, nicking papers out of bins to try and find out what's going on-"

"We wanted to-"

"I suppose you've been having a real laugh, haven't you? All holed up here together-"

He is interrupted by me slapping his face, causing him to stop immediately. "Hailey-"

"No!" I yell out, causing everyone to flinch. "You weren't the only one who saved the stone that night you know! Ron got hurt because of the chess pieces, Hermione saved all of our lives with the Devil's Snare, and I went with you until the end! I saw Quirrell die Harry! You passed put before seeing it though so it must not matter!"

"Hailey I-"

"I'm not finished!" I snap, causing Harry to close his mouth. "Hermione and I got petrified just so you and Ron could stop the basilisk! And last year, I went through all the hell you did! Sure, I didn't battle him, but I still have a scar from where Wormtail took my blood! I had to make sure that you and Cedric were alive! I had to witness you almost dying because I'm such a coward that I couldn't help."


"Don't Hails me you arse!" I interupt him again. "This isn't just about you anymore, this is about all of us." I glance behind me to see Hermione looking shocked that I actually started screaming. "All four of us have gone through hell. Not everything is about you Harry!"

So, after my blow up, we just all stand around in awkward silence, not knowing what to say.

Finally, Harry decides to speak. "So, what have you two been doing if you're not allowed in meetings?" Harry demands, but in a much softer voice after realizing that I won't hesitate to hurt him if he doesn't shut up and be nice. "You said you'd been busy."

"We have," Hermione says while glancing at me. "We've been decontaminating this house, it's been empty for ages and stuff's been breeding in here. We've managed to clean out the kitchen, most of the bedrooms, and I think we're doing the drawing room tomorrow-"

Hermione screams as two loud cracks ring through the room before Fred and George appear out of thin air.

"Stop doing that!" Hermione says weakly.

"Hello Harry," George grins before nodding at me, to which I nod back. "Hailey we thought we'd had your duclet tones."

"You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry, let it all out," Fred beams while waving at me. "There might be a couple people fifty miles away who didn't hear you."

I laugh, covering my mouth once I notice that Harry is glaring at me.

"You two passed your Apparation tests then?" Harry is sounding grumpy, I wonder if he didn't like the fact that I yelled at him.

"With distinction," Fred beams, earning a high five from me.

"Good for you," I smile, only to have Fred look away from me, making my head tilt.

"It would have taken you about thirty seconds longer to walk down the stairs." Ron just looks mad. Do they do this all the time then?

"Time is Galleons, little brother. Anyways, Hailey, Harry, you two are interfering with reception. Extendable ears." Fred holds up a flesh colored string that is trailed behind him. "We're trying to hear what's going on downstairs."

"You want to be careful," Ron says while staring at the string. "If Mum sees one of them again..."

"It's worth the risk, that's a major meeting they're having," Fred says while sitting next to me on the floor.

The door opens, only to reveal Ginny, another child of the Weasleys. "Oh hello Harry, Hailey, I thought I heard your voices." I wave, but Harry, being the moody piece of crap he is, refuses to acknowledge the poor girl. "It's a no go with the Extendable Ears, she's gone and put an Imperturbable Charm on the kitchen door."

"How do you know?" George says while sitting on the other side of me.

"Tonks told me how to find out," Ginny says with a smile. "You just chuck stuff at the door and if it can't make contact, the door has been Imperturbed. I've been flicking Dungbombs at it from the top of the stairs and they just soar away from it, so there's no way the Extendable Ears will be able to go under the gap."

Fred sighs at the news. "Shame. I really fancied finding out what old Snape's been up to."

Now this peaks my interest. "Snape?" Harry and I say in unison, causing everyone in the room to stare at us.

"Yeah," George says while carefully closing the door. "Giving a report. Top secret."


"He's on our side now," Hermione says quickly, noticing that Harry looks confused on why they even have Snape here.

Ron snorts however at her comment. "Doesn't stop him being a git. The way he looks at us when he sees us..."

"Bill doesn't like him either," Ginny says in a matter of factly tone.

Harry looks like he is about the yell again, but sinks onto the bed he is sitting on. "Is Bill here? I though he was working in Egypt."

"He applied for a desk job so he could come home and work for the Order," Fred says while handing me a unmarked sweet. I stare at him in a questioning manner but he just waves me off. "He says he misses the tombs but there are compensations..."

Harry looks even more confused than usual with his words. "What do you mean?"

"Remember old Fleur Delacour?" George says while grinning. "She's got a job at the Gringotts to eemprove 'er Eeenglish-"

"-and Bill's been giving her a lot of private lessons." Fred says while snickering. He side glances me as I continue to stare at the sweet he gave me. He nudges me, causing me to look directly at him. "It's just a regular sweet, don't worry."

I decide that it's not worth it to question so I just pop it in my mouth, only to notice it tastes like a Skittle, but it doesn't look like one.

"Charlie's in the Order too, but he's in Romaina, Dumbledore wants as many foreign wizards brought in as possible so, Charlie's trying to make contacts on his days off."

"Couldn't Percy do that?" I decide to ask. I've been wondering where the twat is.

Everyone is just quiet after my question.

"Whatever you do, don't mention Percy in front of Mum and Dad." Ron says in a tense matter.

Harry decides to ask the next question. "Why not?"

"Because every time Percy's name's mentioned, Dad breaks whatever he's holding a Mum starts crying."

What exactly did that twat do?

"It's been awful," Ginny says sadly.

George and Fred look like they're trying not to say anything to mean. "I think we're well shut of him."

Now, this is where I step in. "What happened?"

So, they explain that Percy has been a jerk, fighting with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, saying that if they help Dumbledore, they will go down with Dumbledore. Also, he blamed his father for their lack of money.

Now, I would be pissed, but I'm now royally pissed when they proceed to tell me that he slammed his door in Mrs. Weasley's face. That is going way too far.

"Percy takes the Daily Prophet seriously," Hermione says tartly. Everyone nods, confirming what she's saying.

"What are you talkin about?" Harry asks.

I decide to hide due to the fact that I actually read the entirety of the Daily Prophet, when Harry only read the front page. So I know what they have been saying. They mostly target Harry, probably due to the fact that he screamed to everyone that Voldemort was back while I just looked terrified.

"Haven't you...haven't you been getting the Daily Prophet?" Hermione asks nervously.

"Have you been reading it thoroughly?" Hermione asks, even more nervous than she previously was.

"Not cover to cover," Harry says defensively. I drop my head, mad at myself for not telling him about the jokes. "If they were going to report anything about Voldemort it would be headline news, wouldn't it!"

Everyone, including myself, flinch at the mention of the name.

"Well you need to read it cover to cover to pick it up, but they...they mention you both a couple times a week. Mostly, they mention you Harry."

"But I haven't seen-"

"I've seen it," I say in a hushed voice. Harry looks at me with a arched eyebrow so I decide to elaborate. "When you would throw away the paper, I would take it and read the entire thing. I didn't have much to read so that was the only way to pass the time once I finished the summer homework."

"They just slip you in, like standing you're a standing joke."

"What d'you-?"

"It's quite nasty, actually." Hermione forces herself to be a but calmer, which I appreciate. "They're just building on Rita's stuff."

Eww, that woman. She's the most annoying thing in the world. The fact that she spread lies about people was just moronic in my opinion.

"But she's not writing for them anymore, is she?"

"Oh no, she kept her promise...not that she's got any choice." Hermione smirks,reminding me never to get on her bad side. "But she laid the foundation for what they're trying to do now."

"Which is what?" Harry asks, getting impatient.

"They're writing as if we are attention seeking. They want us to be painted as the twins that want to still be in the spot light or something." I say quickly. Everyone stares at me, causing me to shrug. "You all were taking too long."

"I didn't...we didn't ask...we didn't want...Voldemort killed our parents!" Harry splutters out. "We got famous because he murdered our parents but couldn't kill us! Who wants to be famous for that? Don't they think we'd rather it never-"

"We know, Harry," Ginny cuts him off.

"And of course, they didn't report a word about the dementors attacking you. Someone's told them to keep that quiet. That should've been really big story, out of control dementors. They haven't even reported that you broke an International Statute of Secrecy - we thought that they would, it would tie in so well with image of you being some stupid show-off - we think that they've been biding their time until you're expelled, then they're going to go to town - I mean if you're expelled, obviously." Hermione says hastily. "You shouldn't be, not if they abide by their own laws, there's no case against you."

Harry looks like he wants to change the subject, but is interrupted by footsteps.


Fred gives the Extendable Ear a good tug, winks at me, and with a loud crack, Fred and George are gone.

Seconds later, Mrs. Appears in the doorway. "The meeting's over, you can come down and have dinner now, everyone's dying to see you two. And who's left those Dungbombs outside the kitchen the kitchen door?"

"Crookshanks," Ginny replies without hesitation. "He loves playing with them."

"Oh," Mrs. Weasley says, "I thought it might have been Kreacher, he keeps doing odd things like that. Now don't forget about keep your voices down the in the hall. Ginny your hands are filthy, what have you been doing? Go wash them before dinner..." Ginny grimaces as she follows her mother out of the room.

From what I can see, Ron and Hermione are staring at Harry nervously. "Look..." Harry mutters but is stopped by Ron shaking his head.

"We knew you'd be angry, Harry, we don't really blame you, but you've got to understand, we did try to persuade Dumbledore-"

Harry cuts Hermione off with, "yeah I know."

"So..." I trail off, deciding to change the subject. "Who's Kreacher?"

"The house-elf who lives here. Nutter. Never met one like that him."

Hermione frowns at Ron's words. "He's not a nutter, Ron-"

Ron decides to cut off the girl there. "His life's ambition is to have his head cut off and stuck up on a plaque just like his mother," Ron says irritably. "Is that normal, Hermione?"

"Well, if he's a bit strange, it's not his fault-"

"Hermione still hasn't given up on spew-"

"It's not 'spew'!" Hermione says in a heated manner. "It's the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, and it's not just me, Dumbledore says we should be kind to Kreacher too!"

"Wait, you were being serious with spew?" I ask. The three stare at me like I've grown three heads but I just shrug. "I thought it was a joke."

"Anyways, I'm starving," Ron says. I'm actually quite hungry as well so I following him quickly because I want some food.

Before we can go down, Ron flings his arm so we can stop. "Hold it! They're still in the hall, we might be able to hear something-"

I notice that Fred and George have the dame idea since they are lowering the Extendable Ear.

Everyone starts to leave, causing Ron to curse loudly. "Snape never eats here. Thanks god, c'mon."

"Don't forget to keep your voice down," Hermione whispers.

"We're eating down the kitchen," Mrs. Weasley whispers as we get to the bottom of the stairs. "If you tiptoe across the hall, it's through this door right here-"

We all stop when we hear a loud crash.

"Tonks!" Mrs. Weasley screams while Hermione and Ron cover their ears. Harry and I look at them, being extremely confused.

"I'm sorry!" Tonks shrieks, laying flat on the ground. "It's that stupid umbrella stand, that's the second time I've tripped over-"

We are all cut off with shrieking.

The curtains open to reveal a old woman with a black cap. She's drooling, and her eyes are rolling. Her face is yellow and stretched as she screams. Due to her screaming, the other portraits begin to yell as well.

Lupin and Mrs. Weasley try to close the curtains, but are unable to get close enough.

"Filth! Scum! By-products of dirt and vileness! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers-"

Tonks is apologizing over and over again when trying to get the umbrella rack to stand up again. Mrs. Weasley is stunning each portrait, making them shut up.

Suddenly, a man with long black hair and a female with white-blonde hair emerge from a door, both looking rather annoyed.

"Shut up, you horrible old, shut up!" The man yells before seizing one of the curtains. The female helps Lupin with the other curtain.

"Yoooou! Blood traitor, abomination, shame of my flesh!"

"I said, shut up!" He yells and the three are able to close the curtains. The screams die down, making us all sigh in relief.

"I honestly hate that woman," the blonde says while panting. She removes her hair from her eyes, making me gape.

What is it with new people and actually being attractive?

The girl is literally above the level of Fleur, and Fleur is a quarter Veela!

She notices me and nudges the man, causing him to remove his hair from his eyes. Sirius grins at Harry and I, causing us both to smile. "Hello Harry, Hailey, I see you've met my mother."

Chapter 82: The Order

Chapter Text


"My dear old mum, yeah." Sirius says while scratching the back of his neck. The female that came out with him seems to be checking the other portraits to make sure they are all asleep. "We've been trying to get her down for a month but we think she could put a Permanent Sticking Charm on the back of canvas. Let's get downstairs, quick, before they all wake up again."

We all walk through a door that leads us to a flight of steps. "But what's a portrait of your mother doing here?"

"Hasn't anyone told you? This was my parents' house," Sirius says as we continue to walk. "But I'm last Black left, so it's mine now. I offered it yo Dumbledore for headquarters...about the only useful thing I've been able to do."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," The stranger says with a straight face. "You've kept the lot of us sane, so that's a plus."

"Who are you?" I ask, cringing at how straight forward I was.

Her eyes flick to me before looking away, almost as if she rememebered something horrible. She shakes her head and smiles as we continue to walk. "I'm Jean, it's nice to see you two again."


She nods as we reach the basem*nt kitchen. "I was friends with your parents, so obviously I saw you both when you were babies. I also went with Remus to watch...the third task." She awkwardly opens the door, allowing us all to enter the room before she could.

The kitchen is a lot less gloomy, but not much better. One of the only sources of light is a huge fire on the far end of the room.

Mr. Weasley and Bill seem to be having a conversation, that is, until Mrs. Weasley clears her throat to grab her husband's attention.

He turns to us and a large smile makes itself known on his face. "Harry! Hailey! Good to see you two!"

I smile at him, deciding not to talk at the moment. Jean is already in the room, standing next to Sirius. Harry is beside me, staring at the room.

"Journey all right?" Bill asks as he seems to be rolling up lengths of parchment. "Mad-Eye didn't make you come via Greenland then?"

"He tried," Tonks says while walking toward Bill.

"Tonks, maybe you should wait," Jean says while grabbing the girl's arm. "Why don't you sit down?"

"But I want to help!"

"I know you do," she says with a smile. "But Bill doesn't need much help now."

While I'm staring at the Jean and Tonks scene, Harry seems to be glancing at the parchments, causing Mrs. Weasley to be perturbed.

"This sort of thing ought to be cleared away promptly at the end of the meetings," Mrs. Weasley snaps.

Bill doesn't reply, but pulls out his wand. "Evanesco!" And just like that, the scrolls are gone.

"Come down you two," Sirius says while taking his place at the table. Jean sits to the right of Sirius, keeping an eye on Tonks. "You've both met Mundungus haven't you?"

This thing that looks like a pile of rags gives a long grunting snore before jerking away. "Some'n say m' name? I 'gree with Sirius..." he raises a hand as if he's voting, causing Ginny to giggle.

The meeting's over, Dung," Sirius says as Harry sits down next to me. "Harry and Hailey have arrived."

"Eh?" He glances at both of us through his ginger hair. "Blimey, so 'e 'as. Yeah... you all right, 'arry?"

"Yeah," Harry says. He honestly looks uncomfortable....aww poor him.

Mundungus pulls out a grimy black pipe and ignites it. Large clouds of green smoke fill the room. "Owe you a'pology."

Jean starts coughing, causing Sirius to pat her on the back.

"For the last time, Mundungus, will you please not smoke that thing in the kitchen, especially when we're about to eat!" Mrs. Weasley hands a rag to Jean so she can cover her mouth.

"Thanks Molly," she mutters, not coughing as much.

"Anytime dear," Mrs. Weasley says before glaring at Mundungus. "Mundungus!"

"Right. sorry Molly."

The cloud leaves the room, but a smell of burning socks still lingers. Jean puts down the rag and just glares at the man.

"And, if you want to eat dinner before midnight, I'll need a hand." Harry and I start to stand up, but Mrs. Weasley stops us. "No, you can stay where you are, dears, you've had a long journey."

"I'll go then," Jean says while slipping out of her chair.

Mrs. Weasley smiles at her. "Are you sure? You had a nasty cough."

She shrugs while glaring at Mundungus. "He's always smoking in here, maybe I'm more used to it."

Okay. She sounds a bit mad. And I feel like Mundungus thinks that too since he's sinking into the bundle of clothing on him like a turtle.

"What can I do Molly?" Tonks asks enthusiastically.

Mrs. Weasley looks at her awkwardly before looking toward Jean. Jean shrugs, obviously not wanting to make the call either. "Er - no, it's all right, Tonls, you have to rest too, you've done enough today-"

"No, no, I want to help!" Tonks says while knocking over a chair as she hurries to help Ginny get the dishes.

Soon, Mrs. Weasley is making about a dozen heavy knives cut up meats and vegtables, while Jean is stirring a cauldron over the fire.

"Seen old Figgy since?"

Oh right, Mundungus is here. "No, I haven't seen anyone."

In the corner of my eye, I see Crookshanks and Midnight play fighting, jumping away from the other every few nips.

"See I wouldn' 'ave left," Mundungus says while leaning forward, "but I 'ad a business opportunity-"

"They don't need to know about your work, Mundungus," Jean says while stirring the pot. Her blue eyes glare at him.

Mundungus sinks further into his chair when she seems to flicker, showing some scaly wings and her face resembles a bird's for a spilt second.


I turn to the girl who is back to looking really pretty, softly smiling as she stirs the pot. "Jean?"

"Yeah?" Her eyes flick to me before looking back at the pot.

"Are you a veela?"

Okay, what's with me being so straightforward? That's stupid of me.

She once again softly smiles before chuckling for a few seconds. "You're straight forward, aren't you?"

I shrug, but lean on my wrist as I wait to find out.

She notices this of course and silently charms the spoon to stir on its own as she walks over to me.

"If you want to know so badly," she says while sitting down, "then yes. Well, half, my mum was a full on veela."

"Oh." I really don't know what else to ask. It's really nice that she actually answered my question. How many people will answer that kind of questions?

My response however, has her smiling. "You're cute, you know that?" Her eyes flick over to Sirius for a second, a soft smile spreading on her face as she just sees him petting Crookshanks. She shakes her head before going back to me. "Sorry that I couldn't go get you by the way."

I tilt my head at the woman. "Why are you sorry?"

She shrugs, glancing at the pot, making sure the spoon is still stirring. "Well, I'd love to see the Dursleys, your parents, well your dad mostly, would constantly complain about those two."

"You knew our parents?" My voice is a but more excited then I would like.

"Yep!" She grins, scratching at a piece of food stuck on the table that Molly seemed to miss when she cleaned the table. "In my later years, you could probably consider your dad one of my best friends, although I was never number one." She once again smiles, but it looks a bit sadder. "Sirius always had that spot, which was fine. But, your dad was a great guy."

Maybe I can get more information from her about my parents?

But, she looks like everything she's saying is painful.

"Let go of the silver, Mundungus." Jean says without even looking at him.

"It's fine, love, it doesn't really matter if he nicks it."

Wait, 'love'?"

I glance at both of them, putting two and two together. Okay, I can see it I guess.

"Yeah?" Her eyes look like she's deciding if she wants to challenge him or not. They stare at eachother before Jean looks away first.

"Ha! I win!"

A smile spreads across her features as she suppresses a laugh. "Shut up." Her eyes flick over to Mundungus. "I expect you to give me back my ring before you leave Mundungus."

He jumps and looks like he was just caught, which it seems like he was just caught. "'ow did you know that?"

She tilts her head and grins. "I didn't until you confirmed it just now."

I stiffle a laugh at how they all interact with eachother. Do they ever really grow up, because it seems like they all act like children still.

"Fred - George - No, just carry them!" Mrs. Weasley shrieks at her two sons.

We all duck when we realize the Fred and George bewitched a large cauldron of stew, a flagon of butterbeer, and a breadboard (knife included), to hurtle at us at the same time.

The cauldron skids onto the table, leaving a burn trail. The flagon is saved by Jean using a levitating spell and gently putting it on the table. The knife on the board falls and lands point down, in the same place where Sirius had his hand a few moments prior.

"For heaven's sake! There was no need! I've had enough of this! Just because you're allowed to use magic now doesn't mean you should whip out your wands out for every little thing!"

"I'm guessing they've been annoying," I mutter, staring at the fuming Mrs. Weasley.

Jean nods, looking interested in the drama as well. "Very."

"We were trying to save a bit of time!" Fred says while pulling the knife out of the table. "Sorry Sirius, mate -didn't mean to-"

Harry and Sirius interupt him by laughing, causing Jean and I to laugh as well at the situation.

"Boys," Mr. Weasley says while putting the stew at the middle of the table. "Your mother's right, you're supposed to be show a sense of responsibility now you come of age-"

"None of your brothers caused this much trouble!" Molly rages slamming another flagon of butterbeer on the table, even though Jean saved the first one. "Bill didn't feel the need to Apparate every few feet! Charlie didn't Charm everything he met! Percy-"

She stops dead, her face paling. Jean looks down, making me guess that she was there during the initial fight.

"Let's eat," Bill says quickly, causing everyone to sigh in relief.

"It looks wonderful, Molly," Lupin says with a smile making me do a double take.

He was just not talking for a good thirty minutes. I literally forgot he was there.

Everyone shuffles silently, getting their plates filled.

"I've been meaning to tell you, there's something trapped in the writing desk in the drawing room, it keeps rattling and shaking. Of course, it could just be a boggart, but I thought we ought to ask Alastor to have a look at it before we let it out."

Jean snorts as eats some of the stew. "He's probably going to say a basilisk or something equally bad."

If anyone could hear her, they sure don't act like it.

"The curtains are in full of doxies too," Mrs. Weasley says, "I thought we might try and tackle them tomorrow."

"I look forward to it," Sirius says in a sarcastic tone, causing Jean to smile at him.

Yeah these two most probably have something going on. Should I ask her about it? No. That would be overstepping boundaries, wouldn't it?

"So, Hailey," Jean says with a grin, drinking some butterbeer. I just nod at her, as if asking her to continue as I eat some stew. "You ever heard of a kid named Draco Malfoy?"

Have you ever spit out hot stew before? It hurts.

In the corner of my eye, I see Jean smirking at the whole thing. She's enjoying this.

"I've met him."

"Really?" She lifts a brow, still smiling. "Remus told me how close you two are. Honestly, that's absolutely adorable."

I am so lucky that I wasn't eating anything, I probably would have done the same thing again.

"Yeah...we're sort of friends."

"Good," Jean says while getting herself another helping of the stew. "I knew his father, who was an absolute prat by the way, and I was hoping that the kid would get some good influences."

"Well...he still is a prat most of the time."

"Oh really?" She says, her eyes trained on me. "Please do tell."

This girl somewhat makes me feel safe and at the same time creeps me out. "Why do you need to know?"

"I don't," Jean responds, going back to her food. "I just want to know what's happening with my Goddaughter, that's all."

When I say I looked in her direction quickly, that's an understatement. "You're-"

"You Godmother? Yep!" She smiles brightly, sipping some butterbeer. "James and Lily thought it would be funny to have Sirius be Harry's Godfather and I be your Godmother, while Remus is your Godfather and Marley was Harry's Godmother." Her face drops when mentioning the last person.

In fact, I don't even think I'm familiar with the name.


Jean grips onto her spoon in an almost unnoticeable way. She smiles, her eyes trained onto the spoon. "She was my best friend at school, honestly a great girl." Oh, she seems nice. "She died...a few months before you, your brother, and your parents got attacked by V- him."


"Like I said, great girl." Jean says, forcing a smile. She glances at my plate, noticing that I haven't eaten much. "You should go on and eat you know. You've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow, doxies and all."


And just as the conversation started, it ends.

"I don't think we need to hear any more of your business dealings, thank you very much, Mundungus." Mrs. Weasley says while cutting the tension between the woman next to me and I.

"Beg pardon, Molly," Mundungus says while wiping his eyes. "But, you know, Will nicked 'em orf Warty Harris in the first place so I wasn't really doing anything wrong-"

Jean snorts at his statement, but doesn't comment.

"I don't know where you learned about right from wrong, Mundungus, but you seem to have missed a few crucial lessons."

Jean nudges me with a grin, catching me completely off track. She looked depressed five seconds ago! "Molly didn't approve of the Mundungus, well neither do I." She stops from her butterbeer. "He's a thief, you see, so I can't trust him. Hey Mundungus!"

He jumps and looks at Jean anxiously. "Yes?"

"My coin purse is about a quarter less heavy then an hour ago, care to explain?"

He looks even more nervous as she speaks. "And you think I did it?"

She glances at Fred and George who look amused. "Fred, George, did you steal some of my money?"

"Of course not!" They say in unision.

I narrow my eyes at both of them, causing them to wave at me awkwardly. "Did you guys steal her money?"

Fred drops any hint of mischeaviousness and just tilts his head. "We wouldn't Hails."

"Okay they're not lying," I say while cleaning up any mess I left on the table from eating.

Jean looks at Fred and I and smiles softly. "I know." She glares at Mundungus, making the man jump. "Give me back my money."

Mundungus curses before dropping a couple dozen Galleons on the table. Jean summons them and puts them in her coin purse before glaring at Mundungus again. "Don't do that again."

"Of course, sorry."

"I did!" Harry yells out suddenly. "I asked Ron and Hermione but they said we're not allowed in the Order, so-"

"And they're quite right," says Mrs. Weasley. "You're too young."

"I don't know about that Molly-" Jean is about to say something but Mrs. Weasley glares at her, causing her to look down. "Nevermind."

"Since when does someone have to be in the Order of the Phoenix to ask questions?" Sirius asks, looking at Jean in concern. "Harry and Hailey have been trapped in that Muggle house for a month. They've got the right to know what's been happen-"

"Hang on!" George interrupts.

"How come they get their questions answered?" Fred asks angrily.

"We've been trying to get stuff out of you for a month and we haven't told a single stinking thing!"

"You're too young, you're not in the Order," Fred says in a high pitched voice. "They aren't even of age!"

"It's not my fault that you haven't told the Order's doing," Sirius says calmly. "That's your parents' decision."

"It's really not." Jean says, finally speaking up. "They are of age."

"Sit down Jean."

You know, I think that Jean is semi afraid of Mrs. Weasley. She does follow what the woman says fron what I've seen.

"Harry, on the other hand-"

"It's not down to you to decide what's good for Harry! And don't you go saying the same thing for Hailey, Jean! You both haven't forgotten that what Dumbledore said, I suppose?"

"Which bit?" Jean says sarcastically.

"The bit about not telling them more than they need to know!"

"We don't intend to, Molly-"

"I don't intend to tell him more than he needs to know, Molly," Sirius says. "But, he was the one who saw Voldemort come back, they both saw him come back. They have more than a right to than most to-"

"They aren't members of the Order of Phoenix! They're only fifteen-"

"And they've dealt with as much as most in the Order," Jean and Sirius says in unison, both looking irritated.

"No one's denying what they've done!" Mrs. Weasley says with her voice rising. "But they are still only children-"

"He's not a child!"

Great to know you care about me Sirius.

Kidding, I don't really care if he cares about Harry a bit more. Harry is his godson after all.

"He's not an adult either!" Mrs. Weasley yells as her cheeks turn red. "He's not James, Sirius."

Jean goes pale before rising from her seat. "This was a lovely dinner. Thank you, Molly." Jean says while summoning a ring from Mundungus' pocket. "I think I'm going to turn in for the night, talk to you all later."

And with that, Jean leaves the room.

You know, I don't even really want to know any of this. I just want a year without stress about Voldemort.

Chapter 83: Doughnuts

Chapter Text



"Get up!"


I emerge from underneath the blanket, glaring at the two idiots jumping on my bed. "Go back to your own room!" I groan before putting the blanket over my head again.

"Nope!" Fred says while tearing the blanket off of me. "Your brother just left you know."

"I'm well aware!" With a groan, I sit up, running my fingers through my hair in an attempt to fix it. "Harry doesn't need me stressing him out."

"You're his sister."

"Oh, you noticed." I saw, finally standing up. Fred and George are staring at me, making me ever so aware that I am wearing loosely fit shorts and a tank top. "Get out!"



They both are apologizing, causing me to throw a pillow at Fred. "Out!" Luckily, they scramble out of the room after that to my relief. I shake my head at their idiocy, but a smile is present on my face. "They both are such idiots."

After a few minutes of hopping around, trying to find a unwrinkled shirt, I finally am dressed.

Unfortunately, once I open my door, I'm greeted by Fred and George falling due to the fact that they were leaning on the door.

"What the hell you two?!"

"Oh, we seemed to trip, right Fred?"

"How strange."

I roll my eyes, but still smile at them. "You both are idiots."

Fred's grin widens as he scrambles to his feet. "We do try."

I don't reply, but instead I walk down the hall.


"What?" I turn around and jump when Fred is really close.

"Mum says that we all have the day off because of the hearing."

Oh, yay, I guess.

What? I'm still tired and I'm pretty grumpy when you literally wake me up too early.

"Great," I say with my hands in my jeans pockets. With a sigh, I walk down the stairs, making my way silently towards the kitchen. I really want some food right now.

But, it seems like the food has already been served.

With a sigh, I rumage through the cabniates, only to jump as a crack echoes through the room.

"Molly ran out of food so she went out..." Jean! I smile as I turn around to see the woman. I haven't seen her for a few days, ever since the night Harry and I arrived here. The woman lifts up a paper bag with a smile, causing me to tilt my head. "I did get some doughnuts for us though!"

Her bright smile, the ever so mouth watering smell of fresh doughnuts, the fact that I am smiling as's just so strange to me. his is honestly the most normal thing I've experianced for years. So much drama, so many monsters, so many things happening. Why can't this be my life? Why couldn't I be raised with my mother and father in the wizarding world? Why did I have to be born as me?

"Hey, you're crying!" Jean drops the bag and kneels to my level, making me gape at her. I didn't even notice that I was crying. I quickly wipe away any stray tears and fake a smile, causing Jean to frown and shake her head. "That's not going to work on me you know! I've done that little trick way too much myself!" She stands up, making me huff as I realize that she's quite a bit taller than me. She extends her hand out, prompting me to grab it. "Now, let's chow down on some doughnuts before the others find out, yeah?"

I smile and nod, "yeah."

Chapter 84: Learn How To Knock

Chapter Text


I almost yell as Ginny throws a Dungbomb at the door to the kitchen. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if murder is the answer sometimes.

Perhaps I'm just more nervous than usual due to Harry not being back yet. That's always a possibility I guess.

With a huff, I quietly stomp up the stairs and glare at the female. "What the hell, Ginny!"

"Sorry!" She laughs, lifting her hands up in an attempt to make me calm down. Spoiler alert, it didn't work. "It was only one Dungbomb anyways."

"Well I don't want to smell like dung!"

"Why would you smell like dung?" I jump at the voices, but immediately calm down when I realize that it is just Fred and George.

"Well, if you must know," I say while glancing at the Dungbomb below, "your sister accidentally threw a Dungbomb at me."

"Nice," Fred says while having Ginny give him a high-five.

Wow, I feel so loved right now. I'm sure anyone would be jealous of all the love I'm receiving. Just wow. So much love.

"You all are idiots," I mutter while massaging my temples. I have a huge headache because nothing can go right when you're me.

"Yes-" George begins while leaning on one of my shoulders.

"But we're-" Fred continues, leaning on my other shoulder.

"your idiots!"

Is that how Harry and I sound when we speak in unison? It's kind of creepy when you're not used to it.

"Be careful," Ginny says while putting a finger to her lips. "We don't want to wake up that portrait."

"I swear, I'll find some way to deal with that woman one day," I mutter. Unfortunately, I can't even test anything because the trace is still a thing.

I'm pretty sure the Ministry would have a field day if I got a trail as well honestly. They are pretty sick I guess.

Like they haven't announced that two dementors are on the loose. Or maybe they don't know.

All I know is that Fudge is behind this in one way or another. Maybe it's one of the people at the Ministry's fault, but they are connected.

"Maybe George and I will make something that will remove the she-devil!" Fred says with a grin that makes me smile. He extends his hand out, gesturing to nothing. "Imagine it!"

I laugh, knowing that these two are more than determined to start their joke shop. "Got a portrait of a family member you hate stuck on your wall? Well check out the greatest invention since Dungbombs!" I fake a telemarketer voice, causing the three of us to laugh.

Ginny shakes her head and ends up walking off, probably not wanting to risk catching our idiocy. Fred leans on me again as we stop laughing. "We need to make that! You'll help us with it, right?"

I nod, causing Fred and George to grin in amusem*nt. "I would have to, you both are helpless without me."

"Not true!" George says while pushing me playfully. "We make all our products ourselves!"

"And if I wasn't around, you would be testing them on random people."

They both then go quiet, acknowledging that I am in fact essential to their business. Well, as essential as I could be. All I do is test out if it will kill someone and such.

Honestly, anyone could do that.

"Either way, remember to look out for us when we graduate!"

"Oh but of course!" I grin in a teasing manner at Fred. "I'm sure everyone at Hogwarts will go to you two when the shop opens up."

"You'll put in a good word for us, I hope?" George asks, almost pleading, which shocks me. Exactly how many people would listen to me?

I smile and nod. "Of course I will, but you might want to ask Harry to do that as well."

"Oh, we will!"

You know, due to the fact that I got into a conversation with the twins, I honestly forgot why I was even out.

"Hey, do you guys know where Jean is?" I ask, remembering why I was out. She told me about a muggle book she wanted to read, From the Earth to the Moon, and I realized that I have the book.

Fred and George look at each other, as if talking telepathically. Fred puts a hand to his chin, as if he's thinking, making me laugh.

The boy in question then snaps his fingers as if he's got it. "I think she's hanging out with Sirius in his room."

"Oh," I say quietly. I haven't asked her if Sirius and her are a thing, but I'm pretty sure they are. "Do you know where that is? I wanted to give her a book."

"Top floor, the plate literally has his name."

"Thanks!" I say while walking up the stairs. The house isn't that big, but I still don't like running so by the time I reach the top of the stairs, I'm huffing a but more than the usual person.

And sure enough, there is the door with his name on it.

Should I knock? I really don't want to make too much noise.

Shaking off my thoughts, I open the door, "Jean, I found the book you - oh."

You know, I probably should have knocked. They aren't doing anything too terrible, just making out, but it's still awkward in the few seconds I'm staring before looking away.

Jean and Sirius stare at me for a moment, before Jean grabs her wand from the floor and wordlessly causes the door to close, leaving me in the hallway.

I hear an audible click, causing me to realize that she probably locked the door.

Deciding that I should burn my memories, I start to walk away, only to come face to face with a Eagle Owl Patronus that seems to have Jean's voice coming out of it.

"Hailey, why wouldn't you - nevermind. Before you try to talk, you can't, this is a message. Sorry for burning your eyes, really didn't think anyone would walk in. Either way, from what I just heard, you have the book I wanted to read! Great! Just give it to me at dinner. Sorry again!"

You know...I really should have knocked...


Chapter 85: How Did They Become Prefects

Chapter Text

"I knew it!" Ron yells while punching the air. "You always get away with stuff!"

"They were bound to clear you," Hermione says in a matter of factly tone. "There was no case against you, none at all."

"Everyone seems quite relieved, though, considering that they all knew I'd get off." Harry has a smile on his face, making me smile.

"Well of course!" I say while leaning on my brother. "We all knew that they didn't have a case, but we didn't know if they would follow their own laws."

"He got off, he got off, he got off!" Fred, George, and Ginny all start chanting.

"That's enough, settle down!" Mr. Weasley shouts. "Listen, Sirius, Lucius Malfoy was at the Ministry-"

Sirius and I both looked shocked. While I know Draco's father works with the Ministry, I don't know how close he does.

"What?" Sirius asks sharply. Jean is just staring at the scene from beside me, sipping from a tea cup.

"Hee got off, he got off, he got off-"

"Be quiet, you three! Yes, we saw him talking to Fudge on level nine, then they went up to Fudge's office together. Dumbledore ought to know."

"Absolutely," Sirius replies, getting annoyed with the three Weasleys that are still chanting. "We'll tell him, don't worry."

"Well I'd better get going, there's a vomiting toilet in Bethnal Green waiting for me. Molly, I'll be late, I'm covering for Tonks but Kingsley might be dropping in for dinner-"

"He got off, he got off, he got off-"

"That's enough - Fred - George - Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley hisses. I swear I can hear Jean humming the chant while she sips her tea, making me snort. She stares at me for a moment before winking. "Harry dear, come and sit have some hardly ate breakfast..."

Everyone seems super happy due to the fact that Harry isn't expelled, except for Sirius who seems to be frowning, but faking a smile whenever Harry looks at him.

"'Course, once Dumbledore turn up on your side, there was no way they were going to convict you," Ron says happily, putting some mashed potatoes on my plate.

"Thanks Ron-"

"Anytime Hails," he nods before putting potatoes on everyone else's plates.

"Yeah, he, swung it for me," Harry says. He looks like he wants to say something else, but decides against it.

Woah, he's actually thinking about what he should say? Congratulations Harry, you've gotten smarter.

He then proceeds to clap his hand over his scar and hiss, causing a burning feeling to go through my entire hand moments after seeing the pain Harry's scar gives him.

Hermione looks alarmed at both of us. "What's up?"

"Scar..." Harry mutters while looking at me to wonder if it's the same for me. I nod and he looks back to Hermione. "But it's nothing...It happens all the time now."

"You never told me that," I say with concern. His scar has been bothering him that much and he didn't tell me?

Nobody seems to have noticed Harry's pain except for Jean who is staring at both of us and putting another tea bag in her cup.

"I bet Dumbledore turns up this evening to celebrate with us, you know." Ron is smiling as he stuffs his face with potatoes.

"I don't think he'll be able to, Ron," Mrs. Weasley says while setting a big chicken on the tablr. "He's very busy at the moment."


"Shut up!"

I huff as Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I scrub out the moldy cupboard. Harry was just talking about how he feels bad about leaving Sirius due to the male being a moody little teenager about Harry leaving.

"Don't you go feeling guilty!" Hermione says sternly. "You belong at Hogwarts and Sirius knows it! Personally, I think he's being selfish."

"That's a bit harsh, Hermione," both Ron and I say at the same time. We look at eachother before continuing to scrub the mold.

"You wouldn't want to be stuck inside a house without company!"

"But he has company!" Honestly, sometimes Ron has my respect and sometimes I think he's an idiot. "This is the headquarters of the Order, after all. And, he does have Jean here!"

"She leaves every few weeks though," Ron says, huffing when the mold he is scrubbing at won't decrease in size.

"Well, she does still have her father to take care of," Hermione pitches in. "He's just got his hopes up that Harry would be coming to live with him."

You know, I would be pissed off that Sirius cares more about Harry, but he is Harry's godfather.

Harry squeezes out the water from his cloth. "I don't think that's true. He wouldn't give me a straight answer when I asked him if I could."

"You what?" My voice echoes as I stare at him. "Harry, I'm sorry to say but moving somewhere else is something we need to talk about!"

"He just didn't want to get his hopes up even more!" Hermione says, ignoring what I just said. "And he probably felt so guilty himself, because I think a part of him was really hoping you'd be expelled. Then you'd be outcasts together."

"Come off it!" Harry and Hermione yell out. Hermione just shrugs in response.

"Suit yourselves. But I sometimes think Ron's mum's right, and Sirius gets confused about whether you're you or your father, Harry."

"She's not wrong you know," a voice makes us all jump. Jean crosses her leg as she just sits on the bed behind us. "It's rather unnerving to see both of you." She shakes her head sadly. "The amount of times I've almost called you two by your parent's names in the last few weeks is unimaginable."

"See?" Hermione extends her hand out to gesture to Jean. "Sirius isn't crazy or anything, Harry! He misses his best friend!"

"Hang on," I cut in, staring at Jean. "How did you Apparate in here without us noticing?"

"Oh I didn't!" She grins, adjusting where she's sitting due to the fact that her hair is getting in the way. "You all were yelling so much that I was able to just walk in here. You all need to work on that."

You know, sometimes I forget that the person in front of me was a part of the original Order of the Phoenix. Even on top of that, she is pretty smart now that I think about it.

"Still not finished?" Mrs. Weasley surprises us all as she enters the room.

"I thought you might here to give us a break!" Ron seems rather bitter about the whole thing. "D'you know how much mold we've got since rid of since we arrived here?"

"You were so keen to help out the Order," Mrs. Weasley says. "You can do your bit by making the headquarters fit to live in."

"I feel like a house-elf," Ron grumbles. If I wasn't afraid of Hermione, I would agree with him.

"Well now you understand what dreadful lives they lead, perhaps you'll be more active in S.P.E.W.!" Hermione says hopefully. I do think that house-elves are treated poorly, but the way Hermione goes about it is completely wrong. "You know, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to show people exactly how horrible it is to clean all the time - we could do a sponsored scrub of Gryffindor common room, all proceeds go to S.P.E.W., it would raise awareness as well as funds-"

"I'll sponsor you to shut up about spew," Ron mutters. I nod in agreement, causing Hermione to look at me offended.

"Hailey, booklists arrived!" Ron yells, causing me to get up and shuffle toward Harry and Ron's room. Ron throws me my envelope and I catch it.

Being careful not to get a paper cut, I open the envelope to see two sheets of parchment like normal. The first just lists the books I need and the second says school starts September first.

"Only two new ones," Ron says as if we can't read. "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Five, by Miranda Goshawk and Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard."

A loud crack makes us all jump. Fred decides to sit next to me on the floor, waving until I wave back.

"We were wondering who assigned the Slinkhard book," Fred says while leaning on me.

"Because it means Dumbledore's found a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," George pitches in, taking a seat next to Harry.

"About time too."

"What do you mean?" Harry asks. I'm confused as well, but I have a theory about why it's becoming difficult.

"Well, we overheard Mum and Dad talking on the Extendable Ears a few weeks back," Fred tells Harry, "and from what they were saying, Dumbledore was having real trouble finding anyone for the job this year."

"Not surprising, is it, when you look at what's happened to last four?"

"One sacked-" Harry says.

"One dead-" I continue.

"One's memory removed-"

"And one locked in a trunk for nine months," I say, ignoring the weird stares due to the fact that Harry and I just did something we've been doing for years. Honestly, get used to it.

"That wasn't creepy at all," Fred chuckles.

I push him, smiling myself. "Hypocrite."

"What's up with you, Ron?" Fred asks, making me stare at a shocked Ron Weasley. His mouth is open as he gapes at his Hogwarts letter. "What's the matter?" Fred stands up and walks toward Ron, gaping when he sees the letter as well.

"What is it?" I ask, not getting up because I'm lazy.

"Prefect?" Wait, Ron is a prefect? Huh? How does that work? "Prefect?"

George grabs the envelope and a scarlet and gold badge falls onto his palm.

How in the hell did Ron become a prefect? Like how?! No disrespect towards him...none at all. But I didn't become a prefect, so why did Ron become a prefect? Why didn't Harry become a prefect? I'm just so confused.

"No way," George says in a hushed tone while staring at the badge.

"There's been a mistake," Fred says while snatching the letter from Ron and putting it to the light. "No one in their right mind would make a Ron a prefect..."

Okay, everyone thinks Harry and I creepy, but they don't talk about how Fed and George literally turn around and stare at Harry in unison.

"We thought you were cert!"

"We thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you!"

"Winning the Triwizard and everything!"

"Hey I won that too! It was a three way tie!" I huff. What? I don't like people forgetting things I've done, Harry already has the spotlight on him most of the time anyways.

"Tell me you at least got prefect?!" Fred says while sliding over to me.

I shake my head and hand him my letters and envelope. "I'm afraid not."

"Well, I guess you've both caused too much trouble. Well, at least you two have your priorities straight." Fred puts his arm on top my my head and acts like I'm an armrest, to which I slap his arm until he stops. "Prefect...ickle Ronnie the prefect..."

"Oh Mum's going to be revolting," George throws the badge at Ron, who then hands the badge to Harry.

The door then slams open to reveal a red faced Hermione. "Did you - did you get -" She spots the badge in Harry's hand and shrieks. "I knew it! Me too, me too!"

"No," Harry pushes the badge into Ron's hand. "It's Ron, not me."

"It - what?"

"Ron's the prefect, not me."

"Ron?" Hermione's jaw droos at the news. "But...are you sure? I mean-"

Ron looks deflated that everyone is shocked about it, which makes me feel bad. Like, he may not be the canidate everyone thought would be prefect, but the fact that everyone's reacting like this is kind of sad.

Don't mind me being a hypocrite.

"It's my name on the letter."

"I..." Hermione trails off as she looks super surprised. "! Well done Ron! That's really-"

"Unexpected," George says while nodding, making me slap his arm.

"No," Hermione says while blushing. "no, it's not...Ron's done loads of...he's really..."

Poor Ron.

The door then opens again with Mrs. Weasley bringing in freshly laundered robes. "Ginny said the book lists have come at last. If you give them to me I'll then over to Diagon Alley this afternoon and get your books while you're packing. Ron, I'll have to get you more pajamas, these are at least six inches too short, I can't believe how fast you're growing...what color would you like?"

"Get him red and gold to match his badge," George says while smirking, dodging me so I can't slap his arm.

"Match his what?" Mrs. Weasley isn't even listening as she rolls up some maroon socks.

"His badge," Fred says. "His lovely shiny new prefect's badge." Fred unfortunately, well fortunately for me, doesn't dodge as I hit his arm.

Mrs. Weasley takes a moment to process what her son said before she drops the clothes she was folding. "His...his...Ron, you're not?"

Ron holds up his badge and Mrs. Weasley shrieks. "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!"

"What are Fred and I, the next door neighbors?" George asks while Mrs. Weasley pushes him aside so she can hug Ron.

"Wait until your father hears! Ron I'm so proud of you, what a wonderful news, you could end up Head Boy like Bill and Percy, it's the first step! Oh, what a thing to happen in the middle of all the worry, I'm just thrilled, oh Ronnie-"

A crack makes us all jump as Jean appears, making me smile. She said she needed to go out, but it seems like she's back. "I heard screaming, everything alright?"

Mrs. Weasley stops focusing on her son for a moment and just wags her finger at Jean. "It would have taken you a minute to walk up those stairs! I swear, you're where Fred and George get that from!"

"They've known me for like...what? Two months?" Jean says while waving at me. "Anyways, what happened?"

Like a switch was flipped, Mrs. Weasley beams at Ron. "My little Ronnie is a prefect!"

"Oh, great," Jean nods at the boy. "Remember to penalize the jackarses for me, yeah?"


"Gotta go!" She fake salutes and Disapparates away, making me laugh.

"You've got to get a reward for this!" Mrs. Weasley says fondly, not going after Jean. "How about a nice new set of dress robes?"

"Hailey him some last year," Fred says sourly.

"Or a new cauldron, Charlie's old one's rusting through, or a new rat you always likes Scabbers-"

I flinch at the mention of Scabbers, my hand unconsciously going towards the scar on my arm where Peter f*cking Pettigrew carved into it last year. Fred squeezes my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"Mum, can I get a new broom?" Ron asks hopefully.

Mrs. Wealsey's face falls. Right before I offer to help pay for it, Ron continues. "Not a really good one! Just - just a new one for a change..."

Mrs. Weasley hesitates before smiling. "Of course you can...Well I'd better get going if I got a broom to buy too. I'll see you all later...little Ronnie a prefect! And on't forget to pack your trunks...A prefect...oh I'm all of a dither!"

Fred and George look at eachother before grinning. "You don't mind if we kiss you, do you Ron?" Fred asks.

"We could curtsy, if you like," George matches his twin's grin.

"Oh, shut up," Ron scowls angrily

"Or what?" Fred's grin gets even wider, which, I didn't even know was possible. "Going to put us in detention?"

"I'd love to see him try," George says while laughing.

"He could if you don't watch out!" Hermione says, getting angry herself, causing Fred, George, and I to laugh.

I stop after Hermione glares at me though.

"Drop it, Hermione." Ron looks sad...aww...that's sad I guess.

"We're going to have to watch our step, George," Fred says while fake trembling. "With these two on our case..."

"Yeah, looks like our law-breaking days are finally over," George says while shaking his head sadly.

Fred waves before booth him and his brother Disapparate out of the room with a loud crack.

"Those two!" Hermione says furiously, staring at the ceiling as we hear Fred and George laughing upstairs. "Don't pay enough attention to them, Ron they're only jealous!"

"I don't think they are," Ron says with doubt etched onto his face. "They've always said only prats become prefects...still, they've never had new brooms! I wish I could go with Mum and choose...She'll never be able to afford a Nimbus, but there's a new Cleansweep out, that'd be great...Yeah, I think I'm going to go tell her I'd like the Cleansweep, just so she knows..."

He dashes out of the room before we can even say anything else. "He seems happy."

"Well of course!" Hermione says before looking awkwardly at Harry. "Harry?"

"Well done." You know, Fred and George may not be jealous, but Harry sure is. "Brilliant. Prefect. Great."

"Thanks...." Hermione looks over to me for help but I just shrug. "Can I borrow Hedwig so I can tell Mum and Dad? They'll be really pleased - I mean prefect is something they can understand-"

"Yeah, no problem. Take her!" Aww, Harry's jealous. That's cute.

After Hermione leaves I just start to laugh, causing Harry to glare at me. "What is it?"

"You're jealous!" I say, throwing Harry a book that I only assume is his since it has his name on it.

Harry catches the book. "No I'm not!"

"You are!" I laugh again. "I never thought I'd see the day where you would be jealous, Harry! You always have everything handed to you on a silver platter after all-"

"If you're just going to be making fun of me, go hang out with Fred and George."

"Oh I will in a minute!" I say while sticking my tongue out. "I just want to relish in this moment."

"You're the worst sometimes, you know that?"

"I know."

Chapter 86: A New Teacher

Chapter Text

After being woken up by Mrs. Weasley yelling louder than the Black painting, I am not in a very good mood.

I am in a better mood when I get on the train and hugged by Andie. "I've missed you so much Hailey!"

"I've missed you too!" A smile spreads across my face as we make our way to a compartment. The smile fosters when I see only Blaise and Theo sitting in the compartment. "Where's Malfoy?"

"Oh, you didn't hear?" Blaise snickers, waving at his girlfriend. "He's a prefect."

"Oh." Great, another way Draco and I won't be able to hang out. "Who's the female prefect then?"

Andie rolls her eyes when I ask, making me tilt my head. Huh? "Pug face."

Now I know why she was ticked off.

"Honestly," Andie says while leaning on Blaise. "I thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you. You're the what...second best in most of the classes?"

I shrug. Draco surpasses me a lot so I wouldn't know if he's higher than me academically. "He probably didn't want to Prophet to try and dig up more things."

"Oh right, I forgot about that..." Andie unties her ponytail and stares at me in concern. "You alright? They've been saying some nasty things about your brother and you."

Before I can open my mouth, Theo grabs my shoulder. "Of course she isn't alright! What they're saying is absolutely rubbish and moronic!"

Andie sighs, putting her elastic onto her wrist. "Look, I'm not pleased with what they've been saying either-"

"You should be enraged!" Theo says, his hand still gripping my shoulder in I guess concern? "You're her friend Andie!"

"And as her friend, I have the right to question if what she saw wasn't some hallucination!"

"No you don't!" Theo yells back, finally letting go of my shoulder. "If Hailey says she saw the Dark Lord return, she saw it!"

"Guys..." I trail off, trying to get their attention. "Guys!"

Both fighting parties turn to me, their gazes softening.

Sighing in relief that they aren't fighting anymore, I decide that it probably is safe to talk.

"Andie..he's back. If it was a hallucination, how do you account for Harry and Diggory? We couldn't all have the same hallucination very easily."

Andie's eyes drop, realizing that she did just accuse of her friend of not seeing something so horrific.


"It's fine!" I wave my hand at her, effectively shutting the girl up. "I'm sure there's going to be very few people who actually believe me."

"Hailey, you coming?" Andie asks as they start to board a carriage to take them to the castle.

I shake my head, glancing at Harry who is behind me. "I think I'm going to hang out with my brother."

Andie just shrugs. "You're loss."

After a few moments, the carriage starts to move, making me stare at it for a few minutes until it disappears.

"Hey," I smile softly, waving at Harry. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and surprisingly Neville wave back at me.

Harry seems to be shocked at the carriages, staring at the thestrals in a scared sort of way. "What is it?"

"What's what?" Ron asks in confusion.

"That! Pulling the carriage."

Oh, that's what he's on about. But he hasn't seen actual death since we were like one, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't count for some reason.

Perhaps it's because we both saw Aimee's father die when he was brought back? That's probably the reason why he can see them.

And now Harry's making a big deal out of it. Honestly Harry, everyone's going to think you're a loon.

"Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. It's pulling itself, like always."

Harry steps forward, deciding to try and get on the carriage. Unfortunately, he's still freaked out by the thestrals.

I mean, I guess they are pretty strange looking.

"You're not going mad." A soft voice says, making me jump. As I look closer, it seems to be a young girl with dirty blonde hair holding a magizine upside down. "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am."

No offense, but that's not very reassuring?

We all decide to brush off Harry and the girl and just board the carriage. I sit in between Ron and the girl, while Harry, Hermione, and Neville sit on the other side.

Also, what the hell is Neville holding? Some sort of plant? I probably know it but I'm too lazy to remember.

After a few seconds of silence, Hermione decides to talk. "Hailey, this is Loony Love..." she glances around awkwardly. "Luna Lovegood."

I smile, now knowing the girl's name. "Nice to meet you, Luna."

She seems a bit too into her upside down magazine to really notice anything. "Hello to you too."

And now there's awkward silence again...yay.

The carriage finally starts moving, the thestral huffing a bit as it pulls us along.

"What an interesting necklace."

Luna picks up the necklace charm and starts to fiddle with it. "It's a charm, actually." She leans forward as if telling us a secret. "Keeps away the Nargles."

Nargles? What the hell are Nargles?

You know what, I honestly don't care. I'm more interested to know what kind of plant Neville is holding.

Just give me that answer and I'll be satisfied.

"Hungry....I hope there's pudding."

You know what, I respect her for liking pudding. I know that's strange, but a fan of pudding is a good person in my opinion.

I feel awfully inclined to be nice to the girl due to the fact that Hermione literally almost called her loony. I have no idea what that's about, but I don't like that. Sarcastic put downs are one things, but names that are cruel are something different altogether.

"What's a Nargle?" Ron mutters at Hermione across the carriage as we get closer to the castle.

"No idea."

"What happened to Aimee?" I ask while putting some pie onto my plate.

"You mean you don't know?" Andie asks, confirming that I do in fact not know.

Why would I ask if I knew?

She clears her throat glancing at Aimee who is sitting alone, dark bags surrounding her eyes. "Supposedly, they found her dad dead a few months back. Ministry said it was a wizard on wizard robbery gone wrong. I tried sending her a letter, but she never replied."

"Well maybe she's depressed!" I say a bit too loudly for my taste. "She did lose a family member Andie."

Andie just shrugs, taking a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. "I don't know, she could have confirmed that she was alright or something."

"Have some sympathy," I say, trying to stand up, but am ultimately stopped by Draco grabbing my wrist. "Let go."

"I'm not letting you make a fool out of yourself," He says, not looking at me, but still holding my wrist. "She doesn't want to be talked to, trust me, we already tried before you got in the castle."

I stare at him, wondering if I should believe him. "Fine, but at one point I need to talk to her."

Draco shrugs, finally letting go of my wrist. "Do what you want, just make sure people can't listen in. Everyone wants some dirt on you right now."

Oh right, everyone thinks that Harry, Cedric, and I are all lying about him coming back.

After about ten minutes, the plates are empty, causing Dumbledore to hit his glass with his spoon.

The laughing, talking children all quiet down. I notice a odd sort of woman, wearing all pink, but decide to not think of her at the moment. "Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank... who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures... while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

Why is he on leave? It's not like he has that Skeeter woman bothering him about his heritage anymore.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... Professor Dolores Umbridge.
And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck."

Professor Umbridge honestly looks like a toad. Her face is pudgy and her body shape can be described as a sack. She also is wearing all pink...which...why do you want to burn my eyes devil woman?

"Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you..."

"Hem hem."

Did she just...interrupt Dumbeldore? Did she just do that? Am I dreaming? Exactly who does she think she is?

She then proceeds to stand up and wlak forward, completely disregarding that her employer was talking. I don't like this all.

Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright... happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

I swear I could hear Fred and George in my head saying, "That's likely." I hang out with them too much.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered... the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance." Oh, so she's with the Ministry. Great, I don't like her.

I feel like Jean would be proud of me for thinking that. In fact, I'm pretty sure that she's going to be fuming when I write her a letter. Remus may not like it as well, but for some reason, Jean is really against the Ministry.

"Although each headmaster... has brought something new to this historic school..." she nods at Dumbledore, who looks absolutely annoyed.

I'm sorry, but are we all going to ignore that Trelawney literally just dunked a spoonful of whipped cream onto the table? Comparing that to this Umbridge woman, I do like Trelawney a lot more.

"Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."

You telling me that I shouldn't work on my handwriting to make it better.

Because that's progress for the sake of progress. You have to be specific woman.

Also, her smile is making me want to hide in my cloak like a turtle. She is way too happy.

"Let us preserve what must be preserved... perfect what can be perfected... and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

Oh. My. God. That laugh is

Also, what practices we talking about? You gotta be specific or kids are going to start hoping that you are going to ban Potions.

And you can't say stuff like this. It isn't your school, the curriculum is mandated by Dumbledore and the teacher. It's none of your business lady.

Umbridge starts to walk away slowly, causing Dumbledore to clap. Some students join in, but not that many.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating."

"Hey Malfoy," I nudge the boy, causing him to look at me. "You may be right, this place may be going to the dogs."

Chapter 87: Defense Against The Dark Arts

Chapter Text

"So, what's your opinion on Umbridge?" Draco asks as we walk together towards our first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of the term.

"I think she's horrible." I haven't even had a class with her but I already don't like the woman. There is just something off about that woman and I can't put my finger on it.

She's a odd one that makes me feel uncomfortable. Perhaps this year will be interesting.

As we continue to walk, I can't help but notice the awkward tension between Malfoy and I. Perhaps it's due to me being apprehensive around him now.

His father is a Death Eater after all.

I glance at him, but am unfortunately caught staring by the boy in question. "What?"



We both jump as a familiar voice echoes through the halls. As I glance in the direction of the voice, my guess of the person is correct;

Cedric Diggory.

I smile, but am semi aware of Draco glaring at the familiar seventh year. "Oh, hello. How are your classes going?"

"Oh, they're going alright I guees," the brunette says while lightly chuckling and scratching the nape of his neck. His face drops, however, a few seconds later. "Can I talk to you?"

"Oh," I glance at Draco who is shaking his head before looking back. "Yeah, we have a few more minutes until class."

"Potter, yo-"

"Can you go on ahead?" I ask while turning around, causing Draco to jump.

It's like he freezes for a moment before his mind processes what I asked. "Er - see you in class." And lime that, the pretentious boy walks away, waving goodbye.

I smile as he walks away, happy that he didn't make a big deal out of anything. Oh right, Cedric is here.

I turn around, making the boy jump. "Alright, what is it? I can't be late to class."

"Right!" He says, waving at a friend of his that just walked by. "I just wanted to thank you for - er - making sure I didn't die during the third task."

"Oh is that all?" I ask, my head tilting to the side. "Well, it wasn't like I was going to just let a fellow classmate get hurt."

"That just made me think," Cedric says, "how did you know that they would be there?"

I freeze at the question. I haven't told anyone about those visions. Should I even tell him?

No, I'm not going to tell someone that I barely know about a 'gift'. That's not a debate.

"I just had a feeling, you know?" I lie out of my teeth. There is no way I'm saying what really happened. Not now at least. If anything, the first person I will tell in my family. Deciding that it's a bit awkward, I decide to ask a personal question of my own. "So, how are you and Cho?"

Cedric jumps at the question, and I notice how his mood gets a bit more grim. "Fine I guess."

"You guess?" I question, narrowing my eyes in a questioning manner. "You two okay?"

"Yeah!" He nods his head quickly before slowing down and scratching the nape of his neck. "She was a bit mad that I didn't write her. My father just wanted me to lay low this summer."

"Oh, that's too bad," I say, glancing at the clock. "I'm sure you both will be able to talk it out. Anyways, class is starting soon, so..." I wave before turning around promptly and walking away. "So long."

And like that, I enter the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. The room makes me raise an eyebrow. Everyone is so quiet.

Does the entire class also feel apprehensive over Umbridge?

The pink clad woman is sitting at her desk, grinning wickedly as her eyes follow me as I sit next to Theo.

"Well, good afternoon!" Umbridge says in fake positivity.

A few people mumble out a response, but most are just tired due to the fact that we have had quite a few classes this morning.

"Tut, tut," Umbridge says. "That won't do, now, will it? I should lime you, please to reply 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good afternoon, class!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge."

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbitch."

Theo highfives me due to the fact that I am just a bit pissed off at this woman right now. Let us be anti social children, please.

I do not believe the woman heard me, or if she did, she hasn't reacted to it.


"There now," Professor Umbridge says in a tone that could possibly give me diabetes. "That wasn't too difficult, was it? Wands away and quills out, please."

I'm sorry, but this is Defense Against the Dark Arts. Don't we kind of need our wands know...practice?

Umbridge reveals her wand, which is oddly short, and taps the blackboard sharply.

Defense Against the Dark Arts
A Return to Basic Principles

Um....we're in fifth year? We shouldn't be doing basic things anymore. Does this woman want us to fail our O.W.L.s?

"Well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn't it?" Umbridge says while facing us and clashing her hands together annoyingly. "The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L. year."

Harry and I were literally a part of a three way the for the Tri Wizard tournament. You know, the one that almost got us over a dozen times?

Not to mention Harry battled the darkest wizard of our time and came out of it alive.

I think we're pretty ahead thank you very much.

"You will be pleased to know, howeber, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centered, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. Copy down the following please."




What the hell.

She taps the blackboard, causing it to write down in neat cursive:

Course aims:
1. Understanding the principles underlying defensive magic.
2. Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can legally be used.
3. Placing the use of defensive magic in a context for practical use.

Number one I understand, number three I understand, but number two is stupid. You use defensive spells to defend yourself.

Really, not that difficult to learn that if you aren't defending yourself, you shouldn't use defensive spells.

"Has everybody got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?"

Everyone mutters in response, which I guess pissed off Umbridge because she does the same thing she did fifteen minutes earlier.

"I think we'll try that again," Umbridge says in a tone that makes me want to hurl.

No wait, her outfit is already on that job.

"When I ask you a question, I should like you to reply, 'Yes, Professor Umbridge', or 'No Professor Umbridge.' So, has everyone got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard.

"Yes, Professor Umbridge."

"Yes, Professor Umbitch."

I think this time Umbridge noticed due to the fact that her beady little eyes snapped over to me for a few seconds before shaking whatever she was thinking off.

"Good," Umbridge says curtly. "I should like you to turn to page five a read chapter one, 'Basics for Beginners.' There will be no need to talk."

Okay, and I thought History of Magic was bad. Umbridge does not know how to read a chapter to a class, at all.

I glance at the class and most of them are like me, ignoring the teacher and don't even have their books open. Even Hermione doesn't even have her book open.

That's a surprise.

The bushy haired girl has her hand raised as she stares intently at Umbridge. Something tells me she doesn't have a question about the chapter...

By the time we reach half way through, half of the class is staring at Hermione, which gets Umbridge's attention. "Did you want to ask something about the chapter, dear?"

Hermione lowers her hand, but still stares at the teacher. "Not about the chapter, no."

"Well, we're reading just now," Umbridge says, her nice lady facade crumbling for a few moments. "If you have other queries, we can deal with them at the end of class."

"I've gout a query about your course aims."

Hermione...standing up to a this hell?

Umbridge raises her eyebrow at the statement. "And your name is-"

"Hermione Granger."

"Well, Miss Granger, I think the course aims are perfectly clear if you read them through carefullt," Umbridge says in her sugar coma inducing voice.

"Well, I don't," Hermione says bluntly. "There's nothing written about using defensive spells."

There is now just silence, causing tension to rise in the classroom.

"Using defensive spells?" Umbridge repeats with a little laugh. "Why, I can't imagine any situation arising in my classroom that would require you to use a defensive spell, Miss Granger. You surely aren't expecting to be attacked during class?"

You know what, I decided to do the unthinkable.

I raised my hand.

Umbridge's eyes flick to me. "Yes Miss-"

"Potter," I respond curtly, causing some people to stare at me due to my tone towards a teacher. "Excuse me Professor, but you are supposed to be teaching us things that will benefit our later lives, correct?"

"This class will be teaching you all in a safe way. I cannot think of any job any of you would think about going further in that would require you to-"

"Someone that works with magical beasts," I say with a glare. "An auror, because there are dangerous people out there. If there weren't, there wouldn't be new aurors, now would there? Do you wish for me to continue?"

"I assure you, this will teach you all in a safe way."

"No, you're insuring that we will all fail our O.W.L.s and make sure that we can't continue in careers that would include defensive magic."

"Miss Potter-"

"How many students do you know that can learn magic just from reading and not from practicing?" I say, ignoring the glances from the class.

"Miss Potter!" Umbridge says with her voice rising to a pitch only dogs can hear. "This class will be a secure, and risk-free way of lear-"

"What use is that?" Harry asks loudly, making me smile. "If we're going to be attacked it won't be in a-"

"Hand, Mr. Potter," the human toad says.

Harry lifts his hand in the air, but Umbridge ignores him. She then spots Dean and smiles. "And your name is?"

"Dean Thomas."

"Well, Mr. Thomas?"

"Well, it's like Harry said, isn't it?" He says, his eyes flicking to Harry. "If we're going to be attacked, if won't be risk-free-"

"I repeat," Umbridge says in her sugary sweet tone. "Do you expect to be attacked during my classes?"

"No, but-"

"I do not wish to criticize the way things have been run in the school," Umbridge's mouth stretches into a smile, "but you have been exposed to some very irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed - not to mention," she gives a nasty little laugh, "extremely dangerous half-breeds."

"How dare you!" I say loudly, slamming my hands onto my desk. "He was the best Professor we had! Just because he was scratched unwillingly does not make him any-"

"Hand Miss Potter."

I huff sitting down angrily. Considering the fact that Remus and Jean are considered half-human, I honestly took offense to that.

"As I was saying, you've been introduced to spells that have been too complex, inappropriate for your age group, and potentially lethal. You've been frightened into believing that you are likely to meet Dark attacks every other day-"

"No we haven't, we just-"

"Your hand is not up Miss Granger," Umbridge says shrilly, causing Hermione to raise her hand and be ignored. "It is my understanding that my predecessor not only performed illegal curses in front of you, he actually performed them on you-"

Yeah, and he was a mad man...your point?

"Well, he turned out to be a maniac, didn't he?" Dean Thomas pitches in. "We still learned loads-"

"Your hand is not up, Mr. Thomas!"

Umbridge seems pissed...good.

"Now, it is the view of the Ministry that theoretical knowledge will be more efficient to get you through your examination, which, is after all is what the school all about."

"We shouldn't just get through!" I pitch in again. "You're going to cause us all to fai-"

"I will not say this again, Miss Potter, but raise your hand." Her eyes flick to Parvati that just shot up her hand. "And your name is?"

"Parvati Patil, and isn't there a practical bit in our Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.? Aren't we supposed to show that we can actually do the countercurses and things?"

So basically a rehash of what I just said...nice.

"As long as you have started the theory hard enough, there is no reason why you should not be able to perform the spells under carefully controlled examination conditions," Umbridge says in a dismissive way.

Except, not every student can learn like that. It's like when Harry and I were still going to muggle schools and were required to take maths. Some kids could learn how to solve equations with just instructions. Some however, can only learn by practicing.

This is a Ministry-approved course?

"Without ever practicing them before?" Parvati asks as if she's making sure she's hearing correctly. "Are you telling us that our first time we'll be able to do the spells will be during exams?"

"I repeat, as long as you have studied the theory hard enough-"

"And what good's theory going to be in the real world?" Harry asks loudly. I send him a warning glance but he doesn't seem to notice.

I may talk back to this teacher, but I draw the line on mentioning him, and by the way Harry is acting, that's exactly who he's going to bring up.

"This is a school, Mr. Potter, not the real world," Umbridge says softly in a tone that makes me want to vomit.

And you're supposed to prepare us for living in the real world so shut up.

"So we're not supposed to be prepared for with waiting out there?"

"There is nothing waiting out there, Mr. Potter."

I look nervously at Harry, afraid of what I imagine he will do.

"Oh yeah?" Harry says, his temper surely rising.

"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourselves?"

Bad question to ask lady, really.

"Hmm, let me think...." Harry says in a mocm questioning tone. I stare at him, hoping that he doesn't do what I think he will.

He can't be that reckless.

"Maybe Lord Voldemort?"

And now he's done it.

I flinch at the mention of his name. My hand slowly grips my dominant arm, the arm where there is a scar from Wormtail carving into my skin.

Other students react as well, but for the moment, I'm just focused on myself.

"Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr. Potter."

Everyone is silent and either looking at Harry or Umbridge. A few people (mostly my friends) noticed my reaction and are sending me reassuring glances once in a while.

"Now, let me make a few things quite plain," Umbridge says while leaning onto her desk. "You have told that a certain dark wizard has returned from the dead-"

"He wasn't dead!" Harry says angrily. "But yeah, he's returned."

Harry....shut up. You're just making this worse for yourself.

"Mr.- Potter-you-have-already-lost-your-house-ten-points-do-not-make-matters-worse-for-yourself," Umbridge says in one breath. She then breathes out, and a fake smile adorns her features again. "As I was saying, you have been informed that a certain dark wizard it is at large once again. This is a lie."

It takes everything in my soul not to stand uo and yell at the woman. However, I do have some self control, luckily.

"It is not a lie! I saw him!" Harry says, looking at me for support but only sees my blank face. "I saw him! I fought him!"

"Detention, Mr. Potter!" Umbridge says with a grin. "Tomorrow evening. Five o'clock. My office. I repeat, this is a lie. The Ministry of Magic guarantees that you are not in any danger from any dark wizard. If you are still worried, by all means come and see me outside of class hours. If someone is alarming you with fibs about reborn dark wizards, I would like to hear about it. I am here to help. I am your friend. And now, you will kindly continue your reading. Page five, Basics for Beginners."

Umbridge sits down, looking pleased with herself. Harry though, doesn't seem to have enough and stands up. "So, according to you, my sister and I for some reason carved a Death Eater's mark onto our arms with some glass or something?"

"Don't bring me into this," I say while laying my head on the table. Flashes of the old vision, of Cedric Diggory dying, flash through my mind as breathing becomes a tad bit more difficult.

"Oh, and I'm sure Cedric Diggory is a liar then?"

"Cedric Diggory was infected by a magical creature in the maze."

"That's rubbish and you know it! We all three almost died."

"Harry, shut up!" I yell, standing up from my chair. However, the confidence I once had is gone, making me want to cower due to everyone's eyes. "Professor?"

Her grin widens as she notices my lack of anger that I no longer have. "Yes, Miss Potter?"

"May I step out for a moment, please."

She thinks for a moment before nodding, I guess deciding that I didn't cause as much trouble as Harry.

So there I go, sitting on the floor of the corridor, my back turned to the classroom door. My body is shaking as nothing but Cedric's death flashes through my mind.

I don't even notice Harry leaving with a note, going towards McGonagall's office.

This is going to be a long year.

Chapter 88: One Year…That’s All I’m Asking For

Chapter Text

"Hails, I think you're supposed to stir that counter-clockwise," Theo says, glancing at the cauldron nervously. We were paired up together, but he constantly gets nervous when I change up the instructions.

I glance at him, causing his mouth to shut pretty quickly. "I am just trying something different."

"But what if it-"

"So what?" I question, finally halting my stirs. "Snape favors our house anyways. Not like he'll reduce points due to us messing up." I signal for Shape to come over to look at the potion.

He glances at the potion boredly. "It's...passable." The greasy haired teacher walks away, causing me to smile and start writing down the accomplishment.

"What are you doing?" Theo asks, completely confused on the whole thing. And probably my writing just added to that now that I think about it.

"Potions is a interesting subject," I say while closing the journal and putting it back into my bag. "We are given set instructions that are supposed to take up a lot of time due to the amount of time we have each lesson."

"Well yeah, if it was quick, then everyone would be done way too quickly."

"Exactly!" I grin as he seems to get it. "Ever since second year, I've been testing out different alterations for different potions to see if it is quicker than the taught way."

"Well how can you even measure if it's quicker? We could all me slow."

"I check how far along Malfoy is, obviously." I say while pointing at the blond who seems to be suffering since Pansy is his partner. "He's normally the first one done due to him being amazing at the subject. So, if the potion is finished before him, then-"

We both pause as Malfoy signals for Snape, who then gives the same expression as he gave us a few minutes ago.

"Ten minutes," I say unconsciously.

Theo looks at me in a questioning manner. "What?"

I shake my head as I realize I spoke out loud. "Sorry, I just was making a note that just changing the stirs to clockwise reduced the time by ten minutes."

Theo just stares at me for a moment, as if trying to figure out if he should say something or just stay silent as he gets freaked out by my weirdness.

We both are unable to speak however, due to the fact that Neville just blew up his cauldron.

"Longbottom! Twenty points from Gryffindor!"

I nudge Theo after Neville starts apologizing profusely, he though he just had a boiling potion splashed onto his skin. "See? What did I tell you? He favors Slytherin."

"That doesn't prove any-"

I cover his mouth and start counting down from five before pointing at Crabbe and Goyle, who also blow up their cauldron.

Shape scowls and looks to the two boys who are shrieking due to the boiling liquid splashed upon them. "You two, go visit Madam Pomfrey, quickly."

I smile as the two scurry off, looking back at Theo who seems bewildered. "Like I said, we could blow up the entire classroom and he wouldn't do anything."

"That lesson was the most boring rubbish I've ever sat through," Malfoy mutters as we walk with him.

History of Magic isn't exactly the most exciting class, I mean it's literally a class where most sleep through it. But, it wasn't that bad.

"Just because you have an attention span of a goldfish doesn't mean that it was a rubbish lesson," I say without changing my expression.

Theo starts cackling at my statement, while Blaise and Andie just cover their mouths, hiding their smiles.

Oh, and Crabbe and Goyle are just confused, but what else is new?

"That's not very funny," Draco huffs while rolling his eyes.

Aww, did I hurt his feelings?

Too bad.

"Well, I think it's hilarious!" I say with a grin before pausing when I see the golden trio walk by. "Hey, I'll catch up, alright?"

"Hails..." Andie says while glancing at the trio of Gryffindors. "You're going to miss dinner."

"So?" I shoot her a look, making sure she knows that I am going to go talk to my brother if she likes it or not. "The Dursleys rarely give us food anyways, I can survive." And with that, I walk away.

You know, chasing three people who are walking at a normal speed is sort of difficult now that I think about it.

Or maybe I'm just horrible at exercise.


"Harry!" I yell out, causing all three kids to halt so I can catch up. I pant, my hands gripping onto my knees as I try to catch my breath. Finally, however, I'm able to stand up straight and wave at the three. "So, how's detention with Umbridge going?"

All three students stiffen when mention the teacher's name, causing me to narrow my eyes. I also notice that Harry seems to be holding something behind his back.

"What?" I laugh slightly. "I heard you're just writing lines." All three look even more nervous, causing me to get worried. "Harry, you are just writing lines, aren't you?"

"Of course I am!" Harry says quickly, only raising my suspicion.

"What are you hiding?" I narrow my eyes, gesturing toward him hand one hand behind his back. Harry seems to be thinking of an answer, so naturally I get annoyed. "Show me your hand."



Harry huffs, but he shows me his hand anyways. I walk forward and gasp at what I see.

On the back of his hand, there are words written.

'I will not tell lies.'

"Oh my god!" I mutter, noticing that it's still red. I look up to see Harry avoiding my gaze. "What happened?" Harry doesn't answer again. I look at Ron and Hermione who look utterly panicked but don't seem to be any help either. "Did Umbridge do this?"

Harry's eyes widens, confirming my question.

I drop his hand and grip onto the fabric of my robes, forcing myself to not start screaming. "That woman is going to have karma catch up with her," deciding that I was a bit too mad to interact with the three, I walk away silently.

Two professors tried to kill us, one was a liar, and one was a werewolf. This one seems to abuse students if they don't share her ideals.

Can't we have a teacher that doesn't give us problems?

Chapter 89: What The Hell Is This?

Chapter Text

"Hails," Blaise says while nudging my arm. My gaze snaps to him, ignoring my half-eaten waffle. Blaise then lifts up the Daily Prophet, making me roll my eyes. "No, you need to read this."

"Fine," I mutter while taking the paper out of his hands. A small gasp comes out of my mouth as I see a great big picture of Umbridge on the cover, smiling widely and blinking slowly. "What....the hell?"

"I know," Theo mutters, running a hand through his hair. "What the hell is that woman doing?"

"What are you three talking about?" Andie asks while taking the paper out of my hands. "In a surprise move last night the Ministry of Magic passed a new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Andie reads aloud before rereading what she just said. "But why?"

"Give me that," Draco says while taking the paper out of her hands. "'The Minister has been growing uneasy about goings-on at Hogwarts for some time,' said Junior Assutant to the Minister, Percy Weasley. 'He is now responding concerns voiced by the anxious parents, who feel the school may be moving in a direction they do not approve.'" Draco glances at me before saying, "well he hasn't changed at all has he? Still as much of a prat as always."

I guess he expected me to glare at him but I honestly agree with him. Percy is being honestly ridiculous.

"Well if you're not going to finish reading, I am," Blaise says while rolling his eyes. "This is not the first time in recent weeks Fudge has used new laws to effect improvements at the Wizarding school. As recently as August 30th Educational Decree Twenty-two was passed, to ensure that, in the event of the current headmaster bring unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry should select an appropriate person."

Oh so that's how Umbridge was hired.

"'That's how Dolores Umbridge came to be appointed to the teaching staff at Hogwarts.' said Weasley last night. 'Dumbledore couldn't find anyone, so the Minister put in Umbridge and of course, she's been an immediate success-'"

"I'm sorry what?" Andie asks with a look of shock on her face. "She's horrible!"

"Don't interrupt me," Theo says grimly. "- an immediate success, totally revolutionizing the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts and providing the Minister with on-the-ground feedback about what's really happening at Hogwarts. It is this last function that the Ministry has now formalized with the passing if the Educational Decree Twenty-three, which creates the new position of 'Hogwarts High Inquisitor.'

"'This is an exciting new phase in the Minister's plan to get grips with what some are calling the 'falling standards' at Howarts,' said Weasley. 'The Inquisitor will have powers to inspect her fellow educators and make sure that they are coming up to scratch. Professor Umbridge has been offered this position in addition to her own teaching post, and we are delighted to say that she has accepted.'"

Of course she did.

"The Ministry's new moves have received enthusiastic support from parents of students at Hogwarts.

"'I feel so much easier in my mind now that I know Dumbledore is being subjected to fair and objective evaluation,' said Mr. Lucius Malfoy, 41, speaking from his Wiltshire mansion last nihjt. 'Many of us with our children's best interests at heart have been concerned about some of Dumbledore's eccentric decisions in the last few years and will be glad to k ow that the Ministry is keeping an eye on the situation.'

"Among those 'eccentric decisions' are undoubtedly the controversial staff appointments previously described in this newspaper, which have included the hiring of werewolf Remix Lupin, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid, and delusional ex-Auror 'Mad-Eye' Moody."

I can almost hear Sirius and Jean raging over them mentioning Remus.

"Rumors abound, of course, that Albus Dumbledore, once Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, is no longer up to the task of managing the prestigious school of Hogwarts.

"'I think the appointment of the Inquisitor is a first step toward ensuring that Hogwarts has a headmaster in whom we can all repose confidence,' said a Ministry insider last night.

"Wizengamot elders Griselda Marchbanks and Tiberius Ogden have resigned in protest at the introduction of the post of Inquisitor to Hogwarts.

"' Hogwarts is a school, not an outpost of Cornelius Fudge's office,' Said Madam Marchbanks. 'This is a further disgusting attempt to discredit Albus Dumbledore.' (For a full account of Madam Marchbanks' alleged links to subversive goblin groups, turn to page 17."

Blaise stops talking as we just stay silent. "You know, that Weasley may be a prat, but Malfoy, your dad isn't much better."

"Shut up."

"Oh yay, Umbitch," I mutter as we get closer to the classroom.

"I wouldn't say that..." Draco mutters as we walk at a slow pace.

"Malfoy, I swear if you go on about how that toad in there is actually a good teacher I swear-"

"Shut up!" He says while covering my mouth with his hand. He points down the corridor to reveal Filch grinning devilishly as he strides down the hall. The blond boy who is preventing me from talking pulls me into an empty classroom so we're not seen by the man. "If you say things like that around Filch, you're asking for detention. He fancies her," Draco grimaces at the thought.

Heck, I'm cringing at the thought.



"Thanks for stopping me," I say with a slight smile. I could swear I saw a faint blush, but I could be imagining it so might as well not look into that.

"Well it's not like I could just let you get detention." He ruffles my hair and leaves the classroom.

I can't help a small smile spreading across my face as I see his retreating figure.

Draco really is something, isn't he?

I decide to sprint to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and right on time it seems too since Umbridge asks everyone to take a seat when I walk in.

I quickly take my place near Theo and Blaise as we just listen to the horrible toad woman.

"Wands away," the toad instructs with a big grin spread across her face. "As we finished chapter one last lesson, I would like you all to turn to page nineteen today and commence chapter two, 'Common Defensive Theories and Their Derivation.' There will be no need to talk."

And just like that, the toad falls into her seat.

Well this will be boring, especially since I read the whole book last nigh due to being bored. And like I thought, that cirriculum will only make us fail the practical portiom of the exam.

"What is it this time, Miss Granger?"

"I've already read chapter two," Hermione says.

"Then proceed to chapter three," Umbridge says, clearly annoyed. I raise my hand, making her glare at me. "Miss Potter?"

"I've already read chapter two as well." I say with a small smile.

Umbridge looks as if she wants to kill me, but stops herself. "Then I ask you to do the same as I told Miss Granger."

"But I can't."

Umbridge looks even more annoyed...yay. "And why not?"

"I've read the whole book," I grin, taunting her. Let's see how she acts when she realizes that not everyone works at the speed of a snail.

Hermione also pitches in, "I can't do that either, I've read the whe thing."

Umbridge's eye twitches, but she regains her poise soon enough. "Well, then, one of you should be able to tell me what Slinkhard says about counterjinxes in chapter fifteen."

"He basically says that counterjinxes shouldnt be named that because the term is just used to make the spell sound more acceptable," I say boredly, leaning on my hand as I stare at the teacher with a small smile.

Umbridge raises her eyebrows, looking, dare I say it, impressed. Well of course. When the literal second best in the class last year says that they are done, they usually aren't lying.

"But I disagree," Hermione pitches in.

Umbridge glances at Hermione, her eyes becoming colder as she sees the Gryffindor. "You disagree?"

"Yes, I do," Hermione says in a clear voice that attracts other students' attention. "Mr. Slinkhard doesn't like jinkes, does he? But I think that they can be useful when they're used defensively."

"Oh you do, do you?" Umbridge says, speaking loudly as well. She walks to the front of the class, as if to show off the lack of authority she has over us.

Like I'm sorry, you may be High Inquisitor, but you're not going to be respected while wearing those aweful shades of pink that don't go together.

"Well, I'm afraid that it is Mr. Slinkhard's opinion, and not yours, that matters within this classroom, Mids Granger."

Ah, to yell at a teacher or to not yell at a teacher.

Well, three out of four of my friends are shaking their heads no, so I guess I shouldn't...yet.


Umbridge cuts off Hermione quite rudely. "That is enough. Miss Granger, I'm going to take five points from Gryffindor House."

Everyone starts muttering, questioning how she could abuse her authority for just a student sharing their opinion.

"What for?" Harry asks loudly. Hermione whispers something to him urgently, but I can't hear that far.

