Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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3 as SPIRIT OR THE PRESS: ij ICAVIWn Lil i M6I 4 ij I I 1 tl ov I I iher A 43 i it However it i I in fconfidtnqa the: President gives 1 i balf aaksj orphans through the it reel i 'the ft A i Miss Laura Keene will b4ginan engagement next' 1 Ti 1 I 'J I er bbL Very little iuquWy for other gradea Baltixrngro25 cede per btl kwor QuolaUone for unchanged vu: mafic claimants for the public favor none 'deserves nioro than Laura Keene fy' hf 1 It I ih 4 Ji I 3 i 4 argil Tha theii ii teen qeuf per foot' i ii 4 i I 4 1 1 1 Xi ff I i 1 I 4 from i is the the hapbl of the not oven th1 bj iavr1aukl thip whole irOut of the i 3 I Ernam? was not an audience The difli 1 be most that he got alqng cradifa iiiM tl ci th as hoi boi itr and ii (t I I I I a fate II ii mpen Prtn vTL 26tfah XE ti al dl 1 I '9 a Nt rivei I t' BO hod She land The regi th mi '5 political ascendency and bei would bo forever gone I But new men ill spring guide the masses of the popu vl vTHtfRSDAY MARCH 30 1865 of the downfall of the rebell Po war Bai State boiidd mark have i Ha erpool Tht to adtcript LBre Lpi tweht UNION SOWAXu OREVMR PM HB 4'i 4' i i i i i i i ip burr cBUSKXfe 17'r A 'h 4 aaa aaM vv WM OUR" mu maiur IMI of Clover reported at UN a 11775 Timothy W5 iota at $H25 and laxauediat $305 '4 i I iWiuStiX No raleB retorted Qty and Ohio at a $120 ii I 1 1 rP ii utjected to an exeba' fl ft? ftOST 1 i de Pf 8U rei Di tb for mi ac Aa ne I id HenaJd rebellion demonBlfaUd I I kwHlGTO Hf ONE DISTRICT O'THE CITY BURNED I 4' Pl 6 JT 41 1 wo ix i rxoTtisT hXJivxJfe: i Pi a Mesrs 'Ordhii iri illiini 1 I I 1 I Jall tri A I i afreeta east Capfki Hi 3' I 4 I h'nAHV Pii of tty one iiyi Hi i I a Is' '4wi Tslry It Llhe'i ease in the capital as i vauua ot apptaus curtain with 'Bellini 18 cents per lb18 1 1 1 ITU 17 V' 516k uj2 lo7 per gallon Ifro laid I anc i Lse test TbA jto knK Wasp thus I United SUtes vs Mary Adfey Receiving stolen Tblscnse van continued from Tuesday end after argument by counsel the umr returned a verdict of not? guilty i United States vs Joseph Wayne Assault and battery The prisoner 4 colored boy and testimony adduced showed conclusively that biia insane lie was therefore acquitted but will be sent to the lotano Asylum 1 i ij United States va Alexander Shaw and William Boston The defendants are boys not mors than nine years of age and they wese charged with stealing a Unt and am apron In viewiof tbeir tonderege the District Attorney entered a nol pros United States vs Ann Tracy Tbs defendant in this case is an old woman over fifty years of age Rhe was employed as bousekeeper by Mr Charles as Wright at No 302 street and is charged with open ing 'a letter directed to Mr Wright in him absence and abstracting thtVefrom over fifty dollars The case is still on trial Mr Wuseiov for defence i dead The Northern search of Lcn aad it vjll be utatnted for with equal Asking' kri nd qaU mo4o exptiunal traiiMcliant on Govern iiaiwuai tHiiimi ubv iiok oeeii mum dnyi) and funds have accumulated in CiBCVIT COUBT Before Chief Justice Carttkr Wrnwrimiv Karafc on teuLanilh Jone VS Ann erfmtaiAtrafAr in ent of ctitiuMlDpon IhrtnfcUoni which had been preyed was cou io attention to mise et tcene aujd stage We are glad to notice that this theatre has in pre pirationthat gorgeous fairy tale or The' Wonderful Lamp "A 1 i ii I Ilf! ir 11 1 1 A bnday night at when the fair manageressw lib as author as welf as actor in a play culldd tlie Workmen of We welcome this wbrthy and gifted' artist to the Capital 1 Of all dnU 2 CRIMINAL COURT i Before Mr Justice Olim Carrington Ifitlritl Attorney Prosecuting Wednesday March 29 II ErC 0'1 Ul S4 1 1 I it with tifeils afid jwei Vw 11 fir i a a r4 lib' teules wagon loft foe Sixth I I rd I tfvdjy tie fiups stiktdreil st i I si nasv 4 CoMRAriv Cost ok vpplyjnu the! MArklUitfi 1 fltPtonr'rrsAw a a I WASU1N0TON AND OlHrn CiTiM Upon Jb sutj ct we iij in the fol oZ sigiofiiaM article eft from ihl wMbiiRt0l( ci pptr J' tho Nionnl IixtcItig8nc6riMrcb7 lf53 Metau Euitqmh: Allow me i a siogle ct as tegard the adtaiuaje tu tij cily clU contemplated Metropohtftft 7 1 1 met recently with a very intelligent nm'uhn engaged during the last fifteen years in supply mr hets with tbajM tides of butter eggs ponliL distance of abouPninety miles 11 ms0ft during that time very week with a wsgiin drawn tv tarte aod snuatiiDM four horses Ilia estitnkteof the cnt of transportation jin this way together with the incidental expenses attendant upon it i $45 ppr torij As he timed xll the difbrenMUms of expeiwe thAtimke nu this amount with which ho was perfectly familiar 1 have no doubt but the estimate is a very fairjone It then to transport to Market in this city the prWocts we daily consume by the present Only mode of conveyance attlu rate of $45 per fn jr (jt dit'ance of Let it be borntj in mfud that a very large proportion orthe supplies that our: markets rrc ive are brought from a distance of ninety miles and even greater sand among the articles aro thos most prcuhaily liable to dlerioraiitu bv being jolted andsshaken up amidet dust aM haat durii their Jong and tedious transit over rugged roads Now let us tee Low the cfso woud be by railroad i i At theiiigtestysteseyer chargrd I beiiaVAon railroads viz fourcents pr ton pernvlr the tranapotution of ora ton of produce ninety miles would be threw dollars and sixty cents) Suppoao other exoposes storsgd perh'pi or drayrg or whatever it might would make it up bo 5 par tou Hero we have a tvnig of $40 per' ton! Islurther eommetft uecewary If Whb pays this tax of $40 uQ jevcry Joo of the neeesaaritw of fife that Cuti sumed byour population Init not the confwlcrT' Mot! undoubtedly it ivji Diw uy i ther citjr in ilia country mit to eufeh a state of things 7 If there cvUelcjiuparirb at all ith the city of Washington mipuktfoa hui other advantages 1 know not wherejto £oji lor iL liu my inquiring propensity is carrying ine the limit I bad in tended waji only to a aba a fue and I leave cincJuflioiH ai nDleruaas to others eqnJiy jc terested with uiySelfl ty rsK i gt On loohiug oyer hat hare wutten I if impor taut to add that the routed! the Hgtu Jitau road extents through the district i country' whence th iaje was de rive! tha has Lee i cited and that it ntrhtes tis richest partol Maryland and (by itejeoanefcii ms) Scutl ern! Peousy Ivanialhe preductsol witich nuyV chiefly mij ply our market 4 the vrysent mode offconve'avtc ruuHthe Wasbiogtoft enlitu 1 of Aufcudk 13 jaj4: la the Baltimore i Lexington Market ou riday Irufa potatoes were sold to 374 cents a padk i in Wast in tou Centro Market yesterday £0 cents TmatiW from I2J to Iff cent in ihat city whiloi here tbu price was 37j'cerfts In moreTeacties from 25 t)37jcentta peck i Waabu gtoa front GO ceis tul aitiiu the Ide proportion for other vegetable produets exhhting a wide AiiTereccan tho