The Recorder from Greenfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Recorderi

Greenfield, Massachusetts

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4 i I A refaft fr at- arfr ttkfo 9 mm s) fr i -j- 1:1: 'b TLl: I -j Caaheta Cofflna rTC? WsUfe'duMer: at tho BralUsborw bask bag a dated tbe presides ey -of the a kat oahgGa at sJsryof 1 sA i DMT REGDLiTOR JL Foouroyo Bn Tit lwniiNN Iwwf It iyHi cl this it Uoa bf Mrllf IMMjth- "INa wUinkmimul haNfi HU Jtagatatur mt tit BOA nturioM Umil mw(L bbuiimiM nitw mow of tool All telstiigsot per-A ww ul lui trouble to la into phdo-oat irf Ho tlefe Wui IwAlll fllll HOOfe lu (MlaoiiktkiiiUMprtTilitiifiUHA of thotitl-W Iffaw llg WhlCA graatad toaBcaaart tad to aoUaij Incrrduluua 1 -In ifnniicatii la uartfrnlni If II OWWiMOW i- i XtMl IMW i jr-j BxxxiKSTOxTba 'L'nltarlafr BociHy psId tbclr Bor Charles jCandaM a Jowatloy Tfslt oi) Thsraday aftemoos an aveDlng A rge aamber werw pro cat sad ths tlmg wy plcasanfly gad profitaidy apeaL i Aboat 1125 ta money wood aad proriaiooa were coatrlba-ted lor ths comfort fV Ths Methodist Bjcicty paid tbcic Pastor a vt sit oa WedacsdsF a rcnlog nmcrnttarlog (heir Pttj tor Bad wests as well as his parlshoaors aad fear lag considerable earn Is provisions money Ac Bov Moors will deliver (bo last pert of hia jeetarc 00 Earppe it tbo Town Ball Tuesday svenlDg Jaauaryi coiamaacingat o'clock i pgJ Newton Sand of thre 9 motilba old pigs lost week srclgblag retted dlSt 42 431 la ail 127 1U Who cafr do i tavtag need an of yosr Patent Hast teat epriag we ire oar ratisfocllow wtH Itsj wcriJhgy It sU been ra pro sad more eaOwv nuutd -r NEW AlIERICiPi li rlA- ia iT actiSTdivi'Y 9 t-f to I I 0 JO '-tf-strrjiii'rsK my Xmprorad Host Regulator or Dsm Hat who a closed tt toprevset ward draft throogh It far dows cure say of Hs upper re tt will from tta convex rfaoe into the concavity or of naxtadiaoentha -ban aad ta qacacc thereof wul ha tl will not thraagh la Ntell kQM A mu comhaottan a damper ta CtoeofeHi to ho oaa mm etmttover by axteraal cuiraata of winda tha Inge trim mof I veto a testa of taeloeaA there openings through tho dsmpn Tha 1 nScerN pi the combuetioa af tad fire togoomt tasooh Improved Super lu vrove4abe put adTOBUffet oalytaproveatleg down drafts through 1 wfe bot that feom one eighth feorth of foot sad will oteo regulsta Ho hqst to more mt temperstursi It n4 to si greet adnatsgo la a qstt tfi wood stove Evorj Dwelling OffiOo HotoL litil i romd Cor sad in fact 8 every private pahiia laetltatSon requiring of rate will readily observe He set vlag of sttha pros rot high et fopL 011 IUXB1U 1GXXTS 151X0 Immediately to lha above patent Ibrwhli fgreal Isducemeata wBl offbrod JtrJB JtUharstsam rfifr 1 ro fal ly teet ed Fsmroyte Kow imericsn Heat Regulator ud do not heettsta lo a at sdinlrabh eoatri- sieg ft witaoo testa to regulating hoot and a stove aflbrd to regulators A foil Ho iloo of foel oad cured by He of this would harder i Wanted I old faahloaod tan CLOCK with A mAh A dark wood CAAfe wlH works ta Inquire of 7 i Sleigihi Sleighs Sleighi fitelghcaS TFyoo wfahto a good old stead MontifiM Aurr co JaaI-lgfifei L-i -f jrotlea-: that I have mv soil BXN-foTOS hta time end ehi I claim rod hta nor par any dM or hta trad lag altar Hta data TIltOTHY HARBIN lUfe buy JanfelUfifa -tv 44 'te- Q-REAT SUE OFDHVGfl IBS EDDY MAHHfr HAVING it lsrgo stock oad toauka-i for 8pr jwnfaNi EXTRA BARGAI IVS For the next 30 dayi 800 yds plain Drops oods FOB 03 CENT8 1 I fo I former price from suctioa fi 15 pieces Black ud Colored A paecas YOU oa l-2o WORTXI S7 ttse Thibeta and Empress Cxoths ta'garnets and dealrabla cola: PLAID FOFLXNS Aiso and' Clocks oxioxaexar Bearers and iDhindjillas FL151XL8 WOOEKHS WORSTED GCfODS BL ANKETS batting tasms tagother uriH a stock of IDomes-tio C3-oo AT AGKNTS PRICES Boeeg't Meet Jtrst doer ood of Ajasri am Sham JafaLlfifife 44 GCTTnCDL: ridge ictiokajy XfEW ILLTrSTBATED gblTIOir The iwuyfify JUsitsd muIUnuck jjfslarpedL Over 3000 Fiue Eng ta a wtel algk able 'ETIRY TBICUIfi glvlug lmportatt old ta evary bret cbotefe ud of constant aadoonvsalea Xtctj iBtellfsent rsnillj tt OottteM 10000 WORDft oad 'RtAMINGfi Ml found ia Dictiooarire i-J i fttw thirty abta Americaa aad fiuipwi acbolam om ployed epeo Hta' re virion ood wotavr tub of apoa a la tbr origiMl preperatkia ol almost wi ex her Kuqlirt Diriioaory tt is now tiered lojkei by tar tbr 'fadoryDicti it le fry I Mt complete) aiefhl aad tleftitory DtettaMrj of He teaguege puUlehe as it Is by far th tergeeteisg evsi poeeeaafoa of any any oditloa of tl for want of tbia very la ita rat pertoctag etata BtsT kiGiisii ftitd sed resula of-foaolant ufr aMdtag ttwok tho Eibife so iatlspeaeable le a at hook ths Biblfe ao goodDiciioasryf Oeotataing oae-fifthor OM-foafth ay oditioao -From mw atestrotypa and Ifi GM0 V0L Of tmdra molt aids Frees ansrto pitti 9MT Tint ZATBMT M0Fri TBS MAST' "GAV WISSTAA zhoYi Itoi CVf lathn Mk off co-remcyli freotroyad doily sl owlv mui) wmi kauilaciwri JswuSo Tmy Qfltr la 0lpi 3t iol lewi too UtfiitWUtamkuiniiUltir A aiUl fa aukill blew mp ow ktraitylM itcmJ tipldioa altUa a aottk On am wuaartontey tajared ipiagWfe 1 Xbod Um UaMdiMMaiaw ilbKCm Ok tl 1( 183 nOml accident cnmri It tticfc wnm wort kUM u4 ilCi hJlM) i Tlo Wrolirt $33V5M to Ifa year lU expended Jotflar IMiiairiltiliMSiNMwnlin Tlo pottec'a kid tUra Pi no Itn Sarrett wins Jt to art ipproprlAiclr Lol" A lato attempt to afrfgat achoolmettar la UTwaoii Mt raalkd ta do taaebcr dreurtag a a ad maintaining hia dlgnit si Tlo diataf bwa paid 71 ta Mtlt tlo matter ptetiow of tho ceaau af IBbinio re-Taala I bo aotoaaHicg fact that teac Uo of tbo Ktato koa 500000 Or aaortySt pwreewtaa IJw imitoMiiib odguartcra wer a were arm ted la Erta laat week a ad til GUI of ban moacy seised TMarmlwu lagraiaaaly and worked op by tla CtlVefe -f A Hertford paper rata tUI Mr Dickie Ripley a Urpucw of Goverwor af Cwmtlta btraod mar Coaaoamiu Ho aalorp la Ala iun reom aad roald ael It areaead fim'rtk of Weak Brookfi-U cat oat fronting oa fiUa aad oa Ortorday wm bud dcod tlo aaoca a boot taa mUco bom that tilbjt elng it kilted by tbo lal diaeherye of lit Tbo Cooaal at Port Kohow to tho Sura Deport mn tlat tka cbotern kaa Marty rad tram tlat pcoTiaee aad ya Hat mortality la fipata taa for greater thaa will bo known) A mai died la Caaaia Coat laat wsokj wboon Aiadaatb-bad anofwaed ta tbo order of a Mr MM af dfrclbarwa Yirmoat a boat fy-fivn ion ifm Tbo maidaeor Aad tamilaol Aaeaa Aia watwtoa LtaMA A KtoAilftcfJuuiT'Doila a wealthy aad peomiaeal cltliea af ProrUcaao drooced kemU ca Moaday tftrisf a fit of do-ittftattl Liberal clarittca aad arSaoaa to-meetdral A ton lad marled ler life A moa fry tie of Edala Tada 0AU0 Takiay aa tlo track of tbo PUtafcld aad Noetl Adamo rat rood betoeca Bcrkaltn Cbeablra Moaday mofwiay atrock by a paaatsy traia aad kliied lit waa tatozicatad at tla time A larglar made aa eatnace lata tie eabla of a acboooer lytac a