"For disrupting my class with interruptions," Umrdige says smoothly, making me want to choke her to death. "I'm here to teach you using a Ministry approved method that does not include inviting students to give their opinions on matters that they understand very little. Your previous teachers in the subject may have allowed you more license, but as none of them - with the possible exception of Professor Quirrell, who did it at least appear to have restricted himself to age-appropriate subjects - would have passed a Ministry expection. "

Okay, but Quirrell tried to actively kill Harry and I throughout the school year. If the Ministry allows that then I don't think they should get to choose then.

"Yeah Quirrell was a great teacher," Harry says loudly. "There was a just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort-" I flinch at his name, "-sticking out of the back of his head."

"I think another week of dententions would do you good, Mr. Potter."

Did I mention I hate this woman with the entirety of my being?

"What is she doing here?" I whisper to Andie as we walk into Transfiguration.

"Keep your voice down Hails," she mutters as we sit down.

McGonagall strides in quickly, not even sparing a second glance at Umbridge. "That will do." Anyone who was chattering, falls to silence in a few seconds. "Mr. Finnegan, kindly please come here and hand back the homework - Miss Brown, please take this box of mice - don't be silly, girl, they won't hurt you - and hand one to each student-"

"Hem, hem."

Oh shut up Umbitch. You're supposed to be overseeing the class, not interrupting. So just be quiet woman.

Seamus hands me mt essay, which is an O thank Merlin, and walks away. I glance at Andie, who seems to have managed an E, which isnt that bad so good for her.

"Right then, everyone, listen closely - Dean Thomas if you do that to the mouse again I shall put you in detention - most of you now successfully vanished your snails and even those who were left with a certain amount of shell have the gist of the spell. Today we shall be-"

"Hem, hem."

"Yes?" McGonagall snaps at the toad woman. Good to know that she hates Umbridge as much as I do.

"I was just wondering, Professor, whether you received my note telling you to of the date and time of your inspection-"

"Obviously I received it, or I would have asked you what you were doing in my classroom," McGongall says while turning away from the woman who thinks unicorn barf is a color. "As I was saying, today we shall be practicing altogether more difficult, vanishment of mice. Now the Vanishing spell-"

"Hem, hem."

"I wonder," McGonagall says, clearly annoyed as she turns to Umbridge, "how you expect to gain the idea of my usual teaching methods if you continue to interrupt me. You see, I do not generally permit people to talk when I'm talking."

Did I mention that McGonagall is low-key the best teacher? No? Well it's true.

Umbridge looks like she was slapped across the face which makes this a hundred percent better.

"As I was saying, the Vanishing spell becomes more difficult when the complexity of the animal to be vanished. The snail, as an invertebrate, will not be present because the challenge; the mouse, as a mammal, offers a much greater one. This is not, therefore, magic you can accomplish with your mind on dimner. So - you know the incantation, let me see what you can do..."

"Well that was possibly one of the greatest lesson we have been able to witness," Theo turns around and grins at Andie and me.

I shush him, looking toward McGonagall, who looks annoyed.

Theo shrugs and and attempts the spell, only to be greeted by just a floating wiggling pink nose. "Well that happened."

"Hey, at least you weren't left with a foot," Blaise says while nudging his friend and holding the partially vanished mouse by the foot.

"You both are horrible," I say while casting the spell. The mouse disappears, but I keep a hand on it so I know where it is when the time comes to put it back.

"Of course you have it down pact," Theo shakes his head, laughing as the mouse nose sniffs his hand. "You and Malfoy belong together, I swear."

"What was that?" I narrow my eyes, making sure that he knows that he should talk about that.

"He's just saying Hails," Blaise places his partially vanished mouse in the box Lavendar Brown is passing around, "you and Malfoy are probably the smartest Slytherins of your year. You two are quite similiar you know."

"Well he doesn't like me like that," I say while placing my invisible mouse in the box. "He and I are friends."

"Hopeless..." Andie mutters.

"What was that?"


"Oh Hailey, I thought you'd be here!" I look away from my History of Magic book, only to see the ever so annoying bushy-haired brunette, Hermione.

"What's up? Harry's hand doing alright?"

"Yes," Hermione sits in the seat next to me, placing down a book she just got checked out onto the table. "The wound keeps getting reopened, but it seems to be healing alright. Although, I don't think that it will heal if Harry keeps having to do detentions with that foul-"

"What do you want Hermione?" I'm not stupid, I know she wants something. She doesn't answer right away, causing me to roll my eyes. "Look, if you have a bunch of time before the next quiz in History of Magic, great. But I haven't studied the material yet so-"

"I want you to teach everyone Defense Against the Dark Arts!" Hermione equals out, careful not to alert anyone of what she's saying.

"What?" I ask her, putting a bookmark in my book. "Hermione, that's in-"

"Insane I know!" Hermione runs a hand through her hair, looking anxious. "Hailey - and Harry are the most advanced students in the subject..."

I snort at that. "Excuse me? Maybe in the fifth years, but sixth and seventh-"

"No they don't and you know that." Who says Hermione can't be scary? She's scary right now! It's terrifying actually. "You and Harry are probably the best in the school! Just think about it!"

"I'm not a teacher, 'Mione." Okay, now I'm just coming up with excuses. "Plus, I'm a Slytherin, how many people are going to like that a Slytherin is teaching them?"

Hermione sighs and gathers her things in her arms before standing. "Just think about it, alright?"

And just like that, the girl leaves.

Fine...I'll think about it.

Chapter 90: Hermione, What The Hell?

Chapter Text

I sigh as the cold air nips my skin as people walk by me in Hogsmeade. The town is just so peaceful, and I just love it.

Unfortunately, Hermione got me to agree to the whole teaching thing, well I said I would try.

So, the brunette told me to meet up at the Hog's Head...wherever that is.

As I trudge along, looking from store to store, hoping to find the place, I accidentally slam into someone. With a groan, I look up, only to see the familiar white-blonde hair that I saw for a month at Grimmauld Place.


"Sorry about that," she says, offering me a hand, which I gladly take. "Wasn't looking where I was going."

"No I should apologize!"

Jean waves me off, glancing around.

I narrow my eyes at her, wondering why she seems so apprehensive. "Is everything alright?"

Jean jumps at the question, but smiles anyway. "Yeah, Lupin just told me he was going to take Shaggy out for a walk so I wanted to see if they came around yet."

I tilt my head. Shaggy? Who's Shaggy?

Jean slowly realizes that I'm confused, and I guess she realized that she said the wrong thing or something. "Sorry - Shuffles." From what I can see, she's cringing at Sirius' codename.

"Alright..." I mean, they have known each other for quite a long time so it's only normal that they would have nicknames...but Shaggy? I now really want to know what Jean's nickname is now. "Anyways, do you happen to know where the Hog's Head is?"

I expected her to look surprised that I was asking for such a place, but she just smiles and points up ahead. "Go straight until you come across a old looking place. It has a sign that literally says the name on it."

"Thanks!" Deciding not to question why she wasn't questioning me, I run off, wanting to get there before the other invited students arrive.

As I finally get to the designated place, I have to gape at it. The Hog's Head bar is one dingy, super dirty room, that smells like something died in ut. The windows are so dirty that candles have to light the room instead of natural light. The floor is stone, but so grimy that it can be mistaken for earth.

"You are a prefect!"

Ah, Hermione is here already.

I walk over to the golden trio, waving when they finally notice me. "So, anyone arrive yet?"

"Not yet," Hermione replies, glancing at the door.

"So who did you say is supposed to be meeting us?" Harry asks while trying to open the rusted top of his mug so he can take a swig of what I assume is butterbeer.

"Just a couple of people," Hermione says while checkung her watch. "I told them to be here around now and I'm sure they all know where it is - oh look, look this might be them now-"

The door opens, only to reveal a large amount of people.

This is a couple? Nice.

There's probably about twenty or so people now in the small pub, making the barman freeze at the sight.

"A couple of people?" Harry croaks, looking at the large crowd. "A couple of people?"

"Yes, well the idea seemed quite popular," Hermione chirps happily. "Ron do you want to pull up some more chairs?"

I wave silently at Fred who waves back with a grin, but then walks up to the frozen barkeep. "Hi, could we have twenty-seven butterbeers, please?"

The man scowls before bringing out very dusty looking mugs.

Fred starts to pass them out, "cheers!" People take them happily, but after a second, Fred takes one of the butterbeers from someone's hands. "Cough up, everyone, I haven't got enough gold for all of these."

"Fred!" I speak up, causing him to turn to me. I throw him a bag full of Galleons, which he catches easily. "That will be enough, yeah?"

He just nods and gives it to the barkeep, causing everyone to sigh since they didn't have to pay.

I'm too nice for my own good, aren't I?

"What have you been telling people?" Harry whispers to Hermione. "What are they expecting?"

"I've told you, they just want to hear what you've got to say," Hermione tries to reassure my brother, but that doesn't seem to exactly help.

"So they're expected a speech," I say, getting annoyed that Hermione didn't tell me that there would be this many people.

"You have to do anything yet, I'll speak to them first!" She says quickly, as if she thinks I'm just going to walk out.

I roll my eyes, but stay seated, staring at the brunette in wait.

Everyone begins to take their seats and soon stop talking, staring at Harry or me.

"Er," Hermione's voice goes higher as everyone looks at her. "Well - er - hi. Well...erm...well, you know why you're here. Erm...well, Harry and Hailey here had an idea," Harry throws her a sharp look, causing her to falter again, "I mean I had the idea - that it might be good if people who wanted to study Defense Against the Dark Arts - and I mean really study it, you know, not that rubbish Umbridge is doing with us - because nobody could call that Defense Against the Dark Arts-"

"Hear, hear!"

Hermione smiles, probably happy that they aren't being mean. "Well, I thought it would be good if we took matters into our own hands..." she glances at Harry and I nervously, causing me to nod, as if telling her to continue. "And by that I mean learn how to defend ourselves properly, not just a theory but with real spells-"

"You want to pass your Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. too though, I bet?" said Michael Corner, a boy I've seen a few times.

"Of course I do!" Hermione replies quickly. "But I want more than that, I want to be properly trained in Defense because...because..." She takes a great big breath, as if to calm her nerves. "Because Lord Voldemort's back."

I flinch at the name, my hand unconsciously going towards my left arm where there is still a faint scar.

"Well, that's the plan anyway..." Hermione looks around nervously. "If you want to join us, we need to how we're going to-"

"Where's the proof of You-Know-Who's back?" says a rather rude Hufflepuff boy. An older looking brunette girl looks like she is trying to calm him down, but he brushes her off.

"Well, Dumbledore believes it-"

"You mean, Dumbledore believes them," says the blond boy, pointing at Harry and I.

"You want proof?" I ask, standing up and putting my hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Well, I could show you a scar I got when they resurrected him, but you probably wouldn't believe that. And I guess me being in the Hospital Wing for panic attacks is nothing. Oh and don't forget that Cedric Diggory says the same thing me and my brother says-"

"But the Prophet says that Diggory got delirious due to the maze."

"The prophet also said that Hagrid doesn't care about his students, that Harry is the top of his class, that Hermione was stringing along multiple guys, and that I am a player." I glare at him, tilting my head as I rebuttal his claims. "What's your name anyways?"

"Zacharias Smith."

"Well nice to meet you," I reply, going back to my seat, "I do hope that sufficed your need to be insufferable."

"So," Hermione's voice is high-pitched again. " I was saying...if you want to learn some defense, then we need need to work out how we're going to do it, how often were going to meet, and we're going to-"

"Is it true they can both produce a Patronus?"

"Yeah," Harry and I say in unison.

"Both corporeal?"

The phrase seems to stire something up and causes Harry to remember something. "You don't know Madam Bones, do you?"

The girl beams at the name, answering his question without even talking. "She's my auntie, I'm Susan Bones. She told me about your hearing. it really true? You make a stag Patronus?"

"Yes," Harry replies while pointing at me. "And she can produce a fox one."

Everyone whispers excitedly at the news.

"Bliley Hailey...Harry! I never knew that!" Lee looks super impressed, making me smile a bit.

"Mum told Ron not spread it around," Fred says while grinning. "She said that you two have got enough attention as it is."

"She's all wrong..." Harry mutters, causing a couple people to laugh.

"And did you kill a Basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office?" Asks Terry Boot. "That's what one of the portraits on the wall told me when I was there last year...."

"Er -yeah, I did, yeah."

Some people whistle while the Creevey brothers look at Harry in awe.

"And in our first year," Neville pitches in excitedly, "They saved the er- something stone!"

"Philosopher's!" Hermione hisses.

"Yeah, that, from You-Know-Who!" Neville finishes.

"And that's not to mention, " Cho says, making Harry widen his eyes. I finally look at the girl, waving at Cedric who is sitting next to her. "All the tasks they had to get through in the Triwizard Tournament last year - getting past dragons and merpeople and acromantulas and things..."

There are more mutters that are impressed and agreeing.

Harry looks like he's about to do something stupid, so I get ready to stop him.

"Look, I....I don't want to sound like Im trying to be modest or anything, but...I had a lot of help with all that stuff."

I smack him on the head. "Hush."

I stand up, pushing my hair behind myself. "Look, Harry's right, we did have help - but-" I glare at Smith, who was about to say something. "We know a lot about defensive magic. My brother himself, and he survived. We may not know everything, but we can help and teach you all what we know, that is, if you all are okay with that?"

There is a murmur of agreement, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Right," Hermione says, looking rather relieved that something has been settled. "Well, then, the next question is how often we do it. I really don't think there's any point in meeting less than once a week-"

"Hang on," Angelina says, "we need to make sure this doesn't clash with our Quidditch practice."

"No, nor with ours."

"Nor ours."

Everyone looks at me, causing me to lift my hands. Seems like they like me talking a bit more than Hermione. "We'll find a time, don't worry. This is rather important, since we need to learn how to defend ourselves-"

"Yeah!" barks out Ernie Macmillan. "I, personally, am at a loss to see why the Ministry has foisted such a useless teacher upon us at this critical period. Obviously they are in denial about the return of You-Know-Who, but to give us a teacher who is trying to actively prevent us from using defensive spells-"

"Fudge has always been afraid of Dumbledore overtaking his postion, since everyone wanted him to be the Minister anyways. So, we think that he and Umbridge think that Dumbledore is building some sort of army..."

"Fudge does have a private army after all."

"What?" Harry asks, surprised about the new information.

"Yes, he has an army of heliopaths," Luna says solemnly.

"No, he hasn't!" Hermione snaps.

"Hermione, be nice!" I snap at her.

"Yes he has!" Luna replies.

"Hem, hem."

Everyone looks around in concern, scared that Umbridge found us, relaxing when we notice it is just Ginny trying to get our attention.

"Weren't we trying to decide how often we're going to meet and get Defense lessons?"

"Yes," Hermione says, calming down. "Yes, we were, you're right..."

"Well, once a week sounds cool."

"As long as-"

"Yes, yes, we know about Quidditch," says Hermione in a tense voice. "Well the other thing to decide us where we're going to meet..."

The whole group goes silent for a few moments.

After a few suggestions, we just decide to wait to answer that. All we know is that we actually have a group.

"I think everybody should write their name down, just so we know who was here. But I also think," Hermione takes a deep breath, "that we all ought to agree nor to shout about what we're doing. So, if you sign, you're agreeing not to tell Umbridge - or anybody else - what we're up to."

And in that moment, people start to sign their names. I sigh in relief and go over to Hermione, glancing at the paper. "You did charm that so people can't be a double agent, right?"

"Of course I did!" She says quickly as the parchment is brought back to us. Hermione signs it, then Ron, then Harry, and lastly, I go over and sign. However, one name makes me do a double take.

Jean Fawley.

Ah, so that's why she was in Hogsmeade. I glance at Hermione who looks nervous.

Hermione, the fact that you got an adult involved is both stupid and brilliant.

Good job.

Chapter 91: We Have A Place

Chapter Text

"This better be good or I'm murdering all of you in your sleep," I mutter as we make our way to the seventh floor.

The Golden Trio is sneaking around since it's past the fourth year's curfew.

Well guess what? Fifth years can stay out until nine!

"Honestly!" I saw aloud. "We are just strolling around the castle. We are going to get in trouble if you all act like we are trying to rob a jewelry store though."

I understand that have a meeting and all...but I wanted to study a bit..

Harry is just staring at the map, trying to find where Filch and Umbridge are...which is stupid. Like are they going to give us detention for walking around the castle before curfew?

We aren't doing anything wrong...yet.

So, now we're in front of a blank wall, making me want to hit all of them over the head. "This is why I couldn't study for my Ancient Ruins quiz?"

"Dobby said to walk past this bit of wall three times, concentrating hard on what we need."

Oh to be ignored...

So, that's what we do. I think about how we need to learn real magic, and we need a place to do that.

So what I'm saying, is that I'm thinking what Hermione is muttering under her breath.

"Harry," Hermione says sharply, causing me to stare at the wall in shock.

A nice looking, highly polished door appears on the wall. My brother reached out, and pulls the door opens.

Deciding that they are taking a bit too long for my taste, I push them aside and walk in, gasping at the room. "Holy sh*t."

The walls are lined with bookcases, and there are cushions on the floor. There are some shelves pretty far from me that carry a bunch of instruments that I'm too lazy to remember.

"These will be good when we're practicing Stunning!" Ron says while kicking at one of the cushions.

I glare at him before picking up the cushion and moving it away from his foot. "We are not disrespecting this magical room by kicking the things it provided."

"And look at all these books!" Hermione yells out excitedly as she runs her finger along the spines of them. "A Compendium of Common Curses and their Counter-Actions...The Dark Arts Outsmarted...Self Defensive" Hermione turns to us a beams. "This is wonderful, there's everything we need here!"

And like normal Hermione, she grabs a book and plops herself on a cushion.

And like clockwork, a light knock resonates throughout the room as well all look at the door, only to see some Gryffindors.

"Woah..." Dean says while looking around. "What is this place?"

Harry opens his mouth to explain, but I'd interrupted with more people arriving.

"Well," Harry says nervously, "this is the place we found for practices and you've - er - obviously found it ok..."

"It's fantastic!" Choice says excitedly, clutching onto poor Cedric's arm.

"It's bizarre..." Fred says while frowning. "We once hid from Filch in here, remember, George? It was just a broom cupboard then..."

I decide to go walk over to Fred as Harry explains Dark Detectors. "So how're you doing?"

"Fine I guess..." Fred mumbles, glancing at my brother to see if anything important is happening. "Did you know Percy sent me a letter saying that I shouldn't talk to you?"


Percy...what the hell?

"Yeah," Fred says while running his hands through his hair. "Of course I'm not listening to that prat."

"Of course."

"I was thinking about some of the stuff we ought to do first and - what Hermione?"

Deciding that I should probably go back to Harry, I open my mouth to say goodbye to Fred, but he just shakes his head and gestures for me to go.

"I think we ought to elect a leader-"

"Harry's leader," Cho Chang says quickly as she stares at Hermione like she's crazy.

"Actually," a average height hufflepuff pitches in awkwardly. "I actually think that Hailey would be a better leader. That is one of her house's main quality after all."

"Are you insane?" Cho replies to her, now giving the girl the same look. "Harry should be the leader."

"It's just my opinion-"

"I think we ought to vote on it..." Hermione pitches in, trying to diffuse the tension.

I sigh at the whole situation. Are they literally fighting over this?

"Anyone in favor of Harry being the leader?" Hermione says awkwardly.

And about half of the students raise their hands. Some of them are Cho, Dean Thomas, and Ginny.

Wait a second-

"All in favor of Hailey?"

The ones who didn't raise their hands for Harry raise them for me. And some of them I understand, I guess. Lee Jordan, Fred, and George all raise their hands for me, along with that brunette Hufflepuff.

But one of the people voting for me shocking is literally Ron Weasley.

"Er-" Harry looks lost, not knowing what to do.

I put my hand on his shoulder and smile encouragingly. "Co-leaders?"

Harry boss, looking relieved that I came up with a compromise. "Co-leaders."

I open my mouth to start speaking, but Hermione wants to say something else. "What Hermione?"

She seems to be leader material, she should have been appointed.

"I also think we ought to have a name. It would promote a feeling of team spirit and unity, don't you think?"

"Can we be the Anti-Umbridge league?" Angelina says in a hopeful manner.

"Or the Ministry of Magic Are Morons Group?" suggests Fred, causing me to chuckle.

"I was thinking," Hermione frowns at Fred, "more of a name that didn't tell everyone that we were up to so we can refer to safely outside of meetings."

"The Defense Association?" Cho suggests. "The D.A. for short, so that nobody knows what we're talking about?"

"I'm fine with that," I say while leaving on Harry because darn it, I'm tired.

"Yeah, the D.A.'s good, only let's make it stand for Dumbledore's Army because that's what Ministry's worst fear, isn't it."

Did I mention how much I love Ginny?

Yeah, if Draco doesn't like me by the end of this year I might try to ask her out...that is to say if Harry doesn't get to her first.

Meh, he's hopeless, I don't think that is happening anytime soon.

"All in favor of the D.A.?" Hermione asks as most of us raise our hands for the name. "That's a majority - motion passed!"

And with that, she writes the name on the paper with everyone's name.

Looks like this idea is actually getting off the ground..

Chapter 92: That’s Not Funny

Chapter Text

"Captains shake hands," Madam Hooch yells out as the wind blows against everyone's faces.

Yay, Quidditch...

Like the weather is okay, but it still is pretty windy.

As I sit in the stands with Andie, Theo, and Blaise, I can't help but look nervously at my brother and Ron.

I'm sure Ron will do great, but I've never seen him play so I'm not certain.

I probably shouldn't be cheering for Gryffindor when my house is playing against them but who cares?

When did I follow social norms in the first place?

"Mount your brooms."

The whistle is blown, and the game begins with all the players shooting upwards, determined to win and gain one hundred and fifty points for their house.

"That was close," Blaise comments, noting that my brother just narrowly avoided a Bludger.


Harry is making a lap around the pitch in search of the Snitch, and it seems that Draco is doing the same exact thing.

"And it's Johnson, Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me-"


"Dammit," Theo curses, his eyes on Johnson. "If she scores it's going to put a burden on our team and will make Gryffindor way too confident!"

I nudge him so he breaks out of his rant. "Who cares? It's just Quidditch."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

I chuckle before looking back at the scene in front of us.

"-and she's ducked Warrington, she's passed Montague, she's - ouch - been hit from behind by a Bludger from Crabbe...Montague catches the Quaffle, Montague I'd heading back up the pitch and - nice Bludger there from George Weasley, that's a Bluder to the head for Montague, he drops the Quaffle, caught by Katie Bell, Katie Bell of Gryffindor reverse passed to Alicia Spinnet and Spinnet's away-"

Theo and Blaise are cursing as it seems the match is starting off in Gryffindor's favor. But honestly, everything is in Gryffindor's favor.

Is some all powerful being manipulating everything so everything is pro-Gryffindor and anti-Slytherin?

No, that's insane.

"-dodges Warrington, avoids a Bludger - close call, Alicia- and the crowd is loving this, just listen to them, what's that they're singing?"

This is the first time I notice that my section of the stands are singing.

I look around in shock to even see Andie singing!

How come I didn't even notice? Was I too interested in the match to hear?

"Weasley cannot save a thing. He cannot block a single ring. That's why Slytherin's all sing: Weasley is our King.

"Weasley was born in a bin. He always let's the Quaffle in. Weasley will make sure we win. Weasley is our King."

My blood is boiling at the lyrics. As I stare at Draco who just flew by, I figured out who organized this.

That little idiot-

I hate him - no I don't - he's such a bully!

And the fact that when he flew by he smirked at me just makes me want to hex him when he flies by so he falls...

Oh wait that's murder....that's a last resort...for now.

"-and Alicia passes back to Angelina! Come on now, Angelina - looks like she's got the Keeper to beat! She shoots - she - aaah... "

The Slytherin keep is able to save the goal unfortunately, and he throws the Quaffle to Warrington, who is now zig zagging in the air.

As Warrington gets closer to the Gryffindor goals, the singing gets louder, making me cover my ears because they are being way too loud for my taste.

And they are being jerks, but that's another story.

"And it's Warrington with the Quaffle, Warrington heading for the goal, he's out of Bludger range with just the Keeper ahead-"

Slytherin responds with getting even louder.

Like dudes, chill, it's just a game.

"-so it's the first task for new Gryffindor Keeper Weasley, brother of Beaters Fred and George with a promising new talent on the team - come on Ron!"

I cringe at the fact that he just compared Ron to the twins. Don't get me wrong, I love them for being their crazy selves, but Ron isn't like them. I sometimes feel bad for him because he's the youngest boy in the family, and is always being compared to everyone else in the family.

Unfortunately, Ron still needs to learn a few things as he lets the Quaffle in the central hoop.

He's doing good though!

"Slytherin scores!" Lee yells out, but is drowned out by the cheers and boos from the respective stands. "So that's ten-nil to Slytherin - bad luck Ron..."

The Slytherin stands respond with singing that stupid chant again.

"-and Gryffindor back in possession and it's Katie Bell tanking up the pitch-" Lee cries out, barely audible due to my house.

"Harry what are you doing? Get going!"

Okay so Angelina screams loud. Like I can hear her over the Slytherins loud.

Like geez, does she need a cough drop after that?

Harry flies off, circling the pitch once more.

"-and it's Warrington again who passes to Pucey, Pucey's off past Spinnet, come on now Angelina, you can take him - turns out you can't - but nice Bludger from Fred Weasley, I mean, George Weasley, oh who cares, one of them anyway. And Warrington drops the quaffle and Katie Bell - er - dropped it too - so that's Montague with the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Montague takes the Quaffle, and he's off, up the pitch, come on Gryffindor, block him!"

You know...sometimes Quidditch gives me a headache.

No, it always gives me a headache.

There are too many people, they are too loud, and the announcer is always too loud.

Or maybe I just don't have good experiences.

In the end, Harry caught the Snitch, but he was hit in the back with a Bludger.

Thanks Crabbe, you worthless piece of-

Oh I should probably go check on Harry.

Bidding my friend ado, I climb down the steps to the pitch, to congratulate both teams. They both did amazing for what it's worth.

"-we couldn't fit in useless loser either - for his father, you know."

I am literally speeding toward the probable trainwreck of Draco being an idiot.

"Leave it," Angelina says while grabbing Fred's arm, causing me to slow down my steps. "Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he's just sore he lost, the jumped-up little-"

"- but you like the Weasleys, don't you, Potter?" Draco sneers at Harry. I actually halt, wanting to listen to what he's saying without him noticing I'm here. "Spend holidays there and everything, don't you? Can't see how you stand the stink but I suppose when you've been dragged up by Muggles, even the Weasleys hovel smells okay-"

Okay now I'm just frozen.

Why on earth is Draco being so rude?
Because he lost? No, that's not it. He's trying to do something isn't he?

"Or perhaps," Malfoy says while stepping backwards, "you can remember what your mother's house stank like, Potter and Weasley pigsty reminds you of it-"

It happens in a flash...

Harry releases George and the two run over to Malfoy and start punching him.

Now, I'm frozen for a moment before I decide to run over to Harry, trying to pull him away. "Harry! This is what he wants!"

"Harry! George! No!"


We are all pushed back due to the force of the spell. Deciding to be safe, I grab Harry's wrist and shake my head, telling him not to be an idiot.

"What do you think you're doing?" Madam Hooch screeches. Malfoy is laying on the ground whimpering over a bloody nose.

I like this prat right?

I can always see if Ginny or Luna are available...

"I've never seen behavior like that - back up to the castle, both of you, and go straight to your Heads of House's office! Go now!"

Harry and George trudge up to the castle, walking through a crowd of jeering Slytherins.

After Hooch determines that Malfoy is fine, she leaves.

However, Fred is still being held back.

Deciding that the teachers are far enough away, I storm over to Malfoy and grab him by his robes so he'll actually look at my face. "Are you a f*cking idiot?" I swear I saw a couple Gryffindors flinch at my tone. "Do you think that if you get them to fight you that Harry will be banned from Quidditch? It's ingenious, but moronic! Because guess what," I say, still very much pissed off, "Umbridge isn't going to last after this year, I just know. So anything that toad does this year can be reversed."

I drop Draco and step away, deciding that if I continued to be that close to him, he wouldn't just have a bloody nose.

"And just so you know, Malfoy, when you insult Harry about his mum, you insult me as well. He and I are related, remember? Of course you don't, because you didn't think!"

I kick a rock, making it fly for a few moments before it hits the ground again.

"And never," he is very lucky I'm not stupid, or I would have hexed him right here and now, "insult my parents again. If you don't remember, they died protecting me from someone your father follows to this f*cking day."

And without saying another word, I grab Fred by the wrist and pull him away from the situation.

Draco Malfoy is an idiot.

Chapter 93: Umbridge….I Hate You

Chapter Text

"Hails, you really should talk to Mal-" I glare at Blaise, successfully getting him to shut up about Draco. Sure, it was a bit ago, but I am still pissed die to him getting Harry kicked off the team.

He also got Fred and George kicked off as well which got me very angry at both Umbridge and Draco.

"What do you think Hagrid's going to do for the class?" Theo asks, trying to cut through the awkward tension.

"Something awesome..." I start, looking at Hagrid, who is sporting yellow and green bruises on his face.

Honestly, Umbridge is supposed to be here! Hagrid is being a bit draft if you ask me.

"We're workin" in here today!" Hagrid says happily as he jerks his head to gesture towards the forest. "Bit more sheltered! Anyway, they prefer the dark..."

Also, is Hagrid carrying a dead cow? This is what he plans to show Umbridge in hope to keep his job?

"What prefers the dark? What did he say prefers the dark?"

Oh, Draco sounds kind of scared? That's nice.

"Scared, Malfoy?" I ask, deciding to break my silence with him.

"Not at all."

"Uh huh."

"Ready?" Hagrid asks with a big smile on his face. "Right, well I've been savin' a trip inter the forest fer yer fifth year. Thought we'd go an' see these creatures in their natural habitat. Now, what we're studyin' today is pretty rare, I reckon I'm probably the on'y person in Britain who's managed ter train 'em-"

"And you're sure they're trained, are you? Only it wouldn't be the first time you'd brought wild stuff to class, would it?" Malfoy asks, panic laced in his voice.

"Oh please," I scoff and roll my eyes. "We've had two incidents, and one of them was because you couldn't respect a creature, Malfoy."

"'Course they're trained," Hagrid says while hoisting up the dead cow.

That cow isn't doing you any favors Hagrid.

"So what happened to your face, then?" Malfoy demands.

"What happened to your face?" I mumble. Now, it could be talking about three different things.

One, that I think he's attractive.

Two, it could be about the fact that he has a bruise on his nose still from the big fight.

Three, that I think he is ugly.

One and two are correct...

"Mind yer own business!" Hagrid bellows angrily, making me flinch. "Now, if you finished askin' stupid questions, follow me!"

I attempt to follow him, but am stopped by Draco grabbing my wrist, making me huff. "Potter!"

"What?" I ask while yanking my hand away from him.

"Are you still upset with me?"

He. Is. An. Idiot.

"What do you think?" I ask with my arms crossed. "You get Harry, Fred and George kicked off the Gryffindor team, you insult my dead mother, and insult the only family I feel safe with. Of course I'm a little bit pissy."

Draco opens his mouth to say something, but stops as he seems to second guess himself.

I run my hands through my hair, wanting to actually know what Hagrid is showing us today. "If that's all you wanted to do, bye."

I turn around, but the moment I start to walk away, Draco hugs me from behind. "Sorry."

My face heats up as he mutters a short apology. He actually apologized? Since when does he do that? My mind is racing a million thoughts per minute as we just sit there for a moment.

I lightly pry open his arms so I can step out. "C'mon then, we have class."

Draco seems to be in a daze, but he quickly shakes his head and comes along with me until we reach the class who are gathered around.

Andie turns around as she sees the two of us and grins. When I finally get near her, she glances at Draco and I and continues to grin. "Did you guys get together?"

I roll my eyes at the girl. "No."

Her shoulder slump as she stares at Blaise and Theo and shake her head, making all three of them look dejected.

I hate all of them.

Oh and now there is a thestral eating the dead cow...great.

"Oh, here comes another one!" Hagrid acts like a teenage girl who got her first box of chocolates when her body starts to develope.

And now there are two of them...yay.

"Now, put yer hands up, who can see 'em?" Hagrid asks. I sigh and raise my hand, making Andie stare at me in shock. Hagrid nods at Harry and I. "Yeah, I knew you both would be able to, Harry...Hailey. An' you too Neville? Oh and Aimee?"

Wait Aimee can see them?

I glance at the familiar redhead to see her looking down toward the ground with her hand up. She looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep in days.

Images of her father begging him to let him go back to his girlfriend and daughter flashes back to my mind.

She must be distraught.

"Excuse me?" Draco says with a sneer, "but what exactly are we supposed to be seeing?"

Hagrid doesn't respond verbally, but instead points toward the thestrals eating the cow, causing people to gasp at the sight.

"What's doing it?" Parvati asks, acting terrified. I mean, I probably would be scared if I saw a cow slowly having its flesh torn off its bones as well. "What's eating it?"

"Thestrals," Hagrid says with a grin. "Hogwarts has got a whole herd of 'em in here. Now, who knows-"

"But they're really, really unlucky!" Parvati shieks out. "They're supposed to bring all sorts of horrible misfortune on people who see them. Professor Trelawney told me once-"

Oh yeah, thanks for saying that people who have seen someone die will get even more misfortune. Great to know Parvati.

So, the next few minutes of Hagrid explaining what thestrals are, a lot of people are a bit more comfortable with the invisible-to-most beast.

"Hem, hem."

Oh sh*t.

Hagrid looks to a thestral, thinking that it made the noise.

"Hem, hem."

"Oh hello!" Hagrid says while smiling at Umbridge.

"You received the note I sent to your cabin this morning?" she asks in a tone as if she was addressing a dog...

No, even dogs would be offended with her tone.

Maybe I should ask Sirius if she would offend him?

"Oh, yeah," says Hagrid brightly. "Glad yeh found the place all righ'! Well, as you can see - or. I dunno - can you? We're doin' thestrals today!"

"I'm sorry?" Umbridge asks loudly, cupping her hand over her ear. "What did you say?"

"Er - thestrals!" He says loudly. "Big - er - winged horses, yeh know!"

Umbridge raises a brow as she stares at Hagrid flailing his arms around. She starts writing something on her clipboard.


This is going to be a long class, isn't it?

Chapter 94: I Was Awoken From My Slumber

Chapter Text

I'm in what looks like a hospital, staring at a name plate:

Allen Fawley...

Wait...Fawley? As in Jean?

The girl in the scene who I assume is me due to the hair, turns around and gapes at a female with white-blonde hair.

"Seems like you figured out my secret, good job."


I groan and put a pillow over my head. "Five more minutes."


"WHAT?" I yell back, sitting up and glaring at Andie.

Andie points to the door and throws slippers at me. "Snape says that you need to go to Dumbeldore's office.

"At midnight?"

"I'm just the messenger," Andie says while throwing herself onto her bed and immediately pass out.

I groan as I stand up and pull on my slippers. Why was I even told to get up? What happened?

Is Harry hurt?

And what was wish that vision of Jean? Exactly what kind of secret does she have?

I huff as Snape doesn't say a word and just has me follow him out of the dungeons.

As we continue to walk, I have to keep myself from literally falling asleep while walking because I'm just tired.


"Fred!" I breath out in surprise. "Hey George...Ginny."

Ginny waves and then yawns, her red hair an absolute mess.

Fred and George seem to be leaning on each other as they seem to fight off sleep.

"All of you, hurry up," Professor McGonagall says hastily as she walks briskly towards the headmaster's office.

Snape seems to have left, deciding that I'll get where I need to go.

Wow, my head of house is quite....something.

As we four all trail behind McGonagall, I decide to question the trio of redheads. "What's going on?"

"Harry said that Dad got hurt or something," Fred mumbles, now leaning on me slightly as we walk.

I decide not to question exactly what he meant, due to the fact that he probably was just told himself.

I glance past Fred and just smile at George. "You alright."

"Tired," he mutters, half-asleep.

"I can see that."

"Fizzing Whizzbee," McGonagall's voice rings out as the gargoyle, that is the secret entrance to the headmaster's office, moves to reveal a stone staircase.

"Alright," I push Fred off of me and climb the case. When I see an alert looking Harry and Ron, I run over to both in concern. "Are you both alright? Harry what happened? Are you okay? Do you need to talk about any-"

"We will be able to explain, don't fret Miss Potter," Dumbledore says behind me as the other three Weasley students enter the room.

"Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order the Phoenix," Dumbledore says calmly. "He has been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I am sending you back to Sirius' house, which is much more convenient for the hospital than the Burrow. You will meet your mother there."

How did Harry see this happen?

I stare at Harry in concern, not knowing whether or not something truly happened.

If he was like me, he would have a vision at least once before the occurance, and it usually doesn't happen as the event is occuring.

So what happened?

"How are we going?" Fred asks, fully awake now. "Floo powder?"

Nah, Harry would get lost again...

Maybe I shouldn't be sarcastic during this time.

"No, Floo powder is not safe at the moment, the network is being watched. You will be taking a Portkey."

Oh great, time to almost throw up again.

"We are just waiting for Phineas Nigellus to report back..I wish to be sure that the coast is clear before sending you-"

A flash of flame erupts from the middle of the office and just leaves a single floating feather that slowly fall. "It's Fawkes' warning," Dumbledore grabs the feather before it falls. "She must know that you're out of your beds...Minerva, go and head her off - tell her any story."

McGonagall nods before leaving.

Poor her, she has to deal with Umbridge.

"He says he'd be delighted," a bored voice comes from a portrait. "My great-great grandson has always had an odd taste in houseguests..."

Oh, so Sirius and the guy in the portrait are related? That's cool.

"Come on, then," Dumbledore says to all of us. "And quickly, before anyone else joins us." We all stare at a blackened kettle, mentally preparing ourselves for the uncomfortable experience. "You've all uses a Portkey before?" We nod and put one hand each onto the kettle. "Good. On the count of three"

The ground vanishes from my feet as I am jerked forward in a whirlwind of colors, my hand glued to the kettle.

And then, the ground is back.

Harry falls to the floor due to the force, but I am able to hold onto Fred and George as we all balance ourselves.

"Back again, the blood traitor brats, is it true that their father is dying?"


Ah, we're in the basem*nt of Grimmauld Place, aren't we?

Sirius runs down the steps to greet us with Jean in tow. "What's going on?" Sirius offers his hand to Ginny so he can help her up. "Phineas Nigellus said the Arthur's been badly injured-"

"Ask Harry," Fred responds, sounding really tired.

I'm tired too so I don't blame him.

"Yeah, I want to hear this for myself."

The twins and I all stare at Harry. While the twins are confused, I'm concerned what this means.

What exactly did Harry see?

"It was-" Harry starts, pausing as he tries to recollect his thoughts. "I had a - a kind of - vision."

I stiffen at his words.

He had a vision? Like me or is this something different?

So, Harry talks about how he saw a snake attack Mr. Weasley.

Is the snake the same one from the cemetery? If so, this means that he is trying to kill Mr. Weasley?

Or was he trying to hide something?

"Is Mum here?" Fred asks Sirius.

"She probably doesn't even know what's happened yet. The important thing was to get you away before Umbridge could interfere. I expect Dumbledore's letting Molly know now."

"We need to go to St Mungo's!" Ginny yells out. "Sirius can you lend us as cloaks or anything?"

"Absolutely not!" Jean pitches in, finally making her presence more noticeable. "This is a group that's not supposed to be running. If you all go running into St Mungo's before Arthur's wife, there will be questions that I'm sure you don't want to answer. You all marching in there in the dead of night will put the entire Order at risk."

So angry Jean is scary...good to know. I mean, I've seen her mad at Mundungus, but this is more protective mama bear mode.

"We don't care about the dumb Order!"

"It's our dad dying we're about!"

"Both of you be quiet!" I hiss as a headache makes my head throb painfully. "It's too early for this - or late - I don't care. If your dad was dying, you would be getting letters right now to go to St Mungo's immediately. Are you? No, you're not."

"And even so, your father knew what he was getting into, and he won't thank you for messing up things for the Order!" Sirius remarks, sending me a look of gratitude. "This is how it is - this is why you're not in the Order - you don't understand - there are things worth dying for!"

Jean grabs Sirius' hand and squeezes it in a comforting manner, making me want to puke due to how cute they are together sometimes.

"Easy for you to say, stuck here!" Fred bellows. "I don't see you risking your neck!"

"Fred..." I warn him due to the fact that Sirius' face is literally whiter than Jean's hair.

"I know it's hard, but we've all got to act as though we don't know anything yet. We've got to stay put, at least until we hear from you mother, all right?"

Okay, he is way too calm.

I scoot over to Ginny who is basically collapsed onto a chair. "You alright."

She nods, laying her forehead onto the table. "I'm okay."

"Good," I force a smile. She's going through a lot right now, so I shouldn't try to do anything that will worry her.

"That's right," Sirius says encouragingly, "come on, let's all...let's all have a drink while we're waiting. Accio Butterbeer!"

"That was a bit too chipper, love," Jean mutters as she takes a sip from the bottle of butterbeer.

So, there we sit for a good twenty minutes in silence, the only sound is literally us sipping some butterbeer.

A burst of fire in the middle of the room makes us all gasp until a scroll of parchment and a single golden feather fall onto the table.

"Fawkes!" Sirius says at once, grabbing the parchment. Jean grabs the feather and just seems to pocket it, which I don't blame her. The feathers are quite pretty. "That's not Dumbledore's handwriting - it must be a message from your mother - here."

Sirius proceeds to chuck the piece of parchment at George, who immediately rips it open. "Dad is still alive. I'm setting out for St Mungo's now. Stay where you are. I will send news as soon as I can. Mum."

George stares at the letter in shock. "Still alive? but that makes it sound..."

"Hi Harry," I smile as he looks nervous. Everyone else fell asleep after a bit, but he's still awake. "Do you wanna talk?"

"Not really-"

"Well too bad," I reply all at once. This is serious. "What was that vision of yours like?"

Harry does a double take at my question, probably questioning why I'm even asking. "I already told-"

"No," I interrupt him. "You told us half of the truth, didn't you? Why?"

Harry looks down and seems to fiddle with his sweater sleeve. "I was the snake."

I freeze at his statement.

What. The. Hell?!

"I'm sorry, what?" I need to know if I heard him correctly.

"I was - er - the snake. That's why I didn't want to tell anyone."

So not s vision then. Could someone be sending messages to his brain?

All I know is that he isn't like me.

"What was it like?" I ask while bringing up my legs so I can hug them.

"Terrifying," Harry replies is soft tone, making me want to hug him. "It was like I could move, but I couldn't control my body."

"Yeah, that sounds pretty horrible," I reply, "but I don't think it was anything seer related though."

"Why not?"

"I've experienced those types of visions," I laugh lightly. "You can't move, you can't speak, you can't see the people's faces. Why did you think I told Cedric to hide when we went to the cemetery?"

Harry is frozen at the reveal of that.

"Anyways," I go back to being serious. "What you experienced was happening at that specific time, so it's not Divination. It's something odd, I can feel it."

"Well it better stop being so weird," Harry says while hugging his legs. "I don't want to be a snake."

I laugh at his comment. "I don't think anyone does, Harry." Thinking for a bit, I decide to smile wildly at an idea. "So...Harry...I heard you and Cho kissed."

Chapter 95: A Talk With Jean

Chapter Text

"I thought that to belong in Gryffindor House, you were supposed to be brave?"

I pause as I'm about to enter Harry's room. Was that Phineas? Why is he talking to Harry like that?

"It looks to me as though you would have been better off in my own house. We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid. For instance, given the choice, we will always choose to save our own necks."

"Well that doesn't fit everyone, now does it?" I ask while opening the door. "I'm a Slytherin, but I would risk my life for my friends if the chance happened."

"Would you really?"

I pause at the question.

Of course I would, wouldn't I?

Flashes of Harry fighting off the darkest wizard of our era alone goes through my mind.

I didn't try to help, did I?

Am I a hypocrite?

"Of course I would," I glare at the portrait before glancing over at Harry and his fully packed trunk. "Do you think running away is really the answer?"

"Oh, shove off Hailey."

"Nope," I say while grabbing his trunk and pulling it away from him. "I hate to say it, but Phineas Nigellus is right. You're running away, Harry."

The portrait scoffs at my comment.

"Hailey, I'm trying to save-"

"What? All of us?" I ask, grabbing his hand so he can't just walk away. "I'm your sister, Harry! What you do, I do! And let me tell you, you are being an idiot right now!"


"Interrupt me trying to give you confidence one more time and you'll be roommates with Mr. Weasley," I mutter, glaring at him.

I don't like being interrupted when I'm trying to be motivational.

"Harry..." I drop his hand but still stare at him intently. "Do you think Sirius actually wants you to leave? What about Ginny? Fred? George? Jean? You are running away, Harry, and it isn't like you."

Harry looks frantic at the accusation. "I'm not running away! I don't want Voldemort-" I flinch at the utterance of his name, "-to know things about the Order!"

"Harry..." I trail off and flick his head lightly. "If V- he could access your memories and such willingly, we all would be dead by now. I personally dont think he realizes what is happening yet, but that's just a theory."

"Oh, right, I have a message from Albus Dumbledore for the both of you."

Oh right, that painting is still here.

"Well?" Harry asks, seeming to be a bit calmer than a few moments ago.

"Stay where you are."

"I haven't moved!" Harry exclaims loudly.

I really want to facepalm because Harry can sometimes be really stupid. "That's the message."

Harry seems to be angrier at the news of the short message. "So that's it, is it?" He yells loudly, causing me to grip his hand in an attempt to get him to calm down. "Stay there? That's all anyone could tell me after I got attacked by those dementors tok! Just stay put while the grown-ups sort it out, Harry! We won't bother telling you anything, though, because your tiny little brain might not be able to cope with it."

I mean, Harry is pretty stupid-

There's a time and a place, Hailey.

I sigh and just pull him down so he can actually be at eye level. "Look, I don't care how upset you are that people care about you, but you are very lucky we can't use magic outside of school."

And with that, I mock salute Phineas and leave the room, a bit tired of my brother complaining about how the people in his life don't want him to take part in a literal war.

I wake up on Christmas morning with a very large stack of presents at the foot of my bed. Hermione seems to be already awake and Ginny is still cocooned within her blankets.

I breathe out, deciding to open the one on the top.

The fact that even when I badmouth that idiot, Malfoy still sends me a birthday gift and a Christmas gift each year is really sweet.

I remove the ribbon from the small box to reveal a pair of earrings that match the necklace he gave me back in first year.

I put a hand to my neck and lightly trace the edges of the snake pendant.

He is such an adorable dork.

He didn't leave a note though, which is disappointing but expected I guess.

I sift through the other gifts, smiling at how Blaise gave me Potions Reimagined and Theo gave me a pair of cauldron earrings and some Every Flavor Beans.

Andie just gave me some sugar quills, which actually makes me happy because I was running out.

Hermione got me a homework planner that yells things every time I turn the page, Ron got me some chocolate frogs, and Harry got me a book about dragons, claiming that it was so I could interact with Elaine a bit better.

I do smile again when I'm opening Fred's gift, which is a photo album. It seems that he hired Colin Creevey to take pictures of me sometimes.

"Well you seem happy," Ginny says while stretching. "Good morning Hailey."

"Good morning," I smile and place down the photo album.

"Did my brother give you that?"

"Which one?"

"Fred, obviously."

"Oh," I pause and smile. "Yeah, he did."

Ginny snorts while she goes through a couple cards from different friends. "He is so whipped for you. If that whole Malfoy thing doesn't work out, you should definitely at least to date him."

I pause. Is she shipping me with her brother? "Isn't it kind of odd that you are trying to get us together?"

Ginny shrugs and slips on her brand new Weasley sweater, "probably. Personally, I think you and Malfoy would be cute, mostly because he isn't as annoying when around you. However, you and Fred would be cute too."

Does everyone like talking and thinking about my romantic life?

The heck?

I just brush it off and continue through the rest of my presents. A huge box of chocolates from Remus, some assorted candy from Sirius, a few jokeshop knickknacks from George, about three books about spelling making from Jean, the ever so famous Weasley sweater from Mrs. Weasley, and a few dung bombs from Tonks.

All in all, a actual really nice haul worth of this.

This Christmas may not be amazing, but it's not horrible either.

After our trip to St Mungo's to visit Mr. Weasley, everyone seems to go off and do their own think.

My godmother, for example, is sitting in an uncomfortable chair and reading some true crime book.

As I remember vision I had quite a few days ago, the female in question is now snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Did you hear me Hailey?"

I look away sheepishly. "Sorry, I zoned out."

"Obviously," she falls back into her chair as she goes through her book.

"Uh," I search for the right words to say, "Jean?" The female looks up from her book again, gesturing for me to spit out whatever I am saying. "Is your dad in St Mungo's?"

I cringe at how straightforward I am, but some things need to be asked.

Jean is even paler than usual after hearing that question. "How did you-"

"I saw him name plate when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I walked around today," I say quickly. It's not a complete lie, but it's not the complete truth either.

I did see his name plate, but I was suspecting something due to my vision.

"Oh," she responds and puts down her book. "He's alright by the way."

I tilt my head at her words. Exactly what does she mean that he's alright? He's in a hospital!

"Say, you know about my strong dislike for the Ministry?" Jean asks calmly, causing me to nod my head. "Well, the Ministry has this one's called the Department of Mysteries. The workers are called unspeakables, however, when you stop being in that department, they Oblivate you. My dad...was fired," Jean tries to get comfortable, but huffs when she realizes that there is no chance.

"So he's in there because he can't take care of himself?" I ask for confirmation.

"Exactly, " Jean forces a smile. "They oblivated about sixteen years worth of memories, and any time he doesn't rememeber, he stresses himself out."

I actually feel sorry for her. She's forcing a smile, but she's still quite pale.

"Alright then," she says while standing up. "If that's all, I'll see you later." She waves and leaves without saying another word.

Jean isn't quite as chipper and supportive as she usually is, so it's pretty unnerving.

I'm actually really sorry, Jean.

Chapter 96: Let’s Blame Everything On Sirius

Chapter Text

I didn't find out about the Azkaban breakout until Drack got his copy of the Daiky Prophet. He seemed nervous but laughed it off.

And of course they blamed it on Sirius instead of the actual threat. Why wouldn't they?

Everyone seems to be deep in conversation about the prison break out, but I just can't bring myself to actually talk about it.

There are bad people that broke out...really bad people.

Bellatrix Lestrange literally tortured Neville's parents to insanity.

This isn't good at all.

And to top it off, a man that I saw just a few weeks ago died in St Mungo's. He was there, in Lockhart's room. That healer brought in the potted devil's snare.

Why didn't I recognize it?

I feel horrible that I didn't recognize it.

"Well this will be amazing. At least that bloke isn't going to be teaching anymore!"

I push Draco, "I'm not in the mood."

"You never are."

"Oh, shove off."

Draco doesn't seem to take the hint, which makes me think that he's stupid. "Why are you even upset?"

"Alright, one," I say while putting down my book, a bit pissy, "Hagrid is my friend. Two, I've had people come up to he ever since that breakout saying that they understand what I am going through."

Draco opens his mouth to say something, but closes it immediately. I open my book and continue to read.

This entire year is the worst school year at Hogwarts, ever. Umbridge keeps making decrees, Fred and George continue to get in trouble just to spite Umbridge, Harry has a scar on his hand due to her discipline, and Draco is even more of a prat than usual.

Umbridge has really been a bitch as of recently.

In Care of Magical Creatures, she's always there, writing on her clipboard anything that can go against Hagrid.

According to Harry and Ron, she is also in Divination, constantly interrupting Trelawney with complex questions and asking for predictions.

Even though that's not really how predictions work.

It doesn't help that someone seems to be intercepting my letters to Jean, Sirius, Remus, and Tonks. So basically, Umbridge is literally stealing my mail to try and find a reason to expel me.

I talked to Jesn about it during a Hogmeade trip and she looked stumped as well, which worries me.

Umbridge is just the most annoying person and I just hate her...

A lot.

And she wants to talk to me so I'm going to be tortured with her presence even more...


"So...that one's Fred and that one's George?" Maddy, a seventh year hufflepuff who is on their Quidditch team, has been trying to tell the twins apart for a few months now.

I smile and nod, waving at Fred who looks at me confused. "Correct."

The hufflepuff squeals before accidentally slipping on air and falling. She huffs before getting back to her feet. "That was embarrassing..."

I shrug, not really caring. She's clumsy, so what? "So, how are you doing with your spells?"

"Oh..." she trails off, twisting her wand in her hand. "I'm not any good at defensive spells really. Charms, yeah, but defensive spells? I suck."

"You were able to disarm me once," I say, sitting down on one of the cushions.

"I literally knocked the wand out of your hand after Lee Jordan accidentally ran into me..."

I shrug, smiling lightly. "Still counts."

"No it doesn't!"

"Are you sure?" I ask her with a smile.

"Yes!" She huffs while glancing at George. She glances to the other cushions with a soft smile. "I'm not exactly here for learning how defend myself anyways."


I tilt my head at the girl's statement. "Then why did you sigh your name?"

She shrugs, glancing at the twins again. "Wanted to talk to some people. Hasn't worked out yet though."



I glance over at the twins who are messing around, but still practicing their disarming charms.

"So you like one of the twins?"

Maddy laughs nervously before placing her hand over her mouth after realizing she was a bit too loud.

"No, I don't like either of them."


I huff as I enter Umbridge's office. The woman has the entire room pink with plates of loud cats meowing at me as I walk in.

Umbridge is wearing a bunch of pink...again, making me cringe.

Sighing, I smile at the woman, "you wanted to see me?"

"Yes," her grin widens as I sit down. "Tea?"

"Oh, no thank you," I say politely. I decided that I probably shouldn't be rude in front of her. I don't want her to do something to Harry because I was an idiot.

"Oh, but I insist!" Her grin falters as she pushes a cup of hot tea toward me.

I stare at it and then at her.

"I'm afraid I don't like the taste of tea, Professor." I would much rather her make it in front of me, due to the fact that this could be easily a way to slip me a truth potion.

Her grin falters once more as I come up with another excuse. "Oh, but this is special tea. It tastes very good, I can assure you."

I glance at her and then the cup. I really don't want to drink this. "Alright..."

Now, I'm no idiot.

Instead of actually drinking it, I keep my mouth closed and just pretend to actually take a sip of the tea.

Umbridge's grin widens even more as I place the cup down. "Now, I have a few questions for you, Miss Potter."

I narrow my eyes at this woman. She definitely just tried to slip me something. "Go ahead then."

"Alright," I really hate her high pitched voice. It really makes me feel uneasy. "Tell me, is your brother a part of a secret club?"

"No," I reply coolly. Sorry Umbridge, I don't rat out my family.

"Are you a part of a secret club, Miss Potter?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I ask while tilting my head. "I'm best friends with one of the people in your little group of students you entrust to do things for you. What would I gain from breaking the rules?"

Umbridge seems to dislike that I actually started asking questions myself. "Perhaps - theoretically of course - you would try and evade punishment if caught."

"That doesn't answer my question," I say, my voice still calm. "What would I gain from joining something that could get me expelled?"

Umbridge brushes off my question, actually seeming to get frantic. "Are you, or are you not, a part of a club that was not approved by me?"

"I am not."

Sorry Umbridge, but maybe you shouldn't obviously try and slip me Veritaserum.

Chapter 97: Draco Is A Prat

Chapter Text

"Tell me again why you haven't asked Malfoy out yet?" Fred asks as we walk around the school.

Particularly today, I was a bit bummed that I haven't actually said anything to Draco since today is February fourteenth.

Hell, Harry even is taking Cho on a date!

I actually should talk to Cedric about the breakup, he does not look very happy during the last few D.A. meetings, poor guy.

"Oh, I don't know," I laugh lightly as we turn the corner. "He was talking about Valentine's Day being stupid and all and I-"

"So?" Fred responds, side stepping away from me when Pansy Parkinson turns the corner.

She sneers at both of us as we attempt to walk by her. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Library," I respond cooly.

"Oh really?" She continues to grin as she looks at the two of us. "Never thought you were one for blood traitors, Potter, but here we are."

Fred tries to move, but I grab his wrist, shaking my head in warning. She's trying to get us to attack her so she can give us detention.

"Shouldn't you be off kissing to floor Malfoy stands on, Parkinson?" I ask, a small grin on my face.

Her face flushes for a moment before she glares at me. "How dare you-"

"What? Mad?" I ask while tilting my head. "You're the one bullying two friends hanging out with eachother." I decide to end the conversation there to not risk detention.

With my hand still around Fred's wrist, I pull him away from the girl that has an uncanny resemblance to a pug.

"You didn't need to do that you know."

"Oh what should have I done?" I ask Fred once we're far enough from Pansy. "Let you get detention with Umbridge? No offense, but I don't like people getting words carved in their hands unwillingly."

Deciding that I should just lean on the wall, I sigh, happy that the whole situation didn't turn bad. If Pansy was with other people outside of my immediate friend group, we both would be in a very bad situation.


I crack an eye open and just smile at the dork. "Not really your fault that we ran into Parkinson, now is it? She's all bark and no bite anyways."

I push off the wall and just walk along with Fred. "Do you think she's going to say anything?"

"Oh definitely," I reply, putting some hair behind my ear. "She's probably going to go gossip about me towards Malfoy in an attempt to get him and I to stop being friends. She won't do anything tok drastic though."

"You're a bit too calm about this."

Now this is where I actually smirk. "The funny thing is about her is that she never remembers that when she badmouthes me, I retaliate. Kind of sad that her memory is so horrible."

Fred smiles at my response, probably happy that I'm not totally stressed out about the annoying Slytherin.

I stop after a few seconds of listening to talking up ahead, and grab Fred, pulling him so he's out of sight. "What-"

I put a finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. Lowering my hand that was telling him to shush, I continue to listen in.

"Honestly, I can't imagine that thing lasting!"

That's Malfoy talking...

"Yeah, just imagine it! Potter and Chang. It's probably out of pity anyways."

That's Blaise...

"Both of those Potters are annoying as hell anyways. I honestly feel bad for them."

Oh looks like Pansy caught up with Draco.

"Guys I don't think-"

"Oh shove off it, Nott! We all know that Hailey isn't any better when it comes to anything. In fact, she's probably worse than that brother of hers!"

I grip onto Fred's wrist so I can make sure he doesn't go running after them.

"You agree with me, don't you Drakey-poo?"

"Yeah...I guess."


So Malfoy thinks I'm annoying. Good to know. Fred looks like he's about to go murder someone, probably matching my expression honestly.

"You all are hopeless," Theo's voice says. "Do you really think making fun of someone will make Malfoy like you?"

"Well it's not like he likes Hailey!" Pansy's voice shrieks. There's an awkward pause where the only sounds we hear are footsteps. "You don't like her, right, Drakey-poo?"

"Obviously I don't."



"Well I don't like this," Theo's voice says before his footsteps echo away.

"Neither do I," Andie says. I honestly didn't even realize she was walking with them. "Come one Blaise."

And then those two walk away.

"Their loss," Pansy's voice rings out.

"Can you stop talking? You're giving me a headache."

"Alright, I'll stop," Pansy says in a lower tone. "Drakey, do you want to go over to Hogsmeade with me today?"



Taking a deep breath, I walk out of my hiding spot, and start to walk towards the gossiping teens. I smile lightly, deciding to force myself to actually smile. "Hey Malfoy."

He jumps, his eyes widening. "Potter!"

"Thanks by the way," I continue to force my smile as Fred and I walk by. "Great to know that I'm annoying. Hope you and Pansy have fun at Hogsmeade!"

Worst day ever.

Chapter 98: Caught


Panic attack depictions

Chapter Text

"Maddy, you have to think of something happy..." I trail off as the girl once again fails at her Patronus. "Maddy, wait," I grab her by the shoulders so she'll look at me. "Do you remember a happy memory? Like a really happy one? Anything at all?"

She nods. "Er - yeah..."

I smile and let go of her shoulders. "Alright then, how about you just imagine that one for a few minutes at try again."

She nods, looking determined to succeed.

"Hailey, are you quite sure I'm doing it right?" Luna asks me as a shining light comes out of her wand. It doesn't have a form, but it's a start.

"Well, this spell is quite difficult," I say to the girl. "So it's not a surprise that you're having a slight difficulty with it. Perhaps you should take a break and just think about every emotion you had in your memory and try again?"

She nods thoughtfully. "Do you think this may keep away nargles?"


I walk around the Room of Requirement, smiling at Harry. He seems to be happy with the amount of people able to do the spell. "How are you doing Harry?"

"Fine, I guess," he mutters as his eyes follow Hermione's silvery otter patronus.

"Well I'm glad you aren't being moody anymore," I joke but frown when he still doesn't look very happy.

"I'm not being-"

"Oh I know that," I interrupt him, leaning on the bookcase. "You've been through traumatic experiences, Harry. It's to be expected that you experience mood swings every once in a while."

Harry smiles at me, up until the door to the Room of Requirement opens. We all go silently as Dobby tugs on Harry's robes.

"Dobby, what's wrong?" I kneel towards the house-elf, extremely worried. He's literally trembling.

"Hailey Potter..." he squeaks, still trembling. "Hailey Potter...Dobby has come to warn you all...but the house-elves have been warned not to tell..."

Dobby then runs into the wall headfirst into the wall, causing me to cringe and the other girls to shriek. Harry seems to try and seize Dobby but fails.

"What happened, Dobby?" Harry asks, finally grabbing Dobby's arm.

"Harry Potter...she...she..."

Dobby hits himself on the nose with his free arm, causing Harry to seize that too.

"Who's 'she, Dobby?" I ask him softly, trying to get him to calm down. Dobby looks up quite frightened, causing me to gasp.

"Umbridge?" Harry and I ask in unison.

"She found out," I cover my mouth, actually quite frightened. "Is she coming, Dobby?"

Dobby let's out a shriek and hits his bare feet onto the ground. "Yes, Hailey Potter, yes!"

"Accio cloak," I say aloud, making sure the cloak is with me. Everyone seems frozen, staring at Harry and I in shock. "Run."

Everyone starts to try and run at the same time, making me hear their footsteps echoing as they run down the corridors.

"Harry, Hailey, come on!" Hermione shrieks as she's in the center of the large amount of people trying to escape.

I nod at Harry, mentally hoping that he knows I want him to get Dobby out of here.

"Thank you, Harry Potter!" Dobby squeaks. Dobby runs off.

I notice that I'm alone in the Room, so I run out as well. "Harry!" I yell at him as he looks frozen. "There's a boys bathroom up ahead, go hide in there!"

"What about you?"

I roll my eyes at him. "I'll be fine, go!"

Unfortunately, neither of us can go any further when something trips both of us. As we both look at the person who just tripped us.

Of f*cking course.

Draco Malfoy seemed to have concealed himself near a dragon-shaped vase.

He is smiling when he stares at Harry, but his smile falters when he spots me. "Trip Jinx," he says is a slightly hushed voice.

Gotta admit, it's a good spell to use in this situation, but I'm not going to praise him for that of course.

"Hey, Professor - PROFESSOR! I've got two."

Well f*ck you too.

"It's both of them!" Umbridge days happily, like she just won a trip to free Disneyland or something. "Excellent, Draco, excellent, oh very good - fifty points to Slytherin! I'll take them from here...stand up Potters!"

Did she just award my own house fifty points? Either she's stupid or crazed with power...probably both.

We both get to our feet, glaring at both idiots. Umbridge grabs both of our arms and I flinch at the power of her grip.

Draco opens his mouth to say something when seeing I'm in pain, but shuts it immediately.

"You hop along and see if you can round up anymore of them, Draco," she says while still smiling. "Tell the others to look in the library - anybody out of breath - check the bathrooms Miss Parkinson cab di the girl's one - off you go - and you two," she adds in a disgustingly sweet tone. "You both can come with me to the headmaster's office, Potters."

I scowl at her, but she seems to ignore me. Within minutes, we are at the familiar gargoyle.

"Fizzing Whizbee," Umbridge basically sings out, causing the gargoyle to move and let us go up the stairs.

Once we actually enter, my breath gets stuck in my throat as I stare at the amount of people looking at us. There's McGonagall and Snape, who are probably here due to them being our heads of houses. There is also Fudge, Kingsley Shacklebolt, some old looking wizard, and Percy Weasley.

The portraits are all awake, staring at Harry and I.

So yeah, my reaction of just not being able to breathe is justified...I think.

"Well," Fudge says, "Well, well, well..."

I grip onto Harry's wrist, actually quite nervous.

"He was heading back to Gryffindor Tower," says Umbridge. "I have no idea where the girl was going. Although, no matter, the Malfoy boy cornered both of them."

"Did he, did he?" I swear if Fudge repeats one more time, I will murder you. "I must remember to tell Lucius. Well, Potters....I expect you both know why you are here."

I try to speak, but just can't. Why can't I speak? My brain starts to block out everything as I struggle to actually breathe. Why can't I breathe?

As I struggle to actually breathe, Harry squeezes my hand, actually calming me down a bit.

"School rules?" Harry's voice rings out. "No."

"Or Ministry decrees?" Fudge says angrily, not even caring that one of the children he is interrogating is literally having a f*cking panic attack.

"Not that I'm aware of," Harry says blandly, trying to get me to calm down.

"So it's news to you, is it," Fudge says in anger, "that an illegal student organization has been discovered within this school?"

"There is?" I speak up, faking a concerned look. "I couldn't imagine who could be a part of something like that."

"I think, Minister," Umbridge says from behind us, "we might make better progress if I fetch our informant."



Fudge tells her to grab them, causing my heart to drop to my stomach as my mouth goes dry.




This isn't good.

This isn't good at all.

And when it is revealed that it is one of Cho's friends....oh my god I could kill her right there. This is her fault, isn't it?

"Don't be scared, dear, don't be frightened," said Professor Umbridge softly, patting the girl's back lightly. "It's quite all right, now. You have done the right thing. The minister is very pleased with you. He'll be telling your mother what a good girl you've been. Marietta's mother, Minister, is Madam Edgecombe from the Department of Magical Transportation. Floo Network office - she's been helping us police the Hogwarts fires, you know."

Just how many people are on the Ministry's side just because of the Daily Prophet?

"Jolly good, jolly good!" Fudge yells out happily. "Like mother like daughter, eh? Well, come on, now, dear, look up, don't be shy, let's hear what you've got to - galloping gargoyles!"

Marietta had raised her head to show that it was now covered in purple pimples that spell out the word 'sneak.' She shrieks and lowers her head again.

"Nevermind the spots now, dear," Umbridge says sweetly, "just take your robes away from your mouth and tell the Minister..."

Marietta lets out another wail and if I wasn't pissed at her, I would feel bad.

"Oh, very well, you silly girl, I'll tell him," snaps the toad woman. "Well, Minister, Miss Edgecombe here came to my office shortly after dinner this evening and and told me there was something she wanted to yell me. She said that if I proceeded to a secret room on the seventh floor, sometimes known as the Room of Requirement, I would find our something to my advantage. I questioned her a little further and she admitted that there would be some kind of meeting there. Unfortunately, at this point the hex came into operation and upon catching sight of her face in my mirror, the girl became too distressed to tell me any more."

Well duh, I would be mortified as well.

Also, Umbridge, I hate you with a passion...just saying.

"Well, now," Fudge says while looking at Marrietta with a proud expression, making me want to vomit. "It is very brave of you, my dear, coming to tell Professor Umbridge, you did exactly the right thing. Now, will you tell me waht happened at this meeting? What was its purpose? Who was there?"

Marietta shakes her head, her eyes wide and fearful.

The two adults start talking about the jinx, but Umbridge hasn't found a counterjinx yet, which makes me proud of Hermione.

Unbridge then talks about some other wizard was in the Hogs Head...


I really should have checked before allowing them to have the meeting there.

"The purpose of Potter's meeting with the students was to persuade them to join an illegal society, whose aim was to learn spells and curses the Ministry has decided that are inappropriate for school-age-"

Well yeah, but we should still learn things instead of rehashes of old classes.

"I think you'll find that you're wrong there, Dolores," Dumbledore says as he stares at her from his spectacles.

"Oho!" Fudge says while bouncing around. "Yes, do let's hear the latest co*ck-and-bull story designed to pull the Potters out of trouble! Go on then, Dumbledore, go on - Willy Widdershins was lying, was he? Or instead of them being twins, they are quadruplets and the two others were at the Hog's Head that day. Or is there the usual simple explanation involving a reversal time, a dead man coming back to life and a couple of invisible dementors?"

"Oh, very good, Minister, very good!" Percy lets out a laugh.

"Don't act like you're all high and mighty Percy, you're the one who didn't visit his father when he could have died due to family drama," I mutter, only loud enough for Harry to hear me.

"Cornelius, I do not deny - and nor, I am sure, does Harry and Hailey - that they were in the Hog's Head that dag trying to recruit students for a Defense Against the Dark Arts group. I am merely pointing that Dolores is quite wrong to suggest such a group was, at the time, illegal. If you remember, the Ministry decree banning all student societies was not put into effect until two days after their Hogsmeade meeting, so they were not breaking any school rules in that Hog's Head at all."

I love Dumbledore.

Fudge is paused mid-bouce, his mouth open, while Percy looks like someone threw a brick at his face.

Wait can I throw a brick at his face?

Not today, Hailey, not today.

"That's all very fine, Headmaster..." Oh shut up Umbridge. "But we are now nearly six months from the introduction of Educational Decree Number Twenty-four. If the first meeting was not illegal, all those those that have happened since most certainly are."

"Well," Dumbledore says while surveying her. "They certainly would be, if they had continued after the decree game came into effect. Do you have any evidence that these meetings continued?"

Again, I love Dumbledore.

"Evidence?" Umbridge says with a grin. "Have you not been listening, Dumbledore? Why do you think Miss Edgecombe is here?"

"Oh, can she can tell us about six months' worth of meetings?" Dumbledore says while raising his eyebrow. "I was under the impression that she's merely reporting a meeting tonight."

Did I mention I love Dumbledore?

"Miss Edgecombe," says Umbridge sweetly, "tell us how long meetings have been going on, dear. You can simply nod or shake your head, I'm sure that won't make the spots worse. Have they been happening regularly over the last six months?"

Please be nice.

Please lie.


"Just nod or shake your head, dear." Umbridge says, clearly getting impatient. "Come on, now, they won't activate the jinx further..."

After a few moments, Marietta...shakes her head.

"I don't think you understood the question, did you, dear? I'm asking whether you've been going to these meetings for the past six months? You have, haven't you?"

Again, Marietta shakes her head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head, dear?"

"I would have thought her meaning was quite clear," McGonagall says harshly. I glance st Snape, who just looks bored about the whole predicament. "There have been no secret meeting for the past six months. Is that correct, Miss Edgecombe?"

She nods.

Also, I love McGonagall.

"But there was a meeting tonight!" Umbridge yells out. "There was a meeting, Miss Edgecombe, you told me about it, in the Room of Requirement! And the Potters were the leaders, were they not, they organized it, they - why are you shaking your head, girl?"

Oh no, Umbridge looks angry...that's really a shame.

"Well, usually when a person shakes their head," McGonagall says coldly, "they mean no. So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans-"

Umbridge seizes Marietta, and for a split second, I feel sorry for the girl.

Dumbledore stands up and points his wand at Umbridge, causing the woman to leap back from the student.

"I cannot allow you to manhandle my students, Dolores."

Okay, but Dumbledore looks pissed off.

Umbridge, you better run.

"You'll want to calm yourself, Madam Umbridge," Kingsley says slowly. "You don't want to get yourself in trouble now."

"No," Umbridge says lowly, glancing at Kingsley. "I mean, yes - you're right, Shacklebolt - I - I forgot myself."

Yeah sure.

Marietta seems to be frozen, staring straight ahead with oddly blank eyes.

Wait, Kingsley was muttering a bit a little while ago. Did he use a charm on her so she'd answer the questions the way he wanted her to?

If so, that's brilliant.

"Dolores - the meeting tonight, the one that we know definitely happened-"

"Yes," Umbridge, seemingly pulling herself together, "yes...well, Miss Edgecombe tipped me off and I proceeded at once to the seventh floor, accompanied by certain trustworthy students, so as to catch those in the meeting red-handed. It appears that they were forewarned of my arrival, however, because when we reached the seventh floor they were running in different direction. It does not matter, however. I have all their names here, Miss Parkinson ran into the Room of Requirement for me to see if they left anything behind...We needed the evidence and the room provided..."


I knew we shouldn't have put the name of the group on the piece of parchment.

And there goes me blacking out, unaware of anything happening around me.

We're going to be expelled, aren't we? Our wands will be snapped and I'll never see my friends again.

The Weasleys will be so angry with us, we did cause their children to get in trouble.

Will Jean get in trouble as well? Her name is on the paper as well.

I can't breathe, my chest feels tight as my heart threatens to burst out of my chest.

Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes as I try to steady my breathing.

I need to breathe.

Draco would be so upset if I left.


He's a jackass, and never understands what he says can be rude as hell. But I still like him so so much.

I love Draco Malfoy and when will I be able to tell him?

I probably wouldn't tell him if we weren't caught, I'm still pissed off at him. However, I wanted to tell him before we graduate. I know that's stupid. I know I should have told him years ago.

But I was scared.

And now I don't have a chance to tell him.


I still to tell Theo that he probably won't win the bet I know Blaise and him have, the one betting who will confess first.

I still want to be happy for Andie and Blaise, they seem happy together.

I don't want to leave the school.

Hogwarts is my home.

I don't want to just ignore what I was brought into a little over five years ago.

I want to stay.

Breathe, dammit! Breathe!

Slow down your heart! Calm down! Grab Harry's wrist and stop blacking out! You're a Potter dammit! Your parents died to protect you! You've saved someone's life last year! So just breathe!


I blink multiple times, my brain finally comprehending the situation that just happened. "Harry," I mutter before hugging him gently. Harry squeezes me in the hug before we separate.

We seem to be both on the ground, with McGonagall and Snape hovering over us as the Ministry officials are stunned.

"What happened?" I mutter.

I finally noticing McGonagall and Dumbledore talking.

"Remember - close your mind."

Oh he's talking to Harry now.

Dumbledore puts his hand over Harry's scar, causing Harry to flinch in pain.

I tilt my head, still slightly disoriented.

"-you will understand," Dumbledore whispers.

Fawkes circles the office. And in a few seconds, Dumbledore raise his hand and he's gone in a flash of fire.

"Where is he?" Fudge yells, clearly awake. "Where is he?"

"I don't know!" Kingsley yells, jumping to his feet.

"Well he can't have Disapparted!" Umbridge cries out. "You can't inside the school-"

"The stairs!" cries an Auror as he flings himself at the door.

Fudge glares at both Harry and I, causing me to glare at him with the same intensity.

Dude, I literally had a panic attack, twice, and all you cared about was your reputation.

"Well Minevra, I'm afraid this is the end of your friend Dumbledore."

"You think so, do you?" McGonagall asks, still protecting Harry and I.

"You'd better get those three to bed," Fudge says as if dismissing her.

Honey, you can control McGonagall, she's better than you.

Snape and McGonagall get us all up, and right before we actually leave, I laugh out when I hear Kingsley.

"You know, Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts...but you cannot deny he's got style.."

Chapter 99: Free, George, You Two Are Awesome

Chapter Text

So Umbridge has successfully taken over Hogwarts...yay.

Also, Dumbledore's office won't let Umbridge through, so double yay.

"Oh, I expect she really fancied herself sitting up there in the Head's office," Hermione says as we all walk from classes with Ernie Macmillan. "Lording it over all the other teachers, the stupid puffed-up, power-crazed old-"

"Now do you really want to finish that sentence, Granger?" Draco asks with his two lackies, Crabbe and Goyle, following him like stray puppies. "Afraid I'm going to have to dock a few points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff."

Glad to know I'm noticed.

It's hard to think that when I was afraid of being expelled, I actually was going to regret not telling him that I like him.

But if he's going to be a dick, he can continue being ignorant, I'm not going to torture myself with pretending he's not being an ass.

"It's only teachers that can dock points from Houses, Malfoy," Ernie says, looking rather nervous.

"Yeah, we're prefects too, remember?" Ron snarls.

Ah, Harry and I are being ignored...nice.

"I know prefects can't dock points, Weasel King," jokes Malfoy, causing me to grab Ron and Harry by the wrists so they don't jump the prat. "But members of the Inquisitorial Squad-"

"The what?" Hermione asks sharply.

"The Inquisitorial Squad, Granger," Draco says while pointing to a silver badge on his robes. "A select group of students who are supportive of the Ministry of Magic, hand-picked by Professor Umbridge. Anyway, members of the Inquisitorial Squad do have to power to dock points...So. Granger, I'll have five points from you for being rude about our new headmis...Macmillan, five for contradicting...Five because I don't like you Potter...the boy one...Weasley, your shirt is untucked, so I'll have another five for that...Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Mudblood, Granger, so then for that-"

I grip onto Ron's wrist a bit more shaking my head.

Letting go of Harry and Ron's wrists, I cross my arms at the blond in front of us. "So, tell me Malfoy, how many points are you going to dock from Slytherin?"

Draco looks taken aback by my question. "Why would I-"

"Umbridge is a fat cow who looks like a toad. The amount of pink she wears makes any sane person want to vomit. The amount of cat plates she has totally says that she's lonely, probably because she's a lunatic." I smirk, looking expectantly at the blond before fake gasping. "Oh, it's untidiness you don't like!"

I pull my shirt out so it's untucked, loosen my tie so it just hangs around my neck, and rustle my hair so it matches Harry's.

With a smirk, I stare at the boy. "So, you going to dock points, Malfoy?"

"Watch what you say to me," he says quickly, seemingly mad at the whole situation. "Remember, I talked Umbridge into not giving you detention."

"Yeah?" I laugh slightly. "I didn't need your help." I grab Harry's hand to show off the scar he has from multiple detentions with Umbridge. "This is unacceptable for any person in power to inflict onto people below them in hierarchy. If you can't see that, then you don't deserve to be third in all of your class, Malfoy. C'mon," I say while dragging Harry and Ron with me.

Ernie and Hermione follow, looking a bit shocked that I actually yelled at the prat.

"He's such a prat!" I yell once we see the hourglasses that record house points.

Slytherin remains unchanged while Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor all have gone down due to this Inquistorial squad that is using it so my house will be the winner of the House Cup.

Don't get me wrong, I want Slytherin to win, but I want them to win fairly.

It's a too much of a headache if we cheat our win.

"Noticed have you?" Fred asks as he descends the staircase with George.

"He's such a f*cking prick!" I yell out, not caring that others can hear me. "Malfoy just docked Gryffindor twenty points and Hufflepuff five! And do you know how many he docked Slytherin, even though I was there too? Zero! He's-"

Fred pulls me into a hug. "C'mon, you don't want to get into detention, do you?" He lets me go once I officially calm down enough.

"Montague tried to do us during break," George says offhandedly.

"What do you mean, 'tried'?" Ron asks.

"He never managed to get the words out," Fred says while smirking, "due to the fact that we forced him headfirst into that Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor."

Hermione gasps at this news. "But you'll get into terrible trouble!"

"Not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks, I dunno where we sent him." I smile and lightly high five both twins. "Anyway...we've decided that we don't care about getting into trouble anymore."


"Have you ever?"

"'Course we have," says George, faking the fact that he was offended. "Never been expelled, have we?"

"We've always known where to draw the line," says Fred.

Yeah, they're not wrong. In every prank I've helped out with, they make sure they don't cause too much trouble.

"We've always stopped short of causing real mayhem," says Fred with a grin.

Oh no, Ron looks a bit worried. "But now?"

"Well now-"

"-what, with Dumbledore gone-"

"-we reckon a bit of mayhem-"

"-is it exactly what our new Head deserves," Fred finishes.

"Hell yeah," I grin and give them both a thumbs up. "Tell me if you need any help."

"Of course we will," George grins while leaning on his twin.

"Hailey, don't support this!" Hermione says frantically. "You mustn't! You really mustn't! She'd love a reason to expel you!"

But I want to support this.

It's what Umbridge honestly deserves.

"You don't get it Hermione, do you?" Fred says while grinning. "We don't care about staying anymore. We'd walk out right now if we weren't determined to do our bit for Dumbledore first. So, anyway," Fred checks his watch, "phase one is about to begin. I'd get in the Great Hall for lunch if I were you, that way the teachers will see you can't have anything to do with it."

"Anything to do with what?" I ask Fred, "I can help if you want-"

"Not today, Hails, but later, I promise," Fred says while ruffling my hair. I smile at him, happy that he's taking a stand against Umbridge.

Fred and George turn and walk away, causing me to grin mischeaviously, "they are planning something big, and it will be awesome." I turn to my friends and wave at them. "I'm going to the Great Hall, Andie wanted to hang out."

After saying goodbye, I walk to the Great Hall and smile when I see my friends. Although, as I can see, all of them are in that Inquistorial Squad, I am hoping they aren't using that authority over other students.

Andie grins once I sit down. "I heard that you yelled at Malfoy."

"You were right though," Theo says from beside me. "He's being a jackass. And even so, all the things you said about Umbridge was true-"

"Theo!" Blaise and Andie say in unison before looking at eachother and laughing.

Disgusting, way too much lovey dovey-ness.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm just jealous that they are so cute together.

"What? It's true!" Theo exclaims, putting a roll in his mouth.

I chuckle at all my Slytherin friends. They are still pretty nice, so that's a plus. A lot of the Slytherins have distanced themselves from me once the D.A. was discovered.

Before anyone can say anything else, a loud crack rings through the Great Hall, causing people to look up and see fireworks going off.

Fred and George, you two are amazing.

"Brillaint," I mutter as I see a dragon firework swoop down towards students before going higher again.

A lot of students have run out, trying to find shelter, but I honestly find the fireworks pretty, so I just stare at them until I had to start class.

During classes, the fireworks continues on. McGonagall especially, was being a queen and asked Lavender to go tell Umbridge about the dragon swooping around her classroom.

Flitwick seemed to do the same thing, as when the last bell rings, I see a soot covered Umbridge trudging out of his classroom, and him saying, "I didn't know if I had the authority to take care of them myself."

I love almost all of the teachers in this school.

After classes, I'm able to find Fred and George, to which I give them both hugs. "That was brilliant you guys!"

"Glad you enjoyed it," Fred grins at my happy state.

"We used up all of our Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-Bangs," George pitches in.

"Well," my grin widens, "I'm sure the earnings I gave you from the Triwizard Tournament should pay for more."

Fred grins and ruffles my hair. "Oh, it will definitely help. But, we still need to make more."

"Do you know Selena Willaims?" I ask both of them, to which they shake their heads. "She's in your year and she's excellent at potions and such, so she would be a big help."

Fred shakes his head at the offer. "I don't think she'd want to help."

I shrug at his statement.

I tried at least.

All I know is that Hogwarts is going to get a lot more interesting, I can tell.

Chapter 100: Career Advice

Chapter Text

"Hey Hails?" Fred says while hooking his arm with mine. "That offer to help us out still valid?"

"Of course," I nod, slightly nervous due to the fact that class is going to start soon. "What do you need me to do?"

Fred places a small firework that I recognize from their antics a week or so ago. "Put this under Malfoy's desk for me during Defense Against the Dark Arts."

I close my hand around the firework with a small grin. "What about Umbridge? Won't she see me put it there?"

"Not if we have anything to do about it," George replies with a grin. "Wanted to test a few new products in the library."

I frown at the place, but at least Umbridge will be distracted.

Oh right, I forgot another thing! I look up at Fred, causing him to look at me confused. "How do I ignite it? Won't Umbridge seem suspicious?"

"Already ahead of you there, Hails," Fred grins as we continue to walk. "We charmed it to go off in about twenty minutes, so you just have to place it under Malfoy's desk and don't get caught."

I fake salute. "Pretty sure you can count on me!"

George laughs at my goofiness. "Pretty sure?"

"Yep!" I place the firework into my bag. "You know, unless I'm spotted. Although, pretty sure nobody would care."