prices ofjha two eitids c*ntrkKti I' Tbo editor i giun spsfiks of tbeM ffrenfcui as Wt marly per epnt Bvit aiore aid Wathinc ton and ray We sqa tie reason beyond tbe opeb con biuntion lha hucksters why vegetables alfouijl bj much LLty ir io jicbar than id Battimoro I I I imatteU that a diffsreot foasoh woultbc given by 1 tlio citizens of Ba )iimure NeW York will! have W'ltbmd two three hems' Call by means Ot 7 thmr several railroads superabundant supply for thcir Aaity markets 1 I i 1 'they wwill obtlrs epggest that if WasSiig'dn bily were to avail hereylf ot the necessary facility for regute tiog the u)ply according the demwid theie wnpid no icojsicu for or at teavl uiMArtd s)tt fir wuhjpituiig to Utemj i i i i i I 1 1 Navy ac The Pi njuft fl a despatch steamer Illa en 'nrL uiiVul stf on yevter lay I I 1 The ye4ruep4eb ptlaiuer King Phlip' aWfoftTestei day afternaop takjng down for du od lie Aifomae flc tills tho prater pirt ofjlbe crews of tifo rteutAes'zLillian arid' Dumbarton which' vessels it isieEpi ctUz will be as Mmy tffiiisportp dcya I The Navy lpartut Im as pivny if ttna cleaiof veuchiD Lew ttfat! blockading service Lcuali duuinixhi'd as be jultcu urty cm ployed aidj: coDSqueiitly will transfer! fo thd army anymore of them ibaj arjs worth being retameu by Ite Gi I Terumeut foirtjvafimlion and thus in a measure! avbid chsrterof addiiityial vessels for trauptJrt 1 Samuel the i flicieot coustruetipg engineer oltbis yard having 'defjchrd and crd Trd ttt tie Mare Is'and Navy jYjrd near fcian iraacjicu California 1 introduced its successor Mr Den ciao rijof' Buaten i Maesachuxdta to vha and master workmen of lh yarJyjesterday My DjrnUoj Dob hi tig berti coc rii witldjheOfoanee Bureau lof fh auiy in the dii i cbarga of it dultcotimdibusiriiugefou3h1cpe rieucei'fo HLipoaitiu i Af Mrili a'of Tunkhianjck hii'l has been app tfiUd Ilispoctur of Bills (in place MrJA Thayer' auporvisa the cost of all Mbeles for Misted at tBpiysrdnd thus pnsvctjt crors iu Ifta pajimeH fcf bills oilXf! for contracts or purchases iu opn market The Ne Toek team packet Unda arivd lh4 at yyat rday 4 The maey? friend of Mr I if McCfollkran wjll be grati fipl to foart that cnmplitheutar crudurt Imt Mir J5yVtnimj at EmI Washuigtoi his beuc Gt real nearly $4uik Le qjiutetlcs execu ted by Mefrs Datyaod UoJgfoii Ball Taller ind Noyes will ugb rrmemhered at the Navy Yard' Lope Mr Ball Whoha bap drafted may hrva las mu6b success i vyilli hi nputemplted cvfcartp at Odi Ball I Seventh a Um during the eSeitog week fJ I I i 'I 4l I sTHg MesaCRiy and ClCUd TogLi I Am burgi St MeiyigerieJ in cfj mctmatvmb'tbayor ijiw's Uirjtuv wlbe ptneJ to! the public! fiw ie first i tiui' at thf knsminoth pavi imi Irjcatrd url tix th strict a fow rods sorfth of JeuDyIviti 'avenue A collection of 1 liyngammaL bkdfhat i Amburgh it bf it self a sufficent atirctio i to draw ovei flowing ifuJier cis and when 1 add Hi op a varied peiformaocj by 'tine of tie rnnet popular in the comifrv is aimomfoed no ue can ifoubi that tbo eapibity of the big tetlt will be tested to tbd utmost The combined compuruys will a public trade in iDa'couree of tla day I 'j J1' 1 fi 4 I I The Store Rosston Chill's rDtfr arfitLemafit Hiving readers will rear in miodftbat tLisSnlmctte combf naifou of ats atd gyujuialic arttytes I wjlUgive its opening pfrlormahcj this crnifoJ on tb corner of New 1 Yuk avenue at Sxth The colnpapy has won gollep i pMiitins from jhe preis of the nortberti ditirs and from the laudatory notices bestowed npra hc effort of the chief peifotruert wtlabi uld judge thit lhay ossossed ut 5 tic 1 i a 5l lU llllj I A' IVUS UIU 9t Ji 4 1 fi Ti' a i v1 ir' jue Enging The atesjo firJ er gioerdero3 for 'C' upaiy No 1 asdito ba jatatiofied at tie Union Eng no Iloua iu the irst WarJ unved here yes terday direct from te Amrekeg jron Vf otksi Tifo en ne is cf ttyi samojittyi aa No 2i'and 3 (rrfnkJinland Col'umiiia) U'bicb Iiuvo been ftfl'SjJ'mo me jThe ire Department ias inw fully ore red kud or have' hi aa(ixfooiioti'' kn iw ing that 1 halt lives and pro perty will be vcll id case of firc4 i i i or CITY PoiSTj The mail stpamer WtbiBer Capt Rvixlcft yesterday City 1'oinl with fofeils and gssset gera The eleamercl II Mrwftslbadi dfcBh perils and me bicam figia Hi street whaif slijtyr iardsy tor (hty Pmu 'ter le iia the I THEATRICAL MATTERS? j' Theatre continues to amuse "nil who nil 4 ire funny and lively panioinime' and captivating illet which ard produced fey the management with I io attention to mue er scene and stage W1 street whaif alioty In view AL 1 1 Catiip Bury vud lifiri will Lei reyttwed by Ms) Gen I I AlfgVsvV 'S I Ip I Pliihunal iWertnjkc pleasure iu istAtiu thE ths fine sfl uiU lv pqentid Dr McKee Hurgson chargoat Lif eoln Hospital on Tnrsfiiy evec ng wa gotten upj ly lliute enterprising silvlrsmiths Meaaia If II Ninth and TVitludr el 1 riMSw the around for wu iSi discussion at some future time 1 no doubt also we ihaan Cliims upon them which we do not pht forward at prearnh but have announced to re aims wi ioh at Koine tetnje limo may bo discursed but I ahuuld trut that we bdth fed it to bo for the interest aye nyolr tlio hunor of the! two foountiias that peace should served and that! matter of tbi sort i ugbt to ba capable of a friendly aid imicabfo adjuslment Cheers Ad I can any is that the Government as long as llfey continue to be ehargeaLM witb he cindu of affairs will do every thing that the hfenoe and interests of the country prmit thrni to do to iniintaiu jioviutete the of and friendship bttwiMju Ihw two countries i GREAT IRS AT COASTAATIAWLE I I 11 SbI Sl 8 A 1 I 1 Xi Afoi cult tumultuous and atralnei though music ef Verdi falls by nojmeans Srith unmixed pletteur even upon the most ifavorable critical ears Th ep' the mioeen tcene nnd appointments so necessary to are far out of power of a theatr iot devoted to operay and) wKere as in thecase Of this operi these are so essential to aporfect rendition! tfce absence of them is missed) But wasy is well mounted os we had a nght to expect was very wll conducted and the chorus was fine I I 'I fo hm in command of the: caftlry 1 I Ik I i THE ITALIAN OPERA hi 1 Theosophers an4 medical men (and very often professional poets) are fond of asking the question What it the principle of life? A great deal xf fatiny knowledge has been expended on this subject Pront metaphysics to anatomy find what we cpll the' sjciic thing' life has been a great hiit jin whioh most queer dvan and idealists wigged abd unwigged have joined in a solemn and ludicrous chasev Spiritual life these speculators can get alonglwith the idea of immortality being intuiti ve and conceded But that amphibious physical fact part body and part glassy these gentle men have never as jyet been able to run down and so to peak glass case among other museum curi ositiety or hook demonstrations The nearest (that elimination hae 90010 to the point Las been to about 4 anJ thei but then as electricity