alarf Bear Braoklyo rly Satifday more lay aad vaa raouyioy for pndtr whea tbe aaef tbo reoact auemptad toarreof la the robber shot Aim 1 aad made lie cacipe Brlrbam Tooay to reported to bare 1SS wlrea lM 128 Jcnrsiiob friera 111 Job Billi- aoa 83 Jsliao H)Saif 93 FTihocoo Crao 11 ood litfon B1S0 Briylam'a oldcat wUa to boC over 42 aad Aia yoaaycot abort 14 tot over 42 aad lie yoa ureal aol abort 14 rtBa ha to tla aa fever thaa SI Damea the alder la eeitaJaly oce cf tla mea af oar day who moat lorn mosey aad mool dcapliea It Ooe day tea reora ayo Aa aod that bo made SKOQuO by bia pea aad bad act Li la bto porleC fan Ibea be haa probably tarsod SAAOOO awn bat It la aot bettered Hat la haa a mat more la Ala pocket Mm MtFariaad of Tairfdd Palpal 1150 ia atnw bed for aalo ki eploy 1 Iba bed emptied aod re-tbtokioy of tbo mooey Tbo ry woroiarova lota taa kmc yard aad wbea aba diecaemd ber Iom aot a tatter of kbo yraeabaclaeostd bo foaad ISlLoiU die pat cl coodnaa tie reporta al (mi lafiTiny oa tbo pUlna A boot eceenty of tboBereareeatb lafanlry aad thirty of iba Tveaty-ocmta Wiaeooaia Volaatecm wen oa badly iroxs tlat they kad to bo left ta pbaL Tharaa to blocked wkh aoaw beyaad elT Eoaraey Aad icrie accarred la 0 toll -room -at Detroit 1at 1 icdij BibL SBodCbartoa Wtadeck vaa'daactay a ocfaottiaM with a lady vitrtouMaiiy yrew fiim fell apoo tbe twr aod almeet taataat iy trulitni kj latt Tbe daa fb(at Immediately aioppwd aad ail departed to Utirlna with eorrvw fd coaikoiacti tioeot rwabocla iota few days aioca al oil A report caneol at Clicayo that a promi a RiCrood 5v aodefM joI bo il a Uydev fiwltol of I be tfortboeatcra Riilroa waa bad hroial larye aam la the Xcrada ail-rermsaee kaa rweriveJ iU drat dirt lead la the ahpe nf a t-Hi of direr la bare raiaJ at S45-0J0 ta 4J0u0 baaed oa the preseat rale of yroeabacam reotaloiny SS9GQ0 waa atolen oa Moaday a bebt I rum tbo of Major Lilia Fay-maater of tbo Army Learenoortb Kawaaa Tooordeetieo ore nuiry aad are rnppoaed to be te ykilty parties Of toe amooat ta tbe safe frSAfr beloayed ta tbe Ooreramert tbe re-manner oaa toe prirate property of Majir Cilia A kaooaaod dollan toward been OiSefed for the ima of tie tkktao The lieoae af UtePitcAbarr Railroad for the Imt jar waa fkitBL of which A3tJS waa for peat ra yen Too ezpeodltarco een Kitib oad lu act caraiae were fa 14254 aa iocreaae af tUkStt arer tbe mrateya of Tie aa-aeta rf tbe corpuratioa era tStlJi aad tbe lia-btiitica art AiM Tbe aaotocr of paneoyen earned daday He year waa 143795700 laenaaa arSS7ChSaa ISM A Via Bnddoa and a aeyro woslii were Aided fry Ho rvccot lorooda Palstkl Team oad Mr waa mortally wounded Berea oeyroca were "more or leoa lajored Tbo tonmda atrock tbo aoothvcateni port of tbe towo oproutisy trees aad dcouwyiay alz or bunco A purtioa of Ricblaae fectory wm deatroyed Screral buiuea to aootl-weaierty direetioa from tbo place were 1 crated toHeyroosd AJaboolthed by tbe diauten wAlcb boro ra sited from tbo ba rainy of pctraleaiii tbo Sccn-tofy of tbe aary diracted Collect en of laic real la that erery to Bead la tbo elorare of tbia comboatibla matter oad rer splieaiioae ora mads for Ha itwip of the Mot wtibto the limits of say Haa or city fuewaid ta Ha De part ia cat a aft meat that tka ware bo a ae if eaubliahed ill aat la af Bra danger Ha Urea ood propetty of Iba doicy la lie flbilf A caLiaioa os lha Mt Tork Cestnl Railroad occurred ob Satorday uttiw at Port Byron la-jy atwtl nud klUior a pwaaeugrr Wen Backed lota email 'of aao tora aat catirely aad Ha wrack waa cumpfeto Mod So cuaecired Tbo oocapo of pern ra yen tram eenooo mstUitfoo oad dcoH la of tlo marreio Hat always sun scddenU of Ha bad Tka paaaeoyer Allied to opposed be a Mr Rkkardawo at Cbicayai a letter that was foood oa bis penoa lest tka lasdred pcraooa atloadcd Ha Mew Tears party af Adams-af Cbieopee -aa sfrcM- The ywrt waa ytrea ia coaa-msmaroikjv of Ha twewty-dds soolrermry of Mm lima' ey si tbo lisykt fwtoiiog comps ay aod tuotf Ho ost oi tows yucata were Afttli Dtrto of llolyokr SoolAvartb al Beit aad Caricrvl Palis sad Cbcstcr of tka lead ofice at b'Muftoa The caterulameak- waa sod coally ood tbo oeeaaloa was ou ol opjoymest to all tka part id pea la A Tsou FamsT la New Tork ow deadly oitsraooo bn Knmu Gabey eyed Uyesn berynodaow fraoria sped foar year ker 10a syed yesra aad becjdaoySter Xaocy A CaBbcyaycd yoon wen tosod sf-foewud ia Heir apertmeol ta fa Grand Ho drat two dead sod tbo othera still sie food They won all abed except tbo com Fnacla who waa alulay la Tla aorrirora 00 beiey restored Helraeoaee osid oak yio aoy osewuiof aao of their uopefectljs bst eac ood dcfeetlrs www tbo probwblo xaaeo room la sorry HI rent baled aao and to opposed tbo ye from' Mora Sited II sad prod seed icfo darlayBrtsrday otyttt It appear Iron He eivicsse offered at the at I betor red oad apanmeo 10 occapfed by tbo Gabey bmi-Ir wore to com pete tmprort meats -Edeta BL 11 aster the I wished tbr-ltmUy mote bst Hey declined dulny Fiadioy isioa of so avail ho ordered mesas ta atop sp Hair Sso will a etoue at tbe feme time werolay Hem of Hofaet The enuike aad res from store beioy saable sp He chha ey neesmsfeted tbo room occj dccewaed iny tbdr deaths Tttmm A boat 5 o'clock lo the employ Asyeil 1 reel leryiay ta room will throe other cirle wsa by a beta toy aesaatioa oo ber fecr and st ooco called lo ber ions to Inquire who was sp la Heir room Tbetvapoa some peraoa tss owl of lbs routs does atom aunolied tto door sad Bed Upuo IsvoMsliao It was fasnd Hal so nllempi had been made to adoalaister Umtem to tbo erveoia with tbo 1 low of fecliltatioy tbo rubbery of tbe boot Tbo royse probably loi coded to yiro chlorofarm to all tbo Is metre of tbo house A piece of clots aot rated with chloroform waa foaad oa tbo bed occapfed by Ht JVeeidewr fi At Fortress Mosroees New Tear' Day tbe colored popslatloa of Damptoa toraed toot momr la creel itwnila to rnaimimnia inwmim of rmanrlpaiioo Tier wrro leaded by hood of meaie from tbo Fifth New Fork Artillery Ho of tbe fort ood tbo proceaaioo wnirrlaoed by MjJur-Gcoersl Mifefe commaod-aat of lie poet fir Srerrtiry UeCoIloch has completed Ala i asocial AiU' and wlU troosmit II Concms Mktmtuik He to fawd tbo HlrtWo sM com tuned tntewak aotec aa Pdly poaalblCL Tbo letter alter they ms twe U1 sot be feynl lender i fiT The lair Rjiit tom irtrtUoay si Gal-woa Olio was dralrorrd tn Tbmday slybfe will forlro knnUwt Lam call waled al from 5300000 1300000 or tbo Bollefon- off AT COST 7 dTORfai Uminkg Wantejii TNOR tough sxprri sd at TAYLOR'i MILLENARY STORR lAlmanRCff A-- T7HK JL Alamnsc IL ascfor sp Cash Boukslara 1 5 fe tacit I if I VlA Vm Notice ijt I HATE this day given THOMAS DUGAN' a ml-or hta time I 1 ehH ctalni eof hie saxalaga aot pay aaydsbttpf his coairaci fa*g after this date hta coauuetfog SENECA FARKER 'Chariemenfe Dm ftBHL' i I Important to 1 thoris A Ui accoumle frf lata firmjuf A Mtat remaining next will i Govern Uraanfiald Ji paid