"Well here's an idea," Fred says while pushing me forward slightly. "How about you get to class already. We'll handle the rest."


I really want to help them, but I also don't want them to get in a bunch of trouble.

"Yep," George grins widely, leaning on his brother. "Just get out of the classroom so nobody even notices you were there."

I fake salute once more at the two. "You can count on me!"

"Alright, then, shall we George?"

"We shall."

And just like that, the twins are off doing whatever they are planning to draw everyone away from the classroom.

With a shake of my head and a sigh, I trudge along the corridors until I come across the ever so familiar door to the classroom.

I glance inside to see nobody there, which is great and just my luck honestly.

As quickly as I can, I place the firework directly under Draco's desk and put a stocking charm on it so it doesn't fall to the ground.

And, I just slip out like nothing happened, internally kicking myself due to realizing that I could have easily used the cloak like any sane human.

Shrieks and gasps are heard on the other side of the castle, but I just shrug it off, walking along the corridors, staying as far as I can from the classroom.

After a few minutes (more like five), the shrieks stop and everyone returns to classes as if nothing happened.

So here I am, sitting in Defense Against the Dark Arts, just literally playing tic-tac-toe with Theo as we just sit there, bored.

Pretty much everyone already knows the material covered by the books anyways.

But then, Draco's desk explodes in a flash of red, orange, and yellow, and the only thing left behind is a bright big W.

Those two are such dorks, but are geniuses.

They know exactly what type of prank will cause a specific type of reaction.

They'd be scary if they both weren't dorks at heart.

Umbridge's face goes red before looking around at all of us. "This - this is not funny!"

Oh I find it hilarious actually.

"I urge the student who did this to fess up, and their punishment will be lessened if they tell the truth."

Like how you tell the truth about Voldemort? Yeah, that's what I thought.

So, we ended up ending the class once the final bell rang, letting us all leave with a great big sigh.

I'm way too tired to deal with this stuff anymore.

"Hey Hails," Fred says, coming up behind me. "What did Malfoy's face look like when his desk exploded?"

"He was pissed, that's for sure," I say with a grin, turning towards the red head. "I think we blew up that stupid Slinkhard book as well."

"Nice, hey Hails?"

"Yeah?" I look up quickly once he addresses me.

"Do you think you could help George and I with another prank?"

Okay...why the hell is Umbridge here?

I sit on a slightly uncomfortable chair with Umbridge standing in the corner and Snape just sitting across from me. This normally wouldn't be a thing, but unfortunately, we are required to talk about our future careers.

"Alright, Potter, what were you thinking about doing after Hogwarts?"

"Er," I let out as I think. What do I even want to do? I'm good at magic, sure, but I don't have any talents outside of that really. "Well my brother wants to be an Auror-"

Snape looks bored with the whole situation and I feel bad for him. He has to do this with like sixty or so kids. Just give the man a break. "I did not ask what your brother wanted to do."

"Right," I reply nervously, tugging at a strand of my hair. "In all fairness, I haven't thought about it very much."

I hear Umbridge giggle, making me glare at her for a few seconds before looking back at Snape who seems to be going through my grades.

"Alright, Potter, you seem to excel in most of your subjects as it is. Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration are the four that you seem best at according to these comments."

I nod at his words. "You know, I've always wanted to be a teacher."

Chapter 101: Goodbye Gred and Forge

Chapter Text

"So, tell me Hails, how do you think this will go today?" Fred asks as we stare at the entrance of Umbridge's office.

"Well I think it will go amazing."

George decides to lean on the other side of me as we all stare at Umbridge's office. "Say, how mad do you suppose Umbridge is going to be?"

"Hmm," I fake thinking for a few seconds with a small smile. "How far are you two going to run before she finds you?"

"Who knows?" They say in unision, their grins completely the same as well.


"Alright Hails," Fred says while playfully pushing me, causing me to laugh. "Get to the library, we don't need to roped into this."

I roll my eyes at his words. "But I'm already involved! I was the one who got you the books to even come up with the portable swamp idea!"

"Yeah," George starts, ruffling my hair in the process.

"But," Fred also ruffles my hair.

What's with people ruffling my f*cking hair?!

"We don't want your wand getting snapped," Fred once again pushes me a bit away from Umbridge's office. "If we get expelled, we can just leave. We're of age and already done enough O.W.L. exams. You haven't, and we both know how much of a mess you would be if you couldn't use magic."

I puff out my cheeks in annoyance before just shaking my head at the two dorks. "You guys don't think you'll be expelled for this, do you?"

Both twins look at eachother before looking back and me, and in unision shrug.

I shake my head, a small smile spreading across my face due to their weirdness. "You guys are dorks, you realize that, don't you?"


"Alright then," I say while turning around. "Good luck, you're going to need it."

And with that, I walk away from the two, fully confident that this prank will be the best prank they will ever pull.

As I reach the library, I smile as I spot Andie just sitting at a table. As I sit down, she stares at me for a moment. "So what stupid thing are you involved with now?"


Forgot she's fairly smart.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I laugh awkwardly as I pull out my Potions book and start to pretend to read it.

"Oh, so you weren't the person who blew up Malfoy's desk?"


"No!" I say a bit too loudly, causing Pince to shush me.

Andie gives a look before shaking her head. "It's not like I'm going to tell Umbridge or anything. I'm one of the people making sure you don't get in trouble when you do stupid things like this."

"Well thanks," I slightly smile at the girl, internally counting down the minutes until the swamp will be deployed.

"Anytime," she smiles before putting away her supplies, pausing for a moment. "You do realize that Malfoy is doing that too, right?"

"I'm aware."

"Idiot," she mutters, reaching over and flicking my forehead. "He cares about you, can you just realize that?"

"I have!" I say before laying my head onto the table. "He's just a jackass."

"A jackass that adores the floor you step on."

"That's unhealthy," I joke, trying to get Andie to smile, but she still looks at me concerned. I roll my eyes, slamming my Potions book that I wasn't even reading shut. "What?"

"Nothing," she mutters before putting the rest of her things in her bag. With her bag slung around her shoulder, she stands up. "Five..."

"Four," I mutter, rolling my eyes at the situation.




And screams erupt once Andie points her finger at the entrance to the library. She turns back to me with an ever so bored expression. "Now, I wonder what happened."

"I have no idea..." I say sarcastically, tilting my head.

"Shall we go check it out?" She sticks out elbow to offer to me.

"We shall."

We hook arms as we stride towards the screams, smiling as we just sarcastically act unaware of the entire ordeal.

As we finally make it to the floor in question, I have to laugh at the look.

That portable swamp is no joke, the entire floor is literally flooded.

Andie stifles a laugh, putting a hand over her mouth as she sees the scene in front of her, causing me to nudge her.

"So, do you really think I would help out with something like this?"


Oh, I wanted you to say no, but alright then.

After what seems a few minutes, Fred and George are cornered by some members of the Inquisitorial Squad.

"So!" Umbridge yells out in triumph as if she didn't just have students catch them for her. " think it's amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"

"Pretty amusing, yeah," Fred says without a hint of fear.

Andie and I stifle laughs at his response.

"I've got the form, Headmistress," Filch says while elbowing his way to Umbridge. "I've got the form and I've got the whips waiting...Oh let me do it now..."

You know, if I didn't know who Filch was, that sentence would probably give me the wrong idea.

"Very good, Argus." Umbitch says. "You two are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."

"You know what?" Fred says while tilting his head. "I don't think we are." He turns to George with a grin. "George, I think we've outgrown full-time education."

"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself."

Oh, they're actually doing this then.

"Time to test out talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" Fred asks his twin, ignoring the pink toad in front of him.


And before anyone can say anything, the two twins summon their brooms.

Andie and I duck as they come flying towards the twins.

"We won't be seeing you," Fred says while mounting his broom.

"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch," George copies his brother.

Fred looks at the gathered students, grinning at all of them. "If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley - Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!" He yells out. "Out new premises!"

"Special discounts on Gogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," George says while pointing at Umbridge.

"Stop them!"

Luckily, the two already kick off, shooting about fifteen feet in the air. I have no idea if anyone noticed, but Fred grins at me until I give him a thumbs up.

Fred then glances at Peeves, a ghost I rarely interact with, but know how he acts. "Give her hell from us, Peeves."

Peeves sweeps his belled hat from his head and springs into a salute, causing Andie and I to laugh.

And then, the two twins leave, the students applauding them as they fly off.

"Imagine how the toad would react if she knew one of the members of her Inquisitorial Squad was laughing at her misfortune."

Andie and I glance behind ourselves to see a girl I recognize, her black hair in a side braid.


She smiles at me, "Hailey."

"Wait, who are you?" Andie asks, looking confused at the girl.

Selena shakes her head, as if she just realized something. "Selena Willaims, Ravenclaw. Not even in your year so don't worry about not knowing me."

"Right..." she trails off, looking at the girl. "You're not going to tell Umbridge we were laughing at her, are you."

"It's not my problem so why would I?" Selena shrugs before adjusting her blue side bag. "Just wanted to mess with you both."

And just like that, the girl leaves Andie and I alone.

I glance the way Fred and George left and smile sadly. "See you guys later I guess."

Chapter 102: O.W.L.S.

Chapter Text

Flashes of light, that's the only thing I notice at first.

Then there are people in front of me, throwing spells at eachother. A man with long dark hair is throwing spells in one direction while the boy with shorter hair is throwing spells in another direction.

The man says something, but it's muffled, as if my brain is censoring it so I don't know who is speaking.

And in a split moment, a woman with bushy hair shoots the man with a green light.

The killing curse.

The man then falls into a veil type of thing.

A high pitched scream erupts, constantly echoing.


You know how you know that you are more than prepared for a test, but you feel like you're going to bomb anyways?

Yeah, that's me right now.

The O.W.L.s are finally upon us as the sun gleams, taunting us that it can continue to roam without the stress of a test that could very well shape our future.

Doesn't help that I've had the same vision for three weeks. Like I just want whatever that's going to happen, start already.

That's horrible to say since it's about someone dying.

From what I could note, the person who screamed was Jean, based on her voice. The man who died was Sirius, since his name is literally yelled out. The person beside Sirius is probably Harry, knowing my brother.

So when is it going to happen and how do I stop it? Hell, I don't even know where it is even taking place.

It looks eerily similiar to what Harry described in his own visions, so that freaks me out a little bit.

Whatever happens, it's caused by that stupid connection Harry and good old Voldy have.

But anyways, two whole weeks of O.W.L.s...sounds like hell.

Especially when the Astronomy practical is taking place at night.

Andie, Theo, and Blaise better be ready to catch me if I pass out...

So, there starts my O.W.L.s, which are literal hell, let me tell you.

First up was Charms, which I felt fairly confident in.

The Great Hall was changed, instead of four great big tables for each house, there are dozens of small desks facing the staff-table.

McGonagall told us to begin, and as I was saying, I think I did pretty well. It had basic questions like the ever so famous spell, Wingardium Levisoa, and such.

So like I said, easy.

The practical went by smoothly as well. I was put in a small group including Blaise, Draco, and Neville. After we left the Great Hall, we were then separated to be tested by a single examiner.

Unfortunately, the examiner seemed more interested in talking about how famous my surname is, but I still was tested none the less.

The next day was luckily Transfiguration. Again, I'm fairly certain I did alright in the written portion and luckily, I didn't have the examiner that was especially chatty for my practical.

Then there was Herbology, which again I did fair in.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was quite fun. Maybe because I knew every answer due to being so bored that I can quote Slinkhard's book by heart, or the fact that I was asked to produce a Patronus for extra points. Either way, fun.

Then there was Ancient Runes, which I think I did alright. I don't know, honestly only taking that so I don't have to take Divination and be told I don't have the gift of foresight.

Like, I think you're wrong.

Anyways, I had the weekend to sleep, to Andie's dismay when she wanted me to study.

I shook my head and just cocooned myself for two days as I got that much needed sleep.

Alright, to make long stories short, I did great on Potions exams in my opinion, then there was Care of Magical Creatures, then I had Arthimacy which was hell, and finally, the fleeting moment when all hope is restored.


Okay, I may have dozed off onto Andie's shoulder a few...dozen times...but I think I did okay!

Okay, but one thing did happen.

About twenty minutes until the exam was over, a bang came from Hagrid's cabin. It seemed like they were literally attacking Hagrid.

With my star chart almost finished, I stare at the sight, intrigued by the whole situation.

After a few minutes, McGonagall came out and started screaming, and then Hagrid started yelling, and just everything was a mess.

I got my exam finished though.

According to the people talking, also known as Theo, Blaise, and Andie, Umbridge was attempting to fire Hagrid.

"That foul, evil toad!" I mutter as we walk down the steps. "Just because she can, doesn't mean she has to! This is all because of her stupid prejudice!"

"Where do you think he'll go?" Andie asks as we make our way to the dungeons.

Blaise just shrugs, saying the password so we're let in. "He'll probably find Dumbledore and return when Umbridge leaves her post."

I snort at his comment. "Do you really think she would just leave this job? She loves controlling people, this is the perfect job for her."

"You haven't realized that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is cursed, have you?"

Ah yes, the actual final exam.

History of Magic, also known as, the most boring class in Hogwarts.

As I scribble the answers down, I can't help but notice, along with everyone else in the room, that Harry falls out of his chair.

He's taken away, babbling like a mess, causing people to start to whisper.

As I think about it, my eyes widen.

What the hell did Harry just see?

Is it those visions again?

And if so, what did he just see?

I just jinxed everything, didn't I?

Chapter 103: Harry, Sirius Is Fine!

Chapter Text

You know, Harry has done a a lot of things in my life.

While being bullied by Dudley, he telaported to a roof.

While being bullied by Dudley, he (and me let's be honest) caused glass that separated him from a snake to disappear.

While being bullied by Dudley-

I think there's a pattern here.

Anyways, Harry has done a lot of crazy things, but leading his friends and I to an empty classroom on the first floor is a first for me.

"Voldemort's got Sirius."

God dammit, I did jinx it.


"How d'you-?"

"Saw it. Just now. When I fell asleep."

I just glance back and forth at the three because there is no way I can pitch in without interrupting someone. So I guess I'll just stare like a creeper then.

"I dunno how," Harry says. "But I know exactly where. There's a room in the Department of Mysteries full of shelves covered in these little glass balls, and they're at the end of row ninety-seven....He's trying to use Sirius to get whatever it us he wants from in there...He's torturing him...Says he'll end by killing him."

"Hang on," I decide to interject, causing the three to look at me. "In this dream of yours, was Sirius bloody or unharmed."

"Hailey, we don't have-"

"Answer the question Harry," I say a bit too loud.

Harry sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Of course he was bloody. He was being tortured!"

"Was he really?" I ask, picking at my nails. "Because I don't remember him being bloody."


"Listen to me, for once," I side eye Harry, continuing to pick at my nails. "I already told you about how I actually dream things that happen - long story, I'll tell you later, Hermione. Well guess what?" I drop my hand and just stare at Harry. "Sirius is going to die."

Harry shakes his head stubbornly. "Not if we stop Voldemort!"

"Harry, listen to me," I grav his shoulders and lightly shake him. "Sirius in my dreams...visions...whatever, isn't hurt. That means that whatever happens to Sirius, happens after we show up. Did you ever think Voldemort was sending things to you?" I tilt my head as he just stares at the ground.

"We need to find a way to the Ministry."


Alright, if I have to save everything because my dumbass brother won't stop being a dumbass, I'm going to be a bit angry.

"Well how about you actually confirm that he's there first," I say, sitting on a desk due to not wanting to stand anymore.

"Hailey's right, you aren't making any sense Harry. We've got no proof for any of this, no proof Voldemort and Sirius are even there-"

"Hermione, Harry's seen them!" Ron yells out.

"What he can see can be manipulated though!" I shoot back. "There was a reason Harry was supposed to learn Occlumency! Voldemort could know about how Harry can see things and could be luring him into a trap!"

"Hailey, that doesn't make any sense!" Ron says, trying to reason.

That's it, I'm surrounded by idiots.

I literally give up.

"Okay," Hermione says, looking rather frightened. "I've just got to say this..."


"You...This isn't a criticism, Harry! But you do...sort of...I mean - don't you think you've got a bit of a - a - saving-people-thing?"

"And what's that supposed to mean, a saving-people-thing?"

"It means you always have to be the hero." I say with my arms crossed.

"I don't have a-"

"You literally would have gotten first place in the second task if you didn't insist on saving Fleur's sister. You suspected that someone had the philosopher's stone and went to go save it - I did that too though, so I'm a hypocrite - you saved Ginny in second year after hearing she was taken by the basilisk. And, you vowed to try and kill Sirius when you thought he betrayed Mum and Dad."

"Would you rather I-"

"It was great for you to do all of those things, Harry." I reply, getting Harry to calm down a bit. "However, you're always wanting to think of everyone else except for you. Can you think about this for a moment, please? I'm going to stick with you, but that doesn't mean I think what you saw is the truth."


"This isn't about just you anymore, Harry!" I jump off the desk and just stare up at my slightly taller brother. "Don't you understand that Voldemort could be manipulating you? If we going in there blind, we could easily die. Even if Sirius is being tortured, we can't save anything. There are four of us, and over a dozen of them! And to put on top of that, we are fifteen! Voldemort and his Death Eaters are way more advanced!"

Harry groans, but I seem to be getting through to him a bit. "Hailey, I can't just let Sirius die."

Nevermind, he's still thickheaded.

"Fine," I raise my hands to show that I give up. "Wouldn't mind testing out my hexes anyways."

"Hi." Oh, the classroom door is open now. In the doorway are Ginny and Luna, who I wave at. "We recognized Harry's voice - what are you yelling about?"

"Never you mind." I push Harry slightly. He does not need to be rude to them.

"There's no need to take a tone with me," nevermind, forgot that Ginny is probably one of the only ones who calls Harry out of his bullsh*t. "I was only wondering whether I could help."

"Well you can't."

I'm going to be smacking Harry on the back of his head a lot, aren't I?

"You're being rather rude, you know," Luna says, seemingly out of it.

Harry mutters something and turns away, making me narrow my eyes at him.

He's being a jackass...again.

"Wait!" Hermione says suddenly. "Harry, they can help."

Ron and Harry look at Hermione in confusion as I continue to pick at my nails, absolutely boref.

"Listen," Hermione says urgently. "Harry, we need to establish whether Sirius really has left headquarters-"

"I told you, I saw-"

"Harry, I'm begging you, please!" Hermione looks absolutely desperate, and I honestly feel bad. "Please, let's just check that Sirius isn't at home before we go charging off to London - if we find out he's not there then I swear I won't try to stop you, I'll come, I'll do whatever it takes to try and save him-"

"Sirius is being tortured now!" Harry shouts, causing Ginny to flinch at the noise. "We haven't got the time to waste-"

"But what if it's a trick of V-Voldemort's - Harry, we've got to check, we've got to-"

"How?" Harry demands, causing me to glare at him. He needs to be nice. "How're we going to check?"

"We'll have to use Umbridge's fire and see if we can contact him " Hermione says looking overly terrified at the thought of breaking into that toad's office. "We'll draw Umbridge away again, but we'll need lookouts, and that's where we can use Ginny and Luna."

Ah, I was expecting to get the girls to cause a prank to distract Umbridge, but lookouts are good too.

Ginny looks confused, but still says that they will do it, and Luna just asks if we mean Stubby Boardman, a man the Quibbler said was Sirius.

"Okay," I smack Harry due to him having a rude tone again. "Okay, if you can think of a way of doing this quickly, I'm with you, otherwise I'm going to the Department of Mysteries right now-"

"The Department of Mysteries?" Luna's eyes widen as she seems less out of it. "But how are you going to get there?"

Harry seems to ignore the girl though, causing me to glare at him. He doesn't have to be pissy because other people have common sense.

Hermione starts to pace up and down between the desks. "Right...well...One of us will have to go and find Umbridge and - and send her off in the wrong direction, keep her away from her office. They could tell her - I don't know - that Peeves is up something awful as usual."

When is he not up to something horrible? But honestly, we need to double check where Peeves is before we do this.

Should I say that?

Nah, Hermione is smart, she'll figure out that.

"I'll do it," Ron says all at once, causing me to gape at him. The fact that Ron is being more tolerable than Harry is kind of sad. "I'll tell her Peeves is smashing up the Transfiguration department or something, it's miles away from her office. Come to think of it, I could probably persuade Peeves to do it if I met him on the way..."

Surprisingly, Hermione doesn't object to that notion.

"Okay," Hermione's eyes furrow. "Now, we need students away from her office while we force entry. or some Slytherin's bound to tip her off."

I cross my arms at her words. "Not all of us want to get you all in trouble you know."

"Hailey, I know-"

"It's fine," I wave her off, deciding to laugh it off.

"Luna and I can stand on either side of the corridor and warn people not to go down there because someone's let off a load of Garroting Gas." Hermione looks surprised due to Ginny's words, but quickly gets over it. "Fred and George were planning to do it before they left."

Speaking of Fred and George, I hope their shop is doing okay. Harry gave them quite a bit of money, as did I, so I hope they were able to put it to good use.

"Okay," says Hermione. "Well then, Harry, you, Hailey and I will be in under the Invisibility Cloak and we'll sneak into the office and talk to Sirius-"

"He's not there, Hermione!"

"Oh shove off it Harry!" I say, getting annoyed again. "Just get it through your thick skull that we want to get proof that Sirius is gone before risking our necks, alright?!"

Harry looks like he wants to continue to scream, but I give him a look telling him that I am not in the mood.

"I..okay, thanks."

I smile in satisfaction that he has decided not to get in a yelling fit with me...this time.

"Right, well , even if we do all of that, I don't think we're going to be able to bank on more than five minutes."

"Hermione's right," I speak up again. "Filch is still a problem, and I only have one member of the Inquisitorial Squad on my side, and I'm sure she won't risk helping with this. So, we won'thave any time at all."

"Five minutes will be enough," Harry says quickly. "C'mon, let's go-"

"Now?" Hermione and I ask in unision.

"Of course now! What did you think, we're going to wait until dinner something? Hermione, Hailey, Sirius is being tortured right now!"

"I - oh all right," Hermione says, giving up. She glances at me. "Do you have the Invisibility Cloak?"

"Yeah, it's in my bag."

Harry groans at my response when he sees that I don't have my bag with me. "And where is your bag?"

"The library, duh," I say before turning towards the door. "We should meet at the end of Umbridge's corridor, I'll be there in three minutes tops."

And without another word, I'm out of the classroom.

Mumbling to myself along the way, I'm able to easily grab my bag and walk to the predetermined designation pretty quickly.

"What's up," I say while holding the cloak to the group of huddled teenagers. Harry grabs it before I can say anything, causing me to pout at how rude he's being.

"Got it," Harry says, as if he went and got the cloak from the other side of the school. "Ready to go then?"

"All right," Hermione whispers to us all. "So Ron - you go and head Umbridge off...Ginny, Luna, if you could start moving people out of the corridor...Harry, Hailey, and I will get the cloak on and wait until the coast is clear..."

And so, in a matter of minutes, everyone gets in position. I just stay leaning on the wall until we actually get under the cloak.

"You're can't come down here!" Ginny calls out to a crowd. "No, sorry, you're going to have to go round to the swiveling staircase, someone's let off Garroting Gas just along here."

After waiting for a few moments, not knowing when we should go, we finally decide to start walking.

Oh, and turns out the signal is Weasley is our King if Umbridge shows up.

Why do I even hang out with these idiots?

Harry uses a knofebto open the door, causing it to click. The cat plates meow quietly due to the sun's rays warming up their plates.

Hermione breathes a sigh of relief that nobody seems to be jumping out.

"I thought she might have added extra security after the second niffler..."

"Well I sure hope she didn't do anything," I mutter as the cloak is finally off of us.

Harry dashes to the fire and yells out the address to Grimmauld Place, leaving Hermione and I to just see look out.

" are you doing, 'Mione?" I ask while leaning on Umbridge's desk.

"Are you trying to small talk?"

"I thought that was obvious," I snort as I stare at the fire. "Thanks for sticking up for me back there, Harry can be quite the handful."

"Well it's not like I disagreed with you," Hermione replies, deciding not to lean on the desk with me.

Her loss.

I will be resting, thank you very much.

"Still," I shrug in response, "you didn't side with my brother. Means a lot since you and Ron sometimes worship the floor Harry steps on."

"We don-"

I smile in response, barely even listening to Hermione talking about how she doesn't always agree with Harry and such.

"You really ought to be more careful, Hails."

Oh sh*t.

In midst of Hermione and I talking, I didn't even notice that a few members of the Inquisitorial Squad and Umbridge had entered the room.

I smile sheepishly at Andie who looks rather disappointed. Now, is she disappointed that I broke the rules, or is she disappointed that I got caught? I have no idea honestly.

"You think," Umbridge whispers to Harry as she bends his neck upward so he can look at the ceiling, "that after two nifflers I was going to let one more foul, scavanging little creature enter my office without my knowledge? I had Stealth Sensoring spells placed all around my doorway after the last one got in, you foolish boy. Take his wand," she barks at Draco, who gladly obliges. "Theirs too!"

Millicent Bulstrode proceeded to pin Hermione to the wall, which was unnecessary.

"Andie.." I trail off as she extends her hand out for my wand.

"You really should have been more careful, Hails," she says before grabbing my wand.

I huff as I just stay sitting on Umbridge's desk. Seems like the Slytherins trust me enough not to try anything, since I'm not being focused on.

"I want to know why you are in my office," Umbridge says while seemingly tightening the fist she has holding onto his hair.

"I was - trying to get my Firebolt!" Harry croaks out, making me want to go push Umbridge out of the way so he can breathe properly.

She's hurting him.

She's literally the headmistress and she's hurting one of her students.

She calls Harry a liar, and Harry attempts to say he wasn't contacting anyone, which she once again calls Harry out.

Look, I know he can't lie, but give him a break woman.

I glance at Draco, who is wincing at the fact that Harry was just thrown to the ground. He refuses to meet my eyes, and it's the same for Andie.

After a bit of commotion, in comes Ron, Ginny, Luna...Neville...and Cedric Diggory.

Alright then, looks like a party.

"Got 'em all," Warrington says proudly. He points to Neville angrily, "That one tried to stop me from taking her." He then points at Cedric off handily. "And Diggory over here was protesting about the whole thing. So I brought them both along."

"Good, good," says Umbridge as she doesn't even comment about how Neville is literally in a chokehold. "Well, it looks as though Hogwarts will surely be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it?"

Draco starts to laugh, but stops when he sees me glaring at him.

"So, Potter," Umbridge says to Harry. "You stationed lookouts around my office and you sent this buffoon," she nods toward Ron, "to tell me about the poltergeist wrecking havoc in the Transfiguration department when I knew perfectly well that he was busy smearing ink in the eye pieces of all the school telescopes, Mr. Filch having just informed me so."


I knew we should have checked on Peeves' whereabouts beforehand.

"Clearly, it was very important for you to talk to someone. Was it Dumbledore? Or, the half-breed, Hagrid? I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall, I heard that she's too ill to talk to anyone..."

"It's none of your business who I talk to."

"It was my godmother," I speak aloud, trying to cover for Harry. When Umbridge glances at me, she scowls when she realizes how relaxed I look.

"If that is true, Miss Potter, why not send a letter? Was it that urgent?"

"Maybe because someone has been looking through my mail," I glare at the woman. "Even so, Harry wanted to talk to her."

"Well, it is still against the rules to break into my office. However, I suppose we can confirm your claims. What is your Godmother's name, Potter?"


Just remembered that Jean's name was on the list so she could discuss the D.A. with us.

I clear my throat, deciding it's way too late to back out now. "Jean Fawley."

Umbridge looks shocked for a moment before going back to her usual state. "The same Jean Fawley on that list of members from your little school group."

"That's the one," I say with a smile.

Umbridge seems to be wondering what she can even do, before seemingly an idea pops into her head. "Were you perhaps contacting this Fawley person due to her known connections to Dumbledore?"

Does she pull everything out of her ass or something?

"No!" Harry says quickly, causing me to want to face palm.

He literally lied about a lie! Great just Harry!

With my mind fuming about how my lie didn't work and how much of an idiot Harry is, I guess Harry was threatened with the Cruciatus Curse?

I don't know, I wasn't listening.

All I know is that Andie looked panicked when the curse was brought up and Draco didn't look much better.

Oh yeah, and turns out she was the one who sent the dementors to Harry...

Big surprise...

So here we are, Hermione lying out of her teeth about some weapon that Dumbledore developed that supposedly will cause a revolutionary event and overthrow the Ministry...

And Umbridge is buying it.

How moronic is this woman, really?

So now, Hermione is setting up conditions to show Umbridge this weapon.

Only problem is, there isn't any!

Wait, is there?

No, Dumbledore would never leave a weapon on school-


"All right, dear, let's make it just you and me...and we'll take the Potter too, shall we? Get up, now-"

Why am I roped into this lie?

I need to stop saying yes to my brother and his friends.

"Professor," Draco says while glancing at me. "Professor Umbridge, I think some of the squad should come with you to look after-"

"I am a fully qualified Ministry official, Malfoy, do you really think I cannot manga three windless teenagers alone?"

I mean, you can't manage to leave food alone, so maybe?

Alright, that was insensitive, sorry readers.

"In any case, it does not sound as though this weapon is something schoolchildren should see. You will remain here until I return and make sure none of these," she gestures to the other kids that they caught, "escape."

As Harry, Hermione, Umbridge, and I start to leave the room, I glance at Draco, silently hoping that he can bear my silent pleas to help my friends.

This is the test, let's see if he passes.

Chapter 104: How Did They Know?

Chapter Text

Okay, I have no idea what Hermione is planning, but considering that I have to walk in the Forbidden forest with her, my idiot brother, and a woman who could have killed my brother and I, I don't think it's a good idea.

Okay, who knows? Maybe this will be amazing and I will eat my words later.

"Is it very far in?"

I just thought of something. Maybe we're going to feed her to the giant spiders in here.

"Oh yes," Hermione says as she basically leads the way. "Yes, it's well hidden."

Okay, but what is this know-it-all planning?

"Er - are you sure this is the right way?" Harry asks politely, making me narrow my eyes at the situation.

Does Harry know something I don't?

I feel left out.

"Oh yes," Hermione says stiffly while pushing through leaves. If Umbridge trips, I really don't care. "It's a but further in!"

What is?

Harry mutters something to the bushy haired teen, but I don't care enough to really listen. A bowtruckle crawls around, waving at me, causing me to smile and wave back.

And now, we stride for way too long.

I don't like exercise and this is a whole workout!

"Gow much further?" Umbridge asks after about ten minutes of wandering. Her voice tells me that she's getting annoyed, and for the first time even, I agree with her.

"Not far now!" Hermione calls out. "Just a little bit-"

An arrow flies and hits a tree dangerously close to my head, causing me to shriek, making the bowtruckle that is currently sitting on my shoulder to jump as well.

"Who are you?"

As I look around, I notice about fifty centaurs.'s the astronomy dudes that won't shut up about Mars.

A chesnut brown haired centaur walks toward us with his bow drawn. Umbridge is trembling and pointing her wand at him. "I asked you who you are, human."

"I am Dolores Umbridge!" She squeaks out in an annoyingly high pitched voice. "Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic and Headmistress and High Inquisitor of Hogwarts."

Maybe not brag about how you're a high ranking official in the Ministry to people who don't exactly favor it.

"You're from the Ministry of Magic?" The brown haired centaur asks as many of the centaurs shift uncomfortably.

"That's right!" Umbridge says happily. "So be very careful! By laws laid down by the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, any attack by half-breeds such as yourselves on a human-"

Centaurs are their own type of species, therefore, not human. So they're not half-breeds.

The fact that a student knows more than their teacher is rather concerning.

"What did you call us?" A rather angry looking centaur asks.

"Don't call them that!" Hermione says quickly, sensing the tension. "Law Fifteen B stated clearly that any attack by a magical creature who is deemed to have near-human intelligence. And therefore considered responsible for their own actions-"

Leave it to Hermione to know that off hand.

"Near-human intelligence?" The original centaur repeats in an angry tone. "We consider that a great insult, human! Our intelligence, thankfully, far outstrips your own-"

"What are you doing in our forest?" asks a grey centaur. I smack the bowtruckle trying to weave my hair, so that they will leave it alone. "Why are you here?"

"Your forest?" Umbridge seems to be shaking in anger. to just stare at her in confusion. She does realize that centaurs would he considered a being if they didn't say no due to not wanting be in the same category as a hag. "I would remind you that you live here onl because the Ministry of Magic permits you certain areas of land-"

Another arrow flies, this time narrowly missing Umbridge instead, making me sigh in relief.

At least they don't seem to be pissed at me.

Umbridge screams, causing the centaurs to laugh at her reaction, which is kind of creepy. But, they don't seem to value our lives very much anyways.

"Whose forest is it now, human?" says another centaur who's name I think is Bane.

"Filthy half-breeds!" Umbridge screams, causing me to roll my eyes. They aren't half-breeds. "Beasts! Uncontrollable animals!"

"Professor, I wouldn't advise-"

I'm cut off by Umbridge raising her wand at brunette centaur and screaming "Incarcerous!"

"No!" I shriek as ropes fly out from midair and wrap around the centaur.

The other centaurs start to charge, causing Harry to push Hermione and I to the ground as they run towards Unbridge in a rage.

Luckily, they seem to not care for us so that's a plus.

"No!" Umbridge's voice rings out. "No...I am Senior cannot...unhand me, you!!"

A flash of red light makes me jump as I just stare at the damp grass I'm laying on. There is no way in hell I'm looking behind me.

I don't want to feel sympathy for that woman.


Someone grabs Harry and pulls him upright, causing Hermione and I to be pulled up as well.

I glance at Unbridge to see her being pulled away while screaming.

Damn it, I feel a bit bad for her.

"And these?" A grey centaur says while holding onto Hermione.

I would probably go and stand next to her if I wasn't being held onto as well.

This is when I regret having zero upper body strength.

"They are young," a slow voice says, causing me to look around, only to realize that they are behind me. "We do not attack foals."

Alright then.

"They brought her here, Ronan," replies the centaur holding onto Harry. "And they are not so young...He is nearing manhood, this one."

If we weren't in such a bad situation, I would laugh at the word of manhood.

But, this is neither the time nor the place.

"Please," Hermione whispers out, "please, don't attack us, we don't like her, we aren't Ministry of Magic employees! We only came in here because we hoped you'd drive her off for us-"

Hermione, why did you just say that? They already don't like humans!

The one holding onto Hermione looks pissed, causing me to flinch. "You see, Ronan? They already ha e the arrogance of their mind! So we were to do your dirty work, were we, human girl? We were to act as your servants, drive away your enemies like obedient hounds?"

"No!" I speak up, shifting uncomfortably as they all look at me. "We didn't mean to disrespect your kind at all. All three of us respect your race so much. We just didn't think kn the moment and-"

"They came here unasked, they must pay the consequences!"

Oh great to know that they were listening.

"They can join the woman!"

Please don't, I'd rather ask one of them to bash my skull in than face Umbridge.

"You said you didn't hurt the innocent!" Hermione shrieks out, tears sliding down her face. "We haven't done anything to hurt you, we haven't used wands or threats, we just want to go back to school, please let us go back-"

"We are not all like the traitor Firenze, human girl!" shouts the centaur that is holding onto Hermione's arm. "Perhaps you thought us as pretty talking horses? We are ancient people who will not stand wizard invasions and insults! We do not recognize your laws, we do not acknowledge your superiority, we are-"

The rest of what he says is not hitting my ears so a crashing noise cause me to look around in fear.

What's going on now?

Two thick tree trunks parted, and revealed a giant.

A giant.

What the hell?!

Why is there a giant in the forest?

The giant opens his mouth and says, "Hagger."

Uh, okay then.

Everyone is silent as we stare at this giant.


Who is Hagger? I'm confused.

"Get away from here, giant!" Magorian yells out. "You are not welcome among us!"

No need to be rude.

The giant stumbles a bit, causing the centaurs to tighten their grips on their weapons. "Hagger!"

Hermione gasps, causing me to stare at her in confusion.

Did they know about this?

"Harry!" She whispers loudly enough for me to hear her. "I think he's trying to say Hagrid!"

Yep, they knew about it.

And of course Hagrid is connected to this...

The giant catches sight of the three of us and lowers his head. "Hermy."

I stiffle a laugh at the way he says Hermione's name.

Also, pretty much confirmed that they knew about this.

"Goodness," Hermione says while gripping onto Harry's arm, "he remembered!"

"Wait you two knew about this?" I hiss at them. "And you just decided not to tell me about this?"

"Hailey, it's not the time-"

"Hermy! Where Hagger?" The giant yells out, causing me to flinch.

"I don't know!" Hermione squeals, obviously terrified. "I'm sorry, Grawp, I don't know!"

Oh so that's what his name is, good to know.

"Grawp want Hagger!" Grawp bellows.

Grawp swoops one of his large hands down towards us, causing us to fall to the ground. The centaurs take their chance however and shoot about fifty arrows at his face.

Grawp yells, pebble sized droplets of his blood pouring onto the ground.

Grawp flails around, causing the centaurs to run off. The giant then proceeds to run after them, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Well that happened."

"Oh no," Hermione says while shaking. "Oh, that was horrible. And he might kill them all..."

"I'm not that fussed, to be honest," Harry says bitterly.

"Woah, character development," I say with a grin, causing Harry to playfully push me away from him. "Alright then, what now?"

We are in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, wandless, and no way of transport.

In other words, we are screwed.

"We need to get back to the castle," Hermione says faintly.

"By the time we've done that, Sirius'll probably be dead!" Harry yells out.

"So Sirius wasn't there?" I ask him, trying to confirm the information.

"I wouldn't be this frantic if he was there!"

"Was there someone at Grimmauld Place? Does someone know what we're doing?" I ask, standing up and dusting off my robes.

Harry helps Hermione up as we all just stand. "Yeah, Jean was there. She Disapparted before I could finish asking some questions though."

"She's probably getting the members of the Order," I point out, looking at the trees.

"Anyways, we can't do anything without wands," Hermione says in a hopeless tone. "Harry, how exactly were you planning to get all the way to London?"

"Yeah, we were just wondering that."

I grin as I see Ginny, Luna, and Neville behind us. Surprisingly, they don't look beat up or anything.

"So," Ron says while throwing me my wand, "have any ideas?"

"How did you get away," Harry asks in amazement as he takes his own wand back.

"Malfoy and Travers actually helped out. When you all left, Travers stunned the other members of the Inquisitorial Squad and Malfoy just made sure we weren't harmed or anything."

"Oh," I say softly, a small smile finding itself on my lips.

Congratulations Draco, you did good.

"What've you done with Umbridge?" Ron asks Harry.

"She got carried away," Harry says in a slightly happy tone. "By a herd of centaurs."

"And they left you behind?" Ginny looks shocked at the news.

"No, they got chased off by Grawp."

"Who's Grawp?" Luna asks.

"Hagrid's little brother." Oh is that why he's in the forest. Makes sense now. "Anyway, never mind that now. Harry, what did you find out in the fire? You-Know-Who got Sirius or-"

"Yes," Harry says while grasping onto his scar, "and I'm sure Sirius is still alive, but I can't see how we're going to vet there to help him."

Everyone is not silent, not knowing what to say.

"Well, we'll have to fly, won't we?" Luna says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Okay," Harry says in a tone that makes me smack his arm. "First of all, 'we' aren't doing anything if you're including yourself in that, and second of all, Ron's the only one with a broomstick that isn't being guarded by a security troll, so-"

"I've got a broom!" Ginny pitches in.

"You're not going, Ginny," Ron says to his sister angrily.

"Excuse me, but I care what happens to Sirius as much as you do!" Ginny yells out, causing me to want to clap for her.

She's awesome.

"You're too-"

"I'm three years older than you were when you fought You-Know-Who over the Sorcerer's Stone," Ginny says fiercely to Ron and Harry.

"Yeah but-"

"Oh, just let her come along," I say finally pitching in again. "She's advanced in Defense Against the Dark Arts, so she should be okay. They all should be okay honestly. Neville and Luna learned from the D.A., so they should be alright."

Harry looks lost on what he should actually say

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway," Harry says, clearly frustrated, "because we still don't know how to get there-"

"I thought we settled that?" Luna asks in her distant voice. "We're flying!"

"Look," Ron says in a tone that tells me he is going to be rude, "you might be able to fly without a broomstick but the rest of us can't sprout wings whenever we-"

"There are other ways of flying than withbroomstick," Luna says, not noticing his rude tone.

"I s'pose we're going to ride on the back of the Kacky Snorgle or whatever it is?" Ron demands.

"It's the Crumple-Horned Snorkack," I say while leaning on a tree. Everyone stares at me, causing me to shrug. "What? I listen."

"The Crumple-Horned Snorkack can't can't fly," Luna pitches it, smiling since I seemed to remember that creature of hers. "But they can."

Oh right, Thestrals...forgot about those.

Well this is going to be interesting, isn't it?

Chapter 105: The Department of Mysteries

Chapter Text

"Never again," Ron mutters as he stumbles off of a thestral.

I mean, it probably would be terrifying if you can't see them...

"Never, ever again...that was the worst-"

"Can you not run into me thanks?" I say while pushing him so that he straightens up and is no longer hunched over.

"Thanks Hails."

"Anytime," I grin before helping Hermione and Ginny getting off of their thestrals.

I don't need to help Luna and Neville due to them being able to see them. That doesn't stop Neville from shaking when he dismounts the thestral though.

"Where do we go from here, then?" Luna asks, not seeming to act like she just left the school. Nope, she's acting as if this is some day trip.

"Over here," Hatry says while patting his thestral's head. He then walks over to a telephone box...which okay? He opens the door and realizes that we aren't even following him. "Come on!"

"Alright, calm yourself," I say before walking over to the telephone box, the others following me.

After a bit of squishing ourselves into the box, the door is closed, keeping us in the phone box.

"Whoever's closest to the receiver, dial six two four four two!" Harry says, causing me to flinch since I'm squashed against him.

Ron does it, twisting his hand in a way that honestly isn't natural.

Alright then.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

Oh it talks...

"Harry Potter, Hailey Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger," Harry says very quickly, "Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood. We're here to save someone, unless your Ministry can do it first!"

Woah, Harry, that's a bit harsh.

No it's not.

"Thank you," the voice says, "visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes."

Wait that actually works?

Seven badges fall into the coin chute. Hermione squeezes to the front and grabs them all, passing them to all of us.

Nice to know the badges say rescue mission.

But the voice isn't done.

"Visitors to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

"Fine! Now can we move?"

Wow, you didn't need to be rude to the voice Harry....

The floor of the telephone box shudders and sinks, causing me to just wonder why I even try.

Or be rude to the voice, it seems to work.

A clink causes Harry to look through the glass, I guess checking to see if there is anyone there.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening."

We won't if you keep talking.

The door bursts open, causing Harry, Neville, and Luna to topple out of the box. I grin as I help Luna up, ignoring Harry because I just want to.

"Come on," Harry whispers, causing us all to sprint down the hall to my dismay.

Can't we just walk?

Oh right, saving someone.

Oh yeah, the Ministry has the worst security ever. You mean to tell me that not one security officer checked out the fact that lift was rattling like crazy? It's probably due to the amount of people we have anyways.

And nobody noticed that the lift is going towards the Department of Mysteries?

We're supposed to respect the Ministry, right?

"Department of Mysteries."

Thank you so much, even though we assumed that already.

Harry halts, causing me to stare at him. If he backs out, I'm going to kill him.

"Let's go."

Okay, no death today.

"Okay, listen," Harry says as we stop six feet away from the door. "Maybe...maybe a couple of people should stay here as a - as a lookout, and-"

"And how're we going to let you know some things coming?" Ginny asks while raising a brow. "You could be miles away."

"We're coming with you, Harry."

Aww, Neville has gotten so brave! He's doing great.

"Let's get on with it," Ron says firmly, making me smile a bit.

Harry doesn't seem to want to fight, which, good for him. He turns and walks towards the door, the said door opening automatically when he gets close enough.

That's not creepy at all.

I push Ron forward when he gapes at the open door before walking in the Department myself.

The room is circular, everything is black and is lit with candles. There are doors without handles that fill the room.

"Someone shut the door."

Gee thanks Harry, now it's almost pitch black in here.

Okay, and now the wall is rotating...that's just amazing.

I hate my life.

"What was that about?"

"Well obviously we're in a cotton candy machine," I joke, but nobody laughs at my joke.


"I think it was to stop us from knowing which door we came from," Ginny says in a hushed tone.

Well that makes sense too...

"How are we going to get back out?" Neville whimpers as he looks around nervously.

"We'll find a way. But right now we need to find the right door." I try to reassure the kiddos. "Harry, you know which door you're looking for, right?"

"In the dreams I went through the door at the end of the corridor from the lifts into a dark room - that's this one - and then I went through another door into a room that kind of...glitters."

Gee, that's just a random set of words, isn't it?

He marches towards the door that is facing him. It has low hanging lights, making the room a bit brighter than the big room.

It's quite empty except for a few desks and a large glass tank...

That is filled with brains.

What the hell.

I'm done.

So we leave, and Hermione puts a X onto the door, telling us that we already went in there.

The next one we went into looked like it was about to collapse. Honestly, the only interesting part of the room was this veil type thing that made a chill go down my spine.

The veil was whispering.

I don't like this room.

We also ended up fighting with Harry to leave this place because it creeps all of us out.

The wall spins again and it's....


Harry attempts to use Sirius' knife to pick the lock, but it literally melts.

Alright then.

The wall spins again.

Harry pushes open the door, and looks excited.

I guess this is it.

"This way!" Harry yells before running off doing whatever.

We run through the room, Hermione tells Harry that he wasted too much time in the veil room, and Harry opens yet another door.

This is getting repetitive...

I gasp at the sight. Thousands of blue orbs line the shadowy shelves. It is both unnerving and peaceful honestly.

"You said it was row ninety-seven."

I grins when I realize that we are at row fifty-three. This is going to be a long search.

As we pass by, I notice the yellowing labels adorning each blue orb as we walk by.

Harry looks nervous, but I'm not about to go and comfort him. He'll probably get a bit mad at me considering the situation. This isn't a joking matter.

When we finally reach the row, I'm shocked at the sight.

Sirius Black isn't here.

"sh*t..." I mumble as I look around, half expecting Voldemort himself to walk out, slowly clapping at my brother.

Of course, that doesn't happen.

"He should be here..." Harry mutters as we continue to walk through the row.

Harry is frantic, looking everywhere for his godfather as I look around us.

I don't trust this at all.

I knew I should have just knocked Harry out and just oblivate him of that little vision of his.

If I die...I blame Harry.


"What?" Harry snarls at Hermione, causing me to glare at him before continuing to look around.

"I....I don't think Sirius is here."

Nobody speaks as the truth sets in.

Harry then books it, looking down as many aisles as he can, trying to find his godfather.

When he finally comes back, Ron looks awfully nervous. "Harry?"


Ron points out a blue orb that has Harry's name on it.

Oh my god...

I glance at the orbs, listening in on the whispers that can barely be picked up.



"Harry don't!" I yell out as Harry picks up the orb.


"Very good, Potter. Now turn around, nice and slowly, and give that to me."

Again, I say;


Chapter 106: Sirius!!!

Chapter Text

You know, I really shouldn't have gone here.

Because I really want to tell Harry that I told him so.

Now, I can't do that right now, due to the fact that there are literal Death Eaters standing in front of us.

"To me, Potter," Lucius Malfoy says with his hand out. Harry is frozen, causing me to panic as well. If Harry is panicking, then we are basically screwed. "To me."

"Where's Sirius?" was a trap. Are you stupid?

Several Death Eaters laugh. A female with bushy hair is laughing in shrill tone. "The Dark Lord always knows!"

Well that just confirmed my suspicions, didn't it?

"Always," Malfoy says softly. "Now give me the prophecy, Potter."

"I want to know where Sirius is!"

"I want to know where Sirius is!"

I actually kind of wanted to do that as um...never thought I would agree with a Death Eater but here we are.

"You've got him," Harry says, his voice raising in volume. "He's here...I know he is."

"The little baby woke up frightened and fort what it dweamed was twoo," the woman says, mocking my brother. The Death Eaters around us once again start to laugh again.

I grab onto Ron's arm because he seems to want to lunge at the woman.

She is literally a Death Eater...I know Hermione is intelligent...why is every other Gryffindor so stupid?

"Don't do anything," Harry mutters to Ron. "Not yet."

Harry...maybe just don't speak.

The woman starts to shriek in laughter. "You hear him? You hear him? Giving us instructions to the other children as though he thinks of fighting us!"

Low key both like and hate this woman. Where has the snarky character that calls out Harry when he says something stupid when around the bad guys been?

"Oh, you don't know Potter as I do, Bellatrix." I notice Neville looking super nervous after the reveal of the woman, causing me to pity him. "He has a great weakness for heroics; the Dark Lord understands this about him. Now give me the prophecy, Potter."

Great to know I'm being ignored. You know...I should probably feel lucky since the last time I came face to face with most of these people, I was almost murdered.

So yay I guess?

"I know Sirius is here," Harry whispers out, seemingly freaking out. "I know you've got him!"

The Death Eaters laugh again, Bellatrix laughing probably the loudest out of all of them.

"It's time you learned the difference between life and dreams, Potter," Lucius Malfoy says. "Now give me the prophecy, or we start using wands."

Can I stun you? No? Aww too bad.

"Go on then," says Harry the idiot as he raises his wand defiantly.

And then the four Gryffindors and one Ravenclaw also raise their wands, causing me to stare at them.

That's it...I'm the only sane person here.

Luckily, I'm in the back, so I'm not going to be pressured into being a literal suicidal maniac.

The Death Eaters luckily don't do anything, causing me to raise a brow.

There's something stopping them from hurting Harry, isn't there?

"Hand over the prophecy and no one needs to get hurt."

You're just a broken record, aren't you Lucius.

Harry laughs, furthering my idea that he is suicidal. "Yeah right! I give you this - prophecy, is it? And you'll let us skip off home, will you?"

You know, he has a point.

Bellatrix seems to be impatient as she attempts to summon the prophecy, to which Harry responds with a protection spell.

Good for him I guess.

"Oh he knows how to play, little bitty baby Potter," she says madly. "Very well, then-"

"I TOLD YOU, NO!" Lucius Malfoy yells at her. "If you smash it-!"

Oh that's why they're not attacking us. That prophecy is delicate, isn't it? It would he so horrible if I took that orb from Harry and smashed it. Something terrible would happen wouldn't it?

"You need more persuasion?" Oh yeah, crazy murderer lady is still here. "Very well - take the smallest one. Let him watch while we torture the little girl. I'll do it."

This causes me to raise my wand at the woman, grabbing onto Ginny and pulling her behind me.

She cackles at my response. "Aww, does the other little Potter wanna play?"

It was funny when she talked down to Harry, but I'm not mad that she's doing that to me.

"You take her, I grab that prophecy from my brother and smash it," I say harshly, glaring at the woman.

She's going to kill Sirius Black, and I need to know when.

"So, what kind of prophecy are we talking about anyway?"

The future kind...

"What kind of prophecy?" Bellatrix repeats his question. "You jest, Harry Potter."

"Nope, not jesting," Harry says, his eyes flicking to each Death Eater. "How come Voldemort wants it?"

Several of the Death Eaters hiss at him for using the name, reminding me of a girl in muggle school who would hiss at people...

"Woof," I say under my breath. Nobody can hear me, but I still did it.

"You dare speak his name?"

Oh no...Bellatrix is upset...that's too bad...


"Yeah," Harry says while gripping onto the glass ball. "Yeah, I've got no problem saying Vol-"

"Shut your mouth!" Bellatrix shrieks out. "You dare speak his name with your unworthy lips, you dare besmirch it with your half-blood's tongue, you dare-"

"Did you know he's a half-blood too?" Harry says recklessly. "Voldemort? Yeah, his mother was a witch but his dad was a muggle - or has he been telling you lot he's pureblood?"



"Protego!" I call out, protecting my brother. "Malfoy, you better control your friends or we're going to have some problems."

Bellatrix now looks pissed at me, causing me to regret that I even spoke out. "What, does the Potter girl thinks she scares us?"

"No, but I know that we hold something above all of you," I smirk, as I try to stall, hoping that Hermione comes up with a plan. "That prophecy involves my brother and Voldemort-" they hiss at my use of his alias. "-and if say, I take this prophecy from Harry and smash it onto the ground, we would all start dueling, because you won't be able to get what you want, correct?"

"Of course-"


"Well there we have it then," I say while tilting my head with a grin. "We just have to wait until an unspeakable comes in here. I'm sure we'll all be willing to wait here until the Ministry arrests all of you."


"Yes, I dare," I respond to the crazy woman. "Because you gave me, you gave us, leverage. Kind of sad, I thought Slytherins are supposed to be cunning."

I don't know if they are all Slytherins, but based on the stereotypes, they probably are.

"Now," I lower my wand slightly, but point it towards the glass orb in a way to threaten them, "there's a charm on the prophecies that cause a negative effect when someone tries to take a prophecy from this room that aren't involved, isn't there?"

Lucius seems impressed, creeping me out honestly. "Very good, Potter."

"Well, that just proves some suspicions I have about your little leader then."

Bellatrix looks pissed that I even am toying with them, so success I guess.

"What suspicions would a little half-blood like you have?"

"That's none of your business, Bellatrix," I say with a grin, happy that I am distracting them.


The five magic users behind me all shout, "Reducto!" at the Death Eaters.

The spells hit the shelves, causing it to start to fall, the prophecies falling with a crash.

"Run!" Harry yells, causing all of us to make a break for it.

Yay, running...

Okay, I'm running so I don't die, but still.

I hear Hermione stun someone, but I don't dare look behind me as I lead the pack of idiots running away from literal murderers.

As I run into the previous sparkling room, Harry, Neville, and Hermione coming in right after.


The door seals itself, causing me to exhale in relief.

"Where - where are the others?" Harry gasps out.

Uh oh. Didn't realize that we were missing Ron, Ginny, and Luna.


"They must have gone the wrong way!"

"Listen!" Neville whispers, obviously terrified.

As we listen, we hear Lucius ordering people around, making me realize that he mentioned someone named Nott.

Theo...I'm going to have to talk to you about this.

"What do we do?" Hermione asks, trembling from head to foot.

"Well, we don't stand here waiting for them to find us, for a start." Oh wow, Harry not being a suicidal hero idiot, what a surprise. "Let's get away from this door..."

Again, Harry not being stupid? What a surprise!

So, we run, trying to go to the exit into the circular room.

However, when we almost get there, there is a thud at the door Hermione charmed shut.

"Stand aside! Alohom*ora!"

Forgot about that spell...oops!

So, we dive under desks as the door slams open. I clasp my hand over Neville's mouth due to the fact that we are both under the same desk and he is breathing rather loudly.

"They might've run straight through the hall."

"Check under the desks."

I notice one of the Death Eaters about to look under the desk Harry is under, so Harry stuns him.

The Death Eater who was hit falls into a grandfather clock, which was dodged by another once it started to fall.

And now the Death Eater is pointing his wand at Hermione, who stupidly crawled out slightly to get better aim.

In a few moments, Harry is now wrestling with the Death Eater.


"Good one, Neville!" I grin at the boy who just disarmed my brother and the Death Eater.

Harry, the Death Eater, and Neville start to run off, causing me to stare at the wall in confusion due to the fact that the situation feels a bit wacky.

A crash causes me to jump, but I don't run in there since Hermione just ran over there as well.

I'll just keep watch.

Or sit on a desk while trying to keep my breathing steady.

Same thing really.




Wait what?

I kinda regret not going now, it seems interesting.

Unfortunately, my arm is grabbed, causing me to shriek. There, Lucius Malfoy actually did something. He grabs my wand and starts pulling me along, muttering that I'm lucky that I'm friends with his son or something.

Damn, maybe liking that prat does have some perks.

So, after much chasing with me being dragged around even though I could easily be killed, there we stand in a room with all the other Hogwarts students.

And I am laughing for a few moments because Ron, who is acting like he is taking drugs, just summoned the brains.

Oh, the tentacles are wrapping around Ron, who seems to be in pain.

Not funny then.

Literally the Death Eaters are frozen as we see the wacky scene of the Gryffindors, Luna unconscious, trying to save the insane Ron from a brain.

Yeah, it even sounds funny while thinking about it.

Anyways, finally, we end up in the veil room.


"Potter, your race is run," Malfoy says with his grip still on my arm, causing me to sigh in annoyance. "Now hand me the prophecy like a good boy."

Just smash it, we'll die sure, but at least we won't run anyone.

"Let - let the others go, and I'll give it to you!" Harry yells out desperately.

A few of the Death Eaters laugh, making me want to imitate their laughter.

"You are not in a position to bargain, Potter," Lucius Malfoy says, his face showing that he is honestly amused by this. "You see, there are ten of us and only one of you...or hasn't Dumbledore ever taught you how to count?"

Okay...that was a good one.

"He's dot alone!" Yells Neville, who has a broken nose. "He's still god be!"

"Neville - no - go back to Ron-"


A large Death Eater pins him down fairly easily, causing me to look at Neville in concern. I hope he's not hurt.

"Longbottom?" Bellatrix says with a evil smile. "Why I have had the pleasure of meeting your parents, boy."

Too far Bellatrix, too far.

"I DOE YOU HAB!" Neville roars out as he struggles against the Death Eater pinning him down.

The Death Eater asks for someone to stun him, but there's no one who wants to do it.

"No, no, no," Bellatrix says, a gleam in her eyes. "No, let's see how long Longbottom lasts before be cracks like his parents...Unless Potter wants to give us the prophecy-"

Spoken like a true Slytherin. Cunning little-


Bellatrix, being the crazy person she is, starts to torture Neville, making me turn away from the situation as much as I can.

I don't want to see this.

Neville's screams are heart wrenching as he is attacked with the curse.

"That was just a taster!" Bellatrix says, ceasing the cries of Neville Longbottom. "Now, Potter, either give us the prophecy, or watch your little friend die the hard way!"

"Harry don't!" I yell out, struggling against the man holding onto my arm. "They're just going to kill us all once they get what they want!" Bellatrix laughs, confirming my claim.

However, they can't do anything when members of the Order of the Phoenix pile in.

Great...Sirius is with them.

I internally groan when I realize that I have to do what I did with Cedric.

Either that, or Sirius Black is going to die.

Tonks stuns Malfoy, causing me to be freed. I grab my wand that fell onto the ground, happy that I at least can defend myself.

And now, there are spells being thrown at each other, causing me to have to dodge stunning spells.

"Hailey!" Jean yells, throwing a spell at a Death Eater, causing him to crumble. "Get out of here!"

"No!" I yell as I brace myself when a spell causes some of the floor to crumble. "I have to do something."

"Nows not a good time to act like your brother!"

Jean runs towards me, I guess in a way to try to protect me.

"I'm acting like myself!" I hiss out, letting out a protection charm due to a stunning spell hurdling towards me.

"We already have to deal with Harry's - Stupify - hero complex, we don't need that happening with you too."

"I already said - Protego - I'm not copying my brother!" I say, standing back to back with my godmother as we throw spells at the enemy.

We duck when a green spell comes toward us, the curse hitting the wall behind us.

As more Death Eaters fall, I start getting more and more confident.

We are winning.

"Nice one James!"

Jean freezes for a second, but starts to fight afterward.

I snap my attention over to Harry and Sirius fighting side by side. Bellatrix is throwing spells at Sirius, making me rack my brain as I rush toward the fight, to Jean's dismay.

"Sagitta!" I yell out, a magical arrow appearing and hitting Bellatrix on the leg. "Petrificus Totalus!" And Bellatrix is in a full body bind.

Do I think that she's going to stay like that?


But I did just save someone else, so we need as much time as we can get.

I turn towards Harry and Sirius with annoyed expression. "If I have to save one more person's life, I'm going to start murdering people myself."

Chapter 107: Prophecy

Chapter Text

I guess the two decided not to question my words, Harry probably realizing that I was right.

Wow, I've been right way too many times today. It feels empowering honestly.

Oh, and Dumbledore appeared out of nowhere, so that happened.

Bellatrix, who I just hexed, seems to be still under the spell's effects so success then.

Oh, and now she's gone...yay, great to know.

And Harry is running after her due to her almost killing Sirius.

I stand by with what I just said. I will murder someone if I have to save someone's life again.

I would go after him, but my arm is abruptly grabbed by Jean, who looks frantic. "What the hell was that?" She asks before hugging me tightly. "You - you are a honorary Gryffindor."

"I needed to save him," I side eye Sirius who is looking like he's having the time of his life. Honestly, this is probably one of the first times he's been out.

"Is this about those visions of yours?"

I hex another Death Eater, but pause at Jean's words. "I never said anything about-"

Jean is smiling awkwardly before releasing a protection charm as a spell comes toward us. "I'll tell you later."

"We only have two Death Eaters still standing, right now is the perfect time," I point out, gesturing to the two bad guys that are left.

"Fine..." she mutters, not lowering her wand as she glances around. "If you and your little group didn't destroy all of the prophecies, there should be one with your name on it in row one twenty."

"What kind of prophecy?"

"The future kind," Jean says sarcastically, sighing as the last Death Eater gets stunned.

A large amount of noise cause me to start to try to run towards it, but am grabbed by Jean. "You're not going that way, don't want your blood on my hands."

"Fine," I huff, getting Jean to let go of me apprehensively. Awkwardly shifting onto my heels to the balls of my feet. "So..."


Nows the time to ask about the prophecy. "What does my prophecy say?"

Jean seems distracted by a happy looking Sirius before she shakes her head and puts her attention on me. "I don't know."

Wait huh?

How does she not know?

Jean does seem to realize that I'm confused, though, so she elaborates. "It happened when you were about two days old. The only ones who knew about the entire prophecy were your parents and Dumbledore."

This time I tilt my head in confusion. Then how does she know about my visions.

Jean continues as we make our way through the almost completely trashed prophecy room, "your Dad told me the jist of it though. Can't remember most of it, way too long ago, but I do remember the mention of you being able to reverse things. Only assumed that would mean that you were a seer or something."


"Yeah, oh," Jean smiles before stopping. "Alright, go ahead and grab it. We are a bit off schedule right now."

"Off schedule?"

Jean smiles again as I question her words. "Dumbledore made you all a Portkey to get back to Hogwarts before the Ministry shows up."

Chapter 108: Explanation

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My hand grips onto the blue orb Jean pointed out to me a day ago. Luckily, I was able to take it fairly easily, but it still makes me feel uncomfortable.

And so here I am after taking most of the students that went with us to the hospital wing, where Pomfrey scolded me before going to tend to the students.

But anyways, I have a prophecy with me.

This is a prophecy about me.

What the hell...

Do I even want to listen to this?

Deciding that it probably would be a good idea what my probable future is, I stand up and raise the orb as high as I can.

It falls and smashes fairly easily, causing me to sigh in relief.

What? I would hate it if I had to hit it with a hammer or something.

Once it breaks, a shadowy blue-hued figure stands before me.

It's a memory.

It opens it's mouth, and I brace myself for whatever this prophecy is. Whatever my future or destiny is.

I hate the word destiny, because visions of the future are never one hundred percent going to happen.

Back to the figure though-

"Sister born as the seventh month ends...Born with the ability to reverse what was written...Will forever change the path of the Dark Lord's wrath...for she will be the savoir of many lives."

I grip onto my bed, comprehending what that thing just said as the figure disappears.

What the hell was that?

First my brother is the key to fully defeating Voldemort and now I'm the key to protecting people? What kind of twisted logic is that?

Sure, I've saved two people, but those were difficult enough to try and change!

I though I was doing things out of my own free will, but turns out this stupid prophecy had written that I was going to do this for years.

I am a child being expected to save people.

I don't know when Voldemort will try a full on takeover. Maybe it will be in a year, maybe two, or ten, or twenty.

All I know is that my destiny is to literally save people that will die because of him.

I really need a break.

Chapter 109: Finally

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"Hailey, I can't believe you went to the Department of Mysteries!" Andie says while holding onto my arm. Our trunks are already on the train so we are just waiting for Theo and Blaise. "You have to tell me everything!"

"It wouldn't be the Department of Mysteries then."

Andie lets go of my arm and pouts, only to light up when she spots Blaise approaching. "Blaise!" She runs to him and hugs him tightly, making me chuckle.

I nod at Theo, who is awkwardly leaving the couple to do their usual greetings. "Hailey."

I smile and nod, "Theo." The train whistle produces a loud noise, causing us all to jump in surprise.

Deciding to go inside the train, I start to board, only to be pulled back by Theo. "Theo, what are you-"

"Malfoy wants to talk to you."

I almost want to punch his lights out right then and there. "And why would I want to talk to him?"

Theo, who looks like he doesn't know how to answer, side glances me. "Just listen to him, alright?"

"Why should I?" I hiss out. "For all my life, I've allowed people to basically walk all over to me! My aunt and uncle, Aimee, and Malfoy have all taken advantage of me! So why should I listen to him? This isn't some sappy muggle novel where the girl lays down her life for the guy she likes. This is my story and I have control over it!"

Theo looks like he wants to say something but ultimately doesn't say whatever he wants to say. "Just listen to him, please."

I just stare at him for a moment. Unfortunately, I'm unable to say anything to him due to the fact that Theo boards the train without much of another word.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes me turn towards it, only to see the blond boy. "What do you want Malfoy?"

He himself looks uncomfortable and dare I say it, nervous. "I-"

"Spare it! Do you know how annoying it is to have to deal with you being unnecessarily rude all the time?" Draco steps closer to me as I just continue to rant. "I can't keep doing things like this! I shouldn't have to just forgive you because I'm an idiot that-"

You know, I've been interrupted a lot in my time as a teenager, but this perhaps is the best way.

Draco currently is holding my face as his lips are on mine. My eyes are open for a second before slowly closing them.

You know those stupid descriptions in muggle books that describe the first kiss? The fireworks, the smiles, the perfect kiss.

This is not that.

Draco isn't very experienced, and neither am I, causing us to break apart after only a few seconds.

"I just needed to do that completely hate me."


"I know I've been such a daft-"


"-just I couldn't just not kiss you in that moment, not when you probably won't let me near you again-"

"Draco!" I yell out, annoyed that he won't listen to me. Well, I guess calling him by his first name shut him up.

"Hailey I-"

"Can you genuinely shut up for a moment." I ask with a small laugh before pecking his lips. The smile continues to widen as any anger I had in me vanishes completely. "Don't think you're off the hook Draco."

He continues to smile at me, his grip on my waist tightening. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Dammit!" Theo's voice yells out, causing us to stare at him. He shrugs, awkwardly smiling. "I owe Blaise four galleons."

"Did you bet on us Theo?"

He pales at my facial expression before running up the steps and boarding the train once more.

Draco, who is still holding my hand, lets go. "Go on, I have prefect duties."

"Okay," I say while looking up at him. "I'll see you on the train, yeah?"

He nods and smiles. "Of course."

"Great!" I start to run up the steps only to run down and run at Draco, trapping him in a hug. "I've liked you since first year, you realize that right?"

"Well looks like we have another thing in common then," Draco says with a grin.

I respond with kissing him again.

You know, I could get used to this.

Chapter 110: Oh, Okay

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"Harry!" I yell, throwing my pillow at him. He awakes with a jolt, sitting up abruptly. "Dumbledore's here to get you."

Dumbledore organized a system where Harry was to be taken out of the hellhole, otherwise known as the Dursley residence, to where the Order is, first. He said it would he safer and would have less risk of being splinched.

So, Harry is leaving tonight (well this morning since it is midnight), and I am leaving later this morning around ten.

So, theoretically I should be able to get more sleep.

But, Harry was just sleeping so soundly when the street lamp went out and I couldn't just let him stay asleep when Dumbledore is waiting for him.

Also wanted to hit him with a pillow, but that's beside the point.

Anyways, Harry being Harry, didn't pack beforehand, so he's now scrambling around, trying to get his stuff gathered while I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Ever notice that the chipped paint on the ceiling looks like a cat?" I say, still staring at the ceiling.

"Nows not the time Hailey..."

"I know."

The doorbell rings, causing Harry to freeze.

He didn't tell the Dursleys, did he?

His loss.

"Good evening. You must be Mr. Dursley. I daresay Harry has told you I would be coming for him?"

I want to laugh due to Harry running down the steps in a panic. For a moment, I weigh my options if I should go down or not.

I ultimately walk down the stairs as well, because I can tell this is going to be rather amusing and I've been so bored here.

Once I get down, I see the ever so familiar Dumbledore wearing his half-moon spectacles.

"Judging by your look of stunned disbelief, Harry did not warn you that I was coming," Dumbledore says in a pleasant tone. "However, let us assume that you have invited me warmly into your house. It is unwise to linger overlong doorsteps in these troubled times."

Did I ever mention how much I enjoy Dumbledore's commentary? Yeah, I enjoy his commentary.

Oh yeah, and Dumbledore just closed the door behind himself when he walked in...just thought I'd point it out.

"It has been a long time since my last visit," Dumbledore says while looking down at Vernon. "I must say, your agapanthus are flourishing."

I cover my mouth as I suppress a smile causing Dumbledore to notice me. "Ah, hello Hailey."

"Hi Professor," I say quickly, deciding that I don't want Venon mad at me if I'm too nice to Dumbledore.

"Good evening, Harry," Dumbledore says with a smile. "Excellent, excellent."

Vernon looks like he really wants to say something, but I think he realizes that any rude thing he says will be bounced off of Dumbledore basically.

"I don't mean to be rude-"

"-yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often." Dumbledore says gravely, causing me to want to smile at that but I decide against it. "Best to say nothing at all, my dear man. Ah, and this must be Petunia."

And like he said, the kitchen door opens to reveal Petunia in kitchen gloves and a house dress. She must of finished her nightly wipe down of the kitchen.

"Albus Dumbledore," Dumble says once he sees how confused she looks. "We have corresponded, of course."

Oh yeah, that exploding letter happened.

"And this must be your son, Dudley!"

Dudley gapes at Dumbledore as he looks around the corner at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore pauses for a moment, as if waiting for the Dursleys to say anything before smiling. "Shall we assume that you have invited me into your sitting room?"

Dudley scrambles away as Dumbledore walks by him, causing me to snicker at him. As I stroll behind the bearded headmaster, I have to laugh at the fact that he sits in an armchair by the fire, looking out of place.

"Aren't - aren't we leaving, sir?" Harry asks anxiously.

"Yes, indeed we are, but there are a few matters we need to discuss first," Dumbledore says. "And I would prefer not to do so in the open. We shall trespass upon your aunt and uncle's hospitality only a little longer."

"You will, will you?"

Oh, Vernon was here. Probably should have warned him.

But where's the fun in that?

"Yes," Dumbledore says simply, "I shall." He then proceeds to draw out his wand and just casually knock out the knees of all three Dursleys so they collapse onto the sofa that he just zoomed towards them.

Alright then.

And then the sofa zooms back to its original place. "We may as well be comfortable," Dumbledore says with a pleasant smile.

I side eye Dumbledore and notice how shriveled his hand looks.

What is going on?

"Sir - what happened to your-"

"Later, Harry," Dumbledore says in a sort of cold voice causing me to look the other way. I don't know if I want to know. "Please sit down."

Harry sits on the remaining armchair, causing me to sigh and just sit on the carpet, probably to Petunia's dismay.

"I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment," Dumbledore says coolly, "but the evidence so far suggests that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness."

Another wave of his wand and six glasses, along with a bottle of mead, come floating out.

Once I get a glass for myself, I sip it apprehensively, sort of scared that the Dursleys, specifically Vernon, are going to blow up at any minute.

"Madam Rosmerta's finest oak-matured mead," Dumbledore says while raising a glace.

Harry takes a sip, but the Dursleys ignore the glasses completely, probably scared that they're poisoned or something.

"Well, Harry," Dumbledore says while turning toward Harry, "a difficulty has arisen which I hope you will be able to solve for us. By us, I mean the Order of the Phoenix. Unfortunately, Jean and Sirius have both come to the conclusion that number twelve, Grimmauld Place is not a suitable place for the Order, at least for now."

"Just because of Kreacher?" I ask while tilting my head. "I thought that he wouldn't be able to expose the address."

"Right you are, Hailey," Dumbledore nods towards me. "Kreacher is unable to tell the Malfoy family and Bellatrix Lestrange the location of the headquarters. However, Jean made a compelling argument about the unfortunate incident at the Ministry in June and the possibility of it happening again."


Of course she did. Jean doesn't exactly hold her punches when it comes to the safety of Harry and I.

"Will you get these ruddy things off us?"

I giggle at the fact that the offered glasses are attempting to bounce on the Dursleys' heads.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Dumbledore says with a polite smile, making the glasses vanish. "But it would have been better manners to drink it, you know."

I stifle a laugh due to the fact Vernon looks angry as hell.

"Now, Harry, is your trunk packed?"

Harry looks panicked, making me question how much stuff he has left to pack.

Just how much stuff does my brother even own.

"Doubtful that I would turn up?" Dumbledore suggests.

"I'll just go and - er - finish off," Harry says while jumping out of the chair and rushing toward our room.

I shrug, "looks like I have a place to sit now." As I sit down on the armchair that Harry previously inhabited, I hear the distinct sound of Dumbledore chuckling.

And then, he just starts humming, causing me to drum my fingers against the arm of the chair, waiting for my brother to finally get packed.

He's so lucky he's leaving early.

Luckily, Harry doesn't seem to take that long as he runs down the steps with Hedwig's cage in one arm and his trunk in the other. "Professor - I'm ready now."

"Good." Dumbledore turns back to the Dursleys with a smile. "Just one last thing, then. As you will no doubt be aware, Harry and Hailey come of age in a year's time-"

"No," and the woman speaks! Who would have thought?

Dumbledore blinks for a few moments, probably questioning why she would deny an obvious fact. "I'm sorry?"

"No, they don't. They're a month younger than Dudley, and Dudders doesn't turn eighteen until the year after next."

Can she stop using those horrible nicknames? He's not five.

"Ah," Dumbledore says pleasantly, "but in the Wizarding world, we come of age at seventeen."


Dumbledore rightfully ignores Vernon's comment. "Now, as you already know, the wizard called Lord Voldemort has returned to this country. The Wizarding community is currently in a state of open warfare. Harry and Hailey, whom Lord Voldemort has already attempted to kill on a number of occasions, are in even greater danger now than the day when I left them upon your doorstep fifteen years ago, with a letter explaining about their parents' murder and expressing the hope that you would care for them as though they were your own."

I almost snort, if they treated Dudley half as bad as they treat us, then he wouldn't be the way he is. Honestly, if they would have treated us with respect, I'm pretty sure it would have been a lot better.

"You did not do as I asked. You have never treated them as a son and daughter. They have known nothing but neglect and often cruelty at your hands. The best that can be said is that they have at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you."

Wow Dumbledore, go off I guess.

Petunia and Vernon look at Dudley before staring back at Dumbledore with wide eyes. "Us - mistreat Dudders? What d'you-"

Dumbledore raises his hand to silence Vernon, which surprisingly worked....who would have thought?

"The magic I evoked fifteen years ago means that Harry and Hailey have a powerful protection while they can still call this house their home. However miserable they have been here, however unwelcome, however badly treated, you have at least, grudgingly, allowed him houseroom. This magic will cease to operate the moment they turn seventeen; in other words, at the moment they become adults. I ask only this: that you allow them both to return, once more, to this house, before their seventeenth birthday, which will ensure that the protection continues until that time."

Again, I say go off.

And I didn't know there was a protection spell...that's pretty cool actually.

"Well Harry...time for us to be off," Dumbledore says while standing up. "Until we meet again."

And like that, Harry bids them goodbye and they're gone.

The room is silent as the front door closes. A familiar pop rings out, telling me that they left.

Yay, I'm alone with the Dursleys...

I am so screwed.

I awkwardly chuckle, "oh, I should probably tell you that someone's picking me up at ten this morning."

Vernon's face turns red as it seems all the built up anger he was holding in while Dumbledore was here is released all at once. "POTTER!"

And that cues me running up the stairs and shutting my door promptly behind me. With a sigh, I slide down the door, only to be greeted by Midnight, who is trying to get my attention.

My eyes look out the window, seeing the sun finally rising, the pink hues finally emerging from the horizon.

"Do you think Draco's going to write to me today, Midnight?"

Chapter 111: Back to the Burrow

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I huff as Midnight finally goes inside her cage. The little black cat refused to go in her carrier so I had to force her in it, which wasn't very fun let me tell you.

I wince at the scratch marks that were left by the cat.

And they say dogs are dangerous.

As I glance outside my window, I frown as there is nobody there yet.

It's literally thirty minutes past ten, who ever is going to pick me up is getting a piece of my mind-

And just like that, the doorbell rings.

I run down the steps, jumping down instead of walking down the last step. Once I do open the door, a smile spreads across my face as I'm greeted by Jean.

"Hiyya Hailey," she smiles. The smile drops when she spots the Dursleys though. "Don't think we've met."

Petunia visibly pales at her tone as I look between the two. From what I can tell, Petunia doesn't seem to know Jean, but Jean sure does seem to know Petunia.

"Allow me to introduce myself," she sticks her hand out, which Vernon and Petunia both scowl at, causing her to drop her hand. "I'm Jean Fawley, Hailey's godmother. I'm here to pick her up from this hellhole." Jean seems to talk very slowly, as if wanting to make sure they heard every word that she says.

She looks bored at the whole exchange, causing me to wonder why she hates them so much. Sure, they're horrible towards Harry and I, but is it really worth it to hate them.

"I'm going to need to use your garden, can't Apparate in front of your house, now can we?" Jean is visibly annoyed at their lack of response, so she just walks inside and looks around. "Nice place you guys have, rather jealous myself. Grimmauld is still rather...stuffy." She glances toward me and gestures for me to go get my stuff, which I gladly run up and get.

Since I had Elaine's cage strapped to my trunk, I just had to drag my trunk and Midnight's carrier down the stairs, where I spot Jean leaning on a wall, glaring at the Dursleys.

Her expression becomes brighter once I emerge though, so I guess it's okay.

"Always organized, I could never," Jean jokes before pulling out her wand and letting both items float from my grasp. "Alright Hailey, time to go to the back. We're on a tight schedule to get you where you need to be."

We wouldn't be in such a rush if you would have been here on time...

Procrastination at its finest.

We would have left to the garden, but Jean halts for a moment. "You know Petunia, Lily wanted you be a godmother of one of them."

Wait what?

Jean forces a smile as she turns back to the Dursleys. "But you know, when you refused to go to your own sister's wedding, she promptly changed her mind, after crying on my shoulder of course. So thanks for that."

Oh so that's what happened.

We both silently trudge into the back garden, my trunk and cat floating behind us.

"So that happened."

"Yeah," Jean laughs as she as she waves her wand, causing my stuff to disappear all at once. "Sorry, can't stand those people. At least based on how your mother described them."

"You and me both."

Jean kicks a rock, causing it to soar across the garden and hitting the fence loudly. "Alright, now that I got that out of my system, I think it's time to go."

My eye twitches at her slight carefree nature. Sure, she's awesome, but sometimes she's just...odd. Like she doesn't understand social cues or something.

"Before we leave, why couldn't I leave with my brother?"

Jean blinks for a few moments, as if sifting through her brain for the answer. "Er - I don't know really. I think Dumbledore wanted your brother to talk to someone. I never understand what that old man actually says..." Her eyes flick to mine in slight warning, "Please don't tell Hagrid I called Dumbledore old, I have a goal to actually survive the second Wizarding war."

"I don't think-"

"Remember he got that cousin of yours to get closer to his true form," Jean says with a grin, reminding me of the pig tail that had to get surgically removed from Dudley.

Thanks for the reminder.

"Alright, time to actually get going," Jean says while checking her watch. "Just grab my hand, and just brace yourself. The first time Apparating usually is pretty uncomfortable."

Now, like any normal human being, I hesitate grabbing her hand because who honestly wants to be uncomfortable.

Jean rolls her eyes at my hesitation. "Molly said she was making cake."

"Why didn't you say that sooner?"

I grab her hand and all of a sudden, everything is black. It's almost as if the air is pressing against me in every single direction. I can't even breathe, as it feels like great big iron arms are tightening around my chest.

And then, it stops.

I collapse onto the ground, gasping for air. Geez, it feels so nice to finally breathe again.

"I did warn you-"

"Do me a favor and shut up while I breathe please."

Chapter 112: Weasley Wizard Whexes

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To say that my birthday was the worst one I've had since my tenth birthday, I must say that it's been horrible.

More and more people are disappearing every day and my brother and I have to stay at the Weasleys constantly.

Hell, even Jean isn't around very much. If Sirius isn't over here to talk to Harry and I, Jean usually isn't around either.

So, the day we need to go to Diagon Alley arrived slower than I would have hoped.

We were greeted by Hagrid as we want to enter the wizard area, making me smile. But you know, I don't mind. Hagrid is great in all honesty.

Diagon Alley has truly changed. The once bright and loud area is now cold and dark. Pictures of wanted dark wizards align the the windows of all of the shops.

Sketchy looking booths line the streets, selling products that are supposed to ward off 'evil' creatures.

Unfortunately, it seems like everything has changed.

I knew that it would change after the battle at the Department of Mysteries, but it still amazes me.

"One for your little girl, madam?" A man selling amulets calls out, making me stand slightly in front of Ginny. "Protect her pretty neck?"

"If I were on duty..." Mr. Weasley growls out, glaring at the amulet seller.

"Yes, but don't go arresting anyone now, dear, we're in a hurry," Mrs. Weasley says quickly, consulting her list. "I think we'd better do Madam Malkin's first, Hermione wants new dress robes, and Ron's showing too much ankle in his school robes, Hailey's robes seem to be wearing out as well, and Harry, you must need new ones, you've grown so much - come on, everyone."

"Molly, it doesn't make sense for all us to go to Madam Malkins. Why don't those four go with Hagrid, and we can go to Flourish and Blotts and get everyone's books?"

Mrs. Weasley looks way too stressed in all honesty. I kind of feel bad for the woman in all honesty. "I don't know. Hagrid, do you think-"

"Don' fret, they'll be fine with me, Molly," Harry says while waving his hand around, trying to be soothing.

Mrs. Weasley doesn't look convinced, but still let's us go anyways, so yay.

As we walk around, I don't fail to notice that everyone seems super apprehensive and are not shopping alone.

Not that I don't blame them, it's terrifying out here

"Migh' be a bit of a squeeze in there with all of us," Hagrid says while peering inside the window to Madam Malkin's. "I'll stand guard outside, all right?"

So all four of us wander into the store, which seems to be empty, that is, until we hear someone.

"...not a child, in case you haven't noticed, Mother. I am perfectly capable of doing my shopping alone."

I smile lightly, happy that I may actually get to talk to Draco a bit. Well, maybe not, depending on how Harry acts.

"Now, dear, your mother's quite right, none of us are supposed to go wandering around on out own anymore, it's nothing to do with being a child-"

"Watch where you're sticking that pin, will you!"

I cover my mouth as I force myself not to laugh. Draco came out from behind the rack wearing a nice set of new robes. Pins adorn the collar and sleeves, showing that he was getting them fitted.

"Hey," I smile lightly, causing the blond to jump slightly.

He nods at me, smiling as well. Unfortunately, that smile is changed into a sneer once he sees the golden trio.

"If you're wondering what the smell is, Mother, a Mudblood just walked in."

And so the develoment of Draco not being a prat is destroyed once he returned to his household.

Honestly, if his parents didn't teach him that being prejudice is okay, he probably would be fairly nice to people. Nurture versus nature is a real thing.

"I don't think there's any need for language like that!" Madam Malkin says while scurrying out with a tape measure and wand. "And I don't want wands drawn in my shop either."

They didn't...

They did.

I glance behind myself and see Harry and Ron with their wands pointed at Draco, causing me to want to bash my head in.

Can't they just maybe, not threaten my boyfriend. Just a thought.