ahd the nervous system pH utterly iftcomprehensibui tho question still recgs with all its puzzling points What is life If We gt no nearer to the facf be it observed by changing the But the good and wise of the practical world whether of business med divines lawyers doctors scholars or what npt without troubling themselves to pierce this mystery aro generally content (jcor science being paid her IdueS) to rue life physical life tn that way which its grand endowments pur ges! There are those who worth ip the stojnai but we do not neanf them there are those who petrify their souls tn the after gold to c6uut accumulate to hoard only at last to die griming it to thfl great relief who think that theiy haje waitefi "long too long1 already nor do We' mean them: Still there i aro Others for whom the nig gardly ambition of advancing themselves not their merits bu on iho alleged demerits better men perhaps than themselves is a suSicient excitement to engage their Senses and certainly we 1 du not mean We embrace no merely sensuf animal man when weiepeakof the practical tho'g)od and the'Wiso of the dearth as those who uie life in tfiat way which its granfi endowments suggest Such men as we refer to seek after those sdurcs of profitable recreation I which seem for thp mo ment by means of indestructible Art1 to blend this vapor? of breath which is our instant estate with that fer beyond which( although the spark is within us)! is still inconceivable (remote and upward Next to Religion jr in connection with this our thought comes a chastened and well instructed imagination And here Art erects her temple and veils her radiant faCe only before the spared altar of the Moat fiigh Of all the agencies next to gret)t books devised by man for refining oUr grosj niturejk for gladdening opr being i of all merely men ta cote jlahionsbip which is of mortal contrivance musif beyond comparison is the most elevating cheering and consoling and therefofej it deserves tho largest ahjd the widest dissemi in its A 4 4 real dignity and to a greafrdegree sacredness1 or 1 our pixir those wljo choose call extrp I vagan 1 1 we are prouil to acknowledge that we fe that 1 we owe pjore of the dew of our being and the freshness I of our na thro more of sunlight and of suci swept I sounds thesumihr birds pour ujion the wootog air that greet the soul 'as jvg walk into the thickening shadows and ehill of life's autumn to great artists A I I 1 0 I I whether as composers or performers whether as painters poets or than toany other hu man agency alwpys exceptm domestic jovt even this is purifiei and brightened by such miniji rati But the aubjec is iempting ua fo wiander beyond pur space What ii writ is let jt go and he who appreciated what wo would' say will own to kindred emotions and henceXvill easily connect our random thoughts with the feasts which the Italiqp DperaimBprea'ng nightly before us I 1 i A full and handsome (house to ear last flight Zucchi was id ill power and carried (oEf her role superblyj She haa ascended the throde jvpith quit as much grace land ease In the capital as jelsewhere Zucchi is the Italian prima donua was 7 1 ouu wtui called before the foil conducted and the chorus 1 1 i 1 I I A I We are very sorry to hear that Morensi is so il as to compel management to forego alnd to substitute to nightl And bdt for the illness of Morehsi we are not7 sorry fr the change The Somnambula" which cvry one knows and admires wiluie more than popular Kellogg and the fine cast announced if the night is good will overflow and entrance the house Do not forget that the season will positively close tl iis week1 There is no mistake about 1 I i Cuba AQcllfi 1 Common bv good Cuba and I Cumuiou Cuba mmI JC1 Common to Prime Porto Rico Common to iGtod GroooryMriix Porto Rico Prims to OuJAa firnntirv: i Rcfixid Prices are lower ddirerlM of 2Q or tnore peck Rge toiog made as follows 4 i Loaf Standard Crushed Powdrwd and Granulated il ilttiari rBUBtmk AWhItJS (A) White A WhlteJL KxtriJL! Golden In bbls Do in haJf Lldfi 6c and In kege 10o additional i quote alive with reports lst eye mng' 5 tf megotiti foY peahe werejagalp on foot under the most lipul auspices as regards tho (authorities natio Jalhor rdel IThose hero who hive sympathized wiShthe latter admit that tlie iy lost ''TMfe fore the protracted absence of the Presidential or near the seit of hostilities1 is genforaDy integrated as' a hirbinger of an early puojifm' jfoiutf ou jofthe campucauons wm bivu ii 1 i 2VU 1A1 WVv7O i Tfie fact as receive va a I gytes assurance Hhat the repeated a 1 is1 51 lifLiJ i' A MARRIED "lr On the tnonilrg cf the 28lli liut by the Rev Gbo fimithj Mr JOHN THOMPSON to Miss VIRGINIA HARBAUGH' (Unghter of the lite 3 Rgadlpli find Ann Harbaugh i 1 I is The time and manner of the downfall of jebell 'Confederacy is tlio object of universal speculation! Bomehavo Supposed that the military power fof the iSou'thJis to be crushed in the) present campaign and wo consider tlxte relative qpperiority of theXede yal poyrer it dos not seem improbabla but the 'rebels may keep up am irregtiltr and annoying wnr fare retiring? As i their leaders have intimateijinto mountain regions of Virginia and the CartlnM I Or into TCxas! making? occasional iMoads Svithin our lines By th9 ourse it has been ar 1 gued (they may render it necessary for the States' to maintain armies of occupation in from tbe seaboard to the mountains at great cct of treasure and life until tlte North shall become tuy' This suggestion is well met an by artigloih the Wench Juini In reply to the pro rebel aiseytion that thqtevmcu ation their cities jwfos nothing but a cunninjma najuvre of tho Southern tacticians the renchwriter' says 't It suffices to thtiti the' armieif of the North aro disposed with suh profound strategy that they have never evacuated what they iave once taken? When tho ederal flag fldats inthe large cities'fo when tho (Congress of WMhing toi shall have 4 Opened to (commerce thepMs'of the Atlantic the Gulfi when it shall have MJed together conventions in all till Secession States to ajpureiuid: simple totnrnj to the Union pr de ifaull of conventions shaU liavepht in each itnorslial charged Io administer the laws of II nited fetetesi the! Confederate Republic is contained (I rirnni nfLLe and Ifoanror arjl the muuv xr kinnA of reDfolS oe db ftnf to cro i i i i Beauregard and to run thfo risi of a defeaATrt a battloL Tel finish wBh toe last army the gSouthlthey need only to stand still and allpw imei than all the rest those twd Inevi table agents 'of dissolution which generally iatoom gilish the ruin of defeated the spirit ieord and to do the Work The London Times has alsbi expressedpn Itn that the rebels cannot maintain a wir agataji power of the Umbn without cities as a basisoBc hides they coulfi not maintain any lines of coirimu hication and supply Jfo long distances hey Vyould add to the distresses anpmpbverishmat Of the So athe rn