tha first day af Fchr aaty ovsrto an Attorney htteoUscUom JOKES A POTTER i ifel99fetiqd'14---'c si 46ft' Teizperaiico Noticei rilHK DeerijeldiKIver Temperance will hold JL their next quarterly meetteg at debited YeL heeday He iota last at 10 o'cleek A Her Vm of 'Boston Secrutsry of Ktata Teas perance AUisaca i Rev Mr Boractt and Far Dsas will meant and address the meeting we apeak for a large attendance and meeting hoping friends af cause old young wul prowl fa BARNWELL Secretary Jsa 61866 1W46 i rrxxs Dec fall uaadJ WXNttU HEAT CONTROLLER for a you part 4 SHA ths nadetal it yatasblis patsat for BciDXRGTONj 1 701 EtilOT REBID A BHA1NARD fa-F WARNEmTJ HK KEIThT' TYLErT GRUlWuL WM WI8Jfe -i LUC1U8 MIMRj Apply to TYLER wr tally rccommsad mining fuel UENRX BUD1 OLD IMS YM GRANT SUER WIN i Ibuna JtfafelWfe bj LPPjr lAt Oyateniy Oykten 1 MARKED DOWN Vermont Mais Hailroad Co Dividend Mo A dividsad of two doDsn par hare fres of United States tax -trill paid 4nn lHefe st Ihe office of Ho Treasurer No Sx-chsagestrote to tha holders ofl slock recorded He ot Hia day IFRANKLIM ton Dec I Sale 7 Sourtof to for fhie ty of Fraakllh wlU be ut pabliq aactico at JU or Franklin WlU sold: pahuo suctioa at ta ted Saturday ths 1UH day of February A Di lSbfestooo fouotw lag described real estate IN flMCfthffl IRl MtSt Two oadlvided of tho estate set off toMuriu Dickteeoo eft widow of talc JOMM HCMTGasrdlaa fife 1665 44 Valley Mills Abner sad Milter oad anted for He Valley ro aU Hat are in want of made into good flourior mesL Grata of all lads bought und sold Flour Mute sad Fuad aold ad delivenid to uy port of the village st low -a the a tt ca booght at any 'U i strictl place te town ilpcuk PURKUEB fr WARIER lea 11866 4W44 A ppy Hew Tesur J- To tel FRIENDS AND CU8TOMER1B fllHilllili for your hfyte JLrosoye qp a stock of Dry Goods' and Carpets which for STYLE QUALITY A3TD VABIETYw hall not excelled ia Franklin or Hampshire eoun ttas- Uofflrr Liowest Pooulblo Frioeu 44 i 1866 TT CLOAKS SHAWLS f)-- I Dress Goods wlU offtevdst CLOSE SOG OUT PRICES For 30 days nJ --I DROOTO Jaql1866L '44 Letter Aw FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Finns good qualities of our wall kaoww auaufacturtag with many new mad valuable improve-ms! It ieewiffe quiet aad positive ta lie opera finest i SPLENDID MACHINX sU tit sews the very and coarsest mstertate sad uythlng between the two extreme la a aatifel and Mrs kept oma ot machines is constant uae tor mare a year upon ell kinds of druse go6de end ctoeke heavy and light doing a greater usage of work than any retofore offered to Ha public aad haa never ea of repair i Wu pectfnlly lnvitu all ta is watt of a Family turning MocMm tq cell aod fore slag rte Erery machine warranted sad util lnstrucltona given Kenfefor a PsmphleL I GRA' YXfa ACo Agent far A Grew firid Ju fe 1868 46 Quarterly Beport FRANKLIN COUNTY NATIONAL RANK of field Jaa 1 U66 i CX6 Loss Real eats te bonds deposited wttkUtfi Treasurer 10U000 UO Ufa on hand Dm from other beaks attendees 1 Natioasl ah bills sad '86960 00 MH 84 ftfeauftoo tm i lfe666U cuhlUM j1 'i lUKUBUi a i i Capital stoeft ClrcRhUIOBe M' Fruhlia County Beak bills Dm to oHor banks Deposits 900000 00 160JJU0 00 StAOOOO 9100 tt i 8SM ftfeltt AL PACKARD Uaoktar I I 40 Jaa 186ftJ SYLONDS PATENT Burner land Petrolium Fluid i -lHS C1KCULAB WlCffl Beal 8ofct and: heapeat NO more lamp I No more broke a chlmr mT aippoia No-moro ii Tha a Wholesale ud BeUil Agent for ths above Burner ssd FtaidJ For tempo' to go oboat Ha haoofe or for teaurafe It to for Mporior to asythlug la Ha mtrkat baraers at roaM lamps and lanterna Give tt a trial ta supplied at Boston prices freight added! repaired Lantara eet tt short notice at 1 WholosolG and Be tail CrookorjBtore a v' GKORSB FUROR Ja Greenfield Jem 1 Ufife i GO TO TUB BXCLB81VB Cfrotkwyj Ohina 01us Storef 1 you want to -Stand Hsu Hall Lai truiitm ed Seta Plstad sad Britannia Casters Kitchen Fare aishing Goods Ac Ac i la su of tha i labors articles the public will find a much larger assortment Him ta ear other eelsh*tsfr-a uiiac aty GroraAald lnciudrd oxeliulvaeteasf LAB BooTa celebra ted 1 roast (ms Chins Were which I warrant aot to 8 Ism crack Also aS orders for dMoratad ware urlH ilttal letters Sited st short aotics' All kiade of ae Biu Bare and Paper sad Forcalaia Shades Chimney A I contieue to keep Fairat troilum Fluid Aleo troa mu' Fuwai Bollj Bottle sett ta I would mR the attention of pahlle to vis that my prime ore the eame te oft and area low other concern la His Vidal: for of wars i vAU arq melted to call st tf- No Slerohsnts Bow I 4 GEORGE FIXBCE1 ild Jsa 1 ISfifi i- 44 I' Adnslwletrntorto Notice lOTIUX is that tho subscribe has il duly ammalod Administrator of Ho estate of ISAAC MjRKuWM tats of ta tke aty ef klla tel tots oad stake a oponnimeelf that treat by giving buds Ha taw directs' AU person vlag demands upon of said are required to exhibit He ibtad lo esli estate same old estate ore called a ltd oil penoM ladeb IttlM RDM to tasks payment to SILAS fe BROOKS Jsa ff186AH is- AdMlalstrwlwvta Notice TkTOTICE Is given 1 bu been dnly appointed Administrator eats FluL'K late of In the oos a taken tew af JQtfN ty or FraakHo eed lateeutfe upon If that treat by teeing fronda dfrectei- AU persona havlug demenda upon ti of said sed nre roqmrod and tl pareoMladabtedtotte to make to Tyeojftlisfejr urea to exhibit eetete are called ABMKRf*ck 1U1 a AMD Worfitad (Mods eelHur off at- -jrTAYLOR'R MILUMiRY rND BimiAL CLOTHING of'sll kladT may -Lfa fbuadat CMta Wan Bpomaof feutfej MILES A lrONfa -U46 -n ThoGreatAmerlcaziDlaznond IS blghiy admired! at af Its owq martta I dartekoao by know It ray woighfe aad weighs ovor ouseas Troy wrighfe aad wtB ted vary low ta to It vsisau Any ia proport' wtteiay will plea ra 1 or scad ta TflltV Ktkafe Xiw Jaw fe-Ufife -j 2T Farpaen Attention known Droeoa Rios Sum ritaS" te Jtari fe- abo at four mile from Folia sad containing two huadrodaerc of excellent land ssliably divided into- arowlag tillsy poaiurng sad woodland ia bow offered for aria It is aaaof at giusiagaud slock farsu la lira era a ly well waUrodlrum novr falling apringn a rood pply of fruit With a targe rd jart cursing into srtag Ahm excellent sugar orchard asarlo tho kteldtagu lidiage an la good repair aboTe will aoid If applied for oooa Torme of peymmft rosy given IrnmedL o1fIy 1 PQCAUo' rTfetocCaafe' Fsrmtiig' Totes If deeltvd' For portientaro Inquire of A rte lburas Volte A BATES Jo She IburaeFsHs Jaa fe 1288 i Auction Auction fYlHE undersigned having Jut eoM hie farm will fete utt et anctioa the promisee' Bay Cora Fodder Block Ot ait kinds 8 boats Farming Tools wag oou Jaft 8 boats JjteuRura Rtedtag Cidar Fork Bteigfa fiteds aad avcryHlag aeeded about a form It will for wish lug to buy yet offered to public moot of ffoota uo a early now and tho slock Jsaf Hsb conaistln coaeietlagof 4 cows 1 pair of cattle coming four 2 1 ifer 1 more 8 years old perfectly eoand tadJknfe6igc ihq 10 or 16 oerdaofdry hard Wood Any may wish to of sscttoa cell sad do eo at low Ignra i 'Remember Ho suctioa vrlB at Ho Blearil form Taeeday 16th day of Juauy 1868 w--vv- RI88ELL tagoo Jsa fe ttto tw46 Quarterly Beport of the Conway Nt jtn tronAiemnk i Cobwxt Jem lefeIMfi A bille ted 'ft fa hoods wlH TreselL fi rUfih-dfeT Faroiter 8xtiree from National 1 i ifiiifeififi U00U0 uo 18900 00 1A00 00 14772 22 --'1018 10 '846100 $976 OUT tt Chpltal stockv- 1 Clrcslatloc Natioasl Beak $180000 00 aoeM uo 911600 08 ifeoxi 818 78 faM9 79 way Bank Deposits of todlrttaslm DswNstloosl bsaks Vl i- '-SJ- I Ih 1 '-'f $178887 87 8AMX SWAN Cashier to sad ubsdrlbed foro me this let day of aaty 1268 w- JOHN TODD of Ho Fescs ON 6TURDAT Jxuuxbt fa 1882 Masses TICK NOR FIELDS will begin Ho of kly jourasl entitled EVERY! 