Hell, even Hermione is telling them to stop.

"Yeah, like you'd dare do magic outside of school." He sneers, and honestly, he's not wrong. Harry isn't idiotic enough to produce a hex illegally, especially when the Ministry is corrupt. "Who blacked your eye, Granger? I want to send them flowers."

Hermione had got ahold of one of Fred and George's boxing telescopes. Jean attempted to help fix it, but couldn't due to the fact that the boxing telescope is charmed so that the bruise will stay.

Let's not tell them that I gave Fred and George the idea...

"That's quite enough!" Madam Malkin shrieks, glancing over her shoulder. "Madam - please -"

Narcissa Malfoy strolls out, looking blankly at Harry and Ron. "Put those away. If you attack my son again, I shall ensure that it is the last thing you ever do."

"Really?" Harry says in a arrogant tone, stepping forward. "Going to get a few Death Eater friends to do us in, are you?"

"No, I'll do it for them if you don't back down Harry," I glare at him. Harry and I then proceed to have stare down, which he subsequently loses.

"You heard her, Potter, don't be stupid."

"Draco!" I snap at him, giving him the same glare, which softens once I actually look at him. "Just...don't please....not right now."

Madam Malkin looks like she's on her wits end as she bends toward Draco in attempt to continue working on his robes. "I think this left sleeve could come up a little bit more, dear, let me just-"

"Ouch!" Draco yells out while slapping the woman's hand away. "Watch where you're putting your pins, woman! Mother - I don't think I want these anymore-"

"You're right, Draco," Narcissa sneers while glancing at Hermione. "Now that I know the kind of scum that shops here..We'll do better at Twilfitt and Tatting's."

As they walk by, Draco stops for a second. "See you on the train."

I smile and nod at him. "See you then."

Once they actually leave, Ron scoffs. "Bloody hell, and you like that prat?"

"Correct," I say with a smile, tilting my head. "And if you start ranting about him, I'll be sure to charm a spider and give it to you for Christmas."

So starts Madam Malkin trying to get us fitted as quickly as possible since we just lost her a customer.

I attempted to say something to Hermione, joking around that she was given wizard robes at first, but she may be mad at me right now.

She decided against taking the O.W.L.s for the classes she dropped in third year...I didn't.

I ended up failing History of Magic, didn't really care anymore about the subject.

But I passed Muggle Studies and Divination.

So she's a bit pissy that I got two more outstandings than her.

Hermione Granger got nine outstandings and one exceeds expectations.

I got ten outstandings...

So yeah, she's a bit mad.

I mean, it's her own fault for getting exceeds expectations in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

She's a bit pissy at Harry for getting outstanding in Defense the Dark Arts as well.

When we finally did leave the shop, the woman seemed rather happy that we did, so that's nice that we have yet another adult that hates us.

"Got ev'rything?" Hagrid asks brightly as we all leave the shop.

"Just about," Harry says casually, as if he didn't just help a buisness lose a customer. "Did you see the Malfoys?"

"Yeah," Hagrid says nonchalantly. "Bu' they wouldn' dare make trouble in the middle o' Diagon Alley, Harry. Don' worry abou' them."

Well I mean, they did start it, but Harry continued it.

So they are both to blame honestly.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Ginny appear, carrying heavy looking packages. "Everyone alright?" Mrs. Weasley asks. "Got your robes? Right then, we can pop in at the Apothecart and Eeylops on the way to Fred and George's - stick close, now..."

Harry and Ron both got Exceeds Expectations in Potions, so they can't take N.E.W.T. level, so of course they just don't want to take Potions at all.

I got my supplies, along with some cat food when we stopped by the pet shop.

But the thing is, I just really want to see the shop.

This is Fred and George's shop, just think of that.

It's exciting that I was able to help.

"We really haven't got too long," Mrs. Weasley says. "So we'll just have a quick look around and then back to the car. We must be close, that's number ninety-two...ninety-four."

I almost laugh out loud at the fact that they have a glowing yellow sign that reads 'why are you worrying about You-Know-Who? You should be worrying about U-No-Poo - the constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!'

Did I mention how much I love their jokes?

"They'll be murdered in their beds!"

"No they won't!" Ron laughs out, joining Harry and I in our cacklings. "This is brilliant!"

I push my way inside, sighing at the general warmth of the entire store.

It's nice in all honesty. "Well if it isn't our favorite human being," Fred says while I glance at their more 'romantic' products. "Say, didn't you already get the guy? Why do you need a love potion."

I chuckle at his comment, waving at George who is interacting with the golden trio. "I don't, I'm just really surprised about this place. It looks amazing."

"You act like you're surprised."

I stare at him, not wanting to answer to that statement, causing him to laugh. "Okay, warranted."

"Damn right."

Fred lightly ruffles my hair with a grin before tugging me around. "So Hails, want a tour."

"Not really-"

"So these are the muggle tricks."

"I really don't need a-"

"And in here," Fred moves a curtain and reveals a much less crowded area. "Is where we make money from Ministry officials. Shield cloaks and gloves, things like that."

"Okay," I say with a laugh, "that is pretty cool."

Fred gasps dramatically. "A compliment? Woah, that's amazing."

"Oh, shut up," I shove him, laughing at his antics. "You're a jerk, you know that."

"That's what I'm here for, Hails." Fred looks out the window, his grin dropping. "The trio is spying on Malfoy."


"Look for yourself."

I glance out the window to see feet walking on their own after the fast moving figure of Draco.

Yep, it's the morons.


"Go," he nudges me and smiles. "Just visit when you can."


I walk out the door without anyone noticing, tailing the golden trio, who are currently spying on Draco for reasons beyond my comprehension.

And of course we have to go to Knockturn Alley.

Honestly, can't they just not follow him? Draco has the right to privacy, even if they don't like him.

I stand in the shadows as the three pairs of feet stay near the window, staring at Draco talking to someone.

Then, Draco leaves, causing me to go further in the shadows so I'm not spotted. Trying to explain what I'm doing here to him would be a pain.

So, the trio instead of giving up, have Hermione go in there, and she comes out only a minute later.

"So, spying now, are we?" I say sarcastically revealing myself with a bored expression.

Harry slips the cloak off of himself and attempts to smile. "Hailey, we needed to-"

"Needed to what, exactly?" I tilt my head, just done. "Spy on someone minding their own buisness? Leaving your sister out of the spying because you'd know I'd give you an earful. What did you need to do?"

Harry opens his mouth before closing it, successfully looking like a codfish.

"That's what I thought."

Chapter 113: The Slug Club

Chapter Text

No matter how many times I start in front of the barrier to the platform, I still internally worry that the wall will just a wall when I attempt to get to the other side.

Actually, I do believe that happened to Harry and Ron in second year....

That's not funny at all...

Yes it is.

"Alright Hailey," Jean clears her voice as Harry runs through the barrier successfully. "Remus says good luck on your N.E.W.T. classes, and Sirius says to remember to prank Filch if you have the chance."

I chuckle a bit as she looks scatterbrained, looking around apprehensively. She looks like she's looking for something, and I sort of wonder what it is.

"Jean," I say, causing her to whip her head around to look at me. "Everything is okay."

"Alright," she sighs out, running a hand through her hair before pausing. "Oh right, forgot that I wanted to actually talk to you about something."


Jean kneels down so that she actually be closer to my height, you know, being an inch or so away from being six foot, it must be difficult. "Alright, now, I hope that I don't have to give you a lecture about anything mature, correct?"

I immediately recoil, shaking my head immediately. "Absolutely not!"

"Alright," Jean says with a soft smile, "just wanted to clarify because there hasn't been a student child for over a hundred years, I don't want you to be the one who breaks the record."

"I get it Jean!"

"Because while Remus would be accepting of it, he's caring like that, do know that I would murder you if you got pregnant at sixteen."

"Okay I get it!" I yell out loudly before grabbing my stuff and walking through the barrier, not wanting to face that woman until at least Christmas.

She's so odd sometimes.

I board the train, seeking out the usual compartment, which I'm immediately greeted by Andie. "Hailey! It's been too long!"

I smile as we break apart, waving at Theo and Blaise. "It's been a couple months, Andie."

She pouts, pulling me into the compartment. "Either way, that's way too long!"


"So Hailey," Blaise grins as I sit down, "how many times were you and Malfoy all lovey-dovey during the summer?"

I roll my eyes at the boy, but smile either way. "He didn't really write much actually."


Andie and Theo shift awkwardly, making me raise a brow. Exactly why are they being so awkward?

"Where's Draco?"

Theo and Blaise both grin at my use of Draco's first name. Theo gestures towards the outside of the compartment. "You know him, he's got to look like an idiot. Blaise and I got changed, and by the time we left, he was still changing."

I shake my head, leaning on the window as the terrain flies by us. "He's got to always being annoyingly attractive, doesn't he?"

"Stop being annoyingly lovey-dovey, it makes me want to barf."

Oh, Pansy Parkinson is here.

What a joy.

"Pansy," I send a soft smile, which she looks away from me in a huff. "How are you?"

"I can't believe he would choose someone like you. At least my family heritage is respectable, you half-"

"Malfoy, so glad that you could join us," Theo interrupts, probably intentionally.

Any hard look in my eyes softens as I see Draco. I saw him at Diagon Alley, but this is different. He looks so tired.

"Hey," I say softly as he sits near me.

"Hey," he replies with the same soft tone.

"You okay?" I ask again, not wanting to raise my voice. I've known him for years, and I can tell when something is bothering him.

Clearly something is bothering him right now.

He nods, leaning on my shoulder. "Yeah."

I glance at the four Slytherins sitting across from us. Pansy looks disgusted, Blaise looks like he's fanboying, but Theo and Andie make me furrow my brows a bit.

They look like they regret something.

I glance at Draco and then back at them with narrowed eyes. Something happened over the summer...

"Well this is honestly disgusting," Pansy says in a huff, standing up. "I'm going to another compartment."

"Bye-" Blaise starts, glaring at the girl.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Parkinson," Theo finishes, causing the girl to huff and storm out.

"Honestly," Andie huffs, crossing her arms. "Why she can't just be civil is beyond me."

"Oh please," Theo snorts, "civil isn't in her vocabulary. The little piggy is all jealous because she realized that being clingy doesn't make a guy like her."

This causes me to snort as well, because well, I thought it was sort of funny.

"E-excuse me?"

We all look at this young looking third year who looks out of breath.

"Well get on with it," Draco snaps, his head still laying on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes at his snappy behavior and smile at the girl. "Is everything alright? What do you need?"

Okay, I'm as snappy as Draco, but not towards people who don't deserve it. Like sure, I'll be a jerk to Harry, but I refuse to be mean towards Luna and Ginny.

The girl gulps and nods, holding out two scrolls. "I'm supposed to deliever these to Hailey P-Potter and Blaise Zabini."

I lightly push Draco off of me and grab the two scrolls, throwing Blaise's at him, which he successfully catches. "Thank you so much," I smile at the girl, causing her to blush and nod, running out of the compartment. I just stand there in confusion for a moment. "Was it something I said?"


I silently threaten Blaise with my wand before sinking back onto the train seat.

"What is it?"

I smile as Draco actually looks a bit more normal. Maybe napping for a bit did him some good. "It's an invitation."

Draco snorts at my simple explanation. "Invitation to what?"

I adjust in my seat, acting like I'm all official, even changing my accent slightly to act more posh. "Hailey, I would be delighted if you would join me for a bite of lunch in compartment C. Sincerely, Professor H. E. F. Slughorn." I lower the invitation and look to Blaise. "You get the same thing?"

Blaise nods, lowering his. "Yeah, almost word for word."

I guess this guy is the person Harry went with Dumbledore to go get a few weeks ago.

"Well," I place the invitation on the seat, "I guess we better get going."


"See you after this, yeah?" I smile at Draco, causing him to softly smile and nod. "Alright then."

"You two are disgustingly adorable," Blaise teases as we make our way past a bunch of students.

"Oh please," I scoff as I move away from a first year buying a bunch of sweets, "you and Andie are not much better."

"Fair point."

"Ah, Hailey Potter I presume?" A plump man wearing velvet robes asks while jumping up. I nod apprehensively, not used to a particularly friendly teacher. Sure, Remus is super nice, but even he was awkward the first few days of class. "I thought it would be you! You look just like your mother."

I force a smile, my lips becoming tighter.

I don't like being compared to my parents. From what I heard, they were great, but I really don't want to be compared to them.

I'm Hailey, not Lily, I kind of wish people would realize this.

"Ah - thank you I suppose," I say while still forcing my smile, "and this is Blaise."

"Of course, of course!" Slughorn says with a grin before beckoning us both in, so that we're squished in the small compartment. "Say, do the two of you know a boy with the last name of Nott?"

"Theo?" I brighten up at the mention of one of mu best friend's names. "Yeah, of course I know him."

"Ah, his father was an old friend of mine...It's unfortunate that he seemed to have gone with the wrong crowd."

Please don't tell me he judged Theo based on his father...

Slughorn pushes us the rest of the way in the room, causing me to want to internally die.

I am, luckily, squished next to an overwhelmed looking Ginny. "Hey there."

"Hey," she says awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably, causing me to feel bad for her.

She's literally squished in a small corner, poor girl.

"So," I say awkwardly, "do you know why he brought us here?"


"Ah, Harry m'boy."

Found the reason.

I bet a Galleon that the one person he truly wanted to see was Harry, I can just feel it in my bones.

"Blaise Zabini is in your year, of course." Slughorn says, as if he introduced everyone to everyone already. "And of cours you know your own sister."

Well no duh.

So Slughorn goes through everyone, finishing with Ginny, who just blushes in response.

Aww, she still has a slight crush on him.

"Well now, this is most pleasant," Slughorn says. "A chance to get to know you all a little better. Here, take a napkin. I've packed my own lunch; the trolley, as I remember it, is heavy on licorice wands, and a poor old man's digestive system isn't quite up to such things...Pheasant, Belby?"

Belby looks startled, but takes half of the cold bird and puts it on his plate.

"I was just telling young Marcus here that I had the pleasure of teaching his Uncle Damocles," Slughorn says while he passes a basket full of rolls to Harry. "Outstanding wizard, outstanding, and his Order of Merlin most well-deserved. Do you see much of your uncle, Marcus?"

Belby seems to have his mouth full, giving us the unfortunate sight of him choking on his food.


Belby gasps as his airways seem to clear immediately. "Not....not much of him, no."

"Well, of course, I daresay he's busy," Slughorn says offhandly. "I doubt he invented the Wolfsbane Potion without considerable hard work!"

Wait, his uncle created the Wolfsbane Potion? I need to remember if I ever come across the man to thank him. From what Remus says, it really helps him during the full moon.

"I suppose..." Belby says apprehensively. "Er...he and my dad don't get on very well, you see, so I don't really know much about..."

He trails off when spotting Slughorn's cold smile.

This wasn't something just to meet Harry, this was to meet all of kids who have famous or rich parents.

And since none of the kids are related to Death Eaters, I guess he didn't want those kids here.

I don't know if I like Slughorn or not.

"Now, you, Cormac," Slughorn says cheerily. "I happen to know you see a lot of your Uncle Tiberius, because he has a rather splendid picture of the two of you hunting nogtails in, I think, Norfolk?"

"Oh, yeah, that was fun, that was," McLaggen says. "We went with Bertie Higgs and Rufus Scrimgeour - that was before he became Minister, obviously."

"Ah, you know Bertie and Rufus too?" Slughorn beams, offering a tray of pies to him, not offering one to Belby.

From hearing who he brought here, I think my suspicions are confirmed. Neville's parents are well known Aurors that were tortured to insanity thanks to Bellatrix Lestrange. Blaise's mother is a beautiful witch, having married multiple times, and each husband mysteriously dies.

The only one I can't figure out why they are here is Ginny. Don't get me wrong, Ginny is awesome. She's just not related to anyone famous, at least, I don't think she is.

"And now, the Potters!"

Oh yay, Harry and I are being picked on...

Slughorn is beaming at Harry and I wider than he didn't witho anyone else, causing me to sink into my seat slightly.

"Where do I begin? I feel I barely scratched the surface when we met over the summer, Harry!" I almost want to snicker because it sounds like Harry was kissing up to Slughorn before school started.

While I do know that Harry would never do that, it's still funny. Let's also not forget that fact that he isn't even taking potions this year.

"The Chosen Ones, they're calling you both!"

"Yes, well, I don't know about that," I say awkwardly. Blaise looks amused at the entire situation, causing me to jab him in the side with my shoudler.

"Of course," Slughorn says, ignoring what I just said, "there have been rumors for years....I remember when - well - after that terrible night - Lily - James - and you two survived - and the word was that at least one of you must have had powers beyond the ordinary."

I choke on my drjnk slightly. I mean, Harry is just Harry. But I am a seer so the rumors weren't exactly false...

But Harry is the one destined to defeat Voldemort, so that's none of my concern.

"Yeah, Zabini, because you're so posing!"

I snort, causing Blaise to roll his eyes at my reaction to Ginny's statement.

"Oh dear!" Slughorn chuckles. "You want to be careful, Blaise! I saw this young lady perform the most marvelous Bat-Bogey hex as I was passing her in the carriage! I wouldn't cross her!"

Oh so that's why Ginny is here, she impressed him.

"Anyway," Slughorn says, turning his attention back to Harry and I. "Such are rumors this summer. Of course, one doesn't know what to believe, the Prophet has been known to print inaccuracies, make mistakes - but there seems little doubt, given the number of witnesses, that there was quite a disturbance at the Ministry and that you two were in the thick of it all!"

"Don't rope me in with him please," I smile pleasantly, sipping some of my iced tea. "I was just there to support my brogher idiocy."

"So modest!" Slughorn chuckles in amusem*nt. "No wonder Dumbledore is so fond you both! The rest of the stories - so sensational, of course, one does not know quite what to believe - this fabled prophecy for instance-"

"We never heard a prophecy," Neville says, turning pink.

Aww, he doesn't know. That's adorable.

Hey, as long as nobody knows about my prophecy, I don't really care.

"That's right!" Ginny speaks up. "Neville and I were both there too, and this Chosen One rubbish is just a Prophet making things up as usual."

Little did you know Ginny...

"You were both there too, were you?" Slughorn says with great interest. " is true that the Prophet often exaggerates, of course...I remembered dear Gwenog telling me-"

He talks nonsense, causing me to want to scoop out my eyes with my spoon.

As the afternoon continues on, I literally want to fall asleep. Why exactly am I here anyways?

Anyways, he wants us to join this Slug Club or something, I don't know. It's basically a club where people who are well connected can become even better connected.

"Good gracious, it's getting dark already! I didn't notice that they'd lit the lamps! You'd better go and change into your robes, all of you. McLaggen, you must drop by and borrow the book on nogtails. Harry, Hailey, Blaise - any time you're passing. Same goes for you, miss," Slughorn says to Ginny with his eyes twinkling. "Well off you go!"

"C'mon," Blaise mutters, pulling me by the wrist so that we both leave the compartment first.

I sigh in relief once we escape the overstuffed compartment, happy that we no longer have to be around so many unknown people.

As we do return to the compartment that holds our friends, I have to roll my eyes when I see that Pansy has returned.

I slip in first, followed by Blaise who sees to be having a problem with closing the door.

It's like something is blocking it.

I shouldn't have given Harry the cloak...

"What's wrong with this thing?" Blaise growls as he continuesly tries to close the door, seemingly hitting something.

"Do you need any help?" I ask, not sitting down quite yet.

"I'm fine Hails!" Blaise topples sideways, falling into Goyle's lap.

Goyle pushes off the dark skin male and closes the door in a huff.

I swear I spotted something in the scuffle, but I have no idea, I may be wrong.

I sit next to Draco, which he immediately leans on my shoulder, seemingly smirking at nothing. "Draco?"


"Is it just me," I pause, glancing at the place that Draco is staring at, "or did something follow Blaise and me in here?"

Draco shushes me, glancing at the spot again.

"So, Zabini, what did Slughorn want?"

"Just trying to make up to well-connected," Blaise says while sitting next to Andie. "Not that he managed to find many."

"Who else had he invited?" Draco says while sitting up straight, looking annoyed.

"Er - McLaggen, Belby...I think, Neville, Ginny, and Harry," I respond quickly, bored over the fact that Blaise was taking too long to respond.

"McLaggen I get, his uncle's big in the Ministry. But Belby and Logbottom, why did he invite them?"

I shrug, sure, Neville has famous parents, but so does a lot of students.

"And of course that precious little brother of yours." Draco sneers, causing me to smile lightly. "Had to take a look at the Chosen One, did he?"

"Hey," I push his shoulder, "the Prophet is calling me a Chosen One too."

"Yeah, but you're tolerable."

I narrow my eyes at him, "I'm just tolerable?"


"Jackass," I mutter, causing Draco to smile.

The train begins to slow, causing us all to stare out the window, shocked that we are already at school.

"You all go on," Draco speaks up as we all gather our stuff.

I stare at him in confusion before glancing at that one spot again. "Dra-"

"Go on," Draco urges me, causing me to finally give him.

Screw him and his attractive face that makes me say yes to everything.

"Whatever," I say, leaving the compartment, pausing right before the door closes. "Harry, it's not nice to spy on people."

And just like that, I leave my invisible brother alone with my boyfriend.

It was stupid of him to spy on us.

Chapter 114: Harry CANNOT Be Better Then Me At Potions

Chapter Text

"I think this is the first time we've decided to be partners in this class," Draco jokes as we wait for Slughorn to enter the Potions classroom.

Oh right, turns out Snape finally became a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher...good for him.

He won't be able to last a year.

"It's only because Theo hasn't paid Blaise his dues, so Blaise wants to stay near Theo until he does," I say while glancing at a few of the potions we may be creating. A lot of them are similar to others, so I can infer that things I leanred with other potions may work here.

"True," Draco scoffs before glancing at Aimee, who is a few seats away. "To think that Prewett would just be able to sit next to a Hufflepuff like that is mindboggling."

"Don't be mean," I scold him while closing my book. "Plus, what's wrong with Hufflepuff?"

"Nothing inherently wrong, I suppose."

"Then stop berating them," I smile softly and playfully hit him on the top of the head with my book.


From surveying the classroom, I can tell that four Ravenclaws, one Hufflepuff, and three Gryffindors passed to N.E.W.T. level. I don't know the Ravenclaws, but I do know that the Hufflepuff is Ernie Macmillan, and the three Gryffindors are, of course, the main trio.

There are also, including myself, five Slytherins. Blaise and Theo passed with flying colors, along with Draco and I. I would expect no less from Aimee, as she does have a natural skill at the course.

The four Ravenclaws are all sitting at the same table, while the golden trio, as well as Aimee and Ernie, all sit at one table as well.

"Now then, now then," Professor Slughorn says while waddling into the classroom. "Scales out everyone, and potion kits, and don't forget your copies of Advanced Potion-Making-"

"Sir?" Harry's voice rings out, causing me to glance at him. He has his hand raised rather awkwardly.

"Harry m'boy?"

"I haven't got a book or sales or anything - nor's Ron - we didn't realize that we'd be able to do the N.E.W.T., you see-"

"Ah, yes, Professor McGonagall did mention...not to worry, my dear boy, not to worry at all. You can use ingredients from the store cupboard today, and I'm sure we'll be able to lend you some scales, we've got some small stock of books here, they'll do until you write to Flourish and Blotts..."

Slughorn strolls toward the cupboard and pulls out two battered books, handing one to Harry and one to Ron, along with two sets of scales.

"Now then," Slughorn says as he returns to the front of the class. "I've prepared a few potions for you to all look at, just out of interest, you know. These are the kind of things you ought to be able to make after completing your N.E.W.T.s. You ought to have heard of 'em, even if you haven't made 'em yet. Anyone tell what this one?"

Hermione and I raise are hands almost in sync, but Slughorn picks Hermione to my dismay. "It's Veritaserum, a colorless, odorless potion that forces drinker to tell the truth."


Let's ignore that I wanted to answer, shall we?

"Very good, very good!" Slughorn beams at her. "Now this one here is pretty well known. Featured in a few Ministry leaflets lately too...Who-"

This time I beat Hermione in raising our hands, so Slughorn asks me to answer, looking amused. "It's Polyjuuce Potion, it allows the drinker to transform into another person for a short period of time. It is also said that depending on who you want to transform into, the potion tastes differently."

"Excellent, excellent! Now this one here-" I raise my hand again, causing Slughorn to chuckle. "Yes, my dear?"

"It's Amortentia. It is labled as a love potion, it's considered the strongest, but it doesn't create love per say, it causes an obsession over one party. It's kind of like a Muggle romance book with the love at first sight troupe. One or both parties obsess over eachother and the relationship is toxic. I could tell what it was from the swirls of steam and the smell."

"Correct! Miss Potter, would you mind telling us what you mean when you said that you could tell from the smell?"

"Oh course," I respond, happy that I'm in my element. Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts are my two best subjects because I can manipulate things to figure out a new outcome. You can't do that with History of Magic or subjects similar. "Amortentia smells differently for everyone. The reason is because it smells of what attracts us, for example, I smell cinnamon, green apples, expensive cologne, and new books."

I elbow Draco before he can snicker at my answer. Overly attractive douche.

Hermione looks dejected that she couldn't answer, but Slughorn seems interested in her anyways. "May I ask your name, my dear?"

"Hermione Granger, sir."

"Granger? Granger? Can you possibly be related to Hector Dagworth-Granger, who founded the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers?"

"No, I don't think so. I am a muggle-born, you see."

Draco whispers something to Theo, but I can't hear it, so I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Don't ruin my trust, Draco.

"Oho! 'One of my best friends is muggle-born, and she's the best in our year!' I'm assuming this is a very friend of whom you spoke, Harry?"

"Yes sir."

"I see your brother is as lovely as always," Draco whispers sarcastically.

"Hush up," I whisper back, my eyes trained onto Slughorn, "I'm trying to listen."

"And now," Slughorn says, "it is time for us to start work."

Ernie Macmillan raises his hand almost immediately. "Sir, you haven't told us what's in this one," Ernie says while pointing towards a small black cauldron.

"Felix Felicis," I whisper to Draco, who nods.

"You're not going to raise your hand?"

I shake my head, glancing at Hermione who looks like she's going to pop out of her seat. "Nah, liquid luck is boring, Polyjuice Potion and Amortentia is way more interesting."


"Because if taken in excess, it causes giddiness, recklessness, and a dangerous amout of overconfidence. Roo much of a good thing, you know. Highly toxic in large quantities, but taking a sparingly and very occasionally-"

"Have you ever taken it, sir?"

"Twice in my life," Slughorn says. "Once when I was twenty-four, once when I was fifty-seven. Two tablespoons taken with breakfast. Two perfect days." Slughorn looks like he's remembering the perfect days of his past.

"And that," Slughorn says as he enters the world of the living again, "is why I shall be offering to the prize in this lesson. One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis, enough for twelve hours' luck. From dawn to dusk, you will be lucky in everything you attempt."

Draco looks rather intrigued, but I don't question it. Everyone wants a bit of luck.

"Now, I must give you warning that Felix Felicis is a banned substance in organized competitions...sporting events, for instance, examinations. or elections. So the winner is to use it as an ordinary day and watch how the ordinary the day becomes extraordinary!"

Slughorn is way too chipper for me. I've decided that I don't mind him, he's just not the type I like.

"So how are you going to win my fabulous prize? Well, turn to page ten of Advanced Potion-Making. We have a little over an hour left to us, which should be a decent amount of time to an attempt to the Draught of Living Death. I know it's more complex than anything you've ever attempted before, and I do not expect a perfect potion from anybody. The person who does best, however, will win a little Felix here. Off you go."

I pull out my cauldron and go throught the steps, chopping the required amount of valerian roots.

Within ten minutes of complete silence, the air has bluish steam in it as we continue to work.

The next ingredient I have to put into my cauldron is the sopophorous bean. The book wants me to cut the bean to release the juice, but it would be oh so much simpler to crush instead.

So that's what I do.

I put the crushed beans into the potion, which causes it to turn a deep rich lilac color.

If this potion is similar to another draught we learned about last year, it might be a good idea to add a clockwise stir every seven or so counter-clockwise stir.

If I get it wrong, oh well. I don't want the prize anyways. The possibility of finding an easier method is much higher on my mental list than caring about liquid luck.

"You're not doing it right," Draco mutters as he focuses on his own potion, which is still a dark color.

"Lay off her," Blaise mumbles as he focuses on his own. "She knows what she's doing. Don't even try to fight with her on this."

I smile, still stirring.

"And...times up!" Slughorn announces, causing me to groan. I'm not done. "Stop stirring, please!"

I huff but do he says anyways. Slughorn goes to the Ravenclaws first, smiling and and stirring a couple of their potions.

He then goes over to us, where he forces a smile when he sees that Theo has a tar-like potion. He approvingly nods at my own potion, which is the right color, as he walks over to my brother's table.

After a few moments, he stops. "A clear winner!" I smile in accomplishment, which drops when i notice that he's giving Harry the prize.


"Excellent, excellent, Harry! Good lord, it's clear you've inherited your mother's talent. She was as a dab hand at potions, Lily was!"

But Harry isn't very good at Potions.

He never has been.

What's going on?

As the bell rings and we start to file out of class, I can't help but glare at the back of Harry's head.

How did he win?

"Draco," I mutter so only the blond can hear me. Draco, does hear me, which he pauses. "Go on without me. I want to talk to my brother."

Draco, having known me for years, doesn't question it and just walls off with Theo.

"Harry Potter!" I hiss out before basically pinning him to the wall. "You and I both know that you are utterly dreadful at Potions normally. So, tell me Harry," I glare at him, relaxing a bit, "how did you just win that?"

Harry looks nervous and looks anywhere that's not me. Ron and Hermione are basically deciding to stay out of this, which, good job for them. "It's nothing Hailey."

"Really?" I tilt my head, my eyes still narrowed. "Give me your book."

This causes an actual reaction from Harry. Looks like I solved the mystery. "Why would you want my book?"

"Do you think I'm thick?!" I scoff and roll my eyes at him. "You just magically got great at Potions? This is the first year you've used a second hand book, and now you're great. So give me your book."

Harry looks mad, but places the book into my hand anyways.

I send him one more glare before opening it, pausing at the cover. "Who the hell is the 'half-blood-"

Harry covers my mouth before I can say the full name. "Can you sometimes shut up?"

Harry removes his hand, which I gladly appreciate. "You need to get rid of this."

"Hailey, I can't-"

"I'm giving you a month," I hiss out, slamming the book into his chest. "If you don't replace it by then, I will personally tell Slughorn how you are using a past student's note to get an edge in this class. You may be treated like a god, but you need to realise that as your sister, I can make your life a living hell."

What is it with me walking away from my dumbass of a brother after every chapter?

Chapter 115: Draco, Are You Okay?

Chapter Text

"Alright, two stirs clockwise," I mutter out as Draco and I study together. He looks out of it, looking like he could go to sleep an second.

"Yep," he replies, staring blankly at his Potions book.

"Two unicorn hairs."


I wonder if he will notice if I intentionally mess up the directions?

I smile, racking my brains for the best ingredient. "And ten drops of Acromantula venom."

"Uh huh."

"Alright," I say a bit too loudly as I slam my book closed. Draco jumps at the noise, looking at me in confusion. "When was the last time you slept?"

"Last night."


Draco rolls his eyes, clearly getting agitated with the entire thing. "I'm not lying."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy," I say, glaring at him harshly, "I've liked you since I was eleven years old. Do you really think I won't know when you're lying to me?"

Draco looks away, not even trying to look in my eyes. "Hey," I grab his face so that he'll look at me, "what's going on? You're letting your grades slip, you aren't getting any sleep, so tell me, what's going on."

"Nothing," Draco says while grabbing my hands and removing them from his face, "just stress."

"Just stress?!" I laugh slightly at his response. "This," I gesture to him, "is not just stress and you know it."

"I said it's nothing."

"Fine," I say all at once, grabbing my book and standing up. "Fine, I'm going to bed."


"No, it's fine," I breathe out, trying to even my breathing and heart rate. "You are allowed to keep secrets from me, just like I'm allowed to keep secrets from you."

"Hailey, stop," Draco grabs onto my shoulders and just stares at me, "I can't tell you, not yet."

"Not yet?"

He shakes his head, a small smile finding itself on his face. "Not yet."

"Alright," I nod, dropping my Potions book onto the Slytherin common room couch. "Alright." Draco sighs in relief, almost looking like he appreciates me not prying. "On one condition."

This causes him to chuckle, his eyes sparkling a bit. "You always have to get something out of whatever you do."

"Well of course," I tease, "I'm a Slytherin. We're cunning like that."

Draco smiles, which is honestly making me smile more. He hasn't smiled very much this year, it looks nice on him. "Well, miss Slytherin, what's my end of deal then?"

"You're taking a nap."

This actually causes Draco to laugh. "A nap? Really?"

"Yes really," I say harshly, staring straight into his eyes, "you need to sleep."

"I need to study."

"Yeah, right," I laugh out, shaking my head. "I thought I just told you that I can tell when you lie? I agreed not to pry, but we both know that you're going to go try to do whatever you're keeping from me the moment I leave this room."

Draco sighs, figuring out that I am indeed correct. "Fine, I'll take a nap."

"Good," I smile and sit on the couch. Draco stares at me in a confusion for a little bit. "What? We both know that if I let you run off to the Boys Dormitories that you would wait until I turned in for the night."

Draco rolls his eyes and plop down next to me, leaning on my shoulder. "There, happy?"

"Yes actually."

Draco chuckles before sighing in content, making me smile. Draco may not be the nicest, the smartest, or the most logical, but he's still someone that needs help.

And I'm determined to make sure he gets it.

The sounds around echo as I stare at the scene in front of me.

"Do it Draco, now!"

Bellatrix Lestrange...that's Bellatrix.

Surprisingly, the moment I do realize who she is, the usual blue on everyone's face completely disappears, showing the crazed woman.

Wait, I can do that?

And she said Draco...

I look intently at the familiar form of a blond teenager.


Once I realize who it is, the blue once again goes away, this time showing me Draco's face.

Come on, move, please! Let me move my legs! This is my vision, I want to interact with it!

Draco cries as he holds his wand up, pointing it directly at a man with a long silver beard and hair.



Dammit, just let me move!

"Let me move!" My voice rings out, almost as if thousands of people said it at the same time. "Let me move!"


The blur leaves his face, showing me Severus Snape staring at Dumbledore.

"Avada Kedavra."

"No!" I shriek out, begging any part of my body to move, but I can't.

As the world around me darkens, the last thing I notice is the biggest shocker.

The future me isn't there.

I awake gasping for breath, looking around quickly for what I just saw. I let a sigh of relief out when I realize that the vision has ended.

"That one must've been a doozy."

I look up to see the familiar red haired teen. She smirks, waving at me sarcastically. "How ya doing Hailey?"

"Aimee? What are you doing up? Where's-"

"Your little boyfriend?" She continues to smirk as she sits in the armchair across from me. "Off doing the dirty work I suppose."

"The dirty work?"

She scoffs at me. "Oh please, I have a pretty good idea what your vision was about."

I stare at her, still disoriented from the vision. "How did you-"

"Oh please Hailey, I'm not that stupid." Aimee replies, adjusting in her chair. "We've been in the same room for six years, I know the difference between your nightmares and those visions of yours."

"Well it was nothing bad," I reply, sitting up completely.


I smile lightly, reminding myself of me saying that exact word a few hours ago.

Aimee leans forward in her chair. "Like I said, I have a pretty good idea about what you just saw." Her grin widens. "He's tasked to kill Dumbledore."

I shift uncomfortably under her gaze as she continues to grin. "I'm guessing you're allied with You-Know-Who?"

She laughs harder at my statement. "You really must think I'm stupid. Me? Side with the thing that killed my father? The thing that has my Gryffindor mother cowering like a dog? No, I'd rather die."

"Then how do you know all this then?"

"Didn't I just say my mum is spineless? It's a pretty easy task to manipulate a Gryffindor when their pride and bravery are taken away from them." Aimee says leaning back in her chair. "I was able to get her to tell her dear little daughter everything she knew."

"That's not something to be proud of," I say harshly, silently wondering why she even is talking to me right now.

"Don't you think I know that?" She snaps at me before calming down. "Anyways, I see that Dumbledore's going to die."

"Not if I stop it."

"And how are you going to do that, Potter?" She taunts, leaning forward once more. "Do you think Malfoy is going to be able to leave You-Know- Who now? It's way too late for that. He has the dark mark and everything." She leans back, shaking her head in disbelief. "Quite surprised that it took him so long to cave though."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that dear old Voldy threatened his mother and you. Made a deal with him you see," Aimee says, picking up my Potions book from the table and reading it. "I'm actually surprised, I always thought that he was a spineless git. Turns out that he actually cares for people."

Against my better judgement, I decide to actually question her. "What do you want, Aimee?"

"For that snake man to be murdered of course," Aimee says simply, closing the book. "Although, according to the prophecy, you're not going to be the one to do it."

"Then what do want?"

"I wanted you to know that the little sappy romance book you're living isn't too far off." She throws me my book, which I catch easily. "Malfoy cares about you way too much to let anything happen to you. So, you have a choice, either tell him what you know or be blissfully unaware, both answers have their downfalls."

Sometimes I want to punch people.

I really want to punch Aimee.

Aimee laughs at my reaction, obviously aware of how I feel about this. "Oh, I'm going to miss this place."

This makes any other thought in my mind halt due to her words. "What?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" Aimee says sarcastically, obviously knowing that I don't know what she's talking about. "My birthday is in March, the same day as a Hogmeade trip. The moment I set foot in Hogsmeade, I'm leaving this place, forever. I won't have the trace on me, and so then he can't find me."

"But, why?" I ask her, actually sort of confused.

Aimee stares up at the ceiling as she lays in the armchair, her legs draped over one of the arms of the chair. "I was able to buy time before I had to make the decision with snake man. The moment I am supposed to leave Hogwarts for the summer, I have to make the decision. If I say no, I die. If I say yes, it's a fate as bad as death. So, I'm going to just disappear."

"But you can't possibly do this alone!" I yell out, a bit too loud for my liking. "Nobody can just hide from You-Know-Who alone."

"Selena Williams did it," Aimee mutters out, still staring at the ceiling. "My mum made a deal with her. Get Voldy's scent off of Selena's trail, for the girl to give me a place to hide out until the war ends."

I sigh, flopping back onto the couch. My eyes run over each crack in the ceiling as I just don't know what to do. "So you're leaving."

"In a few months, yeah."

"I'll miss you."

Aimee cackles at this. "Really? You'll miss a girl you haven't talked to in over a year?"

"Hey, that's not my fault."

"No, it's not." She confirms, adjusting out of her previous position and just sits normally. "I was a fourteen year old kid who was jealous that her best friend had every attractive male in this school worshipping the ground she stepped on."

"Okay, that's a bit-"

"Much?" Aimee laughs again. "Yeah, but it's the truth. Little miss famous had two Weasleys, a foreign exchange student, and Draco Malfoy, not to mention the others that you aren't even friends with. Like I said, I was stupid, didn't understand that it wasn't your fault."

It's not like that...

It can't be.

I would have noticed.

Why didn't I notice?

Chapter 116: Date!

Chapter Text

Ah, Hogsmeade, probably the best place to be when going to Hogwarts.

I'm kidding, of course, but Hogsmeade is extremely fun and anyone who denies that is simply blind.

Now, I'm just here, walking with my friends, and Draco, and I just don't know how to talk to my boyfriend about certain issues.

This is a new thing. Normally I know what to say, but I just don't know.

And to add to that, I don't even know who knows about what's going on. Blaise has stated that he doesn't like the fact that Death Eaters worship Voldemort, but what about Theo and Andie?

Do they know?

"Hails," Theo nudges me, causing me to get out of my thoughts, "you alright?"

I nod quickly, causing Theo to raise a brow. He doesn't comment on that though, so I guess it's alright. "Mate, you do not realize how lucky you are that you have a girlfriend that will help you with homework."

In the last week, I've been focusing on Draco keeping his grades up. Hell, I got him out of detention because McGonagall was going to put him in there if he didn't pass the next assignment.

"Do me a favor and shove off," Draco mutters, but je has a smile on his face.

"Hey guys?" Andie says awkwardly, holding onto Blaise's arm. "Blaise and I are going to go to the Three Broomsticks, that alright?"

I smile and nod at the girl. "Have fun."

Andie and Blaise grin, but walk away, well more like run away. Yeah, Andie is dragging him away.

How are they so cute together that it's sickening?

I glance at Theo, who is humming as he walks with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and I.

I know that his father was caught at the Ministry, but he surely wouldn't follow in his footsteps...

Would he?

"Draco, can we talk?" I mutter out as we walk along the snowy roads of Hogmeade. "Alone."

Draco looks nervous, but nods anyways, leading me to a little deserted street. "What is it?"

I bite my lip as I think about what I'm about to say.

"Are you tasked to do something bad?"

Draco, who is already sickly pale, pales even more. "What?"

His eyes look tired, and all of his clothes are just getting so baggy on him. I need to help him. I smile slightly, shaking my head and glancing towards my feet. "I had another one of those visions. Except, it was different this time...nevermind. It's just, I saw you, Dumbledore, and a bunch of Death Eaters, so I want you to tell me the truth."

Draco is staring at me with his eyes widened. "I - how long have you known?"

"About a week."

Draco honestly looks panicked at this whole situation as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm not telling anyone by the way."

This causes the blond to look at me again, this time in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," I interlock my hand with his, "that if I told someone that you were in contact with You-Know-Who, you'd be put in Azkaban. I am not letting that happen."

"It's already happening, and I - I can't stop it."

I stay silent as he tells me a few things. It's not my place to interrupt him, especially when he's telling me things that are hard for him. It's not the time to add things, it's the time to listen.

He tells me how Voldemort threatened him about his Mum. He tells me how Voldemort said that he would spare me if Draco did what he asks.

Basically, the hardest things to hear.

By the time Draco's done, he's leaning his head on my shoulder and I just pet his hair. "Draco, look at me." I lightly grab his face so that he actually can just focus on me. "I'm going to try a way to help you."

"You can't, it's too late for that-"

"No, it's not," I stare at him, still holding his face. "It's not over yet. It's only over when You-Know-Who is dead. We are both still kids, we should be in Zonko's or something, smiling and laughing. But we can't. We were both brought into this mess without our consent. Let's take our choice back from them, yeah?"

Draco, for the first time in what feels like forever, smiles, albeit it's small, but it's progress. "Yeah."

"Good," I stop holding his face, dropping my hands to my sides. "Now, I do believe we were supposed to go on a date today, so..." I extend my hand out to Draco with a smile, which he gladly takes.

I adore him, and I'm not going to just let him be forced to a side he didn't want to take.

Plus, I'm not even taking a side. I'm not on Harry's side, who is extremely anti-Slytherin, and I'm definitely not on Voldemort's side. I'm neutral.

Completely neutral.

A scream in the distance causes my heart to drop. Draco and I look at eachother before running off towards the sound, slightly slipping on sleet every once in a while

Once we make it, we both see Katie Bell being tugged out of the sky by Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

They lower her to the ground, and she thrashes around, still screaming.

I rush over to them as Harry runs off, getting help. "What happened?"

"We don't know!" Hermione says, still struggling to hold down Katie Bell.

"Well, she's definitely been cursed," I mutter out, looking for the item that caused it.

"Thank you, captain obvious."

"Oh shove off Weasley," Draco scoffs, causing me to shake my head. Maybe he shouldn't be very aggressive, especially right now.

"Draco!" I call out, causing him to stare at me. "Help me find what cursed her."

My eyes fall upon a package in the snow. I reach out for it, only for my arm to be grabbed by Draco. "Don't..."


I nod, moving away from the cursed item, causing Draco to relax a bit.

"Get back!" Hagrid's voice rings out, causing me to push Draco back a bit. "Lemme see her!"

"Something's happened to her!" Leanne, Katie Bell's friend, screams out. Honestly, I think we can tell that something happened. "I don't know what-"

Hagrid pauses for a moment before scooping her up, which causes her screams to die away in the billowing wind.

"It was when that package tore," Leanne sovs out, pointing to the package I almost grabbed.

A green glittering necklace is sparkling out of it, causing Ron to be interested. The redhead reaches out, but is stopped when I cause his legs to buckle beneath him thanks to a spell.

"How daft can you be, Ron?" I roll my eyes, distancing myself from the package. "That is obviously cursed."

"How did Katie get hold of this?"

"Well, that's why we were arguing. She came back from the bathroom in the Three Broomsticks holding it, said it was a surprise for someone at Howarts and she had to deliver it. She looked all funny and she said....Oh no, oh no, I bet she'd been Imperiused and I didn't realize!" Leanne sobs out, making me pity her a bit.

Poor girl.

"She didn't say who'd given it to her, Leanne?"

I side glance at Draco before shifting mu focus back onto the scene in front of me.

"No...she wouldn't tell me...and I said that she was being stupid and not take it up to school but she wouldn't listen and...then I tried to grab it from her and - and-"

"We better get off to school," Hermione says to Leanne.

"Harry!" I call out, vausing Harry to look at me. I throw him my Slytherin scarf, causing my brother to stare at me in confusion. "Use that to pick up the necklace. You'll need to show it to Pomfrey."

Harry nods and carefully pick up the necklace. The golden trio, and Leanne, all walk away, causing me to sigh in relief.

"That was you, wasn't it?" I mutter so only Draco can hear me. I glance at him, and he just seems rather pale. "Look at me." He glances at me apprehensively, causing me to awkwardly smile in an attempt to calm him. "I'm going to find a way to get you out of this. But you need to be careful, alright?"

"Yeah, alright."

Chapter 117: Wow

Chapter Text

"The Room of Requirement? Really?" I joke as Draco and I both walk into the room, Crabbe and Goyle guarding the entrance while under a Polyjuice potion.

"It was the only place I could keep this," Draco mutters, causing me to look at the piece of furniture in front of us.

"Woah," I mutter, touching the wooden cabinet. "What is this?"

"A vanishing cabinet, it's what my mother suggested I use know."

"Oh," I reply simply, running my hand over the cool wood. "To think something like this could transport someone to Hogwarts."

"Well that's the very reason they got popular," Draco says, swiping a finger over the surface to reveal dust. "People targeted by Death Eaters could go to another place in seconds and not have to worry if they can makr it. It doesn't matter how far away the two vanishing cabinets are, you can always travel between them."

"How did this even get broken?" I sit on the couch that the room provided, which, thank you room.

Honestly, this room doesn't care who you are. If you need to go to the bathroom, it gives you pots.

If you want to be lazy, it gives you a couch.

If you want to teach students illegally because the teacher is an absolute dunce, it gives you a classroom.

So yeah, the Room of Requirement is great.

"Peeves broke it actually," Draco mutters, seemingly fixing something within the cabinet. "The Gryffindor ghost...whatever his name is...talked Peeves into dropping it above Filch's office to keep your brother out of detention."

"Sorry about that," I laugh awkwardly, pushing a strand of hair behind me ear. "Talking about my brother, you need to be more careful."


"He talked to me earlier," I hug my knees, rolling my eyes in the process. "Wanted to inform me that he thinks that you're a death eater. I told him that you couldn't have possibly have done that to Katie Bell, because you were with me the entire day. He didn't like that."

"You're brother is getting even more stubborn as he gets older."

"Well he is a Gryffindor," I joke causing Draco to snort slightly. My expression falters as I see him yawn. I have been unable to come up with a logical way to get him out of this mess. Although, it's only been a few weeks and I have months to come up with a plan, so maybe everything will work out. "You don't think you could take a break to sleep or something?"

"I have to get this fixed..."

"You're not going to be able to do sh*t if you don't sleep," I roll my eyes and push off the rather comfortable couch. "Plus, a few nights isn't going to make much of a difference. It would be rather strange to others if you collapsed from sleep though."

"Just give me a few more minutes."

"I'm going back to the common room, okay?" I smile gently and squeeze his hand. "Try to at least get a few hours worth of sleep?"

Draco softly smiles and yawns. "Yeah, I'll do that."

"Hey," I grab his face so that he actually looks at me. In all honesty, it's a better way to tell if he's lying. "You better not be lying to me."

Draco smiles at me, even if I'm being a bit stubborn at the moment. "Not a chance."

"Good," I mutter before pecking his lips. "Talk to you tomorrow, yeah?"


Slipping out of the room, I mock salute toward Crabbe and Goyle before strolling down the hall. From what I can honestly tell, I have thirty minutes until a prefect can take away points from Slytherin for me being out past curfew.

So, I have a bit until I have to get to the common room, a win situation in my book.

What's going with Draco isn't exactly the best, and the fact that I can't find a way to get him out of it is even worse.

If Draco, his family, and I all went into hiding, maybe Voldemort wouldn't find us, but that's a big if.

Aimee has been planning to disappear for months, and there's no guarantee that she will be able to pull it off. So trying to disappear this far in the game is damn near impossible.

So what can we do about it?

I halt as I come across a window. The stars twinkle nicely as I just stare at it. It's absolutely gorgeous. It's too bad Draco is coped up in the Room of Requirment trying to fix that damned cabinet.

"Hailey, what are you doing out here?"

"I could ask the same about you," I side eye Harry as I continue to face the window showing me the sky. "If this is about your recent conspiracies, I don't want to hear it."

"Hailey, just tell me if Malfoy is acting suspicious!"

"Why would I?" I retort back, facing Harry with my arms crossed, leaning on the wall next to me. "Harry, you're acting ridiculous. You've spied on us, you've accused my boyfriend of being a Death Eater, and you're now asking me to spy on him for you."

"It's only because-"

"Only because of what, Harry?" I push off the wall and just decide to stand fully. "Because you can't get it in your head that you might be wrong on this one? He's not evil. Just because he taunts you, doesn't mean he would ever willingly go and join You-Know-Who! If there is a Death Eater in Hogwarts, and that's a big if, don't you think it would be rather obvious that it would be Draco? Honestly, use your brain for once." I walk past Harry, brushing shoulders with him. "I'll see you in Potions tomorrow."

With all the things happening, I haven't been able to find out if he got rid of that Potions book, I guess I'll find out later.

Chapter 118: Still My Property

Chapter Text

I flick Draco's forehead in an attempt to wake him up, which luckily, works.

He jolts awake, groaning slightly, causing my expression to soften. He didn't get very much sleep last night, did he?

"You need to stay awake, you don't need McGonagall to give you detention at this stage," I mutter before placing the watch, that was previously a whistle, to the side.

"I know."

"Clearly you don't," I retort, not letting my eyes leave the parchment that I'm writing my findings on. "If you did realize that, you would have slept last night instead of forcing yourself."

"Don't nag me right now."

"Don't make it where I have to. We have a free class after this one, you better be in the common room, sleeping, by the time I have my stuff packed up or we'll be having a problem."

Draco pouts a bit, but doesn't say anything. Good choice, in my opinion. I'm trying to not be involved with that cabinet, but when he is negatively affecting his health, I have to get involved.

My task is to make sure that Draco isn't harmed, mentally or physically, and that I make sure that Harry isn't suspicious.

I've been able to do one, however, my brother has decided to be extra stubborn about Draco.

While Harry is not a moron, he doesn't know when to stop digging. And I fear that one day, that will be his downfall.

Sometimes, it's better to stand down and think, but I don't think Harry is ever going to get that sentiment.

But, Harry has always had that hero-complex of his, so talking sense to him is probably more difficult than trying to get Draco to take a nap.

They are both way too stubborn for their own good.

Honestly, if Draco would have been nicer when he first introduced himself back right before the sorting in first year, would Harry and him have become friends?

Maybe, but probably not.

Draco's a jackass, there's no denying that. He's rude to everyone, and only stops being rude to a specific number of people, but even we aren't safe. The only way Harry would have become Draco's friend would be if Draco wasn't a jackass.

And if that was the case, I probably wouldn't be dating him, would I?

A lot of girls are attracted to him, that much is utterly obvious. However, most won't even attempt to make a move because how how rude he is.

A win in my book so I don't have to be jealous, but not the point.

If Draco was nice, there wouldn't be a chance in hell that we would be dating. He would be probably dating someone a bit less...sarcastic and snarky.

However, if that alternate universe did exist, I probably wouldn't even like him since his personality is part of his charm.

Gosh, I sure have fallen hard for this boy. Sort of sad really. Oh well...too late now.

"Draco, are you sure you don't want to go to the party?" I ask as I write the finishing touches to my essay. Slughorn invited me to some Christmas party and I can bring a plus-one, so of course I'm going to ask my boyfriend.

"I need to work-"

"On that cabinet, I know," I mutter out as I roll up the parchment. "I guess I'll just bring Theo, he seemed interested in it."

"Go ahead."

His tone causes me to pout slightly but it's not like I'm going to let it bring my mood down.

I've had to deal with people being jackasses for years anyways, I'm basically used to it by now.

As McGonagall finishes up the class, I glance at Draco, who is indeed standing up with his belongings gathered and walking out the door.

I'm so glad I'm dating someone who actually takes my threats seriously.

Because if Draco realized I wasn't going to do anything if he didn't listen, he'd probably be teasing me or something.

Gosh, he really is such a jackass.

Speaking of jackasses, Harry seems to be lost in thought, so of course I plop down next to him. "So Harry, why do you look like Quidditch has been banned forever?"

Harry jumps and my voice slightly before calming down, causing me to narrow my eyes.

This dumbass hasn't been sleeping much either.

"Alright," I groan before smacking him on the head with a book, causing him to hiss in pain.

"Hailey, what did you do that for?"

"I did it," I glare at him before smacking him again with the book, "because you haven't been sleeping."

"Yes I have!"

"So you just naturally have dark circles under your eyes?" I tilt my head and smile sweetly at the dummie. My face drops as I drop the book onto the table. "Is this about you having those little meetings with Dumbledore?"

Harry looks at me shocked due tk the fact that I know his little 'secret.'

"You do realize that I'm friends with a few prefects who every once in a while spot you going to Dumbledore's office, right?" I roll my eyes and slip my book into my bag. "Honestly, what do you two talk about?"

Harry runs a hand through his hair and sighs in a tired manner. "Dumbledore thinks Voldemort may have created something called a horcrux."

I stiffen at the name of the dark object.

I suspected that a while back, but I assumed I was incorrect.

How many horcuxes did Voldemort make?

"Horcruxes are-"

"I know what they are Harry!" I snap at him aggressively. "Do you really think I didn't use my cloak to go into the restricted section a couple times?" I pause for a moment, collecting my thoughts. "Speaking of my cloak, I need it."

"Hailey, I still need it."

"And I need it back!" I snap, causing Harry to shut up, which, what an accomplishment. "You're the one borrowing my property, Harry. Just...give it back soon, alright?"

I rise from the chair I was sitting in and leave the classroom in a bit of a fit.

Harry really thinks he can just hold onto that cloak whenever he feels like it?

It's my cloak and is the only item I have from Dad. I want to treasure it.

I also need to get back to the restricted section, because there's something I need to research, now.

Chapter 119: Slughorn’s Christmas Party

Chapter Text

"Hey Theo," I smile brightly as I charm the last few strands of my hair. "You ready?"

"Oh sure," Theo says glancing around. Yeah, Draco put his foot down on actually going to this stupid Christmas party, so I decided to take Theo instead.

Theo looks over me for a second before frowning. "You're wearing blue."

"Oh right," I laugh awkwardly. The dress has only one shoulder and falls to my knees, and, as Theo just said, it's blue. "My godmother sent it over, said she wore it once when she attended one of these things."

"She was a part of this club?"

"Oh dear no," I laugh out slightly. "She is absolutely horrid at Potions and didn't have good enough connections. She was invited to the party by her friend Marley."



"Sorry that Malfoy couldn't go with you by the way, he's still such a prat."

"You think I don't know that?"

We both laugh as we leave the common room, my heels clicking on the ground.

Theo pauses for a moment, causing me to pause as well. "What's up."

"You actually reach my shoulders now, congratulations."

This causes me to push the jackass. "Excuse me? You're basically a giant you moron!"

Theo cackles for a bit as we walk, causing me to wonder if I can stab him with my heel.

Nobody would know....

Not today Hailey, not today.

But I mean, he's not wrong. All my friends, for a reason beyond my comprehension, are tall as hell.

I'm friends with giants I swear to Merlin.

The sound of laughter causes Theo and I to raise our brows as we get closer to Slughorn's office.

Surely it isn't that fun?

When we do end up entering, I kind of just gape at it. The office is bigger than the others I've been in. If that's because it just naturally is, or that Slughorn charmed it to be, I have no idea.

The ceiling and walls have crimson, green, and gold hanging, reminding me of when I was in that tent during the Quidditch World Cup.

House-elves carry large trays, causing me to feel a bit of pity since the trays seem to be heavy. However, they seem to be enjoying themselves so I'm not going to really bring it up.

"Hailey! Welcome!" Slughorn beams as he bounds toward us, beaming with a large smile. "Come in, I'm sure you'd love to meet some new faces!"

Not really, but go off I guess.

Slughorn seizes my arm, causing me to drag Theo along with me since I'm not planning to be left alone.

"This is Eldred Worple, an old student of mine. He wrote My Life Amongst the Vampires- and this is his friend Sanguini."

Worple is small, with spectacles residing on the bridge of his nose. He takes my hand and shakes it roughly, causing me to want to yank my hand away from his grasp. "The other twin, it's so nice to meet you!"

Yeah, this causes my initial nice facade to falter a bit.

I'm Hailey, not Harry's twin, not the other twin, I'm Hailey.

"Say, would you be interested in perhaps talking to an author, such as myself, about getting a biography out."

"Oh," I pull my hand out of his grasp awkwardly. "Sorry, I'm not really the type."

"Ah, such a shame. I'm sure it would be quite an interesting read...along with an interesting thing to write as well."

My eye twitches. Is it bad that I would rather talk to the vampire? Would consider that a lot more interesting than this guy who is trying to earn a quick buck.

Plus, I don't like people hinting at things. Just outright say it, or I don't care.

Is this why I'm not as popular as Harry?

Oh well, don't really care.

"The amount of gold you could make is-"

"My parents left me with more than enough actually," I say bluntly, taking on the same expression of the vampire next to Worple.

Sanguini looks like a young male, but who knows how old he is, and has dark hair and dark eyes. There are circles around his eyes as well.

He seems to be a bit interested in the entire encounter, especially when I became a bit more blunt.

"Sanguini stay!"

Sanguini seemed to have been inching toward Theo and I, which I didn't really even mind.

"He's not a dog," I roll my eyes at the man before digging through my bag. "Here, a friend gave this to me as a joke anyways," I throw Sanguini a blood-flavored lollipop that Fred and George thought would be funny to send me for my birthday.

The vampire stares at it for a moment before undoing the wrapper and stuffing it in his mouth.

"As I was saying-"

"I apologize, but I'm simply not interested," I say with a fake smile. I nod toward Sanguini before dragging Theo away from them. "Honestly, can't believe that people think it's just alright to profit off of trauma."

"Yeah, but you need to calm down a bit," Theo urges as I kick a nearby wall.

"Calm?" I straighten myself up and breathe out a sigh. "I'm completely calm. Oh absolutely positively calm."

I've never been so stressed out in my life.

I didn't like how that vampire was treated. I can't figure out anything to help Draco. I am slipping in a few of my classes because of all the stress. I'm having to keep track on how Harry's doing, sometimes helping him out.

I just wanted this year to be normal.

Who knew being neutral and trying to help both sides was so stressful?

"Professor Slughorn....I discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party and to have been delayed in setting out. Did you issue an invitation?"

Theo and I stare at Flich dragging in a boy into the party before I recognize the blond hair.

Dammit Draco, really? You're being caught by Filch now?

Draco pulls himself free from the adult's grasp with a scowl. "All right. I wasn't invited! I was trying to gate-crash, happy?"

Theo and I glance at eachother before inching toward the scene. Slughorn may take that excuse, Filch will, but Snape is way too intelligent to buy that, especially since I was invited by Slughorn.

"That's all right, Argus, that's all right," Slughorn says while waving his hand to dismiss the man. "It's Christmas, and it's not a crime to want to come to a party. Just this once, we'll forget any punishment; you may stay, Draco."

Draco is a horrible actor, I have to say. He literally looks unhappy.

I'm going to have to teach him to act or he's going to be found out before the end of the year.

Snape seems to have taken Draco outside of the room, causing my mind to race.

Snape knows already, right? I never thought to ask Draco, but Snape has to have known.

As I walk towards the door to eavesdrop, I accidentally run into an invisible mass, causing me to internally growl. "Harry James Potter, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I grab the cloak and lift it from him, causing Harry to jump.

"Hailey! Give it back!"

"I wanted it back anyways," I say simply, eyes trained on Draco and Snape arguing in the corridor. "So thanks."

"I'm trying to listen."

"Yeah?" I smile at Harry with my head slightly tilted. My face then just becomes neutral again as I stare at him blankly. "Well don't. Draco isn't a bad guy, I've already told you-"

"Well you're biased!"

"You know what?" I hiss out, draping the cloak over my arm. "You're not getting this back for a while. And, you can either calm yourself down, or just be this conspiracy nut you're turning into."

Draco seems to have stormed off, causing me to be a bit more relieved since Harry can't eavesdrop anymore.

"Maybe just hang around Ron and Hermione this Christmas, and I'll just stay away from you." I mutter out before waving at Theo, who seems to be distracted with something.

Do I really have to resort to something I did in third year just so that Harry will listen to what I'm saying?

I sometimes hate that I do have to resort to it, but oh well.

Chapter 120: Christmas!!!

Chapter Text

A pillow hits my face, causing me to jump.

I groan as I sit up, glaring slightly at Ginny. Fleur seems to be asleep, so there's a plus.

I don't hate Fleur, she's just sometimes annoying. However, she's nicer than most people give her credit for.

"Ginny, what the hell?" I groan as I chuck her pillow back at her.

"It's Christmas!"

"And I was sleeping," I hiss out before covering my head with my pillow. Harry decided to ask about that stupid Half-Blood Prince nonsense, and it reminded me that he has that stupid book still.

Midnight decides to meow and jumps on me, causing me to almost throw her off of me in shock.

I'm a good owner though, so I get up and let the black cat leave the room.

Shuffling back to my bed, I collapse back onto it and sigh.

"Will you at least look at your stocking?"

"Fine!" I groan out and grab at the overstuffed stocking.

Since most people are smart, they sent me sweets and candy, because I could never survive without it.

Then there are the idiots, mainly my brother, who thinks it's great to give me a shirt with a Golden Snitch on it.

I literally have vocally said I don't like Quidditch that much-


Mrs. Weasley gave me a sweater, as usual.

Honestly, I love the Weasley sweaters, they're great.

Ginny has already left the room, and Fleur is starting to wake up, it seems. "Ah 'ello 'ailey, did like your present?"

I smile and nod at the overly attractive female. "Yes, thank you for the sugar quills."

"My pleasure."

I smile at the girl before slipping my sweater on and leaving the room, bounding towards the dining room.

Once everyone appears, it seems everyone is wearing their Weasley sweaters, well Fleur isn't. Mrs. Weasley seems to have not made her one.

Mrs. Weasley is wearing a new hat, which glimmers slightly, and a gold necklace.

"Fred and George gave them to me! Aren't they beautiful?"

"Well, we find we appreciate you more and more, Mum, now we're washing our own socks," George says while waving his hand. "Parsnips, Remus?"

"Harry, you've got a maggot in your hair..."

I stare at Harry in confusion for a moment. Exactly why does he have a maggot in his hair?

You know what, I don't want to know.

"Well hello, normal people!" A voice erupts from the family room after a loud crack.

Harry perks up at Jean's voice, a smile spreading on his face as Sirius and the blonde enter the room.

"Sirius!" Harry jumps up and hugs the adult, causing me to internally smile internally.

"Terribly sorry, Molly," Jean says while slipping off her jacket. "I couldn't get Sirius to wake up this morning."

Molly waves her hand with a smile. "It's quite alright dear, I'm glad you both could make it."

Jean nods before waving at me, causing me to wave back. The female sits next to Remus and the two seem to immediately start a conversation with each other.

"Hails-" Fred nudges with a smile, George matching his grin by tenfold. "How annoying has Harry been this year?"

I blink slowly for a moment before glancing to the side. "Imagine how bad Parkinson is, and then increase it by one hundred."

Fred snorts at my statement, causing me to smile softly.

"Hang on," my gaze flicks back to the older teen quickly. "How did you know that Harry's being a prat?"

"He was saying that you're mad at him."

"Of course he did," I grumble as I fiddle with my sweater sleeve. "If he didn't tell you, he's accusing multiple of the Slytherins of being Death Eaters."

"Seriously?" George raises his voice slightly. Both of the twins think Harry is great, I know that. However, they do understand my perspective as well, so that's great.

"Yeah," I laugh out while I run a hand through my hair. "He's being stubborn."

"Isn't he always?"

I snort at Fred's response, mostly because I said the same exact thing previously.

"You're not wrong-"


Oh sh*t.

I spot Jean basically push Sirius underneath the table so that he's not spotted.

Rufus Scrimgeour and Percy Weasley stand in the room, causing me to want to pull my eyes out of my eye sockets.

I lean towards Fred in concern. "This can't be good."

Fred just puts a finger to his lips to shush me as he stares at the unraveling trainwreck.

"You must forgive this intrusion," Scrimgeour says, slightly taken aback about the fact that Mrs. Weasley is crying. "Percy and I were in the vicinity...working, you know...and he couldn't resist dropping in and seeing you all."


Sure, and Percy just naturally looks over everyone's heads so that he doesn't realize that he's a prat.

"Please, come in, sit down, Minister!" Mrs. Weasley beams as she straightens her hat. "Have a little purkey, or some tooding...I mean-"

"No, no, my dear Molly," Scrimgeour says, causing me to narrow my eyes at the man. He has something to gain from being here, but what is it?

And why do I feel like he asked the prat what Mrs. Weasley's given name is?

"I don't want to intrude, wouldn't be here at all if Percy hadn't wanted to see you all so badly..."


I've lied a lot in the last few months, so I know what lying looks like.

"Oh, Perce!" Mrs. Weasley reaches forward and gives the prat a kiss on their cheek.

"...We've only looked in for five minutes, so I'll have a stroll around the yard while you catch up with Percy. No, no, I assure you I don't want to butt in! Well, if anybody cared to show me your charming garden...Ah, those two are finished. Why don't they take a stroll with me?"

So this is what he's after.

I respect the cunning nature, but you have to be a lot better to have it go over my head.

"Yeah, all right," Harry says while standing up.

I send a glare over to Scrimgeour before standing up myself, only to be stopped by Fred grabbing onto my arm. "It's fine," I mutter before slipping away and walking toward Harry.

Jean seems to want to say something but stops herself.

"Wonderful!" Scrimgeour yells out, causing me to glare at him. He's way too loud. "We'll need to take a turn around the garden, and Percy and I'll be off. Carry on, everyone!"

He's being way too nice, it's honestly unnatural.

As we walk around the snowy garden, I glance at Scrimgeour. He's limping around, what a shame.

Once we walk around for a minute or so, I, of course, begin to grow a bit annoyed.

"Alright, Minister," I call out, crossing my arms in the process. I really am not in the mood for this. "Minister, what did you want to talk to us about."

This causes him to chuckle a bit. "I was told that you like getting to the point."

I narrow my eyes at the man. What exactly is that supposed to mean?

"Yes, well I do hate it when people attempt to be cunning, but utterly fail at it."

"And as intelligent as they say as well."

"Again with the horrible attempts at flattery that are just an attempt to get me to do what you want," I say with a bored expression. Honestly, I'm at that point where he's getting way too predictable. "Now, why did you want to talk to us, Rufus Scrimgeour?"

His laughs turn awkward as I can't help but smile at the outcome.

It is so much fun messing with people, I swear.

Especially when they are overly predictable.

"Well, as you know, you both are rumoured to be chosen-ones.."

He says a bunch of stuff about how the public's perception of us is at an all-time high and such, but I really don't want to pay attention.

It's too cold and way too early in the morning for this.

However, when he mentions that he wants us to act like we are in favor of the Ministry, I start to pay a bit more attention.

"I don't want to be used," Harry says before glancing at me, "and I'm sure she doesn't want to either."

Woah, he's being civil and not condemning my friends for the first time in months.

Such a surprise...

"Some would consider it both of your duties."

"And you're supposed to make sure wizards are dead before putting someone in Azkaban, and look where we are. You know, Peter Pettigrew, and all that," I say in my usual tone as I just casually talk. I can be sarcastic in a calm voice, and I've been told that I'm actually scary like that.

"What is Dumbledore up to?" Scrimgeour asks in a rude tone.

"No idea," Harry and I say in unison. We both know information that the other doesn't. Although, I feel like I know a piece of information that's a bit more important.

While I'm thinking, the two seem to finish up their conversation.

"Dumble's man through and through, aren't you, Potter?"

"Yeah, I am, glad we straightened that out," Harry says while walking off.

Scrimgeour scowls and stares at me. "And I assume you ally yourself with Dumbledore as well?"

"Me?" I point at myself before laughing slightly, "no, I dislike Dumbledore myself, but I also dislike the Ministry as well so we definitely aren't going to be buddies." I start to walk away and halt, a small smile on my face. "What I don't understand is why the Ministry hates Dumbledore o much. He's one of the most powerful wizards and you all act like he's as bad as Voldemort."

And with that, I leave the Minister in the snowy garden.

Chapter 121: Back at Hogwarts

Chapter Text

"Don't cry, Mum," Ginny says while patting her mother on the back. Mrs. Weasley is currently crying due to the fact that we have to go back.

You know what, same.

"Yeah, don't worry about us," Ron says while allowing Mrs. Weasley to kiss him on the cheek. "Or about Percy. He's such a prat, it's not really a loss, is it?"

Of course Percy was a jackass.

Fred had to grab me so that I couldn't kick his ass on Christmas.

Such a shame, I feel like he would look more attractive if he had two black eyes.

"Promise me you'll look after yourselves...Stay out of trouble.." Mrs. Weasley says while pulling Harry and I into a bear hug.

"I always do, Mrs. Weasley," Harry says with a smile.

"Yeah, I try to stay out of the spotlight so don't worry about me," I continue and smile at the woman.

Honestly, Mrs. Weasley is great. A mother figure that I didn't even know I needed until I had it.

Mrs. Weasley sniffs and nods, walking backward to give us some room. "Be good, then, all of you."

I nod and walk into the fireplace. With a mock salute, I smile at Mrs. Weasley before yelling out, "Hogwarts!"

And like that, I am thrown into the flames, the pictures of different wizarding places flash by until I'm thrown into Professor McGonagall's office.

"Evening Potter."

"Evening, Professor," I smile before dusting myself off, so that I don't track ash into her office.

"Have a good one," I respond with running out of there, due to the fact that I really want to go see Draco.

My shoes collide with the ground as I continue to run, all the way over to the dungeons.

Now, I may be acting way too excited...however, Draco went home for Christmas so...

I'm just really worried for him.

Oh how I have changed.

As I round the corner and finally make it to the common room, I can't help but smile when I see Draco sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"Hey," I say with a soft smile, causing him to look up.

His mouth twitches, but he doesn't smile unfortunately.

However, the state he's does cause me to frown.

"You look horrible," I mutter while I rush over to him. His eye bags are even worse and he's even skinnier than he already was before I left.

"Thanks," he jokes, causing me to lightly smack his arm.

"Are you alright?" I keep my voice low as I stare at him. I don't want people hearing this after all.

Unlike some people, I can actually whisper. I know a specific group that can't do that at all.

I'm totally not calling out the golden trio...totally.

"I'm fine," Draco mutters, evidently trying to get me to stop worrying for him.

Like that's gonna happen.

"Really?" I grab his face so that he'll actually look at me. "Because if you're not okay, that's alright, you know that right?"

"I know."

Hopeless, absolutely hopeless.

"Fine," I say before pecking his lips. "I'm going to go unpack, is that alright?"

He nods, causing me to let go of his face.

I slip off of the couch and drag along my small bag, only to come face to face with one Aimee Prewett once I get closer to my dormitory.

"Aww, you two are adorable," she says with a grin, her arms crossed. "Honestly, it's kind of sickening."

"Just leave me alone right now," I say, brushing against her in a huff. Aimee has gotten way too cynical since when I stopped being friends with her.

We are both way too similar, and that's why it's not good for me to talk to her.

"Wow so mean!" She sarcastically taunts with a grin. "Upset that you can't find out how to help your boyfriend?"

I pause for a moment before turning around so that I can face her. "Can you stop? You're not even going to be here in a few months, so just stop."

Aimee seems to be wanting to retort, but I just step forward.

"And, the next time you decide to outwardly taunt me or Draco, I'm going to show you why you failed your O.W.L. for Defense Against the Dark Arts."

And with that, I decide to leave the situation before I actually get mad.

Chapter 122: Ron, You Probably Had the Worst Birthday Ever

Chapter Text

"What happened?!" I call out as I run into the Hospital Wing, staring directly at the only occupied bed.

Ron was poisoned.

sh*t, Draco, you're not making this easy for me, are you?

"Careful Hails, you don't want to cause a ruckus," Fred says a bit too calmly for my liking. Both he and George look distraught, and it's really odd. I'm not used to seeing them worried about something.

"Well what happened?" I repeat, glancing at Harry in concern. Why does Harry have to witness all of this?

Harry recounts a few things, causing me to sit down in an empty chair with my head in my hands.

Draco did this...he ended up hurting someone...

I didn't think this would happen.

I didn't want this to happen.

This is supposed to be the time where I take control and change the narrative, but I just can't.

Draco didn't mean to...I know he didn't. But...

He almost killed someone.

And Dumbledore knows who did it, doesn't he? He can read minds after all. I was never taught to block out my thoughts, so he's probably known for a while.

Why isn't he stopping Draco? This could have easily been avoided.

This is Dumbledore's fault...why didn't he stop him?

No, I shouldn't start hating Dumbledore. That's not smart at this moment. I know about Voldemort and the seven horcruxes...I am putting together pieces of a puzzle that shouldn't involve me...and I know that Dumbledore knows something.

I shouldn't make enemies when they are useful.

"Dumbledore's told us how you scared him with the bezoar!" Mrs. Weasley yells out, hugging Harry tightly. "Oh, Harry, what can we say? You saved saved you've saved Ron..."

Harry mutters something I can make out, but he seems to be denying saving Ron's life.

"Half our family does seem to owe you our lives, now I stop and think about it," Mr. Weasley says stiffly.

I rest my head on my wall as I stare away from the scene. Could this have been different if I wasn't attempting to be neutral? I just don't want either side to get hurt.

But, this changes things, doesn't it?

Madam Pomfrey basically forces us to go back to our common rooms, excluding the adults, causing me great relief.

I have a lot to think about, don't I?

I slip back on my invisibility cloak before I actually talk to Harry and the others.

I shuffle past Harry and pause for a moment, staring at my brother that is talking to Hagrid. "Good luck on talking to Brown about this." I mutter before walking off.

Harry pauses and stares at me general direction, confirming that he did in fact hear me.

I'm not completely evil, and I know that Lavender Brown is going to be annoying when finding out that her boyfriend is sick in the Hospital Wing due to being poisoned.

As my heels click softly on the ground, I barely even pay attention to where I'm going until I run into the wall that is the entrance to the Room of Requirement.

Of course, how predictable.

Doing the proper procedure to get in, I wait until the door appear, which I gladly open immediately.

Draco isn't there, no, I already knew that he was in the common room.

But what's there is a small cupboard, meant to be underneath the stairs.

No matter how much I despise the Dursleys for their constant years of abuse, I do not fail to realize how calming the familiar sight is.

It was my room for years. It was small, and it was there before my life became complicated.

When I lived in the cupboard underneath the stairs, Harry and I were best friends and only had each other. But Harry and I realized that we can befriend others, and that's exactly what happened.

What happened with Harry and I was a mix of peer pressure and Harry growing up.

No matter how much I hate that he gets more attention, he deserves it.

He doesn't have to go to a magical room just so that they can calm down. He doesn't need to go back to our old room because he's stressed.

But that's not the point.

I just sometimes want to go back to being oblivious to this. I just want to cook and clean. I just want to hang out with a stupid spider that seemed to be the only arachnid that I was fine with.

I sound so ridiculous and pathetic.

Harry isn't groveling in defeat over stupid things. Harry isn't trying to stay neutral, no, he's making sure his friends are safe. Harry isn't freaking out in a stupid magical room.

I really am pathetic...aren't I?

Chapter 123: Goodbye Aimee Prewett

Chapter Text

"You don't have to go with me, you know," Aimee says with an annoying tone that causes me to want to roll my eyes.

"I know I don't," I mutter out before grabbing her wrist, causing her to halt in her tracks. "However, I want to make sure you're alright before anything else happens."

"Anything else?"

"You know what I mean," I mutter out with my arms crossed. We continue our walk to Hogsmeade, getting closer to the time where Aimee will leave.

"Indeed I do," she laughs, kicking a rock in the process. "Your little boyfriend has been stressing out because you're stressed. You two are way too lovesick."

I smack her arm and way ahead, annoyed with the situation. I just need to make sure that she's alright.

And she didn't need to bring up the fact that Draco is getting even more stressed out because of me.

I need to get him to be calm. It's my fault, and I have to live with that.

I just need to calm down, and everything will be great. At least Draco would be calmer. At least he wouldn't be almost completely stressed out.

I need to get my act together.

I lean on a wall, as does Aimee, as we both wait for the person that is supposed to take her to some place safe.

And within minutes, said person is here.

Aimee pushes off the wall first, confirming my suspicions that it is indeed the person we are looking for.

I force a smile as I wave at none other than Selena Williams, a raven-haired Hogwarts alumni who is around Fred and George's age.

"Selena," I say with a small smile, causing the girl to nod at me, "nice to see you again."

Selena seems to force a smile as well, but looks as if she's in a big hurry. "It's nice to see you as well. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

Deciding that I don't really have anything to lose by telling her that I know about Aimee's situation, I simply say, "Aimee already told me about the plan."

Selena's smile becomes more strained as she glares at Aimee intently.

She kind of looks like she wants to murder the girl...oops.

"Right..." Selena trails off, taking her attention off of me. Oh well, not like she's here for me anyways. "We need to get a move on. I only asked for a few days off, and I don't want to worry the twins."

The twins?

Are you telling me that the girl I told Fred to talk to due to her potion skills ended up finding him?

Go figure.

Either way, she probably meant some other pair of twins. It would be way too much of a coincidence.

"But we're going to Ireland, it isn't that far."

Selena adjusts her weight from one hip to the other, looking as if she desperately wants this conversation to end as soon as possible. "True, but judging on the time of day, we'll arrive at North Antrim at around dusk. My mum is always late, and she'll force me to stay a while on top of that."

Oh, well that sounds like that really isn't Aimee's problem.

"So you got a job?" I ask with my arms crossed.

Selena glances at me, but doesn't really put her full attention on me. "Yeah, I was able to get a job with those Weasley twins."

Oh look, a coincidence.

I force myself not to smile as I think about it. I love when things like this happens.

As cliche as it sounds, things like this must be something supposed to happen.

So, Selena definitely was supposed to meet the twins.

Like I said, it is cliche, but it's fun to think about.

Selena shifts through a blue bag until she comes across a pocket watch. "Just as I thought, we need to go."

"Seriously?" Aimee asks in an annoying tone.

"Yes really," Selena mocks her tone before putting the watch back into her bag. "I already told you, we need to get going."

"Fine..." Aimee mutters, adjusting her small bag so that it rests comfortably on her shoulder.

Both females start to walk away wordlessly, causing me to just want to stop them. "Aimee!"

The redhead turns around and stares at me in confusion. "What is it?"

I grip onto my pant leg tightly as I just attempt to come up with the right words to say.

Aimee Prewett and I are no longer friends, that much is obvious. However, I still worry for her.

She and I were friends for years, and that worry is always going to be there.

And the fact that she has to hide because my brother and I couldn't kill off Voldemort in one of the many times we came face to face with him, I feel almost guilty.

"Be safe!" I yell out to the girl, my hair falling in my face slightly.

Aimee's expression goes blank for a second before a genuine smile comes across her features. "I will."

And so ends my acquaintanceship with Aimee Prewett.

Goodbye, and I hope you have safe travels.

Chapter 124: R.I.P Aragog I Guess

Chapter Text

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes," I simply say, folding the small letter that Hagrid sent me. He wants me to go to Aragog's funeral, which why?

I never met the Acromantula, nor did I ever hope to.

But of Hagrid wants me there, then I'll go.

"I'm just saying," Draco says while placing his textbook that he probably wasn't even reading down. "That oaf probably won't care if you're there or not."

"Do you think I care about that?" I retort, grabbing my cloak. "Even if Hagrid forgets my existence, I'm going to be there for him in a time of need."

"I'm just saying-"

"Well stop saying it," I reply promptly before throwing the cloak on me. Draco barely reacts, but I'm sure it's weird to see someone just disappear like that. "I'll see you later, alright?"

"Yeah, alright."

So here I am, walking underneath my invisibility cloak, passing by Harry. Now, I'm not completely rude, so I pull him under the cloak so that he's not caught.

"What are you doing Hailey?"

"I'm making sure you're not getting caught by Filch, duh," I mutter out, dragging him to Hagrid's.

I lightly knock on the door and pull the cloak off of me, keeping the piece of magical fabric draped over my arm.

"Yeh came," Hagrid croaks out, his eyes red and puffy due to tears.

"Yeah - Ron and Hermione couldn't though," Harry says. "They're really sorry."

Yep, sure. Ron probably didn't want to go because of spiders, and Hermione was probably all mad about something.

"Don' - don' matter....He'd've bin touched yeh're both here...."

He didn't even know I existed though?

I pat Hagrid's arm, trying to get him to stop sniffling. He just sounds and looks so broken.

"Where are we burying him?" Harry asks, causing me to hit his arm. Is he a moron? Hagrid is sad right now, and he's sounding out of it. "The forest?"

"Blimey, no," Hagrid says while wiping his eyes. "The other spiders won' let me anywhere near their webs now that Aragog's gone. Turns out it was on'y on his orders they didn' eat me! Can yeh believe that?"

From what I had heard about the Acromantulas, yes, I can believe that.

"Never bin an area o' the forest I couldn' go before!" Hagrid says while shaking his head. "It wasn' easy gettin' Aragog's body out o' there, I can tell yeh. They usually eat their dead, see. But I wanted ter give him a nice burial....a proper send-off..."

Hagrid starts to sob again, causing me to feel utterly uncomfortable. Exactly how do I stop him from crying?

"Professor Slughorn met me coming down here, Hagrid."

"He did?" I hiss out before calming down a tad. Please tell me he didn't get in trouble...again.

"Not in trouble, are yeh?" Hagrid asks, as alarmed as I am. "Yeh shouldn' be outta the castle in the evenin', I know it, it's my fault-"

"Hagrid, no, no, no," I say quickly, glaring at Harry. "I'm sure everything was alright, right Harry?" I force a smile and glare at my brother, causing him to shift uncomfortably.

"Er - yeah, he would like to come and pay his respects to Aragog, too. He's gone to change into something more suitable, I think...and he's said he's going to bring some bottles so we can drink Aragog's memory..."

Drink his what now?

No way in hell am I doing that.


"Did he?" Hagrid says, calming down, causing me to sigh in relief. "Tha's - tha's righ' that's right nice of him, that is, an' not turnin' yeh in either. I've never had a whole lot to do with Horace Slughorn before...Comin' ter see old Aragog off though, eh? Well...he'd've liked that, Aragog would..."

I really do think that Hagrid puts every single dangerous creature in a bit too nice of way...

"Are we going to bury him here, Hagrid, in your garden?"

"Jus' beyond the pumpkin patch, I thought," Hagrid croaks out, his mood getting worse once more. "I've already dug the - yeh know - grave. Jus' thought we'd say a few nice things over him - happy memories, yeh know."

There's a problem with that though, I never met the spider. But oh well I guess. Neither has Slughork so I guess it's alright.