people within their reach blly they would plunder friend and foe alike woiddjhe the Condition df ithp slaves wUhitheCnfen lines They would made free and tmrne freeholders 'and under some system of voluatkry i if necessary: dmpulsorytlafeor woul be ome a form id ableobstaclo'to the recovery Irjr the rebels of their temtorj' and property An irfegu lArwax may prevail durring the generation or at least qs long as partisan leaders (Canbe as in 3Iexico to tally bodies troops (The le idmg men of! tifo Confederacy are! doubt uAted rpcohstriiction fbr neither that nor apy ojhfor peace would reinstate them in thei power Their lives might Le spared upde a general am afos ty aitt anti their property preserved to them butieir political ascendency and their powep for mist lief ipjlwho will jfoflh ation out ot tbe tn cforebellion into which they have been stupidly Si 1 i Ii 'u matter of fact that the city VVaj A dreaiiruCebfltgrali tcaurred in wjfot i cslW ChTfotiab of ths capital on the night Of All that portion of ths nub nrb of GaUta kfiot'O a the Kemr Altt wm consumed Tlie Convent of lihe8ilteriof Bsmt Vincent de Paul wm among tho binldliga ifirt destroyed Not a tingle part of the tstfoliahttient ojtsjappendaget wat left standing and eVen tbe all ighte mint attd the children under tbeir tuition were refctU'tft with the greatest difficulty The Journal Constantinople gives a graphic aid tbiilling Mc junikf Qi? eatntrophei from which we trins late the main fat stTbfo fl burst forth cloe to Ibe Uifoveut 1 St JBciirdfot the principal establishment of the Siatersof CiliAr'jty in the East It addition to tbe Convent a utimlbar of ih the vicinity were fir ttnyed ThanUi zol and courage of tho tonloiiv hadjitj or firemen' ahd the rench and Italian rifoiden the fire was gnvfli hut not before a frightful acei dent Lad occurred' h'J lHs was tbe crumbling iu of a huge atone Wall which (eftiaiiiong the crowd gathered near thJ wbrat I point of tb icuafljgratiun and laboring lo rub due it bl rit 2 i At leant two fiupdrsdl victims were kilted or bornby bruited tbe greitor oiifoberof them bring firemen '1 here were aU several' Tfltktih officerv and the Chief of tbe PJlieo of Pan ini I Gateta A Turkish wmsu tbe rnotb eriif throe firemen nw them a perish before her feci Tlte pour creature perfectly delirvui with grief and de spatr rent her gsruitjotd aid toie her hair at this fearful spectacle and itswat with dfficully tlfot she could be coaxgd awey fram ttefpi foiog and blazing ruins A private letter aud Ue following details full of dra mnfae iuterari mi 1 i It vdai about tt quart past one in the morning I he Slitters' cf Charily eurpriied io the midat of tbeir lum bers at once abandoned tbeir own domicil to the flitncu and rushed to the Orpbap Asylum a largo fimr stofy bnild irfo c*ntaining Ute Chapel ol the convent whieb ir known utidrt tho name tif Our Lady of the the school rooms tbe Htudi's and tie durmltoriea ot mi re than one hundred ami sixljt children I hu chi'drcd hen the fire had alrerdy ur rrfoudrfo the frail dor frail it unfortunately wa al tin ugii built Otfetotin lAll communication by way of the main btaircaue atei with tte street was by thia time cut off and the poor litlte frhhteiicd girl bad to ba hurried out of'lhoir bad and ear rial shoilia and half naked into the ceOrtyaid ot the (content and thence to the buildings far Ibrat'iilf wherefcifejri iucn dibla cxenion bll ware finally RAW 1 t( 3 i i Vi'tiilj life iitatlbf riies little creatures 'most of whom wore only fr in litre lira year of age thus startled from tbeir iWpfendlwdd with terror were: making tbnr way out tbe fl iuns barat 'iuUi Ibe corridors uith tueb vip 1 tme tfeatr the cju'J tcarcely dercnwL still fo with (inbkeand ieeVenhly torched a they were and bearing three Hlckfobiliiran ifolheir arm the very last a it hap pily lfenctfl in die eytaUiibnKiit '1 be atiurway by which Hit rj ue uI effected hs i baert built in 0 lih iee wiftir ibJtjde'Soalleut foresight of the noble hearted MuUier lt utUC th: laweoted to Jy bupennr ol thd Cobveu'tHiA it nvlxuted baldly cna of them cmld isutfiy' tinvelrtrapcdti I there wa pula liUd fot for exultation lie (aiil iad nut breuteuxpae minutes erd 5ts four storyhfoe ftont fell ilitrf Jtienarrotw Htret 4 Notre Dame with a terrific crash ojutha very bead of a donse'llirotig of fireman spectators tosidenU endeavoring to escape with clothe and Urn i lute and Irieode s5ekjfg to retene ttfose whom theyhtofofiear iTbis hornlfla accident was ar sudden a it inul btfon 'or tho very height of the I uilding hil been deemed a protection to the street Cfos'qHiUy thi'acftfornt produced sayd an eye witness a stupor that utpn end th all further fli'irfs Thera first agonizing shriek frpm tbciu arid of throat in then a atillfonore guhijiug silence miTho dihearleang Wx tba rpectaele at' once revealed: thrtt asgMinral paijfic earned and tbe fire ws left to pursue ita ravages unoppa yod A Jew of the woundeifiyere picked outsoftthoifire iHe suf tbe dust and the truina aifn ihe almost iasfoutly foxpjrt ts they were borne away Sueli ka a bnjva cloro hcutonaiit Ali Ajhs an Officer well known bud highly eate ujed lie had time mJji leisryAnalfalteritgi Ibiks raj away froth brcepuiy IneiMlSpI WUca dalli billl ere they could extricate tho Upper part ol his body from the rfitbish fallen wall was aloutioue hundred an eighw feet its niqety aod the breadth of the' tpei poll more than twelve feet Comequently tho opposite Lousjs weto overwhelmed and uaw tneanure ha to' bo adopted to 'chefk the increased pard of the cunfiagrauon 4 1 htjla the fills who thus continuing iu the qua iter of Keoier Alti its devastations continiu din and around BL Benedict dhe Uoni entiif the bisters the Noviciate bo lding the tfieffli tifo kitehens the Asylum were all burforg aud it wa owpig CD tho intelligence and courage of the crew of lhe french war teamer Ajaccio alomi that ttin old cburcp itajlf could be saved Uuvevier tis teadeu I ruofi melttd and fell in a scotching slower upon the tfa*gm woikmap wtfo wero battlng for its safety Th se wt emi mbty that finn pile of bull ling will learn i lUtVi LU sacred vessels Cou mvont on the strict of bt Benedict Ihiaatini to" fall and will have to be taken Behind the Greek churcn to the right ot Chrliaoratrtfot tbe flic continued until six in the tnor liufo foy which time it fcsd det MUted thresxile streets Among 0ibr fouebfog episodes of the ecare was tho fight of the" Ii ttloj balf aaked orpbaca through tbe streets to the rench besdital fif Taxini and ibence to the Hospi tal la raix al tsri Keqy The eistera deprived Ihetn etery thing for thefe little cb anti's la the conlu ion jour of tho cRri lrea wire missed but non aftdr dis covered in the! house of neighbors who bad kiiujly taken Ueuk in and cared Ifor them a Vi '1 he papers of Rkn Lyoiss and Mirm illes ull coutain interest ng uarrat'ifvea rd Ilf sad one lf tbe worst in ita charadter that lias (fallen theTJt