8ATURDAY 1 wred Cfata aaxvuau i- Much of the of tho day la fraud ta English and Uaeatsl Magaslnee aad Fariod-: aad tt la Ha design of Publishers of this journal to reprodace He choicest tee a from tor American readers In form st once attractive aed Inexpensive re believe that each a Journal ducted He plan which He prop oao will ly entertaining and inrirnctive Ini itself bat -tntereettng and vrinabU ee a relax of foreign periodical literature of the better ctaro dt te Intended for Town aad Conn-try for Ho Fkeelda Koeeida the BrilWay and tbe StrombdeL ltajoloa embraces Incident of Tra-t yd load Advutnre Xeaays Critical aad Drecriptive Tales Khort Btoctee Foeme Biographies LUyrary Intelligence Ac- la with JadlcL eeiectiona from the admirable popular papers which are netanily appearing 1a foreign periodical value of sa papers arises fan tba fact that aclealiflc ubjecta however baroh and dry la themselves are ra treated la graphic aad pictur-ueque a etrte to charm the grader white Instructing RIM It la short' tbe aim af Its publish ere that Btxbt hATCBDax shall command itself by its sad variety to all uf tetelllgest and culti- fiiod ruMen SAT Win tala week thirt tvj targe octavo pages roly printed ta duubfs eteamas wlH engraved title i z- TEBM8--8lagta Number 10 cut crlpUtm price $608 per year la advance xt will be a tsialag 128 pages each' adsuoiriy brand la attractive cover price to cents price 8800 paryror la kdfklKD two re to say of Feriaalcoie publlebed by Ticuos A Fibum trill fv $fetw per year la AQTMCfli TICENOB A FIELDB Puiumim -it Annual Statement OF the receipts aad expenditure for tb Franklin tor (he year ending Doe 1866: i iV RECEIPTS! i mry Dee itafe 1864 -r $1108 81 Ceeh borrowed of First National Hon Ife 460 00 County tax for lrfa 1AUU0 00 Flnaa ud coata tions L888 ut Oowuold i 4800 Tow of for npport of Mlchoie lu ofcanvetiacL tt 00 fowa of Narlhfieid far support of MR Low ia house of correctloa '860 Guh recelvud for dog lice toDeelfel86fe 89140 for licensee ol poddlers 12 00 i i 1 1 EXPENDITURES 1 ald for trevri and attendance of jurors $717612 attendance of officers aad of coarfe 618 88 eerrteg vealrea 188 00 support of prisoners In ot 1478 72 foul for county 'buQdtega wforaitaro and repairs of county build 204 90 tagu w- Inquest ery drecord riating and udrerttatag damages 6H 88 tt 29 96S 98 mi as 800 print: Cadi reatforroomfcrFro 1 grid -( -1 1 kUltagdogfe CMnwlte lKi j- madiral (dead body 1 ssnrtag ra' aoticas Measurer Board Examiners aty Commiaslopera salaries Tresasreris salary Blriul kill -I 18 80 18 00 90 00 9900 75 00 MW 129 79 MW iiw 800 criminal bills 0f Clark County CommUsiobera' Curt for building bora sad repair qf 079 94 IMW CO ustery' -t 1 TW Mt't nit? r- tor raiiaing bow tybutldingfe for damage by dogs First Mauoaal Beak of Greenfield na eomry IQ13aI ta traaaary Dsc Ife Mfe $1778 tt 6017 16 aftted Dsc fife ANSEL LI TYLER) ARMS DAVIS GODDARD iBXLA KELLOGG tj Tree aunr it a I mernmmd I $10606 84 Coaty Com- RESOURCES OF THE COUNTY Ubm ta ads of urar Ife Ifiift $feU7 16 40 00 -m bofa*govt 4 -I' 1 i it LlABXLITXEfa Dm claims of civil blUs ra criminal costs it t- i $fe8tt 16 $L44fi94 411 68 11701ft 1 Nov term ISCfe' BELA KELLOGG County Treasurer 1 i O' itoifo MoUeo glveo that tba Ihted utor of last wlU sad VIM STRATTON lata of "HJ i rad IS rains ta dooaty of Franklin decaseed and If t' token upon ir toast by giving bond Hs law direct And tel parsons -vlag demands epos tke et the void osceeeed are required to exhibit tbe sad aU persona indebted to He re called epoa to make payment to DENNIS TFlLSON Jsfa Exocwtorn Notion fj given tkstfbs have Bind Executor of test will end NKAS BAKTL1T Into ot Coro tray In county of Franklin deceased and have taken tho that trust by giving bond taw directs' And all nervous demands eetste of the eteA decaseed ere Ivqulred to ad all persons Indebted to He aid tote arc ended to asks payment to THEOlKiHK BAHTLIT si 6V Jiwa t'MPREit if" s'-'i'-! Ju 6wra Nollco rive that tho subscriber led Executor of last will and ER FROST lata of Backload ta count of Franklin deceased and taken him that trust by giving hood Is all demands upon deceased ere required to exhibit and fill persons Indebted to estate are called to payment to JOUAH TROW Jan fe 186ft 46: Kxecwtoro Notteo jk -rV-v-'-f RTOTICX la reby that re ve tem duly appointed Executor of tho teat- will dteftameotof BENJAMIN ANDREWfateteafOow ANDREWfateteafOoto wayia He county of Franklin decaseed sad have is upon that trust by riving bond He taw dfracte And all persons having demands upon estate of the dec red are required to exhibit Iktt Htna- ttiin all ittranfiift IrailwMi a- BIW A AMDBEWfa rT t- ANDREW 46 1-'JKxeootoro 14TOTICE rabygivoa that vo duly appointed Executors of test win nod Mat of GILES DICKIN80M tetoaf to Jy ta Ho ty of Franklin ed aad la apoa true fry glvtag baud He iawdlmate ind eM srsnas demeude up on eetste af He droeeaed are required to exhibit thy same and oil piroes tod -to sold etata are sailed to make payment to SAMT LERURB MYRON DICSUiSOHnij 46 S4- wtaWftftiiwfellTrnr 7 Thara will be a special mestlug of MepoML Lodgs en Wsdsasdsy eyaaiBg xt st IJ( o'clock fer th paipori of oxrmpjiiyiag work sod icctaro by Ho Sea QrUk Far order of toe it' vVrl ACotd- The parent brathsr Is ter of the lata Bsrdweil Jr feel lay sadsr deep tm Ha moay Meads who kindly sided them daring their Inn sill let ion thlc oppoet unity of prarring Heir grslttadn aot only to ministered to 1 bot to TvtaM war wot needed Fraying that all dr may toag snared 41k basvy trail that a 'to lu at God It com m' they auy lad Hat with th kindly rs with which her stated I it ihftUbVBMUlVdtollMHIClIk ytah Cutaralaa Jaa fe taflg 77T 't 4-r Front Poior Vsrrlfe 1 1 Tbe distinguished High 2 of Bcj CkXY Bcoharta Con ty High Sheriff's Office ife nZu 1 Ft Dear tog I deem a aaty a priviiega to my to yen aad He te BHatloa la KXMEDY'-'My wifwrhad that I no your GREAT FRENCH afflicted toe tarn yearn with of lung general debility About five yean uo your agent a to my and- offered year Groat ch Kamady which he tetakfo 1 ah most become a skeptic to medictasu Sha