A knock on the door causes all three of us to jump a bit. Hagrid, of course, opens it, only to reveal Slughorn wearing a black cravat, holding several bottles in his arms.

"Hagrid," His voice comes out deep and grave as he talks. "So very sorry to hear of your loss."

"Tha's very nice of yeh. Thanks a lot. An' thanks for not giving Harry detention neither..."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Slughorn says while glancing at me. "Ah, Hailey is here as well I see."

I nod with a slight smile. "Nice to see you as well, Professor."

He nods in acknowledgment before looking back to Hagrid. "Sad night, sad night...where is the poor creature?"

I wouldn't sympathize with it that much, I sympathize with Hagrid, but not with a giant spider.

"Out there," Hagrid's voice shakes as he speaks. "Shall we - shall we do it, then?"

So, we all trudge to the garden, my face contorting to a frown once I see Aragog's body....

That thing is massive, oh my merlin.

Just- no.

Not today satan.

"Magnificent," Slughorn says as he looks into the creature's dead eyes. Slughorn seems to be doing something with the head, but I don't really care.

"It's not ev'ryone appreciates how beau'iful they are," Hagrid says, tears streaming down his face once more. "I didn' know if yeh were int'rested in creatures like Aragog, Horace."

Beauty? I mean, I guess I can see it...

No I can't.

"Interested? My dear Hagrid, I revere them," Slughorn says while stepping back.

I highly doubt that, I feel like he did something just so that he could get some money off of the corpse.

I don't trust that many people.

"Now...we proceed to the burial?"

Hagrid nods before walking forward and heaving the body into the large pit he dug. When it hits the bottom, the body makes a large crunchy sort of noise, causing me to almost gag.

Thankfully, Hagrid crying snapped me out of that state.

"Of course, it's difficult for you, who knew him best," Slughorn says while patting Hagrid's arm. "Why don't I say a few words?"

I still feel like Slughorn gained something from this.

Oh who am I kidding? He's a Slytherin who likes money and famous people, and didn't know Hagrid or Aragog before this, of course he had something to gain from this.

Once a cunning individual, always a cunning individual.

"Farewell, Aragog, king of the arachnids, whose long and faithful friendship with those who knew you will never forget! Though your body will decay, your spirit lingers on in the quiet, web-spun places of your forest home. May your many-eyed descendants ever flourish and your human friends find solace for the loss they have substained."

Okay, not gonna lie, that speech wasn't bad.

We ended up getting back to Hagrid's hut, and Slughorn and Hagrid drink Aragog's memories I guess.

I don't know, I was given a mug but I didn't drink any of it.

The most interesting part of the night, however, was the fact that Harry started bombarding Slughorn with words to get a memory from him.

What kind of memory? I don't know.

All I know is Harry was actually like a Slytherin, which amused me to no end.

He actually used Mum's name to garner sympathy, which is quite impressive, I must say.

Harry may not be very good at manipulating people, but he's not horrible.

No wonder the hat almost put him in Slytherin.

Chapter 125: You Idiot!

Chapter Text

"Hailey!" Andie breathes out, grabbing onto the doorframe of the room, causing me to jump. The brunnette opens her mouth, but only a squeak comes out.

"What's wrong?" I question, standing up in the process. Andie still tries to speak, but seems unable to, as if in shock. "Andie, what happened?"

"It's Malfoy."

My heart drops at those two words. It only takes a few moments of Andie telling me that he's in the hospital wing for me to dart out of the room.

My feet hit the floor hard as I run towards the hospital wing, sliding slightly as I almost run past the room.

As I run in, Theo grabs my shoulders as if to stop me. "Is he alright?"

"He's fine!"

I relax slightly, still trying to get out of Theo's grasp. "What happened."

Theo is quiet as I continue to struggle, trying to get to the bed Draco Malfoy is currently laying on.

"Theodore Nott!" I raise my voice as I glare at him, causing him to gulp. "What happened?"

Theo looks away from me, deciding to stare at a lovely piece of the floor instead. "Malfoy was in the bathroom and your brother spotted him. Most of details weren't disclosed, but Potter ended up hitting Malfoy with some spell and..."

Harry did this...

That idiot!

"Let go of me Theo," I quietly say, which makes him not adhere to my wish. "Now!"

Theo lets go of me after I snap, causing me to stumble forward.

Harry did this...

Why is he so stupid?

Why would Harry....


"Hey Theo, do you by chance know where my brother is?"

"No wh- Hails!"

Before he can even ask why I'm asking, I'm out of the hospital wing. Pomfrey will take care of Draco, he will be fine.

My brother, however, may wind up dead in the Black Lake though.

A ever so familiar redhead boy grabs my attention rather easily, causing me to grab his arm tightly. "Where's Harry."

"Hailey, Malfoy was going to-"

"Ronald Weasley!" I hiss out, my grip tightening around his arm. "Tell me where my brother is right now, or you're getting an acromantula for a Christmas present."

Ron gulps, as if he's believing that I actually would do it.

Hell, that would be a pretty funny prank....pretty deadly as well.

Ron seems like he's comparing his options until he sighs. "Fine...last time I checked, he was in the owlry."

"Thank you," I say, letting go of his arm before storming off.

Harry is so dead.

As I do make it to the owlry in record time, I don't fail to notice the dark messy locks of my brother. "Harry Potter!" I hiss out and grab his arm so that he can't run off. "Are you an idiot?"

"Hailey, I'm not in the mood-"

"Not in the mood? Not in the mood?" I continue to grip onto his arm as I just scream at him. "Are you f*cking serious? You used a spell that you found in a book, that you didn't know what it did, on someone who's important to me. Are you so stupid that you don't realize what you did wrong?"

Harry shifts awkwardly, trying to get me to loosen my grip, which I don't. "He was going to use the Cruciatus Curse on me!"

My grip loosens for a moment before I continue to hold onto his arm. "Look, I'm not condoning that. But you need to realize that you did something wrong."

"I didn't mean to hurt him!"

"You still were an idiot though!" I yell out, matching his tone. "You took a book, written by a stranger, and used a spell that they created on someone. A spell that you didn't even know what would happen if you did use it. Just because your friends are fine with you doing it and giving out excuses, does not mean I will do the same thing!"

I let go of his arm, and he tumbles to the floor since I was practically holding onto him so he wouldn't fall. "You know what, I'm not even surprised at this point."


"Harry James Potter, let me finish, or so help me, I'll tell Sirius what you did before even Hogwarts can notify him." Harry stops talking after the threat. Of course, Sirius himself probably would be okay with it, that's just like him, but he knows that Jean wouldn't. And if I told Sirius, the blabbermouth would tell Jean easily, and then it would be terrifying.

I and run a hand through my hair. "Look, I'm not even mad at you. You did what you thought was right in the moment." Harry's face brightens for a second, but I keep my cold gaze. "However, I'm extremely disappointed that you felt threatened by a insomniac teenager who was sobbing and having a mental breakdown in a bathroom."

I decide to walk away, not before putting the leg-binding curse on Harry.

I understand why he did it, but I am still pissed that he felt threatened by Draco.

Did Draco almost do a bad thing? Yeah, I'm not denying that. Neither party is in the right or wrong.

The difference is, Draco was having a breakdown and not thinking straight. Harry was completely alright in his state of mind and was able to think clearly.

Like I said, I'm disappointed.

Chapter 126: Don’t Care

Chapter Text


"Leave me alone, Harry."


"I said, leave me alone."


"When will you get through your thick skull that I don't want to talk to, ever," I say while turning around, my wand in my hand. Harry seems to glance at my left hand apprehensively before gulping.

Yeah, be scared about the fact that I could literally hex your arse without feeling bad about it. Especially when you refuse to let me be alone when you just attacked my boyfriend.

"Hailey, please, I need to talk to you."

"And I need to get a few more hours of sleep at night, but we can't get everything we want," I reply coldly before walking away from him once more.

"Don't you want to know what Dumbledore told me?"

I pause for a moment. A chance at the information I may have otherwise not been able to get my hands ahold of.

"You have five minutes before I actively attempt to avoid you again," I say, inching closer to him.

Harry seems to be relieved that I am at least interested in something he has to say.

Shocker, I know.

"Hails - remember how I was able to get that memory from Slughorn?"

I rub the bridge of my nose and sigh. "You mean when you used Mum's name and death to manipulate him? Sure I remember."

Harry awkwardly laughs at my summary of what happened. I mean, it's not even wrong.

Harry was acting manipulatively because he needed that memory.

That sorting hat was correct, he just doesn't want to admit it.

"I wouldn't exactly call it ma-"

"I don't care," I wave him off, snapping him out of that denial. He's hopeless anyway, so who cares? The fact that he has basically made my mood go sour is horrible.

And yes, I am blaming Harry for my mood. It probably is my fault, but I blame him because I can.

"Hailey, can you let me talk?!"

I roll my eyes, but gesture for him continue. It's not like I won't be able to get this information some other way, so might as well just hear him out and leave.

Even if the five minutes are already up, but that's my fault anyway.

Harry looks at me warily, almost as if he's expecting me to interrupt him again.

Which, I'm not that heartless.

"Dumbledore told me about these things...Horcruxes...and he thinks that Voldemort could have created-"

"Seven, I know," I say at once, disappointed that this isn't exactly new information. Harry looks at me confused, I decided to grace him with clarification. "You really don't think people would accidentally leave their journals in the library? There are thousands of books, even Pince wouldn't be able to find them all if they are stuck on the shelves. "


"Anyways, thanks for the rehash of information anyway," I say before taking my leave. I want to spend as little time with Harry as possible. It's not that I hate him, but I know that if I spend too much time with him, one of us is going to end up in the Hospital Wing.

And I'm not the one who has a bed with my name practically written on it.

As I mutter out the password for the Slytherin common room, I just want to go to sleep for...forever. Sometimes, the world is a bit too much for me, unfortunately. And Harry just depresses me sometimes.

"Are you just going to keep on standing there?"

My attention snaps forward at Theo's words until a smile spreads across my face.

"Draco!" I hug him tightly, being as wary as I possibly can about his injuries. I have no idea how healed he is, so it's better safe than sorry anyways. I let go of him and just hold his face gently. "Are you okay? Is everything-"

"I'm fine, Hailey."

I really want to bring up the fact that he had a mental breakdown in the bathroom before the whole fight between him and Harry, but I don't have the heart to. I don't think that would be good for his mental health anyway.

I hug him again, not really even wanting to let him go.

Draco is okay, he's alright. He's not on a bed because of a curse. He's not crying in a bathroom because I wasn't there.

He's okay.

"Eww Hailey, you're making me want to barf."

I let go of Draco and just stare blankly at Pansy, causing Blaise to cough awkwardly.

Theo seems to understand the tension and forces a small laugh. "Pansy, if you don't like it, you can just leave."

"You can't-"

"He can, and he just did," I reply simply, my face still void of emotion. Right now, with me being happy that Draco is alright at this moment, I'm not in the mood to deal with this girl. If she was smart, which she clearly isn't, she would let me have this moment.

But of course, she doesn't care so, oh well.


"Parkinson, he just got out of the Hospital Wing, just leave him alone for once in your life?"

Theo puts a hand over his mouth as if trying to muffle a small laugh while Blaise and Andie just look shocked that I just said that.

Which, it isn't even that strange anyway, since I'm always rude to people I don't like.

Pansy huffs and storms off, causing us to laugh a bit, which is nice.

We haven't laughed that much this year.

I miss this.

"Mate, you really scared us, you know that," Theo says, plopping down on the couch Blaise and Andie are currently occupying.

Draco forces a smile, causing a small frown to overcome my features in response. He still has to do all of this stuff that I just don't like.

I don't have the heart to tell him this, but I can't find a way to stop the events that have to cme to pass.

Hell, I'm not even in that vision.

I think that's what that means anyways. If I'm not there, I can't effect it as much.

That ability just gives me a headcahe and I am not ready for that. Why did I have to get this anyways? To save a couple lives and not even be able to save someone from possibly codeming themselves to a life in Azkaban?

And let's just not talking about how Dumbledore has had his hand cursed for the entire year. What on earth is that even about? And the fact that he isn't stopping this, even though he can literally read minds is quite annoying as well.

And Harry is just...Harry, annoying, stubborn, and reckless Harry. He literally was so idiotic that he didn't think about the consquences of using a spell he didn't know, that he literally got from a second-hand Potions book.

There is a reason Harry wasn't put into Ravenclaw.

But, why do I have to deal with this? I'm sure a girl with mental instability, a moronic brother, and a boyfriend that she has to save is a great story, but this is getting to be a bit much, even for you author.

I just wanted to be neutral, to help both sides.

Where did I even go wrong?

Was it not turning in Draco when I found out? Not talking my brother down from practically hating all Slytherins?

Or maybe I went wrong back in first year, or second, or third, or fourth, or even fifth.

What did I do wrong?

Why does the universe seem to just want to see me fail at this?

I feel like I need to take a side, and I know that choosing either one is going to cause a lot of heartbreak.

I'm not joining Voldemort, no matter how enticing it would be to just spite my brother. I can't find anything actually good about that serial killer.

But I can't choose Harry's side either.

Harry is an okay twin, I won't deny that. He's sometimes understanding, and hell, he even accepted me when I offhandly said that I'm bisexual, but that doesn't erase the fact that he is a idiotic human being most of the time.

How many screaming matches have I had with him in the last seven years because he simply forgot about me?

A lot.

I just can't side with Harry, for at least my mental health.

So what do I do?

Which side do I even choose in this situation?

Because I don't think I can be nuetral in this, and it's killing me that I actually have to make a decison.

"You alright, Hails?"

I snap out of my thoughts and try to force the most realistic smile towards Theo. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Chapter 127: Welcome To The Start Of The Worst Day of My Life

Chapter Text

Have I ever mentioned how much I love sleep?

Sleep is great, not going to lie.

And when I am eventually woken up, I'm usually not in the greatest mood.


"No," I groan, hiding my face in the sofa cushion even more. I did not get that much sleep if it isn't utterly obvious already.




"WHAT?!" I sit up in a huff, yelling at the person waking me up from my sleep. Maybe I was dreaming about something nice and they ruined it? They should feel sorry...

Oh, it's Draco.

You know, I can make an exception with Draco. I can't exactly be mad at him for waking me up.

My face morphs into a smile once my eyes adjust and I see him. "What is it?"

Draco runs a hand through his hair as I tilt my head in confusion. "You're the one who is sleeping in the common room you know."

"And you're the one out of your bed, your point?" I retort with a small smile. "So what are you doing awake?"

"Theo told me you were out here."


It's not nice to snitch on people.

"Well that wasn't very nice, was it?" I joke, causing Draco to laugh as well. "Either way, I can easily sleep in the common room without any problems."

"I know..."

"Aww, can you not sleep or something?" I tease, causing Draco to smile as well. Shifting slightly on the sofa, I throw the sofa pillow on the ground so that there is a bit more room.

"Of course not!" He says stubbornly, causing me to smile even wider if at all possible.

He's such a dork sometimes.

But, that's what I love about him.

"So," I smile as I hook my hand in his, causing him to smile as well. "You doing alright? Your injuries doing fine?"

"I'm fine."

"Good," my smile just become minuscule and I lean forward and capture Draco in a kiss.

We don't really kiss very often, maybe a peck here and there, but not really a kiss.

So of course we both are still really inexperienced and awkward about it.

But, somehow, in our own little way, this is what I like.

The awkwardness, the fact that we both are genuinely clueless, and even that we both care about eachother.

We're honest with each other.

Draco's pocket heats up suddenly, causing me to jolt in surprise. "Draco...what's that?" I mutter, pulling away from him. A hiss escapes my lips as I pull out a small coin that holds a small message....

Dumbledore is in Hogsmeade.

And just like that, my heart shatters.

The plan, Dumbledore, Voldemort...

I almost forgot about it.

And Draco seems to have a plan to actually kill him.

"Draco..." I look up at him, the coin secure in my grasp. "What is this?"

"Hailey I couldn't find a way..."

"I'm sure there is a way!" I say as Draco tries to reach for the coin. "Draco, I was trying to help you!"

"Yeah and did you?"

"I was trying!" I yell out, trying to keep the coin out of his grasp. "Just give me a little bit more time and I'll figure out a way to get you out of this mess!"

"Hailey!" Draco just grabs my arm, prying the coin out of my grasp. "Do you not understand? We don't have anymore time!"

"We can figure out something!"

"How?!" Draco looks like he genuinely wants to stop this. I really don't want him to go back to that headspace like he was in the bathroom. I don't want to freak him out...but I need him to just stop. "This is bigger than both of us, you already said that."

"And I'm trying to fix everything!" Draco is just so...annoying sometimes. I'm self-destructive, but he's honestly on a whole other level sometimes. "Don't you think I'm trying to fix all of this?"

"Sometimes it doesn't feel like it!"

Now this statement literally makes me a bit pissed.

"Really?" I stare at him, laughing a bit at the utter hilarity of this entire situation. "I've been spending most of this year trying to make sure you don't do something you're obviously going to regret. I've been trying to make sure that my brother doesn't end up getting himself killed! I've been trying to stay neutral and not pick a side in all of this!"

"Well you can't be neutral in something like this!" Draco retorts, causing me to stop my yelling. "This is a war, Hailey, you can't just help both sides."

"I've been helping-"

"No, you haven't." Draco attempts to reach out to me, but I side step away from him for the moment. "You've been just attempting to help. You need to realise that you haven't done anything."

"Do you ever just shut up!" I raise my voice, just getting more and more agitated with the situation. "Honestly, how on earth don't you understand that I've been trying to help you?!"

"Don't you understand that you aren't being helpful?"

"Fine!" I yell out before just pacing around. "Fine, I haven't been any help. It's not the first time anyways." In the corner of my eye, I see Draco attempting to leave.

He just used my negative thoughts against me....jackass.

I raise my wand at him, causing him to pause. "You attempt to leave this room, I'm going to hex you before you can even do a counter-curse."


"Stop trying to talk to me. Each time you try to talk with that stupidly attractive face, I always forgive you and let you do what you want! I'm trying to make sure you don't land your arse in Azkaban before you turn twenty!"


"Just...stop!" I glare at the floor, not wanting to look at his eyes. My grip falters slightly, but I attempt to continue to point my wand at him. "I don't want to hear it right now."

"Petrificus Totalus!"

My body seizes up immediately, all my limbs snapping so that they are just at my sides stiffly. As I do begin to fall, Draco grabs me.

If I wasn't absolutely pissed at him, I would be grateful.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"You and I both know that she could hex you before you even started to wave your wand."

I know that voice...

Even though I can't move my head, I can move my eyes. As I attempt to look at the corner, trying to figure out who it is, they answer the question for me.

Andie Travers kneels down, looking remorseful. "Sorry about this Hails...I really didn't want to hex you, but you just wouldn't back down."

Draco was right, I was never neutral was I?

I attempted to be, but all I was doing was half-arsing help for both sides.

Why did I have to actually like one of the only prats who had to be forced to ally themselves with my parents' murderer?

And now look where that got me...

I'm on the Slytherin common room floor because I couldn't just let Draco kill Dumbledore.

I couldn't let him just ruin his future.

And now I'm in a full body-bind because I was way too stubborn.

I can't believe I was so stupid.


Chapter 128: Please

Chapter Text


You know, if I could move right now, I would be so happy to see Blaise, but I can't move right now.


"Hailey!" He kneels down towards, making me want to scream out. It's literally a simple spell, use it.

I need to get out of here.

Blaise seems to take a moment, before realizing that something is off. "Oh right! Finite Incantatem!"

Immediately, I push Blaise away from me as I just hold my head as multiple thoughts run in my head. "He's actually going to do it..."

"Hailey, what?"

"I-" tears run down my face as I stutter about absolute nonsense that would only make sense to me. "I couldn't help. I didn't even make a difference. I..."

I am interrupted by Blaise hugging me tightly, causing me to just sit there.

My friend pushes me away, holding onto my shoulders as a way to force me to look at him. "Hails..." he trails off, taking a deep breath. "I don't know what's going on, but I have a pretty good idea that it isn't anything good."

I shake my head almost immediately. "It's something, really bad."

"Like Parkinson actively trying to get with Malfoy even when you and him are dating?" I glare at him, causing Blaise to laugh awkwardly. "Sorry, that was a bad joke."

"I'll say."

Blaise's smile falters as he sees my expression turn into a frown again. "So, what's up?"

"Draco has to do something bad."

"Okay, what's your definition of bad exactly?"

So it's painfully obvious that Blaise doesn't know. Andie knows, obviously, and I'm pretty sure Theo does as well. But Blaise has no connection to Voldemort, and has even said that he dislikes how the Death Eaters worship him.

"Voldemort bad..."

"Oh, that's pretty bad..."

"Yeah," I laugh out a bit before leaning on the sofa, my eyes closing.

What happened to those magical moments?

The time Harry and I were taken from the Dursleys by Hagrid, the time I got my wand, the time I got sorted into Slytherin, the first time I made a successful potion...those were so great.

What happened?

Did everything just go to hell because we got older?

How fair is that?

But life isn't really fair, now is it?

"I'm assuming you tried to help or something," I glance as Blaise when he speaks again, causing him to shrug. "I've known you for six years, you're not one to give up when you want to help someone."

"But I couldn't do anything!" I throw my wand at the wall, causing it to ricochet back to the sofa.

"Woah! Careful!" Blaise yells out in response to my small outburst. "We don't need to add a broken wand to your problems right now."

"I know..."

He's right, I'm just being stupid.

Why do I have to be so stupid?

"'re the type to never give up once you set your mind to something. So, what are you doing sitting around?"

I lift my head up and just stare at Blaise, who is grinning like crazy.


Blaise grabs my wand and pushes it into my hand until I hold onto it by myself.

"You're a neutral party right? Stick up for us, at least until we are forced to pick a side." Blaise nudges me with a grin. "Go help your brother and boyfriend, Hails."

I force a smile and just nod, forcing myself to stand up. "Make sure Midnight doesn't get hurt...and if Elaina needs some attention, give her some headpats..."

"Slytherin common room isn't going to be attacked by Death Eaters, Hails..."

"Oh, right..." I laugh awkwardly as I scratch the nape of my neck. My smile stays on my face as I start to walk towards the entrance. My hand holds onto to the entrance for a moment. "Stay safe, Blaise."

"I always am."

I rush out of the common room, my wand gripped tightly in my left hand.

He actually did it.

A lot of students are staying in their common rooms, which is smart in all honesty.

But I can't.

The Order is here, and I know that they're going to be looking for Draco because they think he would be the weakest. Normally, I would agree.

However, I'm protecting him, so that changes everything.

I tried to be neutral, I really did try. But I can't just let Draco be put into Azkaban. The Ministry won't listen and will just put him in Azkaban.

That is not happening.

I accidentally run into Remus, causing me to internally curse. My godfather looks shocked that I'm even out here. As I attempt to walk by him, he unfortunately grabs onto my arm. "Hailey! What are you doing out here?"

"If Harry can fight, so can I!"

Lupin looks torn over my explanation but does let go of my arm. "Be safe."

I mock salute with a forced smile, "I always am."

"If Jean tells you to go back, listen to her!"

"Why wouldn't I?" I yell out from behind me. I decide not to converse with him anyone and just dart around the castle. I can feel it. Draco isn't safe.

What happened to me? Am I really possibly throwing my life away because of a boy? Is it really worth it?

"Should have guessed that you would end up like your father."

Yes, it's worth it.

The familiar form of my Godmother is pointing her wand at my boyfriend.

I hate my life.

"Expelliarmus!" I yell out, causing Jean's wand to fly out of her grip. "Jean...don't," my entire body is shaking as I point my wand at the woman.

"Hailey wha-"

"Draco, get to your aunt. I may not like Bellatrix, but at least she can protect you," I call out, glancing behind myself with a forced smile.

"Hailey, you can't do this!" He calls out, looking shocked that I even busied myself with all of this.

"I just did," I hiss out, glancing between the shocked looking Jean and the terrified Draco. "Go, I'll be fine. Please."

He pauses for a moment, but does end up leaving in the end, causing me to sigh in relief.

He's safe.

"Hailey what are you doing?" Jean asks, eyeing her wand on the ground. "Is some boy really worth this?"

"I asked myself the same question you know," I say while a few stray tears escape my eyes. "And then I saw you pointing your wand at him, and I knew that it was worth it. I'm not letting anyone else I care about get hurt!"

Jean looks panicked at my state, and inches toward her wand, causing me to push it further away. "Hailey," she tries to reason with me with a fake smile, "are you really joining the side of the man that killed your parents?"

This causes a small laugh to escape my mouth. "I would never join Voldemort! And not joining a side either! I'm least I'm trying to be. I want to protect the people I care about, and if that means helping Death Eaters escape today, then so be it."

"Hailey, I understand how you feel-"

"No you don't!" I screech back at her. "Your mum made the papers because she was killed by Voldemort, but that only had you well known for a few months. Most of the students at this stupid school only see me as the Girl Who Lived! Do you understand how much it hurts that I'm only well known because that cursed rebounded on Voldemort instead of myself? How much it hurts that I know that there is a probability that Harry is a..." my hand tightens around the wand as I force myself not to just sob at the spot. "That Harry might need to die in order for Voldemort to be defeated!"

Jean pauses her glancing back and forth to her wand as she just stares at me in shock. "How did you know about that possibility?"

"I'm not stupid!" I retort back, getting a bit annoyed with the situation. "I've known about horcruxes for years thanks to being able to access the restricted section! I just recently put together the possibility of what Harry is, and you just confirmed it!" Jean glances downward, deciding not to look in my eyes. "Dumbledore wasn't going to tell Harry, was he?"

"No," Jean tightens her fist. "Hailey, I'll never understand what you go through. You've gone through hell every year, and I'm sorry about that. However, know that you are making a horrible decision!"

"I don't care anymore!" I summon her wand, which she was reaching for again, to my hand and just hold it. "I don't care if I get in trouble. All I care about is making sure that my friends and family are safe from this war!"

Jean looks conflicted for a moment before sighing. "Put down your wand Hailey."

"I'm not stupid enough to-"

"Put it down, I'm not going to go after Malfoy," Jean mumbles before extending her hand out as if asking for her wand. "You want to protect your family? Well so do I. Come one."

I hesitate, but do follow her as she guides me around, avoiding the many fights. Jean takes the secret corridors, as if knowing exactly where each one leads.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I lost three people I cared about thanks to the Ministry. My mum went there to discuss Veela and wizard relations before she was murdered. My dad was oblivated, and forgot about me. And Sirius was locked away for fourteen years because they couldn't bother to give him a decent trial." Jean side eyes me as she turns the corner. "I'm not losing you to them as well."

I stare at the floor as I walk. She knew that I would never be able to fight her, so she talked to me so that I would calm down.

Smart strategy, no wonder she's a Ravenclaw.

Jean stops, causing me to run into her back. "Listen to me," she kneels down, her hands resting on my shoulders. "You're going to go back into the Slytherin common room. You're going to pretend tonight didn't happen. The only ones that will know what happened tonight is that boyfriend of yours and myself, so let's hope that boy can keep a secret."

"I trust him."

"Good for you," she smiles before ruffling my hair. "Now, get back to bed and be neutral."

I bod and hand her back her wand, which she takes gratefully.

I face the entrance and call out, "serpentes," causing Jean to snort. I glare at her, but she waves me off before leaving, sending me a mock salute.

Am I really neutral after this?

Chapter 129: The Funeral

Chapter Text

"Hails," Theo nudges me, causing me to jump slightly. He sighs, getting used to my reaction after a while. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine Theo..."

"Maybe leave her alone, mate," Blaise says awkwardly, not liking the tension either.


I don't want to be cold towards Theo...he's like a brother to me. I just can't handle the fact that he is working under Voldemort.

I have no idea if it's under the same threat as Draco, but I do know that Draco is out of Hogwarts and safe from the wrath of Harry.

Speaking of Harry, he's sulking with his girlfriend at his side...yeah, him and Ginny got together finally.

Those two seemed to like eachother for years too...

Is this how my friend group thought about Draco and I?

Not much of a friend group though, is it? One is on the run from Voldemort, two are seemingly working under Voldemort willingly, one is being forced to work under Voldemort, and one is actively trying to make everything less awkward.

Oh yeah, and there's me...who's still trying to stay slightly neutral.

Is it smart to stay like that? I don't know, but I'm determined to do what I feel is right.

"It is nearly time," McGonagall says, rising from her seat in the Great Hall. "Please follow your Heads of Houses out into the grounds. Gryffindors, after me."

Oh right, Snape left too.

Mostly everyone who was affiliated with Dumbledore's murder left, except for Theo for some reason.

Hell, even Andie retreated.

It's warm today...

As the sun showers us in its warm rays, and a colorful assortment of strangers fill seats around us, one single thing dawns on me....

Dumbledore is dead.

The man who my brother looked up to, the one who was biased toward Gryffindor, the one that was nothing but kind whenever I talked to him...he's gone.

Like a flash, just like my parents, he fell off the Astronomy tower after being hit by the killing curse, sent at him by none other than Severus Snape.

Now, why did Snape do it? Could it have been because of the curse that I suspect had no cure? Did he in fact decide to be on Voldemort's side?

Who knows when the truth will be evident.

But one fact is clear as day, Severus Snape killed Albus Dumbledore.

There is no denying that fact...hell, Harry was a literal witness to the event.

As we sit, I can't help but stare at the crying face of Hagrid, who is holding the corpse of Albus Dumbledore wrapped tightly in purple.

Even as I see a dear friend carry my old Headmaster to a white table, I can't bring myself to cry at the event...

So I just sit there staring blankly.

Why can't I cry?

Is it because I never even got to see my parents' funerals? Is it because I've seen death and destruction for years before they even happen? Is it because I knew deep down that I couldn't stop this from happening?

I have no idea.

I just want to know why I can't cry.

Horrible things have happened this year. Hell, I can barely stand the sight of Theo right now.

So why can't I cry?

A little man in black robes spoke about Dumbledore, but in words that don't even begin to describe him.

Dumbledore was not a good man, nor a bad one. Just a morally grey character walking around with other morally grey characters.

He wasn't evil, no, that title goes strictly to only a few Death Eaters...but he wasn't a saint either.

But in truth, are any of us that good?

Would any of us deserve worst of praise one we leave this planet?

I don't know yet.

The human race as a whole is a strange life, one I cannot get a handle on, even if I've lived for sixteen years.

So, I don't get to make the call if people are indeed allowed to be shown kind words, even if they were not so kind themselves.

Screams interrupt any train of thought I may have been in the middle of as white fire encases Dumbledore's corpse.

And miraculously, as the fire is put out, Dumbledore is then encased in a white marble tomb.

And then, arrows whiz by, causing me to move my head just as one goes past my ear.

Blaise, who is residing on the right of me flinches at the fact that the arrow almost hit one of us, but is even more weirded out due to the fact that I had not reacted.

Why can't I react?

The Centaurs sent the arrows as tribute, as a thanks for the many years where they were rarely bothered.

The merpeople seem to have had their share as well, as they sink back into the murky waters of the Black Lake, striking the fear in probably a few people.

And as soon as the mood had darkened the faithful day of the death of Dumbledore, we disperse.

Harry is hurting, and as much as I would adore to just walk away and never speak to him again, I refuse to let petty emotions cloud my judgment.

He lost a mentor, and I should pay my condolences.

"Harry!" I call out, taking note of Ginny crying.

Harry did something noble again, didn't he?

That idiot.

I go to talk, but am interrupted by Rufus Scrimgeour yelling for both of us in an annoying tone.

"I've been hoping to have a you mind if I walk a little with you both?"

"No," Harry and I say at the same time, causing us both to glance at eachother.

Been quite a while since we've done that.

"This was a dreadful tragedy," Scrimgeour says quietly. "I cannot tell you both how appalled I was to hear of it. Dumbledore was a great wizard. We had our disagreements, as you know, but no one knows better than I-"

"Exactly what are you trying to get at?" I interrupt, my face still void of emotions.

"The word is that your brother was with him when he left the school the night he died."

"Really?" I cross my arms, getting a bit annoyed. This man is always wanting something when he's talking to us.

I've known enough Slytherins to deal with something like that.

Not saying all Slytherins are manipulative, just that it seems to be a bit of a common trait among some Slytherins that I know.

"Whose word was that?" I say, my gaze slightly hardening.

I still want to be sad in this moment. I want to scream, I want to tear my hair out as I wallow in pity for everyone's loss.

But I can't.

"A Death Eater was stupefied, and there were two brooms on the top of the tower. I'm sure you realize that the Ministry can put two and two together, Hailey."

"Would much rather you call me by my last name, don't really like people using my first unless I actually respect them myself," I respond before deciding to back off since Harry wants to talk.

"Where I went with Dumbledore and what we did is my buisness. He didn't want people to know."

Pretty sure you told me about it though...but whatever.

"Sich loyalty is admirable, of course," Scrimgeour says as his irritation becomes more and more apparent as the conversation continues. "But Dumbledore is gone, Harry. He's gone."

"Funny you say that, since we're here at his funeral and all," I respond, standing next to Harry for the first time in what feels like forever. "I think we're well aware of that, Minister."

"The Ministry can offer you both all sorts of protection, you know. I would be delighted to place a couple of my Aurors at your service-"

Harry flat out laughs at this man's face. "Voldemort wants to kill both of us himself and Aurors won't stop him. So thanks for the offer, but no thanks."

"So," Scrimgeour's voice is now cold, which would make me laugh if the situation was different, "the request I made of you at Christmas-"

"What request? Oh yeah...the one where I tell the world what a great job you're doing in extreme for-"

"-for raising everyone's morale!" Scrimgeour snaps, causing me to jump a bit. Didn't expect him to actually snap.

"Hey Minister," I say, causing him to out more attention on me unfortunately, "pardon Sirius Black yet? Better yet, release Stan Stunpike yet?"

He ignores my question, and just pays attention to the fact that Harry seems to agree with my sentiments.

"I see you are-"

"Dumbledore's man through and through," Harry responds coldly. Who knew Harry could actually say something sort of cool? "That's right."

Harry walks away, causing me to just be alone with the Minister. "I assume you continue to hold the sentiments as last time."

"No," I respond, my face still void of an emotion. "I had discovered a fee things that caused me to dislike Dumbledore even more."

"Would it be a stretch to ask you what exactly you uncovered?"

"Oh definitely," a small grin appears on my lips and I just adore messing with this man as much as I can. "It would be horrible to spread rumors about someone at their funeral. The Ministry, if you all are smart enough, will find out soon anyways. See you later, Minister."

And with that, I walk away from the man, deciding not to converse with him any longer.

Why did I have to look into horcruxes? The snake is one, that large thing that terrified me years ago definitely is one.

And people can be horcruxes as well.

I'm not positive yet, but if my theory is correct, either Harry or I could have become an accidental horcrux.

And from previous behaviors shown by Harry, he is way more of a possibility than I.

Voldemort is a Parseltongue, Harry is one, I am not. Harry and Voldemort can see each other's minds, I cannot.

But it's just a theory, a probable theory, but a theory none the less.

And there is no way I'm telling Harry unless I really need to.



I snap out of my thinking and just stare at my brother blankly, but that does tell him that I'm listening.

"Hailey, are you with us? Are you going to be on our side?"

"Well, I'd rather not take sides, but looks like I have to pick one anyways." I pick at my nails, trying to keep my attention away from Harry as much as I can. "But if I take the side of Voldemort, I wouldn't be able to survive, would I? So, I guess I'll take your side."

Harry forces a smile, causing me to look away from him again. I know when he's forcing a smile, and I don't like it when he does.

"However," I mutter out, causing Harry to stop the fake smiling. "If we come across anyone I care about, I will be continuing to keep my neutrality on the situation."

"So what? Are you going to just run away or something if you see a Slytherin?"

"What I mean, Harry," my voice comes out colder than what I would like, but oh well. "Is that, if we see Draco, I'm not going to sit by and let you hurt him, nor will I allow you to harm Andie Travers and Theodore Nott. If you don't like that, too bad." A small grin comes across my face as I mock salute the boy. "See you on the train, Harry."

Next year is going to be interesting, I can tell.

Chapter 130: Screams and Goodbyes

Chapter Text

The world around smells distinctly of pine needles as I stand there.

"Harry no! No! No! Harry, what're yeh-"

That's Hagrid, I'm sure of it.

And just like that, the blurry face of the half-giant is revealed, clear as day.

The man in front is Voldemort, his face isn't even blurred for me.

It's because he shouldn't even be considered human.

I try to move, but I can't even do it.

Dammit, I'm not here.

I won't be here.

Wait...Hagrid was yelling at Harry...


"Harry!" I yell out, trying to move. "Harry no!"

The figure of my brother just walks forward, causing my heart to drop.

"Harry!" I yell out, still trying to move.

Why? Why can't I be there? Why aren't I there?

What is my future.

"Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived...has come to die."


And in a flash of green light, I begin to wake up.

I gasp, holding onto my chest as I just try to catch my breath. Tears threaten to fall, but don't.

Harry's going to die...

I'm not going to be there...

I can't stop it...

Harry, I'm sorry.

"Hailey!" Harry grabs my shoulders, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I lift my head and stare blankly at him. "What happened? What did you see?"

"I saw you and Ginny kissing, absolutely traumatizing," I say at once, glancing at his hand. "How did you hurt your hand? Better yet, what happened to our mirror?"

I point towards the mirror on the floor, causing Harry to look away from me awkwardly. "It just broke...alright?"

"Yeah, sure..." I trail off before hopping off my bed, making sure to not show how much I'm just shaking right now.

"Oi! You two!"

"Looks like we're being called," I joke before walking out of the room, not failing to notice that Harry put a literal piece of glass in his rucksack.

Why have a piece of glass when I already have a knife? It makes zero sense whatsoever, but you do you Harry.

As I walk down the stairs, I don't fail to notice the purple face of Vernon Dursley. "You took your time! Get down here, I want a word...both of you!"

I open my mouth to speak, but Harry beats me to talking. "Yes?"

"Sit down!" I just stand there, staring down Vernon. It's not like they can threaten to kick us out really, since they are leaving. "Please!"

Woah, he's actually being nice? Is this an alternate universe?

I sit down, moving my hair out of the way so that I don't sit on it.

"I've changed my mind."

"What?!" I say a bit too loudly for my liking, causing me to slightly recoil. "What do you mean you've changed your mind?"

"It's all a lot of claptrap," Vernon says while glaring down at Harry and I. "I've decided I don't believe a word of it. We're staying put, we're not going anywhere."

This actually causes me to laugh, which is the first time in a while.

Vernon and Petunia look like they are a mixture of confusion and annoyance when they look at me and my shaking form.

"What's so funny, girl?"

"Oh, well I think it's simply hilarious that you think you are all above getting killed by the man who murdered my parents." I say with a small grin. "Or do you think we're trying to get the house? News flash, we're rich." I lift my small pouch and shake it, the galleons jingling within it. "Remember, that stupid protection charm becomes irrelevant once we turn seventeen. Although, if you want to die, be my guest. Probably be the first time you did something good for us."

Vernon's face becomes an even deeper shade of purple. "Remember! We took you both in!"

"And then abused us for years, yes I remember." I say while standing up, unfortunately still having to look up to him because Vernon is taller. "But, Harry and I am trying to make sure that your son is able to have children, and that you are able to see them. But, like I said, go ahead and stay. Harry and I will be gone long before Voldemort arrives here."

"Dad..." Dudley speaks up suddenly, causing me to glance over to him. "Dad - I'm going with these Order people."

"Dudley," Harry says, smiling a bit. "For the first time in your life, you're talking sense."

And Harry is as snarky as usual.

"They'll be here in about five minutes," Harry says when there isn't a reaction from any of the Dursleys.

He then leaves, causing me to be alone.

"Well," I say while brushing off my jeans. "Good luck on surviving." I glance at Dudley and slightly smile, and nod at Petunia.

Yeah, Vernon doesn't deserve to be even acknowledged.

Dedalus arrived exactly five minutes later and talked to Harry about how we need to wait until later, as our arrangements have changed.

Why have they changed? I have no idea. Probably Mad-Eye's fault.

"We are attempting to time your departure from the house with your family's Disapparition; thus, the charm breaks at the moment you all head for safety...Well, are we all packed and ready to go?"

Oh, I should probably pay attention.

But will I? Probably not.

"Perhaps we should wait outside in the hall, Dedalus," this witch named Hestia says, clearly feeling awkward about the situation.

"There's no need," Harry mutters out.

I mean, there is. Vernon is probably going to go crazy if they stick around them for too long.

"Well, this is a goodbye, then..." Vernon says before attempting to shake Harry's hand, but stops himself and just swings back and forth.

Talk about awkward.

"Ready, Diddy?" Petunia asks as she digs through her handbag continuously, avoiding Harry and I like we have the plague.

Dudley isn't speaking, but is glancing at Harry and me apprehensively.

"Come along, then." Vernon finally says, causing me to be relieved.

They need to be safe.

No matter how much they abused us, I can't help but feel a little sympathetic for them. I can't help but want them to live, so that we can show that we aren't uselessly like they claim.

"I don't understand."

"What don't you understand, popkin?" Petubia says in her sickly sweet tone, causing me to want to bash my head in.

"Why aren't they coming with us?"


That was unexpected.

Vernon and Petunia stare at Dudley as if he just expressed that he wanted to eat healthy and loose weight.

"What?" Vernon says suddenly and loudly.

"Why aren't they coming too?" Dudley reiterates, as if trying to make his parents understand.

Vernon looks perplexed for a moment, as if not knowing how to answer that. "Well, they - they don't want," he glares at both of us, "you don't want to, do you?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Thought I already made that clear," I respond boredly.

This isn't very interesting, other than Dudley of course.

"There you are," Vernon says promptly to his son. "Now come on, we're off."

Dudley and Petunia do not move as Vernon storms to his front door, causing the large man to stop in a huff. "What now?"

Dudley looks like he's trying to wrap his head around the situation, which isn't that rare. "But where are they going to go?"

Petunia and Vernon stare at eachother, as if trying to both come up with an answer. Hestia Jones is the one to eventually break the silence, however. "But surely you know where your nephew and niece are going?" She looks bewildered, not expecting this sort of dynamic.

"Certainly we know," he snaps at the woman, causing me to roll my eyes. Can't he be civil for once? "They're off with some of your lot aren't, aren't they? Right, Dudley, let's get in the car, you heard the man, we're in a hurry."

Once again, Vernon marches to the front door, not being followed by his son.

"Off with some of our lot?"

"It's alright!" I say quickly to the woman, offering her a small smile. "This is just how they are."

"Don't these people realize what you've been through? What danger you're both in? The unique position you hold in the hearts of anti-Voldemort movement?"

"No, they don't," I say while glancing at the three. "But we're unfortunately used to it by now. They think we're wastes of space."

"I don't think that you're a waste of space."

What the hell?

What the utter hell?

Did Dudley Dursley actually say something sort of nice?

", Dudley."

I mean, I think he was talking more towards me since I was the one speaking, but take the compliment I guess.

Dudley decides to stare at Harry and seems to think about his words before hand. "You saved my life."

"Not really, it was your soul the dementor would have taken."


Dudley seems to be growing as a person the older he gets, which is great, I guess.

Petunia is in tears, causing me to want to just go up to my room. He didn't say that much, stop crying. Saying he doesn't think we're wastes of space isn't exactly a compliment.

Well, in Dudley terms it is, but whatever.

In what feels like forever, they finally begin to leave.

What? We have very few time alone in this house and I want to enjoy it.

Maybe I can use the television?

That would be fun.

"Blimey, Dudley," Harry says suddenly, causing me to tune back into the conversation. "Did the dementors blow a different personality into you?"

I cover my mouth, stifling a laugh.

I'm not giving Harry the satisfaction of making me laugh.

"Dunno," Dudley mutters. "See you, Harry."

"Yeah..." Harry says, shaking the boy's hand. "Maybe. Take care, Big D."

Dudley almost smiles before turning to me. "Well - er - see you, Hailey."

I force a smile and shake the boy's hand as well. "Yeah, take care. Don't worry 'bout us, alright? We're too stubborn to get into too much trouble."

Dudley nods before walking out, leaving us only alone with Petunia.


She looks around, as if surprised that she is the last one to leave. The woman hastily stuffs her hankercheif into her purse, and awkwardly says, "well, good-bye."


She begins to leave, and I internally curse at myself. "Aunt Petunia!" I yell out, causing the woman to pause and turn around. My hand, which is enclosed into a fist, tightens as I gather my thoughts. "Stay safe alright? Make sure Vernon doesn't get in trouble with...our sort."

She nods slightly and just stares at Harry and me, as if wanting to say something.

But she doesn't.

With a jerk of her head, she leaves, leaving Harry and I alone.

"They're really gone," I say, laughing a bit.


"Let's get ready for the Order, yeah? Make sure you have everything," I say before plopping onto the couch and turning on the television. "I'll be watching an American sitcom."

"Hailey, shouldn't you be getting ready as well?"

I stare at Harry for a moment, questioning if he has ever really known how I am.

"For your information," I say while clicking onto some show about a boy getting through life with his best friend and his girlfriend with frizzy hair, "I've been packed since we arrived here. I don't even have to deal with my animals, since Jean already took them. And this is probably going to be the last time we can act our age for a while, so I'm taking this chance."

Yeah, this is going to be a horrible year, I can tell.

And I don't even need to be a seer to know that.

Chapter 131: And I Thought One Harry Was Enough

Chapter Text

"And under here, Hedwig," Harry's voice says distracting me for a second. "Is where Hailey and I used to sleep! You didn't know us the - blimey, it's small, I'd forgotton... "

Yeah, I'm not reliving that, sorry. Waking up in a stolen sleeping bag and being adorned with a few spiders hasn't been the greatest of my memories.

A deafening roar causes me to fall off the sofa, landing on the carpet with a thump.

What? It surprised me.

A string of curse words that would obviously get him a smack from Mrs. Weasley escape from the cupboard.

"Did you hit your head?" I joke, still residing on the carpet because it's comfortable.

I'm also a bit too lazy to go back onto the sofa.

"Did you fall off the couch?" Harry mocks, clearly annoyed with the whole thing.

"I mean, you're the one talking to an owl," I retort as I glance at the rippling air, showing a rather large group of people.

Hey, I just realized that Harry and I are the same level of priority...that's strange.

"Well...go ahead and open the door," I say, picking at my nails, causing Harry to huff at me.

"All righ', Harry? Ready fer the off? Where's yer sister?"

"Family room!" I yell out, laying on the couch again.

"Change of plan," Moody's voice erupts, causing my expression to blank.


I hate being a seer.

I told them. I literally told them not to have him come along.

Sure, let's not listen to the f*cking seer.

"Let's get undercover before we talk you through it."

I crawl off of the sofa and just shuffle to the kitchen, waving when I see the twins.

"Hey," I smile softly at the two before standing next to Remus.

I have no idea if Jean talked about what happened, I assuming she didn't, but who knows?

"So what are we going to do?"

"We're going to use the only means of transport left to us, the only ones the Trace can't detect, because we don't need to cast spells to use them:Brooks, thestrals, and Hagrid's motorbike."

That plan has a few holes, but alright.

I survey the room to get a full grasp on who exactly is here. Remus, Fred, George, and Moody are here, obviously.

Jean, Fleur, Bill, Kingsley, Mundungus, Mr. Weasley, and Tonks are here as well.

What a nice ragtag group of individuals.

"Now, your mother's charm will only break under two conditions: when you both come of age, or" Moody then proceeds to gesture to the pristine kitchen, "you both no longer call this place home. You two, and your aunt and uncle are going your separate ways tonight, in the full understanding that you're never going to live together again, correct?"

Harry and I nod.

I'm kind of sad though, I wanted to at least finish my episode.

Oh well.

"So this time, when you leave, there'll be no going back, and the charm will break the moment you get outside its range. We're choosing to break it early, because the alternative is waiting for You-Know-Who to come and seize you the moment you both turn seventeen."


Great to know we both would have been killed before we even got to celebrate our birthday.

"The one thing we've got on our side is that You-know-who doesn't know we're moving you two tonight. We've leaked a fake trail to the Ministry: They think you're not leaving until the thirtieth, Harry. And they think we've already moved your sister. However, this is You-Know-Who we're dealing with, so we can't just rely on him getting the date wrong; he's bound have a couple of Death Eaters patrolling the skies in this general area, just in case. So we've given a dozen different houses every protection we can throw at them. They all look like they could be the place we're going to hide youx they've all got some connections with the Order: my house, Kingsley's place, Molly's Auntie Muriel's, Jean's family home - you get the idea."

"Yeah," I say quietly before looking up again. "But surely they will alert You-Know-Who once they see Harry and I flying, right? It's going to be obvious if they see sixteen of us flying to one singular place."

"Ah," Moody starts, "I forgot to mention the key point. Sixteen of us won't be flying to Tonk's parents'. There will be eight Harry Potters moving through the sky tonight each, of them with a companion, each pair heading for a different safe house."


Really Harry, I think the plan is fine.

Wait, he said eight Harry Potters, right?

I swear, if I have to take a polyjuice potion I'm going to flip-

"Well, none of us really fancy it, Harry," Fred says with a slight grin.

"Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny hits forever."

I cover my mouth as I snort, causing Remus to smile at me.

It's nice to hear humor, especially when everything is so messed up.

Harry isn't smiling though.


"You can't do it if I don't cooperate, you need me to give you some hair."

"I mean, unless you want someone to knock you out the Muggle way," Jean mutters out, her eyes narrowing.

Oh good, she looks annoyed as well.

"Everyone here's overage, Potter, and they're all prepared to take the risk."

"Jean!" Harry yells out, causing the woman to practically jump out of her skin. "What does Sirius think about this? Surely he doesn't want you hurt!"

Jean's face continues to show annoyance at my brother. "I had to practically stun him because he wanted to go here himself, actually. He's well aware of the risk, so that's not a problem."

"This is mad, there's no need-"

"No need!" Moody says with a snarl. "With You-Know-Who out there and half the Ministry on his side? Potter, if we're lucky, he'll have swallowed the fake bait and he'll be planning to ambush you on the thirtieth, but he'll be mad not to have a Death Eater or two keeping an eye out, it's what I'd do. They might not be able to get at you or this house will your mother's charm holds, but it's about to break and they know the rough position of the place. Our only chance is to use decoys. Even You-Know-Who can't split himself into seven."

Yeah...about that.

Not the time really.

"So, Potter - some of your hair, if you please." Harry glances at Ron, who grimaces in reply. "Now!" Harry closes his eyes, grabs a small handful of hair, and pulls. "Good," Moody says while he pulls the stopper from the flask he is holding. "Straight in here, if you please."

Harry does, and the potion bubbles in reply, turning a bright gold in response.

Merlin, even Potions like Harry now or something?

"Ooh, you look much tastier than Crabbr and Goyle, Harry."

Oh, forgot they did that whole plotline just to find out that Draco wasn't the heir of Slytherin, even though I told them it wasn't him already.


Nope, no thinking about him right now.

"Right then, fake Potters line up, please," Moody says, causing Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur to stand in a line.

Wait, we're missing two.

"We're two short," Remus says before grimacing.

"Right, female Potter, get in line."

Oh hell no.

I'm at a complete loss for words. I then laugh at what seems to be a joke.

No one's laughing.

"You know what, I'm with Harry on this, this is a stupid plan," I say at once.

"Now Hailey-"

"Nope!" I shake my head, sending an apologetic glance at Remus. "I'm not drinking a Polyjuice potion, I'll just vomit."

"Hailey Lily Potter," Jean says at once, glaring at me. "I know Polyjuice isn't the tastiest potion out there, but suck it up. Unless you want to be caught by You-Know-Who by your birthday of course."

"Jean, I don't think that's the best strategy-"

"Fine..." I mutter out before taking a spot in the line next to Fred. Fred grins at me, causing me to just scowl. "Not in the mood."

"Aww, you're angry."

"I will physically punch you, Fred."

"Maybe I'm not Fred? Maybe I'm George?"

I tilt my head, a smile now adorning my features. "I've known you for about seven years, I think I can differentiate the two of you."

"She's not stupid, you know that," George pipes in with a grin that mirrors his brother's.

"You think I don't know that?"



I snort, picking at my nails again, a nervous tick I've developed. "Dork."

"Says the person who is great at Potions."

"That's a nerd, not a dork, there's a difference."

"Whatever," Fred only responds, partnered with him ruffling my hair.

I sometimes want to slap this man-child.

Moody hands me a cup, causing me to grimace.

I am not looking forward to this.

"Altogether, then..."

I nod and just try to drink the potion in one gulp, almost immediately gagging at the taste.

"Disgusting," I mutter out before glancing at Harry, "full offense intended."

"Wow - we're identical!"

Rely on the trwins to make anyone laugh at any possible time.

"I dunno, though, I think I'm still better-looking," Fred says while looking at his reflection on a kettle. He then turns towards me with a grin. "How do you feel, Hails?"

"Oh, I feel the priviledge of being a Gryffindor already."

The Hogwarts alumni that were not sorted into Gryffindor seem to enjoy the small joke.

Woah, that's a first.

Fred, who is a Gryffindor, seems to be at a bit of a loss for words. "Well that's good."

Moody then tells us to put on identical pieces of clothing, causing me to just want to throw every article in the furnace.

Harry needs to work on his fashion choices.

"I'm going in the cupboard," I mutter out before dragging the pile of clothes that are for me and the glasses into my old room.

I'm not changing in front of anyone, even if it isn't my body.

Well, technically it is, but it doesn't look like-

Who cares?

Once I am finished, I return back, adorning the glasses that make the world around me so much clearer.

"Harry, when we aren't running for our lives, I need to talk to you about your sense of style and eyesight."

"Good," Moddy says while ignoring me, which is fair honestly. The pairs will be as follows: Mundungus will be traveling with me, by broom--"

"Why'm I with you?"

"I mean, you could always go with me," Jean says, tilting her head at the man. "However, there is no guarantee that you will make it to the Burrow in one piece."

"Arthur and Fred-"

"I'm George," Fred says, causing me to roll my eyes. "Can't you even tell us apart when were Harry?"

"Sorry George-"

"I was yanking your wand, I'm Fred really-"

"Enough messing around!" He got Moody angry...that's not good. "The other one - George or Fred or whoever you are - you're with Remus. Miss Delacour-"

"I'm taking Fluer on a thestral," Bill interjects. "She's not that fond of brooms."

"Miss Granger with Kingsley, again by thestral."

At least she won't be flying on a broom.

"Miss Potter with Fawley."

"Did you expect anything else," Jean says sarcastically, causing me to sme at the woman.

"Which leaves you and me, Ron!" Tonks says while knocking over a mug.

Hagrid says something to Harry about how he brought us both to the Dursley's years and how fitting it is if he takes Harry, at least, to safety.

A bit too soft, but cute, not going to lie.

Moody then explains that it would be better for Harry to go in the motorbike, as he expects Voldemort to look for him on a broom, which, is fair.

Sucks that I'm on a broom though.

As Jean and I walk put, I do grab her wrist, causing her to pause. "I told the Order about Moody, so why is he here?"

"He isn't going to die without a fight, Hailey. He didn't want any unnecessary deaths."

"But I told-"

"I know, and I advised against the idea as well. Mad-Eye wants to do this. He knows the risk."

"This is all so stupid."

"You think I don't know that?"

We then are met with a comforting silence as she straps my rucksack full of things and the fake owl cage onto her broom.

"Allright then, everyone, please, I want us all to leave at exactly the same time or the point of the diversion is lost." Jean and I mount the broom as Moody continues to speak. "Good luck everyone, see you all in about an hour at the Burrow. On the count of three: one two three!"

Jean and I take off, flying in a direction I don't know.

"So where are we going?"

"My family home, my dad is waiting for us there, was released from Mungos a while ago," she seems ultra focused on her surroundings, which I don't mind. "Make sure that if we do come across someone, don't do a spell that they'll realize your identity, got it?"

"I'm not Harry, you know that."

"That I do."

As if on cue, about twenty or so Death Eaters arrive at the scene, causing me to release a line of curse words that would definitely make Mrs. Weasley ashamed.

Streaks of red causes me to pronounce a few sheild charms so that Jean doesn't get hurt.

Jean herself shoots a spell wordlessly at a Death Eater, causing them to disappear.

"We'll try to evade them, but don't keep your guard down," Jean yells out before zipping underneath a bridge to stay out of the clear sky.

I whip around, staring behind us, relieved that there doesn't seem to be anyone following us.

I jinxed it.

There was someone waiting for us at the exit.

"Stupify!" I yell out, causing the Death Eater to fall.

"Probably a stupid move considering that's your brother's overused spell, but whatever," Jean mutters out in a tone where I can almost not even hear her.

We zip around, still attempting to stay out of the path of Death Eaters, landing roughly on a patch of grass.

"Now that wasn't so hard, now was it?" Jean jokes, helping me up.

"I feel frozen," I say while holding myself in an attempt to get a bit warmer.

"Once you change back, you can change, alright?"



Jean strains a smile as she pushes me into the home. "Hey Dad, sorry, we're still in a hurry."

He pouts before his eyes physically sparkle when he sees me. "Is this Hailey? She looks a tad bit more like James then she does Lily. She looks a bit more masculine than I thought as well, but who cares. Not like we judge in this house anyways." He chuckles, causing me to awkwardly laugh as well.

"Dad, Polyjuice potion, remember?"

"Right!" He says before pulling out a journal and writing it down. "Sorry, my memory is a bit wonky, you know."

"It's alright," I say awkwardly as my skin tingles. After a few moments of shifting, I'm back in my body.


"Great, you're back to your normal self just in time," Jean says, still straining her smile as she pushes me toward an old pocket watch. I place a finger on it, as does she.

"Remember to visit again!"

"I will!" Jean says while looking at her watch. ""

The feeling of being pulled by my navel, causes me to be pulled forward, my finger glued to the Portkey.

And then, we both land on the floor, making a large enough ruckus.

I look up to see a worried looking Mrs. Wealsey, causing my heart to drop. "Is everyone back?"

The answer was clear on her face.

"Harry should explain it better, but we were ambushed. We all split up and were able to avade them, at least Jean and I were."

"Molly, do you want me to bake you something, it might make you feel better," Jean says quickly. Molly nods, causing Jean and Ginny to walk to the kitchen.

"Are you okay, dear?" Mrs. Weasley says while looking over me. "Dear, you're freezing cold! I'll have Ginny fix you up some tea, alright?"

"You don't have to-"

"I insist!"

I only nod, sitting on the sofa, only to be greeted by Midnight. "Hey sweet cat, how you doing."

She responds with a blink.

I smile at the cat, petting her fur. "Me too."

Chapter 132: They Knew

Chapter Text

"Harry? You are the real Harry? What happened? Where are the others?" I hear Mrs. Weasley yell out from the yard, causing me to stand up, unfortunately making Midnight fall off my lap.

I'll apologize to her later.

"What d'you mean? Isn't anyone else back?" Harry asks while I walk out.

"Hey," I say softly, glancing at Hagrid who looks rather hurt. "Jean and I got back a few moments ago, she's making tea so I'm sure you can get some as well."

Harry nods, standing up, swaying slightly. "Hang on," I say while pausing. "Where's Hedwig? Is she flying here or something?"

Harry's eyes look to his feet as his expressive turns even more sour than it already was.


Probably not a good time to have my cat rubbing against my legs and purring.

"Oh Harry, I'm-"

"It's alright."

It's not alright, I can tell. Hedwig was Harry's first actual birthday present. She was with him for years. He talked to her, and she listened.

I can't imagine the pain of losing a pet, nor do I want to.

"Haven't go' any brandy, have yeh, Molly?" Hagrid asks suddenly. "Fer medicinal purposes?"

Molly could have summoned it, but she scurried off to the house to get it.

Probably wants to hide her face.

I feel like Jean is going to be making a lot of tea tonight.

"Ron and Tonks should have been back first, but they miss their Porkey, it came back without them," Ginny says while pointing to an oil can. "Hails and Jean came back on time, of course, they were supposed to be second. And that one, should have been Dad and Fred's, they were there was supposed to be third. You and Hagrid were fourth and," Ginny checks her watch apprehensively, "if they made it, George and Lupin ought to be back in about a minute."

That's good to know, it will be a lot less awkward when George is here, and hopefully Fred is going to be back soon as well.

Mrs. Weasley comes back, carrying a bottle of brandy, which Hagrid just drank straight out of.

Yeah sure, medicinal purposes.

"Mum!" Ginny yells out as she points to a spot a few feet away. A blue light appears, and leaves Remus and George, who are spinning and falling.


Remus is holding a George who is unconscious.

He's also bleeding, but I'm more focused on the fact that he's unconscious.

"George!" I say before dropping over to him, my eyes widened. "Is he alright?"

Remus nods a bit too quickly for my liking, probably trying to calm me. "He lost an ear, got cursed off, but as long as we stop the bleeding."

I nod as Harry and I help haul the boy inside the Burrow.

Unfortunately, once the poor had been placed onto the sofa, my stomach turns as I cover my mouth.

Oh my god.

Wet scarlet liquid coat the side of his head and neck, the most amount of blood where his ear should have been.

Harry is dragged away by Remus, causing me to drag myself away from my hurt friend.

I raise my wand at him, knowing that I can't do anything, but still threatening.

I don't care if he's my godfather, if my brother is hurt before he can kick Voldemort's ass, I am not going to be happy.

The quicker Voldemort is gone, the less Draco has piled against him.

"What creature sat in the corner the first time that Harry Potter visited my office at Hogwarts?" He says glancing at me before giving Harry a small shake. "Answer me!"

"Hey! Careful with him!" I say, my wand sti raised. One of my best friends is hurt, the other one in the pair isn't here yet, I have no idea where my Slytherin friends are, and my boyfriend is being forced into being a Death Eater.

I'm allowed to be pissy.

"A- a grindylow in a tank, wasn't it?"

Lupin lets him go, causing me to lower my wand as well. Harry falls into the kitchen cupboard, which isn't wanted, but is a satisfactory state.

"Wha' was tha' about?" Hagrid asks suddenly.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but I had to check," Remus says in a tense voice. "We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew that you were being moved tonight and the only people who could have told him directly were involved in the plan. You might have been an imposter."

"Or you could have asked if it was him. I think I know how my brother would react if his pet di- sorry," I says suddenly before shutting up.

I need to stop being sarcastic for once.

"None of the Order would have told Voldemort we were moving tonight," Harry says, causing me to sigh in relief. At least he isn't mad at me for bringing up a sore subject. "Voldemort only caught up with me toward the end, he didn't know which one I was in the beginning. If he'd been in on the plan, he would have known from the start I was the one with Hagrid."

"Voldemort caught up with you?" Remus and I say at the same time.

Luckily, Jean and I seemed to get out of the way before he actually showed up.

"What happened? How did you escape?"

Harry then proceeds to explain the he disarmed Stan Stunpike because he didn't want to kill him, and that they recognized him from that.

Then Remus told him that he shouldn't rely on that spell because the Death Eaters consider that his signature spell.

I actually stunned Death eaters, but I guess that's actually one of his favorite spells too, but I'm not going to admit that I stunned some of them.

Harry would look like I'm a monster.

"Will George be okay?"

I almost forgot about him, which is horrible.

How could I almost forget about him?

"I think so, although there's no chance of replacing his ear, not when it's been cursed off-"

A scuffle interruptshim, causing Harry and Remus to dart outside.

I don't follow, instead deciding on sitting on the ground next George.

"Lupin's right, he should be okay..." Ginny says apprehensively, looking over to me.

I smile and nod at her. "As long as we stop the bleeding in time, he should be okay." I look up at Molly, who looks like she's absolutely balling her eyes out. "Mrs. Weasley, don't worry, he'll be okay."

She nods, but doesn't look too convinced, which I don't blame her in all honesty.

"How is he?"

Mrs. Weasley looks up to Harry, still tending to George, who no longer has blood on him. "I can't make it grow back, not when it's been removed by Dark Magicm. But it could have been so much worse...He's alive."

"Who's back?" I ask, attempting to change the subject.

"Hermione and Kingsley."

"Thank goodness," Ginny mutters before Harry and her stare at eachother.

If I wasn't sitting next to one of my best friends who is currently severely injured, I would vomit.

"I'll prove who I am, Kingsley, after I've seen my son, now back off if you know what's good for you!"

My head snaps to the entrance of Burrow, only to see Mr. Weasley bursting into the living room, a pale looking Fred right behind him.

Poor Fred....

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley sobs out. "Oh thank goodness!"

"How is he?"

I scoot out of the way so that Fred and Mr. Weasely have better access to their family member, due to knowing that it is important that they see him.

Fred stands behind the sofa, staring down at his twin, absolutely lost for words.

And then, George awakes.

Perhaps by the sound of yells, I have no idea.

But he's awake.

"How do you feel, Georgie?" Mrs. Weasely asks quietly.



"What's wrong with him?" Fred croaks out, causing my heart to drop. He sounds so hurt. "Is his mind affected?"

"Saintlike," George repeats, his eyes open as he stares at his brother. "You see...I'm holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?"

If George wasn't injured right now, I would punch him.

But color returns to Fred's face, causing me to smile a bit.

"Pathetic. Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humor before you, you go for holey?"

Well at least he found it funny.

A loud pop causes us all to jump, until a familiar black haired female rushes in with a quick, "sorry that I'm late!"

Selena Williams, a girl the same age as Fred and George who I know vaguely. I knew her at Hogwarts, but she all but refused to join Dumbledore's Army, and I wasn't exactly in any classes with with Ravenclaw.

However, I did catch a glimpse at her last year, when she took Aimee Prewitt to a secure location.

However, right now, she looks a bit startled.

"Holy-" she glances at Mrs. Weasley for a moment before clearing her voice, "what happened?"

"Snape," Harry says quietly, causing me to get a bit mad.

I have no idea what Snape's motivations are, but he pisses me off.

"Hey Sel," George says with a grin, "wanna hear a joke."

"If you repeat that joke, I think my heart will give out!" Mrs. Weasley says, causing all of us to smile just a little bit.

"What was the joke?" Selena seems to mutter to Fred, which he responds by whispering in her ear. After a few seconds, she just covers her eyes. "Really? That's the best you could come up with?"

Mrs. Weasley mentions that Ron and Tonks should be arriving soon, as the place they were going to isn't that far from here.

"Sirius should be here in a bit, said he need to go check on something," Jean says suddenly, handing a small rag to Mrs. Weasley so she can put in on George's head. She also hands most of us tea before adamantly telling Remus that he is more capable of making his own.

Mostly because he asked if she could make him some hot chocolate.

"It's them!" Hermione yells out as a few of them run out to greet Ron and Tonks. She had previously seen a broom streak across the yard, falling into some rocks.

"You doing alright?" I ask, inching closer to Fred.

He nods, forcing a smile, causing Selena and I to glance at eachother apprehensively. "If George is well enough to joke, I'm sure he's alright."

"Well that's great," Selena says sarcastically, sifting through her blue bag as if looking for something. "I thought I would have some Muggle pain medication, but it seems I'm all out."

"It's alright, I don't need it."

"Right, and I'm the squid from the Black Lake," Selena mutters out before glancing at a few potions. Swirling around a red vile, she hands it to Fred. "That should nullify his pain for a few hours at least."

Fred nods, handing it to his twin, who doesn't seem fond of the taste.

"Well it's not going to taste like Firewhiskey," Selena says before stealing Fred's cup of tea and drinking from it. "Be glad that I had that."

I just glance at the three, very confused on how they know each other so well.

It's like a whole story took place in the background that only intertwines with mine in this very moment.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks as everyonereturns, their faces full of sorrow. "What happened? Who's-"

"Mad-Eye. Dead."

Damn it.

My nails dig into my leg as I attempt not to just start yelling.

I told them.

They knew this would happen, that there would be a strong likelihood of it happening!

Why? Why didn't they just make sure he stayed out of harm's way?

Bill, who seems to have arrived safely with Fleur, grabs a bottle and fills enough glasses for all of us. "Here," as everyone gets their glass, he raises his own, "Mad-Eye."

"Mad-Eye," we repeat before drinking as well.

I've tried firewhiskey before, and I'm still not a fan of the burn it leaves behind after drinking.

After Harry defends everyone in the Order, saying that he doesn't believe anyone would sell us out, everything seems to slow down.

Remus and Bill are getting ready to go get Mad-Eye's body, but otherwise, it's slower.

But, of course, Harry has to ruin it.

"I've got to go too," Harry says suddenly, causing me to want to slap the back of his head.

"Don't be silly, Harry," Mrs. Weasely croaks out. "What are you talking about?"

"I can't stay here-"

Yep, I hit him on the back of his head.

He hisses out, rubbing his head. "Hailey what-"

"Listen me, and listen to me well," I say, pointing my finger at him. "You and I are both in danger, so don't go having a hero complex now. You go, I go, you're the chance of defeating Voldemort, remember? So don't go counting me out of the equation."


"Let me finish, or so help me, you'll end up being tied up and hanging out with the ghoul in this house," I say, causing him to shut up. Mg tone is even, as I am attempting not to cry at the moment. "We have over a week before the thirty-first, and that means we still have the trace on us. If we go now, that would be suicide. Now, if you want to put all their efforts to waste, because George lost an ear, Mad-Eye died, and we all have enough trauma to keep us up for years, be my guest. Now," I say before turning to Mrs. Weasley, who is getting handed another cup of tea by Jean, "I think I'm going to help Jean with the tea."

Chapter 133: Dumbledore’s Will

Chapter Text


I throw a pillow at the person's face before they can utter another word, burrowing myself within the blanket and pillow I still have.

"That wasn't very nice..."

"Shouldn't you be with George or Selena or anyone else?" I mumble, my other pillow still over my face.

"Well, it's your birthday, so I'm not just going to forget about you."

Oh right, almost forgot about that.

"You really thought it would be a good idea to wake me up when I can legally use magic."

"Fair point."

I throw my other pillow at the male before just sitting up, trying to make my hair a bit neater. "How's Harry? Already up?"

Fred grins at me, throwing my pillow back at me. "Ron says he was muttering about someone, but yeah, he's up."

"Of course he was muttering about someone," I say while rubbing my eyes, already getting a headache. "That boy will be the death of me."

"You two are the same age, Hails."

"And he's mentally fourteen, your point?"

"Okay, fair."


Fred and I look at each other before Ron barges into the room.

What did Harry do now?

"Your brother is snogging my sister!"

I blink slowly, trying to comprehend why that is any of my business. "And?"

"They broke it off, Hails! She was upset when they did too. And now he's messing with her!"

"Okay, calm down," I say before slipping off of the bed, finally getting my hair to lay flat. "I'm sure Harry doesn't mean to-"

And speak of the devil, here's Harry, trotting in. "You ditched her. What are you doing now, messing her around?"

"I'm not messing her around," Harry says, causing me to grow uncomfortable.

"Okay kiddos, take it outside," I say, pushing the two out. "I just woke up and I swear I will lose two years off my lifespan if I continue listening to this."

When both start to leave, Ron does turn back around to my surprise. "Oh, happy birthday by the way."

A small smile reaches my features once he does say that. "Thanks Ron, see you later."


"So, what are you going to do now that you're seventeen?" Fred asks suddenly, causing me to lose concentration.


The birthday dinner, which I did not care if we had or did not have, would have overrun the Burrow, so it was decided to have it outside.

Fred and George lit purple lanterns, along with a few green ones for me, all lit with the number seventeen.

Hermione draped purple and gold streamers on the trees artistically.

Mrs. Weasley had outdone herself, making a rather large golden Snitch cake for Harry, and a cake that resembled a book for myself.

My cake would probably have fit Hermione better, but I personally do not care. It's the thought that counts.

By seven, everyone has arrived, greeting Harry and I with open arms and smiles. Hagrid went on about how we have known eachother for six years, which did bring a smile to my face.

But, it did cause a small frown at one point as well.

Things were just so much simpler in those times, I miss that.

The joy of dragging my brother into a world that I was amazed with.

The joy of getting birthday and Christmas gifts in first year because I had never gotten any.

The joy of getting enough food to eat.

Truthfully, I wish we were back in first year, maybe second as well if we erase the Basilisk.

I miss that.

Fred nudges me with a grin settled on his face, George right next to him with a grin that equals the mischievousness. "You happy with the party?"

"It's nice, I have to admit that," I say while staring at the golden trio finding out the small dragon they had met in first year was indeed a female and not a male.

"Ah, well, here's a gift from Fred and me," George grind while handing me a small bottle. "Storm in a bottle, you might be able to use it when you guys are on the run."

I smile, waving my wand so that it goes to my bag in the Burrow.

"It was Selena's idea, said that they always worked when evading Death Eaters."

Internally I tell myself to ask about that later, but personally I don't want to ask right now.

"Where is she anyway?" I ask while leaning on a wall, staring at the large crowd of people. "Thought she would be hanging with you two at least."

"She's manning the shop with Lee," George informs me, causing me to just nod my head in acknowledgment.

Yeah, she and I aren't really friends as it is so it's no surprise that she's not here.

A loud pop causes some people to look to the side, revealing Jean and Sirius who both have great big grins on their faces.

Harry has a grin as he runs over to Sirius, giving the man a hug, causing everyone in the area to smile at the two.

Jean abandons her significant other, instead walking over to me, waving slightly. "Hailey, how has your birthday been so far?"

I shrug in response, causing her to smile. "I expected as much. Can't really have an amazing birthday in these times, but I hope you're at least having fun."

"Of course she's having fun-"

"Yeah, we're with her!"

Both twins lean on me, until I push them off. "If you need to lean on something, lean on a wall!"

Fred mocks a pout, but doesn't push it.

"Hope you're doing alright," Sirius says as he walks over, causing me to smile.

"As alright as one can be I guess," I respond, watching a few of the lanterns flicker around us.

"Well, better than nothing, I suppose."

"True, how are you two doing anyways?"

"Ah," Sirius says, glancing at Jean. "We both have been hanging around the Order more than usual, since Snivel-"


"Fine, Snape-"


"Let me finish!" Sirius laughs, causing Jean to grin at him as well. "Since Snape can easily say where Grimmauld Place is and all."

I mean, that makes sense.

"Minister of Magic coming with me."

"sh*t..." Jean mutters out before grabbing Sirius' hand. "Sorry Hailey, we'll come back after it's clear."

I nod as they both Disapparate out of the area, causing me to cover my ears due to the loud noise.

"Why do you suppose he's showing up here?" George asks Fred in confusion.

"No idea Georgie, but it's a horrible timing, I'll tell you that."

Scrimgeour and Mr. Weasley walk into the scene, causing my blood to boil.

I have never liked any of the Ministers that I've met.

"Sorry to intrude," Scrimgeour says as he limps to a halt. "Especially as I can see that I am get-crashing a party."

Then leave, it's pretty simple actually. Not like any of us want you here.

Fred, George, and I walk over to the table to hear any conversations that may happen that we could miss.

Scrimgeour glances at both cakes before staring at Harry and me. "Many happy returns."

Uh huh.


Harry is way too nice sometimes.

"I require a private word with you both," Scrimgeour goes on. "Also with Mr. Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger."

"Us?" Ron says aloud. "Why us?"

"I shall tell you when we are somewhere more private?" Scrimgeour says before practically glaring at Mr. Weasley. "Is there such a place?"


"Yes, of course," Mr. Weasley says, clearly nervous. "The, er, sitting room, why don't you use that?"

"You can lead the way," Scrimgeour says to Ron offhandly, making me want to punch him. He sounds way too rude. "There will be no need for you to accompany us, Arthur."

Again, rude.

But why is he here?

Does he know that we are planning to drop out of Hogwarts?

Or is there something else happening?

By the time we get inside, Harry lights up the room so that we can all see.

The golden trio squeeze onto the sofa while I just sit on the arm.

"I have some questions for the four of you, and I think it will be best if we do individually. If you three-" he points to Harry, Hermione, and I, "can wait upstairs, I will start with Ronald."

"Hell no," I say at once, my arms crossed. "Either you tell us as a group, or we go back to the party and you leave, no exceptions, Minister."

Scrimgeour looks angry, but breathes out. "Very well then, together," he shrugs. "I am here, as I'm sure you know, because of Albus Dumbledore's will."

Harry and I glance at eachother.

Harry looks surprised, but I have no idea if I am or not.

Dumbledore always played favorites, so it's no surprise he's helping the group that hangs around my brother from even beyond the grave.

"A surprise, apparently! You were not aware then that Dumbledore left you anything?"

"All of us?" Ron asks, quite surprised. "Me and Hermione, too?"

"Yes, all of-"

"Tell me, Minister, you examined the items he left us, didn't you? You know that's illegal, right?" I say, actually quite bored with the situation.

"Illegal you say? Tell me, Miss Potter, are you planning to follow a career in Magical Law?"

"That's an option I've considered, yes," I respond coldly. "I could see if I could help the people you lot wrongfully put in Azkaban at least. Either way, unless you presumed Dumbledore had Dark artifacts, under the Decree for Justifiable Confiscation, you are not within your right to confiscate items from a will. Tell me, did you evidence for that presumption?"

Scrimgeour opens to speak, but I interrupt him before he can utter a word.

"The problem is, you couldn't find anything wrong with the things he left us, and the thirty-one days are up, so you can't legally hold them anymore. Isn't that right, Minister?"

"Would you say you were close to Dumbledore, Ronald?"

"Ronald Weasley, if you speak, I will personally kick your ass, you have a right not to speak." I hiss out, causing Scrimgeour to glare at me. "I was unaware of the rule that the deceased could only leave things to people they were close to."

"The Ministry is just wondering why out of everyone who goes, and has gone to Hogwarts, why he singled out only you four."

"And the Ministry does not need to know the answer," I say simply, matching his cold tone.

People feel uncomfortable when you match their energy, so that's exactly what I'm doing.

Maybe it will make him leave us alone.

Scrimgeour scowls and pulls out a drawstring pouch, and takes out a scroll of parchment. "'The Last Will and Testament of Albus Percival Wilfric Brian Dumbledore'...yes, here we are...'To Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, in the hope that he will remember me when he uses it.'"

He takes an object from the bag that looks like a silver cigarette lighter and passes it to the male redhead.

"That is a valuable object," he says as he watches Ron as if observing him. "It may even be unique. Certainly it is of Dumbledore's own design. Why would he have left you an item so rare?"

"That is none of your concern," I respond before Ron can say anything.

"Dumedore must have taught thousands of students," Scrimgeour continues. "Yet the only ones he remembered in his will are you four. Why is that? To what use did he think you would put his Deluminator, Mr. Weasley?"

"Again, none of your concern, Minister." I say with finality in my voice.

Scrimgeour, who isn't getting any information thanks to me, decides to continue. "'To Miss Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, in hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive.'"

"Hermione, I swear if you-"

Harry covers my mouth before I can say anything, causing me to get a bit pissed.

Hermione is a smart girl, but she shares too much.

Or maybe I'm just secretive...who knows?

"Why do you think Dunbledore left you that book, Miss Granger?"

"He...he knew I liked book," Hermione says while wiping her eyes.

Scrimgeour glances at me, seemingly deciding not to press on the issue as I would have interrupted almost immediately.

I love when people finally get what I'm doing.

Easier to manipulate, honestly.

That sounded bad...oops?

He clears his throat once more, "'To Miss Hailey Lily Potter, I leave a notebook that she may find quite a find.'"


Scrimgeour pulls out a familiar looking notebook, specifically the one I lost in fourth year.

The one with all my spells leading up to that point.

"Now, this was something I found quite interesting, Miss Potter," Scrimgeour says, clearly noticing my pale state. "It seems to have spells we have never heard of. So tell me, why would Dumbledore give you a spellbook full of spells that could have been created by a child?"

I clear my throat, deciding to play a naive role. "I don't know, maybe he thought one of the spells were interesting?"


He hands me the notebook, which I gladly take.

How did Dumbledore get ahold of this?

"'To Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts, as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill.'"

He pulls out the small walnut sized ball, the wings fluttering feebly.

"Why did Dumbledore leave you this Snitch?"

"I don't know, and I don't think I really have to answer that," Harry says while glancing at me.

Good job Harry, you smart cookie.

Well, kind of smart.

"I notice your birthday cake is in the shape of a Snitch, why is that?"


Hermione laughs at the question. "Oh, it can't be a reference to the fact that Harry's a great seeker, that's way too obvious. There must be a hidden message from Dumbledore in the icing!"

Who knew Hermione could be sarcastic?

"I see where he's going with this," I say aloud. "Snitches have flesh memories, and remember the first person who touched it. The snitch probably remembers Harry's touch, so Scrimgeour over here thinks that Dumbledore left my dear brother a message, which is absolutely moronic."

"And why do you say that, Miss Potter?"

"Because, Dumbledore was smarter than than that. If he left a message so obvious that you lot could pick up on it, then he lost his touch before he passed on," I say, staring directly at Harry.

Even if Scrimgeour did give Harry the Snitch, it's not like it would just say a message by the touch of his hand.

Harry caught the Snitch in his mouth, I remember because of the uproar of Slytherin afterwards.

Of course, I'm not voicing that observation, because this does sound like something Dumbledore would do.

Scrimgeour hands Harry the snitch, which, to no ones surprise, doesn't reveal a secret message.

"That was dramatic," Harry says coolly, causing me to snort in amusem*nt.

"That's all then, is it?" Hermione asks, shifting uncomfortably on the sofa.

"Not quite," Scrimgeour says, who looks quite bad-tempered now. "Dumbledore left you with a second bequest, Mr. Potter."

Harry looks practically excited about this. "What is it?"

"The sword of Godric Gryffindor."

Okay, I see why they didn't want to give him that.

"So where is it?" Harry asks, looking a bit disappointed.

"Unfortunately, that sword was not Dumbledore's to give away. The sword of Godric Gryffindor is an important historical artifact, and as such, belongs-"

"It belongs to Harry!" Hermione yells out. "It chose him, he was the one who found it, it came to him out of the Sorting Hat-"

"While I do agree with you, Hermione, I think the Minister is right in this situation." Scrimgeour looks pleased, but I just glare at him. "Don't feel flattered, Minister, I'm just starting the facts. From what I read, the sword can appear to any Gryffindor that is worthy enough, so Harry isn't special in that regard. Now, whether or not they can legally keep the sword away from Harry is beyond my research at this moment."

"Mr. Potter, why do you think-"

"Dumbledore wanted to give me the sword? Maybe he thought it would look nice on my wall."

I snort again, making the Minister's mood even worse.

"This is not a joke, Potter! Was it because Dumbledore believed that the only the sword of Godric Gryffindor could defeat the Heir of Slytherin? Did he wish to give you that sword, Potter, because he believed, as do many, that you are the one destined to destroy He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?"

"Interesting theory," Harry says sarcastically. "Has anyone ever tried sticking a sword in Voldemort? Maybe the Ministry should put some people onto that, instead of wasting their time stripping down Deluminators and covering up breakouts from Azkaban. So is this what you've been doing, Minister, shut up in your office, trying to break open a Snitch? People are dying - I was nearly one of them - Voldemort chased me across three counties, he killed Mad-Eye Moody, but there was no word of any of that in from the Ministry, has? And you still expect us to cooperate with you!"

"You go too far!" Scrimgeour yells out, pointing a wand at Harry's chest.

I keep mine low while Ron raises his, to the dismay of Hermione. "No! D'you want to give him an excuse to arrest us?"

"Actually Hermione, I don't think that would hold up very well," I say simply, causing Scrimgeour to scowl at me.

"And why not, Miss Potter?"

"Because," I lift my wand, the tip producing a faint blue glow, "I've been recording this entire conversation. I'm sure we have enough proof that your were being hostile way before any possible assault from us. Even your own courts wouldn't be able to deny that."

"You had no business to record this?"

"Did I not?" I say coldly, my tone staying the same. "Because as a Slytherin, it is a trait of mine that I get what I want, I'm sure you're well aware of that. Now, I don't want my brother hurt, so that's enough reasons for me. And to add to the fact that your lot allowed the Prophet to release defamatory articles, allowed an official to send Dementors to attack me and my brother, just so that we would be expelled, and then allowed an official to injury my brother and countless of my friends. So please, tell me one reason why I wouldn't be cautious of the Ministry?"