tniin capi tal Ci I bcatod as it for itafereai firese i I Tita 1 riNANCis ANp fo I I I' 'The New York Herttltl mm 2 I The GODdiWuQ tu? oathjBal ShiincmtaiHch that ra ilr4 war liuu ph mlufal most be ttutajiRxi in order itot the Tretidiiry miy raisfc Che uwesary Ujiett vun put fiisbuiao i Kipnis We have puminl of inflation bg it impOz stble to turn ibnpk unlii i bjthc aJjptkm of rMicftl noeMure whirlr are 140 loDgrf prohnbii if pcftjfthte' ia wuy far any reflecting mind to pvhjxilve that ihfrrvicea Uaed uon tho reetui gutd paiuc are delu ive aud that wtfshalfhavttp go fru iu the priMwiit course uid abide! Ly its attend but vicibd i 4 I The iHacea kJ the nev nenct' Of sevn thlrty Is about to uruli'T dateuf J(1uj 15 dic lotcrest to which day wilt be I at tie tiifte of sale ixnx the Ucce which has attended the! otfbnsof MrjtTay Cooka in ftgiptHihg of the fl nt series there etery VSSami five 11 Ial ifi (V 1 1 kl St1 1 1 1 4 ti sv Ul I rapidity 1 4 uioiitioney wiarKct is freely at sev per catrtfo merit ucnrilies at six TUg" drawn' upon during th last their hands I rs The depression whub hjMiHnurkbd the produce and merchandise markets lor the laht fdttnlgh Mill continues thongb tbe loellng luis irtaterfalllsubsed with the sUuiying of gold There were no notH'uablh ehapges prices yesterday oi today but under a indisposition to beyond tho necessities ol the passing tixua thare is fio activity jn trade and lorced sales can only to made at a Mfi rthoar 4i 1 1 i' 1 Mr JacoL UtUa lhe(oldit and most widely known member of the New Yprk hiock bchane died this morning (29th) at his reeidsnee in Union Square UteMalVatreet career extended over more than forty yearsand was pihlMtbiyThe nipWt wentiufi one iu tho history of me iiwi i A A A llw A 1 IUUJIv QAy A 1 1 lie gold market continue very firm snd is no largely oversold that at upward turn rfould urt excite urpriae Tlw rapid decline 01 the month equal to 47ij per centum has been Ion? sight of by specula tor ffoca fall and dikrief military success may yet be costly to them tu 1 1 i Government stocks foe sfeady and gold bearing toad in Letter demand i The of hilw are on the Increhso and at the Sub Treasury the deposits sure mfoh increased I Buyers of goods act lHith great caution under tjie coiirictfou that another break down Islo be ubown ia goiu autf coihmeUities upon the progrefi of tbe Union Bernies 5 I Tlierti has been a drti lu 1 djgline In the prices of drr goods epo ilally standard brown In etiAgs tic Us and bicacin cottons within a few faro I li 4f it i Prk are rapidly jfolngfibaMdn cotton at rlLont fO rents per pouixl tend while manligoodaliave already rcaelK q'tluo mark others I re heU back only by tile scaicity of some particular style in market i At lhe unction sates fry goods ruxb wore not sustained The Tinies ssys ai id I At the fovo btock luJhkctsTbis ve ibere ha boon Lol a limited supplyef most kinds auqaUs The various railroads have not yet fully recovered fru thegcent deetnutive freshetsn that mo of the hr stock reportid bafjt laet week has been unable to get to Ihto market d'rfo purtient jirly ol bcet cattle contrary to the genu ral belief bare again ieaclifd tho exorbitant ratesoflaat winter but at the Clqa of tlu market yea terday these high rates had betnu give waj jtoL more rcisoagMe ric the detaiped cat fie eonimciue to come in more freely lri( of bullocks have been about fol lows jlfxtra25 a csints jr lb goo1 21 a 24 cents common Ik a2ue hlB verj floor 11 a lo gents Cow mid calves are about as last wcekt hlieep and live hogs are lltng a tiille lower ill I us? the wul wayi broke iWn I0he ufternoon The GoVnmenUtocka wne finn through lhe cay 4(1 laixidy taken upon out of town nrdrn rrodtira and merchautoe iu rather moire demand ybsterdav a nd the leading articled were quoted lirmer The Wdrld says i 1 'Wa I 1 Mr ay Cooke has pWbhjl a eUtement that the whole balance of the firrt nwue of even tiblrtief amounting to toen tQ peu18 ln l4Tyhree dayX toing an average of over $4iKAiLKxj jer dayi rv The nmrclmmlise markets have in a measure recovered tone In cotton And pork tbe speculative foiling was quite strong end the ad vance Irom ihO lowest nUlnt lu lsrra 1 1 al4 rt" r' uo injuras gwM of the Reoaun $1Q for inMA wae realized Groceries have Itnprorod Mthowgh the Government Km bought liberally of cuueend sugar at BoetipnV Afhiskey bus recovered imoet of tbe late decline In breadtetuffs the tendency strongly downward Ia other Ifadinetaplcs there little uf moment to note 1 1 STATES 150 1 M1 Sv wn 1 1 rli ament 1 Il 1 Adforbstej iGk 1 Hoiitn of Cvifti ciouf 13L0 bat wfo st iJtJ a call for infor 'rniiiiHi Jsi Ir 1TZ 0 Elt A 1 1 ip ai Ji'I'iii ij' I Jfo vc is upon ihto Hitto "i po0fole wbio'l leaCf hoL England an 1 tho Unit fo fte q1 mid not he aidjliptit ir gorJ (( c'Vtfoi proposal made eiifenl fsj ir vev the Conftderata ijli'u luffs! hiit( U7 three circutn 1 Lvas the defence of riSin wli A in TMufoentfif the first blow i I Th XtWions Aj vlglqr tja fjuitad State wero Dijhii'l Bright and Pal merSH I 5J 5 4 bfoy tfrl ton fears hoa lijilie ifoJei arf stile Urdtod IVi'eaero un'reuonaMe and pnryxjia tom oiue of tbe ti ls? lusionBDinaistoiit with (r DU oti ito jpart of that Uo vernf iifot IhvarIj5taa Wht then ho asked be tfon of America ft arf VV liriid tfJfAi this oftwi'ctnsse one Cuu ngr hti'd Rfinpblzw the other 0( dspptMited i naphewsf laril Haw ted upon the grouf 4 Ofeefig of flag foire'lf waVi( America be pro At lusfobfo iuis ill euLnurisB'if xp mne lor the defep A AM I MifSrjt ight to impute and rAlrer foiling IlgM Uio niduot of1 the (IjVfTPent oko UHiLJI BtatLi tbjr ugbout tin great strugfi i Efoit on jo jnrAjf I at 1 nyv prepared alter furtbl sYxfsrioncacto ra aIi fo'l ufoJ two year age thati ticufifoiUaib tvpticdciite 1 difll cultyj irfojovernifrit han Jy ducHd koltwith great en ergy ftd fofoiotnJiis JHeki shear ii i tot of opiulon that Oiltte ti rUInatii iftef Uie American war plawj In btejdanger of cuintng into with 0 Siim6iiJ to our connec tion mada j8o ffq Heber tia citizen tho UfoTjWtalo Nfoi 'L' evii if Entirely find com plefelV'AMisgp'ii ed 'nter nnmefoat j'v into a ifhritrugic with (fofciwarfoLtferior itidetefmi nation reaiirfciS tq tip ijfonthi eg of America LtlcatLifo 1 IJfo thJifoi''ii I behave that lhe lbeI ifo arl thl RerUy a eagaeipu I 4' ne tgied If iWMuuidetSrns sxpe ki were to quit the pogsefAjitiit wix fforupy nrtii America it vyould as reji xta ur'reVuree mid wealth gg fat i Oslisitefnsi a 5'iH cofod u(ibly Le tuKen II tbiifo tjf yearic 1 fut I kt been 1 at and that fdD' lgi' first rto iaijrc Jiave not been APrt jred ifjitniJno tCwt'eJ they have attaio? whiolfofoote Ltefirgl li tala felt they must attain 'saS not fefofo lif'iftploy I form Jhit ripioiff jT gi ju wt fo fiofejch hra VMi exp reg to by meii her dunog the lt four Sf V'l Lfo tbuggle America apd itZkiiU'ibl bavoterai for inoat part inoonryL (JhJ1? iky jivN vere tfow by au euiiuer int 'tiid Gii5'zJu0'i44it'ti