finally induced to try out bottle trem which hs ra-crivsa frost relief end trout that time to this I have kept it la my houe end iwd It a for 14 fcront dtamsse aad find It to th best toe Ha diies tt ta recommended for of ail the vemsdtas 1 ve evar triad Yaws wlH FBKKIfi High Sheriff of fiaphsrio ty If an obngad to say medldnu ML Take Xlaur's Groat hHsmcdy foe Oaldfe Coach oil Lug OonipUluta all kindest Hustorf udwokaea Sold by oil droefftata sad unrrhssts advoi 1 46 Mflelfi RirktL fiUjOORlfefiO vl 042 VW1H -r 22 Pork hog 1 12 16 Potetosm 8 ta 1 to Apple fflhbi Hards bwM Clover fa Bed Top Co i 100 Oats 110 116 ltS -1 AS few feio 65 fett fett TS ink II' -IT How Yys HarksL 1 Jan Flour stsls and urestera tan Had Blinlag lariTst wrvmMNMOlfrH dr at 15RG18)fe Gold l4fg Hartrord nirkst Very little doing Hw crop-wrappar jlfilft' filter tfiT Bfiffl I Hop Hop lanctlva at fiSRiSOe for late yuarii crop aad 10540c tor crop of 1864 frlifa I- brldgo Gmttlo BKarkot Jaa Bsccipte 1068 cattle 4846 absep sod Ismba wee tno aams quantity ol rattla aa late ud the qullty end pric wvn generally unchanged with a toJarabfy bris market extra market beef $IA-600)14 first quality IfetoOlfe 1101160 tblrd fifflfifiO sheep sad ta Mpply sad better qulity with a brisk demand la tola extra 879 OifiLtt 6xGfej tallow UQc prita 1 AbOLW Brlghtaff Cattle market Jaa( fi Krcripfa 1141 fcattte 4772 snd Iambs cattle la lighter pply 0 oral hi previous per hundred though most of th csttio wars Jiuit poor extra msrkrt fnRlfefife trot quell 7 716001960 second IfefiOGH third fe60RI0 sad ta light supply and brisk demand with tallow tDdOU for sev and advanced folly 60c ight sad at fffeMftfeM 8010 pstta fiTSGCn SUQxSci ltow Cattlw market Nam Recslpta eves 114 caws 951 veals 6609 sheep ly of cauls waa larger than teat but th drovers advanced Hair per handred ud found a dull und kiw market ta eon- hhoicu flfifofifegxtn 17019 first quality RNfilT Inferior llfflU avrraga price 1S1I hep na lambpnttj arm at aa advance of pretty 1 irna-te ep choice ffWfflUe extra lamb tgfiiv: con fid'bop OM five lfiMfrU I choici movtfbrffl Cattle Alarket Jam Beeves extra uice lfic fin-t quality 15G16 IGlfe fore quarters ItfiU hud quarter 1017 iriu fhoste lARlfe bog HfegW sheep llvu bGi drmeeo lGtfe lurnh livu wright TGfe 161(816 1 calve live 9R10 11 418 Wanted Immediately MAN thoroughly to charge of aud run Circular haw-XilL GUDDAfeD A'POBTXB Doer laid Ju fe Ifrto 46 A New Milk Cow OF prlma quality for rale TOUGH TON TuraarVFaUa 6m Mam lw46 Jan fe Itofe Dissolution of Copartnersliip fflHB firm ketotofiaeo existing uuderthe of August Ife 19 South Dcetficld Jaa fe rioting A Ck wu dissolved by mutual ABHS i CHAlfe ARMS Dissolution THE firm constating of 8 Warner gad BiaoU ia Hu day diwolved by mutual Canaan and accoonta wlU fiookd for 20 day at 8 WAKNEB the atoro BISSELL 46 Jaa fe 1866 OomaSiVsr Railroad Company HE ImmI acting Stockholder of the client- River Rathwad Com pony will at of Vwtm Railroad No Uhion 48 8tau fe Borioa Wednmday vuiunik day of January instant at o'clock A 1 I To act upon report cf Director To choou Director fbe yur auing 8 To act say other business which legally earns the mutiny "i may 1 By order of Directors 8RTU HUNT Clark Northampton Mass Jen fe 1866 tw45 One Night Only! COME BURNTi-CORK NO BROOKES CBPCKElif Georgia Minstrels and Brass Band THS QBBAT BZaSXTS TBOTTP It WfiihlBftoB HaU WDD2TASDA XTMSJMO-i JaMtary 10O 1868 ly Faro NEGBO TROUPE ta fh world who previous to April Safe itevra la IThSm'aB CLAYTON A HlCKfe Propriteora LEftMuagras -i fen BISHOP 1 lw6 JamsApUGt Sole dm kUa will at Fuhlic Auction at of John fe tataof Uhriburao day fete 1 mil ta terate which Amalia Jfe and Oymua minora ra la fidlawiag Reel loagtag to rotate of said fata bwaefe ta wtt Hobm Farm of mM i N- 8wfe bouaded anna by toad ot Wilcox Boo-them aad fa Andaman Ha a ate by load of IssuDote by tend of odor The vm 4y Id River food Farm I pleasantly located Stage Bond about mils v' Falls hi Ben and other Land suitably dlvftad Into mowing pasture and UL toga ta well uppltaa with wodd aad xccllcat finger Orchard 1- Widow will Jana la sste aad earoveyanea of her Interest ta said Baal Xstatfe whereby paxchaa wUt a perfect title te raid Fana Ateaa at uma time and place a tract af Land hf 80 Aero near Wanvra Allen's ia Iborao boanded foliowu: north fry land of A Pack aad Warrau Alton: Ha by lend of Wa ran Allan oc by tbq highway west by tend ot Jowph Bwe i JUhBPH 8WEET I FLInY FigK Iburnfe Job fa 18to Selling at Reduced Prices SELLING- iT COST! For tltrce weeks baljv AT TVai ZTo 4 2Ianiion Hotue block 1 1 PBEPABATOBY ta taking! stock th 1st of fibro ary 1 wiUgflmy well tactad stock of KILUXfS GOODS troll my Ui NabiaaJ ISff ach a Bros hfate' (tape Opera Hoods etc ta great variety: sf greattg reduced prices Ready Mado Bonnet cost 1 1 ltroniUully iiimmad Hats sad Turbans te law thu Fait Htes and Tdrhua at hcyprico' T1? Feathers Flowers and Ribbons la grate variety very fins wla sd of st moat aatisfactorj pricaa at -I rtj yr 1 "WM TFUfTB CH'B Millinery sud Fancy Goods Store i- i SOMETHING NEWi 1 -rfi Every tody ta cf oar I E8 I RT8i FLE aa good Bradlaya Elllptte Skirt at abbot -Also usual lota of fiklrta made of ths Wash burns wirs and r-' 1 k'' MV i CoretM A usw supply rmch Worn aad Gurt Coaato- Also Am CVirorta only Ha vary A perfect fit Warranted at tWIL Wiii6Cn8 Millineiy and Fancy Qooda Store XAXU0X BiVSXBZ0Ct X0 4 fcl- i 3 JifafelfiGfa bimyX'J i i 1 i i i I i- --i i i -il I I it 1 i Il ii 1 I I t- Speotol Notloesi lakers Wktakars wsiakanor tar beat OsrGr ad will term Ham Hyrow os the awotl-ewt or csis or bald beads to els weeks three pecsegm for fri 1 by fr rr-r-a Address Iff 9 AJLtkll CO feKlM frwkif 11 Colyatoo Hasty Soap This cetebnted Toilet Soap ta sack aolreraal demaad I wait from tbe materials Is IM aad olltemd ran fraanallf ewafd aod aatremelr Boaeaelal to Us actios ibeekio Poe aafe by aU dragyiats geoda deafetw 74 Bair Dye! BoIrDyotl r' BeiCBSXASa Ben Xrs la He beat la He world Tbo ty use aad perfect larmiem natea taae oad prudncee a splendid Mack or salon1 dies tke in-eSbcie of bad dree aad boMay all drag fty rwrtorws tka oridisal color ruu Tbs (NiiM lr signed Barclay atraat New Fork A Bslchslor bl -i i 1 lyf -l Itch I Iicfel Itckl SCMA Ten: SCJLA TCBl MCMATCBt TgUfrlFf OISTHKlfT win core tka IUk la II hears cores SALT KHKCM CLCABSCHlLr PLAINS and eil KSCPTlOXd He ilia Vor aaJe by aU diwcclsta Aly din OS mu uVUlt A POTTXB Sole Leenls 1 to 1 trust Hester will for- Ayeats ITS warded by mail sf postage to any part of the l-aiudStateA lyU works llko Brary partoo la Uls tows Id Sad It fer their pod tea wU as far Hair eoaUbrt If they Knn'i kmiis tieetc Un when they bare Headache Tomhaeba CnUoielne ta Ha and Java istiem aad SeieUee Bcalaae idara watism aad SciaUca Bcalaae Golds Creep Sore lw of era oof th boat Htaga la family general remedy far say bled of palatal disced or kart or ban rwr discorsred aa it ta ctaaa aad