Scrimgeour seems to be at a loss for words once he realized this entire conversation was recorded.

"However, I'm sure your court system would adore to know that last Christmas, you attempted to manipulate my brother and I to claim we're in favor of you. Oh wait, I'm sure Rita Skeeter would love an article like that, don't you think? You may have an assault charge if one of us attacked you, but you have tried using your power over us, and have singed my brother's shirt as well. And as the witnesses trickle in, I suggest you take your leave, Minister."

Am I practically blackmailing him?


Does he deserve it?

Also yes.

I honestly forgot how much I scare people when I actually care about the outcome of a situation, kind of funny.

"We thought we heard-"

"-raised voices."

"Ah, Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, nice of you to join us," I say brightly to the two of them, being a bit off putting. "The Minister was just leaving, right?"

Scrimgeour's face hardens, but he nods and takes his leave.

Once he does, I sigh in relief, sinking down a bit.

"Blimey Hailey, that was brilliant, scary, but brilliant."

"You act surprised, Ronald Billius Weasley," I say sarcastically, determined to make fun of his name.


This is just the first move against the Ministry on a large chessboard. I want to fight Voldemort, of course, but I want the Ministry to change as well.

I'm going to call checkmate, and make sure everyone I care about is safe.

Chapter 134: A Wedding

Chapter Text

"You're joking, Perce....I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"

The air explodes as I stare directly at the two with red hair.

The name I recognize, as Percy Weasley's face becomes clear. The other person, who I can identify by their voice makes me want to cry out.


People in the surrounding area shoot spells at others, which I assume are Death Eaters.

The upcoming battle...

And then, the wall blasts apart, greeted by a scream.

"No - no - no!"

I want to literally collapse in this moment.

"No! Fred! No!"

"The fact that you refused to bring attention to yourself for years is quite lucky," Harry grumbles as he drinks a polyjuice potion that contains the hairs of a muggle village boy.

The plan is to use it as camouflage, since the village boy is a redhead, and there are going to be multiple Weasleys here today.

My hair is already going to camouflage me well enough, and as Harry said, I didn't particularly get my name out as much as Harry did.

More like I didn't yell at any reporter that would listen that Voldemort was back.

"When I get married," Fred says suddenly, tugging at his own robes. "I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like, and I'll put a full Body-Bind Curse on Mum until it's all over."

My mouth runs dry at his words, but I stay completely silent.

"And I'll make sure she gets out of it," Selena says suddenly, adjusting a balloon that was flying a bit too low. "Your mother is lovely, you know."

"You just like her because she's better than your Mum."

"Fred, love, anyone is better than my Mum," Selena responds before adjusting her dress a bit. "But not the point, Molly is seriously the nicest person I've met."

She's not wrong, Mrs. Weasley is really nice.

"Oh blimey, brace yourselves - here they come, look," George says suddenly as brightly colored figures start to appear.

"Excellent, I think I see a few Veela cousins," George says while staring at the small crowd that is approaching. "They'll need help understanding our English customs, I'll look after them."

"Not so fast, Your Holeyness," Fred says as he darts away a few middle-aged witches, asking if he could help the younger veela girls, to which they agree.

"Oh, let him have a bit of fun," Selena says to George while helping an older male wizard to his seat. "He's seriously only interacted with his family and a few friends."

"I know..." George mutters as he goes off to help some middle-aged witches to their seats.

"They're both hopeless," Selena jokes before going off to help with who-knows-what.

And Harry and I are now alone...yay.

"So, how does it feel being seventeen?" I ask awkwardly, not being able to stand still.

"It's nice being about to use magic..."

"Yep," I nod, still rocking on my heels. "That it is."


"So..." I breathe out, wracking my brain on what to say. "You and Ginny back together yet?"


"I know," I hold out my hands in surrender. "I just do not believe that you two will stay broken, you both are literally too lovesick to do that."

"Says the person who-"

"Finish that sentence, and I'll send you to You-Know-Who in a gift bag for his next birthday," I say before smiling at him.

Do I act a bit mean?


Does he deserve it?

Also yes.

"Why are you acting like that anyways?"

This causes my train of thought to halt. "What?"

"Ever since this morning," Harry starts to clarify due to my confusion, "you've been pretty jumpy. You didn't have another one of those visions did you?"

"Even if I did, which I'm not telling you, I'm more worried about you seeing into You-Know-Who's thoughts again. That's not good you know."

Harry groans at my words, probably already getting the same speech from Hermione. "Can you not?"

"Aww, does it annoy you?" I ask with a grin, putting up a small facade.

"Yes, it actually-"

"Then it's legally my job to further annoy you," I joke before leaning on a wall. My dress is uncomfortable, probably because I already feel like crap, so I'm not having the best day.

And to add to the pile of issues, I saw one of my best friends die.

That's what's supposed to happen anyways.

But I can change it...maybe.

I may need to employ someone else's help when the time comes, but I still can fix this.


I've learned that a lot of deaths can have different outcomes by a small detail changing, someone being aware of the risk.

When we were transported into the graveyard, I figured out that I needed Cedric to hide so that he didn't die and I was able to hex Bellatrix before Sirius died.

I couldn't save Dumbledore, but I am sure that he was cursed way before his death last year.

What I do regret, however, is that I wasn't able to stop Draco from already damming himself.

Depending on when he can get away from the Death Eaters, he will have less or more of a case on him.

I'm still determined to get him out of that situation.

Now, if he wants to get out of the situation in this moment is beyond me, but I hope he does.

Next time I see him, I will kidnap him if I have to.

"Wotcher," a familiar voice says, causing Harry and I to turn towards her. Tonks actually turned blonde for the occasion, so that's cool. "Arthur told us you were the one with the curly hair," she says to Harry. "Sorry for last night. The Ministry's being very anti-werewolf at the moment and we thought our presence might not do you any favors."

"You don't have to apologize," I say simply as I help Harry lead Remus and Tonks to their seats. "The Ministry has and always will be horrible."

Remus' face brightens for a moment, but he seems a bit down.

How depressing.

Tonks laughs slightly at my answer. "Better be careful on who you say that to."

"What are they going to do? Stick me in Azkaban? Even so, I know the hack on how to stay somewhat sane," I say with a grin while lightly hitting my temple. My grin falls, however, when I think about Sirius. "Where is - er - Snuffles and Whitey anyways?"

Tonks and Remus glance at eachother before staring back at me. "They both decided that it would be in everyone's best interest to stay away from the party." Remus says simply, causing me to narrow my eyes.

I don't think I'm getting the entire picture.

"Anyways, I should go, I'll talk to you both later," I say while waving goodbye.

I don't like being out of the loop.


I jump at the soft voice, softly smiling at the sixth year that just spoke. "Luna! Didn't know you would be here!"

"Well that's the surprise in it all, I suppose," Luna says, staring at the setting sun.

I nod at the girl, always willing to be in her company.

Luna Lovegood is strange, but also rather wise. She's intelligent and uses her intelligence to help her in situations.

She's a true Ravenclaw.

I spot her finger, which is rather bloody, causing me to worry. "What happened?"

"Oh," she says wistfully, "one of the gnomes bit me, isn't it wonderful?"

You know, I may be used to the girl, but sometimes what she says throws me off. "I'm sorry, you're happy about that?"

"Father has researched the magical properties of gnome saliva!" She rambles on about how amazing gnomes are, making me smile.

I don't understand what she's saying, but she seems to be happy while talking about it.

"Ah, Luna, I was wondering where you wandered off to," a man says. He has shoulder-length white hair and a cap with a tassel that dangles in front of his nose. "Ah, I see you were talking to someone."

I smile at the man, observing the similarities of himself and Luna, deducing that he and Luna are related. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," he says eccentrically, "Xenophilius Lovegood."

"Hailey Potter," I say while shaking his hand.

Harry has been told to keep his identity private, but since I'm not under a Polyjuice potion, I just assume that I can continue to be myself.

"Ah, Miss Potter, my Luna didn't tell me that she was friendly with you," he says, glancing at Luna.

"Well, we've only been acquainted for a few years, so that's not a surprise," I say kindly to the wizard.

"May I ask, are you aware that the necklace you are currently wearing bears a similar appearance to the mark of the Deathly Hallows?"

I grab onto my necklace absentmindedly, forgetting that I even had it on.

I had to change the chain recently, but the pendant is still is amazing condition.

"I was aware of the similarities, yes. I also am aware of the similarities it holds with Grindelvald's sign, I would appreciate if you don't mention it. It's not affiliated with either, after all," I say before smiling at Luna. "I apologize, but I really must be going."

And with that, I take my leave, not wanting to be in conversation with the man.

Am I being ridiculous?

Obviously, but I just don't want to talk about a necklace my Death-Eater boyfriend gave me in first year. Too many hard memories to deal with.

As I sit down in my own seat, I don't fail to notice that they sat me next to Ron's great-aunt Muriel.

"Is there another one of you?"

"Pardon?" I ask softly, looking at her. "I'm not sure if I heard you correctly."

Her face pales slightly as I actually speak. "You're Hailey Potter, aren't you?"

"That would be correct," I smile at her. Honestly, her abrasiveness is refreshing. There are too many people treating me as if I could break any moment.

"So you could come, but your brother decided not to busy himself with this."

"He's quite stressed," I reply simply, glancing at Harry with a smirk. I'm sure he can hear the conversation, as we are fairly close. "He's also rather lazy, but that's a secret between you and me, ma'am."

Harry looks back at me, causing me to grin.

Got under his skin again.


"Well, let's look at you," Muriel says, causing me to glance at her. "You at least have some manners about you, and your taste isn't horrible either," she says while looking over my emerald dress. "That necklace doesn't do you any favors-"

"-it was a gift from someone important to me-"

"-let me finish, girl!" Muriel says while glancing at me again. "At least you have some dignity about you, unlike Ginevra, have you seen her dress? Disgraceful." Muriel says, causing me to nod absentmindedly. She clicks her tongue, shaking her head. "Ah, but you have skinny ankles, such a shame."

I have no idea what she just said, but okay.

We all fall silent as Bill and Charlie stand up in front of the marquee, both wearing dress robes. Fred wolf-whistles, causing some people to laugh.

I don't dare since I'm sitting next to Muriel, who probably would talk my ear off if I did.

A collective sigh erupts as Fleur makes her entrance in a simple white dress that practically glows. Ginny and Gabrielle walk down together, both adorning golden dresses.

As they say their vows and such, I can't help but admire Ginny a bit. Muriel mentions that her dress is too low-cut, but I don't personally care.

Harry is lucky, I'll give him that.

If I wasn't so dedicated to Draco, I would attempt to steal that girl so fast-

What? She's attractive.

"Ladies and gentlemen! If you would, please stand up!" The tufty man that just pronounced Fleur and Bill as married says.

He waves his wand once we all stand, having the chairs float and canvas wall around us disappears. A pool of molten gold spreads from the center of the tent to the dance floor. The chairs are now grouped around small tables, which float gracefully down.

That was a whole lot of pointlessness.

I take my leave from Muriel, sighing of relief when I'm far enough away from her. She's scarier than I am.

"Your hair is coming undone," a voice says, causing me to glance at them.

Selena Willaims isn't really someone I interact with very much. I knew her vaguely in Hogwarts, well enough to recommend the twins to talk to her about new projects, but not enough to consider us close or anything.

"Thanks," I reply with a smile, pulling my wand out of my bag and charming my hair back into place.

"Anytime," she says, glancing apprehensively around. "Have you seen Fred and George? Lovegood and his daughter told me about something that might be a good product for the shop."

"Oh," I say while slipping my wand in my bag again. "Sorry, no. I'm sure they're off doing something though."

"Thanks anyways," she says before walking off to who knows where.

I wish people would just leave me alone today.

I'm too tired for this.

I slump in a chair next to Harry, taking notice of Viktor Krum. "Barny, today is rather tiring, gotta say," I say while using Harry's temporary alias.

"Ah, Hailey, right?" Viktor says awkwardly, causing me to roll my eyes.

Look, I don't hate the guy, but he's just weird.

"We both were in the Triwizard Tournament, but I'm surprised you still remember me," I say while tapping my fingers on the table.

I'm in a sarcastic mood today.

"Well, how are you then?"

I blink slowly at the male, coming up with a best case scenario of this encounter. "You and Hermione still writing to eachother?" I say back, trying to get this conversation to finish."

"Ah, well, she and one of those Weasley boys seems to be-"

"Did you seriously only write to her to get her to date you?" I retort, already bored with this situation.

"Well, you never answered my question."

"Look, even if I was single, which I'm not, I'm actually happily in a relationship, I wouldn't date someone who's most precious person was a fourteen-year-old girl they met not even a term prior. And even to add to that, they themself was seventeen at the time."

"Barny, I'll talk to you later, alright?" I say kindly before just walking to a corner and sitting, laying my head on my knees.

Today has been tiring.

I don't know how long I sit there, just looking like I dozed off, but my attention is taken elsewhere when a graceful lynx Patronus runs by me.

The Patronus opens its mouth, and out comes the voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt:

"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

Chapter 135: Running

Chapter Text

Damn it.

One day of peace, one day of rest, that is all I ask for.

Just...what the hell.

Panic arises as everyone runs around, trying to get away from the area.

I just stand there, not wanting to be trampled by the panicked people. The less I get in the crowd, the easier it is to find my brother and friends.

"Hailey! Ron!" My head snaps up the sound of Hermione's voice, causing me to walk slightly in the crowd until I see the group for three desperately looking for me.

"Right here!" I yell, grabbing onto Harry's hand.

In a moment, there is black.

The ever so familiar feeling of everything crushing you is evident.

And then, it stops.

"Where are we?" Ron asks, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Tottenham Court Road," Hermione pants. "Walk, just walk, we need to find somewhere for you to change."

You know, I count myself lucky. Hermione is wearing a long dress while Harry and Ron are wearing dress robes. At least I'm wearing a shorter dress.

"You both are so lucky Hermione and I thought of charming our bags," I hiss out, holding onto my purse that looks like it would only be able to fit a small pocketbook.

Hermione pulls Harry and Ron into an alley, causing me to follow as well. The bushy-haired girl pulls out some clothes for both boys.

I throw Harry and Ron the invisibility cloak and just sit down on the floor.

Sure, I have no idea who has been on this street before me, but I frankly don't care.

"I told you at the Burrow, I've had essentials packed for days, you know, in case we needed to make a quick getaway. I packed your rucksack this morning, Harry, after you changed, and put them in here...I had a feeling..." Hermione mutters out quickly.

"You're amazing, you are," Ron says before there is shuffling around, causing me to perk up a bit.

"Is it safe?"


"Great," I say before facing the trio, my wand in my hand. "Just have to do something."

I take my hair tie out of my hair, causing my hair to fall silently, reaching my waiste.

"Hailey, what are you-"

In a quick moment, I grab my hair with my right hand, and use my wand to cut most of the hair off.

"Hailey!" Hermione gasps as the hair falls to the floor below. "Why on earth would you do that?"

"You-Know-Who has taken over the Ministry, the less recognizable I am, the better. I've always had long hair, a pixi-cut will be a nice change anyways."

"But your hair-"

"It'll grow back," I say while slipping on a black jumper over my dress. "All four of us are probably going to he the most wanted in the country, so at least this will help."

"Bloody hell, this is actually happening," Ron says while leaning on a wall, running a hand through his hair.

"Unfortunately," I joke, staring at Harry intently. "You should wear the cloak. You're the one You-Know-Who really wants, I'm not the one destined to kill him."

Harry rolls his eyes, but slips the cloak on anyways, completely disappearing from sight.

"Now wouldn't it be hilarious if we just stunned Harry and made a break for it?" I joke, but nobody laughs unfortunately. "Oh well, one day I guess."

We start to walk, and I just pause, staring at where I believe Harry is. "Don't worry about the people at the wedding, alright? The Order was there, they'll keep everyone safe."

"Come on, I think we ought have to keep moving," Hermione says as we go back u ok the side street, making our way onto the main road once more.

"Luckily, we're in the Muggle world, it may just buy us a little time," I say to no one in particular as we continue to walk.

"But don't you feel a bit - exposed?" Ron asks awkwardly, looking around.

"What else is there?" Hermione asks as we walk by a group of men, who start to whistle loudly at us.

You know, sometimes murder is the answer....

Not today Hailey, not today.

"All right, darlings?" The drunkest man if the lot asks loudly. "Fancy a drink? Ditch the ginger boy and come have a pint!"

Ron opens his mouth to say something, but I stop him, walking forward slightly. The man grins, "well, at least one of you has some brains on you!"

"Yes, well," I say, my expression not shifting to anything other than pure annoyance, "unless you wish to lose the ability to make a female pregnant, which I don't suggest since you would probably raise it to be a horrible human being, I suggest you leave me and my friend alone. 'Kay?" I smile at the end and the guy just backs off slightly.

"Well, c'mon, Hermione, Ron," I say while grabbing the two teens and dragging them away from the guys, hoping that Harry is following in pursuit.

"That was bloody brilliant," Ron mutters causing me to grin.

"I filtered myself actually, don't want to draw too much attention on ourselves." I finally let go of them once we're far enough away from the jackasses.

Oh, what I would for just to spend a minute cursing those imbeciles...

Geez, I need some mental help sometimes.

We enter a small all-night café. Grease lightly covers the tables, which is evident when we sit down.

I sigh in relief, taking off my heels. I forgot I was wearing them, which isn't a good idea.

My feet are absolutely killing me.

A gum-chewing waitress walks toward our table as Ron and Hermione fight over if we can pop over to the Leaky Cauldron.

"Two cappuccinos and a iced mocha-frappe, please," I say quickly to the girl, causing her to nod and walk away quickly. I pause though, staring at the space I think Harry is in. "Harry, don't use You-Know-Who's name."

"Why?" He whispers as two workmen walk in.

"Just a hunch," I mutter out, glancing at the two new customers, narrowing my eyes.

Something doesn't feel right.

The waitress comes back with our drinks, my nose scrunching up when I take a sip.

"Well that's definitely luke-warm," I say, placing down the drink onto the table.

"God, that's revolting," Ron says loud enough for the waitress to hear, causing the girl to glare at him.

One of the workman waved the waitress away.

"Guys, I think we need to go," I say while staring at the two of the trio apprehensively. "Like right now."

Hermione looks confused at my statement. "Hailey, what do you-"

"Stupefy!" Harry yells out, hitting one of the workmen, causing him to slump forward.

"That's what I mean!" I hiss out, drawing my own wand out of my purse.

The other workman shoots another spell at Ron, binding him in shining black ropes.

I send out a stunning spell at the wizard, but he dodges easily. "sh*t!" I yell out, ducking behind a table before it blows up.

Crawling behind another table, I reach in my bag and grab one of the storm-in-a-bottles, taking the cork out off of it.

With a quick motion, I throw it toward the man, causing a small thunderstorm to manifest in the diner, obstructing his view for just enough time.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Hermione and I both yell out, causing the male to seize up and fall like a statue, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Finite!" I yell out, causing the storm to dissipate, as if it was never even here.

Once again, I sigh before crawling over to Ron.

"Here," I mutter out before freeing Ron from the ropes, which he thanks me. "Now, next time I say we need to leave, we need to leave, understood?" My voice comes out in a hiss as I get closer to the two people that attacked us.

"Hailey, you aren't the one running the-"

"Other than Hermione, you lot are utter morons," I snap, glancing at the two Death Eaters. "So forgive me if I am a bit aggressive."

Harry sighs, deciding to drop it once Ron actually tells him to.

Good job Ron, I like you more than Harry right now.

At least you aren't moronic enough to use Voldemort's name when we are running from the guy.

"That's Dolohov," Ron says, staring at the Death Eater Hermione and I petrified. "I recognize him from the old wanted posters. I think the big one's Thorfinn Rowle."

"Never mind what they're called!" Hermione yells out hysterically. "How did they find us? What are we going to do?"

"Maybe You-Know-Who put a spell on his name," I say aloud, causing the three to look at me. "I researched it. During the Muggle and Wizard war, they put taboos on certain terms and spells, so they could be alerted if someone said it."

"That is a big possibility..." Hermione mutters out, looking worried.

"So keep your damn mouth shut, Harry," I hiss out before kneeling down to Dolohov. "We need to wipe their memories and fix up the café, might keep them off our tail for a bit."

"I've never done a memory charm," Ron says awkwardly.

"Hermione, I'm assuming you haven't either?" I ask, causing her to shake her head. "Well, you're going to have to learn." With a sigh, I lift my want to Dolohav's head and mutter out the spell. "You think you got it?"

Hermione nods, scurrying over to the other guy.

"Both of you," I point to Harry and Ron with my wand, causing them to jump. "Fix up the café, we can't have them finding out they fought with us. The less the café is messed up, the less suspicious it looks."

Ron mocks salutes, trying to raise the mood a bit. "You're the boss."

"I better be," I hiss out before locking the door to the café.

I'm almost one-hubdred percent sure that Voldemort put a taboo on his name.

Why wouldn't he? He has control of the Ministry, it would be the easiest way to find the people who do not fear him.

Basically, it's the easiest way to find Harry.

Geez, Harry needs to learn how to be smart.

Once we've fixed everything, we leave, pretending that we weren't even there.

Such a shame, while the iced coffee wasn't cold, it wasn't bad.

"Why don't we go to Grimmauld?" I ask, causing the three to pause suddenly. "What I mean is, Moody put enchantments up, so it should be safe."


"Hermione, Hailey's right," Harry says suddenly, nodding at me in an attempt to diffuse any tension. "It's our best bet."

Hermione doesn't argue, grabbing Harry and Ron's hand, staring at me. "Hailey, you need to hold onto us."

"I'll be back in a moment," I say, waving the girl off, causing her to tilt her head. "I'll be fine, don't worry."


"Don't call me that, Harry." I hiss out before glancing back into the café. "Just go, alright?"

Hermione nods, causing all three of them to disappear with a loud pop.

I sigh, walking back into the café and locking the door.

The waitress shouldn't wake up for another fifteen minutes, I have fifteen minutes until I need to get out of here.

I can do that.

I kneel towards Dolohav, flicking my wand so that he is encased with that simple jelly charm I came up with in first year.

"Accio," I mutter out, grabbing a small vile and pressing it to his lips so that he'll drink it. "Ah, sleeping beauty up, I see?" I joke as he groans and opens his eyes. "Now I have some questions for you."

He glares at me, not opening his mouth to speak.

I sigh, picking at my nails in a bored fashion. "Fine, if I have to torture you for the information, I will. I'm not like my brother in that regard. I did try to give you the easy way out though...such a shame."

"The Dark Lord will be happy to know that you've been located," he hisses out, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Sorry darling, you aren't moving until I get you out of there. And I'm not doing that until I get an answer." I raise my wand at him, acutely aware of my time ticking away until I need to make some pass out again. "Where is Draco Malfoy?"

"He will be returning to Hogwarts, helping the Carrows and Snape create a more...pure blood way of education possible."

I laugh, running a hand through my hair. Truth serum is lovely, I must say. "Will he be returning to Malfoy manor during the holidays."

"Yes, the Dark Lord wants him as close as possible."

A small grin becomes evident on my features as I adjust my grip on my wand.

Draco Malfoy, you're going to be kidnapped this year, whether you like it or not.

"Thank you so much for the information, Dolohav," I say before using the memory charm on him. With another flick of my wand, the jelly disappears, as if it wasn't even there.

And with a quick glance around the café, I Apparate out of the area.

Chapter 136: Remus, How About Not Telling Two Orphans That You Want To Abandon Your Child and Wife

Chapter Text

"HAILEY!" a voice screams out before hugging me tightly.

"Whoa! Calm down 'mione!" I say in a joking manner as the girl hugs me tightly. "I wasn't gone for that long."

"I'd say a few days is a pretty long time, Hails," Ron mutters out before gesturing for me to get further into the home. "Who's to say we wouldn't leave the day after we got here."

"Harry wouldn't let you," I say with a sarcastic smile. "If you tried to leave when I'm not around, his hero complex would kick in."

"I don't have a hero complex."

"Sure, and I'm all-knowing when it comes to romance," I glare at him, before my expression softens. "Your scar's been hurting you."

"Yeah, hasn't yours?" Harry asks, grasping his forehead.

I shake my head in response, dropping my bag onto a chair. "It's more of a mental thing, you know? Like when you read a story and you practically feel what the characters are going through. So, whenever that scar of yours hurts, my brain almost immediately tells me to feel the same way since our scars are similar, make sense?"

Harry blinks, obviously not comprehending what I just said.

"While that does sound fascinating," Hermione says, looking back at Harry and then at me, "it doesn't answer where you were."

"I was just walking around, alright?"

"You really think we believe that?" Ron spouts out in annoyance. "Like Hermione said, you were gone for days."

"I checked on someone, it's no big deal," I say, brushing off their worries.

Can they at least let me sleep before bombarding me with questions?

Okay, granted, I was gone for days, but still.

"Who is that important for you to check on them? For you not even to send a message that you were alright?"

"Harry, I don't quite like your tone," I hiss out before sitting down. "I was gathering information on someone, and it's less conspicuous if there's only one person doing it."

"Who were you even looking for?"

"Looks like you have to wait to find out," I say with a forced smile before pulling out a book from my bag.

The Tales of Beetle the Bard, a collection of stories that I read years ago.

Incidentally, one of the stories in the collection connects to the necklace I wear on my neck.

Next time I see Draco, I'm definitely asking for the reason.

I've been curious about the reason for the specific pendant for years, but I thought that it just might not mean anything.

But Voldemort is looking for something...and I have a small inclination that one of those stories isn't exactly fiction.

"Mudbloods and filth dishonoring my house-"

Harry looks to me and I merely shrug. I may act like it, but I don't know everything.

Just most things.

Okay, I am allowed to be a bit co*cky from time to time.

"Hold your fire, it's me, Remus!"

"Moony, you forgot about me!"

"I'm about to murder you both if you keep yelling."

Great, we have company.

I slide off the chair, shuffling toward the door in a quiet manner. There, in the doorway, stands Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Jean Farley.

"Hailey, your hair!" Jean says, rushing forward toward me. "I mean - it doesn't look bad, I'm just surprised..."

I laugh at her, but raise a brow at her appearance. "You're allowed to talk about my haircut when you don't even have the same hair color?"

"Oh," she says before looking back toward Sirius, her hand holding onto a few strands. "I thought I was due a change."

I'd say it's a change. Her once long, platinum blonde hair is shoulder length and a blue shade of black.

"Lower your wand Harry, they're the real ones," I say lowly causing Harry to lower his wand at the three.

"How are you sure?"

"The Polyjuice potion only copies so much. Limps aren't in the category of what it mirrors," I explain, closing the curtains on Mrs. Black's portrait. "There was a full moon two days ago, so it would be logical for Remus to be a tad bit injured thanks to that. Jean's personality is pretty hard to copy, even I can't tell what she's thinking half the time."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Sirius also carries himself in a certain air of confidence that's pretty hard to copy as well." I smile at the man, who nods with a smile that mirrors my own. "But if you want to question them further, be my guest. Don't really care about the outcome either way."

"I think we're fine," Harry mutters out, causing me to grin.

Can I break his spirit more? Please? I won't be that mean when I do.

"Great, now, if you guys want it, I did snag some tea from Miss Rosa's in Diagon Alley," I say while shuffling over to the kitchen.

"Miss Rosa?"

"Probably better not to ask."

Ron being smart? Woah.

It's an early Christmas miracle.

I sift through my thing while waiting for the water to boil. Once said water does boil, as evident by the loud screaming of the kettle. The water sloshes as I pour the water into seven cups, all muggles cups that are supposed to hot hot drinks that I knocked from a Muggle coffee shop.

"Tea's ready," I say with a smile, placing the cups down, giving one to each person around the table. "Now, what brings you here? Life on the outside that difficult?"

"You shouldn't joke like that," Remus mutters, taking a sip from his tea.

"Oh, lay off her. It would be better for us to joke then mope around all day." Sirius retorts, bringing a small smile to Remus' face.

"You probably already know about this, knowing you," Jean says with a smile, passing an issue of the Prophet to me.

'Wanted for questioning about the death of Albus Dumbledore.'

"Yeah, saw this earlier this morning," I hand her back the paper, rubbing my temples in annoyance. "Looks like we are really dealing with an entire Death Eater takeover."

"But surely people realize what's going on?" Hermione asks, glancing at the paper.

"The coup has been smooth and virtually silent," Lupin says solemnly.

"More like anyone who says something against their ideals turns up de-" Sirius interrupts himself with a hiss of pain as Jean seemingly kicks his leg without so much of a warning.

"The official version of Scrimgeour's murder is that he resigned. He has been replaced by Pius Thickness, who is under the Imperious curse." Remus says simply, acting rather tired.

"Why didn't Voldemort declare himself in the Minister of magic?" Ron asks, causing my eye to twitch. I'll discuss hiss use of Tom Riddle's alias at a later time.

There is a time and place for everything, and I do not believe it is the time nor place at this very moment.

Lupin laughs at Ron's question, causing Jean to shift uncomfortably in her seat. "He doesn't need to, Ron. Effectively he is the Minister, but why should he sit behind a desk at the Ministry? His puppet, Thicknesse, is taking care of everyday business, leaving Voldemort free to extend his power beyond the Ministry."

"All this, and he's still not satisfied." I say darkly, finishing my tea. "All this, just because Harry is destined to kill him. Who knew the all powerful Tom Riddle was such a coward."

"Hailey, this isn't the time-"

"No, it's the right time to start discussing how pathetic that man, if you can call him that, is. Harry," I glance at Harry, swallowing at nothing. "He capitalizes on fear and uncertainty. That's exactly why he is doing all of this in the first place." My hand reaches for the Prophet again as I turn to page two. "He's creating chaos by spreading lies so everyone else goes on a manhunt for him. Hell, he's even got the Prophet claiming that Muggle-borns stole their magic."

"What." Hermione says, grabbing the paper from me and quickly skimming through the article. "How are we supposed to have stolen magic?" Hermione asks as her eyes widen at the article in front of her.

"It's mental," Ron mutters out, glancing behind his girlfriend's shoulder so that he can read the article as well. "If you could steal magic there wouldn't be any squibs."

"With the chaos happening now, nobody gives a damn about what doesn't make sense. It's like the witch trials from our history. Within the confusion, no one is using their common sense, and would rather to ally themselves with the wrong people to keep their family safe," Jean says solemnly, finishing up her tea. With a sigh, she summons the kettle, carefully pouring herself another cup full of hot water before bringing out her own teabag.

"That's horrible, absolutely horrible," Hermione mutters out in worry.

You know, I actually feel bad for her. She's gone through a hell of a lot at it would be pretty stupid of me to just deny that to make myself feel better.

Plus, I don't have many issues with her. Is she annoying? Yeah, definitely, but the only one I have serious problems with is Harry and that's a personal thing.

"I'll tell everyone you're my cousin," Ron says suddenly, causing some of us to jump.

"Hey, you would live up to pureblood expectations then," I joke, causing Sirius to snort, who is then kicked once more by Jean.

"Thank you Ron," Hermione says, not acknowledging my beautiful joke, "but I couldn't let you."

"You wouldn't have a choice. I'll teach you my family tree so you can answer the questions on it."

Oh look at that, they fight like an old married couple already.

Let's ignore that Draco and I act the same way half of the time.

Hermione produces a shaky laugh as she seemingly tries to gain her bounds with the influx of information thrown at her in the last five minutes. "Ron, we're on the run with Hailey and Harry Potter, the most wanted people in the country. I don't think it matters. If I was going back to school it would be different. What's Voldemort planning for Hogwarts?" Hermione look at the three adults intently, as if making sure everything they say is genuine."

That's my girl.

Look, I pride myself in teaching people how to be wary of others so they aren't manipulated.

So good job for her.

"Snape took over as headmaster," Jean says, squeezing Sirius' hand with her own, "which probably is making Minnie fume right now. That woman-"


Jean flashes Remus an apologetic smile before clearing her throat and continuing. "Attendance is now required. If you're of school age and live in Britain, well you need to go to Hogwarts. Usually, your parents can choose to send you abroad or homeschool you themselves, but good old Voldy doesn't like that. He wants to manipulate them as young as possible, cunning little pri-"


"Alright!" She hisses out, slightly glaring at him, "I'll shut up."

Well she seems on edge.

All three of them seem on edge really.

"Now," Remus says, glancing at all of us, "I'll understand if you can't confirm this. But the Order is under the impression that Dumbledore left you with a mission."

Jean mutters something that I can't quite hear, causing me to narrow my eyes at the woman.

She seems pissed about something, and considering that Sirius is failing to cover up his hard looks from time to time, they both seem angry.

Now, it's not about Harry or me, I'm pretty sure. Ron and Hermione probably aren't the cause either.

So what are they angry about?

"He did," Harry confirms, glancing at me as if I'm supposed to tell him what he should and should not say. Hell, I don't even know what he should say at this point. "And Ron and Hermione are in on it, and they're coming with me. And Hailey, well I don't particularly know her reasoning yet."

I lift my hands up in mock surrender. "Just here to make sure my darling brother doesn't kill himself in attempting to be the hero."

"I already told you, I don't have a her-"

"Can you confide in me what the mission is?" Remus asks suddenly, causing the other two adults at the table to scowl slightly.

Harry studies the brunette for a bit, as if wishing he could provide a better answer. "I can't, Remus, I'm sorry, but if Dumbledore didn't tell you,I don't think I can."

"Yeah, because Dumbledore was so trustworthy," Jean says a bit too loudly, causing us all to stare at her. She pauses for a moment before swiftly apologizing.

I don't disagree with her in all honesty.

He's kept something big from Harry, and I just can't help but resent him for that.

"I thought you'd say that," Remus says, looking quite disappointed. "But I might still be of use to you. You know what I am and what I can do. I could come with you to provide protection. There would be no need to tell me exactly what you were up to."

I call bullsh*t.

There is no way we can destroy horcruxes with him there, not with him being intelligent and all.

"Tell me Remus," I say with my eyes slightly narrowed, my mind slowly piecing together the information I've just gathered on the individual, "where is Tonks right now? You know, your wife."

I could swear I saw a small smile grace itself on Jean's lips for a fleeting second.

"Tonks is perfectly fine. She's staying at her parent's home."

"She may be doing that, but I don't think she likes it," I retort, my eyes narrowing even further. "So tell me Remus, why exactly do you want to grace us with your presence?"

"Tonks is going to have a baby."



Oh that's what this is.

Ron and Hermione say praises, talking about how happy they are for him, but all three adults look tense at the mention of it.

This son of a-


I cover my mouth as I suppress a small laugh at his complete and utter idiocy. "So this is what this all is about? What, are you afraid that they're going to be embarrassed that they have a werewolf for a dad or something?"

"Hailey..." Hermione says in a warning tone, but I brush her off.

"Because leaving that child is going to be one of the biggest mistakes you ever make." I glance at my hands, clasping them together in an attempt to keep myself grounded in reality. "Do you know how horrible it is to grow up with family members? I'm sure there's instances where the kids are happy, but a lot of them just want to be with their families," my eyes flick to his before looking down again, "no matter how unconventional a family member may be."

"Tonks will be there for the-"

"That kid will need a father as well," I say while my voice cracks. "One that will show them the wonders that is chocolate, to teach them things too private to talk to their mum about, and if you can be there for the kid, be there."


"Can you shut up for a moment, Hermione, please."

"Hails, you can't just talk to her like-"

"No Ron, Hailey and I actually agree on something," Harry says suddenly, causing me to glance in his direction.

Uh oh, pissed off Harry is not a good version of my brother.

"You know, you're right, they probably would be ashamed of you-"


"If the new regime thinks that Muggle-borns are bad, what will they do to a half-werewolf whose father is in the Order." You know, I don't like the words he's using, but I like the message, so I'm going to let him continue...for now. "Our father died trying to protect our mother and us, and you reckon he would tell you to abandon your kid and go on adventures with us?"

You know, it's very rare when Harry and I are in agreement.

But when we are, we both are rather scary when we want to be.

Remus looks shocked at the recent outbursts from both of us, and I don't ignore the fact that Jean and Sirius are looking quite content with the outcome that has happened. "How - how dare you. This is not a desire for - for danger or personal glory - how dare you suggest such a thing."

"I don't think you're getting a desire for danger actually," I say simply, my tone staying even as any emotion I portrayed a few moments ago has vanished. "No, I think you're trying to run away from your problems, trying to ignore them and do what you think is right for everyone, even if it doesn't help a single soul. As long as it makes you feel better about yourself and your situation, it's all fine, right?"

I'd never had believed this." Harry says, building on what I just said, "The man who taught me how to fight dementors - a coward."

In a merely few seconds, Harry is thrown to the wall and Remus is gone, bounding towards the front door in a huff.

"I'll go try to talk to him," Sirius says before walking off, causing Jean to sigh in relief.

"I should thank you two," she says, pulling a stand of hair behind her ear. "Sirius and I...we didn't know how exactly to talk to him...we've all been friends fo so long and-"

"What, so you're just going to push all your problems on us because you're-"

"Listen to me, and listen to me well, Harry," Jean hisses out, her eyes flashing a hue of red I hadn't seen since she caught Mundungus stealing from the house. "This-" she gestures to the kitchen in a huff, "isn't your property...isn't mine either...anyways! This isn't your house. Now, Sirius may be fine you you demeaning him, but I will not tolerate it. Get your attitude in check before you go too far."

She stands up, throwing away her cup in the trash. "Sirius and I are staying here for a while, since our flat and my father's house is too obvious. If I hear so much of a squeak that's disrespectful to me or Sirius, your arse will be out of here before you can even say Buckbeak, got it?" Her expression turns neutral when she turns to Ron and Hermione. "You two haven't pissed me off yet, so even if your moronic leader becomes even more of a moron, you're welcome to stay...Hailey, you are always welcome."

I smile and nod at her, happy to be included.

You know, it was due time for Harry to be called out, and I'm happy I could witness it.

"Okay, but serious I have to go?" I ask lazily as I continue to read the book I...borrowed.

"Hailey, do you really need to-"

"It's actually not me being lazy this time," my shoulders shrug as I place the book back into my bag, "I'm just going to kill her."

Mundungus thought it would be funny to steal a bunch of items from Grimmauld and sell it, incidentally selling the one item we needed in this house.

And guess who he sold it to?

The toad woman herself: Dolores Umbridge.

That, that toad, accounts to about a quarter of my mental issues...So, I do have a few problems with her.

Oh, who am I kidding? She's thriving in this environment. Of course she would. Annoying old bat.

"Hailey," Hermione scolds, "you shouldn't say things like that!"

"Okay, but if you four do end up reintroducing yourselves to the bitch, hex her at least," Jean says as she walks by, not staying long enough for an actual conversation. She travels to the kitchen before emerging with a glass of water, disappearing back upstairs in a few moments.

Hermione and Ron leave the room, going back to planning how we are all going to break into the Ministry, which I don't mind.

In fact, I want to go to the Ministry. I want to mess with things there, make it difficult for our favorite Riddle to stay in power with his little puppet under the Imperius curse.

But, that's not what the trio wants.

No, they're adamant about their mission, which I don't fault them for being so.

I just don't trust anything Dumbledore said, simple as that.

"Pretending those little visions of yours don't happen will make it worse for you in the long run," I say with my eyes closed, knowing that Harry is still in the room. "Talking to someone about it may actually help."

"No offense, but I don't think I want to talk about it with you."

I shrug, still not opening my eyes. "That's fair, probably would use it against you at one point anyways."

"You're being oddly passive."

I open my eyes to this, a small grin making itself evident on my features. "Oh, but dear brother, when am I not passive? Why would I ever be aggressive towards the person who is one of the sole reasons I'm anything but passive?"

Harry scowls at my statement, but doesn't say in response. No, he just walks away.

Like usual.

If Umbridge accounts for a quarter of my mental problems, Harry accounts for about fifty percent. Some people might not be bothered when their brother outright ignores them, but considering Harry and I used to be each other's sole support system, I'd say I'm allowed to be a bit pissed.

Hell, I used to be fairly kind in considerate, only got cynical around third year...

And look where that got me, hiding out in a musty house with my brother and his two friends, but not actually even being able to talk to each other.

Sounds about right.

Harry constantly questions why I'm aggressive...Well big surprise, when you're neglected by family, you sometimes build up some resentment toward them.

Hey, I'm not salty with the outcome of my life. If Harry wasn't an absolute jackass, I probably wouldn't have actually befriended Draco in the end...probably wouldn't really be in this mess either that I think about it...

"Hailey...are you - er - ready?" Hermione asks quietly, causing my gaze to snap to her direction almost instantly.

"I'm always ready, can't stand being late to things," I simply say while throwing her the invisibility cloak, which she gladly takes.

I groan as I stand, my ankles popping as I've sat in that chair for way too long. Shuffling to the kitchen for some last minute food, I can't help but notice Kreacher just acting one hundred times nicer than what he acted like in fifth year.

"Kreacher will make a steak-and-kidney pie for your return," the elf says, causing me to softly smile.

Frankly, I always liked Kreacher a bit better than Dobby. Perhaps it is due to the fact that Kreacher just always seemed to have a story behind him, and interesting one at that.

And turns out I was right. Kreacher had been tasked to destroy the locket by his old master, Sirius' brother, Regulus Black. Unfortunately, Mundungus stole the locket, putting the house-elf in a frenzy state for a little while.

Either way, I have been fond of the house-elf, especially since he is teaching himself how to be a tad bit more respectful.

I can respect the feeling of wanting to change.

"Bless him," Ron says fondly, causing my eye to twitch, "and when you think used to fantasize about cutting off his head and sticking it to the wall."

"You just like him now because he makes you food," I retort, causing Ron to scoff playfully at my statement.

The fact that I enjoy Ron's company more than my own brother's is kind of sad.

Hermione Diapparates with Ron first, leaving Harry and I alone with awkward silence. Jean and Sirius are fast asleep, as it is early in the morning, which sucks because I don't particularly like being around Harry.

Hermione returns, having both of us grab her as we all are pulled to the Ministry in a mere instant.

Taking a few gulps of breath, as I still hate Apparating, I straighten myself up and look like I wasn't affected at all.

And then comes the difficult part, stunning four Ministry officials so we can easily sneak in.

Hermione gets to become a woman named Mafalda Hopkirk.

Ron got a mousy looking fellow named Reg Cattermole, who seemed very adamant about going to work...strange.

Hermione and Ron leave for a mere ten minutes, coming back with two hairs. "I wasn't able to get the names of either of them, but they both went home with a nasty nosebleed, and a terrible cold respectively."

"Brillant," I say, taking one of the hairs and putting it in my Polyjuice potion. Within a few moments, we're all completely different people...which is great I guess.

Kind of wanted to cause chaos in the Ministry as myself, but that may ruin any chance I have at getting to my end goal.

Hermione and I have to go to the ladies lavatory, as the new way to enter the Ministry is by flushing ourselves down the toilet.

I'm not kidding.

Who are they expecting to show up, Harry Potter?

Ha ha, funny joke, very witty. Good job on that one.

I go first, pulling the chain as a sort of chute opens up and I get transported into the Ministry.

But what I see is absolutely horrible.

A statue of two wizards adorn the middle of the room, and they are sitting on other people.

They're sitting on muggles.

Magic is might? Lies. What makes us any better than the Muggles is the fact that we know more about their world.

This isn't the magical world I adored as an eleven-year-old.

Chapter 137: Umbridge, The Terrible Toad Woman

Chapter Text

"Ah, Malfalda, Travers sent you, did he?" Umbridge asks Hermione and I, making my skin boil. I don't like this woman, not at all.

"Y-yes," Hermione squeaks out, causing me to flinch. Way to be inconspicuous.

Umbridge goes on a rant, saying that she needs Hermione for something to do with the trials against muggle-borns.

How painfully ironic.

And then, the elevator stops, which Umbridge takes notice of. "Albert, Elsie, aren't you getting out?"

Minutes prior, I found out that the identity I am currently pretending to be is named Elsie Moon. Don't know where she works within the Ministry , but enough people seem to be friendly with her.

I grit my teach, internally wondering if it would be worth it to expose myself.

Harry beats me to saying anything, grabbing onto my shoulder as if to warn me not to say anything. "Yes, of course." He pushes me forward slightly, telling me that I need to get off the lift.

So I do get off.

Look, I may act quite antagonistic toward my brother, but I'm not a moron. Exposing myself so early is moronic.

There is enough time to cause chaos.

I glance behind myself, watching Hermione go up with Umbridge, disappearing from sight.

"Looks like we work in the same department," I mutter out, able to keep my voice undetected from everyone else. Harry only nods in response, not wanting to alert any workers that we may be acting odd.

"What brings you two up here?" The new Minister of Magic, Pius Thicknesse says. He has long black hair and a beard with silver streaks.

"We both needed a quick word from...Arthur Weasley." I roll my eyes at Harry's lie, but hey, it seems to have done the trick. "Someone said he was on level one."

"Ah," Thicknesse says, glancing at both of us. "Has he been caught having contact with an Undesirable?"

It takes everything in me not to punch this man right here and right now.

"Of course not," I say quickly, "even he's intelligent not to damn himself like that."

Hermione, when this war is over, I will apologize to you for that.

"Ah, well. It's only a matter of time if you ask me, the blood traitors are as bad as the Mudbloods. Good day, Runcorn, Moon."

"Good day, Minister," Harry and I say in unison, causing us to glance at eachother for a split second.

The moment Thicknesse leaves, Harry throws the cloak on both of us, causing us to disappear from sight. The moment we do disappear, however, a scowl becomes evident on my face. "I swear, he's lucky I don't condone the killing curse."

"Shouldn't you just say you don't condone killing?"

"Nope," I mutter as we shuffle around, "too quick for my taste."

Harry doesn't respond.

Probably for the better in all honesty.

Harry seems to be panicking, not liking that we weren't intelligent enough to come up with a plan if we were separated.

Oh well, just have to improvise.

Why we're even searching for Umbridge's office is beyond me. There is no way she's keeping the locket in her office, no, she would display it and claim it was a family heirloom or something cliché like that.

We enter a room where dozens of witches and wizards sit, causing Harry to gape in astonishment.

I push him out of the room when I realized what exactly they were doing.

They were creating pamphlets...

Specifically pamphlets that are anti-muggle-borns.

Harry would absolutely fume if he knew what they were making, so it's better to get far away from all of this.

"Will the old hag be interrogating Mudbloods all day?" One of the pamphlet makers says, causing me to pause my pushing of my brother.

"Careful," a wizard says to the girl who just spoke, accidentally dropping his papers.

"What, has she got magic ears as well as an eye?"

An eye?

I glance at the door the witch gestured to, and my heart sank as we got closer.

It's Mad-Eye's eye.

What kind of heartless bitch does this toad think she is?

The eye doesn't move anymore, just staring straight ahead, causing my throat to go dry.

Karma is going to get this woman tortured, and I'm all here for it.

Harry places the Decoy Detonator down, and I just watch it scuttle towards the witches and wizards. And just a few moments after that, black smoke enters the room, giving Harry and I the chance to get inside Umbridge's office undetected.

And boy, do I wish we didn't.

It looks exactly like Umbridge's office at Hogwarts, which makes me want to vomit. Plates with cats line the wall and the walls are a bright pink.

"Accio locket."

"Yeah, like that would work," I say sarcastically, deciding to look through her filing cabinet.

"What are you doing?"

"Gathering information," I mutter while finding a file on Mr. Weasley. "Arthur Weasley," I say aloud, peaking Harry's attention. "Blood status: Pureblood, but with unacceptable pro-Muggle leanings. Known member of the Order of the Phoenix. Family: wife (pureblood), seven children, two youngest at Hogwarts. NB: Youngest son currently at home, seriously ill, Ministry inspectors have confirmed."

"So it worked!" Harry interrupts, causing me to glance at him and nod silently.

"Yeah, I guess," I mutter, glancing back at the file. "Security status: Tracked. All movements are being monitored. Strong likelihood Undesirable No. 1 and 2 will contact (has stayed with Weasley family previously. sh*t," I stop reading, glancing at two posters in her office. Sure enough, there Harry and me are on a poster, the new nicknames on our chests. "Hey," I joke, nudging Harry in amusem*nt, "you're Undesirable number two!"

Harry glances at the poster of himself before glancing back at me. "Keep reading."

"There's nothing-" I stop myself to look at a small note, "to be punished."


That's not good.

Harry goes across the room, looking at something I'm not particularly interested in. It's something about Dumbledore, and I just don't want to interact with it at all.

"Harry," I say quietly, causing him to look away from the book that Rita Skeeter created, "we should go."

He nods, helping me get the cloak over himself once again.

The pamphlet-makers are still clustered around the Decoy Detonator, causing me to want to laugh out loud. Who knew the Ministry could be so moronic?

Oh wait, we already knew that.

"I bet it sneaked up here from Experimental Charms, they're always so careless, remember that poisonous duck?"

Okay, I want to know that story.

Not the time Hailey, not the time.

We both hop onto the empty lift, which a soaked disguised Ronald Weasley clambers on once the lift goes up one floor.

"M-morning," Ron stutters, not keeping eye contact with us.

Aww, little Won-Won is scared of us.

"Ron, it's me, Harry!"

I snort, relaxing slightly at Ron's bewildered appearance. He seems to be calmer now at least.

"Er - Hailey, I already know it's you," Ron says offhandedly.

Great to know that I'm pretty recognizable.

But, that's probably bad during these times...oops?

"Where's Hermione?" Ron asks suddenly.

"She had to go down to the courtrooms with Umbridge, she couldn't refuse, and-"

"...I quite understand what you're saying, Wakanda, but I'm afraid I cannot party to-" Mr. Weasley stops as he gets on the lift, talking to a white-haired wizard I assume is named Wakanda. Mr. Weasley sends a glare to Harry before smiling at Ron. "Oh, hello, Reg," he looks over Ron's robes, quite shocked at their state. "Isn't your wife in for questioning today? Er - what's happened to you? Why are you so wet?"

Don't snort at the comment Hailey, it's not the time.

"Yaxley's office is raining," Ron says quickly, addressing his father's shoulder instead of his face. "I couldn't stop it so they've sent me to get Bernie - Pillsworth, I think they said-"

"Yes, a lot of offices have been raining lately," Mr. Weasley says. "Did you try Meteolojinx Recanto? It worked for Bletchley."

"Meteolojinx Recanto?" Ron whispers in confusion. "No, I didn't. Thanks D - I mean, Arthur."

Nice save there, Ron.

The lift opens again, and in comes Percy Weasley.

God dammit, and I thought stopping myself from punching Umbitch is hard.

Percy didn't even realize he was in the lift with his Dad before he looked up and turned a deep shade of red, immediately leaving the lift when the doors open.

So, he's still a jackass, good to know.

Harry and I go to leave, but Harry is stopped by Mr. Weasley. "One moment, Runcorn."


The doors close, and the lift starts going down to a new floor.

"I hear you laid information about Dirk Cresswell."

Harry looks confused, and rightfully so. "Sorry?"

"Don't pretend, Runcorn," Mr. Weasley says fiercely. "You tracked down the wizard who faked his family tree, didn't you?"

Harry freezes for a moment, trying to comprehend everything. "I - so what if I did?"

"So Dirk Cresswell is ten times the wizard you are," Mr. Weasley says, absolutely furious. "And if he survives Azkaban, you'll have to answer to him, not to mention his wife, and his sons, and his friends-"

"Arthur," Harry says suddenly, interrupting the man. "You know you're being tracked, don't you?"

"Is that a threat, Runcorn?"

"No," Harry starts, "it's a fact! They're watching your every move-"

The lift suddenly stops and Arthur sweeps off it, making me sigh in relief. "Just your luck to impersonate a horrible person," I joke as we get the cloak back on, ready to find Umbridge.

"Shut up."

Aww, moody Harry is back, isn't that just adorable?

As we both shuffle toward the courtroom, I can't help but wonder how we're going to get ahold of Hermione without raising suspicions.

But, that train of thought dies inside me as I look up and come face to face with a Dementor.

Holy hell.

They're using Dementors to keep the suspected muggle-horns in line?

That's just horrible.

I grab Harry's hand as if on instinct, as if internally hoping he doesn't try to fight one of them.

Their heads face us as we walk, possibly sensing that two people, both with slivers of hope, are nearby.

Abruptly, before I actually start analyzing my actions, a door flings open, causing the people waiting to flinch in fear.

"No, no, I'm a half-blood, I'm a half-blood I tell you! My father was a wizard, he was, look him up, Arkie Alderton, he's a well know broomstick designer, look him up I tell you! Get your hands off me - get your hands-"

"This is your final warning," Umbridge says in a tone that makes my skin crawl. "If you struggle, you'll be subjected to Dementor's kiss."

His sobs stop, and become more like dry heaves, indicating that he's trying to calm himself.

Umbridge looks down at him with a smile that makes me want to punch her. "Take him away."

The man is ushered away by the two Dementors, disappearing after a while.

"Next, Mary Catermole," Umbridge calls out, a satisfied smile on her face.

That bitch.

A small woman with black hair stands up, completely shaking as she looks at the toad woman. She walks forward, shuddering as she passes the Dementors.

Harry pushes me forward almost instinctively, making us both slip into the courtroom before the door completely shuts.

The room is small, with a high ceiling that makes me feel like I'm in a well.

Too bad we don't have a dog named Lassie with us.

There are many more Dementors in the courtroom, and looking down at the white face of Miss Cattermole is Umbridge, Yaxley, and one Hermione Granger, albeit disguised.

"Sit down," Umbridge says softly, causing the poor woman to scramble to her seat. "You are Mary Elizabeth Cattermole?" Umbridge asks, prompting the woman to give a shaky nod in response. "Married to Reginald Cattermole of the Magical Maintenance Department?"

This causes the woman to burst out into tears, causing my throat to run dry. We're the reason this woman's moral support isn't here. She wouldn't be hysterical if he was here. This is our fault, this reaction is our fault. "I don't know where he is! He was supposed to meet me here!"

Umbridge ignores the hysterical woman, instead taking a small bit of joy from it. "Mother to Maisie, Ellie, and Alfred Cattermole?"

Miss Cattermole cries even harder at the mention of her children. "They're frightened - they think I might not come home-"

"Spare us," Yaxley spats, causing me to wonder if murder isn't a answer, but a question. And the answer, is yes. "The brats of Mudbloods do not stir our sympathies."

Harry and I both creep toward Hermione, immediately noticing the temperature change as Umbridge's patronus patrols. Harry mutters something to Hermione, but I'm way more inclined about the trial in question.

I want to help her.

God, Harry's hero complex is rubbing off on me.

"A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the Ministry today, Mrs. Cattermole." Umbridge says in a tone that makes me think she's looking down on the woman. Oh who am I kidding? She definitely is looking down on the woman. "Eight and a half inches, cherry, unicorn hair. Do you recognize description?" Mrs. Cattermole nods, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "Could you please tell us from which witch or you took that wand?"

Can I please send a jinx at that woman? Please? Just a little one? I promise it'll hurt.

"Took?" Mrs. Cattermole says in shock. "I-I didn't take it, it-t from anyone, I b-bought it when I was eleven years old! It - it - it chose me!"

Umbridge let's out a high pitched laugh, making me want to maim or seriously injure her. "No, no, I don't think so Miss Cattermole. Wands only choose witches and wizards. You are not a witch. I have your responses to the questionnaire that was sent to you here - Mafalda, pass them to me."

Hermione's hands are shaking as she gives the woman the papers on Mary Cattermole.

I should have Jean make her some tea when all of this bullsh*t is over with.

"That's- that's pretty Delores."

"What?" Umbridge snaps, looking down. "Oh yes, it's an old family heirloom...The S stands for Sewlyn...I'm related to the Sewlyns...Indeed there are very few pureblood families to whom I'm not related...A pity, that same cannot be said for you, 'Parents' professional green grocers."

How on earth did I know what Umbridge was going to say about the locket? She's rather predictable.

With a quick flick of my wand, Yaxley is stunned and unable to move.


"Hailey!" Hermione yells out, which only prompts a small, grin from me.

Harry quickly stuns Umbridge as well, causing me to groan. "You took the fun out of it!"

Harry doesn't respond.

Harry goes to do a patronus to defeat some dementors, because why not, while I help Hermione with duplicating the locket.

"We have to duplicate the locket," I say bluntly, staring at it in intrigue. A real life horcrux.

How interesting.

"I-I know that Hailey!" Hermione stutters out, but I don't really find it important to listen.

Harry's battling some dementors while saving Miss Cattermole.

Well this day is simply quite a bit more entertaining.

"Hermione, we're surrounded by dementors!"

Geez Harry, no need to shout.

"I know that, Harry, but if she wakes up and the locket's gone - I need to duplicate it - Geminio! There...That should fool her."

"You know what," I say, pointing my wand at Mrs. Cattermole, "Relashio!"

The chains fall to her feet, which I grin in accomplishment.

Never really worked on that spell, so I'm actually proud of doing that.

"You're going to leave here with us," Harry says while pulling the woman to her feet. "Go home, grab your children, and get out, get out of the country if you got to. Disguise yourselves and run. You've seen how it is, you won't get anything like a fair hearing here."

"Harry," Hermione says as we both get closer to the two, "how are we going to get out of here with all those dementors outside the door?"

"Wouldn't taking one in to study it," I say, causing the two disguises teens to star at me weirdly. "I was joking."

"Patronuses," Harry says, ignoring what I just said. "As many as we can muster."

"How boring," I whine, but still do my part and produce a glowing blue fox that hesitantly goes toward the stag.

"C'mon," I mutter, dragging Hermione out. Harry has Mrs. Cattermole to deal with, so I'm not bothering myself with him.

Harry halts and looks to the people waiting to go to trial. "It's been decided that you should all go home and go into hiding with your families," Harry says to the Muggleborns who look amazed at the dazzling animals. "Go abroad if you can. Just get well away from the Ministry. That's the - er - new official position. Now, if you'll follow the Patronuses, you'll be able to leave from the Atrium."

My heart sinks as I realize how stupid of a plan this truly is.

We're bringing way too much attention on ourselves.

Sometimes I can be such an idiot.

That belief is proved when Ron comes in, immediately hugged by Mrs. Cattermole. He mentions how they know that there are intruders and I just want to hit a wall.

Can anything go right?

Harry then starts yelling at a Ministry worker saying that the group with us are all purebloods or something, threatening to look into the worker's family tree.

I don't know, I'm more focused on not dying than whatever Harry spouts.

Anyways, we finally get out of the chaotic situation as Hermione reaches for all of our hands, ready to Apprate out of here.

With a grin, I mock salute at the newly awake Yaxley before throwing a weather-in-a-bottle. "Enjoy that!" I grin as we begin to Apparate, right when the storm starts to grow.

And then, we're gone, landing at Grimmauld before Apprating to a completely new place:

a forest.

Chapter 138: Harry, No Offense, But You're Horrible At Heart-to-Hearts

Chapter Text

"Harry, move," I hiss out, rushing toward Ron, who seems to have been splinched. The Polyjuice potion seems to be wearing off, so Ron looks like some weird mixture of Cattermole and himself.

"What's happened to him?" Harry asks in shock, making me sigh as I look over the wound.

"Hermione," I address the girl, "you packed Essence of Dittany, right?" She nods her head, making me smile a bit. "I'm not chancing him getting even more injured, he's lost too much blood for that. Accio Dittany."

The small brown bottle zooms to my hand from Hermione's bag. With a quick motion, I put the green potion onto his wounds, causing the bleeding to stop immediately.

"He's fainted..." Hermione says, shaking at the entire situation.

Don't really blame her to be honest, I'm internally trying to keep myself composed so that we don't have someone die on us.

"I realized that," I say, taking out a few bandages. "The wound should close, but we should still address it so infection doesn't set in."

Hermione nods, taking the bandages and addressing Ron's arm for me, allowing me to just sit down for a moment.

"How'd he get hurt? I mean..." Harry pauses, probably deep in thought, "why are we here? I thought we was going back to Grimmauld Place?"

Yeah, I thought so too. In the chaos, I could barely comprehend what was happening in the last minute.

I created a storm, there was a small scuffle, and we Apparated.

What happened when I practically blacked out?

"Harry, I don't think we're going to be able to go back..."

"Why not?" I ask suddenly, causing the poor girl to jump out of her skin. "Hermione, Jean and Sirius are still there-"

"I know that!" She says suddenly, looking overwhelmed with the entire situation. "As we Disapparated, Yaxley caught hold of me and I couldn't get rid of him, he was too strong, and he was still holding on when we arrive at Grimmauld Place, and then - well, I think he may have seen the door, and thought we were stopping there so he slackened his grip and I managed to shake him off and I brought us here instead!"

My heart drops to my stomach as I think about Jean and Sirius. When we left, they both were asleep, but it should be late enough in the morning for at least one of them to be awake.

I hope.

"Where is he? Hang on...You don't mean he's at Grimmauld Place? He can't get in there?"

"If Hermione showed him the door, he can. We're secret keepers, you know," I say, gripping onto my robes. I really need to get some muggle clothes on, especially in this area. "Hermione, where are we?"

"In the woods where they held the Quidditch World Cup," Hermione quickly says, causing me to calm slightly. "I wanted somewhere enclosed, undercover, and this was-"

"-the first place you thought of," Harry finishes, causing me to sigh.

"Okay, well we should stay here. Ron is at a higher risk of being splinched right now, so might as well stay here for a bit." I say, slipping off my robes, leaving me in one of my Weasley jumpers and a pair of jeans. "Hermione, let's put up some charms."

She nods, taking out her own wand and starts to walk in a wide circle, which I follow.

"Salvio Hexia."

"Protego Totalum."

"Repello Muggletum."


"Accio tent!"

The tent zooms out in a pile of canvas, rope, and poles.

"Well, I have no idea how to put up a, I'm going to leave you two with it," I say before sitting next to the newly concious Ron. "You doing okay?"

"I feel lousy, but I think I'm okay," Ron mutters, causing me to genuinely smile.

"Well at least you didn't get your guts spilled out or something," I joke, causing Ron to crack a smile.

"Yeah, I guess."

"That's as much as I can do. At the very least, we should know they're coming, I can't guarantee it will keep out Vol-"

"Don't say his name!" Ron and I hiss out at Hermione, causing the poor girl to jump.

"I'm sorry," Ron quickly apologizes, groaning as he gets up, "but it feels like a - jinx or something. Can't we call him You-Know-Who - please?"

"Dumbledore said fear the name-"

"And Dumbledore said he would help you with this bullcrap," I hiss out, causing Harry to focus on me slightly. "Even then, call the prick by his real name. A lot more disrespectful."

Ron looks at me, slightly startled at my change of expression. " You-Know-Who some respect, please?"

I want to snort, but I don't because I don't want to cause major tension within the group.

Not more than usual anyways.


Great, Harry's gonna start yelling.

"Harry," I snap, causing him to sent a small glance at me. "C'mon, we should go find some food."

"Hailey, can't you do that-"

"I want you to calm down and not yell at your best friend," I snap before pulling him into the woods, making a mental note of where the camp is.

"What was that all about?"

"Harry, those two are your friends and your honestly treat them like trash sometimes. Do you ever wonder why I don't like being around you?" I hiss out, grabbing a few safe mushrooms. "Honestly, can you stop thinking about complete strangers and think about how you're affecting the people you care about?"

Harry keeps a straight face, now looking for some berries. "Why did you even help Ron? Hermione would have gotten a handle on it."

"And Ron could have died," Harry flinches at my statement, causing me to feel a bit accomplished as I broke through his thick skull. "Hermione is smart, but when her plans go wrong, she freezes. Once she gained her bearings, she realized that she needed to address the wounds, but before that? She was as frozen as a statue. It was better for me to address the wound as quick as possible."

Harry nods, not really looking at me. "It just surprised me, that's all. You don't really help people very much anymore."

Oh, you wanna go there? Fine, I'll change the subject.

"Do you know where I went when I was gone for a few days?" I ask, causing him to stop for a moment. "I went to Godric's Hollow to visit Mum and Dad."

Now this peaks my brother's interest. "Why'd you go there?"

I chuckle, placing the mushrooms onto a large leaf as I lean on a tree. "Wanted to see where we were going to grow up. So, I went to the cottage, and even walked up to our old room, which was difficult because the place is practically falling apart at this point. I got this," I pull out a small locket, with all of our smiling faces on it, well, Harry and I are babies but still. "It was in a drawer," I smile, hiding the locket again.

"Hailey, why are you telling me this?"

"Maybe I want to actually talk to you for once," I say sarcastically, looking up at the sky that is obscured by trees. "Do you ever wonder why I treat you like this?"

"Of course I do-"

"Really? Because I feel like you wouldn't like my explanation," I say before picking at a few blades of grass. "Imagine growing up with someone, that someone being the only support you have, and then once they get some shiny new friends, they almost completely ignore you. Imagine going to school and always going second, because your brother is popular. Imagine having to deal with a brother who is so impulsive that it makes you want to cry because you just want everything to work out. Imagine-"

"Okay!" Harry interrupts, dropping a few berries in the process. "I get it."

I laugh, shaking my head at his statement. "No you don't. Do you actually know what I enjoy doing? Do you know what my favorite color is? My favorite subject? What I want to work as once all this bullsh*t stops? Face it, the only time you actually know crap about me is when I pull you off your high horse."


"I was struggling last year, Harry," I say, a few stray tears falling from my eyes. "I was trying to keep everything from falling apart, and I needed someone. I needed someone to lean my head on and tell them what was going on. I needed someone to tell me that everything was going to be alright. I needed someone to tell me that it wasn't my f*cking fault that my boyfriend was forced into being a Death Eater!"

"Malfoy could have easily gone to Dumbledore-"

"And do what, get arrested?" I hiss out, grabbing my head in an attempt to stay calm. "Don't criticize Draco for what he did wrong, because most of that sh*t could have been solved if I had just talked to someone. But," my hands lower as I instinctively mess with the pendant I got years ago, "if he wasn't there last year, I don't think I would be here right now."

Harry's face shows his confusion, causing me to sigh.

"Think about it Harry, a girl finds out her life is threatened and she finds out her boyfriend is being forced to be a bad guy in order for her not to die. Her brother almost kills her boyfriend. She's trying to get her boyfriend out of the situation and failing. She helps a old friend get out of Hogwarts. And she has barely anyone to turn to, of course she ends up wanting everything to just...end. That maybe everything would go right if she just..." My face turns neutral as I just spout out what I've been feeling for quite a while. "If Draco would have gone to Azkaban, I probably wouldn't be here telling you this."

"Is Malfoy the reason why you are going with us?" Harry asks skeptically, but in a much softer tone than from before.

"Yeah," I laugh at how idiotic it sounds, "I'm planning to kidnap him if I have to. I just want him out of that situation for good."

"Well - er -good luck, I guess..." Harry mutters out, making me smile.

He's trying.

How long will this last? I have no idea. But it's nice to possibly have support for a little while.

"Harry, no offense, but you're horrible at heart-to-hearts," I joke, causing him to smile in response.

He and I aren't close anymore, but this is a start.

Chapter 139: Leaving The Trio For a Hike

Chapter Text

"Where are they?" Hermione mutters in the middle of the night, causing me to wake up and stare at the girl. She's digging through her bag rather loudly, which surprises me that she hasn't woken up the entire tent. "I could've sworn-"

"Hermione?" I groan, rubbing my eyes as I look at the tired looking girl, causing her to jump. "What happened?"

"Hailey!" She says suddenly, deciding to be quiet when she sees Ron turn in his sleep. "What are you doing awake?"

"Well you make it pretty difficult when you're throwing books around," I joke, standing up, stretching with a small groan, my shoulders popping. "Now, what are you looking for?"

She pales at my question, instead looking back to her bag. "I could have sworn I packed them..."

I walk over her sleeping bag, noticing it's crumpled state. "Hermione, what's wrong?" I grab her bag, causing the girl to try to reach for it. "Hermione."

"I-" the bushy-haired teen blushes slightly, looking away from me. " don't happen to have any...hygiene products?"

Her face flushes in embarrassment, causing me to giggle, covering my mouth to not wake up the two boys in the tent. The girl looks mortified, which amuses me even more.

Calming myself, I lower my hand and just smile at the girl, "Hermione, was that all?"

With a quick flick of my wand, which I had grabbed when I stood up, and a few small bags come to my outstretched hand. I toss the bags to the girl and stumble back to my own sleeping bag. "Don't be embarrassed about that, it's natural."

Gathering a few things that I had scattered around me, I slip my bag onto my shoulder.

"Hailey...what are you doing?"

"Going out," my voice is casual as I start to walk out, only to be stopped by the girl in question.

"Hailey!" She shrieks, looking apprehensively at Ron and Harry before pushing me outside and casting a charm onto the tent. "Hailey, you can't just go out there!"

"It's not like I'm going to find Tom Riddle, you know," I mutter, pulling a leaf out of my hair in slight disgust. I don't like being dirty all that much. "Plus, I need to get us some supplies."

Hermione immediately shakes her head at my response, completely appalled by the mere notion of it. "You could be caught!"

"Yes, and?" I tilt my head at her statement, actually confused. "Like I said, it's not like I'm going to sneak into Malfoy Manor to steal Draco, I'm just going to go get some information and some supplies."


"Hermione," I interrupt, causing the girl to jump as I do. I sigh, not staying annoyed with her. "Look, I understand that it sounds stupid, but I'm not an idiot. I know when to get out of a bad situation."

"I know that but I-" she looks at me awkwardly, messing with her hands in a nervous manner. "You've been through a lot and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Oh," I say blankly, not knowing exactly how to react to her statement. "You heard Harry and my argument, didn't you?"

The girl silently nods, looking a tad bit guilty. "I didn't mean two were just yelling a bit and I didn't want the tea to get cold...but I didn't want to interrupt. Thought you two needed to talk."

"Yeah, I guess," I snort, leaning on a tree. "But it was more of me ranting and Harry looking like he's an idiot."

Hermione smiles at my statement, laughing slightly. "You know Harry's not an idiot."

"No, he's not," my head leans on the tree trunk as I stare at the still starry sky. "But he sure acts like it sometimes. Honestly, can't he think things through sometimes?"

"I don't know," Hermione sighs, holding her head. "He's so frustrating sometimes."

"You act like I don't know that."

"Oh," Hermione says suddenly, realizing what her statement could have sounded like, "no, of course you understand that, he's your brother, of course you understand how absolutely frustrating he can be sometimes."

I pat her shoulder, causing her to relax. "It's fine, I don't particularly care all that much to be utterly honest. Don't really know Harry all too well as it is, so you know him more that me."

Hermione's expression down casts after I speak, her hands shaking a bit. "He does care for you, you know that right?"

"He sure doesn't act like it."

"Well..." Hermione trails off, glancing at me awkwardly, as if trying to figure out how I'm going to react. "He's stubborn, you know that? He doesn't want to admit that he's been a*tty."

"Yeah, well I'm not a lot better," I say while pulling my sweater sleeves up to cover my hands. "I don't always mean to be blunt, you know? It just kind of happens."

"Well that's just how you are, and it's not a bad thing," Hermione says, causing me to smile. "You're oddly honest, but a lot of people seem to like that."

"Yeah," I say before standing, putting on my pair of robes over my muggle clothes. "I'm still going."

Hermione nods, still looking troubled over the situation. "You're going to be okay, right?"

I smile, nodding at the girl, causing her to sigh in relief. "Of course I will. And I'll be back before the month is over, yeah?"

She nods, seemingly contemplating with herself before giving me a quick hug. "Be safe."

"I always am."

Chapter 140: Okay, I’m Not That Smart

Chapter Text

I creep around the practically empty roads of Diagon Alley, taking note of the countless posters praising the Ministry.

Okay, I may have torn a couple of them down.

My shoes clack on the ground, which I can't just stop it from doing. I could probably cast a silencing charm, but it would possibly cause way too much attention to be on me, and with the lack of people, I don't know who to trust.

I could go to Fred and George's, but I don't want to risk their safety, so that's out of the picture.

I'm just here for information on the Wizarding World. For the last week, I've stolen copies of the Prophet for information.

Sure, the things they tell the public are blatantly warped, but it's information none the less.

The more we know, the more we can sneak around without getting caught.

And that's all I need to come up with a plan to steal a certain someone.

But right now, that's not my issue. Almost coming face to face with Bellatrix Lestrange is my issue.

The woman was cackling as she strode the lonely roads, which warned me quite early that she was there.

So I'm now hiding, pressed against a wall as I watch Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange walk in the direction of Gringotts.

How interesting...

Bellatrix looks as crazy as always, her curly hair going in every direction as she proudly displays her dark mark on her left arm.

I nervously scratch my left arm with my non-dominant hand, feeling uncomfortable the more I look at the black tattoo.

Narcissa Malfoy, who is walking calmly with her sister, looks quite a bit better, her hair straight and her clothes nice and ironed.

Unfortunately, Draco isn't with them, but he's at Hogwarts now.

God, how horrible is it there?

I don't think Snape is evil, no, I can't get a read on him. But something is off about him.

Was it another one of Albus Dumbledore's manipulations? Maybe.

Most probably.

But Snape confuses me. He acts as if he hates all students, other than Slytherins of course, but then throws himself at students as if to help them.

He even helped Harry when Quirrell tried to kill him in his first Quidditch match.

So what is up with him?

Severus Snape is confusing.

He's not horrible, I never personally had a problem with him, but he isn't good either.

He abused students, making Neville Longbottom fear him in third year. He told Hermione that she looked no different when she was cursed, probably the reason why she had her teeth shrunk to be smaller. She was insecure about it, sure, but that probably set her off the edge.

But he also helped Harry in first year. He tried to protect us in third when against a supposed killer and werewolf unable to control himself. He didn't speak of Sirius, when Harry used the nickname when we were held in Umbridge's office.

So what on earth is this all about?

He's confusing, probably because he's morally grey.

But hey, a lot of people are.

No one is inherently good or bad.

Not even Harry.

Not even me.

We're all on a spectrum, always constantly fluctuating between the two words.

Rarely is someone completely good or evil, there's something that puts them in the spectrum instead.

Bellatrix and Narcissa stride towards Gringotts, like two women on a mission. But what is that mission, I wonder?

Bellatrix seems to be holding something, but what is it?

Did Riddle task her to hide a horcrux? And if so, should I tell Harry about this?

I probably should, but I'm not sure of the identity of the unknown item.

It could easily be some riches she's stuffing in her vault. But, at the opposite side if the spectrum, it could very much be easily a horcrux.

So which us it? Pick one option, and the other option could be the right one.

And even if it is a horcrux, it's rather difficult to break into Gringotts without a goblin, and those are rather tricky creatures.

No, if we enlisted the help of a goblin, they would probably betray us.

So, I need to figure out what she's carrying before jumping into conclusions.

Slipping from my hiding spot, I dart to another wall, keeping an eye on the pair. One wrong move and Bellatrix may figure out I'm here, and that would be an absolute disaster.

Not an optimal outcome, so I'm going to attempt to avoid it unless I absolutely have to.

So I continue sneaking around, staying aware of my surroundings every time I move. I have no idea how many Death Eaters are here, after all.

This opportunity was lucky, so I should take it.

As I dart to another wall, I run into it was a soft thump, lowly hissing as I hold my now pained arm. I didn't account for the wall to stick out so much.

This noise causes Bellatrix to look around, obviously trying to find out if she found someone.

As I kneel down, glancing at the pair, my eyes catch Narcissa Malfoy's, causing my heart to drop to my stomach.


She blinks while staring at me, as if we are having an unofficial staring contest.

And then, she looks away, getting the attention of her sister. I take a couple deep breaths, ready to Apparate, but end up not having to.

"What on earth are you looking for?"

"I heard something, I swear!"

"Bella, I really don't think you should be worrying yourself with such trivial nonsense. Of course there is people around."

"Yes but-"

"The Dark-Lord tasked us to put that item in your vault, so that's exactly what we are going to do. Don't bother with the people around, they are of no importance."

And then, they walk away, Narcissa glancing back at me for a moment.

She didn't do this because I'm a kid. She probably didn't do this because Draco cares about me.

No, she helped me just now for an endgame, knowing that I would help her if the Ministry attempts to charge her with anything.

She was thinking of the endgame, that sneaky woman.

I like her.

Chapter 141: Potterwatch’s Special Guest

Chapter Text

"Hailey!" Lee Jordan exclaims with a grin when I walk into the room.

"Hey." Lee Jordan, and the twins, but mostly Lee, have been doing this broadcasting segment to dismiss the moronic rumors that the Death Eaters and Tom Riddle are spreading. A great idea honestly, it causes enough chaos.

Anyways, the location of the broadcasts constantly change depending on which broadcast we're talking about, so that the Death Eaters don't target one specific area. Yet another genius idea.

And to add a security measure, each broadcast must be accessed by a one-time-use password. As much as I hate repeating myself, it is incredibly thought out and genius.

Somehow, I blame Fred, that Lee found out that I'm not around Harry at the moment and invited me to join in on a broadcast, not that I mind in all honesty. Even if Riddle does figure out how to get on this specific broadcast, he wouldn't be able to find me and it would only make him a bit angry that he can't kill anyone.

That's a win in my book.

"Didn't really expect that you'd show up," Lee jokes, causing me to smile in response. "Fred barely gave me me any warning that you weren't hiding, you know."

I shrug, not really knowing how to respond. "It's not like I gave him any warning either. Kind of just wanted to leave the trio to their own devices for a bit."

I have no idea what those three have been doing, but hopefully it's nothing too bad.

I swear, if one of those three are injured when I come back, I will personally murder all three of them. Who cares if Harry is destined to defeat Riddle, I'll just kill Riddle by not even standing up to him.

I wonder if shooting a spell from a building would give me an advantage?

Oh the possibilities.

"You're fine with talking, right?" Lee attempts to confirm as he starts to get ready for the broadcast. "Don't want to tread on topics too personal."

Lee is so nice, kind of refreshing to be honest.

"I don't really care," I respond quickly in an unconvincing tone that I attempt to cover up the best I can. "It's not like Jean and Sirius will get bigger targets on their backs."

"True," Lee just shrugs, handing me a microphone before silently counting down from five before tapping the radio with his wand. "Hello to all listeners! We apologize for yet again a temporary absence, but we're back! And here to discuss the current unknown whereabouts of Jean Fawley and Sirius Black, is our new correspondent, Foxy!"

"Foxy? Really?" I laugh out slightly, before covering my mouth as I noticed I interrupted.

Lee shrugs, grinning at me. "Rapier suggested it, and I do have to say that it fits."

Rapier, also known as Fred Weasley, is getting his ass kicked once the war is over.

"Of course he did..." I mutter out before running a hand through my short hair. "Doesn't matter though, it's nice to be here, River."

I did mention that they have codenames, right? Pretty sure I did.

"Yes, well, to get onto the topic. Jean and Sirius, they were last documented in London, correct?"

I nod, before realizing that I'm supposed to talk, solidifying that I am indeed sometimes moronic. "That is correct. Corban Yaxley found where they were hiding, but the two escaped unscathed according to the muggles in the area before they were Oblivated."

"And I'm sure they gave Yaxley a run for his money!" Lee jokes, causing me to snort. "Do you believe the rumors that the two have left the country."

"I think both are too stubborn to hide for long, but for their own sake, I hope they don't reveal themselves for a while," I say simply, my mood slightly a bit more down. I knew we would be discussing this, but I feel like I'm almost jinxing it.

Gosh, why I can't I just pick an emotional state and stick with it?

"I'll say! Both are old members of the Order, so they definitely know how to take care of themselves!"

"Oh definitely," I laugh out, causing Lee to relax. I'm sure it's a bit worrying when I'm not making sarcastic retorts every five minutes. "Both are skilled in magic...but like I said, it's only a matter of time until they end up revealing themselves."

"And how amazing that'll be!" Lee jokes, continuing on with the show. "And thank you, Foxy, for talking to us today! Now, here's a reminder to continue to show precaution, especially in these times. Remember that, while You-Know-Who's whereabouts are currently unknown, that does not mean he is gone. And don't forget to tune in again listeners, for more stories, tales, updates, and advice. In the meantime - Stay safe! And support Hailey and Harry Potter!" Lee taps the radio and relaxes. "And we're done."

"Well that was tiring," I sigh out, relaxing as well, "and I didn't even talk."

"You said enough. The listeners want information, and you gave it to them," Lee grins before standing up, stretching silently. "You really going back to Harry - wherever he is?"

"Yeah," I say, standing up as well. "He has Hermione, but it's not like she's perfect. She sometimes needs someone to help."

"Well it's a shame," Lee says before getting ready to leave the room. "You're fun to be around."

"Thanks," I respond, messing around with my six-year-old pendant. "But I still need to go, Harry will unintentionally get himself killed if I don't."

"Well that much is obvious," Lee jokes before mock saluting. "If that's what you want to do, then so long."

"Yeah," I nod, readjusting my bag onto my shoulder.

"See you later then."

Chapter 142: Can’t Leave You All Alone For A Month

Chapter Text

The Forest of Dean, huh?

Nice place.

Following my glowing fox patronus, I glance around in an attempt to stay aware of my surroundings. I'm not moronic enough to lead Death Eaters straight to the trio's new hideout.

The twigs break as I walk around, hugging my form as my breathing becomes visible. Did they really need to get this far?

And then, the patronus changes direction.

It is supposed to send a message to Harry, that was the quickest was to find him. And if he's moving, where is he?

So, I follow the magical fox, continuing my journey to find Harry.

But, I quicken my pace in fear that Harry is doing something stupid.

The fox patronus continues to run around, bounding toward a lake, making my throat go dry.

He didn't...

He did.

"Are you mental?" Ron yells out, pulling Harry from the water that is iced over. "Why the hell, didn't you take this thing off before you dived?"

"Really?" I hiss out, causing Ron to jump, Harry doesn't due to him being too tired. "You went into a frozen lake without anyone around? A frozen lake."

I knew it, he's hopeless.

Completely and utterly hopeless.

I glance at Ron now, who is holding the locket with a broken chain and the sword of Gryffindor.

Deciding not to dwell on it, I summon a blanket from my bag and draping it over Harry, before glancing at his wand...

His wand...

That's not his wand.

I guess I'll ask about it later, probably for the best.

"It was y-you?" Harry mutters out, his teeth chattering as he stares up at his friend.

"Well, yeah."

"Y-you cast that doe?"

Ron's face contorts into confusion. "What? No, of course not! I thought it was you doing it!"

"My Patronus is a stag."

"Then Hailey?"

"Really?" I say before gesturing to my patronus that is still galloping around. "I don't think that's a doe, Ron."


Sometimes I wonder if any of us are actually intelligent, or if we're just insanely lucky...probably just lucky.

"How come you're here?" Harry asks Ron, causing me to be confused.

Did something happen? What on earth did I miss within a month.

"Well, I've - you know - I've come back. If-" Ron clears his throat. "You know. You still want me."

I stare at the two, not wanting to say anything. It's obvious something happened in the last month I was gone. Perhaps they fought?

There's a pause as Harry and Ron stare at eachother, causing me to grow uncomfortable with the situation. I hate not knowing information, and this is a lot of information I don't know quite yet.

"Oh yeah, I got it out," Ron says, breaking me out of my thoughts as he holds the sword of Gryffindor. "That's why you jumped in, right?"

"Yeah," Harry says, catching me off guard due to him not shivering as much. "But I don't understand. How did you get here? How did you find us?"

Ron laughs a bit, running a hand through his hair. "Long story. I've been looking for you for hours, it's a big forest, isn't it? And when I was thinking and I'd have a kip under a tree and wait for morning I saw that deer coming and you following."

Yeah, the defense Hermione and I put up originally weren't that great, and I'm sure she didn't add any spells to the list when I was gone. It's fairly simple figuring out where they are if you know the right spells.

"You didn't see anyone else?"

"No, I-" Ron cuts himself off as he stares at two trees, causing me to glance at the trees as well, of course not seeing anything. "I did think I saw something move over there, but I was running to the pool at the time, because you'd gone too in and you hadn't come up, so I wasn't going to make a detour - hey!"