ffoTtb inixht be arid to baW X'iil teft Vfc i pdfipleuc gSffl' vpcecbfa have been tonclfoLf all bf lulfo to that a diplo mat fejfnitioite Ptlus waa to be tx pecU r's gbi'f 4 luhorify now idet tf "i lloiMeJaii fiime drfi xfb that lig inure deep! li jmyseRt 14 Si? told uf 4 4 rieffo i gj Ibdle't of a nugle I iueR ftuce 11 South Wpil tbeai A witetH i "'hiv cotutry aril have that (Jft'f'lfie (ifothe (Jwfo iuieut Luve never lkeh 'M cteA of tiid hut wlrjCh had a right to oiptMlp 1 1 I Mr'lvfji foH riJ5 lfornmetft s) ul 1 under tfif'fo wuAl jwyrvaftXti' t' in tte Halted Kingdrairthrford th Jef itb nguniiirnitei AAiei Jr ilenltel toil tbo American Outer TCUM eiitojtithfs jffo a teikir that Pro Vince JctnsrJ 'l j'ja Pa in the United Vvifihe hh ii 'would have the mallf'jRjieiicr' wsfotyri tyro i 4 that an attfoi ftoiufd Uffiltoitatra on Cam da wV1 tl Vview b' llji Mini ix in i tbe (Llnirin (Hear Ty fo tWerA at we luow on tbe yiiafi ojjo hve bein' In Wfor WiOliirette 'fo rfo te pr a groat unny men ai glLe r'fiVif When tbe refuge jgfoij the 'iyuto wjl 't otftapf! tkfog of th re lufjfjnorafilrlf 'nJcfo tie uncy of him hare for vfttnm a kk it 1 Issn 1 1 wv mq iuiii'in go 1 fubtU have ealert 4 tlxefo'tefLwin a cuufsa rf Jbe when avsu iurai wjiu ir exinfowd very1 openly tptiofoi eyliabje to ad jAe pis' jund thy were whfch we do not feel at liberty tj gpekk at present ''w Iw I I The (treat Popular Bess 000000 of the looji iauthorizehlbythe last Congress on themarkct ThisxunouhVfot tijo rtite at which'lt i bein absojVedlX allbe auHactibed for within four months when the notes will undobllt edly command a pifomluih hs jias uniformly Vein theieaseTon closing thc subscriptfonsi to tliBlciufe In order that citizbnB of jeyerf fown and section of the country may befoffardccl facilities fprf taking the loanthe national banks Stalo banks ind pri vate bankers throughout tho! country have gneraly ngriSedito receive subscrijpHonSjat pari TELEGRAMS iROM''vUm4rOX Tffi THE fo I NORTH II GEX HALttCK AMD THE "WAR COMMITTEE j' The Committee on the Ondact of the War Have bean in tbe habt of summonlcg tteir witnesses thrcUkb'tlieWar Department in order to avoid the poib lity oflbringiig koffioerg to Waahtaglon at a tkno when the ic service jwefe needed for operation going oo ia the field Aepdrdifig iq their uual custom they gent to tbe War Departmnk'korae weeks ago a eninmoDai for Gen Rotecrang whge mon wag peeded for the investigation into bia clmphigi ordered by Congresa I No repone hwing been received inquiries were made by one of the committee Iwhiy wii finally informed by Gen Halleck that he bad detiin61 (o forward tbe aummontt The committee have adv Led an Roaeeraag of tbe facte and notfopd tjmlbat they till either forward him under th pswesa given tlem by Cangrraa peremptory eub epna to appear before them' or wdl re ceive hl written replies to their qtlstaLoui by mil ia Ije may himseW'prefer I' 4 THE RgB'L SOLnlBUSHAVE NO HEART OR fphTIKA The UDammr testimony of officer who hava arrives! hereto dyktfo who wre in lhe fight on Saturday lagt in front of Petersburg 4a that Ike rebjl roldiert dUutffigkt with any heart or al but cn the contrary when oqta'da of their earthwork are ev'dently more ii tent on teieg capttfred than uirg Heir arm They aurreudei by coiq oanieg and regtneuta uuilhe fi at gukoiciou beirr flanked i and in abort tbe fight is entirely taken out of thpm At I lap Ihnra mln eft I roft Iha viniart vefoiiflal MAT I Viui aaig auux va a i ovru ui ed phtmtesion to lakh tbe onto go tiat they nttji net b4utjected lo an exeba' I the fcoUMAHD THE5 CAVALRY Tlti Afi Mf 4 fol THE JAbfESj Buvet Mijjr Gen Kautz lately io" command of tte cavalry la the Army of the Jameghaa been relieved and goal A A A fl kh I A 1 2 A 11 viucirto tp ip ucu vvexubvi lur uubj orige vreu uccveud ia cofflwma ot dwiatoo i $9 76 1 1000 1000 1 1100 0 74 987 a 1000 foa AUUW 0 1100 0 75 uno 1225 n7 ISusini and Maccaferri after every act 1 Bellini and Sufoni: sang nobly and extorted thb heartiest plaudits ahd bra von The most that can say for Maccaferri is Jhat bly with I On the whole notwithstanding the Tioncede power ana skill of the artistsalloyed gratification to (he wkfJfhjnorgfiV hvre count 1 leel fmm lS feuth it who Ln tvemdtoi tto emdtoal ue Uv fjaiAdi when they el Canaqi life ultbra with for too xlrtf i'Sed very1 openly cpiofov rXlila tq Hhose power an I TK Sf tell I fol Ir hlrA I 1 a IZh hl a a agr Jaiiad wrong hjve jiA iretiirt jlto toir tight idiM and there I'UxfTa man JCawwj'Pj th mlfta nt I'b ll yr who hrTakiid ofoft ytfov Uuteity tiLtra jOi vemWUt bfo amallh fttoi'n'itesttvclin'ttoci udw or at any fuf tfi foirui' oar'S us4 jytbfog tehfoh hili Iraa pire CaraiM tt ttvjtooine a ps iq jhh Csl ItoA may bblaarta'a victimtagi nclt be a got )ttwirf Ji tt 1 (Jr veruuitot ol Wai' tol'i hud (bi' 'liWiv jri in id ann it be ime 'Ad inquire eth pt i jl Is there ajVkfoy in tboihitaef a war It And I Will Ble libetoijexpr rtg ti(J opinion teat there ha nei 'jen ar riAialgtrijijn iaWthi Vuitext istatok kiree nf tiicJteWviutiiy djir jip ti thin hour iu re fevota pcer 'with till I ire gri coantncj and mif feA weiallt'irat lA fbeiri wfofi tbl country than tfe (ierrmfyf Lincoln ii the bead ikai jo tay that the meet er 'vestifhtlw1 'baa teM'U place Wdl bo unte'fHt toteagfe he Mteftideot Line dm) has saidtiAiughj hat A rilteti ofea ringlo bet ho haadonJ jo Li is flu that 1 betray toatiAUteto ra QiVa tii'Acluotry which iMqO iila iso iMgitf fl'JAijoer" th brea rd bikCablflpJf tor fjauuda' for wir if Eng and i not for ivuqpfthe pd jSfotVro5t jr war whence is tbe uS yomrvt 1 fo tvtie I ak th un what wtt the Itogs country if they baWillYl ship nca tav euf fertd fmn) the ttci' foi war thA Ul JmonciT 1 believe M1 i fe (be was the war pajnpJty go jfe thT pnfoy reprefhnt Ly a uuf7r rrujm whiWt tbf tench ad by eomei wtfo flfeye InRgbjj 'Jlhefo ulfiH the United State hetti to tbiehtryrebae wtolwore' recently? rialc lAfoC rirtj5 ft toe hourjrab'e gentlemi yb? for lighter fTh' are tboai tv ttiora rMu £4ie (bb Ie lord At bead of 1 4 v3r4fipdi ffar Sncliijnn only in 'each tbape tfiXq 'W thK rtabte Of! the tenant tfto i (ii qilear bear Sir teat Sonfo ti fr fo'arty Vniti' I Ate'ee ind it waf a 7g ty iu frj Shortt 'But thrf real powr note Vnrtfcf jitxt that You taHraf fifaa poitiqn of tbe prpw JuCnf I ti teif pot epp the wr rd tvjfo tq ibiiste Hib tiW ia Jn b( in tte United uircrtti iiheh Ctlgfcaa or 'the Execut pn Mli Me xmr i Hpnnrme altoxtttber unkridwnl rui'q pb ktoat parjyif chivBirotta rt itRrjiJj tifo received 1 am gorryd ih sSwhrgjniiK'frt Irefn mnb peraona in: this i £ut t'te rl power in lhe hvi difoot'c' tisg tlruiigbout ths iutil'ji foi 1 wiiJfoi'irre ufifokjOf ft edj I tho United States ha filllfd by JafoUud tod jo ided that tbe admiyiortf Mi piept 1 1 KWh was result ofo tji aly aJh offffjriea! Continued as fouow Xi' i1 1 The ho'OA'yu Brifh'j sj sithtre exigta'I in thia cnftn Jptfl ct'ft Stales Mr I