safe to Use it ftody ibold la Grsew-tatbrL HOWLAND GHHOVBY aad Dr HOVBY dragglata Craway Smlibs bbalbarae rails Dr Tarwrt Ckariemoat A Tyler Sooth Dearteid Browa rdttoa Neweewb aad- by merchants ta all tbetowBA Baadw try a WM HENNA Kaaatoctarar ljt Fittadald Mass Belter lm Tea aiBBles IT AITS PULMONIC WAFXRB Tke bum cartels aad speedy remedy arer discovered far all diseases of taa COeel mad Loam Ceagks Colds Asthma Broacbitla Indaaaae Haaraw IHOcwU Bros tbiag Sara ThrooL Ac wmfan giro He mast taatanoon a aad per-rattaf aad when eerad wUh accordiag to aevwteiia to effect a rapid aad lasting core re rostered lojperfeet health who Insd ocher rata Bead lr Ha disease may existed or howerer sarere may be prodded Ike organic of Ho nisi ta aot hopelcaely decayed Beery afflicted ahooM giro Ibrmaa Impartial trial To Yocsuan aad Prauo Srxexxaa these Wafers are peculiarly taa Me the will ia day remora He aeoet eerero occasional and Heir rey-aiar esc for a few days will al all times Ha power aad SaxIMihr of He Mew 'greatly improve lu a compass aadclearocee tar which pwrpoee Hey 10 reyntarly need by man profession al vocalists -JOB MOaES beta Froprictor Cortkad Strcot New York Fries Sfr cents pet box Par sale by all dnyyiats DwcttUU- 1 A Bsdsra gllraclot old aad yaaay from rich aad pow from high-He Caivsrsel YoUw of praise for HALL'S VEGETABLE alCIUAN HACK RZXEWXH It ta a perfect aad mitacmloae article Ci Meki mesa JUkra hair grow A batter dressing then any -ml or pome: 80 (tens brash dry and win haw fata BcaalUal Silken Tresses Bat a oil it 1 hick tt restores AL COLOR He woader ta tbo rapidity with tsBAY II AIK TO ITS Lee it tew time aad PKESTO CHANGE 1 the whitest and wont looking hair roenmes its row th-filbeaaty li dues not dya tbs hair bat strikes at ike root and Site It with life and coloring matter il will aul lake a lose dlsayrseabiw trial ta prove tke trath of this matter The trot application will do good: yoa will the NATURAL L'ULUK re-laraLag every day and BErtikE TOU RN0W IT tbe old gray discolored appearance of tbo hair will gone giving place to lastniaa bluing aad beauti- Aek fer Hall's Sicilian Hair Benewer Boother article i at ail It ia elect Ton will and It CHEAP TO BUY PLEASANT TO TRY and SCHE TO DO YOU GOOD Thera are many imitations Be sera yoaproenrw menatactarod only by HALL A Ike genuine manuli CO JNavhaa For sale by all druggists mSS ralear cot lo MoTa Ut Whether to aafferwitk mental sngnisb Fevwfeh lips cracking pains dyspeptic agoalsa Aed Weaieleas bodTy suffering From waakef aerre aad aafaaaded pnlafrlc Or wbclkcf with esddca dash Jimp into the nlcarrcoL' Seias a bottle of Puirtnoi Dirrxas And Goalher sways- be mjmlf moa again Throe moolbs it la since Has I thought Aad poke with faith exceeding weak But Umathar said my eye wart mllow 1 My vfaage haggard my trcmcadou My disposition troublesome la fact He gently hinted 1 we Sul becoming Quite a hence aad lnrtwed Aad It was thus I rslartently yielded Four bottles sow bearoth my vt dlmppearwd Friends say a chaagwd asea now ia ca My food baa twilah my appeUta ta keen My step alaadet my mind brilliant aad pounds averdupoia ta added to ay walgM A gaalta hlafe followed befaro late -Qeitc grstUylag te He taOoc wall aa Dr Drake Jen USA SwdS A Coask Csld wr Boro Tkrwat Kequlros lmmadiou aitaotlos aod ahoold bo check ad If allowed to continue IrrUmAm cf tka Leaps a prrmsaaaf Threat ifn area Hr gJtUtmm le the roeutt BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHKS moa the parte give Immediate relief Ikr BrmtkitU JbtAma Catarrh Cbascctptic aad Threat 1iataut Troches are seed with always great aaccoas aao Prauo win gad Trochee aaefbl ta ctaariag Ho tea wkea before staging or epeeklsg aad iwllevlag the throat after of cal prgaas TW Tiechsa arc dad prescribed by have bad taetlawelak from emiacat mea Hruaghoei the coutry Being aa article of trsa actil aad having prtrid their effleaey by a test of maayysara each year Cads them ta aew localities la varies pans of the werid aad Ha Troehco are aal-venwlly prooowaead bvUar Haa odd articles Obtain only Baoacwtea do oottaka nay of Iba awrtifia a Hat majr boofflnod cywkero lath United aad-ia focelga cooatrtaa at a box SmU A porta Cotkarlla Pills Are tka most perfect which we are able to prod 000 or which think bee ever yt madobyaay dy Their Meets have abaadaatly ebowa to tbo oommnliy bow mech Hey exeel Ho ordinary la a eeseatto lake but power-fbllocoMk Their peaetretlag propartiea Himulate lie vital activities of Ha body remove Ho obstructions of Its oegmae purify tbe blood and expel disease Tfcayfrorgo tbs fool humor which broad oad wdtetempartlmajat1aggih ordtoerdwwd or-Bus Into ibelr aalsnl actloe and impart healthy towo with tlreagA (o iba who ytiem Not ly do bey cur lb every-day complaint of everybody but alro formidable and dauyerou dlaeaeca -Whilo Hoy prodarr powerful effect they are at th mm lima ta diminished doe aafcrt aad beat phyaio that can-be cmtdojwd for cMUrti Bing they Or plrwaaal to tak aud being pond vegetable atm faro from any risk of bans Qua boso med which rarpe belief wen they uot substantiated fry aad af sack exalted aad to forbid of oatrask Huy emtac at phyeKlaa have lent their aame to certify to tbo public Ho reliability of oar remedies while tKhci seat aa the aeeveac of their convict loa that sor OMUilbota lmmcaadiy to tbo 10-Ucf of oar iSIctcd sufferieg fellow mea Oar Agrata la every town aro pleased to faraiah gra-tto ws American Almanac ocatalalng dlrocttaa afar Ho of thaircoraa of thafoliowtag eomplalals: 1 i-OtillMM SOlloas Complalata Rbaamatfem Dropsy Haartburo Headache arising from foal stoat ach Nausea Indigestion Morbid Imktm of tbo foedi aad Fala a riling thsraftwm FletuleacyLo of AppeUta aR Dia which toqolro aa modiHoa Tbry also by pariiytag lha Mood aad rtim olatfa*g ths system cm omay complalata which lt weald not bo tbry Id reach sack aa Drafbna Fartisl' BUadacsa Msonlgfa aad a Irritability Daraagaamat of tbo Uiw aad Kldaeya Goal aad other kindred corn plaints art ring from a low state of tbo body or ofratracUea of ItefoacttauA Do aat pet oC by uapriaclplad dwien wkh oH or which Hey amko sura wott co Do-maad Atbb's aad take ethenTha alch cul beat aid Haro ia far tWat aad thy Id hats IL Prepared by a TER A CO Lowell Mara oad oid by Drsggtsts aad deaiuo sveryvharot' at a-leidfry ROWLAND H0YET aad GSOH BOTRT tor? i 8 Bsmtagtaa la Ibta twwu 7aa 1 by Rev Murdoch of Fails taMrs Kant JKctaoa of Ia Baraardstoo Jaa I by Raw W' Adame Cksaacey WaaUow sf UraoaSald lo Mrs: EliaaboH A Barrows of Baraardstoo la Moalagaa Dec tl by Rev' A Btowall Alword A JcwcUuf SoaH Doarflold to Jalla IL Kaotflcld of Moa I Gaaa of la North Bald CL Mat dock regiment Mas Vofeb kett of Nustbtsld ta Haago Jaa 1 by Banr Holmes A Hals to is A Hula 1 1 la Aahdaid Jaa by Bar HearjBcymbar Xsraol Emily daaghter of Foe WiliiaBwaf WUliamsbunr Va to Harriot eidaat gbtes of Daniel Wdiiama of A TTi In Wfcarcly by Heir Laaa-Charfea A bar