I jump up, my wand tightly grasped in my hand as I look around the trees with Harry. "Give me a moment," I mutter before shifting into my animagus form, as I have a better sense of smell and hearing.

After a moment of sniffing around, not sensing anyone around, I shift back, standing up almost immediately.

"No one," I mutter as I grab another jacket from my bag, slipping it over my head. "Not even a scent, how odd is that?"

Ron doesn't say anything, but he seems unnerved as well, which is fair. "So how did the sword get in the pool?"

"Ever heard of the fae, Ron?" I joke, causing him to smile at my retort.

"Whoever cast the Patronus must have put it there." Harry says, ignoring my remark.

"You reckon it's the real one?"

Harry looks at the sword and smirks. "There's one way to find out, isn't there?"

The horcrux is still swinging in Ron's grasp, twitching as if it was agitated. I narrow my eyes at the locket, annoyed that Harry wouldn't attempt to take that thing off before going to get the item that can destroy it.

I need to add that to my list of why Harry isn't a Ravenclaw.

"Come here," Harry says, beckoning Ron and I to a flat rock. However, when Ron tries to give Harry the sword, Harry firmly refuses. "No, you should do it."

"Me?" Ron gapes at my brother's statement. "Why me?"

"Because you got the sword out the pool. I think it's supposed to be you."

Woah, Harry sure can act all chivalrous.

"I'm going to open it," Harry says, "and you stab it. Straightaway, okay? Because whatever's in there will be put up a fight. The bit of Riddle in the diary tried to kill me."

Shouldn't we make sure the sword is the real thing though? Oh well, it's only our funeral.

My visions of Harry haven't changed, so I don't think this will kill him.

Might scuff him up a bit, but who knows?

"How are you going to open it?" Ron asks, looking absolutely terrified with the whole ordeal.

"I'm going to ask it to open, using Parseltongue."

"You sure that'll work?" I ask skeptically. "Have you ever actually practiced that skill?"

"It'll work."

"If you say so," I shrug, taking note of how panicked Ron looks.

"No! Don't open it! I'm serious!"

"Why not?" Harry asks, looking rather confused. "Let's get rid of the damn thing, it's been months-"

"I can't Harry, I'm serious - you do it."

"But why?"

"Because that thing's bad for me!" Ron says while backing up, away from the rock and locket. "I can't handle it! I'm not making excuses, Harry, for what I was like, but it effects me worse than it affected you and Hermione, it made me think stuff - stuff I was thinking anyway, but it made everything worse, I can't explain, and then I take it off and I'd get my head's on straight again. And then I have to put the effing thing back on - I can't do it, Harry!"

Ron continues to back away as he drags the sword along the ground, shaking his head as he utterly refuses to destroy the locket.

"You can do it," Harry says in an attempt to persuade him. "You can! You've just got the sword, I know it's supposed to be you who uses it. Please, just get rid of it, Ron."

I go to open my mouth, about to say Ron doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, but before I can, Ron swallows and steps forward shakily. "Tell me when," he croaks out.

"On three," Harry says, looking at the locket and narrowing his eyes. Grasp my wand, knowing full well it can't do anything to a horcrux, but still determined to be armed either way. "One...two...three..." and the Harry hisses something, which I don't even attempt to try an understand.

The locket opens, the glass windows inside reflecting due to the moonlight. A eye blinks, staring at all of us as Harry pins down the locket. "Stab," Harry says calmly, causing Ron to swallow visibly.

The boy raises the sword, shaking, causing the blade to dangle over the eyes of Tom Riddle, well, Tom Riddle before he turned into a snake man wannabe.

"I have seen in your heart, and it is mine."

My throat goes dry at the hissing voice, as if internally frightened of the voice still. Riddle doesn't even scare me anymore due to his predictably, but this voice does scare me.


"Ron, it's just trying to survive!" I yell out, my voice echoing in the forest. "You need to stab it!"

"I have seen your dreams, Ronald Weasley, and I've seen your fears. All you desire is possible, but you dread is also possible."

"Stab!" Harry yells, causing me to realize that he's having a difficult time keeping the horcrux still.

Second guessing myself, my feet run over to Harry before my brain can catch up, and I hold down the locket as well.

"Least loved, always, by mother who craved a daughter...Least loved, now, by the girl who prefers your friend...Second best, always, eternally overshadowed."

"Ron, stab it now!" Harry and I both yell out, the locket becoming increasingly more difficult to hold down.

Out of the said thrashing locket, two grotesque bubbles, in the shape of Harry and Hermione, emerge from the locket.

Oh, I see where this is going. Interesting insecurities there, Ron.

Ron yells, backing away, almost making me groan in annoyance. This locket is not staying put, and Ronald isn't helping. Yes, I know that it's getting inside his head and manipulating him, but still.
products from stop it now Ron.

Harry and I both end up having to let go of the locket as it burns suddenly, causing me to try to keep my hands away from the snows knowing that it will scar if I don't.

The fake figures of Harry and Hermione stare at Ron, causing the boy to almost be in a trance.

"Why return? We were better without you, happier without you, glad of your absence...We laughed at your stupidity, your cowardice, your presumption-" The fake Harry is speaking in Riddle's voice, but Ron doesn't seem to notice as he continues to spiral downward.

Damn, that's some pretty good mental manipulation-

Not the point.

"Presumption!" The fake Hermione yells out, swaying unnaturally. "Who could look at you, who would ever look at you, beside Harry Potter? What have you ever done, compared to the Chosen One? What are you, compared with the Boy Who Lived?"

"Imagine how pathetic everyone thinks you are to actually be around you." Oh look, I'm here. Why do I want to see where this goes? "Everyone thinks you're worthless."


Probably could have said something a lot worse than that to be honest.

All three of the figures are grinning, which is getting annoying at this point. "Your mother confessed," the fake Harry says, causing the fake me and Hermione to jeer, "that she would have preferred me as a so, would be glad to exchange...Who wouldn't prefer him, what woman would take you, you are nothing, nothing, nothing to him." Fake Harry says before doing something absolutely revolting.

He and fake Hermione kiss.'s a no from me.

Fake Hailey jeers at him, as if being entertained with the situation. "Were you really such an idiot that you didn't realize that my brother and the girl that you love were actually in love with eachother? Honestly, who would want you anyways. Absolutely pathetic."

"Ron!" I yell out, second guessing if I can actually do something. In the state he's in, he's definitely more prone to lashing out and could injure me, especially since he still has the sword.

What a difficult situation to deal with.

"Do it, Ron!" Harry yells as he notices the boy raising the sword in anguish at the scene in front of him. I grab onto Harry as I notice a strange flash of red in Ron's eyes, dragging my brother out of the as Ron brings down the sword, only to be greeted by a loud scream.

And then, there was only silence.

The monstrous versions of us are gone, only Ron stands there, staring at the now broken horcrux.

I keep ahold of Harry's arm, staring directly at Ron, making sure it's safe, before releasing him.

"Accio," I mutter before a small rag comes from my bag, which I hand to Ron who takes it gratefully. "That was horrible, I'm sorry you went through that," I say before going back to my bag.

"After you left," Harry says lowly, as if not wanting to anger Ron, "she cried for a week. Probably longer, only she didn't want me to see. There were loads of nights that we never even spoke to each other. With you gone..." Harry trails off, as if realizing something before continuing. "She's like my sister. I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It's always been like that. I thought you knew."

Ron doesn't reply, only using the rag I gave him to wipe his nose.

Flicking my wand, I have Ron's rucksack just hover a foot above the snowy ground so that we can take it back to the camp.

Harry's being sweet, but trying to defend yourself when they were just broken like that isn't the method I would personally use. Jokes are probably better in this scenario.

"I'm sorry," Ron says in a thick voice. "I'm sorry I left. I know I was a - a-"

"Hey," I pitch in, causing Ron to look at me with his bloodshot eyes. "Whatever you did to Harry certainly is made up for right now. You saved his life and you destroyed a horcrux. You're the most valuable player tonight." I added that last sentence to make him smile, which actually works, surprisingly.

"That makes me sound a lot cooler than I was," Ron mumbles out, not really believing it.

Harry shrugs, seemingly getting the hint to focus on Ron more. "Stuff like that always sounds cooler than it really was. I've been trying to tell you that for years."

The two boys hug, making me smile slightly. Have no idea what happened, but I'm glad they're friends again.

Tonight's making me way too soft I swear-

Once they break apart, both seem composed luckily. "And now, all we got to do is find the tent again."

And so, we venture off, Harry taking the lead as Ron and I stay behind him.

"Kind of cool that I'm one of your intrusive thoughts," I joke toward the redhead, making him grin.

"Aren't you always like that?"

I shrug, not confirming nor denying his claim, even if there is some truth to that. "I know when to stop."

"I know that."

His statement makes me grin as we make our way back to the camp, which has Hermione curled up under over seemingly a dozen blankets, fast asleep.

"Hermione!" Harry yells, causing the girl to stir, then sit up quickly as she pushes her hair away from her eyes.

"What's wrong? Harry? Are you all right?"

Harry glances at Ron and I before getting back to focusing on Hermione. "It's okay, everything's fine. More than fine. I'm great. There's a couple people here."

"What do you mean? Who-" she spots Ron, who is still holding the sword. Harry seems to be attempting to blend in with the landscape, seemingly not wanting to be in the middle of this.

She slides off her bunk, just staring at Ron. Deciding to take my brother's approach, I side step away, dropping Ron's rucksack onto the ground.

She launches herself forward, punching every spot she can.

"Ouch - ow - gerroff! What the -? Hermione - ow!"

"You - complete - arse - Ronald - Weasley!"

She continuously punches him, every word just adding to it, causing the boy to shield his head and back away.

You know, this is pretty amusing.

"You - crawl - back - here - after - weeks - and - weeks - oh, where's my wand?" She turns to Harry, her eyes practically red as she starts to stomp towards him only to greeted with a protection charm as Harry gets afraid.

You know what, I am relating to that. She looks pissed.

"Hermione!" Harry yells out as the invisible shield pushes Hermione backwards. "Calm-"

"I will not calm down!" She screams, actually surprising me. Hermione rarely loses control like this. "Give me back my wand! Give it back to me!"

"Hermione, maybe you should calm down." I pitch in, keeping my wand in my hand just in case I need to protect myself from the girl. "Whatever happened doesn't mean you should be freaking out like this."

"You have no room to talk, Hailey!" She hisses out, pointing at me as if accusing me of something horrible. "You were gone for a month! Do you know how worried we all were when you just left? Where on earth have you even been?"

"I just wanted to know what was happening outside of us running around for horcruxes."

"And you needed a month to do that?" She yells out before glaring at Ron once again. "And you!"

Ron retreats several steps as he stares at Hermione in shock that she's yelling at him.

"I came running after you! I called you! I begged you to come back!"

"I know," Ron says in a shaky voice, flinching every time he looks at the now crazed Hermione Granger. "Hermione, I'm sorry, I'm really-"

"Oh, you're sorry!" She laughs, causing Ron to look at Harry and I, as if asking for us to step in.

Not gonna happen Ron, you're on your own.

"You come back after weeks - weeks - and you think it's all going to be all right if you just say sorry?"

"Well, what else can I say?" Rob shouts, making my lips to twitch in a smile. He's fighting back, good.

"Oh, I don't know!" Hermione says sarcastically, making me stare at her again. She's really pissed off. "Wrack your brains, Ron, that should only take a couple of seconds-"

"Hermione," Harry says, pitching in. "He just saved my-"

"I don't care!" She screams. "I don't care what he's done! Weeks and weeks, we could have been dead for all he knew-"

"I knew you weren't dead!" Ron yells back, actually drowning out her voice. Inching closer, well as far as he can with the shield charm activated. "Harry's all over the Prophet, all over the radio, they're looking for you everywhers, all these rumors and mental stories, I knew I'd hear straight off if you were dead. You don't know what it's been like-"

"What it's been like for you?"

Ron swallows, seemingly thinking about what he's about to say. "I wanted to come back the minute I'd Disapparted, but I walked straight into a gang of Snatchers, Hermione, and I couldn't go anywhere!"

"A gang of what?" Harry asks as Hermione throws herself into a chair.

"Snatchers," I pitch in, glancing at Hermione apprehensively. "Riddle has people looking for muggle-borns and blood traitors. They don't care if they bring you in dead or alive honestly. All they want is an award, which they'll get easy." I laugh slightly, messing with my necklace. "Personally I got caught by a group, but they were idiots so it was easy to get away since they didn't realize I was an animagus."

Ron nods, elaborating on what he went through. "I was on my own I look I'd like I might be school age; they got really excited, thought I was a muggle-born in hiding. I had to talk fast to get out of being dragged to the Ministry."

Seems like Snatchers aren't that smart, shouldn't be that much of a risk unless we get the smart sad*st archetype.

"What did you say to them?"

Ron laughs, trying to ease the tension. "Told them that I was Stan Shunpike. First person I could think of."

"And they believed that?"

They think they're in the right for hunting down muggle-borns, I don't think those people are very smart.

"They weren't the brightest. One of them was definitely part troll, the smell off him..." Ron glances at Hermione in hope that she's calmer, which is proved to be just false hope. "Anyway, they had a row about whether I was Stan or not. It was a bit pathetic to be honest, but there were still five of them and only one of them and they'd taken my wand."

Maybe I was just lucky, but how on earth did Ron get his wand taken away from him so easily? Whatever, doesn't matter.

"Then two of them got into a fight," Ron continues his story, "and while the others were distracted I meant to hit the one holding me in the stomach, grabbed his wand, disarmed the bloke holding mine, and Disapparated. I didn't do it so well, Splinched myself again," he raises his right hand to show that he is missing two fingernails, which causes Hermione to raise her eyebrows coldly. "And then I came out miles from where you were. By the time I got back to that bit of the riverbank where that we'd've gone."

"Gosh, what a gripping story," Hermione says sarcastically, making me snort in amusem*nt. "You must have been simply terrified. Meanwhile we went to Godric's Hollow-"

"-you what?" I say, my gaze hardening at the news.

"Hailey, don't interrupt me again-"

"Or what?" I challenge the girl. "I understand that you're pissed, believe me, there's always something wrong with you three. But yelling and being toxic like that isn't going to help you." I gulp as she continues to glare at me, but decide to ignore the girl. "But I'm more focused on the fact that you lot went to the worst possible place you could."

"You went there-"

"And I was alone too," I retort to Harry, causing him to flinch as any amusem*nt from the previous conversation is gone. "One person sneaking around a cemetery and abandoned home doesn't raise many red flags, but two would. Let me guess, Riddle knew you were there."

Harry opens his mouth to say something, but closes it the a few seconds later, confirming my theory.

"I cannot leave you lot alone, can I?" I laugh out, genuinely finding this funny. "Are you really so hopeless that you can't even go anywhere without either getting hurt or your wand broken - yes, I noticed that you aren't using your wand Harry, we'll talk about that later - Are you all really that bad off?"

"Don't talk like that!" Hermione yells out, causing me to grin a bit. Everything going to plan, great.

"Sorry Hermione, but you threatening me without a wand doesn't exactly frighten me."

"Hailey, I wouldn't-"

"Shut up, Harry!" Hermione and I both yell out, glancing at eachother after noticing.

"Hermione, I know that you're mad, but you need to genuinely calm down," I say while walking forward, still trying to get her to start yelling.

If she wants to yell, she can yell. However, she isn't going to be winning a yelling match.

"Calm down?" She yells out, standing as well. "You are no better than Ron! You were gone for over a month Hailey! Where on earth were you?"

"Well I'm completely alright!" I yell back, stepping forward. "Honestly, you act like I'm the reckless one!"

"You're the one planning to practically kidnap your Death Eater boyfriend!" She yells out before her expression softens. "Hailey I-"

"No, I get it," I say with with a strained smile. "You done? Got all that yelling out of your system."

Hermione pauses, as if comprehending what I was just doing. "You were just trying to get that out of my system."

"It's the best way to do that," I say while grinning. "Doesn't mean what you say doesn't hurt my feelings though."

Hermione huffs, no longer yelling luckily. "I'm not forgiving either of you."

"Wouldn't expect you to." I say while mock-saluting.

At least she's not yelling anymore.

Chapter 143: The Lovegood Family Home

Chapter Text

Laying down on a small cot isn't exactly the most comfortable. However, laying under the stars while staring at my seven-year-old necklace is rather soothing if I do say so myself.

"I want to go and see Xenophilius Lovegood."

Oh, how the soothing feeling leaves so quickly.

Putting back on my necklace, I sit up and just stare at Hermione for a moment, not even comprehending what she said fully.

Harry looks equally confused, blinking slowly. "Sorry?"

She clears her throat, as if thinking we didn't understand her. "Xenophilius Lovegood. Luna's father. I want to go talk to him!"

"That's what I thought you said," I mutter before falling back onto my cot. "Why on earth do you want to visit him? He's obsessed with that one signature-"

"You know about it?"

"Of course I do," I say before showing off my necklace. "He was trying to talk to me about this at the wedding. Of course I didn't want to talk about it."

"Well it keeps cropping up, doesn't it?" Hermione asks, focusing on me as if I'm going to just say yes based on what she says. "I know Viktor said it was Grindelwald's mark, but it was definitely on that olr grave in Godric's Hollow, and the dates on the headstone were long before Grindlewald came along! And now this," she shows her copy of Beedle the Bard, where the A has been transformed into the same sign.

"Well, we can't ask Dumbledore or Grindlewald what it means-" she continues, "- I don't even know whether Grindlewald's still alive - but we can ask Mr. Lovegood. He was wearing the symbol at the wedding. I'm sure it's important!"

Harry pauses for a moment, as if thinking it over which is a first. He usually doesn't think things through. "Hermione, we don't need another Godric's Hollow. We talked ourselves into going there, and-"

"But it keeps appearing, Harry!" Hermione exclaims. "Dumbledore left me The Tales of Beedle the Bard, how do you know we're not supposed to find out about the sign?"

"Here we go again!" Harry says, causing me to throw a snowball at his head. "Hailey-"

"Oh no, please do continue, but do know that you will be getting snow down your back if you even think aabout being rude right now," I grin, innocently looking back at him.

"Fine..." he trails off, going back to what he was saying. "We keep trying to convince ourselves Dumbledore left us secret signs and clues-"

"-I'm sorry, I thought you trusted ol' Dumbles wholeheartedly?" I retort, summoning my old notebook. "Dumbledore left me the book I put every spell I created between first and fourth year in. I'd say that's pretty useful, and I'm saying this when I didn't even like Dumbledore once he passed."

"The Deluminator turned out to be pretty useful," Ron pipes in, reminding me that he found out where Harry and Hermione were using it. I still need to figure out what that thing is though. "I think Hermione's right, I think we ought to go see Lovegood."

Okay, Ron is just doing this to get on Hermione's good side, it's fairly obvious.

"Harry," I say, causing the boy to look at me. "Lovegood is on our side. He's probably one of the most trustworthy people who aren't on the run right now. If anything seems fishy, we'll just get out of there, simple."

"I think we should vote on it," Ron pitches it, earning another dark look from Harry. "Those in favor of going to see Lovegood-"

Ron, Hermione, and I all raise our hands at once.

I don't deny that the entire situation could be a bad idea. But there is information that we can gather that might be useful on this trip.

I'm not going to let that just pass us by.

"Outvoted, Harry, sorry," Ron says while hitting his best friends back.

Harry's lips twitch, as if on the line between being irritated and amused. "Fine. Only, once we've seen Lovegood, let's try and look for some more Horcruxes, shall we? Where do the Lovegoods live, anyway? Do any of you know?"

Should probably tell him about spotting Bellatrix and Narcissa going toward Gringotts at one point...but right now isn't a good time to.

"Yeah," Ron says while shrugging, "they're not far from my place. I dunno exactly where, but Mum and Dad always point toward the hills whenever they mention them. Shouldn't he hard to find."

Sighing, I lay back down, ignoring anything else the trio says.

I'm tired.


"Dobby!" A voice yells, causing my attention to snap from the broken chandelier. "You dropped the chandelier."

Narcissa Malfoy...

And, like clock work, her face is revealed.

A small house-elf shakes his finger toward the woman, his face being revealed immediately as Dobby. "You must not hurt Harry Potter."

"Kill him Cissy." Recognizing that voice easily, Bellatrix is revealed.

A loud crack resounds from the room and Narcissa Malfoy is disarmed.

"You dirty little monkey!"

"Dobby has no master!" Dobby yells out. "Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry and Hailey Potter, and their friends!"

A scuffle occurs and as I think it all is over, I see a knife glint in the dim light as the group Disapparates.

And then, the vision ends.


"It's way too early for this," I mutter as we stare at the Burrow in the distance. Ron was talking to the trio about where exactly he was for the Christmas season, but I don't personally care.

"Let's try up here," Ron says as he leads the way over the top of a hill.

"Alright," Harry nods, walking next to me with the invisibility cloak over him.

Hours go by, and by the time we actually find the place, my feet are killing me. I'm not a fan of walking long distances as it is, but adding the walks uphill just are absolutely horrible.

The gouse is strange, rising vertically up. A black cylinder with a ghostly moon behind it in the afternoon sky. "That's got to be Luna's house, who else would live in a place like that? It looks like a giant rook!"

"It's nothing like a bird."

"I was talking about a chess rook."

Ron, whose legs are the longest, reaches the top of the hill first. Deciding to just get this over with, I Disapparate to the top of the hill.

"Bloody hell!" Ron yells out in shock, practically jumpinh out of his skin. "Was that really necessary?"

Glancing at the sign that confirms that we are in the right place, I merely shrug. "It was unless you wanted to carry me."

"You're ridiculous."

"I believe the spell is-"

"Shut up."

The door creaks when we open it, the path leading to the front full of overgrown plants. "I don't like this," I mutter out, observing how unkempt the front lawn is. Of course, Mr. Lovegood could easily be disorganized, but it still makes me feel uneasy.

"You'd better take off the Invisibility Cloak, Harry," Hermione says as we start to walk towards the door. "It's you Mr. Lovegood wants to help, well you and Hailey."

Harry nods, handing me my cloak back, which I silently place back into my bag.

Hermione raps onto the door, which is black and has a knocker that is shaped like an eagle.

Seconds later, the door flings open, making me even more apprehensive. He's jumpy.

How odd.

He's unkempt, his hair dirty. "What? What is it? Who are you? What do you want?"

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood," Harry says after a moment, sticking out his hand. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

The older wizard doesn't shake Harry's hand, instead glancing at her forhead before glancing at me.

Harry clears his voice, probably feeling rather awkward. "Would it be okay if we came in? There's something we'd like to ask you."

"I..." he trails off, looking around nervously, "I'm not sure that's advisable. Rather a shock...My word...I...I'm afraid I don't really think I ought to-"

Red flag number two then.

"It won't take long," Harry says quickly, as if disappointed with the welcome we are receiving.

Remember that anyone interacting with you can be put into Azkaban, Harry.

"I - oh, all right then. Come in, quickly. Quickly!"

Before we barely even enter the home, he already slams the door behind us, making me feel rather uneasy.

Something is wrong.

The kitchen is rather bright, but it reminds me of Luna, which is always nice.

"You'd better come up."

Mr. Lovegood leads the way up the spiraling staircase. The room we enter seems to be the workplace, which is extremely cluttered. Piles of books and papers are on every surface. Models of creatures adorn the ceiling, flapping and wailing about.

"Excuse me," says Mr. Lovegood as he grabs a dirty tablecloth from beneath the books and papers, which made everything fly off the table. And then, he turns to Harry and I, making me even more uncomfortable. "Why have you come here?"

Harry opens his mouth, but is interrupted by Hermione gasping. "Mr. Lovegood - what's that?"

She points to an Erumpent horn, which is gray and spiraled that is mounted on the wall.

Great, he even has dangerous artifacts in this place.

"It is the horn of a Crumple-Horned Snorkack," Mr. Lovegood says calmly.

"No it isn't!" Hermione shrieks.

"Hermione," Harry mutters, trying to gain her attention to stop his embarrassment, "now's not the moment-"

"But Harry, it's an Erumpent horn! It's Class B Tradable Material and it's an extraordinary dangerous thing to have in a house!"

Ron edges away from the horn almost immediately. "How d'you know it's an Erumpent horn?"

"Well, if you read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," I start saying, my face devoid of any emotions as I analyze everything Mr. Lovegood does, "you would find the description of the Erumpent horn easily."

"We haven't used that book in six years!"

Glancing at Ron, I merely shrug in response. "Never stopped me from memorizing things I found important. Erumpent horns explode at the tiniest touch, so of course I found it important."

"The Crumple-Horner Snokack," Mr. Lovegood says clearly, "is a shy and highly magical creature, and it's horn-"

"Mr. Lovegood, I recognize the grooved markings around the base, that's an Erumpent horn and it's incredibly dangerous - I don't know where you got it -"

"I bought it," Mr. Lovegood says excitedly. "Two weeks qgo, from a delightful young wizard who knew of my interest in the exquisite Snorkack. A Christmas surprise for my Luna. Now," he turns to Harry and me, "why exactly have you come here?"

"We need some help," Harry says immediately, earning a glare from his bushy-haired friend.

"Ah," Mr. Lovegood says, practically muttering. "Help. Hmm." He glances at Harry's scar, as if mesmerized, before glancing at my hand, only to be greeted with seeing my hands with gloves on. "Yes. The thing is...helping Harry and Hailey Potter....rather dangerous..."

"Aren't you the one that keeps on telling people it's their first duty to help them?" Ron asks, seeming rather irritated. "In that magazine of yours?"

Mr. Lovegood glances behind himself, staring at the printing press that has been clanging all this time. "Er - yes, I have expressed that view. However-"

"That's for everyone else to do not you personally?" Ron retorts, causing me to smack the back of his head. He glares at me, but realizes that he probably shouldn't question it at this point.

"Where's Luna?" Hermione asks softly. "Let's see what she thinks."

Mr. Lovegood gulps, causing me to narrow my eyes slightly. He's hiding something.

"Luna is down at the stream, fishing for Freshwater Plimpies." His voice is shaky, not helping my suspicions. "She...she would like to see you. I'll go call her and then - yes, very well. I shall try to help you."

He disappears, causing me to raise a brow.

Without speaking, I stand up, walking towards a door.

"Hailey, you shouldn't be snooping..." Ron trails off as I continue to walk. "Hailey!"

"Shut up," I hiss out, walking into the room. "I'm investigating, I'll be back in a minute."

The room I walked into has a few photos, all of either Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, or I. Connecting each picture is a golden string that has the word friend on it.

This is Luna's room.

If this is indeed Luna's room, why does her bed have cobwebs? Why doesn't she have any clothes in her dresser? What happened?

Scurrying back to the group, I look at them nervously. "Something's wrong."

"We're finally getting answers, Hailey!" Hermione retorts, causing me to glare at her. "You're probably just being paranoid."

"Fine," I mutter out, sitting back into my seat in annoyance.

If I die, I blame Hermione.

The front door closes, greeted by the footsteps of Mr. Lovegood coming back up the stairs. He now wears a pair of Wellington boots, and he bears a tray of teacups that don't don't match.

He only set enough for five...

Luna isn't here, I'm sure of that. But the reason for her not being here isn't comprehended yet.

How annoying.

"Ah, you have spotted my pet invention," he says before shoving the tray into Hermione's arms. Deciding to help the girl, I take the other side of the tray and help her set it on the table. "Modeled, fittingly enough, hpon the head of the beautiful Rowena Ravenclaw. 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure!'"

It's literally a statue that has two objects that look like ear trumpets-

Alright then.

"These are the Wrackspurt siphons - to remove all sources of distraction from the thinker's immediate area. Here-"

Yeah, I'm not going to listen to him talk about some statue.

Ron nudges me, causing my attention to snap back to reality. Seems as if Mr. Lovegood offered us something.

Nope, don't want something from a man who I don't entirely trust.

"How may I help you?"

"Well," Harry says while glancing at Hermione, who nods with a small smile, "it's about that symbol you were wearing around your neck at Bill and Fleur's wedding, Mr. Lovegood. We wondered what it meant."

Mr. Lovegood raises his brow in response. "Are you referring to the sign of the Deathly Hallows?"

"The Deathly Hallows?"

Instinctively, I grab onto my own pendant. Mr. Lovegood knows more about this subject, but it still unnerves me.

"That's right," Mr. Lovegood says. "You haven't heard of them? I'm not surprised. Very, very few wizards believe. Witness that knuckleheaded young man at your brother's wedding," he nods toward Ron, "who attacked me for sporting the symbol of a well-known Dark wizard! Such ignorance. There is nothing Dark about the Hallows - at least, not in the crude sense. One simply uses the symbol to reveal oneself to other believers, in the hope that they might help one with the Quest. That's why I was pleasantly surprised that your sister bears a necklace with that exact symbol."

This causes Harry to glance at me, making me want to sink into the couch cusion. "This was a gift from a...friend. I never realized it had such connotations, if I did, I wouldn't have worn it."

"Yes..." he trails off, looking rather disappointed at that. Which, okay? I don't really care.

Harry glances at me again before looking back at Mr. Lovegood. "I'm sorry, I still don't understand." He then takes a sip from his tea before slightly recoiling.

Nobody even noticed.

Well, except for me, but I don't count.

"Well, you see, believers seek the Deathly Hallows," Xenophilius says, looking quite content with whatever he added to his tea.

"But what are the Deathly Hallows?" Hermione asks.

Mr. Lovegood places his teacup down calmly, glancing at all four of us. "I assume that you all are familiar with The Tale of Three Brothers?"

Ron, Hermione, and me all confirm that we know of the story, while Harry looks confused still.

Mr. Lovegood nods gravely at the news of Harry not knowing. "Well, well, Mr. Potter, the whole thing starts with The Tale of the Three Brothers...I have a copy somewhere..."

He glances around the room at the various parchments and books scattered around, but is saved by Hermione pulling out her own copy. "I've got a copy, Mr. Lovegood, I've got it right here."

"The original?" He asks sharply, which results in Hermione responding with just a nod. "Well then, why don't you read it aloud? Much the best way to make sure we all understand."

"Er...all right," she says awkwardly before opening the book. With a small cough, she's begins to read, "There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely, winding road at twilight-"

"Midnight," Ron interrupts, "our mum always told us." Hermione shoots him a look, causing him to recoil slightly out of his relaxed state. "Sorry, I just think it's a bit spookier if it's midnight!"

"Yeah, because we really need a bit more fear in our lives," Harry says sarcastically, causing me to snort in amusem*nt. "Go on Hermione."

"In time, the brothers reached a river too deep to wade through and too dangerous to swim across. However, these brothers were learned in the magical arts, so they simply waved their wants and made a bridge appear across the treacherous water. They were halfway across it when they found their path blocked by a hooded figure. And Death spoke to them-"

"Sorry," Harry interjects, causing Hermione to roll her eyes in the interruption, "but Death spoke to them?"

"It's called fiction," I say sarcastically, causing Harry's eye to twitch.

He pauses for a moment before nodding at Hermione, "go on."

"And Death spoke to them. He was angry that he was cheated out of the three new victims, for travelers usually drowned in the river. But Death was cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three brothers upon their magic, and said each had earned a prize for having been clever enough to evade him."

Having reaf this story before, I'm not totally paying attention. However, the story is interesting enough so I'll listen.

"So the oldest brother, who was a combative man asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence: a wand that must always win duels for its owner, a wand worthy of a wizard who had conquered Death! So Death crossed to an elder tree on the banks of the river, fashioned a wand from a branch that hung in there, and gave it to the oldest brother."

An interesting idea, sure. But it would bring too much attention onto the person who weilds it.

"Then the second brother, who was an arrogant man, decided that he wanted to humiliate Death still further, and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead."

A interesting idea, but also not really for me. What if the stone messed uo and brought someone back that I didn't want to come back? I would feel like a moron.

"And then Death asked the third and youngest brother what he would like. The younger the humblest and also the wisest of the brothers, and he did not trust Death. So he asked for something that would enable him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And Death, most unwillingly, handed him up his own Cloak of Invisibility."

"Death's got an Invisibility Cloak?" Harry interrupts again, causing me to want to flick his forhead just for the hell of it. Stop interrupting the story.

"So he can stick up on people," Ron says, seemingly lost in thought. "Sometimes he gets bored of running at, them flapping his arms and shrieking...sorry Hermione."

Hermione glares at both of the idiots before continuing. "The Death stood aside and allowed the three brothers to continue on their way, and they did so, talking with wonder of the adventure they had, and admiring Death's gifts. In due course, the brothers separated, each for his own destination."

Knowing how this is going to end, I just relax, enjoying being read to.

"The first brother traveled on for a week or more reaching, and reaching to a distant village, sought out a fellow wizard with whom he had a quarrel. Naturally, with the Elder Wand as his weapon, he could not fail the duel that followed. Leaving his enemy dead upon the floor, the oldest brother proceeded to an inn, where he boasted loudly of the powerful wand he had snatched from Death himself, and of how it made him invincible."

"That very night, another wizard crept upon the oldest brother as he lay, wine-sodden, upon his bed. The thief took the wand and, for good measure, slit the oldest brother's throat. And so Death took the first brother for his own."

See, what did I just say? A powerful wand brings too much attention on yourself.

"Meanwhile, the second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone. Here he took out the stone and had the power to recall the dead, and turned it thrice in his hand. To his amazement and his delight, tbe figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely death, appeared at once before him."

"Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, killed himself so as to truly to join her. And so Death took the second brother for his own."

The dead are supposed to be dead. Once they're dead, they're gone. But, there are ways to prevent the death.

I should know that much.

"But though Death searched for the third brother for many years, he was never able to find him. It was only when he had attained a great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, and, equals, they departed this life."

Hermione closes the book, breaking Mr. Lovegood's gaze from the window.

The window...

I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

"Well there you are."

"Sorry?" Hermione asks, clearly confused.

"Those are the Deathly Hallows," Mr. Lovegood says while grabbing a piece of torn parchment and a quill. "The Elder Wand," he draws a straight vertical line. "The Resurrection Stone," he adds a circle on top of the line. "The Cloak of Invisibility," he finishes, enclosing the line and circle with a triangle. "Together, the Deathly Hallows."

Did he really make her read for five minites just to explain that?

He's buying time...dammit.

Glancing at Harry, I try to gain his attention, which doesn't work.

If I die, I blame Hermione and Harry.

Not Ron, he's been doing great as of recently.

"But there's no mention of the words 'Deathly Hallows' in the story," Hermione says, thoroughly confused.

"Well, of course not," Mr. Lovegood says smugly. "That is a children's tale, told to amuse rather than to instruct. Those of us who understand these matters, however, recognize that the ancient story refers to three objects, or Hallows, which, if united, will make the possesor master of Death."

There's a short pause while Mr. Lovegood looks out the window again. "Luna out to have enough Plimpies soon," he says quietly.

"Is she really?" I retort with my eyes narrowed, causing a look of panic to become prevalent on his features. "Because I don't think she's here."

"But I - I just told you that she is down at Bottom Bridge, fishing for Plimpies!"

"And yet, you only laid out enough tea for five," I retort, narrowing my eyes. "Something happened to Luna, and I think we're the cause of it."

"Hailey!" Hermione yells out, looking panicked. "Why would you-"

I lift up a copy of The Quibbler, one that was just printed. There, on the front page is Harry and I, with the new nicnames, Undesirable Number One and Two, along with the reward amount for our capture. The reveal causes the trio to go silent.

"While you three were listening to his every word, I actually investigated because my gut was telling me something was off," I say while grabbing the tray so that it doesn't dall to the ground as Mr. Lovegood stands there frozen. "He glances at the window every one minute and thirty seconds, waiting for someone. Luna's bed hasn't been slept in for months, there are cobwebs on it. Her clothes aren't here either. So, she isn't looking for Plimpies." Glancing at the window as well, I blink blankly. "So, you sent an owl to the Ministry."

Hermione opens her mouth, but I continue talking. "Add those facts to the disarray of both yourself, and the house, you seem distracted and unable to focus. The Ministry took her, didn't they? They were mad that you writing things they didn't want you to."

"They took my Luna," he mutters. "Because of what I've been writinhm. They took my Luna and I don't know where she is, what they've done to her. But they might give her back if I - if I-"

"Hand over both of them?" Hermione finishes, her expression turning sour.

"No deal," Ron says flatly. "Get out of the way, we're leaving."

Mr. Lovegood still shakes as he spreads his arms in front of the staircase, causing my breath to catch in my throat.

Lily Potter did that just before she died.

I'm not without compassion, I would probably do the same thing Mr. Lovegood is doing. However, I'm not about to be captured. So, when I see two figures on broomsticks, I do the first thing I think of:

I shoot a stunning spell at the Erumpent horn.

The explosion is a bit larger than I had predicted, throwing me into the air like a rag doll and causing me to impact with the wall, pieces of wood piercing my skin.

Mr. Lovegood fell down the stairs, which is evident from the sickening metallic thuds.

"Oww," I groan as I struggle to get up, listening intently downstairs. My back hurts, it's not broken, but it hurts.

There's yelling downstairs, but I don't particularly care at the moment.

"Seems like my calculations were off with the explosion," I joke, earning a glare from Harry.

Look, I need to joke. If I can't joke, it's absolute torture for me.

Joking...or am I?

Scurrying and scraping come from the debris in the stairs, telling me Mr. Lovegood is trying to get in.

"Come on," Harry whispers, "we've got to get out of here."

"Oh really? Thought it would be fun to fight some Ministry officials again," I say sarcastically, which earns a concerned look from Hermione. "It was a joke."

Once all of us are out of the wreckage, I glance at the rattling printing press. A few feet more, and Mr. Lovegood will be here.

"'Mione," I mutter, pulling the girl towards me. "Make sure the officials see Harry and me."

She stares me for a moment, as if trying to figure out if I'm joking before nodding. "Sure." She turns to Ron, rather determined. "Give me the Invisibility Cloak. Ron, you're going to put it on."

"Me? But Hailey and Harry-"

"Please!" Hermione says quickly. "Harry, hold on tight to my hand, Ron, grab my shoulder."

I hand Ron the cloak, and he disappears while Harry grabs onto Hermione's arm. "Hailey!" Harrry whispers, trying to get me to grab onto Hermione.

"Give me a moment," I mutter in annoyance as I creep near the printing press, right when Mr. Lovegood starts to get it out of the way. "Oblivate." And then, I break a hole into the floor, whistling at the two Ministry officials to get their attention. "Either one of you actually a good person?" They raise their wands, causing me to sigh in discontent. "Oh well. Gelata!"

I missed my jelly spells, they're funny to watch even adult wizards get surprised.

With a mock-salute, I stand and grab Hermione's arm, moments later Disapparating away.

Chapter 144: Harry Is An Idiot, Part Unknown

Chapter Text

Nausea causes me to sit down, not focusing on whatever the trio says, more focused on the fact that I just feel like I'm going to throw up.

I despise Apparating.

Makes me too sick, not a good idea.

Like I said, I'm paying attention. All I know is that Ron keeps calling Hermione genius for what happened back there in the Lovegood household.

"Hey, you alright?" Ron asks suddenly, causing me to jump out of my skin in shock.

"Y - yeah...just hate Apparating," I say before taking out some medicine I had packed away. "There's a reason why I would rather walk."

"Well I'm sure you would've loved to fight with those two guys from the Ministry," Harry mutters, retreating inside the tent.

"Can't you feel the love between Harry and me?" I joke as Ron helps me to my feet.

Ron merely snorts in response, shakinh his head. "Heard your segment on Potterwatch."

"Good, at least someone's listening to that," I respond and crawl into the tent as well, not wanting to continue the conversation further.


on follows, making some tea for all of us. Don't ask me about why he's making tea, I have no idea.

"Oh, why did we go there?" Hermione groans after a minute, causing me to jump since I was focused on getting tea. "Harry, you were right, it was Godric's Hollow all over again, a complete waste of time! The Deathly Hallows...such rubbish...although actually," she says as if an idea just popped in her head, "he might have made it all up, mightn't he? He probably doesn't believe in the Deathly Hallows at all, he just wanted to keep us talking until the Death Eaters arrived!"

"An interesting conclusion," I say as Ron hands me some tea. "However, I think you're only partially correct. He wanted to stall, yes, but I don't think he was lying while doing it. Stress plays an important factor in the way we lie, it would have been obvious if he was pulling our legs. When stressed, it's easier to strech the truth more than to make a complete lie."

"I don't suppose it matters," Hermione sighs. "Even if he was being honest, I never heard such nonsense in my life."

"Hang on though," Ron interrupts. "The Chamber of Secrets was supposed to be a myth, wasn't it?"

"But the Deathly Hallows can't exist, Ron!"

"But why not?" Placing down my cup, I pull out my own copy of Beedle the Bard. "Fairytales are just that, fiction. But, some fictional stories do hold truth to them, you can't deny that."

"Yes, but-"

"So, in theory, there could be truth to the story," I say before laying down, my head hurting. "And before you ask about the magic that can bring back the dead, I don't have an answer to that."

Sighing, I try to get comfortable so I can just doze off, not wanting to really be a part of the conversation.

I'm just really tired right now...for some reason.

"So thar Peverell bloke who's buried in Godric's Hollow, you don't know anything about him, then?"

"No," Hermione says, making me want to strangle her. Just let me sleep, please. "I looked him up after I saw the mark on his grave; if he'd been anyone famous or dobe anything important, I'm sure he'd be in one of our books. The only place I was able to find the name Peverell is Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy. I borrowed it from Kreacher."

"Who knows?" I pitch in, staring at the ceiling on the tent. "Maybe he didn't do something historians found important, but he was a part of something bigger than anyone realized."

"That is a possibility," Hermione mutters before seemingly focusing back onto Ron and Harry.

"Marvolo Gaunt!"

Harry's sudden contribution makes me go back to being fully awake. How unfortunate.

Both Ron and Hermione ask Harry what he's talking about, and he just responds with a small history lesson that we totally needed. Well, he said that Marvolo was Riddle's grandfather.

Same thing when I want to sleep.

Can't they talk about this later? Especially since we just ran for our lives?

"Blimey...You reckon it was this sign again? The sign of the Hallows?"

Guess they're still on about that stupid sign. Don't get me wrong, I'm interested as well. However, I really don't want to know the answers to my questions.

That's a first.

"Why not?" Harry says excitedly. "Marvolo Gauntwas an ignorant old git who lived like a pig, all he cared about his ancestry. If that ring had been passed down through the centuries, he might not have known what it really was. There were no books in that house, and trust me, he wasn't the type to read fairy tales to his kids. He'd have loved to think the scratches on the stone were a coat of arms, because as far as he was concerned, having pure blood made you practically royal."

And that's why I have no sympathy for him dying. Of course, I'm not going to admit that. Harry would probably be pissed at me, and I don't need him even more pissed.

They seem to talking lowly, which I do appreciate. Now, if it is due to wanting to let me sleep, or they didn't realize that they're talking quieter, I don't know.

Internally hoping they're just being considerate, but I relaly don't know.

"Dobby!" Narcissa Malfoy yells as I stare intently at the scene in front of me. "You dropped the chandelier."

A Dobby the house-elf walks out of the shadows, wagging his finger at his old mistress. "You must not hurt Harry Potter."

"Kill him Cissy." Bellatrix shrieks out.

A loud crack resounds from the room and Narcissa Malfoy is disarmed.

"You dirty little monkey!"

"Dobby has no master!" Dobby yells out. "Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry and Hailey Potter, and their friends!"

The scuffle happens as I stare helplessly at myself looking unaware of what possibly could happen.

Making a split-second decision, I attempt to move, which works. Through trial and error, I realized I could manipulate my visions slightly, to find a way to change details.

So, I'm in my body.

And as everything starts to close in as we Disapparate, I stare at the incoming knife...

And stand in front of Dobby.

Gasping for breath, I sit up quickly from my cot, holding my stomach as pain shoot through it as if I was stabbed.

I was stabbed...technically.

Dammit, not good enough, I don't want to get hurt to save Dobby.

That's not an option.

"You alright there, Hailey?" Ron asks suddenly, to which I just nod as I hold my knees.

Why me? Why do I always have to see so many people die? I couldn't even sleep last year because every time I did, I would see Dumbledore die.

Now I can't sleep because every time I do, I see so many different people die.

Why me?

I hate this.

"But did you hear what Fred said?" Harry asks, causing me to focus on what they're discussing. Anything to distract me right now is best. "He's abroad! He's still looking for the Wand, I knew it!"

Assuming they were listening to Potterwatch, I just continue to listen for updates.


"Come on, Hermione, why are you so determined not to admit it? Vol-"

My body seizes up as I stumble off the cot to try to cover my brother's mouth.


"-demort's after the Elder Wand!"

"Harry you moron!" I yell out as I grab my wand.

"The name's Taboo!" Ron bellows, leaping tk his feet as a loud crack comes from outside the tent. "I told you, Harry, I told you, we can't say it anymore- we've got to put the protection back around us - quickly - it's how they find-"

As the Sneakoscope lights up and spins, I shift into my animagus form, hiding behind the blankets to act as if I'm just an animal stuck in a tent.

Look, I care about all three of these idiots, but I'm not going to the Ministry, and I'm not being handed off to Riddle.

"Come out of there with your hands up!" comes a raspy voice from outside the tent. "We know you're in there! You've got half a dozen wands pointing at you and we don't care who we curse!"

Chapter 145: Captured

Chapter Text

"Get up, vermin."

The group drags the trio out as I stare intently from the corner of the tent. Depending on their intelligence, they could think I'm a wild animal that got trapped in here.

Or they could remember that Hailey Potter is an animagus, specifically a fox animagus.

I could hear Ron yelling at them, bht I just can't listen.

I'm scared. I'm scared that this will be the time I die.

I can't die, not yet. I can't be captured until I at least save some people. All of this is just terrifying to me.

And Harry is the cause of all of this bullcrap.

Thanks Harry.

Someone enters the tent, making me seize up for a moment before hiding further into the corner, staring intently at the individual who is overturning chairs and other things inside.

How rude, what if we were just kids who graduated who were having a camping trip?

"I'll be needing butterbeer to wash this one down. What happened to you, ugly?"

Fenrir Greyback....dammit.

Doesn't matter if he's smart or a moron, he'll be able to smell the difference if they bring me out. He'll know that I'm not a wild animal.

Thanks Harry, you really screwed us over.

As the Death Eaters continue to tear up the place, I move closer and closer to the entrance, not being spotted.

If I can get far enough away, I can attack from a distance. It would be harder to get a clear shot, but it would be better to attack a group that way.

It's going to be a hell of a difficult time trying to get out of here.

Thanks Harry.

"Well they don't show the Dark Lord proper respect, so the name's been Tabooed. A few Order numbers have been tracted that way. We'll see. Bind them up with the other two prisoners!"

Dammit, dammit, god f*cking dammit.

This isn't good. Not at all.

Thanks Harry.

Merlin, I'm so tired.

"Well what do we have here?"

I hate repeating myself, but god dammit.

The face of an unknown Death Eater looms close to me as I just stare at them with wide eyes.

He glancrs at me before grinning. "Four beds, only three kids. Would be awful funny if you're the last one, wouldn't it?"

I don't answer, I can't. not when I'm an animal.

The Death Eater shrugs as he grabs me by the scruff of my neck and takes me outside, making me go face to face with Greyback.

"What's this? I don't like fox, meat's too tough."

"There were four beds, and only three kids. And look at this, Greyback! Look at this, in the Prophet!"

Dammit, this isn't what I was planning. Why did Harry have to say that word? It's not even Riddle's name, why can't he call him Riddle?

Thanks Harry.

Greyback stares Prophet, specifically a photo. "'ermione Granger," A Death Eater says, "the Mudblood who is known to be traveling with 'arry Potter."

Please don't put together the pieces...please be morons.

Greyback crouches down, sneering at Hermione. "You know what girly? This picture looks a hell of a lot like you."

Hermione squeaks, "it isn't me! It isn't me!"

Hermione, can you be less obvious? I thought you were supposed to be the intelligent one of the trio.

Greyback stares back at the Prophet and I realize that he put it together. "known to be traveling with Harry Potter." His gaze snaps back to the Death Eater that is still holding me. "Isn't Hailey Potter a registered Animagus?"

"I'm pretty sure!"

"Well," he grins, glaring directly at me. "That changes things, doesn't it?"


"I thought you wore glasses, Potter?" Greyback sneers at the deformed looking Harry.

"I found glasses!" A Death Eater yells out from the tent. "There were glasses in the tent, Greyback, wait-"

Suddenly, the glasses are pushed onto Harry face, and Greyback lets out a laugh.

"It is!" He rasps out. "We've got the Potters!"

Harry looks like he's hurting, probably another headache from the look of it.

What a shame.

I actually feel a bit of joy from Harry getting a headache. He deserves a little bit of pain to be honest.

Okay, I may be a tad sad*stic.

"To the Ministry?"

"To hell with the Ministry," Greyback snarls. "They'll take the credit, and we won't get a look in. I say we take hin striaght to You-Know-Who."

A growl is released from my throat, causing the Death Eater that holds me to chuckle. "Well you sure do sound angry, don't you?"

Well you would too.

"Greyback," the Death Eater starts, addressing the werewolf. "Are you sure this one is a Potter."

"Well, it sure doesn't smell like a animal," Greyback says with a grin that makes me want to scratch his eyes out. "And if it's not the Potter girl, well I do have one good recipe for fox." I squirm slightly, causing the werewolf to laugh. "Don't like the sound of that, do you?"

I glare at him, although I'm sure that's not obvious.

Greyback stands up, glancing at all of us. "Might as well take the lot. We've got two Mudbloods, that's another ten Galleons. Give me the sword as well." Didn't even realize they had the sword, dammit. "If they're really rubies, that's another small fortune right there."

Everyone is dragged to their feet as I continue to thrash around in the Death Eater's grip.

"Grab hold and make it tight!" Greyback growls, seizing Harry's hair, and grabbing me from the other Death Eater's grasp. "On three! One - two - three-"

And, to my utter dismay, we Apparate.

Everyone lurches forward as we land on a country lane. A pair of iron gates are in front of us and I can't helo but think of another factor into this big equation.


If he's here then...things can get difficult.

"How do we get in l? They're locked, Greyback I can't - blimey!"

The gate contorts, twisting itself into a frightening face. "State your purpose!"

"We've got Potter!" Greyback says triumphantly, making me flich at his loud voice. "We've captured the Potters!"

And the gates swing open.

Greyback grips onto the scruff of my neck tightly, making me want to just get of his grip already. As we enter the manor, light enters all of our eyes, causing me to close mine so that they can adjust.

"What is this?" A women's voice asks.

"We're here to see He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!" Greyback rasps out.

"Who are you?"

"You know me!" Greyback sounds resentful. "Fenrir Greyback! We've caught the Potters!" He seizes Harry and pulls him toward Narcissa Malfoy.

"I know 'e's swollen, ma'm, but it's 'im!" Scabior pipes in. "If you look a bit closer, you'll see 'is scar. And this 'ere, see the girl? The Mudblood who's been traveling around with 'im, ma'am. There's no doubt it's 'im, and we've got 'is wand as well! 'Ere, ma'am-"

She glances at Harry before glancing me me, seemingly not questioning why Greyback is holding a fennec fox. "Bring them in." The others are pushed forward up stone steps. "Follow me," Narcissa says, leading the way. "My son, Draco, is home for his Easter holidays. If that is Harry Potter, he will know."

Then that just complicates things, doesn't it.

The drawing room is dazzling, a crystal chandelier hangs fron the ceiling as more portraits adorn the walls. Two figures rise from chairs, ones that I recognize as Draco and Lucius Malfoy.

"What is this?"

Narcissa stares blankly at her husband, her face devoid of emotions. "They say they've got Potter. Draci, come here."

I stare directly at Draco as he approaches. His gaze is on me for a moment, as if trying to figure out if that's me or not.

Draco, please don't do anything stupid.

Greyback pushes Harry directly below the chandelier. "Well, boy?"

I close my eyes, hoping, no, praying that Draco isn't a moron.

"I can't - I can't be sure."

If I could laugh out loud, I would. Draco, you absolute intelligent human being you.

"But look at him carefully, look! Come closer!" Lucius sounds excited at the idea of possibly having Harry. "Draco, if we are the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiv-"

"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught them, I hope, Mr. Malfoy?" Greyback growls.

"Of course not, of course not!" Lucius says impatiently. He walks to Harry, taken aback at how messed up he looks. "What did you do to him? How did he get in this state?"

"That wasn't us."

"Looks like a Stinging Jinx to me," he says as his gray eyes look over Harry's forehead. "There's something could be a scar, stretched tight...Draco, come here, look properly! What do you think?"

Draco looks at Harry reluctantly, glancing back at me. "I don't know." He walks away, back to where is mother is near the fireplace.

"We had better be certain, Lucius," Narcissa calls out. "Completely sure that it is Potter, before we the Dark Lord...They say that this is his," she lifts up Hermione's wand, "but it's not resemble Ollivander's description...If we are mistaken, if we call the Dark Lord here for nothing...Remember what he did to Rowle and Dolohov?"

"What about the mudblood then?" Greyback growls as he pushes her forward.

"Wait," Narcissa says sharply. "Yes - yes, she was in Madam Malkin's with Potter! I saw her picture in the Prophet! Look, Draco, isn't it the Granger girl?"


Draco, I think I probably love you more right now.

"But then, that's the Weasley boy!" Lucius shouts, making me flinch. "It's them, Potter's friends - Draco, look at him, isn't it Arthur Weasley's son, what's his name-?"

"Yeah, it could be," Draco says distantly, glancing at me again.

The door opens, revealing Bellatrix as she strides in. "What is this? What's happened, Cissy?" She stares at Hermione as she continues to walk. "But surely, this is the Mudblood girl? This is Granger?"

"Yes, yes it's Granger!" Lucius cries. "And beside her, we think, Potter! Potter his friends, caught at last!"

Luckily, Greyback isn't mentioning me, and they haven't noticed him holding a fox. Yay me.

I probably jinxed it.

Bellatrix drags back her left sleeve, the dark mark on her arm.

"I was about to call him!" Lucius says, grabbing her wrist. "I shall summon him, Bella, Potter has veen brought to my house, it is therefore my authority-"

"Your authority!" She sneere, attempting to wiggle her arm out of his grasp. "You lost your authority when you lost your wand, Lucius! How dare you! Take your hands off me!"

"This is nothing to do with you, you did not capture the boy-"

"Begging your pardon, Mr. Malfoy," Greyback interjects, " but it's us that caught Potter, and it's us that'll be claiming the gold-"

"Gold!" Bellatrix laughs as she continues to throw her brother off her. "Take your good, filthy scavenger, what do I want with gold? I seek only the honor of his - why are you holding a fox?"

"Oh this?" Greyback lifts me higher, causing me to flinch. "The female Potter was nowhere to be seen, and she's an animagus, correct?"

Lucius pauses, letting go his sister-in-law as she stalks over to me. "Yes, I do believe she was. Say, are you actually a wittle Potter girl?" She tilts her head as she taunts me. "Say, does the wittle Potter girl like her brother's wittle friends? Maybe if I just-" she points her wand to Ron's head with a grin. "The Dark Lord only cares for the Potters after all, he wouldn't mind if I killed a blood traitor."

I stare at her, accessing my options. This isn't good, not at all.

"Fine!" She shrieks, fully pointing her wand at Ron. "Avada-"

"No!" I yell out, shifting back as I stand in front of Ron. I glance at Draco, who looks panicked, but I just shoot him a small smile as I glare at Bellatrix. "Good job, figured it out."

"Yes, well you don't expect to outsmart us, do you Potter?" Bellatrix leers at me. "So tell me, is this your brother?"

"No," I say quickly, my face devoid of emotion.


"My brother and I don't work well together, I would be an absolute idiot to travel with him." I'm technically telling the truth...technically.

"So you travel with his friends?"

"Bella," Narcissa mutters, grabbing her sister's shoulder. "The Dark Lord wants both Potters, but she's the one that is useful. Let's make sure she looks presentable."

Bellatrix looks at her sister before looking down at me with a wicked grin. "Fine, Draco-" her eyes travel to him, causing the boy to stiffen in response, "she was your little friend in Hogwarts, go make sure she looks satisfactory." And then, she pushes me toward Draco.

Well at least I'm near him.

Draco nods, and tugs me out of the room, inside a hall. Once we are far enough away, he stops. "What are you doing here Hailey?"

"Why am I more important to Riddle?"

"Answer my question first-"


Draco glares at me, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "He thinks he can use those visions of yours to make sure he wins against your brother."

I almost laugh out loud. "He does realize that I'm going to decline, right?"

"And you'll die."

I merely shrug in response, glancing outside. "We all are going to anyways." Glancing back at Draco, I pull him into a hug, my chin resting on his shoulder. "I missed you."

His arms snake around my waist as he hugs me closer to him. "I did too."

Draco is here, I can hug him, I can hear him. He's right here.

My stomach twists into knots as I continue to hug him, not really wanting to let him him.

He still smells like expensive cologne and apples...

Finally letting go, I smile before slapping his face. "That's for leaving me on the Slytherin common room floor while you went off to kill our headmaster by the way."

He hisses, rubbing his cheek. "I deserved that." He still has a smile though.


Walking back to the window, I stare at the grounds as a plan starts to form in my mind.

"So, how are you getting out of here?"

I grin, turning back to him. He knows me way too well honestly. "Can you get me an owl, a quill, some ink, and some parchment? And make sure you're not noticed."

"I can try."

Chapter 146: Escaping Malfoy Manor

Chapter Text

"Good to know you're out of those clothes," Draco mutters as he looks over my form. Luckily, I snagged my bag before changing into a fox and hid it in my sock, so I was able to change into a new pair of jeans and a Weasley sweater that has the Slytherin colors as the scheme.

"I'm not a slob," I mutter, hiding the bag in my sock.

"I know that."

Taking a moment, I don't look into his eyes, just not wanting to. "Did you send the owl?"

"I did, I wasn't seen."

"Good," I straighten up, moving some hair out of my eyes.

"You cut your hair..."

"Oh, you noticed," I say sarcastically, holding a few strands. "Thought I would be a bit less recognizable."

Draco shakes his head, sitting in his armchair.

Did I mention I'm in his room?

Yeah, my thought process is literally just the fact that I feel like a million butterflies are trying to burst out of my stomach.

"Are you going to escape with us?" I ask suddenly, breaking him out of any thoughts he may have been trapped in.

"Hailey, you know-"

"I know..." my smile strains as I flop onto the edge of his bed. "I won't be able to force you to come, it's not possible. If I did, Harry would go crazy, act as if he couldn't trust you."

"He'd do that either way, " Draco says before leaning further into his chair with a sigh.

I laugh at his statement, shaking my head. "You're not wrong. However, if you willingly go with, he'd probably be more inclined to trust you if you show him you're not on Riddle's side."

"I don't like you calling him by that name."

"I don't care, he doesn't deserve any respect."

Draco stares at me for a moment, his gray eyes analyzing every movement I make. "When was the last time you slept."

"A few hours ago."

"Then why, " he stands up, strolling over to me so he can sit on the bed with me, "do you look exhausted?"

A smile spreads upon my lips, a real, genuine, smile.

Of course he noticed.

Merlin, he's making me really want to kidnap him.

I am whipped...goddammit.

Realizing that I was starting, I snap my gaze away, causing me to stare at his carpet instead. "I've just been having more visions than usual."

"And your brother didn't notice this?" I shake my head, causing him to sigh in disbelief. "That's not normal, the way you two act, especially how he acts."

"Oh trust me, " I smile again, wanting to get Draco to be a bit calmer, "I already knew that."

A soft knock comes from his door before Narcissa Malfoy strides in, glancing at Draco and me. "You both should come with me, Bellatrix almost has an answer about her sword."

My blood boils at the thought of Bellatrix hurting Hermione, which could be faintly heard every time that door opened.

Why on earth does she have to be so wicked?

Draco guides me back into the drawing room, where Bellatrix is holding an unconscious Hermione, glaring at my brother.

Really? Harry could have been a lot more stealthy.

"Drop them, or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!" Bellatrix holds a knife to Hermione's throat, causing Ron to go rigid. "I said drop them!" Small beads of blood appear from Hermione's neck, making me want to grab my wand and hex the woman. And I would have, if Draco didn't grab my arm as if expecting me to.

It's almost as if he doesn't trust me...

If we weren't in a life-threatening scenario, I would be offended.

No I wouldn't, that's a lie.

"All right!" Harry yells, dropping what looks like to be Bellatrix's wand.

I glance at Draco, who looks just as lost as I feel.


"Good!" she leaders before glancing at the teen next to me. "Draco, pick them up! The Dark Lord is coming, Harry Potter, your death approaches!"

Draco scurries off, getting his aunts the wands. In my pocket, I grip onto my wand, the only thing stopping me is knowing that someone is coming to help.

"Now, " Bellatrix says softly, "Cissy, I think we ought to tie these little heroes up again, while Greyback takes care of Miss Mudblood. I am sure the Dark Lord will not begrudge you the girl, Greyback, after what you have done tonight."

"Don't you dare!" I say, causing her to glare at me.

Harry is rubbing off on me, goddammit.

And then suddenly, the chandelier comes crashing down.

In a split-second, I cast a protection charm on Hermione as I lunge over to try and grab the knife from Bellatrix, only to be cut instead.

In the corner of my eye, I see Harry wrestling with Draco for the wands, but I ignore him as I wrestle for the knife from the crazed woman. She pushes me away, causing me to hit the broken chandelier, hissing as glass cuts my back.

"A half-blood trying to disarm me?" Bellatrix sneers as she stumbles toward me, her knife raised.

Bracing for impact, I close my eyes, only open them as a loud crack resounds in the room, the knife clambering to the floor.

He made it.

"Dobby!" Narcissa shrieks, making me realize that this is the moment. Wish I had more time to come up with a way to a save Dobby. "You! You dropped the chandelier?"

"Kill him Cissy!" Bellatrix yells as the knife is moved from her grasp once more. And in another moment, Narcissa Malfoy is also disarmed. "You dirty little monkey!" Bellatrix bawls. "How dare you take a witch's wand, how dare you defy your masters?"

"Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Hailey and Harry Potter, and their friends!"

I almost laugh out loud at the news. My plan is working, thank god.

Sprinting over to Harry, I hoist him up so I can drag him over to Dobby, throwing Ron a wand. As we make it to Dobby, I notice how we're bringing along some goblin as well.

Okay then...

"Dobby! Now's a good time to go!" I yell out, which he nods.. In the last second, I feel an arm on my shoulder, which after a quick glance, brings a smile to my face.

And as we begin to Apparate, I stare at Bellatrix as she throws the knife, and do the only thing I can do...

I adjust myself so I stand in front of Dobby.

As we're pulled forward, I feel the impact of the knife, making me want to cry out due to the sudden pain in my stomach. And as we land on a beach, I stumble backward, grasping onto my abdomen as I try to keep the knife in the wound, not wanting the bleeding to get worse.

"Is everyone alright? Dobby are we at Shell Cottage? Have we come to the same place?"

Dobby's eyes are widened as his gaze goes to me, his voice turning into a whimper. "Harry Potter."

Harry follows Dobby's gaze back to me, finally realizing something's wrong. "Hailey?"

I just smile as I begin to fall, feeling myself being caught before I can hit the ground.

And suddenly, as if in cruel irony, I sleep without a vision for the first time in a while.

Chapter 147: Whipped

Chapter Text

I groan as the sun peaks through my eyelids. As I attempt to sit up, pain shoots through my side, causing me to hiss, recoiling back onto the sofa.

"You're awake."

I peek my eyes open, staring blankly at Harry. "Really? Thought I was a ghost."

"That's not funny."

"Really? Thought it was really witty," I say sarcastically, glancing at Draco who is curled up on the floor next to me, bringing a small smile to my face. "How long was I out?"

"A few days," Harry says as I sit up, wincing at my injury again. "Malfoy hasn't left you, it's strange."

"No, what's strange is that you haven't murdered him already," I say sarcastically, reaching over and lightly petting Draco's hair.

It's soothing.

"But you probably got murder out of your system last year, did you?" It's fun calling out Harry, even if I have to act slightly toxic to do it.

Not like he's any better.

"That's not fair-"

"No, what's not fair is you walking around a cottage when I could've died. I expected Draco to stay near me, but I also expected you to get off your high horse and make sure I'm alright," maybe my voice is a bit too venomous for my own liking, but it gets the idea across.

"Not everyone is compelled to stay by your side."

"Not even going to thank me for saving your arse?" I question, my head tilting as some hair falls in my eyes. "I'm the one who told Dobby what happened. I'm the one who calculated the best way that all of us could survive. I'm the one who got hurt, because I'd rather that happen then you."


"Don't call me that," I mutter before laying back down with wince. "And you should be in Draco's spot right now. I'm your sister, yet you treat Hermione more like one than me. Do you realize how pathetic that makes me feel?"


And then, he walks off to somewhere else, making me just want to sink into the sofa and never escape. Why does he have to be like this? Why do I have to be like this? Why do we both have to be so stubborn?

This is annoying.

Can't he just care about me? For once, can he be civil with me?

This is my fault...isn't it? All of this is my fault. If I wouldn't have let the sorting hat place me in Slytherin, maybe Harry would have been nicer.

Why does everything just have to be so difficult? Why do I have to be so pathetic? Anyone could have stood up to Harry, but I just can't...Why am I like this?

"You're awake..."

And suddenly, I'm back to reality, smiling as Draco wakes up, his hair a mess. "Well good morning sleeping beauty, " I joke, sitting up again.

"Hey, that's my line, " he retorts while rolling his eyes in annoyance. "I'm not the one who almost bled to death."

"Stay around Harry and you might." With another small hiss, I swing my feet off the sofa in an attempt to sit up fully.

"What are you even doing?"

"Well, I thought it's due time to start my rehabilitation." I joke, trying to check out my bandage, only to be stopped by Draco grabbing my arm. "I can't be hurt while on the run, I'll just drag everyone down."

"You were hurt two days ago, Hailey, don't be stupid." Every time I attempt reach for the bandage, he slaps my hand away. After a while of what I would consider a little game between us, he ultimately decides to grab my hand, not listening to my complaints. "If I have to deal with your brother, you can deal with bedridden for few weeks."

"But we don't have a few weeks!" I say while attempting to tug my hand out his grasp. "There's a battle coming. I don't know when or where, but it's coming. I need to be as healthy as possible before that."

"No you don't."

Still struggling to get my hand out of his hold, I pause at his words, as if my mind is racing to catch up to what he meant. "What-"

"Well, theoretically," he says, finally letting go of my hand, "you don't have to save anyone. You see their deaths, but it's not as if you have to save them. You're more than able to ignore it, and live your life."

"I can't do that."

"I know."

God, I am so whipped for this boy, it's not even funny at this point. If I wasn't, he would have been hexed by now.

I let him get away with too much...

I sigh, giving up on checking out the wound. "I have some dittany in my bag."

He nods, going to go grab it, leaving me alone. Once he does, I of course attempt to stand, only to fall back onto the sofa due to feel a tad bit lightheaded.

I'm glad I saved Dobby, he deserved to live, obviously, but I clearly didn't think of the consequences of saving Dobby like that.

I'm such a moron sometimes.

"Found it," Draco says suddenly, causing me to snap out of my thoughts immediately as he passes the vial to me. "Where did you get this stuff anyways?"

"Stole it from Hermione," I say with a small smile as he helps me get the bandage off. As he puts a few drops on my wound, it closes, green smoke coming out. "Why aren't you using your wand by the way?"

Draco pauses for a moment before continuing to rewrap with the fresh bandages. "Your brother got it switch allegiance."


He stands up once he's done, returning the dittany to my bag. "He technically won over the wand, so he's using it for the time being. Rather annoying if you ask me."

"Well, theoretically, you'll probably be able to get it back. Unicorn hair likes their original owner the best."

He doesn't respond at first, only deciding to sit next to me after a few moments. "Your brother is still a prat."

"You think I don't know that?" I say before another thought comes to mind. "Why'd you decide to come with us?"

"Would you have rather I stayed at my manor?"

"No!" I say quickly, causing Draco to smile at me. "It's just that...I'm surprised. You normally think things through a tad, and it probably would have been better if you stayed."

"And miss out on you being a moron and almost dying? Not a chance. I like watching trainwrecks."

I merely roll my eyes in response before slapping his arm. "That's not funny."

"No, it is hilarious."

"Jackass," I mutter, a smile still prevalent on my face.

I'm still mad that he left me in the commom room last year. I definitely am not letting go of that any time soon.

However, I'm not particularly pissed at him. Just mad, and that's only slightly.

I'm way too easy on this boy.

"You're awake!" The familiar voice of Fleur Delacour says before I'm engulfed into a small hug. "'ailey, we were all so worried!"

I smile lightly as she lets go, trying to get the girl to calm down. "Well I'm okay, don't worry."

"A stab to ze stomach is far from okay!" She coddles, trying to keep as much pressure off my stomach as possible. "I assume you replaced the dressings?" Her gaze is on Draco now as she speaks.

Draco immediately nods, "I'm not about to let her do it herself."

"Good," Fleur says promptly while checking the bandages to make sure they're put on correctly. "Well, zey seem to be put on correctly, good job." She then proceeds to hold my face, making sure I look directly at here, further making me uncomfortable. "If you need anything, don't 'esitate to call, Bill or I will be 'ere to 'elp."

I smile, nodding, causing the woman to let go of me. "I'll tell you if I need anything, I promise."

She nods promptly, glancing at Draco before looking back at me. "Good."

Once she does gracefully leave, I can't help but continue to smile. "You and Harry should take notes, maybe you'll learn how to be nicer," I say sarcastically, causing Draco to playfully push my head lightly.

"Shut up."

Chapter 148: Sometimes, I Shouldn’t Have To Explain Things

Chapter Text

Staring at the ceiling of the cottage, I can't help but be trapped in my own thoughts, even with Draco being next to me.

He may be able to get me to calm down, which I should probably not rely on him to do so, but sometimes even relying on him doesn't really work.

It sucks.

No, what sucks is that I have to rely on Draco so much. That is what should be considered sad, because in all honesty, I don't need anyone, not when I am my first priority and always will be.

However, Draco is my second priority, and I care way too much about him.


od, I am whipped.

Is it with the right person? Definitely. We're not perfect, but as long as we communicate, it should be alright.

Theoretically of course.

"Are you awake?" I mutter as I continue to trace over the cracks of the ceiling with my eyes.


"Oh, well okay then," I say before standing up, happy enough that I seem to be okay enough to at least walk.

Before I can take another step, Draco pulls me toward him, making sure I can't move another step. "You shouldn't walk around by yourself, not when you're still recovering."

"Well that's why I wanted you to be awake."

Draco rests his chin on my shoulder. "You're annoying, you know that?"

I smile, elbowing him in the stomach. "And you're only being nice to me because I got hurt by your aunt."

"Well it was your fault for standing in front of a knife."

"And, the Draco Malfoy I know and love is back," I joke, shifting in my seat so that I am facing him. "I missed calling you out on your bullsh*t."

"Well you surely don't do it enough, I wouldn't be as bad as you claim," he grabs my face while speaking.

"I can certainly start nagging more if you'd like."

Draco shakes his head before kissing me, pulling away a few moments afterward. "That will be fine with me."

"But then it wouldn't be as fun," I say while pecking his lips, a smile present on my face.

A few pecks turn into full on kisses as we just get focused on eachother. My arms snake around his neck as I pull him closer, the familiar feeling of butterflies bursting through my chest happening even now.

"Can you not?"

Draco and I break apart with an annoyed sigh as Harry stares at both of us. My smile drops as I just stare up at him. "What do you want?"

He stares blankly at me before shaking his head in annoyance. "I don't want to see my sister snogging a Death Eater."

"Didn't enjoy the show, Potter?" Draco grumbles, staring blankly at him.

"There are so many wrong things in that statement, Harry." Draco grabs my arm, as if warning me not to get Harry too angry. But, he's hypocritical, since he said something already. "Where shall we start?" I slowly creep up, trying to stay aware of my injury. "One, you have no right to judge when I kiss someone when you were caught snogging Ginny...Ron came running to me about that by the way, was thinking you were leading her on when you practically broke her heart."

Draco snorts, muttering something about the Weasley family that I decide to ignore for the time being.

"Two," I walk past the sofa, staring directly at Harry, causing him to shift uncomfortably, "you hate being called The Chosen One, yet you immediately spring a title on a guy you don't like."

"He has a dar-"

"He was also dealing Riddle threatening his family's lives, but you don't care about that, do you?"

"It's fine, Hailey," Draco mutters before glaring at Harry. "I don't need your help with dealing with your brother."

"I know," I mutter back before glaring at Harry again. "Ever wonder why I don't tell you things unless you need to know?"

An idea sparks inside Harry's mind, it's painfully obvious when that does happen. "You knew?"

"I know practically everything," I joke, glancing at Draco before focusing back on Harry. "You have to be more specific when you ask about what I know."

Harry grumbles something under his breath, only stopping when I visibly try to listen. "You knew about the Astronomy Tower, didn't you?"

"If you qualify seeing Dumbledore die every time I closed my eyes for a term and a half, then yeah."

Harry narrows his eyes before sighing. "Can I talk to you?"

"I believe that's what you've been doing, Potter," Draco says while sitting on the sofa, staring at Harry with a glare.

"You know what I mean, Malfoy."

"Fine," I say while walking toward him. "If you ended up hexing the injured girl, you would definitely piss off over half of this house."

"That's not funny."

"You don't say," I retort as we walk into another room, halting once we get out of earshot. "What is it?"

"Dobby wanted to thank you. He had to go back to Hogwarts before you woke up, wanted me to tell you that."

"Oh," I smile slightly at the mention of the house-elf. "Well I didn't do it for him, but I accept the gratitude. If that's all-"

Harry grabs my arm before I can actuallywalk away, making me rather annoyed. "What do you mean you 'didn't do it for him'?"

"Need to clean your ears out?" I retort, wretching my arm from his grasp. "I saved Dobby for my own peace of mind, not for him."

"Your own peace of mind?"

I roll my eyes at his cluelessness, running a hand through my hair. "Ever since fourth year, when I saved Diggory, my visions became more frequent. What used to happen one a week, started happening every few days. I used to only get them a month or so before the actual event, now I can get them to about a year prior before the event, not knowing when it's going to happen."

"Why are you telling me-"

"I see people die over and over. Do you know how strong you have to be to be able to see people die?" I hiss out, trying to keep my composure. "Increase it by tenfold by seeing it happen over a dozen times, practically unable to do anything."

Harry pauses as I just let my defenses fall for a moment, just trying to garner for a drop of sympathy from the prat.

"Once the event happens, the visions stop...and I can just forget about it. But I can't forget about it, not when someone dies and I saw it happen dozens of times. So, I decided to try and save them, to keep a part of my sanity. Better that then," I glance at Harry again, messing with my necklace as a nervous tick, "dying before dear old mother nature says it's my time to go."

"You shouldn't talk about that like it's a joke."

"And you shouldn't treat me like dirt and here we are." I decide to sit down, feeling a tad bit lightheaded. "Trust me, if I was at that edge, I wouldn't be joking right now. You should want me to joke."

"Fine," Harry sighs, sitting down as well. "Why do you protect Malfoy so much by the way?"

"He's my second priority."

"Who's your first?"


Harry laughs at this answer, shaking his head in disbelief. "Wow..."

"What? Surprised that you're not number one? Well big surprise, you're not even in the top ten." I laugh as well, copying his mannerisms. "Congratulations on that by the way."

"Who would even want to know their placing in that anyways?"

"Oh, you'd be happy to know that you're girlfriend is in the number seven spot." I say seriously, picking af my nails. "You don't want to know your placing? Wow, really do feel like you care."

"Fine!" Harry says while raising his hands in defeat.

A grin spreads across my lips and I realize how much fun this might be. "Fine...but you'd need to understand the ones before you first. So, since you know two of them, let's go over number three, Fred and George...they're both pretty important to me, obviously."

Harry rolls his eyes, but ultimately showd that he's listening, which is great. He's at least trying.

"Number four is Blaise, another obvious one. He's way too nice to me honestly," once again, I mess with my pendant again. "Five is Luna...I had a crush on her in fifth year...but I realized it was more me wanting to get over my crush on Draco, so it kind of dwindled away."

Harry seems to be way more interested once Luna is mentioned, probably still thinking about how we saved her at Malfoy Manor.

"Numbers six and seven go to Ron and Ginny Weasley respectfully. Eight and nine go to Theodore Nott and Andie Travers...they were higher but, last year happened." Stopping my fidgits, I just hug my knees in an attempt to calm myself. "Ten, eleven, and twelve go to Jean, Remus, and Sirius, obviously."

Harry looks a tad bit annoyed, causing me to chuckle.

"Get off your high horse, Harry, we're almost done. Number thirteen is Midnight and Elaine-"

"-I'm below a cat?"

"Interrupt me again and you'll be below cat litter, got it?" I hiss out, wanting to continue with my list. "Number fourteen is Hermione, she's annoying, but useful. And, finally, number fifteen is the great Harry Potter."

"I'm surprised I'm that low actually."

"You'd be lower if we weren't related," I retort before standing up. "Now that you know of my list, I think it's high time I leave this place already."

"Leaving again?"

"Preparing for a battle actually," my amusem*nt drops as I grip onto my pantleg as my nerves get the better of me. "Sometime at around the end of Spring, I think in May. A lot of people are going to die, and I don't need to be with you three anymore."

Harry looks confused at my statement, his eyebrows furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"Well I got my second priority back, didn't I?" I smile softly, glancing out the doorway to see Draco dozing off on the sofa. "I'm taking him to Ollivander's, and then he and I are going to hide for a few months."

"We'll need your help for the last horcruxes."

"You want my help? Fine. Bellatrix took something to her vault, I spotted her and Narcissa going to Gringotts. Narcissa gave me information through my eavesdropping, knowing I was there. She mentioned how they were taking it to Bellatrix's vault due to Riddle wanting her to. I'm going to bet it's a horcrux."

Harry opens his mouth and closes it, looking like a codfish. "What about the other one?"

I shrug, staring directly at him. "I don't know, perhaps he hid it in plain sight? Or Hogwarts?"

Two truths and a lie.

Funny how that works.

"That's not very much help."

"No, it's not. Never said I was going to be very much help," I say while turning around, walking back to Draco. "Wait, forgot to do something," turning around, I flip him off with a lopsided grin. "See you later, brother."

Chapter 149: Temporary Wand

Chapter Text

"Are you sure you'll be going?" Luna asks as I tie the strings to my bag, hoisting it on my shoulder.

I nod, slipping on a worn hoodie. "It's something that I need to do."

"Such an odd statement," Luna mutters, her eyes still portraying that she's a tad bit distant. "It's not as if you need to go."

"As always Luna," I say with a smile, moving some hair out of my face, "you're smarter than me."

"I wouldn't say that," she mutters, staring directly at me. "You're more than knowledgeable in areas that I am not. It's just that you don't think very highly of yourself."

"What, are you a therapist now?"

Luna merely smiles, glancing at the incoming Draco Malfoy. "I just value my friends and their feelings."

I can't help but smile at her statement, even as she walks away into another room.

"Forgot that you liked Lovegood."

"Jealous?" I ask with a grin, pecking his lips. "Don't worry, I still care about you."

"That much is obvious," he scoffs, flicking my forehead. "We're going, right?"

His response just makes my smile widen as I continue to tease him. "Changing the subject are we?"

"Yes, because this conversation is making us sound painfully domestic."

I roll my eyes, guiding him outside. The wind isn't too bad, causing the water surrounding the cottage to be rather calm.

"I see your brother isn't going to see you off," he grumbles while taking my hand.

I shrug, looking back at the cottage. It really was a nice place to be, all things considered of course.

Closing my eyes, I think of an abandoned building a block away from the Leaky Cauldron. And, with the familiar feeling of being squeezed through a tube without oxygen, we both lurch forward.

After a few moments of bracing myself on a wall, I'm fairly okay, allowing me to look my already situated boyfriend who looks somewhat amused.

"Careful Malfoy, you don't have a wand," I warn, still a tad bit nauseous due to Apparating.

If I could go a whole lifetime without Apparating, I would a very happy person.

Deciding to continue messing with Draco, I just grin as I look over his attire. Jeans and a dark green hoodie look good on him, I'm not even going to lie about thatm. "It's odd seeing you in Muggle clothes, you know."

Draco rolls his eyes in response. "I've worn Muggle clothes before."

"You've worn suits before, not jeans."

Draco goes to retort, but just stays quiet, making me grin. He doesn't have something to retort.


"How are we getting in Diagon Alley?"

I don't respond at first, instead walking toward him and pulling his hood up, hiding his hair. "I know the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, he'll let us through."

"That doesn't sound very safe."

"It's not," I say plainly, not looking into his eyes when I do so. "But, he let me go through during Christmas, so he should still be trustworthy. Plus, the Leaky Cauldron is the only way we can get into Diagon Alley...unless you want to use Floo powder."

Draco shakes his head immediately at that proposition. "The Ministry is keeping tabs on the Floo Network."

I smile, pulling the strings on his hoodie, making his face disappear. "I know that already, that's why we're going through the Leaky Cauldron. I can trust Tom, he's scared of the Death Eaters, but he's not the type to sell us out."

Draco, after slapping my hands away so he can readjust the hood. "And I have to wear this blasted thing why exactly?"

"Your hair isn't exactly subtle," I joke, pulling up my own hood. "My hair color is at least fairly ordinary."

Draco doesn't respond, instead looking around the abandoned building. "This is an absolute dump you know."

"It's abandoned," I state plainly before going to grab the cloak from my bag. Shuffling through my belongings, my heart hammers in my chest as I realize something.

It's not here.

"Dammit!" I yell out, throwing the bag across the room, probably breaking multiple potions stowed away in the process.

"What happened?" Draco asks in a worried tone, crouching down toward me.

I can't help bht laugh at the situation, running a hand through my hair in annoyance. "Looks like my brother did say goodbye. The cloak's gone."


I'm going to murder Harry before Riddle does at this point.

I tried, I really did. I tried to be nice, I tried to tell him how he negatively affected me when he ignored me.

What do I do wrong?

Am I really that pathetic that he can't bother to hear my side of the story?

"Hey," Draco interrupts my thoughts, flicking my forehead. "Stop it."

Quickly forcing a smile, I co*ck my head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Draco looks irritated for the first time since he last interacted with Harry. "Don't do that, you're being a moron right now. Just because your brother is an utter prat doesn't mean you should blame yourself."

I don't respond for a second, my mind going over what he said, a small part of me realizing that he's right. "You're acting like Theo right now."

"I took notes."

"Well congratulations, you're practically a carbon copy," I say sarcastically before standing, grabbing my bag from the other side of the room. "Come on, we need to get you a wand."

Draco narrows his eyes, but decides not to vocalize his concerns, standing up himself.

Not particularly wanting to to converse anymore, I leave the building, keeping my hood up. Draco follows behind me, glancing around at the Muggles walking around.

A few blocks later, I open the door of The Leaky Cauldron, holding it open so that Draco can walk through.

Tom is cleaning the counter as there isn't anyone drinking. The man looks up, looking shocked as I just decide to drag Draco to the entrance of Diagon Alley.

Before I can, he grabs my arm for a moment, looking panicked. "I thought you weren't going to Diagon Alley anymore? I don't need-"

"We're not being followed," I say curtly, to which he lets go of my arm. Glancing at him for a moment, I continue to stride toward the entrance, pulling out my wand.

The entrance opens as I finish the combination, placing my wand back into my hoodie pocket.

"Remember to keep your head down," I mutter to Draco as we both walk down the practically empty streets.

They're dark and cold, the lights creating an ominous feeling as our shoes click against the cracked roads.

Once we do reach the boarded up Ollivander's, I just use a bit of magic to remove the board long enough for us to walk through the door.

His shop is in disarray, boxes of wands thrown haphazardly on the floor. "Damn..." I mutter, lightning one of the candles so we can see better. "You think you can find a wand?"

Draco nods, looking around. "I don't want to get a new wand."