Utterly 4 tCli i'e 1 vl eu of tbe 45 tot i On foontif 4iy? a in auro that! every ur tefoel proKjat aoi jug i tho othar side of gp rfii rim tho sme auceatry ug in Lztiion and Attaining aBR deW spXIt J) j't of power a well car fiei A I fiber Me entirely deny thatT ee Hau fofon its tbi ccuiforv ')nv fat line nf joalouty Lbii ted I he Mrth i wiahed ukASflaMsiltL eig IheAl wished uy to1 decUro rfo htiS'ei Wj a Wp iji ntaifiid petfect neu trality beti pj ithWiiHwmeA ght Ogrifo of irritation aroio on ug But I km tq laily ty thq eyoraV Homan that among tbfoM lifllV ttepecj ofBbo UtnUd States there are ftiJr 'than iri'n'i't faelingi of gxid will Mutry wlyAto Pleir ancestor were coniy LajAj btarkd Ijam tatisfiod that when thisMtitatKlatesti'ai celled whatever ita teriuiuidbe'jgitirel bf tol gll and ryla tionahip JCjjjii to prevkileitwetti tori two nation wiiltakp ti'riTjjiico yiLY tempo yry iMtalUUwb ch the war may kled (11 beigZ 1 fif i haiUngtartMt! vot give to America of con faint Jjlli'tfou Xr will tint nroec I ftSUfSuAi war 'a nif hr kill Jtiir I i ude and grfo rmuMnnh it duoa not proceed frjlfiieii wa jj avoyi wel founded ex pectation ta Ska tor I La mo ment and vjt(f £)o'pBttcil '05g it many the friendly iniunfi'y aaVjliOi United States wiKrr il Cr 'n hwb angef nf jtrmptinn Neverthrle tSiv iitonloniarnliiiKtodvibi! honor of England asrdtety Gyeruto dit bipd tig to do everygA thajjr slvjll Irlvri the auc tion of thqjrtLli ramjriu ilfoy fovorytLingf wat wo to dtfondo'i tfojfo try inert Canfd 1 1 conclgffe'e 1 i We baveJE riwi'Vi JPV 'Vjlrnment of tbe Uniledl ifjibear ij' bey in ji fair auj houorarfokgkanni i nil (ht: paitei 4 tb'Sthmay have arisen bctyfSM jvbich they have put Ljf RI3 bjug thrift jgjstf ng ft i jrvi isfe ItJlnfrirmbfl nn irirt ret 01' fo 4 Adin basjbeen in the councils at the dla a saft Ak1 via a 1 i of that great! soldierahd 'civilian aa to the interests of the Southern people may takp 'practical forn nd effect Moreover 1 all peace ruinprs reports and wishes have bee'n strongly fortified by the tylleed lact tnat secretary acwaxa ion rue city at knr aifetT rlnir fnV the front The fact that the Republican newspaper uv I um 1 weight tiO the following from its cjolumna A counril of war was "held on bosrdtbe River Qieedyon Tucdavyat which toe President EiCut Gen Grant Myvir Gen WJT Sbermiu Major! Gepi jMeade Mrjtir Gin Ord MJqr (Shtrids'i and other wore prmept Prccitely what has igtown out of this council Jor Whe ther the report that Lee Lto naked for another ifotari igw with a view te a termipatio of the war are matter a out IM Cv Penney Ivaniaavi nue bolweta 4 UfiDN Dfct i Ya eidty WtoJwjird liel i an irq iet iu fiiw tjlie body of s'coforrijviuin namyl Hrnbelii llafiiouiivtto dropped dead on te prt mi I id C'pan (ir Cipitul Hill whilher iho bad gong eol i Ct si mi old clulhii ffergeaut Milataad and Officer Gprihm took' )he body the ifth iWard tti whefo thu inquiot wat lifo jiTLd 'jury retu riuxl a verdict tbat deceam il came to her death ftuiu disc a oil iiie bifajrt I I I I It 1 I Sales of Rfatst atk Mesrs'(Orei'i illiam sufltiopenrg ou a lot on jK uthiC kited kfl tiveeti aid ojrrlli ktrratu eai Hi) 7' gieph William for nireteen Cent per Ifoot lot five tn 72f r4 uorti st rept btwenn n4 Second trei te with lw4 br bouse apdold fraine home the bounq andiotvdas pilrcbared by Jobh ehJegrseg for i toe at tc ad lot by Mr4l oti: $1000 all cd the back jte purchased by A IlJut at aud a quai ter eonta per toot of lot 25 nil 'J Lt and pait of lut 27 iu annie gquaie to Jiba Ifebn for I 1 I I THE feOLlHERS MOVING I i i rom the Cleveland Herald '( An important State election will take place in October and tbe fighting then at the front intend qot only fo vote bht very properly: ask to have a voice in the Union noipina tian At Chattanooga 'Ibe Ohio golJier I recently held a mealing at which resolutions were adopted requesting the Uuioi Central cJiuraitteo of! Ohio to iaue then 'call for the next Union State Convention at least sixty day prior to it meeting aud that tha call bo khuped a to admit a full reprowutatioa trim each Ohio regimept battalion or company erving iu the field and for all pmployeA of the Government citizens of Ohio serving at any point outride of tbe State giving to each: voter a representation given to Voter at libme hat such soldiers so to be entitled to representation be allowed to elect delegates from gupb or ganization aud also to choose proxies resident of Ohio to Cast the votes! to which they are entitled ilf tho exigencies of the military service render it impossible for delegates lo attend the Couveuti from the field TH ENO II i Cincinnati Gazette has tho following from 4 Wash ington correspondent th I I 1 1 ljl There has seemed to be A general and qot unnatural in credulity respecting the tender of the most important di ploifiatifl offica wiihm thegifeof the Govern mnt to James Gordon Beuuett It humiliating to bo compelled totat that I know It to b'a true 3 fo ul Mr Bennett was distinctly and iu terms offorel the ap pointment to tharench mission by the President himself shortly beforeithatedjournment of the Ssnate It is not true that it was done on lhe recr mmendatioji of Mr illot co Greeley lnor tost in the final offer at least Mr tiew ard was iu any way responsible for it think itt qu te probabte hoaeviiri that Mr Seward may last fall ihave devised tie brilliafft idea of securing the Herald's influ ence or at least its ueutrrii iu the State and Preidn tial elictiomi by promising that such conduct would: put Mr Bennett well (in the way to St Cluuli But Ike final difilinct proffer of toe place was Mr own act PROGRESS SUBJUGATION 1 1 il rcm the Cleveland Henaid i i I Tkn even! i of the war Of the long ago that thing short of subjugatibn would anwer the purpose Idl making loyal citizens of I dislojal leader Kind word aud proclamations were treated with co*ktempt 'auJ lhe fixed resolve to fight it out to thia bitter hud waa burled in1 lie teetUof our flerceat war dogs The work ol subjugation Ites tfoOa going on' socoeMfuily for aomoifour year and the word used as such a bugbear at the South has tost it terret Wherever our victorious armies have un furled lhe 01 1 1 fliigl' Liok Nashville Knoxville Mem pl is Little ItockfoVichiiburg Natclez New Orleans Sa vannah Oharfesti li and hundred of towps of teisarinote nbne of th ui would hardly bu willing to cut loose again froto the Ui ite State Sherman tbe great subjugator i welcomed by of North Carolina The Wil mington Horal I uf to Union of March 2 pre claims that toe people ol that city are subjugated aud judging from ttii toue of that paper they appear to like it 't he Union say In our own town of Wilmington it is a very com mon letnark that Yvnkea soldiers are not navi ges In feet a tbeeyis of too people are opened they: begin to see how grievously' they have been deceived and every wlfere are heard expression of gtedueg that the national forcra arevo stoadily