to Hrw Mary Scott all of 1 "Tdar la AHol Jaa-1 by All Of Frtassham 10 Klee of AthoL way A Marafr la vlUa Yt Bee gfe Yicra Brewa boH of la tot mm A Jillaoato 1 1 la MorHaaaptoo WHO ta a boH of Flames Ju I Bays to Dalla Deans Due-CI Don tpaitar VL to Cutter of llatflsld Doc 1 Clark to Julia A Whlctemor Dec tt John Gina member of tka 10th rugiateat to1 Aaao Hogs a both of Northampton Ia Easthamptoa Jib I Frederic Cad of Hatfleld to Mary Aaa heimer of -i I la BrluqAshyjan George Siato of Shalbanta to v- la this town Dsc a doaghtsr to John Host-lags ii- Ia Dworleid Dec 10 a daughter to Briggm In Doc a soa to Samuel Aldrich Ia Boww Doe 11 soo John to Wm A 'Hicks laMorthamptoiiDacaLBaBBtoTkaodaroCFte- la Ambaiat Doc Ife sew to Bala Dickl: la LowMi Nov a daayhtar tMUIta Coraj to Albert Fox msmbar of tka late Ud regiment and formerly of halaij 1 BtriK Heath fa ISflS Fsb It ta Ansel and Mary Jaa IT son ta Charts and Clan J- Cob ta HI daughter to John and Mary Hlaaa Sept ta Andrew and Aarelia Konyth id oa to Horace and Mary Temple: 14 son to Isaac aad Melissa IS to Item eel elao a 11 daughter to aod aad Grena Goals S4 daughter 10 Edmond and Mary A Hawks Oct fo daughter to John aadWeaetto Mov daughter to Frederick and Mario Tanner Dec daaRhter to Ly sender and Basque Aatce to Klckard Jr and Lucy Powers S4 daaghtcr to John and earns Gleason gj daughter to Raafy aad Clara Brown i Ia Gill BLJas Cur agad ML 1 IiBiddmMtalJUriAwiiid a JaaX lfa of Drake Louisa wife af Gaoage Smith aged la Coleratae Dec 14 of scarlatina Mrs Marta wife of Morin aged SO la Shelburne Falla Dee IS of acariat 'lever Della daughter ct Bmoty aad Barilla Stock wan shad years 10 moalha and 1 of Gaorga Howe aged ck aged I years and 0 months Dee tt IS days Doc SL Wiilia Dec IB Don Cartas of Gyatbta Fdaughter of Hobart a aged years aad tka la Soaih' Deerfield Jaa 8 Vis Polly Beaman of Bows agedkl Jaa 4 Faauta daaghteroC Chas Uagsr aired IS toMVSf fate la Irving Dm Ml Mrs Warrad Hanson agad 88 Dec IS Gwerge Cbkkrring aged SO 1 la BucklmitL Dec SO Mr Fully Broolu wife of Ha UteJafaea Brooks aged fit' MaaaN and Ohio piera copy at CLai icmont Dec SO Mrs Afina Hlllmaa formerly or Cslermino aged need fi months Ih Sept 10 of typhoid Edmund Nichols aged SI OcL fi Chariest feed IS Dec Asgueu seed S4 Dec 17 Mrs Nancy Nichols wid-1 Nichols aged tba laat of th family ihdmptoB 4 Harry WiUol aged I years aad 8 not lha of Waiao a SmIH' la HaUteki Jaa 4 of ccarfet fsvar Clare A- aged 1 momba daagbter uf Jaecph and SarahiR wight la Weal Brsitleboro Dec 80 Uscar son of a StsckwalL aged 1B i hitiaghai ner wife ol lilatd Faulkner aged ft i lo IncheMcr II 4 ly of con geal ion of tbe lungs Maria -Spaulding aged 18 Ia Bradford 111 Dec it Georgia son uf Chsa aao Lacy 11 Hart and grand-son OTEL Mart of tOWBSycdfiBWBIhA- 'I 1 la WsicrtowB Itafo 12 AM ly of aged If 1 la MurH Oraago irae tt Hannah W- wtfs of Daniel WakcgaML aged SQ years 7 months By this 4 Vs VTSMBSlUa Bta 4 wteg Olitte 48 IHM asttaa of co huaband oad two little a have auetsiaed a heavy teas The sad was woman a aincere Chrtarlau a devoted frieml a feiHIfil wife aad mother- Ia ovary station of life which Was cal lad lo Oil aha performed its duties faithfully aad to Iba natia faction of all who warn interested in tioa Her waa pulmonary consumption and Ha body tad away nadar Its era la tho Holy On a Increased day by day May eof the Holy Gwpel with Ho boras ved family sad Ha-mora distant rala-ttvss aad may fieol to sweet aa one by om ws loss Frtsnds ost of sight ia bilk to Bow grows la Hroven oar store la Shelburne FsUl Jaa 1 Phltena wife of Ho lets "I helbuiae reus Jaa foot ward aged B8t ill aadly balls I Another aoal Haa flight from earth Another chair ta now i Around oar hold ksarth ths winds Among ths! Hake maaic soft sud low: Flay Hgk'lv that aew mado grsv Banealh the winter's snow Shine softly stars I Tee' In that auuad ro ya rvlgtlakeep ft Taero rows a form Kow dear to as I Though wrapped ta words! How aweat they fall la accosts soft from thaa shall I drink from purar strmsu Whers llvlcg waters Peace bleeding kasrts I Our sorrows cast Ou Christ Ha Atoning Lamb i Oar Angel Mother worhlpa sow Wham raigna supreme 1 Amt 4 Tubs Angel haras I For they haro amt raran ta still Where Hero shall be aocha agsortlaia Mo death ao parting tear Beil glorloas year I WMh begins A aew Ilfs la ths skies Eight links compose our chain earth Aad two ta Paradise i Mil to etomUld ta Jan i Obcd te 40: a rat risk 67 7 fisrahX Wood IS 11 fin Elisa (Saadlsr VS SO Mrs Doanovau bSFeb 10 Ids May Xddy lit Merck 14 Thaddm Walla tt 11 Jaa Freay SS: Ik Mrs Mary Ana Kelly Su April Mrs tra Phillips 44 Ifi ry BhcMoa to: 17 Mrs Mary tt May 14 Miu Thsyer 81 Jane 29 Mrs Jails A Squires 41 lfiM Orris Hmith C8 Jul uly 22 John Murphy fj Auk 2 Guvllow gl 18 Frank Fayne 4 ths akn John ti Barlow 1 1 1 Freddie Phillips 8 rs Phillipino trtemplo 20 A Andrew Marr FWtou 8 as Cbarle Jacobus 1 SO Rrwia Bixftnd 8 lha S7 li al Fot-tar 81 i OcL 1 Wiltle A Miner 1 ldT Mro Lacy Lou-pret to 10 Mrs Lydia Mitchell 89: liana Hsrt SI to infant of Johfi Eppler 1 wcakt Nov: 4 Mrs Sarah Baaklaa IE John Thayer 11 II Willard Fowera 40 tt Heist 2U tt Melin da Mitchell 84 24 Commons 1 Dee 4 Mrs1 Sybil 8 bow to 18 Mrs Julie lie btyB 18 Hap-lylbmitfrl 1 Mia- Lsuraas Alvord 79 Whole a am beg 4U Wfa Jrarrlapas sad' Drntha DIB ta 11 marriage 11 deatlnJ Ifii via: FebTlfi Births ilmsrrtages 11 desthJ 14 Wliliama 68 18 Mrs Umnis 10 NeylL tkoaghtos 1U Rs rs Hals loTjulv David Carter 48 svar lt killed st Holrnke SepL It Mro aaa 81: Nov 10 Mro Kunica Wllllsms 1 Mias Mir rrva Xdward it AMUd 1808 tt is Howe fe Elmer to Nay 81 David XI-f Ife Mary a Banw' 8 July fife 18 Mrs Urania Rath Hostajt May fife Clara Hal vtf a aw Mime 61 Dec ife Mir erva Xdward 6t ZboUrla TI April Ife dridn July ife MaryA Kauuey' 8 July fife Al 64 Julvtt Janu hT Howsb July Lyuta Hiwaa to July tt Ester Smith 71 A fife uy 6 Goodwin 18 Sept fe Lydia Xldridyo T7 gral Ife Uavtd Brtdfaiy to: OcL lldy 99: Nov fe Mali by TA te 9 GUbart tt Hebecca A McGea tt 80 Cyalhla Bradley I Mmrrh 18 John to fife Sullivan Taft tt fife Wm Barrington Jena Know 64 April fe Lacy tar 88 17 Amato fifeLefa fiparr 76 May 4 Elmira Wiletra 60 fe Elijah ary 72 I to" W( R)HUV lY UIIIBf -v- 9 Bavid Hodge ft Juki Uaxbam 40 Juiyjfife Fiaro Boa- KlnSrtek a Tlvll a TL uetfe 2: Aag fi Lana Kindrick 10 John tlark S7 76 SI infant of Brow Dew -icketfe Peck II month Klmnnr a meed 5f: Beut Lewi Clark la 8 purr 78 Sfe Lucfcds Carit ou 87 to Call: 011 idrickmlJr-T David A 87 IlTDorothy Pic a liuokth to Ms 1 I Celinda Petteroo TJ Octfe John Hill- II month 4 Msro Fmmd 21 21 Frederic Given to Nov fe Elins 8 Farrington 42 fe Jo-rpk Croelur 94 ifi Alvin Mnttuit 61 Dec lfeEBi-bo Muran 18 tfe Amo Baidwali Jr tt Deaths la fiMMy ia MfL-7eMk child of Daniel Maynard 10 month March fe Willie Smith 2 year March TjwUlto Wells 6 days March fit Calvin Klee Vto la 0 April fe Uanrah Chapman 81 April reddy 8 af