"I know you don't," I say simply before clearing a spot and sitting down. "But unless you want to rely on me for everything, you need one."

"I'm not your brother."

"Thank merlin for that, it'd be pretty illegal if you were," I joke, passing him another wand box.

"You know what I meant!"

Testing out the wand, a few boxes go flying, causing both of us to dodge from the invisible assault.

Deciding that this may take awhile, my old notebook is in my hand as I skim through the pages for anything that can help me in what is about to come.

Dumbledore made it obvious that he put something in this, something that can help...

But what is it?

While I thoroughly dislike the man, I can't help but admit that everything he did had a reason behind it, and it usually was to help the cause he was supporting.

But there are some details that make zero sense, ones that I cannot pinpoint why he did what he did.

Why did he give Hermione the building blocks to the Deathly Hallows? Was it because of something even more important that we are yet to realize?

And what of the Deluminator? Surely he wasn't aware that Ron and Harry would fight, only being able to reunite by the use of the strange invention?

Dumbledore was smart, yes, but he couldn't see the future. He didn't even believe in seers until Trelawney had a vision right in front of him.

So what is the point of the things he left all of us?

And the Snitch? Why would he give Harry one? Is there someone in it? Is it hiding something only Harry can find?

So many questions and so little answers. To Hermione, he gave a book, talking of three items that would be useful. To Ron, he gave an invention that brought the boy back to the group when he had gone astray. To Harry, he gave a sword and a snitch, both shrouded in mystery.

And he gave me back my notebook full of spells....

But why?

Ducking as another box comes flying at my head, I glance at Draco who looks absolutely annoyed with the entire situation. I guess it's harder to find a wand without the wandmaker there to help.

"Need some help?"

"Know anything about wands?"


Draco doesn't respond, instead looking along the piles of wands that were previously thrown around in search of something.

What is Riddle looking for? A wand, obviously, but what wand?

Is it so that he can duel Harry and me?

No, he wouldn't be as simple. He's looking for a specific wand. But why?

That's the million dollar question then.

Draco looks even more annoyed as he tests out yet another wand that doesn't want to work for him. The wand chooses the wizard, and it seems that there has yet to be a wand to choose him.

Putting away the homemade spellbook, I stare at him directly, trying to access any information to try and attempt to help. "Maybe you should stop for a moment."

"You're the one who brought me here," he grumbles, running a hand through his hair. "This is so annoying."

"I know."

"Just why can't one of these just work?" He once again tries a wand, and once again it doesn't work.

"Draco..." I trail off, glancing at a box next to me. "Try this one."

He rolls his eyes at my comment. "Yeah, like that one will have a different reaction."

"Do you want me to hex you?" I retort, throwing him the wand, which he does catch. "Just try it out."

He reluctantly takes it, eyes widening for a moment before he gets back to his usual annoying self. "How the hell did you do that?"

I merely shrug, glancing at the wand in his hand. "Unicorn hair core, alder wood, about eleven inches...thought it was fitting."

He blinks for a moment before shaking his head. "Why would you know all that?"

I merely shrug in response, flicking my wand so that the discarded wands stack neatly on the counter of the shop. "Read about it. Ollivander's line of work interested me, so I researched it, realized it wasn't for me."

"When did you get interested in this?"

"First year."

Not really wanting to talk anymore, I extend my hand out to him. "Come on, the less we stay in Diagon Alley, the less likely we'll be caught."

Draco looks apprehensively at me for a moment. "So where are we going then?"

A small grin spreads across my lips as I realize I didn't divulge that specific information. "We're going to stay in the Muggle world for a bit longer."

Chapter 150: A List Of Names

Chapter Text

"This isn't horrible..." Draco mutters, flopping onto one of the hotel beds. "That woman was insufferable though."

"Two teenagers getting a hotel room in the middle of the day? I would be weirded out too," I mutter before dropping my bag onto the other bed, falling on it with a sigh. "We'll have to go shopping later."

"Exactly how did you get Muggle money?"

I extend my hand out to show a large wallet, that used to be in the possession of Vernon Dursley. "I've been nicking things from my cousin for years, my uncle isn't very different."

"You scare me sometimes."

Turning my head to look at him, I merely grin, way more focused on the fact that I am on an actual bed then anything. "Good."

Beds are so comfortable, can't believe I took them for granted. Couches are nice too. But hammocks? If I can avoid them, I'm definitely staying away.

Deciding to put my rest to an end, I sit up, immediately rummaging through my bag as I locate a pen and some parchment.

"What are you doing?"

"Things," I say simply, jotting down a few things on the roll of parchment. Anything and everything that I remember from each vision is jotted down, my handwriting turning disorganized as my mind runs faster than my hand can keep up.

A hand grasps my wrist while I'm in the middle of writing the details of Fred's future death, causing me to halt, glancing at Draco. "What kind of things are we talking about here?" He asks, scanning the parchment full of scribbles.

"I already told you about a battle happening soon," I say while giving up on my writing for a bit. Draco continues to stare at me, as if wanting me to continue, causing me to sigh in annoyance. "And I'm trying to figure out how I can save the people who are going to die."

"Okay, how many people are we talking about? Two? Four?" As Draco speaks I just stare at him, grimacing slightly, causing him to grow nervous. "Five?"

"Over one-hundred," I mutter before pulling my wrist from his grasp. "And that's only on the Order's side."

His expression softens at this, glancing at the parchment again. "And you've seen all of them?"

"Why do you think I don't sleep unless absolutely necessary?" I ask before summoning the parchment, trying to see if I missed any of them. "Some of them repeat, some of them only appear once, some I only notice when I'm supposed to be focusing on someone else. Doesn't really matter, I have an eidetic memory anyways."

Draco opens his mouth to say something, but stops himself, instead taking the parchment from my hands. Trying to decode my chicken scratch, he eventually gives up, handing it back to me. "You can't possibly think you can save everyone..."

"Of course I don't," I retort a tad bit too aggressively for my own liking. "I'm planning to save the ones that I can recognize, or make sure specific people will die that are supposed to."

"Who exactly are you able to recognize?" He prys, seemingly just trying to get me to talk at this point.

Reminds me of how I acted when he was being forced to kill Dumbledore. I would just sit there and listen, letting him rant about all of it.

That's exactly what he's doing.

Draco Malfoy, you're annoyingly perceptive.

"I'm not telling you about that. You just got out of Riddle's grasp, and I'm sure you've seen your fair share of deaths over the last year."

Draco takes away the parchment, placing it on the other bed as he stares intently at me. "And how do you expect to save anyone if you're the only one doing it?"

I shake my head, trying to take the parchment back, only to be stopped by him lightly pulling me by my wrist. "I did it before."

"One is a lot less than one-hundred."

"Eight," I mutter before staring intently at the carpet below our feet. "I only want to help eight of them."

"Okay," he urges, causing me to glance at him before focusing back on the carpet. "And if you tell someone about them, you're more likely to save everyone you want to."

"You're rather pushy, you know that?" I say sarcastically, slowly intertwining my hand with his.

"I'm just returning the favor, Potter."

"Well it's rather annoying," my eyes narrow as I once again try to get my piece of parchment.

"Just tell me," he mutters, pulling me closer to him in a feeble attempt to comfort me. "It might make you feel better."

"Fine..." I grumble, readjusting myself so that I'm not uncomfortable. "You're so annoying."

"I learned it from your brother."

"Careful Malfoy, I might suspect you have a crush on my brother," I tease, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Wouldn't be surprised if Harry liked you though, he is absolutely obsessed with you. You should be flattered."

"Why would I be flattered that a prat almost killed me last year?"

I merely shrug, trying to get a tad bit more comfortable as I feel exhausted. "Paid more attention to you last year than me."

"You're changing the subject."

"And you're a prat." I grumble, interlocking my hand with his again. "Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Lupin, Severus Snape, and Vincent Crabbe."

"That's only seven."

"And Harry Potter."

Malfoy shifts slightly, causing me to lift my head from his shoulder for a moment until he stops. "I didn't think he'd die."

"Neither did I," I mutter, staring blankly at a wall. "He just walks toward Riddle calmly, not even saying anything. And Riddle laughs, can you believe that? He taunts Harry, almost proud that he finally is able to kill him."

"The Dark Lord isn't exactly sympathetic. He's just as obsessed with the two of you as your brother is with him."

"Call him the Dark Lord again and I'll hex you," I threaten, not raising my head from his shoudler. "Either way, it's rather odd. I wish I would have tagged along when Dumbledore spoke of Riddle's past, would've made everything easier to piece together."

"You can't possibly be trying to put logic in the Dark-" he pauses, realizing he was going to say it again and knowing I don't go back on my word, "Riddle's thinking."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking," I reply, still staring at the wall. "The more I know about that piece of sh*t, the easier it is to get in his head. The more you get in his head, the more mistakes he makes."

"One should be looking into your train of thought, you're absolutely frightening sometimes."

"I take that as a compliment," I mutter before standing up, grabbing my parchment before Draco can object. "None of them are connected other than a battle. Fred is crushed by a wall after an explosion, Lavender is murdered by Fenrir Greyback, and Snape is killed by that snake that hangs around Riddle. Colin is killed by a killing curse not meant for him, Tonks is killed during a duel between her and Bellatrix, and Remus is killed during a duel between him and Dolohov."

"That doesn't leave us much to work with."

"You think I don't know that?"

No matter what we do, I think someone's going to die. You can't save everyone, even if you can see the future.

But who exactly is going to die? And will I need to make that choice myself?

Chapter 151: What A Waste Of A Lovely Night


A nice author note from the og fic:

Y'all can assume what happens next, I'm not writing that, sorry

The ending made me uncomfortable writing but yall peer pressured me (kidding...ofc)

And Draco would be an attention whor* and you can PRY THIS HEADCANON FROM MY COLD, DEAD FINGERS

Sorry, went too far there

See you in the next chapter (because I was not going to single update when ending a chapter like this since WAY TOO MANY OF YOU WANTED THESE TWO know)

I've been failing my Quadratics unit if you couldn't tell.

Anyways, Draco and Hailey acting like a normal couple actually brings me so much happiness...especially since next chapter is literally them being thrown back into the plot.

Also also, Draco being clueless and actually intrigued about most normal people things is also something that I will take to the grave.

He is the type to be really amazed with the Muggle inventions, but won't admit it-

Sorry, I ranted.

Original Title: 'Why The Author Shouldn't Be Peer Pressured Into Doing Things'

Anyways, I hate this chapter, see you next chapter

Chapter Text

"Okay, that was fun," Draco says almost excitedly as he grasps a icecream cone that he practically begged me to get.

He sometimes is such a child.

"You were the one who wanted to go out," I mutter, sipping from my drink. "Didn't expect you to want to go see a Muggle movie."

"I can hex you," he threatens, his face losing that cute smile. "I just wanted to make sure you stopped thinking about death for a while."

"But people died in the movie-"

"Well I didn't know that!"

I merely smile, intertwining my hand with his. "It was sweet. Plus, I never really got to go to the movies."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he says while licking from his ice cream. "How is it that Muggle ice cream is better than the one at Hogwarts."

"Magic is great, but it just isn't great in every moment. If you enlarge clothes in an attempt to get it to fit, they appear stretched. If you copy food, no matter what it is, it won't give the person any calories."

"Yet Muggles are able to be better than us with their....whatever it's called?" He grumbles, as if offended that I even insinuated that Muggles could be better at something.

"I think the word you're looking for is technology," I say say while we continue to stroll down the sidewalk. Theoretically, due to the sheer amount of Muggles, Death Eaters are less likely to attack.

Sure, they don't care about Muggles, however, unless they are absolutely sure we are here, they wouldn't risk a large gathering of their forces on a whim. And if only one or two showed up, it's a risk due to the fact that Draco and I both were at the top of our Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

I'm sure that's comforting.

Who am I kidding? No it's not.

"We should be getting back," I mutter, eyeing the dark, starry sky. If I had more time, I would want to stare at the sky for hours but there really isn't any time to waste.

Draco fakes a pout in response, clearly wanting to stay out here, even if he has to interact with Muggles.

Wow, it's not as if Muggles take up most of the human population or anything.

"Or," he starts, squeezing my hand in the process, "we could stay out."

"Or," I imitate him, "we could stay in."



"Tomorrow," I say with a sigh, internally smiling.

Imagine the person who you car about worrying about you, and you know they're right.

He took me to a Muggle movie, he literally sat with Muggles to try to get me to be less high-strung.

Exactly why was I stupid enough not to confess that I liked him? We both broke eventually and admitted to it, but we could have easily gone to the Yule Ball if I wasn't stupid.

But that's in the past...

I guess.

Finally reaching the hotel, we silently enter the room, locking the door once we enter.

As I flop onto my bed, I don't fail to notice Draco sitting next to me, causing me to raise a brow. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting next to you, obviously."

I roll my eyes, but don't say anything, instead pulling out my notes so that I can go on another night of planning until that battle.

Minutes go by as we sit in comfortable silence, the only sound being my pen scratching on the parchment.

"Draco," I say loudly as I feel his head on my shoulder. "I need to focus on this."

"No you don't," he mutters, causing me to laugh slightly as his words cause mild vibrations to reverberate on my neck.

"Yes, I do," my hand comes in contact with his face as I push him away. "It's happening soon...I can feel it."

"Then you should sleep."

"Not a chance," I mutter, going back to my notes. "I don't want to."

"Hailey..." he mutters while still holding onto me, as if being an attention seeker.

Oh, who am I kidding? He's always wanting attention.

"Draco..." I imitate, still working.

He doesn't retort or anything, merely resting his chin on my shoulder as he watches my actions, hugging me from behind.

"If you want to do something useful, go make your bed or something," I say as I become a tad bit annoyed with his clingyness.

He pauses for a moment, slipping away from me as if I said something wrong. So, me being a tad bit worried that I did do something wrong, I turn to him, who is staring at his messy bed across the room.

Quickly trying to comprehend the problem, I can't help but cover my mouth as I stifle a laugh, causing him to send a glare at me. "What?"

"You-" I laugh out, actually enjoying the fact that I can laugh right now, "please do tell me you know how to make a bed."

He scowls, shifting away from me. "I'm not daft! Of course I do!"

Raising a brow, I inch closer to him with a grin. "Really? Thought you had a house-elf to do everything."

He once again scoffs, lightly pushing me away. "That doesn't mean I'm an absolute idiot. I know how to make a bed."

"Hogwarts never required for us to do it, as the house-elves would do it for us," I point out, just determined to get him to admit it. There's nothing wrong with not knowing how to genuinely do something simple, especially since he never had to.

Hell, him being surprised at cup of noodles being finished in under three minutes is hilarious enough, mostly due to him constantly berating Muggles and their inventions.

Draco narrows his eyes, but doesn't answer, instead standing up and attempting to make his bed.

Key word: attempting.

"You're supposed to smooth out the wrinkles," I say, genuinely amused with the entire situation. "But you don't have to."

He once again rolls his eyes, smoothing over the blanket with a huff, turning toward me with a small grin. "Oh look at that, you were wrong."

"Congratulations, you did the most basic thing ever," I say sarcastically before going back to work.

"You're ridiculous," he pauses, causing me to glance at him before writing down some more details on a new piece of parchment. "Don't make a joke out of that."

"You know me so well."

"And you call me a prat..." he mutters before climbing back onto my bed, hanging onto me again.

Look, I'm not saying it's annoying, it's not. Actually, it's rather adorable.

Not that I'm going to admit that, since he definitely would stop.

However, I've only figured out specific ways to save everyone, and doing all eight in a short amount of time is practically impossible.

Doesn't even help that I'm in zero of the visions, so it's not as if I can actually manipulate it.

"Can you actually stop for a bloody second?"

"I literally spent an entire day with you," I mutter, not particularly wanting to meet his eyes.

"That doesn't count."

Glancing at him again, I roll my eyes, rolling up the parchment in submission to his wishes. "Fine, what do you want to do? You dislike Muggle television, which is odd, thought you would at least like that one vampire show we found-"

"It wasn't entirely revolting-"

"So you admit it?" I tease, fully facing him now. "You enjoyed it?"

He scoffs in response, as if he is so above actually enjoying Muggle media.

It would be such a scandal.

Imagine Draco Malfoy realizing that Muggles aren't that bad...

Like who would have thought?

"Hey," I start, readjusting myself so I can fully face him, "sorry about not exactly being a contributing member of society."

He doesn't reply, only visibly becoming happier now that my full focus is on him.

He thrives on attention that he literally needs it all the time.

I seriously blame his mother, who from what he tells me, was dotting on him constantly.

Don't get me wrong, Narcissa seems cool, from what I gathered by the limited exposure I've had with her. At least I respect her enough, which is a lot to say to be honest.

The sound of snapping fingers cause me to immediately leave my thoughts behind me, realizing that Draco is way closer than he was moments prior. He seems to realize as well, backing up a bit. "You weren't replying."

"No," I sarcastically say. "I'm certainly not aware of when I decide to listen."

He rolls his eyes for what feels like the millionth time this evening...morning? I know it's past one in the morning.

"I was asking if you've slept in the last few days."

"I took a nap on Monday."

He responds by shaking his head in disbelief. "Three days is a lot." I shrug, not seeing the issue, which seemingly annoys him even more. "You're absolutely ridiculous."

Going to open my mouth to retort, he covers it immediately, much to my utter dislike. "I think you've lost your touch, usually you're not the type to attempt to make the same joke twice in one night."

Prying his hand from my mouth, I don't hesitate to flip him off once I'm free. "For your information, it's actually morning."

A small smile becomes prevalent on his face. But he quickly erases it with a scowl. "I hate you."

Gasping dramatically, I shuffle closer to him with a grin. "I thought you loved me."

"You're toeing the line."

"Wow..." I trail off, still grinning. "You're cruel."

"And you act like you're any better?"

"Never said that."

Deciding to drop the sarcastic facade for a second, I reach over and lightly hold his face, kissing his forehead. "Thanks for caring."

"I wouldn't be a decent person if I didn't."

"Only decent?" I smile, pecking his lips. "I'd say you're pretty adequate."

He grumbles, annoyed with me again.

What is it? The third time this morning that I've annoyed him? Oh no...

Such a shame...

"But," I continue, pecking his lips once more, "it wouldn't be fun if you were perfect, so you'll do."

He raises a brow at my statement. "I'll do?"


He shakes his head, a grin still on his face. "Good."

Pulling me into a kiss, I can't help but smile at the action, deepening the kiss as we get closer to eachother, my arms wrapping around his neck as he toys with the hem of my shirt.

For a few moments, we're not really thinking, only stopping as we both gasp for breath.

"Hailey, love, are you alright?" Draco asks suddenly, causing me to just try to comprehend what he's saying while my head is reeling. "You're not - er - uncomfortable or anything?"


Okay that's kind of sweet.

With yet another smile, I peck his lips before intertwining my hand with his. "I'm fine."

He nods almost immediately, a lazy grin becoming prevalent on his face. "Good."

Chapter 152: Back In The Chaos

Chapter Text

Waking up after a good night's sleep is actually pretty calming if I'm being totally honest.

That, and waking up loosely hugging my boyfriend.

Sleepy Draco is cute...I have no regrets thinking that.

"Good morning."

Correction: sleepy Draco is cute...morning voice Draco is adorable.

That's all I'm saying.

"Good morning," I mutter out, curling up even more at his side, still tired.

He looks a tad bit surprised at my actions, but seems to decide to joke around. "You're oddly clingy, you doing alright there, love?"

"I can still hex you..."

"But you won't."

Narrowing my eyes at the boy, I can't help it when a small smile decides to emerge from my features. "No promises."

He chuckles a bit, not responding for a minute.

I'm not exaggerating, he was silent for well over sixty seconds.

"At least you slept."

In a quick movement, I flick my wand so a pillow from the other bed hits him in the face. "You're sometimes such a jackass."

"Considering that your prat of a brother didn't even realize you weren't sleeping, I should be able to worry. Hell, even the Mud-" with a threaten of another pillow to the face, he corrects himself "-Granger and Weasel-" once again, he cuts himself off, due to me having to threaten him again. "-Weasley couldn't bring themselves to realize it."

"And in a little while, it'll be a nasty dream anyway."

"Before or after you go insane due to avoiding sleep?" He retorts, seemingly genuinely annoyed. "For your information, I don't want you passing out due to you not sleeping for a week or something."

"Okay, I get it," I mutter, still curled up at his side because it's comfortable. "You're right."

"Always am."

"I wouldn't go that far, Draco," I grumble, throwing the pillow at him. "You probably are fifty-fifty in that aspect."

He grumbles something, but doesn't retaliate, instead leaving us both in a sort of comfortable silence.

I would honestly think silence would bother me. No matter how much I claim to hate it, I always had some form of noise around me at all times, be it Dudley screaming, girls gossiping, or people talking way too loudly.

But strange enough, silence can be nice as well...I guess.

Quietly summoning the clock, I almost drop it, startling the boy next to me. "What are you doing?"

"Checking the time."

"No, I never would have known," he says sarcastically, staring at the ceiling. "What time is it?"

"Past nine in the evening..."

"Well look at that, looks like you did need to sleep."

"I hate you sometimes."

Draco smirks, kissing the top of my head. "Sure you do love."

I mock what he says, imitating his irritating voice least as perfectly as I can.

Unfortunately, the nice moment is ended by a loud knocking, causing both of us to jump in shock.

Who in their right mind would knock at this hour.

Draco and I stare at eachother, until I groan as I realize that both of us are lazy, causing me to roll my eyes. "Fine, I'll get it."

Summoning some clothes for the both of us, I throw a shirt and jeans at Draco before slipping on the same combination for myself.

Opening the door is probably stupid, as it is late at night and we aren't expecting someone.

However, I simply do not really care so...oh well?

I'm fairly capable, if I need to beat someone's arse...okay.

Opening the door, I come face to face with one Selena Willaims, who is picking at her nails as she taps her foot impatiently. She opens her mouth before looking at me, immediately hiding her eyes with her hand. "Please tell me both of you are fully clothed."

I glance at Draco, who is indeed fully clothed now, before glancing back at the Ravenclaw. "Why wouldn't we be?"

"You're shirt is on backwards you know," she grumbles before stepping in without being invited, hands in her pockets. "Anyways, Fred wants me to fetch you two...well, mostly Hailey - sorry Malfoy."

"None taken," Draco grumbles, "say Willaims, does Weaselbee still have a crush on my girlfriend or did he decide you were the second best option?"


"At least he's not obvious when we..." she rolls her eyes before pointing her wand toward my neck, "Decontusus."

Immediately sending him a death glare, I gesture for the woman to continue.

"Surprised you didn't keep that coin every member of the D.A. had," she mutters before finally deciding to continue. "Your brother's in Hogwarts."


"It's a big D.A. reunion it seems," she says sarcastically before holding up the galleon, placing it in my palm. "Fred realized you weren't there, causing him, George, and Lee to guilt trip me. So, here I am."

"And exactly what's the point of us even showing up?" Draco retorts, causing me to send another glare at him.

"The point is, you insolent moron, that your girlfriend is still the co-leader of the D.A., whether she likes it or not." She hisses back, not really even changing her tone. "And you two seem to be a set at the moment, so looks like you have to come along too."

"I'm not a-"

Silently, I send a spell toward him, successfully binding his mouth together.

Look, that hex isn't my favorite, it's actually painful, however, I can make exceptions.

"Either way, I was offered some sweets to collect the both fo you, so come along," she says before gesturing to the room. "You probably don't need very much."

Draco doesn't speak, not that he can anyways, instead walking next to me and just glaring at the both of us.

I kinda deserve it but oh well...

She glances at the both of us before nodding, extending out her hands. "Come on, we're already late."

Draco and I glance at eachother before grabbing her hands, the familiar feeling of being squeezed like a fat cat through a small tunnel.

And then, we emerge in a dimly lit room, causing me to squint. "Is this the Hog's Head?"

"Another three?" A gruff voice asks before coming out, looking annoyed. "There's been dozens of you coming in here! Not exactly stealthy."

"Sorry Aberforth," Selena says quickly, lifting up her hands as if she is surrendering. "I'll be sure to get you that goat charm you've been eyeing in Diagon Alley."

He grumbles for a moment before letting us by, Selena immediately pushing us in a hole where a portrait should be. "You should visit him more, much more likable than his brother," Selena says offhandedly, as if not even really even talking to the both of us.

When we do walk through the other door, I can't help but notice Harry talking to everyone...

What else is new?

"If you'd like to see what the diadem's supposed to look like, I could take you up to our common room and show you, Harry? Ravenclaw's wearing it in her statue."

What did I miss-

Harry seems to be in pain due to his scar, causing my hand to tingle. "He's on the move...Listen, I know it's not much fo a lead, but I'm going to go and look at this statue, at least find out what the diadem looks like. Wait for me here and keep, you know - the other one - safe."

"Well that certainly was a lovely monologue," I say sarcastically as I release Draco from the hex, allowing him to be able to talk. "However, I think you're forgetting that even with an Invisibility Cloak, going into a school with Death Eaters is extremely reckless, even for you."

The large crowd turns toward me, causing me to want to sink into the floor for a second before straightening up again.

Harry seems to be genuinely surprised which...thanks, love to know that you didn't think I'd make it.

You know, even though I've been talking about this event for literally months.

"Hailey, we don't have time-"

"I'm not going to stop you, it's your own train wreck," I say before practically hopping down the steps so that I'm on the same level as everyone else. "Just wanted to say that you're incredibly stupid."

Harry goes to open his mouth, but stops. "You're not stopping me?"

"You may be right, who knows?" I mutter as glance at Fred, taking note of the fact that he's still okay.

I'm fairly sure today is the day, and if so...well that's too bad.

"So," I say with a small smile, gesturing toward Luna who has offered to help him, "go figure out where the last puzzle piece is."

Harry nods, helping Luna get under the cloak before disappearing himself, causing me to smile. "Good luck."

Before I can do anything, I'm attacked by one Ginny Weasley who proceeds to hug me tightly before slapping the back of my head. "You seriously ran off? On your own? Are you stupid?"

"Technically I wasn't alon-"

"Not the point!" She yells out. "You could have been dead for all anyone knew! So next time you decide to run off when you actually need to be here, I'm dragging you here myself."

I lift my arms up in mock-surrender. "Okay, I'm sorry."

"You should be!"

With a smile, I can't help but be amused, only to frown for a moment.

This is the calm before the storm...isn't it?

Chapter 153: Snape, You’re Fired

Chapter Text

"Hailey!" Jean says with a smile, running away from Sirius almost immediately when she emerges from the tunnel. She is practically bouncing, which is pretty uncharacteristic.

"Can I talk to you for moment?" My words cause her to immediately frown, switching back to how she normally acts. "I was wondering if you could help me with something."

She immediately nods, completely focusing on me. "What do you need?"

"Remus and Tonks are supposed to die tonight," I mutter, not wanting to meeg her eyes. "I was wondering if you could make sure at least one of them are safe."

She pauses for a moment, seemingly trying to comprehend what I had just said before nodding. "I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

"Of course," she says before her gaze flicks to Sirius. "I'll be right back."

As I continue to look around for more people, I can't help but grab the sleeve of Selena, pulling her away from the twins and Lee.

"Is it too much to ask why you dragged me away, or am I just not supposed to question it?"

"Or you could just not tall and we all will be happy," I grumble, causing the girl to shut up for a moment. Once we are far enough away from enough people, I stop, turning back towards her. "I need you to keep an eye on Fred."


"Don't have the time to really go into depth, but I just need you to make sure he's alright," I say quickly, keeping an eye on the time.

Selena just stares at me for a moment, as if trying to comprehend my rambles. "Can you please bless me with the reason for all of this?"

"Fred's going to die tonight."


"Yeah, oh."

Selena nods not a few moments later, silently walking away.

Okay, guess she's willing to help?

I don't know, I can barely get a read on the woman.

And I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me? I don't know, like I said, I can't get a read on the woman.

Gosh I'm tired.

Leaning on a wall, I just sink to the floor as more and more people enter the room.

"Well you certainly are being extroverted," Draco says before sitting next to me, glancing at a couple people giving him odd stares.

"I'm pretty sure Riddle knows we're here already," I grumble, glancing at him. "You've got that Dark Mark, does it tell you anything?"

He looks nervous, but nods. "One of the Carrows just called him."

"Assumed as much, pretty sure everyone here knows that this isn't going to be Harry going in then out."

"Nothing is that easy."

"Nope," I say while popping the last letter, staring at the large group of people that keep on growing. "I've gotten two, probably three since Jean would definitely tell Sirius, keeping an eye on people. So, just have to deal with the safety of four others."

Draco seems to be annoyed that I'm going back to this mindspace, but doesn't mention it. "Who do you have left?"

"Crabbe, Snape, Creevey, and Brown," I say quickly. "Creevey and Brown can be persuaded to run away. Crabbe and Snape are two handfuls."

"I can get Crabbe if you can get Snape."

I can't help but smile at his words. "You sure? He's going to set fire to this very room...well a different version of it."

Draco nods, rolling his wand in his hands. "I can get him to safety, don't worry."

I take his hand in my, causing him to look at me. "Thanks by the way...for dealing with me."

"Am I not supposed to?" He asks with a raised brow. "I'm not exactly used to the whole nice thing."

"You're a natural...when you try at least," I joke, causing him to snort in response.

"Sorry that I'm late!" A familiar voice yells out, causing me to jerk my head forward.


"Ben told me that there was a ruckus at the Ravenclaw common room, and I just assumed...oh," her eyes scan over me before she just stares at me. "Hailey...great to see you again."

"Yeah..." I trail off awkwardly. "Didn't think I'd see you."

She shrugs, kneeling so that she can be face to face with me. "Surprisingly, Selena's brother is pretty cool, and he said that there might be something interesting happening today, so here I am!"

"Well I'm glad you could-"

"Harry what's happening?"

"Voldemort's on his way, they're barricading the school - Snape's on the run for it - What are you doing here? How did you know?"

"Pretty sure it's not difficult sending messages," I say sarcastically, waving at him with a smile. "It sort of got out of hand though."

"What first, Harry?" George calls out. "What's going on?"

"They're evacuating the younger kids and everyone's meeting in the Great Hall to get organized," Harry says suddenly, "we're fighting."


I do love fighting...

There is a giant roar as people cheer, leaving with their wands drawn.

"Let's go," I mutter, tugging Draco and Aimee along without even thinking.

"I see Hailey is as energetic as ever," Aimee mumbles to Draco, causing me to raise a brow, but I don't really want to talk.

"I tend to refrain from talking about her behind her back...even though she's right there."

"Just making small talk, geez."

I continue to tug them along until we reach the Great Hall. Once we do reach the room, I just tug the two so we can be in the outskirts, next to the walls so that we don't have to deal with the Slytherin table.

Order members stand near the staff table, along with the Professors, along with the centaur Firenze.

"Hello, students," McGonagall says, looking over the children as she talks, "as you may have realized, an unprecedented event has begun, and all of you are in danger that the present moment. Evacuations will be overseen by Mr. Filch and Madam Pomfrey. Prefects, when I give the word, you will organize your House and take your charges, in an orderly fashion, to the evacuation point."

Many of the students look terrified, but a couple students do stand up. "And what if we want to stay and fight?"

"If you are of age, you may stay."

"What about our things?" A girl from the Ravenclaw yells out. "Our trunks, our owls?"

Good to know the population of Hogwarts only own owls, oh wait-

"We have no time to collect possessions," McGonagall says, clearly surprised that they only cared about their personal effects. "The important thing is to get you out of here safely."

"Where's Professor Snape?"

Oh hey, I know that voice!

Lovely to know Andie is still around.

"He has, to use common phrase, done a bunk." A great big cheer erupts from the Gryffindor table, causing me to flinch at how loud it is.

Harry seems to be sneaking around as well, causing some people to whisper in surprise.

Oh wow, it's a seventeen year old boy...such a wonder.

"We have already placed protection around the castle," Professor McGonagall continues, "but it is unlikely to hold for very long unless we reinforce it. I must ask you, therefore, to move quickly and calmly, and do as your-"

"I know you are preparing to fight."

Oh great, Riddle is in our heads. Love that.

"Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood."

I grip my head, the feeling as if my eardrums wanting to burst causing me to feel like screaming, which a couple of people seem to be doing...I think.

I'm fairly aware of Draco tugging me closer to him, but I'm not exactly in a state where I can react.

"Give me Harry Potter and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave school untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight."

"Blimey that was creepy," Aimee mutters, taking note of my state. "Why does he only want your brother anyways?"

"Harry's the one that can kill him, I can only foil his plans," I say with a groan, resting my head on Draco's shoulder.

"But he's there! Potter's there! Somebody grab him!"

Raising my head to quickly, I wince as I glare at the Slytherin girl otherwise known as Pansy Parkinson.

In a swift movement, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff students stand in front of Harry, glaring at Pansy. Hell, some Slytherins even seem to be glaring at her.

"Thank you, Miss Parkinson," McGonagall says in a clipped voice, "You will leave the hall first with Mr. Flich. If the rest of your house could follow."

"Excuse me, Professor," I interject, cringing at the amount of people now staring at me. "But, while Slytherins are stereotypically the bad guys, along with some students not wanting to fight their parents, perhaps some of them would be willing to fight? Surely we need the as many people as we can get."

McGonagall looks over me before nodding. "All Slytherins willing to fight are more than welcome to stay."

I can't help a grin come across my face as some students stay behind, the majority leaving.

And then, slowly, the other houses trickle out. Half of Gryffindor remain, while about a quarter of Hufflepuff stays as well. Quite a few Ravenclaws stay as well.

"Ben, go," Selena says suddenly, talking to a boy that has matching black hair. "You're not fighting in this."


"You're sixteen, it's out of the question!"

"Hey," the familiar voice of Aimee says as she kneels toward the boy. "You're not a Gryffindor, so you don't need to be an absolute moron. I'll make sure Selena's alright."

When did Aimee get over there? Oh well.

The boy, who I assume is named Ben, nods, walking with the last few Ravenclaws trickling out.

Before I can even make a comment, I end up grabbing Colin Creevey by instinct, causing the boy to halt in his tracks. "If you fight in this, you'll die. If you die, I'm reviving you to kill you myself, understood?"

He goes to retort, but the boy glances at my face, realizing that I'm not bluffing. He slowly nods, which results in me letting him go.

"We need Colin Creevey to live for another eighty years, who's going to take pictures of the things around us?" I say with a smile, causing him to brighten up a bit. "Now get out of here, now."

Without another word, Colin seems to run off, at least I hope he does.

I can't focus on one kid that's underage, but I still want the kid to live.


Oh, yeah, I asked for Slytherins to stay.

And of course my friends would stay.

Andie and Theo seem to be way more apprehensive about approaching me, as if I would bite their heads off.

I'm not that scary...

"What do you guys need?" I ask softly, smiling at Blaise.

"Hailey - er - what do you need us to do? Malfoy said we probably should help and-"

I interrupt Andie by hugging her. "Nice to see you again." She seems frozen for a moment, slowly returning the hug. Once we separate, I hug Theo as well, before looking Andie again. "Andie, can you keep an eye on Fred Weasley for me? Selena is already on it, but it would be better to have two people on it."

Andie hesitantly nods, a small smile present on her lips. "Will do."

I then turn to Blaise and Theo with a grin. "I have to save Lavender Brown and Snape, you guys wanna tag along?"

"Should we be worried due to how calm she said that sentence?"

"Shove off," Theo mumbles before grinning, leaning on his best friend. "Sounds like a plan!"

I narrow my eyes at him, he definitely is trying to get on my good side...

Actually, that's a good plan.

"Okay, great!" I then turn to Draco, who was evidently spying on the entire conversation. "Crabbe is going to be with Goyle in the Room of Requirement soon. Make sure he doesn't cast any spells. He probably won't attack you, be he will definitely try to kill Harry and the other two when they go in."

Draco nods, placing his wand in his pocket. "I've got it, don't worry."

" safe, alright?" I say before he nods, glancing at the window. Without speaking, he walks off, making me a bit worried.

He is going to be okay, right?

I mean, as good as you can be when yoh have to battle against your parents.

Andie starts to walk off, only to pause. "Pansy said good luck and...I'm sorry for all that happened last year."

I shrug, smiling at the girl. "We could easily die any minute, not a good idea to keep grudges."

She smiles back before continuing to walk, tailing Fred like a shadow, leaving Blaise and Theo with me.

"So..." Blaise says awkwardly, glancing around nervously. "Where to first?"

A grin spreads across my face for a moment. "We find Snape."

Chapter 154: Saving The Potions Master

Chapter Text

"Come on," I mutter to Blaise and Theo as we scale a wall, trying to keep out of the sight of incoming Death Eaters.

"I understand that you have a plan and all - Stupefy! - but do you mind telling us the plan?" Blaise asks suddenly, stunning a Death Eater as we continue to run.

"Hate to admit it, but he's right Hails!"

Taking a place next to a wall, I can't help but gasp for breath, pretending not to hear the two.

In truth, I wanted to just keep an eye on the two. In all my visions, these two didn't show up once, so I would rather be safer than sorry.

"Hailey, are you even listening?"

"Be quiet," I hiss out, throwing a stunning spell at a giant spider that spotted us.

Spiders, why couldn't it be butterflies?

Blaise and Theo glance at each other before turning back to me, both looking apprehensive. "Who are you looking for? I thought we were going to find Snape."

I don't respond, instead keeping my gaze on Lavender Brown, who is running around in an attempt to help in the battle, her curly blonde hair bouncing wildly.

And then, right behind her, comes Fenrir Greyback crawling out of the shadows like the boogeyman.

"Greyback!" I say suddenly, causing both Lavender Brown and the rogue werewolf to look at me as I raise my wand at the werewolf. "Lavender, get behind me."

She shrieks as she realizes how close he was to attacking her, rushing over to take a spot behind me as I stare down the werewolf. "Greyback, if you turn back now, you can get out of this little encounter unscathed. So make the right choice."

He laughs, his eyes gleaming in amusem*nt. "You sure are brave, aren't you?"

"Not really," I say casually, glancing at Blaise and Theo who look petrified, "just stopping myself from killing you, so get away before you get killed by a seventeen-year-old."

He stills seems amused with my statements, his hand hovering over his pocket, where I assume his wand is. "Do you think the Dark Lord will be happy with me when I bring in not just a Potter, but a traitor as well?"

Theo swallows slightly, raising his wand in order to protect himself, Blaise following his actions a tad bit more confidently.



Greyback laughs hysterically at his failed attempt to attack us. "I'll give you one thing, Potter, you have fast reflexes."

With my wand not wavering, I continue to stare down the man. Fenrir Greyback, the man who turned my godfather into a werewolf. He's a cannibal, threatened to eat me, and wanted to kill Hermione.

If I was similar to Harry, he'd be dead by now.

However, I'm merciful, and he is underestimating my abilities.

An unfortunate situation...for him.

"Unfortunately," he speaks up, still grinning wickedly, "I have to bring you in now...perhaps I can have a little snack first," Lavender continues to hide, her eyes widened in fear. "It's too bad, you're pretty interesting. Cru-"



Greyback goes flying as multiple gashes appear on his abdomen, as if an invisible sword was striking him and he is unable to defend against it.

Turning to Lavender quickly, any sliver of amusem*nt leaves me as I stare directly into her eyes. "Lavender, listen to me. Go find Ginny Weasley - you know...Ron's sister? - tell her that I told you to go to her. She should understand and try to keep you safe."

She nods quickly. "Thank you! I - I didn't even see him...if you wouldn't have-"

"Anyone would have done it," I say quickly, pushing her towards the direction of Ginny. "Now, go, and stay safe."

She looks determined as she nods, running off with her wand raised.

Turning back to my two friends, I grin at Blaise. "Good call, trying to disarm him. My spell may have backfired if you used any other one."

Blaise grins at my praise, "just wanted to try to get that wand out of his hand."

"Well, you did a damn good job." I say before taking the discarded wand of Fenrir Greyback, analyzing it. "Such a shame, it looks like a pretty cool wand," I mutter before putting it up next to a rock and stepping on it, successfully breaking the wand into two before stowing it away in my bag just in case someone found the pieces.

If I learned anything from Hagrid, even with a broken wand, you can still cast spells that could easily hurt someone.

Walking up to the werewolf in question, I kneel toward him as he's gasping for breath, blood bleeding through his clothes. "You should bleed out in about three minutes, hope one of your Death Eater - oh wait, you're not one - Snatcher buddies comes and finds you before that."

And with that, I'm dragging Blaise and Theo out of the area, not liking that we were in the same place for that long.

The more we stay in one spot, the easier it is for them to catch up with us.

As I drag them along, I can't help but curse loudly as a giant swings his club toward a group of students. "Why the f*ck are there so many things happening right now?" I say outloud as I grab my wand.

Ducking as the club circles around, I pretend not to hear the protests of both Theo and Blaise as they stare at me running toward the group.


Smiling, I don't really look at the person who just yelled, but I do recognize the voice as Cedric Diggory.

"Duck!" I yell put as the giant swings his club again, causing all of us to fall to the ground in an attempt to evade the weapon. Pointing my wand at the giant's ankles, I yell out, "Incarcerous!"

Thick, blakc ropes bind the giant's ankles, causing him to fall, making all of us go up in the air when he collapses to the group.

Using the spell again, I bind his wrists too, glancing at Cedric who seems to be checking on the students that were with him, making sure none of them are injured.

"This won't hold him for long!" I yell out, which causes Cedric to nod, ushering the students away from the creature. "Cedric!" He pauses, looking back to me in confusion, having the kids go on without him. "Stay safe."

"Could've sworn I was older than you, I should be saying that to you."

I smile, rebinding the giant's wrists. "Keep the kids safe, then?"

Cedric grins, glancing back at his group. "I'm not about to abandon them."

"Never said you would."

He nods, running off after the students in an attempt to protect them, causing me to smile a bit.

Forgot how refreshing Hufflepuff loyalty is.

"Look out!"

Glancing back at the giant, it seems to have gotten free.

And as his club is raised, I brace for impact...

And it doesn't come.

"You shall not hurt Hailey Potter!" A familiar squeaky voice says before Blaise, Theo, and I are grabbed and Apparate away.

My grin fails to drop as I see the familiar house-elf otherwise known as Dobby. "Thank you for that."

"Hailey Potter should be more careful! Dobby can't protect her!" Dobby scolds me with his finger raised.

"Look, Dobby, you can definitely scold me later, but can you do me a favor first?"

"Of course!" Dobby says at once, causing Theo to give me a look, as if questioning what I'm doing. "Dobby is indebted to Hailey Potter! Hailey Potter saved Dobby's life!"

"It's fine, it was only a small stab wound-" my gaze flicks to Theo and Blaise, who look confused at my statement, "-I'll explain later." I then focus on Dobby again. "Can you find Severus Snape for me?"

Dobby nods immediately. "Dobby can! Give Dobby a few minutes!"

And at once, the house-elf Apparates away, causing me to sigh in relief.

"What the bloody hell was that?"

"You're friends with house-eleves?"

"You were stabbed?"

"Oh yeah, that too."

"Can you both shut up!" I growl, glancing around apprehensively as I wait for Dobby to return. "I'll tell you guys later, but now isn't really the time."

Theo narrows his eyes, but seems to agree not to push it. Blaise on the other hand, attempts to continue to pry, only to be shushed by Theo.

"Dobby has found him! Dobby has found Severus Snape!" Dobby says suddenly, causing us all to jump in surprise. "Severus Snape is in the dungeons!"

"Dobby," I say seriously, glancing back at my two friends befor returning my gaze on the house-elf, "can you take us there?"

Dobby nods, extending his hands out to the three of us, which we all grab immediately.

And suddenlgy, the familiar feeling of Apparation overtakes me for a moment, making me nauseous once we land.

"Dobby must leave Hailey Potter and her friends here!" Dobby says once we are all situated. "Dobby must fight for Hogwarts."

I smile and nod, gesturing for him to go on. "Be safe."

"Dobby will try!"

And like that, he's gone.

"Damn, haven't been here for a while," I mutter out, feeling the walls leading to the Potion classroom. Slughorn is the Potions master, but even with Snape denying it, I'm sure his old classroom has a bit of security with it.

As we enter the room, I don't hesitate to notice Snape pacing around the room, causing me to speak up with, "surprised to see you in here."

Immediately the Potions master raises his wand toward all of us, causing me to roll my eyes and throw him a small vial.

"Potter? What is this?"

"The only antivenom available for that snake of Riddle's," I say simply, not even raising my wand. "You'll need it later, trust me."

Snape seems apprehensive at my lack of defensive measures, glancing at Theo and Blaise who have their wands raised. "Why risk bringing me such a thing? We are not on the same side."

"You're a dreadful liar," I say simply, sitting on a desk due to feeling a tad bit tired. "And plus, you were connected to my Mum, not about to let you die when I could easily get some answers about her...Riddle is going to kill you in about thirty minutes. He thinks that you're the master of the Elder wand."

Snape still looks apprehensive, but seems to be a bit more trusting. "This antivenom is rare..."

"Nicked it from St. Mungos," I say before pushing off the desk, throwing him a bottle of Dittany. "When Nagini attacks you, take the antivenom and then place Dittany over the wound."

"You seem to forget that-"

"I'm not in the mood to have a disagreement," I retort, eyes following every move he makes so I know he takes the two items. "I don't know everything, but I don't really want to either. All I know is that you and my Mum's friendship is the reason my brother walks to his death."

Snape seems to show a moment of emotion before quickly covering it up. "You tell me of this, why exactly?"

I shrug not knowing how to answer, "just make sure he looks at your memories. This war will go on a lot longer if you don't."

Chapter 155: Tears Spilt

Chapter Text


Blaise, Theo, and me all duck as the now covered in jelly acromantula falls to the ground.

"Why the hell did he get Acromantulas?" Theo says, audibly groaning as he throws a curse at yet another giant spider. "Would have been better if he got pixies, at least for us."

"That's too easy - Stupefy! - plus, don't you enjoy almost dying?" Blaise says sarcastically as we run to another corner.

Both boys continue to make sarcastic remarks as I continue to look around, not liking our odds.

Four Acromantulas, one stunned, one incapacitated, two still trying to kill us.

There is a reason why I sometimes hate fighting, and being outnumbered isn't fun.

"I do enjoy you're bickering, however," I start, sending another spell toward one of the spiders, "I don't think this is the time, nor the place."

Blaise goes to open his mouth to say something, only to duck out of the way as one of the Acromantulas almost step on him.

As the Acromantula continues to try to attack Blaise, I raise my wand, quickly saying, "Arania Exumai," causing the spider to practically fly away.

Before the creature and its friend can return, I grab Blaise and Theo, dragging them far enough away so that we can successfully catch our breath without being scared for our lives.

Leaning on the wall, I can't help but want to sink to my knees and just hide. Everything, from the people dying, to the Acromantulas is just getting to be too much for me.

But I can't stop now.

"I swear..." Theo mutters, seeming to have a hard time catching his breath as well, "if I can spend a lifetime away from spiders, I would take it."

I laugh in response, shaking my head. "I actually agree with you on that."

Blaise shrugs at both of our statements, "I don't know, this seems pretty cool...minus the people dying and all."

"So if you ignore everything?"

"Pretty much."

"Well I just want this all to end already," I say before leaning my head on the wall, trying to just calm my beating heart.

I don't want anyone else to die...I just want it to stop.

"You have fought valiantly. Lord Voldemort knows how to value bravery."

Oh look, it's the snake f*cker himself, going on with his stupid comedic irony.

"Yet you have substained heavy losses. If you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by one. I do not wish this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste."

Yeah, except Muggle borns, since you were fine with them getting a kiss from a dementor. Riddle is such a f*cking hypocrite.

"Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my firces to retreat immediately. You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured."

Yeah, sure, so you can swoop in and kill all of us in an hours. Sounds great.

"I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then the battle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour."

"Yeah, like that's going to work," Theo says immediately, laughing immediately. My frown deepens as what just happened continues to run circles around in my mind. Theo seems to take notice of this, halting his laughs suddenly. "He isn't going to turn himself he?"

"Go to the Great Hall, everyone should be heading over there."


"Go," I snap at Theo before my expression softens. "I need to find Harry."

"And why exactly do you need to?" Blaise says while narrowing his eyes. "Why exactly does Voldemort want to kill Harry and not you?"

I start messing with my necklace for a second in an attempt to calm my nerves before talking, but it doesn't work. "Harry's destined to kill him...I'm not."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that Harry is going to end up killing Voldemort!" I say suddenly, dropping my gaze to the floor. "If one word would have been changed in that prophecy, I'd be the one dealing with all this bullsh*t."

Blaise seems to still be confused, but is stopped by Theo who just shakes his head before standing up. "Fine, we'll go see if anyone needs our help, right Blaise?"

Blaise nods his head, standing as well as he stares me down. "If you die, I'm dragging you back to this world so I can kick your arse."

"Wouldn't dream of anything else."

"You both sound too depressing," Theo mutters before giving me a mock-salute. "See you in a bit, give your brother hell for us both. Godric knows he deserves it."

With a nod, I walk from the two, heading straight for the forest.

I tried, I really did.

And now Harry's going to go get himself killed because Riddle was a f*cking idiot and got his soul spilt again when he tried to kill Harry and I.

One word, one pronoun, and that prophecy would have changed. I would have been the Chosen One. I would be the one who is a horcrux.

Instead, I'm supposed to stop people from dyinh, which is a hell of a lot harder than it sounds.

Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't Dumbledore just beat his ass a long time ago? He knew that Voldemort would be there that night, he must have.

God, why does everything have to be so confusing? Is everything going to be confusing until a dark wizard stops? And what next? Will we all pretend that this is over?

How can we pretend? How is it possible to just forget that all these people died just to protect us? In something they didn't even know all of?

Hell, we didn't even tell them about the horcruxes...

We've kept so many secrets from them and they're still willing to fight.

Why? I know I wouldn't do the same.

What's the point in risking your life when there's nothing to gain from it? It's only a risk.

Hell, even I wouldn't go into a fight without something to gain from it. If I just sat by and let people die, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night...even less than my usual.

It's just so confusing...

As I continue to stride toward the forest, I flick my wand a bit, causing an invisible force to be encased by my jelly charm until I catch up.

With another flick, the charm disappears as I pull my cloak off of my idiot brother. "Were you really going to go off and die without saying goodbye?"

"Hailey, I have to do this!"

"You think I don't know that?" I snap at him, still gripping the cloak tightly in fear that he's going to take it and disappear.

Harry stares at me for a moment, as if the cogs in his head are starting to turn. "You knew, didn't you?"

"Of course I did!" I say while I practically shake. "I've been trying for a year to prevent this. But every time I got a lead, it came to a dead end. But I tried and tried and-" I cut myself off before staring at a blade of grass. "I came up with nothing. The only way to deal with that stupid piece of Riddle's soul in you is for you to die."

"I know, that's why I'm going to do this."

"But it's not possible!" I shriek out, a few stray tears falling from my eyes. "Riddle dies by your hands, and yet you die by his. Both are at different times! Why doesn't this make sense?!"

Harry sighs, eyeing the cloak in my hand, shaking his head. "I don't know. I never asked for any of this, and yet all of this is happening."

"Do you think I asked for this?" I say sarcastically, hugging myself in an attempt to calm myself. "I've seen you die practically once a week, not exactly a walk in the park when you know your brother is supposed to kill Riddle."

Harry cracks a smile, causing me to want to just break down right there in this very moment.

We're kids being forced to say goodbye to our loved ones in bulk. Nobody should go through this, much less kids that aren't even legally adults in the Muggle world for a few more months.

"I didn't think you'd care," Harry says truthfully, glancing at the forest for a moment before looking back at me. "You've been pretty mad at me for quite a while."

"Why wouldn't I?" I retort, that tightness in my chest returning. "We both were supposed to die that night in Godrics Hollow. We both were raised in that stupid cupboard. We both had to deal with Dudley's hand-me-downs. We both were told that we were magical on the same day by the same person. We've gone through so much, you can't possibly think I hate you."

Harry's gaze softens a tad bit as my shell continues to chip away. This wall that I've kept up for years just slowly breaking until all that's left is a scared little girl who is scared of what is happening.

"Believe me," I say while forcing a laugh in an attempt to hide any waver of my voice, "I tried hating you. Yet, every time, I realized that I couldn't. You're annoying, reckless, impulsive, and stupid, yet I still want to protect you. It's stupid, I know."

"It's not stupid," Harry says immediately, attempting to get closer to me, which causes me to step a few steps backward. "I never meant for you to even think you hated me."

"Congratulations then," I say before glancing at the forest. "You're going to have to go die soon."


"And I can't stop it."


Without a second thought, I run up to Harry and latch onto him, hugging him tightly as I hide my face on his shoulder.

If only I could hold onto him and take us back in time, would it be easier? Ignoring every time he ignored me. Ignoring the snide comments from Ron?

Would I be able to spend more time with my brother?

Harry hugs me back after a few moments, patting my back as I just sit there for a few moments, silently crying on his shoulder.

Letting him go hesitantly, I wipe my eyes with my sleeve before resorting back to my usual expression. "Go on then. Everyone in the Great Hall will be able to stop him once we get that snake killed."

Harry goes to open his mouth but closes it, as if losing the nerve to do so. Shaking his head, he sighs. "I know you all will."

"Yeah, and if they can't stop him, I'll kill him myself," I say boredly, trying to rebuild that wall in a feeble attempt to stay stable. "He's about to kill the last person in my immediate family. I'm not letting him get out of this battle alive."

"You could die."

"So?" I say with a shrug, my hands now in my hoodie pockets as I stare up at my brother. "You should go, it's twenty minutes to midnight."

He nods, taking the cloak from my outstretched hand awkwardly. When he goes to open his mouth, I stop him with a shake of my head.

If he says goodbye right now, I will break.

He just walks into the forest, my gaze trained on him until he disappears in the trees, causing me to let out a shaky breath, stumbling toward the Great Hall.

Maybe helping Pomfrey will raise my spirits?

Who knows, all I know is that I need a distraction.

As I walk toward the entrance, I don't fail to notice the familiar redhead named Aimee Prewett blocking the way immediately. "Hailey! How you doing?" She says awkwardly.

"My brothers about to die, so not very good," I say simply, trying to enter the Great Hall, only to be blocked again by the redhead. "What's going on?"

Aimee shakes her head, "you just told me that you're probably not very stable right now. I can't deal with you when you're broken Hailey, I don't know how to react."

My calm expression falters as I look at the girl. "Did Fred die? Or maybe Remus? Tonks?" Her expression doesn't falter, causing me to panic. "Colin Creevey? Maybe Lavender Brown?"

She shakes her head, running a hand through her hair. "No, they're all alive."

"Then what's the issue?" I pry.

She hesitates, as if not wanting say, causing me to grow irritated. Pushing her slightly, I enter the Great Hall, glancing at the injured and dead layinh on the ground.

And then, as I'm glancing around, I catch the sight of a familiar female with white-blonde hair.

Stumbling toward her, my eyes become mroe and more blurry as I fall to the ground, kneeling toward the woman as I continue to mutter the same word over and over.

Jean's dead, she's gone...

It's my fault.

It's all my fault.

She wasn't supposed to die. This is all my fault.

Glancing around even more, I spot another person that wasn't supposed to die tonight.

Andie Travers lays on the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling, covered in dirt, her hair matted.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Why did this happen?

Why did I have to screw up so much?

This wasn't supposed to happen...

My hand goes to my mouth as I attempt to muffle any sobs from escaping. A person kneels toward me, who I don't even look at as my sight becomes a blur, sobs threatening to explode from me any moment.


I glance at the voice, tears trailing down my cheeks. "Remus?"

Immediately latching onto him, I hug him tightly, gripping onto his shirt as I start to just cry, my walls slowly crumbling once more as I just can't stop crying.

It's my fault.

This is all my fault.

I shouldn't have had anyone else do this.

Pushing away from Remus with a panicked expression, I attempt to calm my breathing so I can actually talk. "Where's Draco?"

Remus looks at me for a moment before turning around, yelling something that goes deaf to my ears as I see the familiar male running toward me.

Standing up shakily, I run into his arms immediately, sobs racking my body as I bury my face in his shoulder, hugging him tightly as if he's not real.

As I lost him too.

Draco runs a hand through my hair in an attempt to calm me, but it doesn't work.

This is all my fault.

Jean wouldn't be dead if I would have dealt with this by myself.

Andie would be joking around with Theo and Blaise if I would have done this by myself.

This is all my fault.

My mind continues to repeat the same five words over and over as my sobs become louder, alerting more people of my presence.

But I don't care...

My social anxiety isn't going to go away. But neither are my loved ones that are dead.

This is all my fault.

"It's not your fault," Draco mutters, making me realize I was saying that aloud.

I push away from him slightly. Jean most probably was my fault, based on how Remus was acting. She either died while protecting Remus or Tonks.

However, maybe Andie didn't die while protecting Fred? Maybe she died some way other than that?

Glancing up at Fred, who had scurried over from where his family was huddled together, I blink slowly, try to stop crying for a bit. "How did Andie die?"

Fred looks uncomfortable with my question, not liking my gaze either. "Hailey-"

"Don't Hailey me, how did she die?"

Fred looks at Draco before sighing. "There was an explosion...right before it, she pushed me away...she got crushed by a wall."

And like that, my walls tumble down.

Chapter 156: Harry Potter Is Dead

Chapter Text

Gripping tightly onto Draco's sleeve, staring blankly at the ground, my throat raw from sobbing, now feeling helpless.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort's voice says triumphantly in our minds. "He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay your lives for him. We bring you his body that your hero is gone."

My grip tightens on Draco's sleeve, but I don't react to it. Not a hiss of pain due to his voice, not a retort, just silence.

Which is definitely is worrying Draco, but I can't bring myself to care.

I just continue to stare at the ground blankly, the same thought running through my mind that continues to attack it.

"The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There musg be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman or child, will be slaughtered as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live a be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build."

Everyone mumbles for a moment as they start to walk out, Draco and I following silently as I continue to grip onto his sleeve.

As everyone silently walks out, the silence is cut with a scream from Professor McGonagall. "NO!"

Bellatrix Lestrange cackles, causing me to lift my head slightly as I stare at the scene.

It's as if everything is black and gray, every drop of life gone from the world as Voldemort stands with his snake on his shoulders, standing proud as he looks at all of us.

Hagrid holds Harry's body, his eyes red with tears as he's forced to hold the boy.


Ron Weasley is the first to yell out, being stopped from walking forward by Arthur Weasley.

"No!" The second scream is from Hermione Granger, who is stopped by George Weasley.

"Harry! Harry!"

Instinctively, I grab Ginny's arm before she can run at the Dark Wizard, still blankly staring at the scene.

I didn't even think about it, I just acted as I knew she would try to go attack Voldemort just because of my brother's death.

More and more people yell out in protest, which causes Draco to pull my closer to me as if wanting to help just in case the yells become overwhelming.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort cries out before a bang and a flash of light overtakes us, silence being forced upon on the people who were yelling. "It is over! Set him down, Hagrid, at my feet, where he belongs."

My grip tightens even more on Draco's sleeve as I stare at Hagrid, who lowers Harry to the grassy floor. "You see?" Voldemort says as he stands in front of Harry's body. "Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded one? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!"


"Draco, come here."

Two voices cause me to glance at the group of Death Eaters, the two figures of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy beckoning their son over to their side.

Silently, I remove my hand from his sleeve, intertwining my hand with his as I stare at the two directly as Draco shakes his head.

Voldemort isn't pleased with that fact, but seems overly happy with his newest accomplishment.

"He was running, from all of you-"

"He beat you!" Ron yells out, causing the defenders of Hogwarts to shout as the charm breaks. Once again, a boom is heard, this time much louder.

"He was killed while trying to sneak out of the castle grounds," Voldemort says while lying through his teeth. It's obvious that he's lying, to be honest. "Killed while trying to save himself-"

And then, there is a scuffle. A shout is heard, then a bang, a grunt, and yet another bang. Everything happens in mere seconds, only few are able to comprehend what happened until Neville Longbottom falls to the floor, disarmed.

My eyes widen slightly, a feeling of intrigue creeping up on me before I can stop it, the repeating thoughts halting in that moment as my mind clears a tad.

"And who is this?" Voldemort asks in a hissm. "Who has volunteered to demonstrate what happens to those who continue to fight when the battle is lost?"

Bellatrix laughs in her high, squeaky laugh. "It is Neville Longbottom, my Lord! The boy who has been giveng the Carrows so much trouble! The son of the Aurors, remember?"

"Ah, yes, I remember," Voldemort says while looking down at Neville, who is currently scrambling back to his feet. "But you are a pureblood, aren't you, my brave boy?"

"So what if I am?" Nevie says loudly, his hands curled into fists.

"You show spirit and bravery and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom."

"I'll join you when hell freezes over!" Neville yells out. "Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday - Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with here. So is Jean, Andie, and Morgan...all of them. They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over! Dumbledore's Army!"

The crowd cheers, which the silencing charm fails to hold.

You know, my spell would have worked wonders on making them shut up....


"Very well," Riddle says, sounding rather disappointed. "If that is your choice, Longbottom, we revert to the original plan. On your head," he says quietly, "be it."

Tom Riddle waves his wand, and a object flies into his hands. After a few shakes, it's revealed be the Sorting Hat. "There will be no more Sorting at Hogwarts School. There will be no more Houses. The emblem, shield, and colors of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, will suffice for everyone. Won't they, Neville Longbottom?"

His wand points at Neville, who goes rigid, and then forces the hat on his head, causing the crowd to get antsy in fear of what will happen.

"Neville here is now going to demonstrate what happens to anyone foolish enough to continue to oppose me," Riddle says while flicking his wand, causing the Sorting Hat to burst into flames.

I immediately reach for my wand in instinct, my mind getting clearer as I watch the scene in front of me play out.


Grawp, the giant, comes running in, causing the Giants on Riddle's side to erupt in roars, charging at the small giant.

Breaking away from Draco in a quick moment, I grab Neville's wand before running up to the boy, freeing him of his full-body-bind in the chaos.

He throws the hat off himself, glancing at me with a small smile. "You're back."

I don't smile, instead I stare at Voldemort who is trying to make sense of everything. "I'm back."

In one fluid motion, Neville draws something silver out of the hat, the hilt glittering with rubies.

The slash couldn't be heard over the chaos, however, the scream of Riddle as his last horcrux is destroyed is deafening. Nagini, the snake that was his trusty animal sidekick is dead, it's body on the ground, while it's head is in the entrance hall.

Riddle attempts throw a curse at Neville, only to be blocked by an oddly powerful sheild charm.

I had cast it, but it feels more powerful then usual...


Riddle's eyes flick to me as I throw Neville his wand, my wand raised to the red-eyed wizard. "Hailey Potter..."

"Should have killed me and said what you said about Harry, would have been more believable," I say before grabbing Neville's hand, my other hand being taken by Dobby the house elf for the second time in twenty four hours.

"Dobby told Hailey Potter to be safe!" Dobby scolds at me as I keep a straight face. "Hailey Potter was not safe!"

"To be fair, he was going to burn Neville to a crisp," I say before glancing around, noticing we didn't move very far, only out of eye sight from Riddle. Glancing at Neville, I sarcastically wave. "Enjoy your time in the spotlight? How did it feel acting like a main character?"

"I don't think now's the time to crack jokes-"

"You want me making jokes," I say before leaving Neville behind, to the annoyance of Dobby who is yelling at me to come back to safety.

Calmly, I walk admist the chaos, side stepping away as house-elves run around, determined to protect their home, being lead by a Kreacher, wearing the locket of Regulus Black.

Centaurs run around, helping with the fight as Grawp holds up a fight with some of the giants.

People continue to duel, even as I walk by them, my gaze flicking around for a specific person.

Before I ran to Neville, Harry had disappeared. It was subtle, and with the chaos happening, it was hard to spot or comprehend.

But he still has my cloak.

I could be wrong, and if I am, the only thing that will affect is my mental health, so it doesn't matter.

Before I can get too far, however, I throw a protection charm behind me as a curse is thrown at me. My brown raises as I turn around to see Augustus Rookwood.

Lovely, the man who caused Andie to pass.

I'm going to f*cking kill him.

He wordlessly throws another curse at me, causing me to laugh a tad, finding this fun. "You can't use the killing curse can you?"

He doesn't respond, only to throw another curse, which is easily blocked by a simple protection charm. "Perhaps you should learn to be less obvious?" I say sarcastically, seemingly irritating the man as I continue to block his curses.

But what irritates me is that he looks bored. How can someone be bored in this situation? Ater being the cause of multiple people's deaths?

Every spell that attempts to hit causes me to grow angrier at the entire situation. Why did this all have to happen? What was the point?

Getting way too irritated, I simply disarm him, outstretching my hand so that it can fly to it as I stare at him. "Sectumsempra."

Blood pools from him as he falls to the ground, the familiar look of being slashed by a familiar sword in the chest.

Walking toward him, I kneel toward him, my expression still not changing as he gasps out for breath, sounding gurgled. "Such a shame, Andie got killed by someone who isn't even competent in a duel."

In his line sight, I snap it in two before throwing the two pieces far away from his body before standing and moving on, my hands back in my pockets as I casually stroll.

The battle is almost over, I can feel it.

Chapter 157: This Is The End

Chapter Text

I silently watch as Riddle battles McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley at the same time. Riddle actually looks pretty pissed off...which is great I guess.

Bellatrix is still fighting as well, roughly around fifty yards from where her leader is. Like her leader, she was also battling three at once: Hermione, Ginny, and Luna, all battling their hardest.

Keeping my gaze trained on the three teenage girls, I grow irrationally more pissed off when a Killing Curse shoots passed Ginny Weasley, missing her by a mere inch.

Before I can take a step toward the group, I am pushed away by another person, causing my eyes to widen a tad.


Mrs. Weasley throws off her cloak as she runs, freeing her arms. Bellatrix spins around, laughing even more maniacally at the thought of a Weasley defeating her.


Mrs. Weasley pushes the three girls away, causing me to run toward them just in case one of them is stupid enough to try and help the woman.

With a swipe of her wand, a new duel begins. As I grab both Gryffindor girls' wrists, not about to let them run on, I glance at Luna, who just seems dazed as she watches.

Jets of light fly from both of their wands as Bellatrix's smile falters and becomes a snarl. The floor beneath them becomes hot, cracking as if on fire.

I block Fred and George from trying to help her by a small protection charm, shaking my head at the two before focusing back onto the fight.

The twins attempt to run forward once more, only to be stopped by Molly Weasley herself. "No! Get back! Get back! She is mine!"

Hundreds now stay dazed as the two duel, equaling eachother at every moment.

This is what is supposed to happen.

If I had foreseen someone dying in the moment, I would have protected them. Hell, I'm not even sure I would be too keen on Bellatrix dying.

However, she killed my godmother, and that changes my opinion.

"What will happen to your children when I've killed you?" Bellatrix taunts, easily dodging the attacks.

"You - will - never - touch - our - children - again!"

Bellatrix laughs, resembling what would have happened to her cousin if she had successfully killed him that night in the Department of Mysteries.

And just like the forgotten future and end of her cousin, a curse soars through the air, hitting the woman square in the chest.

Bellatrix's smile freezes, her eyes seeming to widen for a second as if she had realized what had happened in her last second of life.

And then, she topples to the ground, causing the defenders of Hogwarts to cheer.

Voldemort screams, blasting his three opponents backward, the three adults flailing and writhing in the hair as Voldemort's rage explodes like a bomb as his best lieutenant lays dead on the floor.

I sent a protection charm towards Molly as Riddle raises his wand, only to be surprised at the sheer power it held.

Looking around quickly, my eyes widen as a familiar figure takes off an Invisibility Cloak.

"Harry..." I mutter, taking a step toward him, only to be pulled back by Luna, shaking her head at me.

Yells of shock, cheers, and screams reverberate along the area.

"Harry!" Some yell, being muffled by other screams.

"He's alive!" Others cheer, also being muffled.

Silence then abruptly comes as Riddle and Harry lock eyes, beginning to circle eachother.

"Please tell me you had a vision about this," Ginny mutters toward me as the two wizards circle eachother.

I shrug, eyes locked on Harry in confusion, not even knowing how he survived again. "Yeah, but based on tonight, I don't really trust those anymore."

"I'm assuming that means Harry wins," Ginny says, which I just nod at, practically entranced that Harry is still alive.

How is he still alive?

Is he still a horcrux?

What happened?

Questions flood my mind as I watch the two stare eachother down.

"I don't want anyone else to try to help," Harry says loudly. "It's got to be like this. It's got to be me."

Voldemort hisses, his red eyes widening. "Potter doesn't mean that. That isn't how he works, is it? Who are you going to use as a shield today, Potter?"

"Nobody," Harry says simply. "There are no more Horcruxes. It's just you and me. Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is going to leave for good."

"One of us?" Riddle jeers in response. "You think it will be you, do you, the boy who is survived by accident, and because Dumbledore was pulling the strings?"

"Accident, was it, when my mother died to save me?" Harry asks, seemingly trying to buy time.

He's trying to get Riddle to doubt himself, for him to lose his composure so that he messes up.

Or, I could easily be reading too much into things.

"Accident, when I decided to fight in the graveyard? Accident, that I didn't defend myself tonight, and still survived, and returned to the fight again?"

"Accidents!" Riddle hisses out, keeping everyone frozen as they watch the scene unfold in front of him. "Accident and chance and the fact that you crouched and sniveled behind the skirts of greater men and women, and permitted me to kill them for you!"

"You won't be killing anyone else tonight," Harry says as they continue to circle around eachother. "You won't be able to kill any of them ever again. Don't you get it? I was ready to die to stop you from hurting these people-"

"But you did not!"

"-I meant to, and that's what did it. I've done what my mother did. They're protected from you. Haven't you noticed that none of your spells you putt on them are binding? You can't torture them. You can't touch them. You don't learn from your mistakes, Riddle, do you?"

Okay, that's a lie. He was literally hurting McGonagall, Kingsley, and Slughorn a few minutes ago. But okay, make him doubt stuff, I can get behind that.

"You dare-"

"Yes I dare," Harry retorts. "I know things you don't know, Tom Riddle. I know lots of important things that you don't. Want to hear some, before you make another big mistake?"

Okay Harry, go off I guess.

Riddle doesn't answer for a moment, seemingly pondering over the possibility of my brother's words, before sneering. "Is it love again? Dumbledore's favorite solution, love, which he claim to conquered death, though love did not stop him from falling from the tower and breaking like an old waxwork? Love, which did not prevent me from stamping out your Mudblood mother like a co*ckroach, Potter - and nobody seems to love you enough to run forward this time and take my curse. So what will stop you dying now when I strike?"

Well, I could alwags go in front of Harry in the last second...

That probably would hurt Draco too much, and he doesn't need that.

"Just one thing," Harry says as they continue to circle.

You know, they really need to stop circling eachother.

But if they do, they're probably going to start their know what, just get this over with, we don't need so many monologues.

"If it's not love that that will save you this time," says Riddle, "you must believe that you have magic I do not, or else a weapon more powerful than mine?"

"I believe both," Harry says, causing the snakelike man to laugh, the noise echoing through the Hall.

"You think you know more magic than I do? Than I, Lord Voldemort, who has performed magic that Dumbledore himself never dreamed of?"

Bit full of yourself, aren't you Riddle?

"Oh he dreamed of it, but he knew more than you, knew enough not to do what you've done." Harry says as they still circle around eachother.

"You mean he was a weak!" Riddle screams. "Too week to dare, too weak to take that what might have been his, what will be mine!"

"No," Harry starts, "he was cleverer than you. A better wizard, a better man."

I wouldn't go that far, but okay.

"I brought about the death of Albus Dumbledore!"

"You thought you did," Harry responds, "but you were wrong."

"Dumbledore is dead!" Riddle yells out, getting more and more frustrated. "His body decays in the marble tomb in the grounds of this castle, I've seen it, Potter, and he will not return!"

"Yes, Dumbledore's dead," Harry replies calmly, "but you didn't have him killed. He chose his own manner of dying, chose it months before he died, arranged the whole thing with a man you thought was your servant."

"What childish dream is this?" Voldemort says, still not striking. He just stares him down like he is nothing but prey.

"Severus Snape wasn't yours," Harry says plainly. "Snape was Dumbledore's, Dumbledore's from the moment you started hunting down my mother. And you never realized it, because of the thing you can't understand. You never saw Snape cast the Patronus, did you?"

Riddle does not answer as the two continue to circle eachother.

Can they just attack eachother already?

"Snape's Patronus is a doe. The same as my mother's, because he loved her for nearly all his life, from the time they were children. You should have realized," Harry says as Riddle's nostrils flare, "he asked you spare her life, didn't he?"

"He desired her, that was all," Riddle sneers, making me increasingly uncomfortable. This is my mother they're talking about. "But when she had gone, he agreed that there were other woman, and of purer blood, worthier of him."

"Of course he told you that, but he was Dumbledore's spy from the moment you threatened her, and he's been working against you ever since! Dumbledore was already dying when Snape finished him!"

"It matters not!" Riddle shrieks, laughing maniacally. "It matters not whether Snape was mine or Dumbledore's, or what petty obstacles they tried to put in my path! I crushed as I crushed your mother, Snape's supposed great love! Oh, but it all makes sense, Potter, and in ways you do not understand."

Getting a bit too co*cky there, aren't you, Riddle?

"Dumbledore was trying to keep the Elder Wand from me! He intended that Snape should be the true master of the wand! But I got ahead of you, little boy - I reached the wand before you could get your hands on it, I understood the truth before you caught up. I killed Severus Snape three hours ago, and the Elder Wand, the Deathstick, the Wand of Destiny is truly mine! Dumbledore's last plan went wronh, Harry Potter!"

Harry seems to smile wider at the man's monologue. "But, Severus Snape is alive."

"What is this?" Riddle says with a glare. "I saw him die with my own eyes."

"You thought you did," Harry says, causing me to smile at the confirmation. "However, you did not account for some of us being able to figure out your plan." Harry glances at me for a moment before focusing back onto Riddle. "And now Snape is recovering from his wounds with Madam Pomfrey, who has been protected throughout this entire battle."

Voldemort turns toward the school in fury, only to be stopped by Harry continuing to speak. "But that was not your mistake. So think, try for some remorse. It's your last chance, it's all you've got left...I've seen what you'll do otherwise....Be a man....try....Try for some remorse."

"You dare-"

"Yes, I dare," Harry says, "because Dumbledore's last plan hasn't backfired on me at all. It backfired on you, Riddle."

Well this is becoming an entire drama...where's the popcorn?

"That wand still isn't working properly for you because you tried to murder the wrong person. Severus Snape was never the true master of the Elder Wand. He never defeated Dumbledore."

"He killed-"

"Aren't you listening?" Harry says in a tone that almost makes me laugh. "Snape never beat Dumbledore! Dumbledore's death was planned between them! Dumbledore intended to die undefeated, the wand' last true master! If all had gone as planned, the wand's power would have died with him, because it was never won from him!"

This really is bringing in all the twists. Like I said, where is my popcorn?

"But then, Potter, Dumbledore as good as gave me the wand!" Riddle says with a smile as if he had won. "I stole the wand from its last master's! I removed it aginst its last master's wishes! Its power is mine!"

"You still don't get it, Riddle, do you?" Harry says in an almost condescending tone. "Possessing the wand isn't enough! Holding it, using it, doesn't make it really yours. Didn't you listen to Ollivander? The wand chooses the wizard...The Elder Wand recognized a new master before Dumbledore died, someone who never even laid a hand on it. The new master removed the wand from Dumbledore against his will, never realizing exactly what he had done, or that the world's most dangerous wand had given him it's allegiance..."

Riddle's chest rises and falls rapidly, his hand shaking as he seems like he is going to lash out at any time.

"The true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy."

My eyes widen at that notion, causing me to look behind me in panic, wanting to spot Draco but I can't see him.

"But what does it matter?" He asks softly. "Even if you are right, Potter, it makes no difference to you or me. You no longer have the phoenix wand: We duel on a skill alone...and after I've killed you I can attend to Draco Malfoy, and perhaps your sister, if she chooses the wrong side."

Or, if you kill Harry, I kill you, that's pretty simple.

The Killing Curse seems pretty fun right about now...

"But you're too late," Harry says. "You've missed your chance. I got there first. I overpowered Draco Malfoy weeks ago. I took his wand from him."

The sun begins to rise, causing me to almost be amazed by the beautiful red glow.

"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it?" Harry whispers. "Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does...I am the true master of the Elder Wand."

As the sun rises, it hits both male's faces at the same exact time.

And at the same time, they raise their wands, screaming two different spells to the heavens in hope they will prosper.

"Avada Kedavra!"


The bang sounded like a cannon blast, golden flames erupting from the two of them, at the center of where their spells collided.

And as Riddle's green spell collides with Harry's red, the curse travels toward the man who sent it. The Elder Wand flies out of Riddle's grasp, spinning toward its true master.

And Harry, who has had been a seeker for years, catches the wand in his outstretched hand.

And as Tom Riddle falls backward, his red eyes glazing over as he becomes a mere husk of the monster he was.

And as my brain realizes that Tom Riddle is dead, a weight that was weighing down on my shoulders is lifted.

The silence is defeaning as everyone seems to collectively take a moment to comprehend everything.

And then cheers overtake the air, filling it with happiness once more.

Practically everyone runs toward Harry, causing me to smile as they collectively hug him with such excitement.

A hand intertwines with mine, causing me to jump, only to relax when I see it's none other than Draco Malfoy.

"You ran off."

"I..." I trail off, facing him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I know, I should have told you what I was doing. It's just that Neville needed to kill the snake, and he wasn't getting out of that Full-Body-Bind and so-"

I'm immediately interrupted by Draco leaning down, pressing his lips into mine before letting me go, a small smile on his face. "You sometimes talk too much, you know that?"

"And you're constantly an arse," I say simply before pulling him into another kiss, a smile on my face as I feel content.

I'm not completely back to normal, I'm going to definitely need to slowly get better.

Perhaps I'm not going to be back to how I was even a mere twenty four hours ago.

But all I know is that I'm fine with that. As long as I have someone to listen, someone to be there when I need a shoulder to cry on, then I should be alright.

Because I trust Draco, even with everything that has happened.

I trust him.

Chapter 158: Nineteen Years Later

Chapter Text

"Where's my trunk?"

"Mum, my Potions book is missing!"

"Love, have you seen my shoes?"

I smile softly at the three, internally telling myself not to just snap. I love my family, but that doesn't mean that they aren't annoying sometimes. "Scorpius, your Potions book is in the second floor bookcase, third shelf. Lyra, your trunk is in the cupboard like always. Draco, your shoes are under the sofa."

"Thanks Mum!" My two children yell out before running off to gather the last of their stuff.

"I feel so old," I joke, smiling at Draco, who is grabbing his shoes. "It seems like only yesterday Lyra was born. Now that girl is almost fifteen! It's crazy."

Draco chuckles a bit while walking over to me. "Well, at least you'll be around all of the students. I have to be here all alone now."

"You can always visit me during the weekend," I point out while flicking my wand so that the rest of my belongings are in my bag. "It's not like I'm required to stay at Hogwarts every day."

"I know."

I smile at him before lightly pecking his lips. "If you're that lonely, go hang out with your mother more often."

"But I'd have to interact with my father."

"So?" I shrug before grabbing my bag. "Your father isn't that-" I stop myself when I see his look "-okay, he is that bad. But you can't just never speak to your mother. She did save Harry, you know that."

"Yeah, I know."

"Good," a smile spreads across my face as I intertwine my hand with his. "Scorpius will do great this year, I can guarantee you that."

"Well of course, he is our son."

"Conceited little prat," I joke, slapping his arm lightly.

Draco smiles, pulling me closer to him. "You fell in love with the 'conceited little prat', so you don't get to judge."

Rolling my eyes, I pull him to my level, successfully kissing him.

"Eww, nope, nope, nope!" Lyra yells pushing Draco and I away from eachother. "I will personally hex both of you the moment I come of age if you don't stop that."

"Aww," I say while ruffling the girl's hair.

Lyra resides at about four feet and seven inches, a whole seven inches shorter than me.

I can finally do the hair ruffling.

It's great to have children.

"Lyra, you aren't complaining when you get in trouble with your prefects," I joke, causing the girl to pout. "Like that time when you and Ava Baker were caught-"


"Oh no, I want to hear this story," Draco says with a grin, causing the girl to flush red.

"Lyra," I say while putting a strang of her hair behind her ear, "we don't care if you're dating someone, but maybe try to be a bit more discreet while around prefects? They aren't all like Uncle Ron and Auntie Hermione, alright?"


"Great," I say while pulling her in for a hug. "Make sure you teach your girlfriend how to cast a stunning charm though. That girl is going into fourth year and can't even do a simple stunning charm."

Lyra pouts, but ends up nodding at my request.

"Love," Draco addresses me with a smile, "hate to interrupt, but we should get going."

"I know that," I huff playfully before pushing Lyra out the door, aware of Scorpius staring at the door nervously. "Scorpius, is everything alright?"

He nods quickly, not convincing me one bit.

"All right, what's wrong," I kneel toward the small boy, brushing a piece of blond hair behind his ear. "Scorpius, I'll find out what's wrong sooner or later."

He immediately shakes his head in an attempt to try to get my attention off of the situation at hand. "I'm fine Mum, I swear."

"Alright," I say while standing up, brushing my robes off. "Know that I'm going to figure it out."

"What if I'm not sorted into Slytherin."

I pause at this question, slowly turning back around to look at him. "What?"

"It's just that," Scorpius looks away, nervously messing with his hands, "when I went to go visit grandmother, grandfather said-"

"Don't listen to what that prat says," Lyra says suddenly, causing Scorpius and I to jump a tad. "He's a f*cking jackass."

"Language," Draco pipes in, causing Lyra to scowl a bit.

"Oh please," the fifteen-year-old starts, "it's not like it's something he won't hear once he gets to school."

"Yes, well we don't want you to say it until he does start hearing it," Draco ruffles her red hair, causing her to lightly hit his hand. "Now, I think your Mum needs to talk to him alone, so let's go."

"That sounds boring," Lyra whines, but leaves anyways, followed by Draco.

"Alright, now that they're gone," I joke, going back to Scorpius' level, "what did your grandfather say to you?"

"He said that his family has always been Slytherins and that I need to continue the family legacy...or something like that."

I strain my smile as I think of graphic possibilities of that man's death. Oh the possibilities. Shaking my head, I focus back on the boy, taking his wand out of his pocket. "Look at this, it's a wand for a wizard." Pulling out my own wand, I show it to him. "And this is a wand for witch. Do you know what's interesting about them both?"

Scorpius shakes his head, still acting rather awkward.

"Well," I start, pulling him into my lap so that we can both sit comfortably, "they both have Phoenix feather cores, which is quite an interesting fact. But do you know what's the most interesting?"

He shakes his head again, causing me to ruffle his hair.

"The wand doesn't care what house you're in, it only chooses you as a person. And the only thing you should think about regarding magic is your wand." I hand him back his wand, which he takes gratefully. "And, know that your father and I don't care if you're in Slytherin or not. Because, while your father's side of the family is practically all Slytherins, my side is mixed. Don't let your house define who you are, it's only a group of smelly teenagers who think their group is better than the other three."

"But you and Dad were Slytherins."

"So?" I say, "my brother is a Gryffindor. Tonks is a Hufflepuff. Jean...remember, I told you about her? Well she was a Ravenclaw. We're not going to dislike you if you aren't in our house." With a slow motion, I move more of his hair out of his face. "We'll be just as happy if you're a Gryffindor, or a Ravenclaw, or a Hufflepuff."

He smiles awkwardly, making me involuntarily smile as well. "Really."

"Definitely," I jokingly boop his nose to cause him to laugh. "And hey, if you don't like the house the hat discusses with you, you can always tell him. He does take your word into consideration." I kiss him on the top of the head before standing up, Scorpius doing the same. "Now, let's get to the station, shall we? I want to see you get on the train before I get going myself."


The Potter Twins - LowlyLux - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.