advancing and recovering territory and delivering too people trom Urn thraM of traito and deuiagogu ffl'i 1 I 1HEI BASSSiO PEACE' I the Chicago Tribune Wpatphwer exist in th Gwvernmnt to corn premise with reb li Doe any other power list than that ol tbe President to grant pa: dun and that oftCongres to para iawaiuorii fevorablei ibani those which (tow exist or lo re peal those now ou tlie statute book wb ch my be obuox Mt to them fo opto also in the prracribeJ way may amrtid too CoririilUtlon lit is not pretended that either the lefciri idivdlpywer of Congress the unending power of tM people pughAto or can be iuviktti to gve the re Del more favorable terius Wbat then remfon iThe Umoa toe Goustitutiiu khd tho law of Coogsrem made in pursiH ance thereof ba Hfo Supreme Court sUril cooairu and eu force them miligufod iu indivi dual cares by bis pardoning th om (ho can offer and ba Wie Jle bu ro boWJi to do nioriri lie cannot recall hi emancipation! proclamation I It fother was valid or was not if it ua ndt tbetii'pretuo Vourt will so dcc'dejpnd there will be no need to recall it 'Jf itwaataali lit gpve the ateve in eluded by ita terms a vested right to frprdoiu and the Su preme Court iviU iiecide that this right once vested cannot be takeb away jfe nn: jfbr no abrogation of toe coi fi catioii no amendment in their favor of the Conatitua pledge for the future action of Cotjgrres He can make noltreaty With the rebel for every treaty implie two pariiei both' of whom are to live! after tbe treaty is entered iHto to i force and carry out its provisions If Mr Liucplil should wake a treaty with Confede rate Guveromeut by which ton letter was to poutinu i in exiri be would be a traitor liable to impeachment and removal from h's for treaaou to tbe Constilut ou aud for dissolving the UniAU If ou the other band the treaty were that ihty wre to laydown their arms and ra turn to the Uniof guch a treaty i Already iq the Cuuatitu and all they have to i i to keep the! bargain ahead madeu But as yti tbe rebels have intima ted no willinguo to accept any term short of Ihedisso I lu'i 41 of the Ifinon When? they any otbar ttiey Wilt name theti Itthey lie within the pardoning power of tb Preu teht who know Mrl Lu ln io th mt wimrti oe amply generoualy mag exercied I they lie beyoud the Prosideuv power but! within the legislative povwer of Congress the President wotjl promptly convene hat body In tbo meantime wehrpa that those who are continually insist i ing that toe Piesideut has thb power by gome magic word or penstroke to change the minds and heart of the rebels wiy tate ap fieaIy what they think it is in bis physical or cOiktitutioiiAl power to do more than he ha already done What father Bai of Peace 'lean he present than obedience An the Constitution and wbatcAO he do if that is not accepted1 save to euforca it 1 i WIIATC THE P3E81DENT MAY DO 1 rom tbo New York Commercial (Ind Repj The President virtually did all ttin'io bin first inkugura) add rete whei) ho urged his disnatitfied felfow couotry meu7 not topbecome the aggressors: and fold them that we must be friend and not Ho haa often since then held similar language 'ir What he might do now with propriety would be to aksure the Union men of tbe South that they will bo pro tected and that the rebel' authorities will be hold re sponsible for Irj ineg outrages and wrongs committed on those who wou gladly break with Ibe tyranny that has op pressed thi in He can summon tbe South toits alle giarC and to a recognition of the supreme authority of the Constitution: To any plan of reconstruction he can not 'commit bimaelf Event changa the situation every day and the remedy one mouth! would be sheer emptn cilia tho rext pi i 1 v'i Alli the partips: both employe Uud late employes of fee Baltimcre and Ohio railroad ia wall a clerk pfi the Quartermasters Department who hd been arregtediby the military authorities tn connection with tbe supposed fraudulent tsiuu of vernmeut transportation tickets over tho railroad northward have ben tp'eased from thp Old Capitol prison the invet'gatlona buying led to the con vet on that they are innow iBo guilty in tbe matter Butibokides ttei it willbe remembered that there were a number of outside parties some eight or nine who were under rtnen who kept clothing shops it hav ing bjen discovered: to they sold tha tickets in quesliobt It turns out bowevejr that tbe tickets were geiu ne sql Were procured from man rebel deseeiers mostly to wh tbay had been duly issut by tbe Government official i for transportation northward These in many caaea they had ibeou induced to i trade off with iho small clothiers exchange for dotting for Lieb Ley had naid In cou sequence of thisril desortars who baieafter get transppr tationnoith are to be accompanied by a guaid to the trains Ct Baltioiore Sun i Lj 1 'J ri fo il BALTIMORE March 29 :4 yrum the Baltimore! American '11 Corpse Nothing fiiUportnnq doing and pries nominal prS quuicu i Small sale st 9 7S pr a gOOOO a 0000 I a 1012U a 00 00 a 0000 a 0000 a 0000 a 1000 a 0000 a 0000 a oo oo 1 i amount bf enconraoemant and nation llow few there are ilwho regard Art ir i 1 poor (let' those who choose call extri inf good Howard etreet Super were reported on moreSamilv and Kxtr other Oescnptions unchanged vis: Howard Street Suiwr and Cut Extra Howard Street Sjupptug Exira Howard Street JUUulfng Extra Howard Street amily Ohio Super Ohio 8hipf ing Extra Ohio Retailing Extra Ohio VAmlly City MUI Standard Super City MUI Shipping br uids Extra Baltimore aiuily Baltimore Ilmh ntla Extra Rn locb irst quality ia inactive and: heavy at g72b a tTtO Coax Alaau No aale reported 1 City MUu nominal at $7 a £726 Market fairly 4 eiipplied receipt at the Corn Kxchunge comprising 3600 husbelrf heat 17000 do Corn 8600 do Oat and 200 do Kye White WMat sold at 220 a 260 ceuta aud red Wheat at 210 225 rente only on4 lot of the lelUr description bringing over 220 cents Market keavy at tho closo rale of very lair Mary land red being reported at 210 oents 'Damp whit Cura brought ISA cents and dry yellow 34 a 133 cent primsumpie of yellow being placed at lhe inaide rate at the close of 'Change Oats were neglected and nominal al SO cents weight Nd sales Of Rye reported i Market inactive and 'unsettled: We quote priou as follows Mess Pork $30 $31 prime Mess $28X0 a $3060 Bucon Sboiilders ISJ a 19 cent Side 2lf cents sugar cured' Ham a 23) nts'Bulk Shoulder 15 a I5LJ cents Side I63 a 17 debts Western Lard 21 a 22 Ceuta and Baltimore refined 20 con la 8coh Trausm Uooe nut previously reported comprise 206hh la English Island for refining at llL eeotaiid36hhdscbolgro aery do 15 cents We quota rate as before i 4 i ri i 5 'i i it $1136 a $1176 1'200 a 13 00 14 00 a 1600 1300 a If AO IODO a 1000 Mr I i 5 tf! i JhA 'Jlf 1 I i 1 1 0 1 fo WI I jl I eeVMS i ce Ze I CdTY NEriVS' i 1 I.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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