Juatu Childs 8 menth April Ife Gilbert kpril 24 Wells 6 years: April 24 Oerahom Fsnsworth 48 My 16 child of FootsI ka Jsso 2 Hsnnsb Hica 64 Jbns 14 Child ti Lvl Beals 2 yearn Jsn SI Karsh Clark 94 Jane 2 Hsrt Tt Aug 4 Perris Emeraon 81 Aug Fids Brown 16 Aug Aug Ife child oMmJL VMioiiy raeses mafe unfa a rtrfa to Rill Yale 24 Oct fife Lurtuda (Weils) Dlsamora SO Nov 2 Bschsl Billing to Mov 21 Bsrtllt Nov 2 Bschsl Billing to Mov 21 Bsrtllt Xq hfi Dee 18 (Howland) Dyer 26 Dee ft Elms (Whitary) Bradford It Total to a Deaths BtotA fit 1868- Jaa 65 S4 CapL Berjsmia to Fob Ife Lemasi Harris fife Joel Sisry 66: June fe John 'raMsryBrawB7fi SspLT AL tlrlvh) 95 Aag 1 Mro Mery Brown 79 AL 2rt 6 Ife Philip Gale 2 Jeremiah 90: 14 Mery Gale 10 ife Lacrotta CsJa 6 Nov 2 Miw! Mary Burton T9: Dm Mm Eiiaeholk Hsnanm 47 I Derid Marah 8418 BitUs 14 Deaths artlly jecemmead tt ea reltablo fart waU gutatonaf best Wo are folly tttirMteititeMMitkttehfa Xi CROSSFIELD Li THURSTON -J fa WILKINSON MAYNARD Ai HARRINGTON do HALft A OO Dans Moao l- Aft fowvf-Ttli Auy eertiiy that we vo need ror vnooavsx sad lad even than yon ctatas for aad am williagto ow oplaionta favor qflta bMily Its qqsh-tlse etc 1 For sooaomlsiag la focL fe ror retain lag costa fe Fof sliourleg emoke to whan closed 4 Ia eptaglre over sight Rev HOLMES' Oraugs' TEPHEN FRENCH do DAMON CHENEY dn LEVI KILBURN do fa fa PAKKKK do IRAHABTINGfi do Mr have vonr Pstant Oon- tic fair trite sod It to public ted hive lie Iqg as art iris which ovary pereoo If they ire to reoaomlse in foci NEWTON fr CO Boyristoa ABA FESSKNDBN Btedwiavtita Mr JACKSON Winchester Dr- KD--WEBSTXR Gllssm Dr HANMOND do OSGOOD do i AH otjere addressed to FOMBOT Mass i- tr as Bank Stock Wanted YANTKD a item of tha Greeudeld First MstiousI County Hatienal Bank stock Apply tt this office Mov tt 18u6l A Horse for Bale i GOOD Hone fora team or family hsA WiU LX sold oa reasonable terms Gin Itec fife 1865 i 1 Vr- JOKN AYRNN1T ta 1 Great Inducements to Agents A GENTS I LX Inserting fits to 160 per mouth Engf load CLARE tum ft Send for a cUcular (X) Orange Dell 1866 If KeepWarm YM18S4I latrodscdd a saperior- urtlcls oT FOOT JL 9TONEK to of Franklin eduaty and nwltt I offer than toother axcrilent atuckvi this to 186S 1 offer them hoothar cxcallnu tuckx vbImUc article They hugely augment cumiurt fcKniu a Wanted DVIST Friday end Saturday forenoons 1(1 tha grit Li of May next sl of the good VEAL CALVES ta to spars In this part id coutry Don't fall Uglvs mea cell engaging sJ tew fa era an I hsli tel ao om over bid me cm always Spd me at Depot Mondays the foronooa too Greenfield DetLYfejlMS TSmera 8w41 wInW? IS maiket for aU tho TURKEYS Aud CUIOKENfa drweed ready rktt that you eriU me All poultry mart picked without Wing aad moat tteUvared on Saiuruots of osch week Tarma cash oa'drilvery st 1 POTT Greenfield Jsa 13888 I Laughing Gas GxkxMmun Mare Dee fife IKS IYR Dear Air You recollect MJ a few i day si bos I called at yuur filer sill ic led with some eenaHivej aching tacUi I copies tnat 1 fait ao lUtte ohriaktag fan that mort pslnfol opera ikimr fa tioa pulling teeth (Out after listening to your cam ta that farting ta that yoa were performing Hie mart anptaaeMt operation by the eld of aiiwae ox ide or teughlag with very little If any I wee induced to try the wonderfol dlecovcry fur mysriLaad aw I feel it due to (be wed wteas to lr to esy thrtf Ho operation wm perfect wo Two oad all wm over- I was wholly Dieting eoothlng sad raiber pieee- at Influence of igst my teeth aU extracted with- oat the sUfhtsst aai tea vlag tirely inu (tom Hum greeoble jfeeUage the ree alt of chloroform sad ether TM mart timid may fate arad Hat Heir teeHcaa lakM oat trlHoat leg fa ruiTER Ooug Church la OoBCorMoos At aa thift I eoa aad do extract teeth poei- Uvely without paint while the psiteat ta nader ta' ft of Ho gss ood tttta perfectly in tar Rad to a caitiff I ruler to Ha above fatter esta roil is my office signed by apwsrds of fifty persons that I given tue gu ta within Ho teat taw weaks ntef the gms i fAfafe erery Bus IqrmffVMqi BlHhXLL IhunuFsllfe BELLING' OUT ffQIE having decided te make a chann Xlafruetneefe win hie entire stock of good for Um next sixty deye for esoJi ready pay et pii Hat wlU doly competition Hta stock le farge aad aimort every article ally fleuad tea firet eeutry tore and saw tats ta part of iga and Amerima ach Goods ta crest variety Prints Clnek obswlfe Wonted Goode Cot- tags wte Bre toafe Brown aad Wooteafe tern Uoo Atefe Rowdy Undo dotlxlxiB aad FutnMUng Geode HAT and CAPfa Buck aad Mlltaao BUOTfa SU OKA aad Bab Crockfflry aiftoa yrus llodldnea had Notiipfe with Wert India Geodfe Groceries REd PmUlons for slL vis: Tsssj Bpiccs Fruit Flour' Flak Pork Hums LonLfisll ferroaaue Oil Ae Ac nods are Sud and wlU OowA pricaa without regard to prufita i Walk ta tedtaa aad gmtlsmca aad foefbaigataa Hat will astooloh ron Tbia- ta a term opportunity word to Ho ta suffictoat 1 GRORGE fa SBAW Cotaratafe Doei IfaSMfa UU Fire and Life Insurance ntaad maku eoatracta of for followlag well eompaatsa repre eg more than Four MIIllous Capl- pool aad i Royal Cm London do-jr Puuom Fir laa Co Hartlurd Spriugflald Fit and arias Charter Uuk Hartford Thames lam Company Norwich 00000 Wear prepared to writs poll and to scute lusw promptly Ws are Ageots for Tke lew EnklARd Yntiial lift tartBCfi COBpOBJf af Boston whloh Is oldest and st Life Insurance via England DAYlfl fr Da WOLF Uresnficld 1400000 000000 -900000 K00WOO eld July fife IMS fimtafil Jonnectient Mutual Life Ins Co IIARTFORD Conn Pirn set CkpUaf f9U00000 mi tmermejuff re fUSg tills company oa good not toax sioooo Fogctes usd on Hs eadOtrotenf plea on ths ts Ws repegsa rat plan oa tha bs plan on joint noli plan or for term tf i ears nt diufdeuda fW80 per rota sines ita orgutas this to tbu amount of Send paid annually Has raoioatiua to tbs amoui ttKfalMUsud Slvidasd amounting to fiSJDuu0( it me bo lo rs In profclfe but an Ha (mount gained ud sxpsossfe divided amopc Hn polity a Books Fumuhlsts and Krporta giving stl ths Infer- rt bis effios Xo 7 Mona ton Hnure block Grvrafisld -f WILLIAM ELLIOT I Agsnt CL Lita Inn Ca 1 April 14 fa- -1 Photographs KINbsSAM A BBlDrOBD HAVING Wreutw takes Hs mnme formsrly oecu-pted by Mr Ely of Main and Ffdenl Wrests tbry era now prape red to evrylhlng in An line nml Ambrotypefe ftom grm a Hfe eie I'kotugraph Copying and snlsrginff from dona to laWian Ink oa Mr Nbra ta tbe bret ety fa of the ert Our-notoerepb oriorlrt will here to make aUrretluse A He ea tree tioa of petrosa Having muny I lu Its preetiail lr see In Boelan where wo have ivailed of nU improvement touarde isifection in art wo therefore hope fry court tel tiaiafon to itho of par to merit a sbarsof gs- -N A good af ALBUMS for Cards and Game and aa ortment of FRAMES canetantiy nd and for sals at tprieue a-v fa KTNGMAN -M KRADFtifrD AWAM Artist tfa i I I 1 1 i I i.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.